The Omaha Daily Bee More store news in THE BEE, than other papers. "The great market place" THE WEATHER FAIR VOL. XLVI. NO. 184. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 19, 1917. FOURTEEN PAGES. 0i Trilfti, it Htftli, Nm tURia. ft.. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. RUMOR RAIDER IS HEADED NORTH CAUSES TENSION One Report Has It that Com merce Destroyer May Have Armed One of Its Prizes. BRITISH NAVY GETS BUSY Cordon of Fifteen Cruisers is Sweeping Sooth and Mid dle Atlantic. AMERICANS ON THE SHIPS New York, Jan. 18. With the pos sibility that the German sea raider which sank or captured from fifteen to a score of allied ships is still con tinuing its depredations, steamship owners and marine underwriters were in a state of nervous tension today. The losses in ships and cargoes' thus far represent from $15,000000 to $20, 000,000. A cordon of British cruisers, re ported to number fifteen, is believed to be sweeping the southern seas in search of the raider, which, according to one report, may be the auxiliary cruiser Vineta, or, according to another, the cruiser Moewe, the same sea rover which played havoc with allied shipping about a year ago. Steamship circles were especially concerned today over a wireless warn ing that the German raider was work ing northward to more frequented lanes of steamship travel. The pos sibility that the raider may have armed and manned one or more of its prizes and dispatched them also on commerce preying missions was another source of anxiety. One re port was that the -British steamer St. Theodore was thus transformed. News of the fate of this vessel and of the Yarrowdale, reported to have on board some of the crews of other captured vessels, was still lacking to day. Raider Working Way North. Norfolk, Va., Jan. 18. Raider wire less warnings picked up'here said the German sea raider, which has played havoc with allied shipping, was re ported 1,500 miles south of Cape Henry, apparently working northward '.o more frequented lanes of travel. Warnings sent out Tuesday night said the German craft was off Pernam buco, Brazil, last Friday. The warning, believed to have come from a British cruiser, also laid re ports had been received that a sub marine of undetermined nationality had been sighted 700 miles east of Virginia Capes. The reporting warship gave its po sition as about 800 miles south of Cape Henry and proceeding south in the hope of intercepting the raider. Thirteen Americans Landed. Rio ' Janeiro, Jan. 17. Thirteen Americans are among the victims of the German raiders who have been landed at Pernambuco. The re maining, number is made up of 170 Englishmen and fifty-four French men. . A German raider for the last month has been sinking vessels of entente powers in the south Atlantic. Latest reports fix the number at fifteen. Sur vivors of the destroyed vessels to the number of 237 have been landed at Pernambuco, and th fate of nearly 490 men is still unknown. The first official statement given out here regarding the raider were to the effect that seven vessels had been sunk and nine captured. In a com munication to the minuter of marine, the captain of the port of Pernam buco declared that he had learned the raider had also sunk eibht of the ves sels which were at first reported merely captured. The crews, the fate of which is not known, numbered 441 men. Proceed to Port. It is reported that the raider placed these crews on board the British steamer Yarrowdale, which then pro ceeded for port. It is therefore be lieved that they will be safely landed within a day or two. Another -cport has been received to (Coathmed on Pas', Two Column One.) The Weather For Nebraska Fair; rising temperature. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday. Hour. & a. 6 ft. 7 a. DfK. 21 10 12 m 22 1 p. m 26 ' p. m 27 p. m 29 4 a. m 30 5 p. m 30 6 p. m 29 7 p. m 2 8. p. m 28 Compnratlre Local Record. 1917. 19.lfi.19.16. 1ft. Ilflthesl yesterday 30 20 27 47 I.wst today 17 4 17 34 31 mi. temperature ....24 12 22 40 l'reclpitation 00 .00 T. .17 Temperature and precipitation dpparturos from the normal At Omaha since March 1, and compared with the last two yearn: Normal temperature , , 20 Kxcfwi (or the day 4 Total vxct-m ulnre March 1, 1916 234 ' Normal precipitation 02 Inch Dnflclcnry (or the day ...... .02 Inch Totnt rn in full wince March 1. .Ifi.82 Inches Drllclency since March 1 12.86 inches DrJk-iency ror. period, 1915... 1.7 inuheK 'jotli-lency cor. period. 1914 ....3.10 incbea Report . from SaUons at 7 P. M. Station and State Temp. High- Rain. of Weather. 7 p. m. eat. fall. Cheyenne, clear 39 42 .00 Davenport, clear ...16 20 .00 Denver, Clar 2 la .00 Den Moinea, Clear 22 8 .00 Lander, clear 4 10 .00 North Platte, clear 23 J2 .00 Omaha,, clear 29 30 .00 Pueblo, Clear 20 21 .00 Halt Lake City, clear if is ,oo Santa Ke, cloudy 34 3 A x. .Sheridan, clear 24 34 .00 Sioux City, clear 26 2S ,00 Valentine, clear 2t 34 . f. "T" Indicate! trace' of precipitation. U A. WELSH, Meteoroloclflt. EGG BOYCOTTERS MAY Consumers' League Leade Believe Commoner Should Be at Helm in Movement. SAY HE'D WORK fREB VV. J. Bryan may be summoned back to Nebraska by the Consumers' ; forces of evil that are boosting thejpjrjmj RATES ARE HIGH prices of eggs. At a meeting of the . league yesterday afternoon in the , Rairoadg a0 Come Under city council chamber Mrs. Charles , f M M y Innntnn Knur pr tr. Sllfffffxit- , - ........ CTO ed that a state-wide organization should be set in motion, with the grocers included in the movement. "I would suggest that the grocers agree not to buy certain -goods on certain days and then they would not have to sell to consumers on those days. We should organize through out the state and get Mr. Bryan to start the organization, like temper ance folks did." said Mrs. Johnson. What Would Be Charge. Mrs. Vernon C. Bennett, head of the league and chairman of the meet ing, suggested that Mr. Bryan might charge a high fce-for such services. She admitted that Mr. Bryan had to live and that the laborer is worthy of his hire. Whereupon Mrs. G. W. Ahlquist assured the assembled con sumers that Mr. Bryan would be pleased to hie back to Nebraska to take up this work without making any charge. No action was taken on that phase of the situation. The meeting was called primarily to discuss the high cost of eggs and a boycott of hen fruit. The league, the membership of which is 1,000, started an egg boycott yesterday morning and will continue it till Feb ruary 1. Dr. Catherine Bonaviez stated that the grocer has his trials, and she in sisted that the high cost of eggs and other commodities was a matter for the consumers to solve among them selves. "Just let the women say they won't buy eggs and then ask their friends to do likewise," was her sug gestion. Bachelors Are Enthusiastic. Mrs. Bennett said that a grocery driver told her that he is no longer permitted to look inside ot the egg storage places. She made the an nouncement that the bachelors ot th city have joined the egg boycott with considerable zest. One of the women ventured the opinion that what the egg ' boycott movement needs is a lot of sober, in dustrious men to co-operate with the women to make it a success. Laurie J. Quinby urged that the use of vacant land of the city would tend tc,sowenigBMTTTTingri enty-fivc per cent of the land of Omaha not used. I would have a public gardener who would be of more service than a playground superintendent," said Air. Quinby. The egg question was not solved, but the women declare they will pro ceed with the boycott. Seventy-Three Lives And Fourteen Ships Lost On Great Lakes Detroit, Mich., Jan. 18. Seventy three lives and fourteen vessels were lost on the Great Lakes during 1916, according to the annual report of the Lake Carriers' association, made public today. This casualty record is the most serious since 1913. The report also declares that "the ore movement iti 1916 was 64,734,198 tons, as against 49,070,478 tons in the hitherto banner year of 1913." The grain amount in 1915 totaled 363.999,156 bushels, a decrease of 22, 166,896 bushels from 1915. Modern Paintings Sell For Nearly $5,000 Each New York. Jan. 18. Eighty-seven modern paintings were sold at auc tion by the American Art association yesterday for $432,399. an average of almost $5,000 each. Few of the can vasses were more than fifty years old. The chief attractions were paintings by Claude Monet, the French impres sionist, and an assortment by painters of the Barbizon school.' Twenty-four of Monet's works brought $161,600. Graft Charges Against Iowa Aldermen Upheld Davenport, la., Jan. 18. Charges of graft in the purchase of a site for a municipal structure were sus tained today against Aldermen C. J. Prostler and William Moeller. The former was expelled from the coun cil, but the vote to unseat Moeller lacked one ballot of the necessary two-thirds majority. Proestler and Moeller were involved by a letter left by Oscar Sustmihl, who committed suicide. Products of American Farms Worth Thirteen Billion Dollars Washington, Jan. 18. American farm products attained a gross value of $13,449,000,000 in 1916. making that year the greatest ill point of value of any in the nation's existence. That estimate of the year's gross value of farm crops and animal products, an nounced today by the Department of Agriculture, exceeds by $2,674,000,000 the total of 1915, the previous record, and by more than $3,500,000,000 the value of 1914. Crop production for the year was comparatively low and did not reach record figures except in a few minor instances, but high prices sent the total values up. Crops were valued at $9,111,000,000 and animal products at $4,338,000,000. The crop value exceeded that of 1915 by $2,204,000,000 and of 1914 by $2,299,000,000. Crops alone in 1916 LAWIffS OUT YARDS AND ROADS I House Orders South Omaha I Exchange and Stock Yards Officials to an Open Meeting. of Inquiry. SWANSON ON CAE SHORTAG (From a Staff Correspondent.) , Lincoln, Jan. 18. (Special.) Leg- j islative antagonism to alleged exces- I sive charges made by live stock com- i mission merchants at South Omaha is j expressed in a motion, which the I house adopted today, calling on the j Union Stock Yards company and the South Omaha Live Stock ex-, change, to appear before the commit tee on live stock and grazing, at an open session to be held in the house chamber ,and give their reasons in defense of the practices which are the subject of complaint. The motion was made by Anderson of Boyd, a farmer, and live stock ship per. Some of the grievances it re cited were as follows:: In addition to regular commission charges of 60 cents per head for cat tle, 30 cents for calves, 20c for hogs and 20 cents for sheep, the rules of the South Omatla exchange fix charges of $10 for single deck-and $15 for double deck cars of hogs or sheep, and $12 per car for cattle. In Case of Two Shippers. Where two shippers consign their animals in the same car, an extra charge running up as high as $4 is made for selling them under two ac counts. Over and above all other charges, there have lately beenadded 10 cents a carload for insurance and 5 cents for "protection." This scale of charges is pro nounced "extravagant, unfair and ex orbitant," but before any legislative action is taken the house will hear what the stock yards people and the commission merchants have to say for themselves. The chief clerk was in structed to notify them to appear, the time not being fixed. Railroads the Goat. There' is every indication that the railroads arc ill for the job of being the "goat," for it is an exceptional day when some member does not make some remark aimed at the car- riers because of the so-called car shortage situation. A bill introduced by Representative H. A. Swanson of Clay county, known as H. R. No. 20. goes into the car shortage matter from two angles. The first provides that the carriers may make a demurrage charge of $1 per day per car for the second day afler the car has been delievered by the road, $2 for the third day. the same for the fourth $3 for the fifth day, $4 for the sixth day and $5 for each day thereafter. Roads Penalized. The other provision is that "It shall be the duty of the railroad company to furnish care when ordered by ship pers. In case of refusal or failure to furnish cars when ordered the rail road company shall forfeit or pay to the shipper, after five days have elapsed from the specified tinic,set for the loading of the car or cars, $1 per car per day for each of the first five days and $2 per car per day for each and every day thereafter until the cars ordered have been furnished the shipper. Provirjed that the railroad company shall have five days to fur nish the car or cars." Must Furnish Cars. The bill forces the roads to furnish the cars whether they them or not or pay the charges. in 1907 there was a shortage of cads for shipping grain, but the short age of cars for shipping grain, but the shortage did not continue for a long period and not at all like the present. An investigation of the rec ords in the office of the State Railway commission show that on last Satur day there were 3,632 box cars in Nebraska not on moving trains. It is estimated that it would require from 10,000 to 12,000 cars to relieve the present congested condition. Lobeck Is Recovering; Comes Out of Hospital (From a SUff Correspondent.) Washington, Jan. 18. (Special Tel egram.) Congressman Lobeck has been removed from the Homoepathic hospital to apartments In the Winston hotel, having stood the transfer well. The congressman is on the high road to recovery. Mrs. Lobeck will re main with Mr. Lobeck until the ad journment of congress. were worth more than crops and ani mal products combined in any year prior to 1912: Four crops in 1916 each exceeded $1,000,000,000 in value. The corn product is put at $2,296,000,000; cot ton, $1,406,000,000; hay, $1,162,000, 000: wheat, $1,026,000,000. Other crops that exceeded $100,000,000 were: Oats $656,000,000; potatoes, $417,000,000; wood lot products, $221,000,000; ap ples, $186,000,000; tobacco, $169,000 WJ; barle, $160,000,000. The level of prices paid to produc ers for the principal crops on Decem ber 1, 1916, was about 55.9 per cent higher than a year previous; 52.9 per cent higher than two years before and 52.8 per cent higher than the average of the previous eight years on De cember I, 1 lWtfl 1 MEL "k- la-miMn I .... II S ROSS ON OFFENSIVE IN NORTHROOMANIA Attempt of Teutonic Forces to Make Counter Advance Fails, Says Petrograd. BRITONS BEATEN AT LOOS lAMoetated Ptcm War gummArr.) The Russians -apparently still, are on the offensive alongS the' Rouman ian front. Berlin in its official report ,u. t....;, .. f . the teutonic forces . except for a raiding operation, on the Moldavian frontier, while mentioning the repulse of a strong attack by the Russians in the Oituz valley region. On the Pranco-Belgian front the rriving back of the British near Loos after an advance in connection with a mine explosion is reported by the German staff. Tic recent British at tack near Serre was made upon an advanced position which had been evacuated by the Germans, it is de clared. On the naval side of the war inter est centers in the operations of - the German sea raider in the south At lantic, which has sunk or captured at least thirteen entente merchant ves sels and so far as is known is still at large. Russian Official Report. Tetrograd (Via London), Jan. 18. The repulse of Teutonic attacks along the northern Roumanian front is reported in. today's official an nouncement, which follows: j f.ncmy attempts to take tne ol fensivc against the heights south of the river Oituz wcrerrested by our fire. The Roumanians repulsed a German attack south of Monestar Kachinul, on the river Kasino. "Southwest of Pralea the Rouman ians surrounded a height occupied by the enemy and took a great number of prisoners and four machine guns. "On the remainder of fhe front, as far as the Danube and along that river, there has been an exchange of fire." German Official Report Berlin, Jan. 18. (By Wireless to Sayville.) Bulgarian artillery has been vigorously bombarding from the Dobrudja side of the Danube hostile 'shipping in that stream and entente positions on the opposite side, in the vicinity of Galatz, according to the Bulgarian headquarter's report of January 16, which continues: "Near Isakcha our artillery up to this time has sunk seven tug boats and one small torpedo boat." The statement says: "While south of the Oituz road an attack made by strong Russian forces broke down under our artillery and machine gun fire, we, by a surprise attack between the Suchitza and Putua valleys, succeeded in taking from hostile positions one officer and 230 men prisoners and one machine gun. "In Dobrudja, for some days past, Tultcha and Isakoha have been shelled by Russian artillery. Several inhabitants, mostly women and chil dren, have been killed." Oklahoma City School Teacher and Music Teacher Murdered Oklahoma City, Okl.. Jan. 18. Miss Nellie M. Dunn, a school teacher, was shot through the head while in the main corridor of the Wheeler school building here today. Shortly after Miss Dunn was killed, Rowland D. Williams, vocal teacher and prominent in local music circles, was shot and killed by an unknown man in his studio. Police began working on the theory that the man who killed Miss Dunn and the slayer of Williams was the same person and a search was made for John M. Couch, Miss Dunn's brother-in-law. The Melting Pot Vs.' ft. m.. jfar wti.Jt sin, v- f ' I U Miitl - rz ACCOUNTANTS FIND DODDFJUHORTAGE Workmen Grand Lodge Treas urer's Books Show $16, 000 Missing. ACCOUNTANTS END WORK Grand Island, Neb., Jan. .-(Special " Xelegraifl.ireylti f1 has , become known"1 Ihit" the accountants, the Tttessrsr Roberts and Tulleys, Who have just completed a thorough audit of the books of the late treasurer of the grand lodge-of the Ancient Order of United Workmen,' have found a shortage of $16,000. ' This amount was previously indi cated from an investigation made by the members .of the grand lodge fi nance committee. No doubt any long er exists therefore as to the default in the sum indicated. The accountants have not as yet made a formal report to the commit tee, though they have completed their work, excepting the written complica tion of their findings. Blasters Plotted To Murder Wilson, Charges Mr. Cunha San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 18. Pres ident Wilson's life was threatened by an anarchist' organization known as "The Blasters," of which Thomas J. Mooney, on trial here for bomb mur ders, was a leader, with Alexander Bcrkman, Assistant District Attorney Edward A. Cunha charged here to day. "I will prove," said Cunha out of court prior to opening argument in the Mooney trial, "that Mooney and Berkman belonged to an organiza tion known as 'The Blasters.' The purpose of the organization was to overturn the government and stop preparedness at .any cost." Cunha quoted an article in' Berk man's paper, "The Blast." : "We want to warn the weather cock in the White House that it may not prove safe. Suppression of the voice of discontent leads to assassina tion." : "Vide Russia," read the article written March 4. 1916, in protest of alleged federal suppression of free speech in Chicago and New York. Oracle of Police Hands Out Sound Advice for Use in Case of Holdup "I want to ask you what should I do in the case of a holdup?" asked an apprehensive citizen of General In formant Havey of Chief of Police Dunn's office. Mr. Havey dispenses information ! by telephone, mail and by word of j mouth. He is one of the veterans of the department and knows the city ; from Bloody Corners of the South j Side to the Prettiest Mile of the North Side. The harder the ques I tion. the better he likes it. "You want to know wha you should do if you were stopped on your way home by a stranger who made a militant demonstration of his desire to take your money and jewelry do 1 get you?" inquired the official encyclopaedia. Then Mr. (Patsy) Havey explained just how a citizen should conduct himself on an occasion referred to by the caller. "You must remember," he said, "that the holdup man has your num ber. He is -generally sure of his M ? rcii FARMERS WINDING UP BjGJEETING Great Variety of Interests Represented as Different Societies Convene. THIS IS THE LAST DAY (From a Staff t'nrreapondfltil.) ' ,:'Lii)folu, iNeb., Jan. 18. (Special Telcgram.)-Tomorrov will finish the last session of the societies of Or ganized Agriculture, the State Dairy men's association, Agricultural Ex tension and State Live Slock Im provement association being the last to finish. . Today was due of the big days for most of the associations, and good meetings were held! The beef cattle men held their first session of the week this morning, a demonstration by Elliott Davis alofg lines tending to give breeders the best results be ing one of the features. Prof. W. A. Cochel of the Kansas State Agricul tural college was the principal speak er, however, but Frank D. Thompson and Prof. W. J. Kennedy of Sioux City gave interesting talks. The State Dairymen's association cosed their week of work with a ban quet at the Lindell hotel, while the Horticulturists, Aberdeen-Angus as-' sociation. Hereford breeders, Red Polled breeders. Shorthorn breeders, and also the Board of Rural School Patrons finished their sessions with meetings at the Lndcll and the state farm. .. ., .. The Home Economics association was well entertained by demonstra tions in canning by Emma F. Ort of Lincoln, a talk by Maud M. Wilson and Mrs. H. H. Wheeler and an illus trated lecture by Prof. L. W. Chase of the State Agricultural farm. The dairymen had a fine program. Prof. C. L. Eckles of the Missouri university; J. F. Winkler of Washing ton, D. C; Hugh G. VanPelt of Wat erloo, la.; W. S. Moscript of St. Paul, Minn.; Charles L. Hill of Rosedale, Wis, and James G. Watson, of Kansas City, field representative of the Air shire Breeders' association, being the principal speakers. Reichstag Wil Not Meet Until Tenth of February London, Jan. 18. The Reichstag will not assemble this month, but will meet on February 10, accord ing to an Amsterdam dispatch to the Central News. ground. His mind is on his work. He takes you by surprise. Don't think he does a one-step up to you and tells you he is going to hold you up. Oh, no. He is prepared. My advice to you would be to hold your hands up, or do anything he asks. Don't ask for his name.. Just keep quiet and let him do all of the work. He is the boss of the job. Of course, if you have a gun in your pocket and can use it quickly, that might help some. When you are traversing a lonely street, walk in the cente of the thoroughfare and watch both sides as you proceed along. If you see a man with a mask, keep out of his way. If a' man asks you for a match, hand it to him quickly and watch him all the while." Charles Carlson, chief clerk of the parli and recreation department, states that when he is returning from a friend's house late at night he car ries his right hand in the right pocket of his overcoat, just as if he had a gun. By following this practice he has never been, held up. WHIPPLE NAMED TO HANDLE PROBE OF LEAH CHARGES Noted Democratic Lawyer of Boston Invited by House Rules Committee to Con- duct Investigation. DEMOS MAKE SELECTION Republicans Object When Op ponents Talk About Unter meyer for Counsel. NO EXTENSION OF SCOPE Bulletin. Boston, Jan. 18. Sherman L. Whipple declined tonight to say whether he was to act as counsel in the peace note leak inquiry. Washington, Jan. 18. Sherman L. Whipple of Boston, a democrat and a noted trial lawyer, was invited to night by the house rules committee to act as counsel in the peace note "leak" investigation, which, (it now appears, will extend deeply into Wall street stock manipulations. From authoritative sources there were intimations that the Boston at torney had been consulted and was expected to undertake the task. Woman First Witness. Further public hearings in the in quiny were postponed until Monday to give counsel and the committee time to prepare for the future pro ceedings. The plan is to call as the first witness Mrs. Ruth -Thomasou Visconti, the woman whom Thomas W. Lawson says told him Secretary Tumulty and W. W. Price, a Wash ington newspaper man, were benefi ciaries of the alleged "leak." She will be followed by a score of other wit nesses, including the men mentioned in the inquiry and a number of promi nent New York financiers. The selection of Mr. Whipple fol lowed a bitter fight or several hours among democrats of the committee,, in which Postmaster General Burle' son, Solicitor General Davis and Ma jority Leader Kitchin participated. Several of the democrats, including Chairman Henry, urged Samuel Un tcrmycr as counsel, despite attacks against such a course from both sides of the house yesterday, , White House for Untermyer. . Mr, BurJcsoQ.. often sdmimstrstion spokesman at the Capitol, is under stood to have been there to advocate Untermyer. . One of the chief objections against Mr. Untermyer was that Lawson had discussed the case with him and was known to want an investigation of the Stock exchange with Untermyer in chaVge. Democratic members of the com mittee struggled with the problem for more than twenty-four hours, ex cluding republican members from their conferences. Representatives Campbell and Lenroot, ranking re publican committeemen, learned of the efforts to choose Untermyer, and late this afternoon issued a statement assailing the democrats. The state ment, which charged the democrats with attempting to choose a partisan counsel, had the effect of ending the differences. Republicans Invited. The republicans were invited info the conference at 4 o'clock, at which time Mr. Whipple was suggested. They' were told to return at S o'clock. In the meantime Mr. Campbell con sulted Senator Weeks of Massachu setts, against whom Mr. Whipple made a race for the senate, as to Whipple's qualifications. Senator Weeks' endorsement was so strong that the republican members made no further inquiry, and returning to the committee room, approved the selec tion. Agitation to broaden ' the inquiry still further by a new resolution, which specifically would direct through investigation of the stock ex change with a view to reform legis lation, caused much discussion in the democratic conference. After the se lection of Mr. Whipple, however, democratic leaders said that the in quiry would proceed along lines al ready outlined. In the investigation of the nomination of Louis D. Bran dcis to the supreme court, Mr. Whipple appeared before a senate judiciary subcommittee as a witness favorable to confirmation. He also re cently appeared as counsel for pneu matic tube intrests before the post omce committee. Lansing Issues Denial. - : ,r Secretary Lansing today denied statements made at the "leak" hear ing that he had breakfasted several times at the Biltmore hotel in New York with Bernard Baruch. He said he did not know Mr. Baruch and never had any conversation with him. Secretary Lansing's authorized statement is as follows: "While I dislike very much to dig nify by denial false and malicious scandal, at the same time the pub licity which has been given to some of the reportj warrant me in saying that in regard to the statement that I breakfasted several times with Mr. Baruch at the Biltmore hotel, im plying, I assume, that I gave him advance information concerning the note to the belligerents, I never to my knowledge saw Mr. Baruch at any time. I do not know him and never had any conversation with him, and I have b;en out of Washington only once since election, and that was to attend the army and navy game in New York November 25. . , Samuel Untertneyer 111. ! Baltimore, Md., Jan. 18. Samuel Untermeyer, the corporation lawyer of New York, arrived at Johns Hop kins today for a physical examination. It is said he is suffering from an as-, thmatic affection. ' it