Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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City Clerk O'Connor Hands
Measure to Douglas Delega
tion and It is Launched.
. City Clerk ' O'Cooitor yesterday
handed to the Doogbi county dele
gation at Lincoln tor introduction
bill which provides for i civil service
commission of three members. -who
' shall examine and pus upon the eligi
bility of (II city employes, excepting
only the city legal department and the
mayor's secretary, who are to be ex
empt from civil service roles. It was
introduced as H. R. 161
: All members of the delegation ex
cept Jerry 'Howard signed the bill.
Mr. Howard explaining he did not
think he would oppose the measure,
but did not want to commit himself
to a signed endorsement at this time.
: Against Nepotism.
The nepotism feature of the bill is
expressed in the following language:
No person shall be hereafter ap
pointed to any position who bear a
relation of the first degree with any
memDer ot tne civil service commn-
". sion."
There is no reference to relatives ot
the commissioner or other officials of
the city government
The last section declares "An emer
gency exists requiring that this act
lane encct at once.
.- Mayor Appoints.
The proposed commission shall be
composed ot three members to be ap
pointed bv the mavor and confirmed
by the city council and removable only
for cause on a vote of two-thirds of
Uf entire council; The members of
tne commissionaire to receive $300 a
year and shall hare the same quali
fications as are required of the city
commissioners, i it is stipulated that
the civil service commissioner! "shall
not be actutated. or governed, by per-
. sonal, political or party considerations
ana tney snail not oe eiigmie to serve
if in f the municipil or government
service in any capacity, nor while a
candidate for any elective or ap
pointive omce.
; - Classify Employes,
Section four reads; 'The commis-
Possibilities of Egg Boycott
Robbers Add Half Dozen More
to String: of Viotlms, Bnt
Little Is Lost.
Six more belated pedestrians last
night fell victims to the efforts of
busy footpads and though the net re
sult was not of great appeal to
the highwaymen they, nevertheless,
caused a busy night for the police.
Last nights victims were:
Dimj Strops, III South Twentjr-eecend.
Chsrlee Davey. 21 franklin.
Dan Qracets. est Park avenue.
frank A. rranks. 14DI North Slxteeath.
F. U Davie, 3001 Farnam,
. William r. Walker, SOUS Faraam.
Franks was stopped by two ne
groes at Seventeenth and Izard and
robbed of $21 and a watch. The
night before a highwayman a few
blocks awav stoooed him and took S3
and a watch,
Davis and Walker were walking at
twenty-nun ana nowara when a
man shoved a gun at them and told
them to throw no their hands. He
got nothing .rora Davis and $7 from
Walker. Stoops was held up a block
away by one bandit, who took a pack-
age of cigarettes and a signet ring, all
moods had.
Oraceti was stoooed at Seventeenth
ana Leavenworth and contributed
dollar, two negroes beini the col
lectors! The same two negroes are
tne ones wno got v ranks.
Davey was robbed a block from his
home by white man. and he lost his
watch and fl. . . , . . .
The National Capita
Ttarsdsir, Jaaaarr U, I17.
Runaway Boy Wins the Hearts
t Of Police by His Many Virtues
"l want a room."
The clerk at the Keystone hotel
took one look at the diminutive ap-
sion shall make all necessary rules and I plicant and telephoned to the police.
regulations for the conduct of its bull.
ness and provide for the, classification
of all regular employes of the city.
Employes as classified by the commis
sion shall con.titute the classified
civil service of such city, and no ap
pointment to any officer, or employ-
ment, shall be made except under and
according to the rules hereinafter
A burly officer came and brought to
the . station Charlie David, 13 years
old, of 1440 Clarkson street, Denver,
who "wants work and is going to get
It and is going to havs a home of his
Charlie hadn t been anions? the eon
five minutes when he had captured
their affection and several of them
expressed the desire to adopt him,
Within sixty days after appointment! aftnr thev had hearH nia alnfw
the commission shall examine all em- ,-Mv mother." said the manlv little
cloves of the city and certify to the
' city council and mayor as to their fit
ness or unfitness, and it shall be the
duty of the mayor and council to re
move those who failed tQjas ex
aminations or for other reasons have
Wn AtrtmnA an U,iMM, ft K
Examine Preaent Employes.; i
After the present staff of'city em
ployes shall have been examined it
shall then be the duty of the commjs
sion to hold open and competitive ex
aminations twice a year "as to.fituesc
for an eligibility list from which 'va
cancies shall be filled for a period of
probation not less than one year be
fore employment is made permanent,
and promotion on the basis of merit.
experience and service record. An
lad, is a corset salewoman for a big
company and she seldom is at home.
She gives me spending money and
sends me to school and buys clothes
for me. But she doesn't spend any
time with me. I want a home and I
want a job. That's why I came to
Omaha. Yes, my father was fairly
well-to-do and he left my mother
some money. But when my dad died,
ma didn't stay at home any more and
I got tired of the life." '
Charlie stands squarely on two feet
wnen answering questions and looks
one squarely in the eyes. He bi
the vote of every cop who met him.
One officer said that if Charlie's
mother was willing, be would take
tne iaa into on home.
Met at neon.
Raanmad oonatdemtloa of lesieletive ap
propnauon Dili.
Jsdlrlary oomralttea taM heartna
Sbafroth resolution to amend constitution ao
tne unitea states could enter a league
snroroo pesos.
Interstate Commerce committee continued
consideration ox railroad learlslation.
Tbs BosM,
Met tt 11 a m.
Resumed consideration of public buildings
. Runs commutes laid further plans for
conducting leak" inquiry neartnga.
Fire Bnrlinfton Men Are In
jured and Passenger ttetv ;
Shaking Up. ',"::
t i ... .
Akron, Colo, Jan. 18. A runaway
employe may be placed on the perma- engine tonight crashed into the toco
nent list only upon the recommenda- motjv 0 Chicago, Burlington &
tion of the superintendent or the head rtl,i a-i. xr in .
of the department in which he is em- Quiney passenger train No. 10 on a
ployed, , . .. Wwj here.' :.v iy,..
,, Bemoval for Cause. I u a-unaoerg, engineer, and Arthur
Section 6 orovides: "Emoloves on Jarionx, fireman, both of Denver, were
the permanent list in the classified serously hurt' and three passengers
service shall be removable only for
cause, or charges duly filed ,iu writing,
after a public hearing' by- a majority
of the civil aervice commission; pro
vided, however, that the chief of po
lice or the chief of the fire depart
ment, or any other chief officer, su
nerintendent. or foreman, in chance
of work performed by classified em
ployes, may suspend or aiacnarge any
subordinate under his direction for
neglect of duty, violation of rules or
disobedience of orders,' and shall with-
were said to have received oamtul in
juries. ', : 1 ' ;.. ,
I he engine of No. 10 was bad v
wrecked.- Fireman Jarioux was badly
scalded and may die. The engineer
win recover,
The . runaway eneme. with three
others, had just been brought into the
yards and broke away when the hos
tler fn charge left the cab to throw
a switch, r
Passengers hi the dining car were
in twenty-four hours thereafter report thrown over tables by the force of
. j' i , . I tUm .-,4 .......1 ...... -i:..u.i..
hurt by broken glass.
Deputy Sheriff
And Supposed Bank
Bobber Are Killed
l Okemah,v Okla Jan. 18.A gun
fight between two alleged bank rob
bers and a poase near here early today
resulted in the death of a deputy
sheriff, the killing of one of the men
pursued and the capture of the second
man after he had been wounded. The
men are believed to be two of those
who held up the State bank of Harrah
Old, last Friday. , . , y
Deotltv Sheriff Vf K ittl 1 ora as, mas
killed by a singe shot fired by one of
the robbers. Clarence Arnold was the
man shot to death and Jess Little is
" a offic"; ,0 De man cap-
m'w aiicr ucing wounaea.
The battle took place at the home
of a negro, where the fugitive had
taken refuge. -.
"Gome on Over, See
My Com Fill Off!"
1 Put 2 Drop of 'Gets-It' on Last
Night Now Watch1'
SCO all yon navs ta do la tn mm vmr
two lingers ano nit tna eon rie-nt off. Thar,
the way 'Osts-It' always works. Vou just
put on about t drops. Then the corn not
only shrirsle. bnt loosens from the in
i ui u u . auRug cdo suirounoina; I lee a in
the lssst. ' Why, It's almost pleasure to
hare corns and see how 'Gots-It gets them
such suspension or discharge and the
reasons therelor to the superintend
ent of his department, who shall
thereupon affirm or reverse such sus
pension, or discharge, which shall be
final unless such employe shall within
five days of such ruling appeal there-
trom, wnicn appeal the civil service
Dandruf fy Head
Become Hairless
Foreigners Flee Canada;
They Fear Conscription
Ottawa Jan. 18. Fear of corn-
commission shall, fully tear, , and de- pulsory military, service through the
termine, and if the charges shall not distribution of national service cards
be sustained, shall enter an order of , , , . . . . . ,
reinstatement, provided, that in the ento ! ,or ttmn !. physical
examination ol employes ot the city, conaition ana otner information re
al the time of the takins? effect of this quired bv the sovernment has resulted
act, or the organization, of the civU in an exodus of foreigners from
service commission, the order of the! Lanada to the United States.
commission or report finding an em-. The migration, chiefly from the
ploye incompetent or of immoral cities has interferred seriously with
character, shall in and of itself revoke many Canadian industries and in
the appointment of such employe, order to keep the workmen in Canada
without the right of appeal from such the Dominion government haa issued
icvucauon. la statement exDlaininff that romnnl.
It is proposed to require that the sory military service is not under eon.
commission shall give attention to sideration and should this step become
Um fltv an1 s- . . I ui-vmosh;, wuiuu vmjr Ol 111911
The commission, under thi hill Jii
be required to make reports to the
mayor ana council , . ,
Tagore Doesn't Like Beina
uaugtiea at as Pie Was in U. 5. If you want plenty of thick. beau-
San Francisco. Tan. 18. Sir Rakin. tiful, glossy, silky hair, do bv all
dranath Tagore, winner of the Nobel means get rid of dandruff, for it will
prire for poetry, sa.led for India ,tlrve ,OTr B'f nd ruin it if you
from here today after a tour of the lo,I't
United States, which he said he fmmrf It doesn't do much good to trv tn
vnpleasant , ' brush or wash it out The only sure
"America has the daring and in ex- w)r to get rid of the dandruff is to
perience of youth," he said. "She is dissolve it, then you destroy it en-
like a 4-year-old child just beginning tirey- To do this, get about four
i" wsk questions. i ounces 01 oruinary uquia aryon; ap-
s nave ioudq mnrn imnni,in... i div n ml niirni wnen reririne,. .-
and crudeness. Why do Americans enough to moisten the scalp and rub
laugh at me. because I wear my coun- in gently with the finger tip,
try s clothes? Much of the time I By morning moat, if not all, of your
had to stay in my room and take my dandruff will be gone, and three or
meals there , to avoid the , staring, "' n10 applications will complete-
"...-KH.B,w,v. launuinK. . : . i "y " eiuirciy oeatroy every
,!! Jpan:,nobody laughed. ; I single sign and trace of it
"Yout women have more leisure than I j You will find. too. that all (rrhm
,., wviiicu hi, iTxrworio. ineycould na oigging oi tne scalp will stop,
use it well in srudy and improvement and your hair will look and feel i
l)n theyr hundred times better. Yn
liquid arvon at any drug- store. It is
th. rst t.m or .. u, bac i, .""Ki.
i j - " .aw nisi ili iiuw uinrii
" dandruff you have. This simple rem-
ey never tails.--Adversement.' I
1 luaasag aaal Palas ui tho Back.
siii'iy moan e uioiment -relief comes
oaoel. Only Iso-AOerttaement.
Wss a atl Pneral TM
. Cam Ha WKk tioto-lf
off in s harry and without tlx least pain. I
can wear tight shoos, dance and walk as
though I risvor had corns."
"Osts-It" makes the uso of too-irritating
salves, bundling bandages, taps, plaaters
and other things not only foolish, but un
necessary. Use this wonderful discovery,
uexs-ii. lor any sort or nam aorn of
sallu. , It Is the new, simple, easy, quick
wajrl and it never tails. You'll never have
to out a corn again with knivee or seis
sors, and tun chances of blood poison. Try
"Gets-It" tonight.
"Gets-It" Is sold evsrywhere, 25e a bot
tle, or sent on receipt of price by fi. Law-
nce l.r unicego. Hi.
Sold 111 Omaha and recommended aa the
world s best corn remedy by Sherman at Me
Connelf .tttmr Co. stores.
For Every a Frmer
f ' Every Renter or Owner
Every Farm Land Investor
Do yon know that the greatest land buying opportunity in
America today la In SUrieUa County, Nebrsska?
Do yon know that ta this wonderfully rich country you can bny
at $25.00 per acre
on your own payment terms
land which for soil values and productiveness win compare most
favorably with $150 to $200 land in other localities?
These are easily verified facts.
Sheridan county farms are producing, per acre, as much as
300 bushels of potatoes,
50 bushels of corn,
80 bushels of oats,
50 bushels of barley and speltz,
50 bushels of wheat and rye;
5 tons of alfalfa.
It is a great cattle, hog, sheep, horse, poultry and dairy country
300 pond hogs ready for market at a east of less then two cants
per pound I
A Sheridan Comity farm pays for itself often from th
first crap.
. will be worth while for you to get the whole big story about
.this Sheridan County farm buying opportunity before the oppor
tunity it thing of the past
Yon will never have a better proposition than that which we
can make you today. . . . .. , f:
There isn't another state in the Union that had better success
with crops last year than Nebraska and Sheridan County is fast
forging to the front as one of the banner counties of this wonderfully
rich statal .
Send your name today for free descriptive literature filled with
photographs of actual farm scenes and convincing statements by
well known farmers who are making a wonderful success unusually
large profits on these fertile, low-priced lands. Good agents wanted
in unoccupied territory. Address
,. , . Raahville, Nebraska, oreUay Springs, Nebraska.
Pontiff Asks Germany to Stop
Deportation and Return
London. Ian. 18 With .
preventing further Belgian deporta
tions and brinsino ahrmf ,!,
ation of those already sent to Ger
many, Pope Benedict has made repre
sentations to the imperial government,
ai-coramg -to a letter from Cardinal
Gasparri, the papal secretary of state
to Cardinal Mercier. primate of Bel
gium which has been given out here
The pontiff also has directed Car
dinal Mercier to do all in his power
to alleviate the sufferings of the Bel-
gains and the cardinal has instructed
the priests to defend the interests of
civilians and provide material
forts wherever possible.
Levinsky and Bob Moha
Go Twelve Hot Rounds
Youngstown, O., Jan. 18. "Bat
tling" Levinsky and Bob Moha went
twelve rounds to a draw here to
night. While it is possible that
Levinsky had the best of a number
of rounds, the effectiveness of Moha
in several rounds offset what had
been gained. It was a real give-and-take
affair, with the "battler" hav
ing the best of weight and reach.
There was not a knockdown, but the
fighters frequently brought the crowd
to its teet.
Teeth Now Beautified
Almost Like Magic
Why Is tt that men and women of r
flnttnent to to their dntUU two. throe or
(our times. year to have their teeth
eerapeti? Bectum fitch persona, though
ardent devotees of the tooth bruah. And
that the usual dentlfrleea do not auffloe
to keep their teeth free from ataine aod
tartar. It more people only knew it.
there la a perfectly harmleaa mbfltasce.
to be found In any drug store, which aeti
almost like made when used on unclean
and diecolored teeth.
Anyone can have the loveliest pearly
white teeth tmaa-lnable by simply nstriff
avatol In place of tooth powder, cream or
liquid, it one win procure a tuoe or inl
and use a little of It dally on a tooth
brush, tho unslvhtly dlseoloratlona and tar
tar will not return after their removal.
Furthermore, avatol, being antiseptic and
antacid, destroys rerma, prevents tooth de
cay and torn Inflammation, neutralises actdi
and keeps the breath sweet. This Is the
most Important announcement In the field
of dental hya-leno made within recent years.
A Real
Will Make Our
Clearing Sale
, Jan. 20th
Saturday, Jan, 27th
We will put in this sale a standard line of strictly high grade instruments.
If you wish a cheaply made piano, you will not find it here. We take it for granted
that the public knows the value of the following lines of PIANOS :
In order to serve the piano-buying public of Omaha, we found it necessary to remove
from our old, quarters and plac OMAHA in our chain of Factory Stores.
1 Ourjanuary Clearing Sale .
In this Sale will be included stock removed to our new location, stock that has prev
iously been used as demonstrators, rentals, concert used or discontinued styles. Every
eo0A,th.ese.mstruments MUST G0 REGARDLESS OF COST. We mean they WILL
Direct to You Through Our Factory Store
l, . ,,.': W. .t On Your Most Convenient Terms.
Come in Early Get the First Selection From a Large Stock.
.4240 VAX.!, xvauuxv xxuujv 440
1807 Farnam Street
Additional Service
i Bee want-ad takers are now at your service until 10
p. m. A good time to write your ad is after dinner,
when "you have time to think of what you wish to say.
The telephone service is better after the rush hours,
eliminating the possibility of mistakes.
If you have a Room to Rent or some article which has
.outlived its usefulness to you, to sell put a small want
ad in The Bee.
- - You will get quick, sure results.
Call Tyler 1000 Tonight