Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Take a glass of Salts to flush out
your Kidneys and neutralize
irritating acids.
Kidney and Bladder weakness re
suit from uric acid, says a noted au
inoruy. riae kidneys filter this am
from the blood and pass it on to th
piaaoer, where it otten remains
irritate and inflame, causin? a burning
scalding sensation, or setting up an
initiation at the neck of the bladder,
obliging you to seek relief two or
tnree tunes during the night. The
sutterer is in constant dread, the wa
ter passes sometjmes with a scalding
ocnsduuu anu 15 very proiuse; again
mere is mmcuity in avoiding it.
Bladder weakness, most folks call it.
because they. cant control urination,
While it is extremely annovme am
sometimes very painful, this is really
one of the most simple ailments to
overcome. Get about four ounces 01
Jad salts from vour Dharmacist an
take a tablespoon ful in a glass of wa
ter before breakfast, continue this
tor two or three davs. This will neu.
traKze the acids in the urine so it no
longer is a soure of irritation to th
bladdernd urinary organs wine
then act normally again.
Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless
and is made from the acid of grapes
ana lemon juice, combined with lithia
and is used by thousands of folks who
are subject to urinary disorders
caused by uric acid irritation. Jad
Salts is splendid for kidneys and
causes no bad effects whatever.
Here you have a Dlcasaut efferve
scent lithia-water drink, which quickly
relieves madder trouble Adv.
Few people realize tor wfiat exten
their health depends upon the condi
tion ot the kidneys.
The physician in nearly all cases
of serious iltness makes a chemical
analysis of the patient's urine. He
knows that unless the'kidncys are do
ing their work properly the other or
gans' cannot readily be brought back
to health and strength.
When the kidneys are neglected or
abused in any way serious results
are sure to follow. According to
health statistics, Bright's disease,
which is really an advanced form of
kidney trouble, caused nearly ten
thousand deaths ill one year in the
state of New York alone. Therefore,
it is particularly necessary to pay
more attention to the health of these
important organs.
An ideal herbal compound that has
nad remarkable success as a kidney
remedy is Jr. Minier s bwamp-Koot,
the great kidney, liver and bladder
remedy. '
The mild and healing influence of
this preparation, in most cases, is
soon realized, according to sworni
statements and verified testimony of
those who have used the remedy.
When your kidneys require atten
tion get Swamp-Root at once from
any pharmacy. It is sold by every
druggist in bottles of two sizes 50c
and $1.00.
However, if you wish to first test
this great preparation send ten cents
to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton,
N". Y., for a sample bottle. When
writing be sure and mention the
Omaha Daily Bec.Advertisement.
Pimples Disappear
' There is one remedy that seldom fails
to clear away all pimples, blotches and
other skin eruptions and that makes the
skin soft clear and healthy.
Any druggist can supply you with
zemo, which generally overcomes all
skin diseases. Acne, eczema, itch, pim
ples, rashes, black .heads in most cases
give way to zemo Frequently, minor
blemishes disappear overnight. Itching
usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe,
antiseptic liquid, clean, easy to use and
dependable. It costs only 25c; an extra
large bottle, $1.00. It will not stain, is
not greasy or sticky and is positively
safe for tender, sensitive skins.
Ths E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O.
The Nation's Tribute
District Judge Raises Price on
Several Who Carried Their
Cases Up.
A couple of appealers who didn't
relish Ihe brand of justice dished up
by the police magistrate have found
out that it doesn't always pay to
carry troubles to the district court.
In cleaning up the odds and ends
of a several months'' grist of appeal
cases. iqjostjpf which were disposed of
i rosccutor Mcuuirc
Health Official Unearths Strange
Habitat, of Woman Nearly Eighty
The woman in this case is nearly ment was a collection of old rags,
U years ot age. bhe lives in a one-
room hovel on Twenty-eighth street,
hort distance north of Kamajn I
street. City Commissioner Withnell
and Health Commissioner Connell in-
ist it would be unkind to mention
:r name in this connection.
One of the building inspectors hap
pened to discover this old woman
and her strange habitat. The in
spector -intended to condemn the
uildmg, but the woman pleaded with
Air. vvitnnen, whose heart was
shoes, tin cans and other materials.
"1 never saw anything like it in my
life. It would have tested my credu
lity if somebody had fold me he saw
what I sail," stated Dr. Connell of
the health office.
He added that the woman slept on
the floor on old rags. Pleadings of
the woman to be allowed to stay in
the place, which she owns, moved
the health commissioner to permit
her to remain if she would remove
Ihe unsanitary conditions, which she
agreed to do.
Commissioner Withnell interested
touched. Mr. Withnell reported the a junk dealer to buy the old rags.
3u iu tnc iirdiui cuiiilllissioner. WHO whirh nrttrr S'K S and th clH c ,nnc
nig I
luesdav, tity
haled before ludee Sears the nrmirir.
for of a tenderloin district hotel who
had been charged with keeping a
disorderly house. ,
j When the police judge assessed
j him $50 and costs some time ago
I this individual bellowed loudly and re-
qucsui that the case be aired in the
: district court. Judge Sears, after hear
ing the evidence, raised the ante a
stack of blurs, making the total tine
$60 and costs. The hotel man could
have saved about $15 by taking the
police judge's decision.
More Expensive.
Another case was that of a taxicab
(frivcr who sleeps days and propels
his gas chariot about the city's high
ways and byway by night. He was
arrested as a result of a little incident
of Omaha's night life and taxed a
moderate fine by the police judge,
later appealing the case.
This taxi driver gave his testimony
in a confident manner, telling the
court how he took a couple of live
ones to a certain place where they
"could have a good lime." There was
other testimony. The district court
judge looked the man over carefully
and then fined him $50 on his own
After the last of the rases had
been disposed of Judge Sears and
City Prosecutor McGuirc announced
that all appeals from police court will
be handled in district court every
Saturday morning. It had previously
been decided to hold the appeal hear
ings every three weeks or month.
Jobs for About a Hundred
Employment Bureau Finds
Open only two days, the Co-operative
Free Employment, bureau, con
federal government.
in the court house, already has on
bile applications of about 100 men and
women seeking jobs. 1 he greatest
demands for workers is for women,
according to those in charge of the
bureau, who are preparing a special
list of available jobs in this department.
Use the Bee Want-Ads
by the
and city.
with headquarters
isited the humble home and was
mittcd after considerable knock
and explaining.
In one room1 the hea th officer fniniH
the woman living with three cats, one
dog, three roosters and ten hens. In
this room and a small, dingy base-
yieioed h.ignt loads ot tin cans
g were rcnuved. Now the elderly
widow says she has so much room she
does not know what to do.
"She reminded me of the old
woman who lived in a shoe," re
marked Mr. Withnell. J i
A Kansas City Lady Darkened Her
Cray Hair and Made it Soft
and Glossy by a Simple
Home 'Process. .
She Tells How She Did It.
Dorit try to (over up a bad
Complexion! ckaritzvitk
If your complexion is rough, red or
pimply, don' t try to cover up the defects I
It deceives no one and only makes bad
matters worse. Begin today to clear
your skin with Resinol Soap.
Just wash your face with Kcsinol Soap
and hot water, dry. and apply gently a
little Resinol Ointment. Let this stay
on for ten minutes, then wash off with
morjyjesinol Soap. In a very short
lime you will usually find your skin be
coming beautifully soft.clearand velvety.
Resinol Soapiand Resinol
Ointraentare sola by ill drug
gists. Try them and see how
beneficial fhey are not only for
the akin but for too luiir, too.
Every Niqhf
Sdie'And Sure j
Regular Rizr 3c. Me, U. At Druggists.
New Interurban Bill to
Be Put Before Legislature
The interurban bill prepared by the
Commercial' club and soon to be in
troduced in the legislature is held by
the club to be not so liberal to the
companies as was the bill introduced
two years ago. The bill at that time
failed utterly of passage. The pres
ent bill has been carefully prepared
Dy tne mterurhan committee, has been
approved by the executive committee
and has been examined by some of
the committees of business men at
It provides that a company may is
sue stock in the sum of $50,000, per
mile of road it proposes to build,
which feature in itself is much less
liberal than the bill of two years ago.
It is said that the company inter
ested in developing the Omaha, Lin
coln & Beatrice line will' be satisfied
with the provisions of the bill and if it
goes through it is thought likely this
development will proceed immedi
ately. Whether or not the provisions
are entirely satisfactory to the Mc
Kinley interests of Illinois, which
have taken over the old Ralston &
Fapillion line with the idea of mak
ing extensions, is not definitely
His Nose Is Gone; Whitten
Says Man Chewed It Away
Here's $5,000 worth of alleged may
hem. James Whitten. a clerk, who is suing
one Oscar Powers for that amount
in district court, alleges that he was
talking to a friend at Twenty-eighth
and Q streets, South Side, last Fri
day, when the man he names as de
fendant attacked him.
Following an altercation with an
other party, which the clerk says was
being carried on without any outside
assistance. Powers appeared -on the
scene and without provocation, ac
cording to Whitten, grabbed him
about the body with his hands and
bit off most of his nose. The gnawed
olfactory organ was never found.
Whitten, who alleges that he is
disfigured for life, asserts that Powers
bit into other parts of his face as
well as snapping off "his nose.
Two Girls Reported as
Lost Have Been Located
Alma Roberts, 15 years old, and
Nellie Holsclow, 44 years oldVwho
Ji I :ti
uisappcareu oaiuruay mgiu, arc now
safe at their homes again. They had
been visiting at the homes of rela
tives. Mrs. Bessie Roberts, mother
of Alma, and Mrs. Hattie Houston,
mother of Nellie, appealed to the po
lice and juvenile court authorities to
help locate their daughters.
T. B. McPherson's Father
Dies at Maryland Home
Dr. W. S. McPherson, father of
Thomas B. McPherson, is dead at
Auburn, Md.- He was more than 90
years of age and had served in the
confederate army. Besides the son
in this cifv Dr. McPherson leaves a
daughter. Mrs. W. S. McGill of Thur
niont, Md.
How to flare Colda,
Avoid exposure and drafts. Eat right
Tiike Dr. King's New Discovery. It klllj
and .destroy the cold germs. All druggUtt.
Solomon Srebring Wants
To Change His Last Name
A family name that taxes the pro
nunciation . powers of his friends to
the limit, so he says, and causes him
much embarrassment, has prompted
Solomon Srebring to make applica
tion to the district court to allow
him to be known as Solomon Silver
man in the future.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
A well-known resident of Kansa'
City, Mo., who darkened her gray
hair by a simple home process, made
the following statement: "Any lady
or gentleman can darken their gray
or faded hair and make it soft and
glossy with this simple recipe, which
they can mix at home. To half a
pint of water add 1 oz. of bay rum,
1 small box oj Barbo Compound and
!t or. of glycerine. These ingredi
ents can be purchased at any drug
store at very little cost. Apply to
the hair every other day until the
gray hair is darkened sufficiently. It
is not sticky or greasy and does not
rub off. It will make a gray-haired
person look 10 to 20 years younger."
Urges everyone to drink glass of hot
water before break
fast. lust as coal, when it burns, leaves
behind a certain amount of incom
bustible material in the form of ashes,
so the food and drink taken day after
day leaves in the alimentary canal a
certain amount of indigestible ma
terial, which if . not completely elimin
ated from the svslrm each dav. be
comes food for the millions of bac
teria which infest the bowels. From
this mass of left-over waste, toxins
and ptomaine-like ooisons arc formed
ana suckea nuo the blood.
Men and women who can't get
feeling right must begin to take in
side baths. Before eating breakfast
each morning drink a glass of real
hot water with a teaspoonful of lime
stone phosphate in it to wash out of
the thirty feet of bowels the previous
day's accumulation of poisons and
toxins and to keep the entire alimen
tary canal clean, pure and fresh.
Those who are subiect fo sick head
ache, colds, biliousness, constipation,
others who wake up with bad taste,
foul breath, headache, rheumatic stiff
ness, or have a sour, gassy stomach
after meals, are urged to get a quar
ter pound of limestone phosphate
irom tne arug store, ami begin prac
ticing internal sanitation. This wil
cost very little, but is sufficient to
make anyone an enthusiast on the
Remember inside bathing is more
important than outside bathing, be
cause the skin pores do not absorb
impurities into the blood, causing
poor health, while the bowel pores do.
Just as soap and hot water cleanses,
sweetens and freshens the skin, so
hot water and limestone phosphate
act on tne stomach, liver, kidneys and
bowels. 'Advertisement.
Eases Quickly When You Apply
a Little Musterole
And Musterole won't blister like the
old-fashioned mujtard plaster. Just
spread it on with your fingers. It pene
trates to the sore spot with a gentle
tingle, loosens the congestion and draws
out the soreness and pain,
Musterole is a clean, white ointment
made with oil of mustard. It is fine for
quick relief for lore throat, bronchitis,
tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neu
ralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy,
rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of
the back pr joints, sprains sore muscles,
bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds on
the chest (it often prevents pneumonia).
Nothing like Musterole for croupy chiL
dren. Keep it handy for instant use.
Whymen are turning to
Light Hearted Havanas '
OMOKING habits
are changing. For
years we have been
following the trend of
these changes. We
have noted-that men
are becoming more
and more moderate
in thei r use , of:; heavy
cigars. - '
There is a- good reason
for this: Heavy cigars, if
smoked too freely, injure
a man's cigar taste, and
worse, they tend to spoil
his future enjoyment of
all cigars, whether mild 1
or heavy.
So it is natural that
the tendency of thinking
srfiokers is towards a type
of cigar whose Havana
filler produces smoking
effects which are invari
ably mild and pleasant and
light hearted.
Among cigars of this
"light hearted Havana"
type, Tom Moore is a
dependable example.
We' say, dependable, be
cause its high place in cigar
smokers' esteem has been won
by twenty years f thoughtful
study and painstaking manufacture.
3; CI G.-A R; T.E N G E N T. S tft v
'. -v.;.; St light hearted tfci-.-.-?r- '
hIO - ' rothenberg"& schloss, Dutributor. 4 ' o
Kansas City. Missouri. Vlife lgr
Omaha Braac 1715 Douglas Straat
Brg Suiti Ms.
.ni l
ftnrtrtg Braito Clothr.-
Take Advantage Now It Will Soon Be Over.
Practically our entire stock included
'in this great mark-down sale
ivioaeis ana styles lor all men
$6.00 up to $17.50
and $25.00
Winter Tourist
fares via
Mobile, AU $44.31
Macktonville, Fla 54.56
Palm Beach, Fla 73.06
Pentacola, Fla ' 46.9k
St Augiutine,, Fla 56.86
St. Petersburg, Fla 66.16
New Orleans, La. 44.31
- Paw Christian, Miu. 44.31
Charleston, S. C. .: 54.56
Galveston, Texas 41.56
f Houstpn, Texas 41.56
San Antonio, Texas 41,56
Havana, Cuba, and return
via New Orleans and steamer. ....... 92.15
Havana, Cuba, and return,
via Key West or Tampa and steamer. . 94.80
Jacksonville, Fla., and return. .... 63.76
In one direction via direct routes; In
opposite direction via Washington, D.
C. ; or in opposite direction via Balti- .
more and steamer. - , '
Attractive Cruises to tL WEST INDIES, PANAMA
CANAL and SOUTH AMERICA. Sailing dates, rates, ttc.. -upon
application, y.
Corresponding low fares to ma,ny other points in tha
South and Southeast. Tickets on sale daily until April 30th.
Liberal stop-over privileges. .
Call attCitj Tielnt Of flea, or Aejdrass '
H. C. Shialdt, C A. P. D., 311 South 14th St., Omaha, Nab.
via Chicago, and luxurious, comfortably
heated, spacious can, provided with every modern travel con
venience of high grade railway service, via Chicago & North
Western Ry. offer an excellent opportunity to get away from
disagreeable winter's cold and dearth ol outdoor enjoyment. '
These fares are for round trip
tickets from Omaha, via Chicago, on tale daily,
with return limit of June 1, 1917, and provide
for liberal stopovers en route. Fares from ad
jacent points are correspondingly low.
Augusta, Ga.
Charleston, S. C.
Havana, Cuba
Fla. (direct) -Jacksonville,
Kay West, Fla. .
Kissimmea, Fla.
Chicago & Northwestern Ry.
SS2.77 Miami, Fla. f 78.66
5456 Mobile, Ala. 44.31-
2.15 New Orleans, La. 44.31
Ormond, Fla. - 60.96
S4.56 Palm Beach, Fla. 73.06
Pass Christian, La. 44.31
63.76 Petersburg, Fla. 66.16
87.66 St Augustine, Fla. 66.86
63.56 Tampa, Fla. - - 66.16
Our ticket agents at 1401-1403
Farnam St., Omaha, will take
pleasure in giving you full par
ticulars, making reservations, etc.
Phone Douglas 2740
Bee Want-ads are the best, easiest and quickest way
to Success. Make no mistake Use Bee Want-ads.