10 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 21. 1917. MUSIC f Af V S Q i V 1 ".:---rH r rH THE FLONZALEY STRING QUARTET. Musical Calendar -Jinusry 23, John McCormack, tenor, in long recital under the snspiecs of the Omaha Retailers' association, Auditorium, 8:15 p. in. , January 2J, San Carlo Grand Op en company in;"Airla," by Ver- di, under auipicei of Tangier Temple, Omaha Auditorium, 8:15 p. m. January 26. Saa Carlo' Grand Op era company in "Faust," by Gounod. January 27, San Carlo Grand Op era company in 'Tales of Hoff man,'' matinee performance 2:15. January 27, San Carlo Grand Op era company in the double bill. "I Pagliacci" by Leoncavallo, and "Cavalleria Rusticana" by Maacagni. January 28, Katherine Kemp Still inga, violin recital, Metropolitan club house, 4 p. in. , January 30, Flonzaley String Quar tet and Miss Corrtne Paulson, presented by the Tuesday Morn ing Musical club, Brandeis the ater, 8:15 p. m. By HENRIETTA M. REES. HE LIFE or the Wat mi.ai. T cal editors is going to be I I quite metropolitan for the next ten days,! as a brief glance at the preceding calendar of evrnta sio-nififa It will not be metropolitan only in Jhe number of events, but also in the character of them, for every one is welcome one, and of musical im- portancc A great deal of interest . centers around the appearance' of John McCormack next Tuesday, as una nis nrst appearance, la umaha, I J 'A . r "Zf """i"f '" . 1 if33- Capjtmz jwruai, pmn to it. Of course a grand piano, does not need one-tenth the attention that is bestowed upon an automobile, but it should have a fair chance to give returns upon its investment. It should be tuned regularly, whether it is used or not, for a piano will get out of tune without use as well as when it is used and if it is not used its action will stiffen and it cannot give of its best when it is rarely played. Differences in temperature are bound to attect the metal strings and the wood and chame the aualitv of its tone. Many a piano with a little pet ting would last twice as long, hold its tune Detter and be ot greater musical value. With string instruments it is the same and owners of fine old in struments bestow the greatest and Omaha to Have Grand Opera This Week A genuine purpose to provide grand opera for the people, at prices thai are popular with everyone, seems re vealed in the announcements of (lie San Carlo Grand Opera company, which, under the local management of Lucius Pryor, comes to the Auditor ium on Thursday next for a three-day period. The San Carlo company is just what it pretends to be; no more, no less. As an institution it stands upon its own feci, erect in the pride of worthily earned success. It is man aged by Fortune Gallo upon the safe and sane basis of being a business enterprise. His singers are paid the salaries w hich they can earh, and the'r reputations are based upon the effect they actually project across the foot lights. There is a spirit of honestv and sincerity in ithc whole organiza tion that has made for it thousands of friends in the cities visited, and that is sure to make it a great many more. J he han Carlo has come to be a national institution, h.verv mnninr teacher and singiriE nunil in Omaha should really attend these perform-1 auces as a part of his or her musical education. There are four of them: I Thursday, Aids; Friday, - "Faust:" Saturday afternoon. Tales of llofi- man; evening those twins of the song world. "Cavalleria Rusticana" and 'Pagliacci." The local promoter has provided rates which brine the performances within the compass of everybody's pocket book. Ooera de votees seeking novelties are reminded that, while the list of works to be per formed is of the more popular char- atler, the San Carlo management is quite within its province when it elects to produce these standard operas rather than those so-called modern compositions that would have no special appeal for the maioritv of opera patrons. , The box office, Signor Gallo knows only too well, has the last word in grand opera affairs, and it is because of the futile attempt to stage novelties and so-called "nresent- day" operas that most companics.have been obliged to abandon their season thus early, or have suffered total collapse by reason of light patronage. Verdi's spcetacular opera "Aida," the opening opera Thursday evening, is promised upon an unusual plane of traditional beauty, and a competent .h k. k.. i i. - airuracnia orsrow me greatest ana SteLte ?r?y I""' "verential care, upon them, for (reputation and through his vast num ber ot popular records. The San .Carlo company and the other artists , commg tn recital and concert; need no introduction to Omahans, as they' have all been heard here before, and 1 previous hearing makes them antiri. sated with pleasure again. The year- - in visns oi tne san carlo company jror tne past tew years have given Vien warm olace in the affections of all opera lovers, and the operas wnicn iney win present at tneir Omaha engagement are all well Jnown and, popular, " Katherine Kemp Stilling appeared here last season upon one of the pro grams of the Tuesday Morning Musi Jal club when she won the deep ad- titration of this critical audience by her remarkable violiin playing. 1 1 On Tuesday evening, January 30, the Tuesday Morning Musical club will give its third" program of the sea son, when the Flonzaley String Quar Irt in conjunction with Miss Corinne faulson, pianist, will be presented at (he Brandeis theater, ' What seemed to impress the Flon taleys most on their last western tour was the size of the audiences that greeted them in contrast to the limited support accorded them on their first visit to the coast. In Fres no, for example, where only a limited audience heard them in a church two years ago, the. largest auditorium was Jlardly large enough to contain the hudience that greeted them. , m "Chamber music," commented Iwan ffl'Archambeau, the quartet's 'cellist, In a Lqs Angeles interview, "is not amusing, and it requires a cultivated audience. In Fresno a Buffalo Bill show was playing against us, and per sonally I should have preferred to have been a member of Buffalo Bill's audience, rather than of ours. But -nearly a thousand people came to hear us, and this was our experience throughout the west, it is an inspira tion to find a universal desire,, even LiU rnneVrt .ni 101 in the smallest communities, to" seek H?". c.??,fe: 'J '"f 'ur,her nnpunce. ;in the smallest communities, to seek musical education, and a willingness to hear us play." ' A glance at the members of the quartet is sufficient to impress one with the fact that they are men of unusual mental and artistic attain ments. Adolfo Belli, first violin: Alfred Pochon. second violin: Iwan d'Archambeau, 'cello, and Ugo Ara, viola, represent the highest type of the true musician. The organization is generally looked upon as the great est string quartet in the world. these persons appreciate the value of doing so. - , A But of all abused instruments in the matter of upkeep the poor pipe organ is the worst. Churches will' pay all the way from $1,500 to $10,000 for a pipe organ for use in their services, and then will let it stand five or six days in the- week during the winter at a temperature below freezing and on Sunday heat it up to from 60 to 80 degrees and then wonder why dif ferent stops are all out of condition. Then they send every few weeks for a tuner to fix it and pay him his fee. and wonder why it does not stay in tune, or else they let it go, and blame the organist because it doesn't sound well, The fact of the matter is that every tone of the pipe organ' repre sents a DiDe and these ninea ir mJ. of w.ood and different kinds of metal, according to to the quality of their sound, and each carefully adjusted and regulated. These wide extremes in temperature affect the different- ma terials in many different ways, and by contracting and expanding them make a difference in the quality and pitch of the tone, and are extremely hard upon the organ. Keeping it in condition is part of the upkeep. If only a nice organ could be partitioned off in some way and a litte heat kept around during the severe weather, it would be cheaper in the long run than innumerable repairs and last mucn longer, hven small pipe or gans are expensive and precious in struments. They cost too much not to be worthy of careful treatment to maintain their value. It is disappointing news to mny that Mme. Julia Culp, who was to have appeared in recital under the auspices of the Tuesday Morning Mu sical club on February 8, will nof be able to fulfill her contract. The pro gram committee is planning tc( engage some other equally welcome artist for cast of principals will be heard. These include Mme. Mary Kaestner, Mme. Maddalena Carreno, the company's new mezzo; Senor Manual Salazar, the Spanish tenor; Signor Giuseppe Battistini, new 'Italian baritone, and the two sterling bassos of the com pany Signors Pietro DeBiasi and Natale Cervi. Chevalier Carlo Peron win conduct. luesday evenings raust, in hve acts complete, will be given with an entirely changed cast, save that DeBiasi will be heard in his great role of Mcphistopheles. A beautiful presentation of the tuneful and popular Gounod opera is prom ised. Saturday's matinee production of Offenbach's light and scintillating opera, "Tales of Hoffman," offers much to the music patrons, because the work calls for an especially large and brilliant cast, and in it Mines. Vaccari, the coloratura; Stella De Mette and Maddalena Carreno, both leading contraltos', Alice Homer, dra matic; Messrs, Sciarctti, tenor; Bat tistini, baritone; Cervi, basso; Delle molle. baritone, and De Biasi. basso. will .participate. It will indeed be a gala performance. the double bill in the evemns. as sung by two especially selected casts, Identifjpd as Footpads, , Men fieaa Not Guilty Edward Moore and F. K. Rodsers. alleged leaders of a gang of footpads resoonsible tor several holdups of late, have been bound over to the dis trict court on charges of robberv. Their bonds were fixed at $1,500 each. Joseph Young, night clerk at the Keen hotel, swore to the complaint against the two men. In police court they pleaded not guilty and waived preliminary examination. Kodgers demanded a seoarate trial. I ... I I JTme. Hary Kaestker including Mines. Kaestner, Darclce, DeMette, Haase, and Messrs. De Folco, tenor; Salazar, Silva and An tola this should prove one of the most impressive events of the song period. The detailed casts are as follows: , JfllE.STElLAjDs'METTE :', 8:16 p. m.. Mary Kfceatnor .Oluatppt? Rflttlallnl Manuel Pal a Bar. , MaddalPiia Carreno Pttro Rtasi ... Natale Cervi Luciano Roislnt Thumdaj-, January "Aida." Cant: Aida Amortasra, Bartftmrs AmnrlH , Kamf ta King of Eirypt A Meiwenger M unit-til director, Signor Carlo Feroni. Friday, January 26, 1:15 p. m.. "Fauat." Cant: Mophlatophelet. Pietro De Blanf Faurrt 8a I va tore Krlarettl Htebel Maddalena Carreno Martha ., Anna Haase Valentine Angelo Antola nrander (or Wagner). L. Doltemollr Marguerite. , Lutsa Darclec Mimical director. Hignor Carlo Peron). Humrday matinee, January 37, I:lfi, "Taleu of Hoffman." Cast: Olympla Rdvlge Vteeari Antonta tOdvlge Varrarl The Poet Hoffman 8a I va tore Sciarettl Uullletta Stella de Mette Nlrlaus Maddalena Carreno A Voice Allee Homer Roalanxarii. Natale Cervi t'reapel Mittale Cervi Nathanact. , A lire Homer liUlher L, Dellemolle tHchlemll L. Dellemolle Coppellua Guioeppe Battlstlnt Dappertutto. Ouftteppo Battlstlnt Miracle ...Pietro De Biaul Cochenllle Luciano Roaalnl Frana Luciano Rosaini Muatral director, Signor Ugo Barduccl. Saturday evening, January 27, at 8:1s,, 'Cavalleria Ruatlcana." Cast: Rantutsa ,U . , Mary Kaentner Iola , Stella De Metto Turtddu t, . . . r.Eugenio De Folco Mama Lucia,.....,., ...Anna Haaae Alfio. Davlde Silva Followed by "Pagliacci." Caat: Nedda. Luiaa Darrlee 1 Canlo. . .-, .i'. Manuel Salakar Tonlo Angelo Antola Silvio :,, L, Dellemolle Beppe (Harlequin) Luciano Roaalnl Musical director, eignor Carlo Paroni Only Two Holdups Are , Reported to the Police Wholesale arrests of holdup sus pects by the police during the last few days Friday night resulted in a de crease in robberies reported at head quarters. James Morrin, 1813 Capitol ave nue, reported that he was held up by two men at Ninth and Douglas streets and robbed of $14 and his watch. He said one of the men had a gun. James Casey of the Victoria ho tel was strongarmed by two men at Thirteenth anf Dodge. He lost $5 and a watch.- Katharine Kemp-Stillings I Violinist at Metropolitan Katharine Kenip-Stillinjs, cele- i brated violinist, aipears in Omaha Sunday, January 8, as the third num ber of the concert course under the auspices ot the .Metropolitan Club 1 iousc. In securing - Miss Stiilings, Miss McCaffrey, manager uf the Club Mouse, feels that she is ottering the ''UnUSUal" ill IlltKirnl t-.l...,, ... ,K- Omaha music lovers. All that is good and true in violinist music is brought cmt by Miss Stillings. and her de lightful simplicity of manner immc- u.aicij captivates ner audience. .Miss Stillings' musical education has hpen under the direct tutorship of such famous masters as the late Joachim of qennany and Leopold Aucn of Russia. This technical training, together with a born mu sical talent nhfritfii frl-.-. l,D- 1 father, Robert ICemp, known the world over as "Father Kemp," the originator of the "Old FoHcs Con certs Of 3 few tfnnr.,,;r... this violinist s future assured of Vine nninant success after another. 1 ICketS tliav tinu.- r urt.... n- -I xlctropoluan Club House, 2301 Har- e sircei. Dr. Gardnerto Be at StBarriabas' Sunday Beginning tomorrow evening at :45 at St. Barnabas' church, a series of meetings and conferences planned uy inc- uiocesan tiuard ot Religious : education will be held, with Dr. Will iam E. Gardner, D. D., general secre-! lary of the general board, to conduct the meetings. These meetings, which take place Sunday evening, Monday iiiui,iuiK ai iu, lYionaay evening at 7:45 and Tuesday morning at 10. arc all held at St. Barnabas' and Tuesday evening there will be a special ad dress to the Brownell Hall students at the hall. WELL KNOWN LEADER: 0? MUSIC IN OMAHA. Danes Celebrate Birth Of Society by Dancing The Danish society celebrated its forty-fifth anniversary Friday evening in Washington hall with a supper and dance. Carl Nielsen was toastmaster. The speakers were Jacob Jensen, John Mathiesen, P. S. Boien and H. T. S. Henningsen. The oldest mem bers were Messrs. Boien and Mathie sen. who have livi-rl in flin.l., "fif... and forty-six years, respectively. i L I h Mr SYAtT Mrs. Alillic Ryan is just now o:' serving the sixteenth anniversary Vl the establishment of he? studio in Omaha. In those years, .she lias t -veloped many a beautiful voice, and has placed a large number of her pupils high in the opera world. Mrs. Ryan has recently published a re vised and enlarged edition of her book, "What Every Singer Should Know," a carefully written treatise on the voice, its training and care. It i.; profusely illustrated; and contains much of information and advice thru will be found of value to all singers. JmonZwEao DeTozco Seven-for-a-Quarter to Be Brought Up Again The seven-for-a-quarter street car fare ordinance, nearly forgotten in the whirligig of time,- will be a mat ter of early consideration by the citv legal department. .. x Corporation Counsel Lambrrt has been reminded by several citizens that this ordinance was approved by the voters a few years ago when sub mitted to a reterendum vote. ' "I i xpect to brine; the matter uo be fore long and get it disposed of. The case was started in the district court and the street railway company con tended it was a matter lor the State Railway commission, explained Mr. Lambert. i ne ordinance was submitted to a referendum vote when the city coun cil failed to pass tire measure. In a recent issue of Musical Amer- ,;ica there is a ballad entitled "Pianos 'I Have Struck," which humorously describes tne various puuios to be tound in dinerent places, and their usual type. Among others are-"Some I struck in Sunday schools, but "Lit tle Sunbeams' and 'Pennies Dropping,' not to mention hairoins between the keys had made a lasting impression." etc. some 1 found in the homes of Ruglovers, where the rug was might ier than the piano; where the mother ly pile took up all the tone left kindly by the daughter of the house." And so on, through the theaters, the Chau tauqua tents, charitable institutions, what pianist does not know the type of piano found in each one of them as a general rule? This is not particularly related, but it brought to mind how very little attention the average person or insti tution owning a musical instrument pays to the value of its uukeeD. If a person buys an automobile, he puts quite a sum of money into its initial purchase, but he realizes that his ex penses do not stop there, but will Continue in its upkeep, in the co6t of f -feasoline, tires, and other incidentals. ind the minute the. least thing does ' not ran right he attends to it and Jceeps it in firsX-class condition. But many a person will out the same mount of money or more into a -iiano, and thereafter pay ao attention ment will be made as soon as definite arrangements are completed. Musical Notes. Th. Om.h. NradXHahn Choir will hold full Khwnl I hi. tt.rno.n t 4 o'rlo" k -. Duqinr. TnoirtRi J, Knlly, ,, , members A pl.no recll.l by the pupil, ot Mlu Annie Karberh block Friday evening, January I at I o dock. The proarem will conalel of piano """"". ir ana runt Hand work. Thoae Uklns part will bo Mlaeaa Rnae Tay lor. Lottlo Bteln. Anne h.hMw Wohlford, Gertrude Bmadwell," Margaretta - -Mic i .riu lay ior. Puplla or Florobce Baaler Palmer will meet In her atudlo on Wedneeday evenlnt lo read the etortoa and atudy pome ot tho principle (heme arl.e of the operaa to be ,l,n by the Sao carlo Opera company thla week. The Beit monthly recital of Mra. K J'.VSli" Y1" " ' be held many evenlnr. January Ji, at lilt m. In Thoophloal hall. Room Til, Bee bIMIn Admlulon la tree and the public la loelted to attend theae roottala. Martin W. Bneh, planlat. awlated by Hra. Baah. aoprano, taye a recital at the Academy of Uo Sacred Heart laat Wednea. day. Hr. Bub played numbers by Rlndlnr. Schumann and Brahma, and groom by Main bat! and LlaaL " ' t'ndar the direction ot tho PreabyterUn choir of Tork. Neb.. Lynn a.,.,... ....... Omaha appeared at the Proabylerlan rburch there Tueeday evening In aong recital, win ning enthuelaatlo pralae from pre., and pub lic In a. varied and oanfully choeen pro Dr. Frederic C. Premantel hm- recital. "Sad Pacta and 1-aluu.u. .e a,.. and Teochere" before tho muelc department ot tho Omaha Woman'a club Thuradav. J.n. va IS. Dr. Promantel llliu...,. ... lecture with aonga. A oplla' reelul was given under th. ji. roctlon of altea Helen Hackln In h.r .ih.1 on vWedneeday evening, January IT. About twenty piano ooloa and duet were played Reading were given by Dorothy Kdwarda, a pupil ot Cloodwal Dtckermann. On Sunday January II, at I p. ra. a mueh-al program will be given at the Hoaae of Hope In Klor enoa by puplla of Mlea atarhtn and vocal puplla ot Mra. Millie Ryan, t'riende art to rite. . S1 i-.sf- !iS -8 Rearrangement of the seating layout for the M'CORMACK CONCERT At AUDITORIUM Next Tuesday Night Makes it possible to offer a limited number of Seats on Arena Floor and Stage at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 It will be the "early birds" who will secure i these choice seats Box Office Open Sunday 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. HUH U 'lcjl' v. I 4."o PV T .TV. -Vt 1-i , . SVW Let Dreshser Clean It! The Dresher Boys knew just what the public want ed, and filled the want. DmkpfirosJ The inimitable "Dresher Service", commences the moment you have tele phonic communication with Tyler 3-4-5. It takes nearly . 100 peo ple to' do the necessary work such as Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Alter ing, Remodeling, Tailor ing, ikat Making, Dress making, etc., etc. The Dresher Bros. Cleaning Plant Includes Five Buildings in and about 2211-2217 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. t:ik sr.Asox-s rorri.AR and artistic Mi sirAi. fvent. Third Annnal En(fff'mi'nt In (hrmhii oi I AroertTiri. nam ( oinplPtF btiiI Ptrffrl Bntanrfrl Sitieinr Oriranizntlnn. FT'Ell NEXT THIB.. FRf IAV 4 AT CRD A V HHKKK AS I' NPRKt.'K DENTED 81" r MATINEE ON SATURDAY f'ENM. AUDITORIUM SAN fi CARLO pii VS r-OM !PANY Btftidrcd Bfeoibcra, Brilliant Rintrinr Chorus. Tmditional Stace hctlings, Lmqae Uh(tng Effects, Cmtly Costuming.' COMPLETE GRAND OPERA ORCHESTRA Twenty World-Famous Stars. Four Casts of Principals. PrvMntlng, Upon Flanc of Metropolitan Excellence: THURSDAY EVENING II I I P) 1 II Verdl'a Spectacular Opera I 1 Mmea. Kaeatner, Carreno; Heaara. Salaaar, Rattlatlnl, DeBiaal. Cerrl. "FAUST" ' , FRIDAY EVENTNO Cioanod'a Mastvrwwrk. Mmea. Daxclr, CarreDo; Mrsnrs. Rctanttl, Antola, DeBiasi. " miTntac'hT nwlhttnf- "TALES OF HOFFMAN" Mmea. Vaccari, DMett. Camiw; McMfr. Slarettl, Battistini, DeBtasl. oZiTEn- "Cavalleria Rusticana" & "Pagliacci" (1) Mmes. Kaeatner, DMettr; Measrs. Folco, Sllra. X) Mme. Darfle; Measrs. Kalatar, Antola, Dellemolle, Rossini. Magical Dtrrctors, Nlv. Carlo Peroni, Htg. I go Bardnccl. PRICES 7V to IX.OO, acnartHns to location. Ail seats now on sale at Aniiltoriam hoi office. Mail and phone orders both from In and nt of town still received and filled. Still irood seat left. Local Manaajer, Lochia Pryor. We can show you now a few very desirable OFFICES Well located, easy of access, plenty, of light and heat, in the bes known, modern and fireproof THE BEE BUILDING "The building that is always new" Prices vary with size and location Let us show you what we have Heat, water and electric light free. Office Room 103.