REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. T-ROOM HOUSE WEST FARNAM DISTRICT $200 CASH And 8S8 per month will buy you rood, well built 7-room. all modern house near S8th and Jackaon, In which the present owner hu Invented over 33,000. Boum Is rentlni (or 126 per month. Prloe, IS.200. THE BYRON REED CO., 7. 313 South 17th St. WEST FARNAM. Rave a bargain In a 3-atory stucco tonae, all modern; 1750 cash will buy It; salance aame aa rent; owner may take ood vacant lot In trade. C. A. GRIM MEL, On. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. D. 181B, WEST FARNAM, atucco. 7-r.. modern, uoi Taloe, H.000; bouae value, 88.000. All for, fa oo 310 No. Hth Ave. Dong. 8t. North. New Bungalow Miller Park District B-room bungalow, strictly modern, oak Unlah, floored attic, on car line; lot 45x 166: fine shade trees. Price reduced to IM for Quick sale. Terms. Hiatt Company, Ma-I-I Omaha National Bank Bldg Tyler bo. I rnsv l.mi. bungalow, strictly mod. Has paniin, tnr 38 a month, re tina oavmenta. $3,600. 1421 Sherwood. F. D. WTSAD, 310 8. 18TH ST. 171. South. rt- BIO BARGAIN. SOUTH J0TH STREET. suf K-room cottage and a e-room on. lot. at 3433 South 30th, la excellent repair, paving all paid. Only B2.7M lor the two cottagea. Baay terma. NORRIS ft NORRIS, 400 Baa Bldg. Phone Douglas 4370. J-ROOM modern residence In aelect neigh borhood; furniture inciuoea; .v..v, ,. Terms, Watta. 637 Paxton Block. Miscellaneous, CLOSE IN NEW BUNGALOW . it i.. M.m dtnlna room, kitchen a first floor; throo large bedrooms and oath on second floors oak finish and oak floors; built-in bookcases and buffet; full basement; guaranteed lurnace; east front lot: payed atraot; "no iqvauvu. I4.M0. Terms. SCOTT AND HILL CO., Beoc. Ground glr, McCagtw Bldg. I ANIIARY SPECIAL. , nBW hunvalow. oak finish, mod. arn and up-to-date every way. Ready MM into. East-front lot, two blocks . . Prlco only $3,100. Terms to suit or lot taJcen as first payment. , RASP BROS.. tl 0 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. TOT GREATEST OAIN M8 In paid want-ads ever made by i Omaha paper. Is the record of T. OMAHA BEE for 1313. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATH EVERT wage earner In Omaha should read the story neaaea "This- Is It" in today's issue. It's "The People's" op portunity, given them by The Hungerford potato urowere juh u., iuiii ,.,. MODERN BUNGALOW mtt lnrio. east front, paved street, : "5 rooms. Hardwood flooni and finish, close to school ana car. a Dorsum m Kasy tenya. Call owner. Doug. 1722. -inn-TV nnnrnsident: strictly modern room house, nearly new, hardwood floora, garage, lot 50x120, $2,700, $500 cash. bal. t time, -trwner . oii-iim, umui hiinMiow: alar --i. and gardening, vonf tarm and p' :e; Inv with 1400. rent i hOiHM OOVt 18.5001. 12.600 D. Ml. vivn 1-rw.mti naw. oak DQlstL CUIiy oeco rated, ait modern, etc.. 13.760; $200 cash. bIST)H riODTPiy JOlim un. FOR SALE Nearly new -room modern house; cheap If taken at once. Phone Red 7771. REAL ESTATE B'ness PrW SEE US b OR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 620 First National Bank Blag. 1 " APARTMENT 7I,0M. Income 12 per cent; one year old very fine location; mortgage T26.000 and will aocent $20,000 In trade; balance cash or negotiable papers. CALKINS ft CO.. City Nat't Bank Douglas Bldg. EVERY wage earner In Omaha should read the story neaaea This Is It" tn tftdnv's Issue. It's ,lThe People's" portunity, given them by The Hungerford Potato orowera jwh.. -101" INVESTMENT. Corner, close In, two cut lilt. Price. 66.608. . P. BOSTWICK SON, 3N Bee Bldg. Tylsr 1338. REAL ESTATE. WM. COLFAX, 1M Keellne Bldg Doug. 3378. REAL ESTATE To Exchange EVERT wage earner In Omaha should read the story headed "This Is . It" m today's Issue. It's "The People's" op portunity, given them by The Hungerford Potato Growers' Aas'n.. 15th and Howard. BARGAIN Leaving ,city, sell or trade, nearly new 6-room house, strictly mod ern, hardwood floors, all improvements in; lot -Oil 20; garage; $2,900, 1500 cash, balance time. Call owner, L Smith, Room tiOfi, Castle Hotel. WANTED Omaha vacant for $1,S00 equity in modern brick bungalow, with two and one-half acres of rich land In alfalfa, lo cated In suburbs of Lincoln. Now rented. Address Box 47, Omaha Bee. TO TRADE Feed barn which rents $15 per month, in VLUlsca, la., for North Dakota or South Dakota real estate. M. Pltn Beebe, Ipswich, S, D. Make proposition In first letter. HAVE iwo ISO-acre farms and one 80-acra tarm, eastern Nebraska, to trade (or city property. ARCHER REALTY CO, RSft RrnndfM Bldg , FOR TRADE Business lot in Council Bluffs to. Ford car. Also a Maxwell Spe clal for a Ford car. Paul Sydow, 838 Brandeis Bldg. MODERN houses to trade for stocks autos. Have two good rooming houses, swell 7-room residence In Hanscom park. cheap. Watts, 537 Paxton Blk. WE bavc some good homes and rental prop ertles lor Neb. or la. land. Edward F Williams Co.. Omaha Naff Bank Bldg TRACES TRADES TRADES Farms, Cattle. Ranches. New Apartments, Flats, etc. ABBOTT. 4 Patterson Block. Ranch a -claUst, sell or trade ranches for city property '. franta. 7f Brandeis Bldg ft ACRES to trade for S or 6-R. rent Box 76. Bee. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West THE GREATEST GAIN 68.788 u paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE North. AFTER looking at MINNE LT7SA. 300 dlf ferent buyers decided that It was the beat proposition on the market and they backed their judgment by buying lota IF TOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., tit Omaha Nat Bank Bid.. Trier 182. REAL ESTATE Unimproved Miscellaneous. EVKRY ua earner In Omaha should read the story headed ThU la If In today'a laaue. If "The People's" op portunity, given them by The Hunferford Potato Orowors' Aaa'n., lath and Howard. REAL ESTATE Investment Harney Street Investment This fa a welt constructed, well ar ranged apartment house, clone to 34th St., In a location where land values are Increasing rapidly. Will pay over pet. net on the purchase price. Something desirable. Do not fall to Investigate this proposition at once If you are Interested In the growth ef Harney street. For full particulars see George & Company Douglas 731. 301 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. 30th and Farnam Brick flats, renting at $1,200 a year and rents can be Increased. Price for quick sale. $10,600; mortgage. 38.300; $4,000 for equity. Thla Is a caeh price for quick aale; no trades. Glover & Spain, Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. home HIT. r.DHRS Hiinounees that Non- participating Guaranteed 7 per ceni prw ffti-rAd ahsrM win be Issued when all par' tlclpatlng preferred shares now on hand are exhauutod. Full particulars by man. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. Fis. Agents, Omaha. EVERY wage earner In Omaha should reaa the story headed -Thht la Tt" in tndv"n laaue. It's "The People's" op portunity, given them by The Hungerford Potato Growers Aaa'ii., 16th and Howard. REAL ESTATE Suburban icnKAnE! ANIt SMAIX FARMS. A tine Hat within ten mile radius of llth and Farnam. Some special bargalna GEORGE G. WALLACE. 311 Keellpe Bldg. Benson. START YOUR HUiltt IN BiSNSOf I riv THIS LOT. 1..M down and I13.N per month: nrtoe $2.0.10; aim, 60x133; located on Locust St.. between Clark and Bumham, oat tar from school an4 car Una Qae. B. W rig tit Bee orfire. Omaha. Dundee. BizvirRil. lnt hnlliilna restriction. 13. 600... Adjoining nappy noitow w. $400.03 to $1.000 00. W I SRI. BY t SONS. Pong MIS. A DUNDEE lot bargain, near school and car line. Writs Box 3381. nee. . Florence. $360 ACRE, acreage sold; 2 tracts left at S300. ist cuanca, au nimni. 228. South Side. t KAP HOMES. Wm luv a larae number of small houses with 8 to 4 rooms, ranging Id prkM from $000 to $1,200, ou full sized lota. Which can aeti at roar own loimi. HOIITH OIIABA INVESTMENT CO. 4336 & !tb St. Phona Sooth 1847 Hiscellaneout. EVERT wage earned In Omaha shoold read the story headed "This Is Tt" In today'. Issue, It's '.The People's" op portunity, glven. them -by The Hnngerford potato urowere as. n., ,in .mi nv u. REAL ESTA1E WANTED wanted 4. I and 6-reomed houses tnat can be sold for 9100 caen. balance 11s per month: give complete aeecnpuon nm letter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1084. I.TST vour 5 and 6-room houses with us. WE SELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY CO. toug. 1474. COME to us with your real hargaloa. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO. Doug. 420. FOR SALE See F, D. Weed. 310 S. 18th St. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. THE GREATEST OAIN--88,738 In paid want-adB ever made by any Omaha paper is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1318. ' BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. 6 PER CENT ta t per cent on beat clasa city realdenee. in amount 32,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO., 1822 Farnam St $2,000 MORTGAGE bearing 6 Ml Per cent semi-ann. ; secured by property values at $7,700 Talmage-Loomls Inv, Co., W. O. W. Bldg. . FARM and city loans, 6-6ttand6per cent. W. H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1648. SHOPEN CO., PRIVATE MONEY. OMAHA homes, East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha Nat l. Phone Doug. 2715. liONEY HARRISON i MORTON, .13 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy ood farm mort gages. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. RELIABLE insurance. Bee O'Nell s Real Estate and Insurance Agency, 63.-4 Bran- dels Theater, xei. i-yier MONEY on hand for city farm loans. H. W. Binder, National Bank Bldg and City WORLD REALTY CO., "Sun Theater" Building. trifl-i. estate loans. 6 iter cent D fit. BUCK ft CO., 912 Omaha Nat. Bnk. CITY and farm loans, lowest rates. E. H. LOUOEB. Inc.. 638 Keellne J5ldg. CITY and farm loans, 6, fift and 0 per cent. J. H. pumont at jq., xo hmw.uiw $100 ' to 110,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Weed Bldg., 18th and Farnam Bts. GARVIN BROS 346 Omaha Nat'l Bunk Bldg. Abstracts of Title. Vrkim Title. Guarantee and Abstract Co, Hcrr 305 S. 17th St., .round floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska, zno Branneis Tneater. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON, Represent prompt pay Insurance com panles. 644 Brandeis Bldg., Omaha. Neb v ARM AND RANCH LANDS California Lands. CALIFORNIA farma near Sacramento, for sale. Kay pay men is. write ior list. m. R. Waite, Shawnee, Okl. Florida Lands. PALM BEACH COUNTY We have the xecord crop truck, garden and citrus fruit land In the United States. Buy land on easy terms from A. Parsons St Son, 662 Brandeis Bldg. Phone Douglas ?84. Note A personally conducted excursion to the Sunny South leaves Omaha Janu ary 10; already some of Omaha's leading business men haveJotned us. Make your reservation eany RAISE ALFALFA IN FLORIDA (Natal Hay) this winter. First cutting, 90 days I&O to $A0 annually on $60 land. 62& Paxton Blk. Walnut 2S87 (evenings). Iowa Land. EVERT wage earner In Omaha Should read the story headed "Thin Is It" In today's issue. It'"Th People's" op portunity, given them by The Hungerford Potato Growers' Ass'n., 16th and Howard. EVERY wage earner in Omaha should read the story headed "This Is It" In today's issue. It's "The People's" op portunity, given them by The Hungerford Potato Growers' Ass'n., Hth and Howard. Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM $10 cash and 16 monthly; no interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land; close to S big markets. Write for photographs and full Informa tion. Munger, A-119. N. T. Life Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. FOR SALE 10 acree;, 70 in cultiva tion; variety fruit; plenty water, build in ge ; q oarter-mt le sc hool ; price $ 2, 600 ; half cash, balance 4 years, 6 per cent. Harvey Cunningham. Cnba. Missouri. GREAT BARGAINS $6 down, $6 monthly, buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only $200, Address Box 108, Excelsior Barings. Me. THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, JANUARY FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. Kimball county. 40 urea choice wheat land. In fine lo cation; good t-room house, barn S2i48, good water supply; SS0 aorea plowed, 100 acres fall wheat, which row with plaoe; 30 eon alfalfa. fenoeA hog-Ught: land well fenreri and croee-f enced ; near school. Price, X par acre, oaah, baiasoe at per cent. J. H. CAMPBELL ft SON, Kimball, Neb. NEAR SOUTH OMAHA, 140 Acres Beat erop-growtng land tn the state. Corn making 75 busheta to acre: tone alfalfa raised on place this year. This Is all valley land, all level and tillable except a few acree around buildings and teed lots. Modern house, good bam, large sheep barn, corncrlb, hog house and all necessary buildings tor cattle, hog and aheep fefdlng. Water piped to all buildings and feed lots. Fine blue grass pasture. All heavy black loam soil. Located near grade and high school and only one-half mile from Interurban ear linn. For price and terms Inquire of C. R. Combs, 800 Brand In Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Phone Doug. Sl- HO.ACRR FARM WELX IMPROVED. For Omaha Income property, or might take small residence as part payment. Ed B. Olbbs, 3m Harnev Ht. DAIRY OR FB-DINtl FARM NKAR OMAHA. a Wn Vit.i-n.-flH da.irv farm of 150 acres, about 100 acres in alfalfa and In cultl v.rinn' Kniani.-ft limbo red uasture with run-ins water: railroad station mile; ..fih nn i.nri fnuld nrobablv be secured: Price SllO oer acre. Basy terms. Ask for full description. J. H. DUMONT ft CO.. 410-18 Keellne Bldg. Phone Douglas -W. wrm sai.b A choice 320-a. In Lincoln Co. Nnh 200 a. tn winter wneat iv a. ior .nrini rrniui' .lB.ncn native sod i all tilla ble; school, mall and tel. at the farm. If you want the best, get busy. For price and terms, write the owner, P. O. Box 00, Hastings, Neb. BVBRY wage earner In Omaha should read the story headed This Is If in tnAmv'm inn. It's "The People's" op portunity, given them by The Hungerford Potato Growers Aarn., iota ana nowtm. WET land made dry enough for crops or no pay, la our way or draining laxta. no tract too Urge or too wet. Guarantee Drainage Co., Oakland, Neb. 836 ACRES, Cherry County, clear, near Valentine, oneap. waits, o ruion block. Farms $1S to $26 acre. Cotton, oorn hogs. cattle. Cheap, uooa iana. ii. r. oieopins. CAN sell or exchange any land you have to offer. C. J. Canan, McCague Bldg. 1,000-A. FARM for sale or trade. D. 170. A. W. Tola-id ft Co.. 448 Bee BWf, JjIj.ju-1:Mj -ir --riiTTT 'r 1 """ " "" FARM LAND WANTED RANCHES and Farm Lands bought, sold and exchanged. 8. S. and R. B. Mont- gomery. , , , ,,,, ... AUTOMOBILES GUARANTEED TIRES. i2 Price We make one new tin from the oM ones. GUARANTEED 3,000 MILES. We Buy and Sell : USED CARS TIRES AXTTO PARTS. Lt agents wanted. If jot I an a hus tler write for our agency proposition. 2 IN 1 VULCANIZING CO., 1618 Davenport St, Omaha. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE mii rmm SL Douglas 3310. 1916 Chevrolet touring I3M 1918 Hup mobile "tt," sacrifice. 1914 Ford J" 1918 Saxon . .. 15 PCT. ; ...... . Cash rebate on your auto hum no pel ley If you car Is equipped with PERRY LOCK. Phone Douglas 3217. 884 Brandeis Bldg, S.O.S. MOTOR CO. Steam Heated 140 Leavenworth. and Fireproof storage, $6 per month. Day and night service, rnone i-yier hi. 1 Hupp 12 roadster, 9326. 1 6-passenger Franklin, $100. 1 single cylinder motorcycle, $21. TVAA. ft BINKUSY. 2318 Harney SL Douglas 1540. FOR SALoB Electrio coupe, in good -hape, at a bargain; just the winter car for .town use. National Electric Supply Co., Council Bluffs. Ia. . -.. THE GREATEST GAIN M.7S8 In paid want-ads ever made by Omaha paper, Is the record of ' T OMAHA BEH for 1911. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. WE will trade you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., 20th and Harney. Douglas 6251. FORD roadster, 1916, good as new, $36 worth of extras, $286, cash only. D. E. BUCK, 912 Omaha Nat, D. 6220. CROSSTOWN GARAGE, 315 8. 24th SL nnnalas 4442. Parts for Hup 20, Apper- son. Oldsmobile, I. H. C. truck, etc. Used chains. j USED CARS AT REAL PRICES. C. W. FRANCIS AUTU UJ., Douglas 863 2219-18 Farnam St FOR SALE Owing to my leaving city, ray 1911. Overland coupe is ior sale, cneap, cash or payments. Address Apt. 807, New Hamilton. FOR SALE My 1916 Overland touring, just overhauled and rennisnea. Must sacrince, as leaving city. Call D. 6661 after 6 p. m. REBUILT high and low tension magnetoes. magneto parts or magneto repairs, oiai tox, 1426 South 16th. Tyler 1U3-J. BALL and roller bearings, all makes of cars, good as new at half the price. Mattox, 1426 Sou to itttn. Tyier liu-j. FIRST reasonable' cash offer takes my 1916 Maxwell touring car, just like new. Call Tyler 1816 after 6 p. m. BERTSCHY "Kan-Fix-It" Southeast cor ner 20th and Harney Sts. Douglas 7298. Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing, "service car al ways ready." Omaha Garage, 2010 Har ney St. Tyler 65 6, Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair, Colls repaired. Bayer! orfer, 210 N. 18th NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Service, and prices right. 218 8. 19th. D. 7390. Motorcycles and Bicyclea H A RI.EY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES.' Bar Kilns til used machines, Victor Roos, "The M otorcycle Ma n," 2702 Ieavenworth. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal . diseases without uurglcal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cared. Write for book on rec tal diseases with testimonials. DIt. B. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. j5Sn BARRY, formerly known as Deloss Bates, Iniormatlon desired as to his whereabouts. He Is a son of Wells H. Bates and was a locomotive engineer Cor the Burlington twenty years ago, residing at times at Alliance, Neb., and Sheridan Wyo. Anyone having Information relating to jonn Barry pieaae mnavmmt nm, n. Bates, Covrt House.. Minneapolis, MlDoe PERSONAL TUB Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, ma,. atnaa. Ws collect. We distribute. Phon. Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call, fall and Inspect our new home, 1110-1113-1114 Kodte Bt THE 0R3ATK8T OAIN 33,783 Omaha paper, la the raoord of THE OMAHA BKE for 1813. BEST RESULTS -OWE8T RATE MISS LARSON Baths, masaage and tnant- onr r. Scalp and laolal massage, oiaaia Institute 1303 Harney St. I). NUT. Open .venlng. and Sunday.. ON AND AFTER this date I will not be H.n.,n.ihia fn, ... DiHA oomracieu u my wile. Nela Peteraon, 8T88 Meredith Ave. iImh and auoalVVOtUB PatHS TOr chronic diseases; eip. allenuant tor mo. and gentlemen. 403-3 Ross Bldg. TIT. Mas, RUn'lJRS-tiuccessfully treated without aargloal apersUoo. usil or ,nw Or. frank K. vVray. 303 Be. Bldg. DR. BURKE. OMAHA'S MEN'S SPECIALIST. 318 CROUNSB BLK. OPPOSITE PL0. aast miph"i?u i f t t. v i Nrf ft(TtJI,lxBath. mas , sage 1831 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 8418 MISS NASH, BRUOMAN. scientific masseuse andbhs. 203 Karbach Blk.Rd T.!1'. LUKLlJt WKBSTEr', massage and manl- ourlng. 618 Paton Blk. Red S408. CHliRCHTummsge sale, tnfa and neat week at Castelar and a. tstn mts. SCIENTIFIC massage. HQ Bee Bldg. Phone DouKlae I37S. Manicuring and inaiw. 1622 Farnsm. Rm. 19, MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE. planoH, Ind. notes aa security. $40 -mo. H. H. gds.. total cost. $3.60; 340 " Indorsed notes, total cost, $8.30. Smaller, larger am is., proportionate rata. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, Organised by Omaha Business Men. 432 Rose Bldg., 18th and Karnam. Ty. 688. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS James Duane Uanscom, et al.. to Goodrich Drug oompany. southwest corner Fifteenth and Jone. street Ux31 . Jackson F. Ragan to L. O. Hyatt. Jackson str I, South Omaha, 130 feet west of Twenty-first street, north ,lde. 60I28 $60 William C. Norrts to Martha Davis. Fort street, 188.8 feet east of Six teenth street, north side, 40S18S.... 336 Pauline M. Walkup to Joseph W. Fleming, northwest corner Twentr flret and Bnrdette, 8xl38 1 Albert F. Rasp and wife to O. C. Olsen. Twenty-ninth street. 303 faet north of Poppleton avenue, weai side. 801142 1 H. James Palmer, executor and trus tee, to George T. Morton, wooiwonn ... , . ,, t "f Thlrtv-nnrt traeL 'north side. 38x75 '.WO Michael L. Clark, sheriff, to H. M. Sadler. Twenty-sixth street, si teet ...... t n lw,rth avenUM. et Side. 60127 'M Oeorge W. Young and wife to Grace M. Young, nortneaat comer x wvuw third and Sprague, 60x124 Hastings Heyden to Thomas J. O'Brien, Harney street, t...o eaaf of Twentr-sevth avenue. nnMli U4a. 60x134 Ida M. Corkhlll and husband to Hilda Otella Peterson. aL. corny siroei. 323.6 feat west of Twenty-eighth avenue, south side, 40x117.......... 3.0 William O. Jensen and wife to Charles B. Faulkender and wite, ntne, n. street, 130 feet north of Sprague street, wast side, 40x12. Wesley A. Cope of This City Dies in Florida Wesley A. Cone, aged 6S years. born and raised in Omaha and for many years connected with the Union station here, died in Florida Tues day, where he went a couple of -fh .on He contracted tubtreu- losis several years ago ana in was transferred to Denver, where he was Union Pacific passenger director at the Union station. Two months ago his condition became so critical that physicians advised that he be taken to- Florida in hope that the mild cli mate might stay the progress of the disease. . Mr. Cope is survived by a widow and two children, his father and two brothers. The sons are Charles and Frank of the Omaha Printing com pany. The body will be brought here tor punai. John Coffee, Thirty Years Resident, Dies of Pneumonia John Coffee, thirty years resident of Omaha and for nineteen years a machinist in the Missouri Pacific re. pair shops, died of pneumonia in a lo cal hospital yesterday after an illness of a week. Obituary Notices. WILLIAM KAUP, a prominent and wealthy farmer of West Point died suddenly late Tuesday night from heart diaeaBe. Mr. Kaup was 45 yearn old and member of one of the oldest fs.TT.iHPs in the county. He had been to town In the afternoon, returning home at dtrnk and on stepping onto the porch of his house, he stumbled and fell, becoming unconscious Imme diately. A physician was summoned but oronouncea tne aiu-cn. , uimuN one. In the course of a few hours, his family found him dead, He leaves a small family of young hiirtron and his widow. He was brother of former county ier. Joseph F. Kaup. The funeral will be held Frlaay unaer twiuuu auuyiuw. MT?a. Z. T. BROWN of Plattsm outh, Neb., died at her home there Tuesday evening of pneumonia, agea bi years. Mr. Brown diea aoout a year ago rrnm lead Doleonlng, which he, con. tMpd as a nalnter. There are re maining two daughters and one son living at rMattamouin, one aauKtiter, tin LniiiH TrimDe of Omaha and one .,n riarence Brown of Topeka, Kan. The funeral took place from the home WedneHday afternoon. MICH A Kb HOERATH, a pioneer resident of Benson, will be burled Fri day noon from the nome 01 nis aaug ter. Mrs. J. Welnder, on North Sixty- fourth street, wnere Mr. tioeram aica Tuesday, at the age of over 88 years. Mr. Hoerath leave, one son, ri. w Hoerath. and one daughter, Mrs. J Welnder of Benson. Interment will be made in Flower Hill cemetery. MRS. A. N. WHITE, aged 67 years, died at her home at Plattsmoutn, Neb. Wednesday morning or pneumonia. She had been an Invalid for about throe yearH. She is Hurvlved by her husband. Alfred N. White, who has been engaged in business at r'latu- mouth for nearly fifty years, and one son and three daughters. The funeral will be private. ARTHUR T. BICE, aged 85, died near Magnolia, la., Monday. He survived by his wife, two sons and daughter. Mr. Hire was born in Il linois and served In the union army during the civil war. He was married to Hannah Boyd in 1866 and in 1869 they came to western Iowa, living in Mills and Harrison counties. HENRY LIVINGSTON, aged 65, pioneer farmer of Cook, Neb., died Wednesday evening at a local hos pital. He succumbed to a chronic malady. The body wil Ibe sent Cook to burial. MRS. REBECCA J. HARRIS, aged 52 years, died Thursday at her home at 3903 Ames avenue alter an e tended illness. She is survived by husband and several children. VIRQII. P. KLINE. 72, personal at torney of John D, Rockefeller, diedof apoplexy at Cleveland, O., Thursday. 19. 1917, AMERICAN GIRLS SAVED HIS LIFE Lieutenant Pechkoff, Maxim Gorky's Adopted Son, Fonght and Bled for France. NOW TOURS FOB GRATITUDE Lieutenant Zinovi , Pechkoff, n adopted son of Maxim Gorky, the novelist, and a soldier of the French Foreign legion in the great European war, will speak four times in Omaha today and Saturday. He was in Italy at the outbreak of the war, and, being un.ble to return to his native Russia, he enlisted in France. He left his right arm in the trenches. He also suffered severely from gas gangrene. He was person ally mentioned in the reports by General Toffrc and was thrice aec- oralcd for valor. We is a literary man, 32 years old, and has produced fiction and historical works. He has been nursed back to health by American nurses, treated' in i hospilal entirely supported by Amer icans and attended by American sur geons. He is touring this country on behalf of the American Ambulance hospital in Paris. With his trained literary mind, the lieutenant learned a wonderful storv in the trenches, and his telling of it is said to be dramatic in the extreme, far surpassing anything told by war correspondents who see fighting only through held glasses. He will wear his French army uni form at two of his speaking engage ments in Omaha. He will speak before the University dab at luncheon this noon at is:ju. This evening the' Dinner club will entertain him. The public is invited to hear him in the ball room of the Blackstone under the auspices of the War Relief society, at 3 p. m. He will be the guest of honor at the annual meeting of the Omaha club Saturday evening. Training Camps to Be Maintained Near Omaha Omaha men who want to take a four weeks' military training in an actual militarv camp will have the opportunity not far from home. Citi zens' training camps are to be estab lished next summer at fort Kiley, Kan.; Fort Snellmg, Minn.; Fort O. A. Russell. Cheyenne, Wyo., and at other points in the central west. Wharton Uay ot uncago, execu tive secretary of the Military Train ing Camps Association of the United States, central division, arrived in Omaha yesterday and made some an nouncements of this kind. In the evening he was the guest of C. T. Kountze, chairman ot trie weDrasKa recruiting committee, at a dinner at the Omaha club. Mr. uay Deiieves that with the camps bo near Omaha this vear the local committee will find the enrollment heavy from Omaha. The periods of training be ain Tulv 2. August 2 and September 2. Mr. Clay will leave for Denver this evening, after speaking to the high school cadets this atternoon. Police Save Howell from Some Irate Citizens Police Officers Murphy and Warner saved William Howell, 2201 North Twentieth street, from probable bod ily violence at the hands of a half dozen irate residents near the Central High school when they placed the alleged tlender under arrest. Numerous complaints were i ceived at oolice headquarters of man who for several days had made himself obnoxious to girl students at the school. Wednesday the two po lice officers waited for the offender and nailed him before he had a chance to repeat his insults. Several citizens were on nana to see mat ne got nis lust deserts. In police court nowen was sen tenced to thirty days. He asserts he a salesman. amilies of Dead Trainmen To Be Paid the Insurance Sam Peterson of the claim and Snnerintendjnt .Gale of the secret service department oi me union ri cine have gone to Kimball to investi gate and secure evidence in the mat ter of the killing by Albert Carroll of Cicero Allen and Otto Jones, con ductor and brakeman, respective, of a Union Pacific freight train at Uwasco Wednesday. Carrol shot tie two trainmen while they were putting him off a coal car, on which he was stealing a ride. Both Allen and Jones come under the blanket insurance plan in augurated by the Union Pacific the hrst ot tne year ana ?,:uu win uc paid to each of the families of the dead men Lease On the Millard Hotel Changes Hands The Millard hotel has changed management. Lou Renttrow has sold his lease to oseph Vasco fit son, tne transfer having taken effect January 9. Mr. Rentfrow s lease would have expired hebruary 1. lhe Vascos then obtained an additional term of lease, making the full term of their con tract run five years Mr. Rentfrow thus discontinues management a half month before lb normal life of his lease, and has also sold his stock of goods in the hotel to the new management. Cowbell Calls the Students to Omaha Students of the University Uni of Omaha now come and go to collegi by the tinkling of a cow bell. recitation and study periods are al marked by the ringing of the bell The reason for this is that the elec tric ringing system has not yet been installed in Joslyn hall and pending its installation, a cow bell is being used. Burst Water Pipe Ends Business for a W'.iile Business was suspended for two hours at the Alfred Bloom company factory at Fifteenth and California streets, when a water pipe burst and flooded the basement to the depth of eighteen inches. Fire in the furnaces was extinguished and the fire depart ment was called to syphon out the water. OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARDJS FORMED Estate Exchange Follows Na tional Custom In Changing Its Corporate Title. EETAINS OLD OFFICERS Capitalized at $.'.500, the Omaha Real Estate board has filed articles of incorporations with the county clerk. E. M. Slater, H. A. Tukey and Harry A. Wolf are the incorpora tors. The officers and directors are: Mr, Slater, president; George D. Tunnicliffe, vice president; A. I. Creurh. secretary: Hugh Wallace, treasurer; Mr. Wolf, Mr. Tukey and E. K. Benson, members of the execu tive committee. This is merely the incorporation of what was the old Orhaha Real Estate exchange. The National Association of Real Estate Exchanges a year ago changed its iwrne lo National Asso ciation of Real Estate Boards and rec ommended that the local exchanges in various parts of the country desig nate themselves as "boards" instead of "exchanges." The Omaha ex change began to act on the sugges tion. Frank H. Meyers drew up arti cles of incorporation which werc.con sidered in repeated meetings until filially adopted. The officers here given are merely the officers elected head of the old "exchange." Crawford Gets Ten Years In Pen for Counterfeiting Charles Crawford, colored, accused of counterfeiting, was found guilty and sentenced to ten years in the Leavenworth penitentiary by Fed eral Judge Woodrough. Crawford's method of counterfeiting was to raise bills of small denomination to those of a mnch higher value. His work, secret agents said, was so good that it was almost unpossiDie to detect the counterfeit from the original. Emory Duncan, 26, an accomplice of Crawford in the passing off of the bad bills, pleaded guilty and was given two years in the penitentiary. The sentence of Crawford is the longest imposed by Judge Woodrough I since he became federal judge. . T. Dudley is Guest at Banquet and Theater Party A theater party at the Orpheum, followed by a dinner at the Fonte- nelle hotel, was given Wednesday evening in honor of P. T. Dudley. automatic traffic chief of the West ern Union Telegraph company. Mr. Dudley is a ion ot Uilef Operator J. w. Dudley and will leave shortly for Denver, Colo., to take up other duties. Those who took part in wishing Mr. Dudley a farewell were: R. M. McDonald, W. O, How land. J. 0. Bennett, R. E. Swatland, H. B. Avis, J. Insoldaby, J. Murtash, O. M. Young. W. R Mllautad. W. D. Nichols. P. Bckort, Ludwiff EUepka, A. Hoffitll A. H. Powllnf, H. H. DUd.or. P. P, D-i-nd, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Cltr C!rk O'Connor wm In LtneoTn ytm- twday watchlnff the logliitatlr wbeeli yo around, Pranrl A. Brown has ratumed from At Louis, whlthor bo Journeyed on a bu-tnoM errand, aoneral Manager HowMI of tha ranntei- pal water plant la homo from Detroit, where he viaited ainoo lait. Baturaay. Mm, N. RiH man, 8318 North Thirtieth Btrvot, te pant alt danger of a aarloua oaae of pneumonia. Fred Sehulta. railway mall clerk, who hae benn at the Mayo Broi. hospital at Roch ester, Minn., haa returned to work following, a bad cane of rheumatism. , General Freight Agent Lane of the Union Paciflo hu gono to Cheyenne to attend the annual meeting of the Wyoming Stock (JrowanV fcaaoclatlon and from there he will go to Denver to be present at the National Live HIOOK aaeociaiion, meeiing next weea. He wan accompanied by French Roach of the aompany'a advertising department. PHOTOPLAY. NAZIMOVA In an Ufht-Reel Phots Dramatis Vorslon of Marion Cralg W.ntwerth't War Brides BRANDEIS THEATRE All This WK TwH. Dslly NiOaen 230 P. 88., 28a. En's,. 8:30 P. .. 7ta. 8to Strand Mm . Begs to That the Second Mary Pickford Superfeature "The PRIDE of the CLAN" Holds Forth Today and Tomorrow and suggests that if you haven't seen it, you do so before the en gagement ends. You will also recall that matinee prices are the same as night during presentation of I this offering. ft All IS Every wags earner In Omaha should rwut, the story headed "THIS IS IT" in today's issue. It's "The People s oppor tunity; given them by The Hunserford Potsta Growers' Asa n ISth aad Howard Streets. I, AMfSKMUNTO 3 8 Days (Twlca Dally) Starting OI SUNDAY MAT, JANUARY aU SHERMAN-ELLIOTT, INC, PRESENTS WM. N. StUli a A HUMAN LINCOLN FALL OF FORT SUMTER. SLAVE MARKET. BATTLE OF VICKSBURG. Br Win, ton Churchill. ORCHESTRA of 25 SEATS NOW "ftpStStE: Phon Doug. THE BEST Of VAUDEVILLC .., ,.... '.jv z;fVf SOPHIE TUCKER fal . fOW t J , Vi.,.nri.r mil,. Allc. Lvndon Oell 4 Co.. Frsit Cirsiin. Or.mam tr.,i Wn.Mv. Moss! I0: But Seat, (.xo..t Saturday as Sunday), Ac. , Nlghtk I8e. 25e, 80s and 73o. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" tAmmCTW Daily Mats., 1S-25-SO0 SZ(4t Even's. 15-2S-50-75C , LAST TIMES TODAY ill Frank Hunter, fnh TrnttBil M1u,ic' Eddie Swarta A W",B Burlesque Tomorrow ISaturdav) Mat. and Week ,, stnler'. Great BehmaB Show PHOTOPLAYS. Paramount and Photoplay First Rim VlUfrsoh MUSE Continuous Psrformanoa 2 P. M. Until 11 P. M. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY House Peters and - v i Myrtle Stedman "The Happines of Three Women" SATURDAY 10 A. M. - Childm's Performance "PATCH' WORK GIRL OF OZ" Travelogue , Cartoon ADMISSION, Se . TtxWt a PUc for in th WILLIAM FARNUM 'The Price of Silence' His First Super Feature Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Dm Con ly FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . . . w ROBERT CONESS and MABEL TRUNEU.E, In Tho Martdam of Philip Stron" - , A ten .a story with a moral. PRINCESS 'M tj FIVE REELS FIRST RUN A Rod Foather Photoplay MAUD GEORGE, in "HEART STRINGS" Remind You J I..' rila MatinsI K-VBI-V TV MB US fcftj BONNELL MUSICAL FOUR 'J MISSES RAE WYNN itj w, j' ' AL ABBOTT LA MAZE DUO ', t i "KICK IN" S-port drama, with ( f WILLIAM COURTENAY - I 'r