9 THE BEE: OMAR A, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1917, REAL ESTATE Unimproved West DUNDEE CORNER FOR SALE. 160x134 ft. frontlnr sesth ul w blocks from car line, only LA0 J. H. DUMONT fc CO, 114-11 Keltne BMc THxJ ORBATB8T QalM 6a,TJ Ib paid mwk r mad by u Omaha paper, to th reoord of TUB OMAHA BEE for lilt. BEST RESULTS LOWEST KATB North. AFTER lookttif at MINNS LTJSA. M dtt (mat barm decided that it we tlx wast proposition OR th market aad they barked thair judreaaat by boy la lea. IP TOU will on o today m will uadarataad war the etht ara buylar. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO, t Baa Bale. Tyler XT. VACANT let, 60134. Just north f Kountxe park, for only 8500. W. a GATES. 47 Omaha Nat Bank Bide P. UK Sooth. BARGAIN Vacant lot, 63x110. oa lth Ara, near Yates, liak. ma an offer, a A. arlmmeU lit Om. Nat. Be. Bld- REAL ESTATE Suburban AORKAOB AND SMALL FARMS. A Una Ikst wiUMn tao rail radio at lltb and Farnam. Soma spaclal bersaloa. ' OEORUH O. WALLACE, lit Keollno Bid. Benson. START TOUR HUMS IN BRNSOMl BUT THIS LOT. IK M dawn aad S10.00 par moats; prteo DN.N1 . tailM; located on tooast St, between. Clark aad Barnbara, aot far from school ajx. oar tta Om. B. Wrujhl, Be. office. Omaha. Dundee. SEVERAL lota, bttlldlnr reetrletlen. IS.. 110.00. Adjouiln Happy Hallow Oral 1(00 00 to 31,000.0. w. L. BBLBT r Bona, uoaa ..... A DUNDEE lot bargain, near ecbool and Una Wrlta Box 8B33, Baa. Florence. 33.0 ACRE, aerease aold; I tract left at 130a, Laat chance. Call Netbewey. Flo. 228. South Side. CHEAP HOMES. Wa have-a lama Dumber of email houaBS with to a room, ranglnt In prtae from 1000 to 11.304, ou full alaad lota, wbtob . can sell at yaar own tanna. anllTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. .036 a 34tb St Phone South lftat. RESIDENCE proporty for sale, a cholea roaidence property In Omaha, good loca tion, modern and nearly now. Owner wishes to leave town. Will aall rifbi, with good term. Clanaon Broa,. Klron, la. Miscellaneous. 4 Acres RICHLAND ACRES FINE GARDEN LAND. You can maka a living on this choice piece of land raising poultry, fruit and Harden truck. Price ll,, $36 CASH. Jfiasy monthly payment, Hastings & Heyden, , 1614 Harney St Phone Tyler 50. REAL ESI Alt. WANTED 'WANTED -4, 6 and -roomed houses that can be aold (or IlW cash, balance $1& per month; five complete description first letter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1084. "WJLiL exchange line half section wheat land, eastern Colo., clear of encumbrance. for Omaha property. ao sua. LIST your 6 and 6-room houses with us. WE 8KLL THEM. OSBORNK BEALiTY CO. Doug. 1474. COVE to us with your real bargains. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO. Doug. 4U. FOR SALS See F. D. Wead, 10 8. lath St FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loams Mortgages. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rata b, fti and per cent Reasonable oom- UNXTED STATES TRUST CO, SIX Sooth 17 th, Omaha, Men. THB GREATEST fltTN BI.7M In psM waot-ada ever made by aery Omaha paper Is the record of TUB OMAHA BEE for 1S1. BUST RESULTS LOWEST RATH. PER CENT to per ceo, on best class City residences In amount 9,M0 up; also faxm loans. Reasonable comiiUastoa. PET ICRS TRUST CO- lill Famam Bt f 1,1 00 MORTGAGE bearlnf 6 V. pr. ct semi son. ; secured by property Tallied at C,OQ0. T r Image -Loomis Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. FARM and city loans, 6-6 ri and per cent W. H. Thomas, Keollne Bldg. Doug. 1-4. SHOPEN CO., PRIVATE MONEY. OMAHA homes, East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat l. Phone Doug. .716. 6 MONEY HARRISON A MORTON. '0 tl Omaha Nafl. Bank mag. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches, we aiso ouy aviu gages. KloKs inv. JQ umaae, REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED. THUS. L. McGARRY, K EELINB BLDQ. TEL. RED 4344. .RELIABLE Insurance. See O'Neil's Real Estate and Insurance Agency, 6 J a -4 Brau- dels Theater. Tta. xyicr MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. w. isnaer. uu National Mann mag. WORLD REALTY CO., "8" TS.ri''" D. UL BUCK ft CO., 912 Omaha Nat Bnk. CTTY and farm loans, lowest rates. E. H. LOUQEE, Inc., S38 KeeUne Bldg. CITY and farm loans, 6, 6Vi and C per cent J. H. Dumont ft Co., 418 KeeUne Bldg. 100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, weaa iag.t. im uu 7STT TJT'TfXT DDfiC! $45 Omaha UAiV Vlll UiJU Nat l Bank Bldg. "Financial Wanted WANTED High-class truck agency to finance and sell automobile trucks. Beck Anto Truck Works, Cedar Rapids, la. Abstracts of Title. tt-Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co. JVerr 30s . 17th St, ground door. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. RKKD ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 106 Brandela Theater. Miscellaneoas GALLAGHER & NELSON, Rp present prompt pay Insurance com panies. 644 Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Neb ii i in iii ii i-i-p I ARM AND RANCH LANDS California Lands. CALIFORNIA farms near Sacramento, for nale. Easy payment. Write for Us. K. K. aiie, ouswuev, VaVA. Florida Lands. PALM BEACH COUNTY We have the record crop truck, garden and citrus fruit land In the United States. Buy land on eaay terms from A. Parsons ft Son, 662 Brandels Bldg. Phone Douglas 784$. Note A personally conducted excursion to the Sunny South leaves Omaha Janu ary If; already some of Omaha's leading business men have joined us. Make your reservation early. BAISl. AbrAUTA ijn p iiAiuA. (.rtaiai Hay) this winter. First cutting, 00 days; 950 to $80 annually on $60 land. 26 Patton Blk. Walnut 2687 (evenings). Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI i?ARM $10 cash and $6 monthly: no Interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land ; close to $ big markets. Write for photographs and full Inforraa Mnn. Monger, A-119. N. Y. Life Bldg, Kansas City. Mo. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Missouri Lands. OR EAT BARGAINS IS down, IS monthly, bnya 40 acrea rood fruit and poultry land, aear town, aouthera Mtaaourl. I rice only 1 100. Addran Box tot, Kxoalalor Sprtnaa, Mo. Nebraska Lands. amnui.li oodntt. sat, etetoa wheat mad. t ftae la eattaa; food a-raom booaa, ham Uata, food water anpprjr; II acrea plowed, 10, aoraa fall wheat, which foea with place; acrea alfalfa, tenoed hoe-tlKht; land wall tenead and aroaa-feaeed;' near aohooL Prtoa. Hi par acre. oaah, balaaea at iH. CAMPBELL SON, Kimball. Neb. NEAR SOUTH OMAHA. tf tan Tint orap-rrawuc land In tha atat. Corn makini 71 banhela to acre; IM ten alfalfa ralaed on place tola yaar. Thai la all Talley land, all level .aad tillable except a (ew acre, around bmlalni and lead lot. Modern houae, food barn, targe abaep bam, corncrib, hof houaaa and all neceaaary bulldlnsa for oatUa, hof and abaep teadlnf. Water piped to all bulldlua and feed lata Fine blow fraaa paatura. All heavy black loam aolL Looated aaar frade and hlfh achoola and only ooa-half mile from Interurbaa car line. For prteo and terrae Inquire af a R. Comb. It, Brandela Theater Bids. Omaha. Neh Phone Dour. 3,1ft. CAN aall or eachanra any land you hv4 t ... m r u.ia RIAt ' L0O-A. FARaf for aala or trad. D. (71. A. W. To land A Co, 441 Be Bids. FARM LAND WANTED 1 WANTED FARMS. Llat your farma for rant or for with u. We have a walUnf llat INTBRSTATB REALTY CO.. m-10 City Nat Bank Bids. Dour. I HAVE some vary rood Omaha cottage to exchange for la. or Neb. land. Write me, ttlnr what yn hava. Addreaa ,741, Omaha nee. RANCHES and Farm Laods bought old and exchaagad. S. 8. and H. B. Mont gomery. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY & SON. CM First National Bank Bids. APARTMENT i7,M. Income II par cent; on yaar 4d very ftoe location; mortfac .Xb.000 and will aocept 180, ew in trad; baiaooe easb or nefotlabl papr. CALKINS CO., Poofla Hit. City Nafl Bank Bids. INVESTMENT, earner, oloaa la. two bouaa aual rent ,71, moa. M.M. a P. BOSTWICK SON. 'Be Bids. TylarUM. STORE property for aala, located In South Omaha, good location, email atom, new, with grocery and butcher loop nature. Will sell cheap, with term.. Clauaon Broa, Klron, la. REAL ESTATE. WM. COLFAX. TM KUn Bktg. Doug. till. REAL ESTATE To Exchange SALE OR ExShaNQE I0.0M acrea Bel traml County, Mlnneaot. Beat wholaaale ar ooloniaatlon tract land In northern Mlnneaota, traveraed by two rood auto mobile road. Will aall at right price and term or exchange tor income real eatate or merchandise. Addros. Box Inde pendenco. la. . s BARGAIN Leaving . city, sell or trade, nearly new 6-room house, strictly mod ern, hardwood floor, all Improvements in; lot 60x110; garage; li,M. f'OO cash, balance time. Call owner, I. Smith, Room 06, Castle hotel. . ' ' TO TRADE Feed bam which rant U per month. In Vlllleca, Is- (or North Dakota or South Dakota real eatate. M. Pltn Beebe,. Ipswich, 8. D. Make proposition in first letter. A 13-ROOM rooming house for sal or ex ebanr for equity la lots or bouse and lot. or rood oar; rood location. Call Douf laa tIM after p. m. HAVE wo 1,,-acr farm and on aa-acr, farra, eaeMra Nhrska. to trade for ally ARCHER REALTY OCX, M Brandela Bldg. WB have some rood home and rental prop ' ertle for Neb. or la land. Edward r. Williams Co.. Omab Nat'l Bank Bldg TRAPES TRAUBS TRADES Farms, Cattle, Ranches, New Apartment, Plata, etc ABBOTT, 4 Patterson Block. Ranch . otallat, aall or trade ' ranches for etty property. L. Fraata. 17 Brandela Bid. Hemes Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. FOR SALE Toung team, set of harness; cheap if taken soon. Dong. 3133. POULTRY AND PET STOCK DAMAGED screening. $Li a hundred. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. AUTOMOBILES GUARANTEED TIRES. y3 Price We make one new tire from the old GUARANTEED 3,000 MILES. We Buy and Sell USED CARS TIRES AUTO PAR&S. Live agents wanted. If you are a hear tier write for our agency prapoaittoa. 2 IN 1 VULCANIZING CO., . 1616 Davenport St, Omaha. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2209 Farnam St Douglas U1U. 1916 Cbevrolet touring $360 1918 Huproobtle "12," sacrifice. 1914 Ford 17$ 1916 Saxon $6 0 FOR SALE SEVERAL ELECTRIC CARS, LIGHT DELIVERY TYPE, BODIES IN FAIR CONDITION, MOTORS AND BAT TERIES IN GOOD SHAPE. WILL BULL AT ANY REASONABLE FIGURE. AD DRESS, THE FLE1SHMANN COMPANY, 437 PLUM STREET, CINCINNATI OHIO. : IS PCT. Cash rebate on your auto insurance pol icy If you car Is equipped with PERRY LOCK. Phone Douglas 32 17. 894 Brand eta Bldg. S.O.S. MOTOR CO. xCS 2406 Leavenworth. and Fireproof storages 16 per month. Day and nlsrht Mi-VlGAV PhOSS TvlftT 717. 1 T-pass., 6-cyl- Franklin .....$2641.00 1 ft-Cyl. r rUKIIll, JT-T7.J0LO4 . ...eat aVUV.UU 1 tingle cyl. motorcycle 26.00 TELL ft B1NKLEY, 118 Harney St Douglas 1640. FOR SALE Electric coupe. In good shape, at a bargain ; just the winter car for town use. National Electric Supply Co Conirctl Bloffa, la. THE GREATEST OAIN 61,738 In paid want-ads ever made by ' any OinaJu paper, Is the record of THE OMAHA BEB for 191. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. WB will trade you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., ZOth and Harney. Douglas 6261. FOR SALETWO FORD CARS, 1 ROAD STER, 1 TOURING. BOTH IN GOOD CONDITION. PRICED RIGHT. N. L. GRUBB3, 2414 L STREET. CROSSTOWN GARAGE. 216 S. 24th St Douglas 4441. Parts for Hop 20, Ap per son. Oldamoblle, L H. C truck, etc. Used chains. USED CARS AT REAL PRICES! C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., Douglas 863. 2216-18 Farnam St, FOR SALE Owing to my leaving city, my 1916 Overland coupe is for sale, cheap, ca-h or payments. Address Apt, 807, New Hamilton AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE My 1916 Overland touring, just overhauled and reflntshed. Must sacrifice, as leaving city. Call D. 61 after I p. m REBUILT high and low tension magnetoea, magneto parts or magneto repairs. Mat tog. 142C South 14th. Tyler 1112-J BALL and roller bearings, alt makes of oars, good as new at half the price. Mattox, I486 ttl Jth.Tylsr JHI-J, FIRST reasonable cash offer takes my 191$ Maxwell touring car, just like new. Call Tyler 111! after 6 p. m. A NEW Stude baker machine for sale or will trade for property or diamonds. Red 60l or Harney 2046. BBRTSOHT "Kan-Fix-It" Soutneast cor- Tver 20th and Harney Stm. Douglas 7196. Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing, "service oax al ways Psady." Omaha Oarage, tOlS Har ney St Tyler 666, Anto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Cons repaired. Bayariorfer, $10 W. $th. NEB. Auto Radiator Repair SerWre, and prices right .16 a. lth. P. 7190. Motorcycles and Bicyciea BARLEY-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bar gains In used mac him. Vteier Roc. The Motorcycle Man," 170$ Leavenworth. PERSONAL PILES. FISTULA CfTRED. Dr. E. R Tarry cures ps$es. fistula and other rectal diseases wtthoot surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write tor book on rec tal diseases with tesUraoniaJa DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nan, JOHN BARRY, formerly known as Detass Bates, Information desired as to his whereabouts. He Is a son of Wells H. Bates and was a locomotive engineer for the Burlington twenty years ago, residing at times at Alliance, Neb., and Sheridan, Wyo. Anyone having Information relating to John Barry please address Wm. B. Bates, Court House, Minneapolis, Minne sota THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga sines. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St THB GREATEST GAIN 6i,7S$ , Omaha paper, la tbe reoord at THE OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS-SLOWEST RATH MISS LARSON Baths, massage and nianH cur . Scalp and facial massage. S Lasts lnstltnte, 1606 Harney St D. 7991. Open 've ninys and Sundays. Sulphur, steam and eocalyyptus baths for chronic diseases; exp. attendant for ladles and gentlemen. 402-3 Rose Bldg. Ty. Ml. RUPTURlttiHMefully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray. $06 Bee Bldg. DR. BURKE. OMAHA'S MEN'S SPECIALIST, $18 CROUNSE BLK. OPPOSITE P. O. east MISSES LILLY AND GOULD Bath, maa sage. 1222 Farnam St Phone Doug. $41$ MISS NASH, BKUGMAN, scientific masseuse and baths, 20$ Karbach Blk. Red $717. LUELLA WKB8TER, massage and manl curing. 618 Paxton Blk. Red $40, SCIENTIFIC massage, 620 Bee Bids. PlMae Douglas 6871. ManTcVrmTand masa 1621 Farnam. Rm 19. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Eliza B Yates to the Cathedral Chap- v ter, southwest corner Thirty-second and California streets, 60x69 $ 1 Christian M. Jespersen and wife to Earl B. Harris, Thirty-third street, 88 feet north of Seward, east side, $1x126.6; southeast corner Thirty third and FrankUnl 124x127.6; Thirty-third street, 11$ feet north of Seward, east- side, 14x87.6......... I Earl B. Harris to Omaha Safe Deposit company, southeast corner Thirty third and Franklin, 124x127.6 1 Minnie M. Hayward to Herman Mesa. Forty-Unit street 46 feet south of Arbor street west side, 46x126.... $$ Ethel T. Mick and wife to Herman Mess, southwest corner Forty-flrst and Arbor, 46x116 $$ The Chicago Lumber company to James SUhmons, Forty-sixth street, 200 feet north of California .street, west side. 100x16$ JL 1 John W. Firth, et al, to George M. Nelson, southwest corner Seven teenth and Castelar. 72.(1x118 1,000 John C. Bloener, et at,, to Fred Peter sen and wife. Forty-second street $64 feet south of J street, 66x121.. 00$ Carl A. Swanson and wife, et at, to Louis J. Platti, southeast corner Ninth and Capitol avenue; undivided ; Ninth street 66 feet south of Dodge street west side, 66x13$, undivided 1 Fannie B. Waldo, et al to L. W. Lyons, Jaynes ctrcet 200 feet west of Twenty-fifth avenue, north side, 60x128 1 Oliver Farrand and wife to Mary B. Cooper, Fort stre -t, 41 feet west of Twenty-ninth street north side, 41x 117 1 H. J. Hull and wife to David T. Adams, Twentieth street. 60 feet north of Burdrtte, east side, 60x06.. 1 Emlle W. Jlickok and wife to Pamela Dudley Yelser, CapHol avenue, 80 feet west of Forty-eighth street south side, 60x100 1 William C. Norria to William C. Estes, et at. Walnut street, 66.7 feet east of Thlrty-llfth street, south side, 60x123.8 1 Margaret Brown to Eugene D. O Sulli van. A street, 120 feet east of Twenty-seventh street north side, 20x60. $M M. J. O'Nell to F. T. Walker, et at. Thirty-third street 43 1-3 feet south of Boyd, west side, 43 1-3x128 1 Hattle BeLman and husbajid to Thorn as Moore, Dodge street, 260 feet west of Forty-eighth street south side, i 60x137.6 1 Minnie R. Williams and husband to Arthur Theodore,' nouthwost corner Thirty-third avenue and Webster avenue, Irregular, approximately 46x Anna m! MoBrlile to N, P. Dodge, jr. WebKter street, DSD fat west of Forty-ninth street, south side, 60x128.. 1 John M. Camoiizlnd and wife to Anna Krejci, southwest corner Cottner avenue and Hontz, Benson, 128x200. 1 Charles P. NelsoD and wife to Mar-, garet MoArdle, Davenport street, 60 feet (-ast of Thirtieth street, south side, 26x132 I Fred Boisen to Loole N. Bolsen, Tenth street, 92.4 feet south of Frederick, west side, 46.2x112 M0 Notes from Beatrice And Gage County Beatrice, Neb., Jan. 16. (Special) George Loeper. a farmer living near Odell. sustained a broken leg yesterday while chopping wood on his farm when a tree fell upon him. He was also severely bruised about the body. He was brought to a local hospital for treatment. The Fanners' Co-Operative union held its annual meeting at Barneston, and the report of the secretary showed that the company had cleared the sum of approximately $4,000 dur ing the last year. A dividend of 8 per cent was declared. The com pany purchased 136,000 GnsheJs of grain during the year. Matilda A. Breese was granted a divorce yesterday by Judge Pember ton front Winfield Breese of Lin coln. The plaintiff was also allowed $1,200 alimony, to be paid in $12 monthly for the support of their child. The Gage County Insurance com pany, held its annual meeting at Blue Springs and elected these officers: President, J. H. McPheron; vice presi dent, J. T. Traucrnicht; secretary, J. W. Marples; treasurer, J. R. Sailing. Cennti patton and Mick Headache. Dr. King's New Life Pills will relieve you of both, clean out the bowels and make you feel fine. 25c. All drugglptp. Adv. BRANDEIS ESTATE MILLIOHAND HALF Inventory of Late Merchant Shows Much Personal and Real Property. BULK OF IT O0ES TO SON The inventory of the estate of the lite Arthur D. Brandeis, head of the Brandeis interest, in Omaha at the time of his death, who left the bulk of his fortune to his son, J.'L. Ervine Brandeis, has been filed with the coun ty court The inrentory shows that Mr. Bran deis left personal property estimated in value at $1,460,430.64 and real estate in New Jersey estimated by John L. Kennedy, one of the executors, to be worth $100,000. Zerlina Brandeis, the widow; J. L. Ervine Brandeis, George Brandeis and Mr. Kennedy, the four executors, filed the inventory. Few larger estates than that of Arthur D. Brsndeia have ever been probated in Omaha, according to Clyde Sundblad, clerk of the county court, among them the Creighton, the Jostyn, the Kountze and the Murphy estates. The description of the personal property is as follows: Two thauaud on hundred nd alxty-nve and two-thirds share of the oapltal stock of J. L. Brand! A Hons 31, !.!." Ftftv-flve aharea of the pre ferred capital Block of the Brandeis Realtv oompany..... I, loll . SO Two thousand five hundred share of th. eomtnon opitl stock of the Brandela Realty oompanr SIO.OM.H Two shares of the preferred stock of the Brandela Annex Bulldlnr oompany 200. SUrht hundred and thirty-three one-third aharea of the com mon stock of the Brands! Annex Bulldlnr company 8S.SSS.S8 On hundred and forty shares of the preferred stock of tbe Brandeis Investment com pany 11,000.00 Five hundred shares of the common stock of the Brandela Investment company 50,000.00 Capital stock of the Amrtcn Realty company 60,000.00 Capital stock of tha Saunders- Kennedy Bolldlnr company.. 85,000.00 Capital stock of th Dourls Hotel company 80,000. M Capital stock or th United States National hank 10,700.00 Capital stock of the United states Trust company 6,000,00 Cash credit In different Bran dels interests 3,3,036.06 Dividends from various hold Ills 837,063.11 Honey doe, iDctadlnr promi sory notes , 111,561.38 Life Insurance 63,370.78 Capital stock of Steam Bros.. New Tork, value aot yet ascertained ........ . ... . Other holding 16,(50.00 Total ........11.;,M.4 Funerals of Victims Of Automobile Accident Grand Island, Neb., Jan. 16. (Spe cial.) The double funeral cortege bearing the bodies of Samuel Sher man and his son, Charles Sherman, to the railway station, they being for warded to North Bend, Neb, where interment took place, wended its way through the streets yesterday, the sad final chapter of an automobile acci dent which occurred on Friday eight miles west of this city. ' W. H. Han ger, the driver, and Al Rasmussen, the other occupant of the car, who were injured, are recovering. The evidence showing that the loss of control of the car was accidental, no coroner's inquest was held. The funeral pro cession was headed by members of the order of Eagles in double file and a double set of pallbearers rep resenting that organization accom panied the bodies to North Bend. Wreck Victims Buried. North Bend, Neb, Jan. 16. (Spe ciaL) The bodies of Samuel Sher man and his son, Charles, who 1 lost their lives Friday m an antomobile accident at Grand Island, arrived here Monday afternoon and were taken to the cemetery at Sand Creek, Saunders county, their former home, for burial. Prairie Fire Burns Barn And Several Stacks of Hay Wagner, S. D, Jan. 16. (Special.) A prairie fire, starting six miles west and two and a half miles north of Wegner at night destroyed a large barn owned by an Indian farmer, and several stacks of hay owned by "Doc" Martin before it could be gotten under control. A terrific gale of wind was blowing and the fire trav eled swiftly. Thirty-one men fought the blaze almost to the point of ex haustion before it was extinguished. Men came in all directions, equipped with wet blankets and other fire-fighting apparatus, to wage war on the blaze. For a time a number of farm houses and other buildings were in imminent danger of destruction. It is supposed some one dropped a lighted cigar from an automobile, thereby starting the blaze. One British and Two Norwegian Ships Are Sunk London, Jan. 16. According to an unconfirmed report received by Lloyds, the British steamship Brook wood, 3,093 tons, and the Norwegian steamer Tholma, 1,896 tons, have been sunk. The Norwegian steamer Graafjeld, formerly the Alfred Du mois, 729 tons, has been destroyed through striking a mine. Eight mem bers of its crew lost their lives. Soldiers' Home Notes. Grand Island. Neh., Jan. If. (SpeclaL) Dr. J. A. Waggoner, physician at the Sol diers' Home at Burke tt, has handed in his resignation. The doctor has not been well for Home time, and a week ago went ot Omaha, where he underwent an exnmlna tlon before a corps of speclsllsts. He re turned to Burkott, and In consultation with his wife. It was decided that he must take a much needed rest. Dr. and Mrs. Wag gener will probably spend the remainder of the winter In the south. The doctor has been here for the last sixteen months, and his going away bring- quite a cloud over the patients, as he was beloved by every one. Mrs. Maxwell will again assume the du ties of matron at the West hospital, made vacant by the resignation of Mrs. J. A. Waggoner. The first sails tan t surgeon will have full charge of all hospitals for the present, until he Is confirmed as first phy xlclan and surgeon by the State Board of Control. The funeral of Mrs. L. A. Voue, who passed away at Ashland, Neb., on January 10 white out on a furlough, was held from tbo Home chapel on Haturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. E. 15. Matk of the Chris tian church of Grand Iiland officiated. James c. WMnon has asked for a twenty day furlough and Orln Raft haw has asked for a seven-day leave. Finds Husband in Hospital, Mrs. King Forgives Him All "Take him for better or for worse, in sickness and in health " A wife's forgiveness of a husband against whom she had filed complaint in the county attorney's office as hav ing abandoned her, when she discov ered him in a hospital ill with pneu monia, was brought to light when Mrs. Minnie King visited the court house and asked to have the charges against her mate dismissed. On January 11 Mrs. King filed a complaint against Frank King, charg ing abandonment. The police were unable to locate King, but the wife on Monday found out that he was seriously ill at St Joseph's hospital. She immediately made preparations to care for hiin and then visited the county attorney's office to have the charges dismissed. City Meals to Cost More and Laborers Get Raise in Pay Citizens who are entertained here after by the city at Cental or South Side jails will receive meab which cost 12 cents ft-h, instead of 10 cents, which ha. been the prevailing rate. The city council authorized the in crease. While they were at it, the commis sioners resolved that day laborers in the employ of the city will be ad vanced from 25 to 30 cents per hour. Sixteen employes of the health de partment were given salary increases of $10 each; Dairy and Milk Inspector Bossie was boosted from $1,920 to $2,000 a year, and five employes of the street cleaning department were al lowed more pay. High cost of living was announced as the reason for this action. CO, George is the New Chairman of Commercial Club C. C George was elected chairman of the executive committee of the Commercial club at noon, when the club's new executive committee met H was chairman of the public wel fare committee of the club last year. Robert H. Manley was again chosen as commissioner. York Basket Ball Team Schedules Sixteen Games York, Neb., Jan. 16. (Special.) York college opens its basket ball season Thursday at York with the Doane team. A squad of thirty-six men has been working ont since the holidays and gives promise of pre senting a strong aggregation of bas ket shooters. The schedule as ar ranged is the hardest that the college has attempted in recent years. Four of last year's team are back and with promising new material a good show ing is expected. The schedule in cludes games with all of the confer ence teams and the University of Ne braska and Creighton. The university and the Wesleyan dates have not as yet been definitely decided upon, bat will take place early in tbe season. The schedule: January is Doarrs at Tork. January 10 Cralrhtoa at Omaha. January 38 Kearney at Tork. January 81 Doane at Crete. February 1 Cotner university at Beth y. February S Peru at Par. February 8 Nebraaka Central at Tork. February I Hastln at HastinK. February 13 Kearney at Kearney. February 17 Orand Inlsnd at Tork. February 31 Para at Tork. February 88 liajtlnri at Tork. Mar oh 3 Orand Island at Grand 71 and. starch 7 3otoer university at Xork. Bemis Park Folks Still in The Dark as to Their Lights Citizens of Bemis Park district are lngrubious. Last year they planned s special ornamental lighting system for their community. They entered into contract for 125 posts and lamps of neat design. Now they want light Their orna mental posts stand like grim remind ers of the uncertainties of life. The city council is distributing lights according to needs of locations and funds available. The outlying ornamental districts will be served first. The way seems dark for the Bemis park people, but they still have their faces turned toward the light, and it is possible they may receive current for some of their new lamps. Funeral of Mrs. Legge Will Be at North Bend North Bend, Neb., Jan. 16. (Spe cial.) The body of Mrs. S. D. Legge, a former resident of North Bend, who died after a week's "illness of pneu monia at her home in Boyd county, will be brought here Wednesday. The funeral will be Thursday. Mrs. Legge was the daughter of Mrs. Sarah Acorn of North Bend. She was mar ried to S. D. Legge in 1900 and three years later she and her husband moved to Boyd county. She was 37 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Legge vis ited relatives here during the holidays. Tecumseh Lawyer Wants Place on Farm Loan Board Tecumseh, Neb., Jan. 16. (Special) J. B. Douglas, Tecumseh attorney, is a candidate for the appointment as a director of the federal farm loan board for the Omaha district Mr. Douglas is secretary and a member of the board of directors of the Te cumseh Building and Loan associa tion and had experience in the real estate business. Fairfield Revival Closes. Fairfield, Neb, Jan. 16. (Special.) Evangelist and Mrs. James P. Sulli van closed a very successful two weeks' engagement at the Methodist Episcopal church in this city Sunday evening. Large congregations were present every afternoon and evening and on both Sundays the large church was packed. An Aid to Digestion. When you have a fullness and weight in the stomach after eating you may know that you have eaten too much and should take one of Chamberlain's Tablets to aid your di gestion. Advertisement. The brain that conceived the idea certainly had in mind the wage earner and the man or woman of medium means watch these columns. WOMAN IS FATALLY INJORM SMASH Taxi and Street Oar Collide on Slippery Street and Mrs. Pauline Hinkel is Victim. DOUBLE SKULL FRACTURE Mrs. Pauline Hinkel of Minneapolis was seriously injured at Twenty fourth and Arbor streets when s taxi cab in which she was riding collided with a northbound street car. She was rushed to St. Joseph's hospital, where it was found that her skull had been fractured in two places. She also received internal injuries, besides many :uts from flying glass. She has not recovered consciousness since the accident and doctors say that she cannot recover. Mrs. Kinkel was on her way to visit her sister, Mrs. Annie Marcsek, at 2013 P street. South Side. I Alvin Miller of 3017 Ntrth Six teenth street, driver of the automobile suffered slight injuries. He was also taken to the hospital. The machine, which was tbe property of the Omaha Taxicab company,, was entirely wrecked. While trying to get out of the way of i street car Miller's auto skidded. The street car rails were slippery from snow., which was falling at the time, and when the chauffeur at tempted to turn to the right side of the street, the street car struck the taxicab with considerable fores. Street car service on the north bound crosstown line was suspended for half an hour iollowing the acci dent F. Krawlick was motorman of the street car and J. M. Macy conduc tor. The motormsn had difficulty in extricating himself from the front part of the car, which was demolished. Experiment in Flax Culture is Profitable Dupree, S. D, Jan. 16. (Special) In connection with the efforts of the state college authorities to revive in terest in flax growing among South Dakota farmers, a Ziebach county in stance may be of interest A resi dent of Dupree sowed fifty-four acres of flax on the farms of Tavlor and Jeffries, near town, last season. . The expense oi sowing, cultivating anu harvesting the crop was $496.20. The net yield was 648 bushels of flax, which it the current market' price of $2.50 a bushel brought $1.62, or a net proht ot $l,l).BU, or an average of. $20.81 per acre. What Yon Piy For On . a Long Dituncs Call In mating a long distance telephone call yon hava the use of mors than merely the wires over which yon talk. The wires are only s small part of the equip ment provided for a long distance call. There must be switohboards, terminal rooms, pole Hues and many other kinds of apparatus such as dynamos, batteries, calculagraphs, testing appa ratus, repeaters and loading colls to magnify the voice currents, and other expensive equip ment generally unseen by the telephone user. In making a long distance oall yon have the services of two or more operators who connect you and guard both ends of the line while you talk. , In addition to the operators there are other employees watching the equipment in the cen tral offices and repairmen guarding the long distance wires. Repairmen Always Ready Somewhere along the line, the branch of a tree, a strong wind or an electric storm may put the wii.s out of order. But nearby is a tele phone man ready to hurry to the spot, so that the line may be quickly repaired and service restored. The amount yon are charged when yon make a long distance oall is to help maintain the line, to facilitate the payment of interest on the in vestment in the equipment used for long dis-. tanoe, to aid In the payment of taxes on the property and assist in paying the employees' wages. We endeavor to obtain only such a return on the investment in our long distance lines as could be earned on the money if it were invested in any other business involving equal risk. NEBRASKA Fontenelle Hotel is Running . On a Sound Financial Basis The Douglas Hotel company, which is the title of the corporation that erected and owns the Fontenelle hotel, at its stockholders' meeting re elected ill,. its officers and directors except substituting George Brandeis in place of Arthur D. Brandeis and W. Farnam Smith in place of F. H. Davis on the board. This retains Gurdon W. Wattles as president, Arthur C Smith as vie president and A. L. Reed as secretary. The financial exhibit shows 6 per cent paid on perferred stock, of which $494,000 is outstanding and all inter est taxes and other charges met, to gether with a $10,000 reduction on the first mortgage bond indebtedness, which showing President Wattles characterized as most gratifying. , Good things in the field of invest ment have always gone to those who had big money to invest This is something new; something different. Watch these columns. NUXATED IRON increases strsiitrth et delicate, nervous, run down people 309 par cent In ten days la many Instances. $100 forfeit tf tt fails as per full explanation In large article soon to appear la this paper. Ask your doctor or i.ptirfriit about It. Sherman ft MctanaU Pros Stores alwnyi earry It to och- 1 1 fjamcomr-c-MOM 1NDS CATARRH, ASTHMA, Ma Croup. CW od Cock r ! bsxk. SoU tad iwutttd by Sharman & McConnall Drug Cat. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package' proves it 25cat all draggists.; TO3rlYIAC0U) MLAGniPFt Tktv.niwbt anaienB: "WEEK1 HAI-BF COLD TMLETS lWf art rrmnUy. Try m It'i coming it's about to break. Watch these columns. TELEPROIE COMPART