Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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Well-known local druggist says every
body is using old-time recipe of
Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Hair that loses its color and lustre,
or when it fades, turns gray, dull and
lifeless, is caused by lack of sulphur
in the hair. Our grandmother made
op a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul
phur to keep her locks dark and beau
tiful, and thousands of women and
men who value that even color, that
beautiful dark shade of hair which is
so attractive, us; only this old-time
recipe. 1
Nnmiiiivs we tret this famous mix
ture imorcrred hv the addition of
nther ingredients hv askrftST at any
drug store for a jO-cent bottle of
"Wyerh's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound," which darkens the hair so na
turally, so evenly, that nobody can
possibly tell it has been applied. You
inst damrjcn a soonee or soft brush
With it and draw this through yoor
hair, taking one small strand at a
time. By morning the gray hair dis
appears; but what delights the ladies
with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
nound. is that besides beautifully
darkenine tie hair alter a few app'i
cations, it also brings back the gloss
and lustre and gives it an appearance
nf abundance.
Wyeths's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound is a deiighttul toilet requisite
to impart color and a youthful appear
ance to the hair. It is not intended
for the cure, mitigation or prevention
of disease. Advertisement.
Became Hard Crust Like Scale.
Very Irritating and Itched. Kept
Awake. Cuticura Healed.
' 'When my baby girl first became ill
I noticed a tiny pimple en one of her
cheeks. I paid no attention till it became
worse, ana i was ioiq u
was eczema. The pimples
became red and finally
' spread over her face and
became a hard crust like
a scale. It was very irri
tating and itched a good
deal, and she was disfig
ured while she had it. She
kept me awake nights and I got dis
couraged and worn out. ,
"When I read of Cuticura Soap and
Ointment I sent for a sample. 1 pur
chased more, and in six weeks she was
healed." (Signed) Mrs. Robert Copps,
160 W. Central Ave., St Paul, Minn.,
August 28, 1916.
While Cuticura works wonders in
most cases of skin troubles its properties
ar; so mild and so delicately combined
that it is also ideal for every-day use in
the toilet, bath and nursery.
For Free Sample Each by Return
Mail address postard: "Cuticura,
Dept. H, Boston." Sold everywhere.
and other workers who mast
have enduring strength, take
to-build up and keep, up their
health. Surely it will do as much
for you, but insist on SCO'lT'S.
Scott ft Bowne. Btoomfidd, K.J. 1HS
The "Com-bark" man w really new
flown-nd-out. His weakened condition be
l ausn of overwork, lk of exorcise, lm
r,rfwwr Pllntr and llvlngr. demand stimul
lion to Kitiirfy the cry of a helth-ivtnjr
appetite and the refrerhtnf Wp wmontial
to strength, GOLD MKDAX. Haarlem Oil
Capsules, the National Remedy of Holland,
will do the work. They are wonderful! Three
of these oapsolea each day will put a man
on his feet before ha knows K; whetbar his
trouble comes from uric ackl polaonlnx. the
kidneys, grarel or stone In the bladder,
stomach derangement or other ailments that
befall the oferxeakwm American. Don't
wait until yon are entirety down -and -out,
but take them today. . Tour druggist will
pladly refund your money If they do not
help you. 2 Re, 60c and 91.00 per box. Ao
.pt no substitutes. Look for tba name
GOLD MEDAL on every box. Thay are the
pure, original, imported Haarlem Oil Cap
sules. Advertisement.
Have a Bottle Handy!
Sloan's Liniment is assigned its
place among the trusted family
remedies in thousands of medi
cine closets. Confidence in it is
based on the uniform effectiveness
with which it banishes the pains of
rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, lumbago,
ore stiff muscles, bruiset, sprains cod
trains. Cleaner and easier to uae than
mossy platters or ointments. It penetrates
and relieves quickly toiihoat tabbing.
At all druggists, 25c oUc. and LUU.
Brief City News
Platinum Wedding Rims Edholm.
Have Root Print It Now Beacon
Beat Meal for the Money Claire-
mont Inn.
Dr. W. K. Pootc now at 1013 First
Dr. 1. P. Statrr. Dentist, now at 11 SI
First Nat. Bank. New phone Tyler 736.
Gift to St. Paul's Mrs. Henry W.
Yates haa donated to SL Paul's church
the corner lot at Thirty-second and
California streets that stands between
the present church property and Thirty-second
New Land Company K. M. Fair
field and William H. Crary are the
incorporators of the South Side Land
company, which will do a fteneral real
estate and Investment business. The
capital is 150,000.
Plumbing Thieves at Work Some
one who is evidently planning to build
a house of his own stripped all the
plumbing, even down to the washers
and plugs, from tho bouse owned by
E. ZabriskJe at 3215 Cuming.
The Undertaking Business of the
late Bdward L. Dodder will be con
tinued under the management of Fred
E. Kero, who has been with the Arm
for the last eighteen years. (Signed)
Pays Occupation Tax The Nebras
ka Telephone company has remitted to
the city J10.310.64, occupation tax for
the last quarter of 1916, and being
3 per cent of the gross earnings on
local business in the Omaha zone.
Brnkeman Sues Albert C. Alford, a
brakemnn, has filed suit In the United
States district court against the Union
Pacific for $10,000 for alleged perma
nent injuries he says he received while
in the company's employ at Rock
Springs, Wyo.
Colonel Petterman Leaven Colonel
Pettermaji, Grant county's county at
torney, who. as an Inspector general
of the Nebraska National Guard, has
been on duty at Fort Crook, during
the mustering out of the men,' has left
for his home in llyonnts.
Talk on Skating City Commissioner
Hummel wishes to speak a few words
to the skaters of tho city: "I have
been around the public skating places
and found the ice in excellent conai
tion. The snow has been cleared off
and I have never observed better skat
ing conditions."
Some Kgg While Chief Salter of
the fire department was lain up witn
the grip his prize Whlto Leghorn nen,
"Queen Ak-Sax-Ben," laid an egg
which measured three Inches long and
six inches In circumference at the cen
ter. The egg was sent to commis
sioner Withnell.
Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderland.
Now Paint Firm Here The old
Kimball laundry building, north of the
alley north of Farnam street and on
Eleventh, has Been leased Dy ana is
occupied by a wholesale paint house
that has recently moved here from the
east. It Is a distributing house for one
of the large manufacturing concerns.
To Work In Beet Sugar Fields A
Darty of forty Russians" from New
York went west this morning, going
to Utah, where during the coming
season they will work in the sugar
beet fields. They came from Russia
some years ago and assert that owing
to the war few, if any. emigrants are
coming to the United States, or have
been during the last two years.
To Chicago Auto Show Automobile
dealers from Texas and the southwest
will be In Omaha from noon until 7:30
1n the evening January 28. They are
traveling on a special train over the
Rock Island and there are about 150
in the party, enroute to the Chicago
automobile show. The train on which
the automobile men are riding has
seven sleepers, two diners, a club car
and a baggage car.
Anti-Snffragettc Coming Mrs. J. W.
Crumpacker, anti-suffrage organizer In
Nebraska during the last suffrage
campaign, is lecturing on prepared
ness in the east Mrs. Crumpacker
plans to give her illustrated lecture
in Omaha some time soon, friends re
port. Omaha women renewed ac
quaintance with Mrs. Crumpacker at
the national anti-suffrage convention
in Washington last month.
Reinstate Soldier Boys Most of the
National Guards who were employes
of the Union Pacific who went to the
Mexican border have returned and as
rapidly as they apply they get back
their old positions. On tho system
there were forty-four of the men who
answered the call for volunteers last
July. Since then the company has
kept these men on the regular payroll.
giving them since a gross total of
Modern Orthodox
Jewish Movement
Starts in Omaha
Rabbi Samuel Colin of Kansas City
will conduct services in the modern
orthodox Jewish manner Friday even
ing at 8 o'clock at B'nai Jacob syna
gogue, Eighteenth and (btcago
streets. A brother, Louis Colin, cele
brated Pittsburgh cantor, who has
been visiting in Kansas City, will ar
rive to smg at the sabbath services.
Flans for an organization to pro
mote the success of the modern or
thodox movement and to secure a
rabbi to carry on this work were out
lined at a recent meeting of repre
sentatives of the established ortho
dox synagogues as well as those of
the newly instituted movement.
Three classes of membership will be
a part of the new organization, indi
vidual member ships at ?1J a year;
congregational memberships at $1 a
year per member and membershios
of other dobs at 50 cents a year per
memoer. Un the board ot trustees
there will be one representative of
each twenty-five members ot a con
gregation and one for each fifty mem
bers ol a clnt.
Jacob Slosburg, jr., headed the com
mittee for the new movement: J.
Katleman for the B'nai Jacob and J.
Gordon for Beth Hamedrosh syna
gogues, which are co-operating to
make the plan a success.
Nebraska Firemen Meet
In Numbers at Auburn
Auburn, Neb., Jan. 16. (Special
Telegram.) Fully 500 strong, Ne
braska volunteer firemen gathered
here today to attend the three-day
sessions of the thirty-fifth annual con
vention of the Nebraska Volunteer
Firemen's association. For the most
part the time was given over to the
reception of delegates and preparing
for the sessions of tonight and those
to follow, especially that of tomorrow,
when the entire representation will
take an automobile trip to the State
Normal school at Peru.
An address of welcome was given
tonight by Mayor Freemai. and a
response by President Hoffman of the
Stryker Lauds Exchange as
Eliminator of Tricksters
Who Infest Markets.
Secretary and Traffic Manager A.
F. Stryker of the local Live Stock
exchange, was one of the opening
speakers at the first meeting of the
Wyorning Wool Growers' convention
at Thtrmopolis yesterday. He spoke
on the "Relationship of the Shipper
to the Commission Man."
The development of the commis
sion exchange from the first rudi
mentary agreement between packers
and traders at the Chicago exchange
the hog market to the present
highly defined form of exchange, was
taken up. The methods by which the
"tricksters" and "sliapers." who infest
the market in the hope ot obtaining
a big nrice for their stock, were ex
plained and the present efficient ways
of eliminating these same evils made
The exchange expert devoted a
large part of his time to praising the
local market. Concerning business
here he said: "We handled last year
3,170,908 sheep, 757788 of which came
from Wyoming. We have created a
demand for a greater number year
after year. Shippers to our market
will have noticed that generally
speaking, the size of the run had no
effect on the price received. The
more sheep we had the greater the
demand. i
"Now, in conclusion, 1 want to say
'Use us; our organization is yours.
It was first instituted for you and
those basic principles of its organi
zation still maintain. We as members
of the several exchanges are your em
ployes and shall do onr utmost to
merit your approval.
Basket Ball Saturday.
Preparations for the big basket ball
game with the Nebraska Aggies of
Lincoln Saturday evening, are being
made by managers of the high school
athletic association, timer lissell,
treasurer, has issued a call for a rec
ord attendance as the same is needed
to replenish the funds of the asso
ciation. The local team after the close de
feat by Council Bluffs last week, is in
the nick of condition and unless en
coantered by greater weight, expect
to win. The game will be called at
8 o clock sharp.
Forgery Charge Made.
Carl Stevenson, former employe of
the Henderson florist shop, is sought
by the police for having forged a
check on William Jetter, 2502 N
street' Police detectives have the
matter in charge.
Hawkeyes Defeat Seconds.
The Hawkeyes of Council Bluffs
defeated the high school second re
serve team last evening by a score of
37 to 26. Harold Hunter, regular
member of the seconds, was absent,
and Center Groves, a junior, was sub
stituted in his stead.
Joseph, guard and center of the visi
tors, who is a regular member ot the
Council Bluffs High school squad,
was the star of the game. Walsh,
Morris and Groves accomplished stel
lar work tor the locals, lhe lineup
and score: ,
Hawkeyes. ascowh.
MeNItt Forward Oswald
Nelfion Forward Walato
Superior Center Hedareen
Morrison Uuard... -. Morrhi
Joseph Guard Groves
Substitutes Hawkeyes: Rain and Chrla-
tenaon; seconds, Wilson. Field avals:
wald (2). Walsh (5). Hedsreen 2. Uroves.
Wilson (J), McNitt (31, Nelson til), Supe
rior, Joseph (2), Rain 12). Free mrows
MeNltt. Referee: Rahn.
Magic City Gossip.
For Rflnt Stores, houses, oottairp. and
Tho Bellevue college students will prenent
the play, "Mollusc" at the First Cowrrftga
tlonal churrh at Thlrty-eia-hth and Q streets
Friday evening-, January 19.
FIRE IN. URANCK, choice ot 12 leading
companies ; prompt service, lowest rates.
The Bible class of the Wheeler Mmnr
church will hold a meeUna Wednesday
evening at 7:20 o'clock, at the church.
Twenty-third and J streets. Dr. Wheeler
will speak on the topic, "The la ot God
MONKY I.OANK1) on vacant and In
proved property, any amount at lowest
The Adah Kensington club. Order of the
Eastern Star, will meet at the home of
Mrs. N. M. Graham, January 125. at 2:30
o'clock. Mrs. W. G. Nleman will assist
the hostess. Tho meeting was postponed
from January IS.
An exceUent program WUI be given Frl
day evetttnc January IV at the MeCrann
hall at Twonty-foerth and O streets by the
X 1. dub. The meeting will open at
Rav. Barks D. Buna, mUHrioaary, will give
the second of a series of lerturea on his
experiences m making the trip around the
world this evening at 7:20 o'clock at the
Hillsdale chapel at Forty-third ar
street. The subject srtU be. -My HU
Years' Stay as a MlsrkMMlT One Thousand
Miles Into the Interior at China."
From Piles
Sand Far Fim Trial Treatment
No matter htrw long or how bad ro t
your drarttsU today and it a tt cent
box of Pyramid Pile Treatment. It will
Tli Pyramid Smile Fnm a Single Trial,
yive relief, and a nincle box often eant,
A trial parkafe mailed frrc In plain wrap
pr If you eend ue eoopen baw.
ill Prrsmid Bids., M.r.h.ll, Mich.
Ktndlr snd m t Frcs sampls of
PyruaM Pita Ti-MtsssKt. In plain wrapper.
Clt Stou
sSU Jin A-
Mm. Will .1. I.tMcliflns of W.'llfl.(, NVb..
is vtaHifif her parentis. Mr. and Mr. John
Hvhulta, tU their bom.-.
Th Trlamrle flub will irlve a rosMmI
t in ObrlattHn church, TwtMity-itiml and
I alrvett, Thursdny evuniti at o'clock.
Finds Husband in
Hospital, Mrs. King
Forgives Him All
Take him for better or for worse,
sickness and in health
A wife's forgiveness of a husband
against whom she had tiled complaint
in the county attorney s ottice as Rav
ing abandoned her, when she discov
ered him in a hospital ill with pneu
monia, was brought to light when
Mrs. Minnie King visited the court
house and asked to have the charges
against her mate dismissed.
On January 11 Mrs. King hied a
nmplaint against Krank King, charg
ing abandonment. 1 he police were
unable to locate King, but the wife
on Monday touno out mat ne was
seriously lit at St. Joseph s hospital.
She immediately made preparations
to care for him and then visited the
county attorney's office to have the
charges dismissed.
Judge Woodrough Speaks to
"Y" Students at Annual Feed
Judge Woodroogh of the federal
court was the principal speaker at
the annual banquet of the day and
nicht students of the Young Men's
Christian association lasl evening. The
affair was held in the association din
ing room. More than 200 guests were
present. Charles McDonald acted as
toastmastcr, calling upon tDe loliow
ing for responses: H. E. Schmidt,
H. Leonard Kerr. R. B. Dorris. H. L.
Palmer, John Welch, C J. Shaw and
t. r. Denison. general secretary ol
the association.
Public Buildings for
Some Nebraska Towns
l From a Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, Jan. 16. (Special Tel
egram.) The house had under con
sideration today the public buildings
and grounds bill, one of the "pork
barrel" measures in which Nebraska
towns are affected to the following
Postoffice at Schuyler. $31000; post-
office at Superior, $.15,000; postoffice
at David City, $6,000; postoffice at
O'Neill. $6,000; postoffice at Wayne,
$5,000; postoffice at Seward. $6,000.
Why Rheumatism Comes
With Cold Weather
(By Valentine Mott Tierce, M. D.)
A close connection exists between
these two cold weather and rheuma
tism. Prof. Alex. Haig of London
has the most followers in the medical
profession in the belief that the pres
ence in the system of uric acid, or its
salts in excess, is the real cause of
rheumatism. Everyone has recog
nized the difference in the appear
ance of their water as soon as it gets
cold; there is often a copious sedi
ment of "brickduat."
Several causes may lead up to an
accumulation of uric acid in the sys
tem, WIllVll, III lulu, iwik iin.u,i-
tism or goat, or creaky joints, swollen
fingers or pamtnl jomu. for one
reason tbe skin does not throw off the
uric acid, by profuse sweating, as in
the hot weather, and the kidneys are
unable to take care of the double bur
den. Another reason is that people
do not drink as much water in cold
weather as in summer, which helps to
flush the kidneys. Again, they eat
more meat in cold weather, and some
people are so susceptible that they
soon deretop rheumatism after eating
meat. .
At ail such times persons should
drink copiously of hot water, say, a
ptnt morning and night, and take An
uric (double strength) three or four
times a day. This Anuric comes in
tablet form and can be had at almost
any drug store. It dissolves the uric
acid in the system and carries it out
ward. 1 would advise everyone to
take Anuric occasionally, and con
tinue for three or four weeks, and in
that way avoid rheumatism, gout and
many of the painful disorders due to
uric acid in the system.
Make yourself healthy and strong
by opetl-air exercise and diet. Then
cleanse tbe liver by occasionally
stimulating its action with a pleasant
laxative composed ot the May-apple,
dried juice of aloe and root of jalap
sugar-coated and long sold by all
druggists as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Grip and Duffy's
are natural enemies. Because grip
is an infectious disease, its germs
are carried m the atmosphere, also
conveyed from one person to an
other. In combating grip, a re
fined stimulant like
Walt fnMv
finda to widnt iVM of vaefulnena be
eava It tonic affect upon th flabby
mscoB awfaeea is Juat what Is required.
GlTae in tabbapoopfni doaaa in HUtrar and
water erery two or throe bourn. Huffy'
bctpa diffpstioi. and aiisnnflation of food,
ffivtns the lystem sufficient stamina and
power to resist and throw off the dan
gerous gerron of ft-rip. Many people know
that the usual precaution n taken for
tbe prevention of other dineae will not
hold ffood i" rip that ii why they are
to particular to
"Get Duffy's and
Keep Well"
At moat drujrttititfi I
rrocera and dealera.l
11.00. If tney can't
supply you, writ ua,
U e f u 1 household
booklet free.
The Duffy Malt WhUkey Co.,
Rochoattr, N. Y.
af,S"tnaTtataanant,,apiai,iHS:aitsusiti'isMp mis i iii'inum
; I wish to announce I
- that I am now tha only
2 in Greater Omaha.
638 Rosa Bldf., I
I Phooa Tylar 588.
Auditorium Is Scene of Gay
Party for Benefit of the
Father Flannigan's Workingmen's
home received a financial boost of i
upward of $1,500 from the benefit j
given at the Auditorium last evening
by the Women's and Men's Catholic
Order of Foresters of Greater Omaha.
The big building was filled. About
3,000 tickets had been sold. The cen
tral floor was cleared for dancing
and a big band provided the music.
Mayor Jim was oi hand and led
the grand march with Miss Ruth
Foran. The mayor did very well on
the marching part, but when he at
tempted to dance lie "fell down,"
figuratively speaking, which really
was more fun than if he had danced
like Vern Castle himself.
Card tables were set close all
around the sides of the building ami
on the stage and they were filled all
the time. There were twenty card
Burgess-Mash Compamy
WedmUy, Jan. 17, 1917.
Our Third
Anniversary Sale
In Full Force Throughout the Store
TP VERY section offering an assortment of seasonable merchandise at less than usual
prices. Come and get
featured in the Anniversary Sale
V3 Under Regular Price
NEVER in the history of furs have they been too plenty consider then the "remark
ableneBs" of this sharp reduction in price, right in the face of a steadily rising
market the Burgess-Nash foresighted buying makes this sale possible. Included in
this sale are: "
Fur Coats
Fur Muffs
Every piece in this wonderful collection is well
made and represents the best in quality and the very
latest styles; made of such favored furs as
Hudson Seal
Black Lynx
Kolinsky Fur
Red Fox
Every piece is guaranteed to be exactly as
represented Thursday in the Anniversary,
The Ready-to-Wear Section
Offers $5.00 Skirts Thursday in
The Anniversary Sale
At $2.43
WOMEN with a skirt need will appreciate this sale
Thursday. Latest style skirts, made of splendid
quality of serge, popular full flare effect, with braid
and buttons effectively worked up as trimming feat
ures. These skirts come in navy blue, black, grey and a
few in check. Positively $5 values, Thursday, at $2.43.
Semi - Porcelain Dinnerware at
Anniversary Sale Prices
AN Anniversary sale special that deserves especial mention
most every housewife needs an extra baker, vegetable dish,
meat platter, plates or perhaps a whole set, and if you are.inter
ested, it will pay you well to attend this sale.
Fancy shapes, very lijrht in weight every piece perfect. The
values arc quite out of the ordinary.
Bowls at 8c and 10c
Plain or footed bowls, fancy
shape, small size, 8c; large
size, 10c.
Soup Plates, 6 (or 33c
Fancy shape coupe or rim
soup plates, b' for 33c.
Fancy Shape Plates
5- inch, or bread and butter
size, 6 for 21c.
6- inch, or pie aize, 6 for 23c.
7- inch, or dinner size, 6 for
Fancy Shape Meat Platters
8- inch size, l.V value, at 13c.
100-Piec. Dinner Sots, f 10.33
Fancy mayflowcr shape, pret
ty decoration complete dinner
service for 12 people, set,
for $10.33. Bura-MS-Naih C-
A large number of useful presents
were disposed of, including 150 hams.
100 boxes of candy, and a number ol
turkeys, chickens, ducks and other
useful things.
There was a refreshment stand
where coffee, sandwiches, ice cream
and cake were served by a number
ol voung women.
Mrs. Robert Beveridge. state chief
ranger of Nebraska for the Forest
ers, was in charge of the affair, as
sisted by other horcstcrs. I
Blindfold Their Chickens
So They Will Go to Roost
New York, Jan. lb. Residents of
Alaska are opposed to the daylight
saving plan. The New York daylight i
saving committee which is urging the I
adoption of the plan in this countrv j
made public today the following letter j
from lhe secretary of the Skagway
Commercial club of Skagway, Alaska: ,
"I regret to intorm you that the
residents of Skagway could not pos
sibly co-operate with you in this
movement from the fact that we
would prefer to turn the clock
back in the summertime, remembering i
that in the summer we have day all
night, with a few minutes at mid
night that is called dawn.
"Residents in the northerly part of
the Yukon report that it is necessary
to blindfold the chickens so they may
go to roost."
Krsrybody rradf Riv Want Arts.
your share Thursday.
Neck Scarfs
And Fur Sets
Jap Mink
Cross Fox
Mole Skin
BurffMS-Nash Co. Second Floor
Co. Dowo Stairs Stor.
Bakers and Vegotablo Dishes
Kancy shape bakers or oval
vegetable dishes
15c size, at
17c size, at
21c si7.e, at
Kancy shape nappies or round
vegetable disn
15c size, at. . 1 O
17c site, at. . 1 Jt
Decorated Dinner Ware, $3.63
12-piece cottage dinner sets,
fancy mayflower shape, pretty
decorations, service for 6 peo
ple, for $3.63.
98c Creamer Sets, 63c
Daisy cut sugar and creamer
sets, pretty shapes, 98c values,
at 63c.
98c Class Jugs, 43c
Grape cut jugs assorted
shapes and sizes, value, U8c, at
Daisy Cut Vaaes
Trumpet shape, small size,
33c; large size, 43c.
-Down Stair. Stor.
Don't say "Breatt
fast Food" say
"Shredded Wheat" for;
while you no doubt mean
Shredded Wheat, you may
get one of those mushy"
porridges that are a poor
substitute for the crisp, de-
licious shreds of baked
whole wheat that supply
all the nutriment for a half
day's work. Two Biscuits"
with milk or cream make a
nourishing meal at a cost
of a few cents.
Made at Niagara Falls, H.
Telaphoaa Doug. 137.
Women's Vests 13c
OMEN'S verts, low rack
and sleeveless, white cot
ton, full taped, cumfy cut and
other styles, 19c and 25c val
ues, at 13c.
Children's Underwear 33c
Children's part wool vasts,
pants and drawers, gray color
only; were to 70c, at 33c.
Child's Hose 13c
CHILDREN'S hose, hi black,
white and tan, cotton and
silk mercerized. Mostly large
sizes, 25c values, at 13c.
Buri-MS-Nash Co. Down Stairs Stara
SAMPLE Scarfs and
Centers 19c, 39c
Scalloped or hemstitched with
embroidery, samples bought at
50c on the dollar, priced in two
lots for Thursday, at 19c and
39c each.
Turkiih Towels
Sample and odd lots of Turk
ish towels and bath seta, some
arc soiled; all are priced H to
Jj less than regular.
10 Yards Long Cloth, $1
Long cloth, soft chamois fin
ish, even weave, for gowns, un
dergarments and infanta' wear;
36 inches wide, 10 yards to
bolt, for $1.00.
12 Vac Flannel, 8V,c
Kimono flannel, good assort
ment of colors and patterns;
regular 12 c quality, at, the
yard, 84, c.
Blankets, $1.73
Plaid blankets, blue, pink,
tan or gray; large sixe, good
weight, special, Thursday, only
$1.73 a pair.
Burt .sa-Na.h Co. Down Stairs Store
V f