THE BEE: OMAHA,' THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1917. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD OSEWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY, PROPRIETO EttUml M Omaha poatofflta aa iKona-!"' aiattar TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION H. (Inter BT fl xr moata a" : Drtlr ana S.i.T "J! Dailf wttkout 8nnUr iJJ r.rentn and SaiHlar T'l Brraiac witaoat Sanaa Sanaa? Bm oalj 'J,";y ataaa Dilr aa Sanda Baa. taraa r" " "'""J y'ir find notiea of ehaiwa of addraaa or Inwlarttr ' lWary to OnH Bm, Circulation paparunani. ' REMITTANCE r RH ar . mrm or Maul orrr. 0t.1t t-wnt "J""1 taaen la najrataat or anuui aeaoonw. --""V r rzerpt aa Omaaa and aaatara airbann, at aaamtaa. OFFICES Omaha Tha Baa BttfMinff. South Omaha 2S18 N. atraot. Conned Bhiffa 14 North Mala atratt Uneoln 52t Littla Building. Chleaao SIS Paoplr'a flaa BnlMlnt. Nov Tork Room 8, !8 Ptfth aaaoa. St. LooU (OS New Bank of Oommarea. Waaahwtaa Itf TaarUaatli atraot. H. W. CORRESPONDENCE Aadreaa eommnnleaUoni rrlatmr to newt and oiltorial tatter to Omaha Boa, Editorial Department. DECEMBER CIRCULATION 53,368 Daily Sunday 50,005 Dwttht Winiama. etrealattoa manager J PahHihlnt eompanr, hrtni only aworn, aava that Uia areraie etrenlatloa for tha month of Daotmbar, U.I6S 4au and 10.008 Bandar. w DW1GHT WILLIAMS, Clrralatlon Mnnaier. Snbacriaad tn mr araaenea and aworn to Mora mo tkla 4th oar of January. 1117. 0. W. CARLSON, Notary Pablta. Subscribara Waving tha city tamporartly shavM hava Tha Baa ma Had to mam. w draaa will ba ebanfad aa oftoa nj raquaatad. It will be all right now for the Commercial tlub to say, "Let George do it." When it comet to taking care of himself, "Tom" Lawaon doei not need a guardian. Sheridan county it rightly named. I tt -resident! are live wiret, a-foot, a-horseback or in tpe cial train. The coming Fletcher treatment of1 Mexico threatens to be as prolific of notes as "watchful waiting." Midwinter displays of fashions continue woe fully incomplete. The very latest styles in dam age suits are conspicuous by their absence from the show windows. I What's this? Circus parades with the gilded animal cages propelled by auto I Is another boy hood fancy about to be ruthlessly destroyed by the brutal march of modern mechanism? Any now the "dry" wave threatens to engulf Wyoming, in which event the only "wet" shore of Nebraska will soon be the small strip in the , southeast corner which overlaps Missouri. Out of the deluge of "leak" accusations and gossip one fact rises fairly clear. "Tom" Lawaon has congress going into the stock market with a probe. That was the original object of the deluge. Of course, Uncle Sam is not covetous for ter ritorial aggrandisement, but no one could resist picking op a bunch of islands like those Danish West Indies at such a bargain-counter price as $25,000,000. It turns out that the president's peace note suits Bryan to a turn. Had this only been made known before our democratic United States sena tor from Nebraska would not have been so hot to endorse It. ' Observe that when it came to a showdown the members of our august state senate mani fested no more objection to Gene Mayfield for that Board of Control job than did his brother newspaper-men of Nebraska, who were for htra almost unanimously, : , ' The immigration bill with the odious literacy test in it, for which the Immigration restriction ists have been working insistently year in and year oat, has again gone to the president, and if it does not again draw the president's veto even their expectation will be disappointed. ' Not the least significant feature of the in formal transfer of the Dsnish West Indies is the admission of another saintly urg to Uncle Sam's museum. St. Thomas is a warm member, though far advanced in years of discretion, and forms a welcome chinook for the frigidity of St Paul. Democracy controls the state government of Missouri as completely as in Nebraska. The law makers of both states begin operations by putting in bills regulating local affairs in cities and in creasing municipal expenses for the benefit of political favorites. Still the mouthpieces of the party proclaim unfaltering devotion to the prin ciples of home rule. Misdirected Wealth -Now Yrk ftaaadal Warht- What the grea,t European war will eventually have cost, the world, which must in the end bear its burdens, is impossible to estimate with ab solute certainty. All that we do know is that the words staggering and unparalleled only come part way m fittingly describing it. So far the cost has already exceeded the scarcely imaginable total of $.16,000,000,000. If our memory does not play us false it is estimated hat the entire wealth of the United States is about $180,000,000,000. So if we compare the two hgures we can see at a glance that Europe already has blown up in smoke and powder equal to one tilth of all the wealth in the United States. There is not included in this estimate the loss in man power, the source of the creation of wealth. This would be impossible to compute in dollars and cents, nor is any estimate made of what has been lost by Europe through its diversion from the pursuits of peace to blood-letting. If this great wealth had been diverted to con structive endeavors, imagine what good it would have accomplished. The sum of $36,000,000,000 in vested on an income basis of but 4 per cent, would have yielded annually $1,400,000,000. This one item of interest is an amount sufltciet to defray the cost of running our own government with many millions to spare; would pay fo the greater part of the poorhouses, asylums, prisons, work houses and other public homes set aside to take fjS'nSj derelic' f "" Had this $36,000, 000,000 been spent to uplift the human race rather than for the destruction of a large part of it radical socialists, anarchists and craftsmen in dy namite would have been forced to go back to work, for they would have had little to talk about since there then would have been actually little' suffering in the world. Discontent would have been robbed of itt opportunists for mischief al most completely. Of this ideal side of life the world sometimes takes little note. Perfect the Nonpartisan Ballot. One of the platform planks upon which the democrats won out in Nebraska calls for putting the elective educational offices on the non partisan ballot We would prefer to have them made appointive, but, either way, the officers elected on nonpartisan ballots, state, local or municipal, should be barred, as the judges now are, from having their names printed as candi dates for nomination on any partisan primary ballot during the term for which they may have been elected. We are not sure but that we would also include all appointees of officers elected on nonpartisan ballots. When a man accepts a public position which it it thought of sufficient importance to divest of itt partisan character, he ought not to be per mitted to use it to maneuver himself into a political office or to capitalize the patronage and influence obtained in the guise of nonpartisanship for his own political or party preferment. It goes without saying that if a law were framed to make these nonpartisan offices realty non partisan it would also prohibit the incumbents from holding placea in their respective party or ganizations calling for active political service. In no other way will the purpose of the non partisan ballot be made effective. Dosing Water With Chemicals Municipal Jaurnal- A Horseless Circus Parade? Never I The gas-driven, self-propelled vehicle is threat ening: the horse in hit last trench. Already Dob bin has been driven from the plow; the pracing, higb-headed steppers no longer make the boule vard a thing of life and daily the great work teams are becoming fewer on the city streets. On top of all this comes the announcement that the horse is to be banished from tbe circus pa rade, and that the summer will tee the "glittering pageant" go by on mbb-r tires, poshed or palled by a chugging motor. Here is cause for sorrow, indeed. What joy or comfort can there be in a band wagon without Its ten or twelve beautiful dappled horses, caparisoned in full panoply and spurning the ground with dainty steps as if winged and eager to fly? We may reconcile ourselves to the thought of a general leading his army while reclining in a softly upholstered touring car, and the spectacle of the courier, careering across the landscape astride a snorting motorcyle, does not shock us, for in war aa in industry the machine has superceded the animal. But the circus, if anything, should be sacred to the horse. The clown qr the bearded lady might be spared, but a horseless circus parade never! Feeling Burden of Democratic Rule. The country is more and more feeling the bur den of democratic rule. Chairman Kitchin of the ways and means committee hat just given out a tentative plan by which it it proposed to raise revenue to meet expenditures. The outline con tains the old reliable democratic institution of a bond issue tnd also the equally dependable demo cratic expedient of a floating debt. It is only four years since the Wilsonites rode into power on a platform that promised us relief from the burdens of taxation, retrenchment in expenditures, rednced cost of living and numerous other re forms. What is the result? How have these pledget been redeemed? Many new forma of taxation have been de vised, but have not been adequate to meet the extravagance of the democrats, who have turned a surplus into a deficit, have already issued bonds to piece out the revenue and now propose to not only issue $289,000,000 additional bonds, but to hang a floating debt of $100,000,000 on the coun try. This It to meet the requirements of a single year of peace and prosperity. Recollect, too, that in December, 1915, President Wilson specifically counseled against expenditures that would exceed the revenue estimated as available under his novel plan for increased taxation, especially urging on congress that a bond issue be not resorted to. Income tax, surtax on incomes, excess profit tax and all the other list of special taxes have pro duced even more than was estimated, but the treasury finds itself In a $400,000,000 hole just the tame. Democratic management of the nation's affairs would be comical were it not so tragic. The use of coagulants in purifying water is ob jected to by many citizens who wish to have their water pure and note dosed with chemicals, or otherwise changed into a manutactureq sou urnm. As an illustration of what they object to, St. Louis last year treated its water with 13,793 tons of lime, 4,509 tons of sulphate of iron, 1,413 tons of sulphate of alumina and twenty-eight tons of chlorine; a total of nearly J0.000 tons ot chemi cals," The popular objection to such treatment has, m several cases, interfered witn the aaop tion of rapid filtration with its necessary accom Daniment of coagulation. Most of this objection centers about the two words "pure" and "chemical." The purest water to be found outside a laboratory contains mineral matter in solution, and if it did not, the taste would be so flat that most would refuse to drink it Probably any citizen would be satisfied that water direct from a deep well is pure, according to his standard of purity. An analysis of weil water, taken at random from a report on the wat ers of Illinois, gives the water from a well 217 feet deep as containing potassium nitrate, potas sium chloride, sodium chloride, magnesium chlor ide. maenesium sulohate. alumina and silica. Cer tainly any chemist that proposed dosing a public water supply with a mixture like that would be driven out of town, and yet each gallon of this "pure" water contained 50 per cent more by weight ot these minerals than was the total weight of chemicals added per gallon to the St Louis supply in treating it. Reverie English on Munitions. Our national complacency, if we had any, would be rather rudely jolted by the news that the Navy' department hat just awarded a $3,000,000 contract for large-caliber projectiles to an English firm. On sixteen-inch and fotrrteen-inch shells this firm underbid Americans by $200 on each projectile, guarantees delivery in nineteen months lest time and agrees to pay the duty. Several conclusions are to be drawn from this. First is that the price of tteel and its products, based on European war needs, has been pushed too high in this country. Cost of production has not ad vanced as rapidly at has the selling price. Second, and more important than any, is the warning con tained in the situation. If the English firm in time Of war can find opportunity to undersell Amer ican makers in the home market, what may be expected after peace has been established? If American factoriet are to be kept running full time it will not be under the conditions estab lished by the democratic Underwood free trade tariff law. This shell contract is not the only sign visible of what is waiting for us when the European nations again turn their attention to the pursuits of peace. If we consider the Mississippi river water at St. Louis, we find dissolved in this the same minerals as in the well water referred to, but in greater quantities. The amount of chemicals applied in the filtration plant totaled only about half of the total amounts contained originally in the water, and the effect of these was such that the water as it left the plant, contained only three-fourths as much dissolved minerals as the pure well water above referred to. It is important to note, also, that although lime was added to the water, it was all precipi tated and retained in the plant and removed half of the lime originally contained in the river water. Of the sulphate of alumina and sulphate ot iron added, only 0.6 of 1 per cent was to be found in the effluent and if a customer should drink ten glasses of the filtered water a day, he would have to keep this up for 1 18 years to obtain one ounce .i ' , - . .l i i .l .jj: oi inese cncmicais. un ine oinrr nana, tnc atiui tion of this minute amount of chemicals resulted in removing from the water 250 times as much of the minerals already dissolved in river water. So much for the "dosing" and spoiling the "pur ity" of the water. As to the word "chemicals:" These consisted, as they do in practically all purification plants, of lime, which is already contained to a greater or less extent In most spring and well waters; iron, which is also found in most ground waters, and sulphate of alumina, the popular name of which is alum. While to a chemist effecting chemical combination, these matters are chemicals, when called by their popular names it is seen that they are substances familiar to the ordinary citizen and not thought of by him as being chemicals. If, instead of being informed that chemicals were added to the water, he were told that the mate rials and amounts contributed to the water which he drinks in one day would be equivalent to that obtained by placing in said water the smallest visible particle of limestone and of alum and stirring the water for a minute or two with an iron spoon, it would seem probable that his hor ror of the use of the "chemicals" would be dis pelled. The additional information, proved by figures, that half of the cities of the country of any size are now filtering their water supplies should complete his conversion. i Decadence of Lawyers' Oratory Science Plus and Profit. Another proof of the advantage of adapting science to our daily needs is furnished by Sheri dan county. Old-timers well recall the disap pointment of the "alkali" ponds encountered in northwestern Nebraska. Gleaming in ' the sun light, they promised refreshments to weary man and beast, who sought in their crystal clearness a cool draught, only to find them bitter as worm wood, For many years they shimmered by night and by day, cheats to the unwary and a reproach to the land, giving color to its misapplied title "desert." Slowly the advance of settlement broke down the belief that nothing could be raised there, but the alkaline waters still held their sin ister reputation. Came in time a party of stu dents from the University of Nebraska doing field work in summer vacation, and these gave atten tion to the pariah ponds. Science waved its wand and out of the bitter; waters brought forth riches. Tea millions of dollars in potash is the produce of a single year from this source, and the industry is just getting under headway. It is not a marvel; .it is but the inevitable result of careful inquiry and the practical application of knowledge ob tained, y From a business point of view the legal pro fessions owe Harry Thaw an expression of dis tinguished consideration. Waahinfton Past A professor of a Pennsylvania college has re cently directed attention to the decadence of lawyers. The reasons given by him are the rapidly increasing numbers in the profession and the accompanying reduction of fees, causing some of weak character to resort to questionable meth ods. "Two or three generations ago," said the professor, "the lawyer was looked upon as a man of high standing; today, in the minds of many, the word lawyer suggests .sharp prac tice and effort to make the worse cause the better." No doubt the Pennsylvania professor is talk ing according to his light. That lawyers have .measurably lost caste in popular opinion over much of the country is a certainty. Whether the causes ascribed are the true ones becomes the debatable question. The greatness of lawyers in the popular eye of an earlier generation had much to do with the inherent qualities of the generation itself. One history of Lincoln dissects the pioneers among whom he lived. They were described as a "highly moral but exceedingly litigious" peo ple. Their definite views of right and wrong made the appeal to the law inevitable on many points that now are either ignored or else are adjusted by speedy and inexpensive compro mises. Hence, the possible restriction of high order of talents to fewer cases and a con tempt for the general mass of litigation over petty matters that involve lawyer, court and client in one indistinguishable mass. But the reverence for the lawyer and his ora tory has not altogether passed. In the south especially both are still held in high esteem. The co'thouse is still the temple of justice toward which patrician and plebe elbow their mutual way as in the days of ancient Greece. The skill ful methods of leading advocates are as well known to the local populace as were the distinc tive abilities of a Fox, a Walpole, a Curran and a Pitt to the historians who follow their respec tive careers. Even this, however, has suffered loss within recent years. Other, if not lower, orders of amusement and delectation have crowded out this most princely of professions from the center o public gaze. What with vaudeville, revivals and the movies the present generation is being dis tracted where it should be edified and the once vaunted oratory wasted -on a hardened judge and an indifferent jury. In all probability it is the people and not the lawyers that have become decadent. ' Health Ulnt for the Dny. To prevent tetanus, commonly known as "lockjaw," resulting from a wound, It should he thoroughly opened and washed out with boiled water or antiseptic solution and should be kept open by strips of sterilized gause. e One Vear Ago Today In the War. Sweden protested against British Infractions of her commercial rights. Germans said to be evacuating Lutsk, one of the triangle of fortiBca tiona in Volhynia. Austria claimed to have completely won the great battle with the Rus sians in eaat Galicia. Rome reported the Italians had re captured their lost trenchea on the heights northeast ot Gorilla. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. The marriage of Ben Robidoux and Miss Kdlth Van Arnam was celebrated at the Christian church. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of J. A. Wakefield. 2613 Parnam. Miss Van Arnam la the daughter of John Van Arnam, 1584 North Eighteenth, while Mr. Robi doux is one of the competent young men in the employ of Mr. Wakefleld. Miss Joslin is working on a difficult figure piece, "Sweet Violets." She has been very successful in the draw- People and Events The small loss of life in the munitions explo sion at Kingsland, N. J., is credited to a telephone girl, who was on the job at the right time. No ticing a wisp of smoke in the gasoline storage building, she sent a hurry call to the men in every building to get out and run for life. Fourteen hundred men owe their safety to her courage. A new walk-to-work movement has sprung up in eastern cities, threatening the street railway short hauls as the jitneys did two years ago. Of fice men are the chief boosters, because they need the exercise. Beginners start in with a dozen blocks, lengthening the walk a block each day until the entire distance is covered. A procession of walkers paralleling a street car track, besides toning up lazy muscles, eases the strain on car straps. Down in dry Alabama where a snort of booze brings the top price on the spot, some smooth boozers hypnotized special guards at Girard, tapped a barrel recently seized and made away with several jugsful before the guards woke up. An old trick in a new spot Years ago when the Union Pacific freight house stood on the pres ent site of the Union station, booze hunters bored a hole through the floor and into a whisky bar rel, secured all they could carry, while the rest of the contents soaked the floor and the ground beneath. A pungent odor revealed the barrel's emptiness tbe morning after. ; Ing In catching the sweet expression of the child's face as she stands in her tattered shawl holding a basket of flowers. Heveral of the leading packing cs tabllshments of Chicago haye repre sentatives at South Omaha looking over the ground with a view of put ting in packing houses. The North western railroad is cutting Ita way to the stock yards and will have cars run ning there before July. The predic tion is made that South Omaha will contain 50,000 people Inside of five years. At a meeting of the stockholders of Paxton & . Vierling a Iron works the following officers were re-elected: W. A. Paxton, president: Robert Vierling, vice president; Louis Vierling, secre tary-treasurer, and A. J. Vierling, manager. Tbe Parnell Social club gave a suc cessful party at Cunningham's hall, which waa managed by the following gentlemen, w. H. Flankin, J. F. Price, H. Maher, J. F. Fltzmorris, Louis Con nelly, T. J. Conway, S. E. Collins, E. Hynn and J. M. White. It la beginning to leak out that for some time past Stewart Hayden has been a benedict. His friends were not aware of the fact that he was married the latter part of July to a niece of Dr. Bwetnam, Miss Prltchard of Cat lettaburg, Ky. Mn and Mrs. Hayden are living at 2022 Howard. This Day In History. 1782 Daniel Webster, statesman and orator, born at Salisbury, N. H. Died at Marshfield, Mass., October 24, istz. 179S French captured Utrecht. Holland. 1797 Weekly mail service estab lished between United States and Canada. 1811 Charles J. Kean. famous ac tor, born at Waterford, Ireland. Died in London, January 22, 1868. 1816 Public thanksgiving in Eng land lor tne victory at Waterloo. 1861 Russia celebrated the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of ine estannsnment or the monarchy. 18 (1 William L or Prussia was pro claimed German emperor at Ver salllea 1873 Edward Bulwor, Lord Lvtton. celebrated English novelist, drama tist and politician, died. Born May ZD, lotlo. 1884 "City of Columbia" wrecked off Gay Head, Mass., with loss of near ly 100 lives. 1909 Secretary of the Interior Gar field announced the discovery of west ern land frauds Involving 3110,000.000. lsiz The president pardoned Charles W. Morse, New York banker convicted and imprlsoaad far misuse of trust funds. Tbe Day We Celebrate. Rov. Charles A. Mitchell of the Presbyterian Theological seminary, was born in Springfield, C, January 18, 1864. Harry M. Christie, real estate man. Is Just 46. Mr. Christie was born in Iowa and played the real estate game tn south Omaha until 1909, when he became associated with the W. Far- nam Smith company. Crown Prince Boris of Bulgaria who now exercises a high command in the Bulgarian army, born at Sofia, twenty-three years ago today. Ruben Darlo, who is considered the foremost poet of Latin America, born at Segovia, Nicaragua, fifty-three years ago today. Dr. Frank J. Goodnow. president of Johns Hopkins university, born at Brooklyn, N. Y., fifty-eight years ago today. Robert Howard Patton, who served as permanent chairman of the last prohibition national convention, born at Auburn, III., fifty-seven years ago today. Eieklel S. Candler, representative In congress ot the First Mississippi dis trict, born at Belleville, Fla., fifty-five years ago today. Olga Nethersole. celebrated emo tional actress, born at Kensington. England, forty-seven years ago today. Timely Joltings and Reminders. Twenty-live years ago today Wil liam A. Peffer of Kansas introduced tn the senate a Joint resolution favor ing the election of president and vice president by a direct popular vote. Governor James M. Cox of Ohio and Frank A. Vanderllp, the New York banker, are to speak at the an nual meeting and banquet ot the Ohio Manufacturers' association, to be held today in Columbus. What is expected to be the last ses sion of the present Canadian parlia ment will be formally opened at Ot tawa today by the new governor gen eral, the duke of Devonshire. Matters of vital Importance to the live stock industry throughout the country are to be discussed at the twentieth annual convention of the American National Live Stock associa tion, which begins Its sessions today at Cbeyenne, Wyo. Storyette of the Day. The town council of a small Scotch community met to Inspect a site for a new hall. They assembled at a chapel and aa it was a warm day a member suggested that they should leave their coats there. "Someone can stay behind and watch them." suggested another. "What for?" demanded a third. "It we are ail going out together, what need la there for anyone to watch the elothes?" London Tit Bits, Do Women Want to Vote? Omaha, Jan. 17. To the Editor of The Bee: An article appeared in one of our dallies three or four days ago telling of a young woman arrived In our city to organize a branch of the Congressional Union for Woman Suf frage who expressed a desire to be In Washington at this time in the picket ing campaign to remind the president that women want the federal amend ment. if she had stated that a few women desire the federal amendment she would have been nearer the truth. Women (meaning the majority) do not want the vote, and consequently no federal amendment Is necessary. Recent primary elections in Chicago prove this statement. I nder the head ing, "Women Silent on Voting Day," the Chicago Tribune of September 14 says, "There was a mild interest In the election of sanitary district trustees, but It did not bring out the mass of registered women voters." It states that at the mayoralty primary in 1!15 the number of women voting was 189,700. At the aldermanlc primary in February, 1916, the number of women voting was 81,121 At the pri mary on September IS, 1916, the number was only 64,930. A conserva tive estimate of the number of women eligible to vote In Chicago la 626,000. Of these 660,000 stayed away from the polls on September 13, 1916. This Is of especial interest to note, and sig nificant as showing the indifference of women, because Illinois is the only state where the men's and women's votes are kept separate. NEBRASKA ASSN. OPPOSED TO WOMAN 8UFFHAGE. soil, by Serbian assassins? Or can there be found in all America a man whose heart Is so far advanced toward petrification that he could attempt an extenuation of that unspeakable crime? For it must not be forgotten that the archduke and his wife were responding to an invitation of Serbian 'authorities to visit that country at the i time when the death-trap was sprung upon them. There was the plainest evidence that those who were guilty of this Infamous crime were destined to : escape punishment if their apprehen 1 slon and prosecution were left entire ly to the Serbians. Who. then, denies that Austria was fully justified In de manding a representative among those who were to inveatlgate and ad judicate that matter, when account is taken of these facts and circum stances? In their answer to the president's last note I observe with some surprise that the spokesmen for those powers have descended to a level much below that from which they have hitherto let fall their public pronunclamentos. Have the enemies of Germany and her friends such faulty memories that they have so soon forgotten their fierce declaration of determination to so crush the spirit of the Germans that henceforth there would never be cause for uneasiness concerning them? The tenor of this last communication differs as widely from their earlier ones as daylight from darkness. Have they learned at last that they "have waked up the wrong passenger." CYRUS D. BELL. Germany's Gods. Lincoln, Jan. 17. To the Editor of The Bee: A correspondent of the Russian News, Mr. Dioneo, speaking of the violent military tone of the holiday numbers of German Journals and newspapers portrays an example oi shocking blasphemy. "Before me lies a Christmas number of the Lustlge Blatter. Two pages are occupied with a drawing of zoological garden. The sky Is thickly set with stars. In the distance a col umn of victories is seen. On the first pedestal a colossal, monstrous wooden idol bristling with nails, representing MinaenDerg. into this idol every Ber liner for a smalt sum drives a nail. At one of this Idol's Hessian boots stands a baby Christ with a hammer in one hand and a nail in the other. For the head of the nail a glittering star serves, Below is a verse Indicat ing In translation: 'in the silent Christmas night the Boy-Christ drew from the canopy of heaven a star nail which he brought to earth. Devoting It to the service of true heroism, ready to sacrifice its blood, the Boy-Christ drives a nail in the glorious armor of the field marshal who brought fame to uerman arms. " After searching for the Teutons' "New God" I discovered Its origin in the depths of antiquity. In the time of the Roman republic, whenever there occurred any remark able event, there was elected a so called dictator who duty It was to drive a nail In the wall of the temple of Jupiter Capltollnus. That custom remains to this day with the Etrus fc.ns. Among the Valsinii, they drive a nail yearly into the wall or the temple of Nortla or Nurtia, the god dess of fortune. Contemporary Ger mans are only copying the antique Romans. The triumph of such principles will mean the downfall of western democ- I FELIX NEWTON. racy. In Sympathy With Germany. Omaha, Jan. 17. To the Editor of The Bee: A good many facts con nected with the ghastly European con flict are more or less puzzling to me as I from time to time attempt to analyze them. 1 Is there a correctly Informed man who doubts that the Immediate cause of that widespread catastrophe was the brutal shooting to death of the pitiable Austrian archduke, and his even more pitiable wife, on Serbian Good Roads. Fairfield, Neb., Jan. 16. To the Editor of The Bee: Is It possible the legislature is not going to accept Uncle Sam's donation of Jl. 600,000 to the state of Nebraska? We had been led to believe this legislature was pro gressive. It is true good roads cannot be Justified on financial grounds alone. Good roads are chiefly desirable for the same reason that a man buys an automobile, because It is a comfort and a pleasure. A farmer cannot Jus tify the purchase of an automobile on financial grounds alone, yet he would not be without the good roads, either, the comfort and convenience of having it, by actual experience. He would not be without the goad roads, either, after he has learned their value by actual experience. Good roads are to be urged, principally, for the same reason that good schools are main tained, namely, because they increase the intelligence and value of the citi zen to society. If Nebraska is going to be a great state, It must pay the price of greatness. If It is going to be a tailender among the states, it must pay the price of that, too. in di minished prestige,' diminished land values and the shrunken value of other property. P. MIRTHFUL MUSINGS. "Thla In a great character In Dlckens tha Artful Dodaer. I love the atory." 'An automobile atory, eh?" Kansas City Journal. "It may come to wooden ehoea." "Do you think ladiea would wear 'em?" "Why not? It's all In the atyle. Carre 'em with high heela and they'd go all light." Louisville Courier-Journal. WOW CAW I AMOlb MEttlMfc A CtirrMW VBUf .MAN ON UT This cynical poftt aaya a man's wtf Is a little dearer tnan his horse. Now that isn't true." "Of course. It isn't true. She to a rreat deal dearer. A man doesn't have to buy Ms norse a new outfit every naif year. Baltimore American. "Jlpus always gets the best of a job," salt Bill thn BurRlar. "Last nlaht him an' mm trimmed a provision store," Did he set all the money?" 'No. He let me take the cash while he slipped around and gathered In all the sirloin steaks." Washington Star. Florida , The charm of this delightful state during, the period when the entire North may be in the throes of snow, bliz zards and zero weather are all that are characteristic of a semi-tropical climate. Warm sunshine, bright, clear skies and bracing ocean breezes combine with the best of hotels and other living accommodations to make it, along with New Orleans; at once pre-eminent among places to visit during the winter. TRAIN SERVICE: The "Seminole Limited" of the Illinois Central, with the exclusive feature for the ac commodation of its Pullman patrons of a Sun Parlor Ob servation Car included in its modern all-steel equipment, affords superior southern service between Chicago, St. Louis and Jacksonville, Fla., via Birmingham. Leave Chicago 10:15 P. M., arrive Jacksonville 7:35 A. M. (Second morning). "Florida and En Route," a bookie pertaining to the route of the Seminole Limited and points of interest in Florida, gladly given to those inter ested upon request at Illinois Central, City Ticket Office 407 South 16th St Omaha, Nebraska. S. NORTH. District Passenger Agent Douglas 264. ROCK ISLAND To Chicago Arrive La Salle Station on the Loop any part of the city quickly reached by elevated trains. Most convenient location in Chicago. "Chicaio Day Express" at 6:00 a. m. "Chicatfo-Colorado Express" at 3:55 p. m. "Chicago-Nebraska limited1 at 6:08 p. in. "Rocky Mountain Limited' at 2:00 a. m. Connections at Englewood Union Station (63rd Street) with limited trains for all Eastern territory. Automatic Block Signals Finest Modem All-Steel Equipment Superior Dining Car Service t.u r2fetvitions nd information at Rock Island Travel Bureau. 1323 Faraam Street, or at Union Station. J. & McNALLY Diviaira Paaaasfar Aeat Pheaa Daajlaa 428 lb -w-xv i