I MORE HONEY FOR CITY PROM FUNDS City Attorney Bins and City : Commission Devise Scheme to Swell Receipts. MILLS BASIS TOR TAXES In conference with City Attorney - Rine, the city commissioners approved a proposed bill to be introduced in ; the legislature, to change the existing maximum city funds from the present ' basil to a mills basis. The effect of i this would'' be, that as the valuation increases, the, amounts received through the application of the mills . maxima would " correspondingly in , crease. Under the present city charter the 1 maximum of the general fund for . Greater Omaha is fixed at $1,390,000, : to produce which the council levied 29.223 mills for 1917. It is proposed - to change this fund maximum to 31 .' mills, which applied to the present ', valuation would produce $83,000 more than the amount raised by 29223 mills. If this bill goes through the s legislature, it is orooosed to levy 31 mills for general fund purposes for 1918, the city commissioners ex plaining that most of that increase will be necessary to meet the in ' creased pay rolls of the police and lire departments. Eliminate Maximum Fonda, It if proposed to do away with the maximum funds which have been . fixed bv charter for police, fire, park. . street lighting and a few other de partment. This would permit the , council to make up the annual bud- ' get without restrictions beyond the ' maximum of the general fund. .. Another feature of the bill is to ' fix the sinking fund maximum at 9 t mills, instead of $400,000, as at pres i ent The sinking fund levy for 1917 was $375,000, or 7.884 mills levy. me I commissioners -favor' a maximum from 2 to 4 mills for the bond re ; demption fund, instead of $50,000 to ; $150,000, which it the existing limita- ! tion. 1 ,, '-. i Hatmaker Freed on Charge Of Killing Lucky; Is Warned T tr f -.mviAfnr - - haliavad atlffi- ; cient by the county attorney's office to ' bring about a conviction, hat resulted 1 in the dismissal of manslaughter charges against " Harry Hatmaker, ' who January. 8 shot and fatally ; wounded M. W. Lucky at the home of Mrs. Maud Lucky, 2417 Capitol 'avenue. It was explained that all of the evidence in the case, inciud j ing that of the slain man's ' . wife, would favor the defendant In the discharge of Hatmaker Judge Fitzgerald warned him against nit return to ' tne nome - oi mrs. : Luckv. "That's a sood olace to stay I away from," said the judge. Hat- ; maker replied tnat nt tnougnt to, J too. - " . ... I Pioneer Woman, Mother of .fourteen Children, Dies ' ''Mrs. Magdalene 'Kostert, aged &8 years, widow of the late Henry A. ' Kostera. Hied at he r home. 1321 ! Georgia avenue Wednesday nitcht. She was born in Sara Brucher, Ger many.' The Rosters came to Ne braska in 1856 and reared a family of fourteen children, of ' which the following survive: Mrs. Julia Lira- ' haugh, Edward Kostert,- Henry A. Rosters, Frank W. Kostert, Mrs. A.F. . Peters, Elizabeth Rosters, George Rosters, Mrs. H. L. Beard and Mrs. H. L. Kitur. - The funeral will be held from the late residence Saturday morjjing at 8:30 o'clock, with services in St, . Mary's Madalene church. 1 Burial will be in the German Catholic cemetery. Principal Adams to Talk At Dundee Social Center "Growing Omaha Needs a New I Building for Its Growing High School ! ot Commerce is the subject on wmcn I Karl F. Adams, principal of the com- mercial school, will speak before the . Dundee . Community center Friday i evening. Following Prof. Adams talk members' will discuss the topic t Members of the Board of Education have been invited to attend the meet ing. Miff Emily Wentworth will give a piano solo and Mitt Margaret .. Woodruff will give a vocal solo. School Children Now ;. ' Biggest Borrowers of Books Of the total circulation at the pub lie libraray, over cne-third it among V children of the public schools, accord ,' intr to Miss Edith Tobitt, librarian, ; Statistics just completed show that of the 381,637 books borrowed during . ' the year, 153,851 were loaned to school . children. ; Previous to this time the ' ratio t adult borrowera was about : five to one. The addition of many , new children's 'books it the reason : given by the librarian for the increase. : County Judges of the '. State Are Meeting Here The Nebraska County Judges' at' ' sociation is holding its annual meet ing at the court house... More than thirty, judges of county courts from all parts of the state are here. The organization will take up the matter of making recommendations of needed legislation to the state solons. Officers will be elected for the ensu ing year. . : Woman Victim of Auto , . Accident is Improving Mrs.' Pauline Hinkel, a Minneapo lis young woman, seriously injured ; when a taxi in which she was riding collided with a street car at Twenty- fourth and Arbor streets, is reported . improved at at Joseph t hospital Al vm Miller, driver of the taxi, has re. i covered sufficiently to go to his home - at MU Norm sixteenth street " ' About Consttoation. Certain articles of diet tend to check movements of the bowels. The most i common of these are cheese, tea and boiled milk. On the other hand, raw fruits, especially apples and bananas, also graham bread and whole wheat bread promote a movement of the . bowels. When the bowels are badly , constipated, however, the sure way is to take one or two of Chamberlain's Tablets immediately after supper. i Advertisement LECTURES TO FINE ARTS SOCIETY FRIDAY; JAY, WILLI AM HUDSON,; ;; Professor of philosophy at the Vni- versity of Missouri, who will lecture before the Omaha Society of Fine Arts at Hotel Fontenelle today at p. m. on "Social Unrest and Its Ethical Significance.',' . , T Alleged Leader Of Bobbers' Ring Caught in the Act What C. A. Lowell, chief special agent for the Illinois Central, believes was an effective blow in his cam paign to break up an alleged gang of Omaha merchandise car robbers wat landed Wednesday night when he ar rested C. W. Pruitt, 3714 Maple street, said to be the ringleader of the thieves. Frequent car robberies of late caused Chief Lowell to come here from Chicago and . take personal charge of the matter. His activities resulted in the arrest of Pruitt just at the latter emerged from the brok en door of a refrigerator car with dressed sheen on his back. uiiet Lowell eonnscaten tne tneep and placed" Pruitt under trrest At the broken car wat cart of an inter state shipment Pruitt will be turned over to federal officials. Says Indictment Does Not Tell Where Liquor Came From Sixteen cases for the alleged tell ing and introducing of liquor to the Indians on the Winnebago reserva tion were dismissed by Federal Judge Woodrough on motions filed by Hiram Chase, Indian attorney,' that the indictments made out in the cases by the last federal grand jury were faulty. , The question , raised and which wat sustained was that the in dictments did not specify where the liquor came from. The attorney held that the Honor mie-ht nave been bought On the reservation and not in troduced trom the outside. the legal knot was, the- first of its kind that hat been raised in the federal court and it supposed to be the first of its kind in the country. Previout to the raiting of the i question hundreds of persons were convicted on the tame sort ot indictments. , Ex-Deputy Sheriff Found Guilty on Conspiracy Charge Seattle. Wash.. Ian. 18,-Tohn W. Roberts, former deputy sheriff of King county, wat found guilty by t jury in me icacrai court nere last night on an indictment charging htm with having conspired to renreaent himself aa a government officer. Roberts was charged with bavins extorted auuu trom uittord lar brough of Tennessee, who came to Seattle last march accompanied by Eugenie Murray. Roberts at his trial contended he had no interest in the case other than to tee the girl waa re turned to her mother, who livet in avanaviue, ino. - - Mayor of Hastings Fixes 'V.- Case Outside of Court The. $50,000 libel tuit of Ellis R usher, a publicity man, against Will iam Madgett mayor of Haatinttt. Neb., and a candidate for the nomi nation for Eovernor at the nrimariaa last spring, hat been settled out of court, according to a stipulation for dismissal filed with the clerk of the district court J he libel tuit arose out ot tne gas' franchise fight at Hastings, and waa filed during the primaries campaign. Philadelphia Press is ' . Sold to Local Capitalists Philadelphia, Jan. 18.-The Phila. delphia Press, one of Philauinh;.'. oldest daily newspapers, has been told or me .aivin went estate to a group of local capitalists, Samuel W. Meek. manager ui uie rrcss company, an- uwuuicu isi uimui.. jnc rress waa founded in 1857 by John W. Forney uu purtnucu oy vaivin Well twenty years later. , . Theater Owner's Wife At Last Gets Divorce The matrimonial troubles of the Steinbergs were aired in district court for the last time when Judge Redick granted a decree to Ida Steinberg, who sued Joseph Steinberg, alleging cruelty. The divorced husband "t a motion picture theater owner. , The couple hat figured in teveral divorce General Beljaeff Named ' Russian Minister of War London, Jan. 18. General M. A. Beiiaett has been appointed miniater oi war in place ot Ueneral Chouvaieff, who hat been made member of the council of empire, according to a Petrograd dispatch to Reuter s. Gen eral Belineff waa formerly assistant minister of war and chief of the general ttaff. THE FAITH OF A FREE CHURCH . 1 ' . aatf aW UNITARIAN LITERATURE Ml ffra . Ualtariu H4reartm. tio S. lata St, Oauka. Nak. . fas0? u THE BEE: LOOK FORWARD TO LEAGUEOF NATIONS Washington Officials Think Balfour Note May Be First Step in New Program. QUERY OF BRITISH PAPER Washington, Jan. 18. Jfreat Brit ain t supplementary note amplifying the entente reply to President Wil son's peace note has given much en couragement to .American officials who are looking forward to some sort of league of nations to preserve peace. Although the principal portions in Foreign Minister Balfour's note1 de livered to the State dcpaitment yes terday are designed to lustily the se verity of the terms sent forth by the entente in their reply f the note of President Wilson, the formal acceO' tance in principle of tome sort ot national sanction as a iont behind treaties and international law it re' irarded as of sreat importance. It has Deen stated omciany inai President Wilson's next step has not been determined upon. Many official 1 ehevc the terms of the British note may afford the opportunity for a move toward the establishment of some such national sanction, even if it be with the view of having it come into force after the close of the war. Force Behind Law Necessary. London. Jan. 18. Commenting on the note of Foreign Secretary Balfour, supplementary to the entente reply to President Wilson, ths Manchester Guardian says: "The moat notable words in Mr. Balfour's dispatch are those in which he spea'. s of the American proposal for a leaaue of nations. The war has shown, that no international law it of the least avail aa a protection against a oower unscrupulous e iough to dis regard it and strong enough to despise the condemnation ot neutrals. The newspaper expre:ses the belief that there . imt be force behind inter national law and thinks thit in con' templated in the American proposal of a league to enforce peace. "But what is necessary in discussing the matter with Americans,", says the Guardian, it that we should make them realize that the whole thing were breath and wordt unless they, tlong with the rest of us, are pre pared in the end to put force into execution. The leasue must examine discuss and find methods of adjusting national difficulties and, not merely maintain order, but tacima; prog' rest. The idea is a gr .at one and with Mr. Balfour t note it hat made one further ttep towards general accept ance. ? Nebraska Hardware Men Convene Here, Next Month The Nebraska Retail Hardware Dealers' association is to hold itt an nual convention in Omaha February to 9. Nathan Roberta of Lincoln it tecretary. ine aeaiera win nave tome live topics for discussion this ear, as several important matters nve develooed. The increased cost of hardware ttock, due to the general rise in once of steel, iron and most metal products, has made new prob lems for the dealert, and the hopeless tan ale in which the Nebraska freight rates are now sweltering it another problem wntcn anectt ine naraware men, ' - Teachers Will Take Their Examinations. This Week The quarterly- examinationt for teachers under he jurisdiction of the county tuperintendent of schools will be given on Friday and Saturday of thit week in the model school room on the third floor of the court house About fifty teachers, including a large number ot old teachers wno will try for higher grade certificates and re newals, as well as a number of am bitious pedagogues-to-be, will be quisled under the direction of County superintendent ot schools Keenan, Wants to Change the ' Time When Taxes Are O.ue City Attorney Rine hat the backing of the city commissioners in presen tation of a bill to the legislature pro- Dosing to make city taxes due Janu ary 1. instead of May 1. This change would bring current funds Into closer relations with the city s fiscal year and would save considerable interest paid by the city on registered war rants, pending receipt ot taxes. Loomis to Name Successor To Scandrett This Week General Solicitor Loomis of the Union Pacific is back from a trip of nearly three weeks apent on the Pa cific coast, but asserts that he is not vet ready to announce the successor to Ben Scandrett, assistant general attorney, who has gone to the North ern Pacific as its general attorney. The announcement of the successor will probably be made this week, inemM .trtntla at dwlvMlc ttcrvov. rutv dowtt pof lot IB UK dM many rastencM. lift forfait if it faili mi full xpkiiatioa in larf artlela mob to apff t una ww. . Ask your la etui rfniHlat about it. Shermaa ft McCo snail Drue Storaa alwaj aarrv it in atsak. (mmmcBUmMO ENDS CATARRH. ASTHMA, Brocbitis, Croup, Coughs and Cokk, of tnooey back Sold and guaranteed by C!EaKU? AiC0LD TABLETS m t w tomfit , mm Bvsry u, Miner la Omaha should nad . ui itorv hwl.d ."THIS LI IT In toaur's U.u.. It's Tti Pcvplt't nor- tunltr; sivn thtm by Th. HuagOTford Potato Growers' Aya, ltlk mmt Havarf Straalt. NUXATED IRON Ill OMAHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1917. CALIFORNIA'S FIRST WOMAN JUDGE ON BENCH The first woman judge in California it fitting in Palo Alto town fhip. She it the widow of Judge S. W. Charlet, killed re cently in an automobile accident Juatice Charlet studied law under her husband, then a profettor in Stanford uni versity. ; ? .'' JUSTICE' ,'SABErI x CHARLES fl0T if MTt- Power Company Seeks to Set Aside Heat Rate Shenandoah, la., Jan. 18. (Spe cial.) Following a series of wrangles for several years over light and heat rates, the Shenandoah Artificial Ice, Power, Heat and ' Light company, through its attorneys, has begun ac tion against the city of Shenandoah, the mayor and five councilmen to re strain them by temporary injunction from enforcing the ordinance passed by' the city in January, 1911, insofar as it effects the charges for central steam and hot water heating. -The edition alleges that such rates are inadequate, unreasonable, oppres sive, nonremunerative and confisca tory; The notice was filed on the mayor, C" A. Wenstrand, just as he was going to Des Moines to secure an expert to make a survey of the reasonableness of the rates, to far as heating and lighting and gas are con cerned. He expressed himself aa pleased that the suit would bring the matter to a showdown. ,. i. . . There it one of two things for the city council to do, and , that is to either pay the meter rate or to prove to the court that the 30-cent rats.'Ts, reasonable and just. Give vour Want Ad a chance to make good. Run it in The Bee. w i misimimimmmmm Did you ever reach for your last little cigar and find it broken when you were far away from the nearest cigar store? Then you'll be glad to know that there is a new a wonderful little cigar that will not break in the package or pocket , Admiral Little Cigars with the Million Dollar Wrapper are the only little cigars that will not break crumble or frazzle. THE MILLION DOLLAR WRAPPER IS COMPOSED OF TO BACCO, AND NOTHING BUT TOBACCO, selected to blend with the delicate filler in flavor and aroma. It is always enticingly light and uni tr)5 l form in color. Ouawnfaed In foil'Uned package. Iota in flavor. Gamble siiiiijiajtJLJ.i.iiaisiii iWMM.muwAim.wiw ifn him in J Prudential Now Has Fifteen Million Policies - Newark, N. J., Jan, 18. More than $591,000,000 of paid-for life insurance was issued by the Prudential Insur ance Company of America in 1916, and at the lowest expense rate in Pru dential history, according to the forty-first annual figures of the company, read Tuesday by President Forrest F. Dryden at the opening session of an international business conference of Prudential field representatives, held here. This issue, Mr. Dryden explained, represents a gain in insur ance in force of over $283,000,000. President Dryden also stated that the Prudential now has . 15,000,000 policies, representing a total of over $3,000,000,000 insurance in force, con tinuing the 'Prudential, although one of the youngest, as the- second com pany in the world in this respect , Sued Husband Admits , ; Profanity on Occasions Minnie Mclntyre, who is suing Charles Mclntyre for divorce in Judge Wakeley s court, alleges that her husband has an uncontrollable temper. Mclntyre on the witness stand admitted thaf he swore about the house and called hit wife far from pet names "when the , occasion de manded. LITTLE CIGARS with V by Thit meant no a nickel and tee. ALL WHEAT HELD IH OMAHA JSSOLD ODT Export Demand Clears Out the Big Elevators, Which Held ' 1 a Surplus. WHEAT PRICES ARE HIGHER While the warehouse figures indi cate that the wheat in storage in Omaha elevators aggregate 1,037,000 bushels, the fact is that there is none there. The last was sold out this morning when buyers for export took 500,000 bushels, to go to the Atlantic coast at any time prior to May. Practically every bushel of wheat in storage in Omaha elevators has been bought for export and most of it at prices that are around $2 per bushel. Omaha wheat receipts were 132 carloads and there was a strong de mand, the cash sales being made at $1.91 io $1.94 per bushel. These prices were 1 to 2 cents up from Wednesday. Corn was in good demand and at 94 to 94)4 cents per bushel, an ad vance of 1 Xto cents over Wednesday. The May futures were bid up to 97ji cents, while the May option in Chicago went to $1.01J6, the highest top in years. Omaha re ceipts were seventy-one carloads. Oats were steady, selling at about the same prices as Wednesday, 53)4 to 544 cents per bushel, with a tend ency to higher prices. Receipts were light, only nine carloads. Bad ConghT FTerUhT UripprT Them allmenM wMken your iTitem don't wait. Vie Dr. Bait's PlM'Tar-Honey. It Ulan Inflammation, kills frm. lie. All druggists. AdvertlMment. HOW POLICEMAN SOLVES PROBLEM OF FOOT EASE Poltcemon, street car mn, mmtl carrier and alt others who an on thetr feet-constantly will be Interested In the sscceMful experiment of a Chlcafo policeman who haa solved the question of havlnv comfortable feet. This polloaman stands at the Inter section of two busy streets, directlnf traffic all day. By nlfht his feet used to torment him. He couldn't sleep for the pains and aches they s;ave him. Then hs heard of Wa-Ne-Ta. and now he suffers no more. Two or three of these tablets In a bowl of hot water, a few minutes' bethlnf, and all ths soreness Is rone, hie feet feel eooL comfort able and happy. Tou can use Wa-Ne-Ta with delightful effect In your body bath. Leaves skin soft and aDtlseptlcally olean. Tou can get Wa-Ne-Ta from your druggUL It only coats 25 cents. If your druggist hasn't -It, we will gladly send you a sample package If you will send us 10 cents to cover cost of pack ing and mailing to your address. U C. Lon don Co.. South Bend., Ind. - A New, Harmless Way to Banish Hairy Growths (Beauty Topics). By following this suggestion any woman can, in the privacy of her own home, remove every trace of hair or fuzz from her face: With, powdered delatone and water mix enough paste to cover the not wanted hairs; apply and in 2 or 3 minutes rub off and wash the-skin. This method , is n failing, harmless and quick in results, but care should be employed to get the genuine delatone. Adv. MBS vv Cast Away On a Desert Island With Your Last Smoke Broken! , - Sales' IB WSf7 C21 rin oTiicrcn CRdM CATARRH OR A COLD Is.y.CmAppMl-Nc opens Air J-aas -r- , ..a.iitHltHliHIrit Instant relief no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It pen etrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. It's just fine; Don't stay stuffed up with a cold or nasty catarrh. Adv. OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE ' Breaks ALL Records Notwithstanding the fact that we have been in business 67 years, more Piano Buyers than ever have taken advantage of the Generous Reductions we are giving on New, High-Grade Pianos and Player Pianos. , BUY NOW save y4 to y3 18 Different Makes to Select From MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS EXCHANGED PIANOS 500 Whitney Square. .$ 25 $225 Story & Clark upright , .$ 50 $250 Decker & Co., : upright $ 65 $300 SchmoUer & Mueller upright ... S 155 $250 Martin Bros., upright , S. 95 $450 Chickering & . Sons upright .$ 75 $450 Steger & Sons upright ..........$225 $1,000 Chickering & Sons, Grand., $150 $1,200 Steinway Grand, $565 $450 Auto Player Piano -$195 Every instrument a genuine bargain and fully guaranteed. Usual terms, $1 a week will do. Free Stool and Scarf. Pianos for Bent, $3.60 per month and up. Liberal Rent allowances on purchase price. SCHMOLLER& MUELLER PIANO COMPANY 1311-13 Farnam St, OMAHA, NEB. . The Leading Piano House f tha West. 1 Tel. Douglas 1623. ' . ' Established 1859. .a f III! Mm