Want-Ad Rates NO AD TAJIK FOB U THAN TOT Alt OF tOe OR UE88 THAU lee FEB DAT. CASH WITH OBDEB. Set (Willi (No Display). "I a par word each tnsertloo 1C if paragraphed or Displayed In Larger Typo: le pw Una one '" !e per lino. I r mora consecutive Insertions (Count six words to the line.) nrVATIONS WANTKDl Weekly nit II Pr Una CABM OF THANKS. DKATHS AND FCNKBAL NOTICESi 10 par Una each Inaartton (Coant six words to tba Una.) (Minimum charge. M centaj, atONTHLT RATH FOR 6TANDINO ADS. (No ehnnia at copy allowed.) One Itaa , Ttre ltnaa or mora per Una, II. M (Coant all ararda ta tba Una.) ALL FORajTON ADVKRTTKTNO TJNTBB KBLP WANTED CLASSIFICATION!!: la par word one time 214e par word, twa or mora consecutive In SPECIAI, COMBINATION BATE Oa Land, Poultry and Other Advartarbaj. THE OMAHA BEE (over tO.SOO dally). TB CKNTURT FARMER (over 110.0M weekly). A combined elrrulatlon which wilt reach both the city and rural resident. Special Reg. Rates. Rata. I Inaartiena tn Omaha Bee and 1 tnaartlon In loth Ceo, Farmer, per le Ho 41c I Insertions In Omaha Bee and 1 Insertion of 10th Con. Farmer, per word lo 7 T Insertions In Omaha Bee and X Insertion hi loth Can. Farmer, par Una lie T Insertions tn Omshe Bee and I Insertion In llth Can. Farmer, jer ward "He (Contract rates on application.) 71c lie THfe BEB will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an adver- tlaement ordered for more than one time. ADVERTISERS should retain rerelpta liven by Ths Bee In payment for Want Ads, aa .o mistake can be reclined wimout mem. USB THB TELEPHONE If you cannot con. vsnleutly bring or send In your ada Ask for a Want Ad' Taker, and you will re ceive 'be same jood service aa when de- llvarlng yeur ad at the office. PHONE TTLKR 1001. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE: PrVFTNTNO EDITIONS 11:00 M MORNING EDITIONS 11:01 P.M. MOVIE PROGRAM. CarreM .fferlngs af the sett Motto. Ple- ttxre naatara In Omaha, iiaange lanuy., North. DIAMOND, ,4TH AND LAKE "THE SHIELDING SHADOW" OLADTS HIIITT, In 'THE KH1NR OIRL" GRAND, HTH AND BINNET CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG, In THE DARK SCIENCE" LOTHROP, I4TH AND LOTIIROP ELLA HALL, "her soul's Inspiration" South. APOLLO, IITH AND LEAVENWORTH "THE PIPER'S PRICE" WITH DOROTHT PHILLIPS, MAUDE OHOROE and LON CHANBT BOULEVARD, UD AND LEAVENWORTH LUCILB DBS STEWART. . "THE CONFLICT" ROHLFF. lilt LEAVENWS'RTH OF.ORC1R WALSH. In . "THE MEDIATOR" PATHB NEWS West )NKOE, : .. 3111 FARNAM CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG,. "DEEP PURPLE" South Side. ItTtt ANOB BESSIE. LOVE. In "SISTER OF SIX" AND TRIANGLE KITTIES" FLORISTS. BEST QUALITY CD FLOWERS or plants. Art combinations shipped every where. Etrallent aervlra to our custom ers In paat years raeommenda. HESS A SWOBODA, 1411 Farnasa St. Doug. I HI. Largest" assortment of fresh sowers, delivered or shipped anywhere. L, HEN. DERSON. IBIS Farnam Ht noug. 183,. Fontenelle Florist LEE L. LARMON 1114 Pauglas 81 Doug. 1144. PARKER Flower shop, 411 S. llth. D. Iltl. A. DONAGHUE, HSI Harnsy. Doug. IttL BATH, National Florist lltl Farnam St. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HULSB A R1EPEN. undertakers and em bslmere. 701 S. llth St. Douglas till. DUFFT ft JOHNSTON, smbalmsra and fu neral directors. Ill S. ltth St. Trier 1474 FRATERNAL ORDERS. CROUNSK HALL. : Opposite postofftre. New hall for ledge meetings end dsncee. Kteellent Door. TOUNO A DOHKRTT, III Brandela Theater Bldg. Doug. 1171. ' BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Ernest E. and Hsiel Currln. 1820 L. boy; John and Oertruds Fuchs, 3711 North Slxty-flrst avenue, boy; Andrew J. and Sigela Christ ensen. Florenoe, boy; Clif ford and Fays Harrow, 34f Ames avenue, ' girl; eiarenr and Maria Slaughter, 4310 North Thirty-third, girl; Oaetano and Ouie aeppa Castro, J&18 South Fifth, girl; Cala-g-ro and MaHls Panamnntl, 1111 South , Fourteenth, boy; Harry and Bertha Clark, - hospital, girl; Joseph and Elisabeth Pos tenjl, 8718 South Thirty-second, hoy;Oeorge and Rosa Smith, 2T21 R, boy; William L. and Pearl Urahsm, SOOSVt North Twenty, fourth, boy; A. P. and Mary Johnson, Sill Miami, girl; laadore and Clara Levlne, ITIJ Charlea, boy ; James and Anna Btaaen. Farty-elghth and Z, glrL Deaths EMn Woods. 87, 2118 South Fourteenth: Esther E. McKensIe, 10 months, 481s Farnam; Johanna R. Utemark, 88. hosplUI; Charles. B. Dixon. 80, S408 Bt. Mary's avenua; William Met 34, 1744 South 'Twenty-sixth; Ardlce R. Schseffer. 24, 3120 Taylor; Mrs. Frances Kola, TB. 2832 South Ninth; Mrs Sarah McArdle, 73. 1801 Park avenue; William R. Neff. 84, 1822 Military avenue: James Com Ins. 88, hospital; Ray mond Vachek, ft months, 4801 South Twenty-eighth; Jamas W. Mason. II, 4313 South Seventeenth; Anton Krai, tl, 2108 I; Chris tlana Patarsan, 84, 1780 Arbor Joseph Lanhas, 30 days, HIS South Twentieth. waaui i imhii 1,11,1 it i m.mmimmBmmsmmm3mmmwm MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to wed have been Issued to the following: Name and Residence. Age Oeorge Cordtnar. Laramie. Wyo 22 Rosa Co If man. Laramie, Wya. IS Solvate r Bred, Omaha.... 12 Rosa Pugllal. Omaha. 11 Prank HumhaU Omaha. St -Clara Poplch. Omaha,..,. 18 Frank 1. Nickels, Omaha over 21 Nettl J, Nelson, Omaha... over 11 LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Parson having lost soma article would do well to call up the office of tba Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Hallway company ta ascertain whether they left it la tba Street cox. Many articles each day ara tamed ta and the company is anitous ta restore them to the rightful owner. Call Tyler 800. IF rou lose anything and will advertise it t-, yon will sorely recover It If found bonest person. Remarkable racov 4 as ara brought about evsry day through . mis column THIS HONEST WAY. If ye Snd something ttf valne. or a keanaake af value only to tit owner, la to insert a small ad. The LOST-FOUND-lXRDS LC8T Lady's blsck purse, Saturday even ing, either on Grand Ave. car or between Amea and Grand, on Ulh; reward. Col fax 1711. THB GREATEST GAIN (1,711 In paid waat-ada ever made by any Omaha paper, la the record of THE OMAHA BEE for llli. BEST RESULTS LOWEST BATE LOST Wire- tailed fol terrier, black, white and tan: heavily marked about Dead ana body: Coder will be well rewarded. Haj- pey 60s. FOUND a aanltarr Soda Fountain. OREEWS PHARMACY. Ulh and Howard LOST BlTl book con tslnlng It bill and dia mond atlekpln relic; will five rewaro. mo So. J7th St. Harney ton. LOST Thla morning on Parnam car. purse containing sum of money, nnner ptoses call Harney 411 LOST Christmas time, diamond and sap phire bar pin. -rd. tail co- biuiis H07. LOST Near Leavenworth Heights, male Airedale dog. Reward, walnut use. FOUND A beetle bound, lit N. 17th Ave. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. Economy Sale. DEFEAT THE HIGH COST OK LIVING. By purchasing your furniture where your money goes ths fartheet. Our goods ars rare bargains at the prices we quote. Don't take our word, all wa aak Is that you come and aea. THE STATE FURNITURE CO., J4th and Dodge Sta. Douglas 1117. THB GREATEST GAIN (1,711 In paid want ads sver made by any Omaha paper. Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for ISIS. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE MONET RAISING SALE. Il.ttO atock of furniture, rugs, Ilnolsum. all kinds 'of bedding, complete line of house furnlshlnss. lllt-1147 N. 14th. Tel. Web. 1407. Open 7:10 a. m. till II p. m. STOVES, ALL KINDS. Bee us first. Prices right City Furnlturs i;o., mi n. isio. Loyal Furnlturs Co., Ill N. ltth St. BUT a Little Olant Ironing table. It gives absolute satlafactlon. Tba Little uiani Manufacturing Co.. Omaha. SLIOHTLT used. 141 gsa range, cheap. 8. 1441. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Wt rant, repair, Mil needlss and part of all sewing inicninei, MICKKLS NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 16th and Harney Bts. Dong. MM. Billiards and Pocket Tablet. rOR BALHr BILLIARD TABLES. Brand new, carom and pocket, with complete outfit, I60: second-hand table at re dured prices; bowling alien and supplies tan iwvminti. Clear store fixture! i specialty. Bend for catalogue. THri BRUN8WICK-B ALKB-COLLKNUKR CO., 407-40 South 10th Ht. BARBER shop and pool hall, pool table separately. Lang, nam Bt. Red T380, Will iell 1107 Far- Lumberand Building Materials. BRTCKS'for sale cheap. HarneV4047. Typewriters and Supplies. NEW machines sold the sams as rent II per month. Sea us before you buy or rent. Shinned any D ace. on tea days' free trial. Butta' Typewriter Exchange, 419 S. ltth St., Omaha, Neb, TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter I months for II. Central Typewriting Exchange, 1101 Farnam. reuinotons. Monarcha and Smith Pre miers for rent! sent anywhere. Remington Typewriting company. 1). 13,,. Printine and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., also public Steno. Phone lor prices, uougiaa isui. t0 Palton Bin. OET our prices on Job printing. UN1TSU BTATSS film I tnu V., Bee Bldg. Douglas 1171. WATBRS-BARNHARDT Fig. Co., ouallty llth st printing. Tel. Doug. Iltt. H4 B. Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND.HAND MOTORS EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 111-10 So. ltth St., Omaha. BOILERS, stoam, electric, gaa engines. plpee Gross wrecking Co., tilt r;unilng. Miscellaneous. OMAHA Pll.I.OW CO. Felt and hair mat treasea made over In new ticks at bait the price of new ones. All your own festhers back when we renovate. 1,07 Cuming St. Douglaa 1447. MY high standard of quality will be main tained; 4 quart of Old Fontenelle whisky, $3.11; bottled in bnd. Henry Pollock, mall order house, Doug. 113, 122-124 N. 15th St ALEX JETTES' LIQUOR HOUSE. Thirteenth and Douglaa BotUed In bond whisky, Ifrc 11.90, fl.Si. full quart DESKS. safes acsles, showcases, shelving. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and etc. BuPply Co.. 414-18.18 8. 12th. Doug. 17 1 4. ONE Iron stand and SO Job typo casts, chesp. U.H. Printing Co. HOU8B to move. Flvs rooms, all modern, 360. Harney 404 T. DRY KIND LINO WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 1837. SWAPPERS1 COLUMN THB OREATB8T GAIN 41.738 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, Is th record of THIS OMAHA BKR for till. BUST RKMULTfr LOWEST RATE. WILL aichanga carpenter or cement work for Ford; engine must be orst -class, not particular about body; horse considered. Colfax 3181. WB swap or buy kodaks; films developed free ; one-day service. Kase k odak Studio, Neville Blk., 18th and Harney. WANTED To sell or exchange my equity In lot 281, westmooriand addition. Phone Doug. 7881. L A LITTLE AD In this column will bring about some remarkable exchanges. WILL exchange groceries for a first-clean Vlctrola. Call Web, silt. ONE-TENTH 11. P. Motor for shotgun. Phono Walnut 382. WANTED TO BUY. GUTTMAN Pays Highest Prices for Furniture, Rugs, Clothes, Pianos, Office Furniture. Trunks, Shoes. Douglas nes., weosier 2. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1107 Farnam. D. 8144. TlTWTT TMQ Pvs hlgheat price for UiMllViliO clotbea, shoes, trunks. etc. Red 1317. Res., Douglas 1031. WnrH M .V pa?" full valuafortumlture, nvuiBirtn all kinds mes da, D. 8181. WANT a steamuble for restaurant; must be cheap. 4104 N. 24th Bt.. Boutn Bias. CASH paid for tobacco tag and ooupoaa OslUgan. Colfax 138. ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOMOBIL sterae; dr, and rlean. II M per montn. Keya. connell Minns, is. Accountant!. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. Ill Ramie Bid,, rnone Du. ll. Bnu ud Iron Foundries. Paztnn-slltehstl Ce.. 17th and Martha II. Caterers. WHOKVBR naada an etp. caterer rail Hra. Rlekrlt, Tr. IIIL will cor. wall Attorney at Law. FRANCIS IIOROAN, III Bee. Don, las 4111. Bakeriei. ORTMAN'S MKW ENOt.AMD BAKRRV N I4TH BRANCH KH PIT BL1C .,v V. AND HAYDRN BROT flkT "OUR MOTTO" BBTTEH 1 UOOt CAKRI4. ttnstrv and flnejr tmkorr fooda eupplled to partlee, led.es snd sntsrtsln- aaeala. fc. n. iteaaar, teas at. ,st ev. as... THE BEE:' ANNOUNCEMENTS Baths. ELECTRIC TURKISH BATHS. The only absolutelr aanltarr bath. IIlR-hly recommended by phr-riclana, Btaata Institute, &0 Harney Bt D. 717. Open evenings and Mundaya. DR. REND A Sulphur, steam. Modern Turk- tab BATHS AND MASSAGE. mvate apartments for ladlea, with lady attend ants, lilt Pmrnam. Phone Doug. H77. RlTTKNHOUHEaanlta.rlim;all klnda baths. 110-114 Balrd Blk., 17tb and Douglas. MINERAL, steam, hot baths and means ga. Ill Neville Blk.. Hth ana Harney. Chiropractic. Dm. Johnston. 111! W. O. W. Bldg, , Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. Dr. Uurhorn, Kose Blag. Palmer school graduate. DouglMl. Dr. 1. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 1411. Dr. Frances Dswson, &01-1 Roee Bid. T. ! Drs. S. A L. Bllllngham Crelghton B1K. D.760t CarDenters and Contractors. LESSARD A SON. soil Cuming. Tyler lilt Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In ail cases. Tylar Ills. IntermUto Detective Asa'n, 432 Ramg Bldg. Dentists. No Pain. 113 W. Dr. Bradbury. Bldg. S1K. Taft's Dent. Rms., 108 Rose Bldg. D. Dancing Academy, M?TTTYl, BALL TUBS., THTJR8., UCj LUAtl SAT. SUN. EVE. SCHOOL MON. EVE. Ill S. llh St.. Op. Fontenelle. MIHS AONB M ALLOT, Phone Doug. 3442. Fixtures and Wiring. TTTpTTXJ Electric washing machines, IwIVlii electric Irona and reading limps. 222S Cuming St. Douglas 2Slt. Furnace and Tin Work. BORNE MAN, fur., chlm cleaning. D. Dressmaking. PLAIN aewlng; children's sewing specialty. 2402 Bt. Mary's. Call. Doug. M8. GOWNS AND DRKHSM AK1NO HARNEY S60I. BY DAY. MIH8 COR. Sewing by day. 1823 Locust. Webster 2b2. 8EWINO done reas. 4215 8. Wth. T. l0St-W. Mrs. R. A. Oinnrhy, 200 Balrd Bfclg. P. 270. D'msklng bythe day. D. T70I beU and 7. Terry Dreasmak'g Col.. 20th and Farnam. LA DIBS' suits remodeled. Douglas 4IS. Everything for Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sises ana styles; hemstitching, pleot edging, em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, aye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEA." j BUTTON AND PLEAT1NO CO., 200 Douglas Blk. Douglaa ! VAN ARMAN Dram Pleating and Button Co.. 336-7 Pi i ton Blk. Doug. 3101. Accor dlon. knife, side, snace. box. sunburst and combination pleating, hemstitching, ptcot editor. Dink Ins. niching, covering but tons, all styles and all sixes. Price list free. ACCORDION. Side. Knife. Box Pleating Cov. Buttons. Hemstitching. Neb. f leaung snd Button Co., 431-3 Pa i ton Blk. n. wi. SWITCHES from combings. II up. Dyed, 60c. Mrs. M. Brill hart. 33S raxton uiag. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlors, 207 Balnd Bldg. Mani curing, toilet articles. Douglas 8186. lob Printing. QATB CTTY Printing Co., high-grade print ing.. 2t31 N. 34th. Phone wen, ibiy. i Justices of the Peace. C. W. UR1TT. SM Barker Block. Masseures. MA "BAG IS girl wanted. Call Douglas 8762, 1332 Farnam. Miss Mae, R. 228 Neville Blk., Uth Harney. M 1 HS L ILI , Y M aasHgw. baths. 1322 Farnam. MASS A UK and Baths. 210 Bslrd Bldg. Music. Art and Language. FINE old violin. Free to pupils. Phone Benson 878-J. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co., 1182 Brand els. D. 88IL Pain tin k and Paper Hanging. LET C1ARNKTTE, the PAPERHANOER, do your next Job; estimates free. Harney 171 Pianos for Rent. tS.tl per mo. A. Hospe Co., IBIS Douglas. Theatrical Costumes. LARGEST stock of costumes for theatricals and masquerades In the country for sale or rent. Llrben ft Bon, lan Howara, THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits, for rent. 804 N. 17th. John Feldrnen. D. 3138. Tinners. TIN work of ell kinds; est. chrerfutlr given. K I b-nicr. 19 111 8. llth. D. 6431. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Buppty. 207 8. llth. Wedding Stationery. WEDD1NO announcements and printing. Doug Is s Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 144. Where to Eat. EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NHW tlKUI'ATKBUKN, 106 FARNAM miRROUOHB CAFB. OMAHA, NKH. (Service) LINCOLN. KBB. lit 0. inin ni.. i llth St. BUSINESS CHANCES A CI, KAN stock of groceries and dry goods, also fixtures for sale reasonable, in the bret of I oral loo. should Invoice about 82, 800. Will sell for reasonable price, also rent store building with fixtures. Don apply unless you mean buslnees, as this Is not a case of have to, Uood reason for selling. Proprietor going into another bual netw. Addreas Kid warn wi, ureie, weo, HIOIIKST SPOT CASH PAID for stores and stocks of merchandise, in city or country quick action. OMAHA SALVAOB CO.. 758 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.. Tel. Douglas 1832. THE QRKATKST OA1N 88,738 In paid want-ads ever made by i Omaha psper, is the record of T OMAHA BKK for 1818. BhiST RESULTS LOWEST RATE MANUFACTURERS. I have a talking machine patent will mterest you. Hancock, la. Write Hans F. Neve, ct.uiKiNO. Dressing and tailor shop at sacrifice It lanen at once; omor nuiincH employs ail my lime; money matting pro position. HASTINGS. NKBRASKA. ADDRKtiS POHTOKF1CK BOX 877 i tiAVB threo good saloons in Kansas Ctty Uo.. any one or ail ior mmm. i am me awner and want to retire. If you wan a aood place let ma hear from you. Ad dress Y 783, Bee. hist out We have one of the best propo sitions on maraei ior rru auiumooura. No competition. Guaranteed life of car. Small selling price. Liberal commissions. Sales gunranteed. Call or write McFar Isnd-Parmwr Co., 728 Brande s Bldg. OIL money easy.lmsde by becoming charter member grouna iioar prapoamon. (.'iibi lease fortune tn sight. Qrt details. E. F. Weaver. Murdoch Bldg.. Wichita. Kan. WANTED Business man able financially lake state management senior automo bile accessory ; large profit K. C, Calhoun, Her Grand hotel, FOR SALE Only Variety Store In good Neb. town ot 8,UO, county seat, vuier business reason for selling. Address 781. Bee. wot ION nletnra machines tnew and built), theaters, supplied. umana r urn Eichanga.108S.14th St. FOR BAl.B Oood. clean atoek f hard ware: live town, central a. Oood reason fnr selling. Be quick. Address T 367, Be. "WB BUY, wa sell motion picture theaters. mschlnea, teature nims, v o-oprmiiT Film and Supply Co., 310 Bromley Bldg FOR BALK by owner, drug stars, dwelling and stock; square neai. Aaaresa owner. 18 West Ith Av.. Denver. Colo. wtt.t.iams sstahllshed It roars. To buy or sell business see him. 411 McCague Bldg. Reference, V. 8. National Bank. FOR BALK Flve-chalr barber shop In town of t,b08. best location in town ana aoing good business. Aaaress i ivv, nee. DOWP Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, hsve closed ut more mdse. stocks than any athar firm in U's-rttefor terrn fwTOlf want to'saU or buya business morning house call on Busch 4 Borghoff, .738 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. 3811. I.ATTN DRT FOR BALK Doing a good busl ness; reason for selling on account of 111 health. Box 822. Jefferson. la. GUARANTY PLAN: get In or out business. All stales. F. V. KnlesU Bee Bldg., Omaha. Tn"nKT In" or" out of business ce OANQAM'SAaU, CU Bee Bid. IMvfr Ml OMAHA, JANUARY BUSINESS CHANCES Rooming Housei. ROOKTKO HOUSBA. nil sixes, great bar Phone Tylar 2487. gains. 411 Rosa Bldg SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE. !0c PER LINE. Business ada, regular ratea; lines one week 48e lines one week 80e Each extra line 28e par week Male. POSITION wanted by a young man. S3 years of ace: haa had five years' experi ence at a retaJI grocery clerk, three years' experience with office worx. ana some several months' experience as traveling salesman. Address T 780, Bee. THE GREATEST GAIN 88,738 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper. Is the record of THE OMAHA BUB for ltll. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE CAPABLE bookkeeper and general offlee man, 31, desires employment in ar near Omaha. Quick and accurate. A-l refer ences. Address C. C. Norton. Oakdalej Neb. SHRINER clothing, furnlahlngs and abas salesman, also window trimmer, wanu place at once. Best references and first - is man. SI yrs. old. Addrasa x ts. Bee. WANT job In grocery store; have had no experience, but have fair schooling, it grades; state salary In Orst letter. Wesley Carlson, Box 186, Petersburg. Neb. YOU NO J a panes boy wants work. Can speak, read and write English.. Slimdo, 37tb and L Sta., South Side. MAN with Ford truck wishes work. Been In city 23 years. Will talk business to right party. Box 11, Bee. POSITION as steno. or bookkeeper, T yearn' business experience, Bohemian. Box 977, Be. ANYONE In need of chauffeur or truck driver call Web. 2044. ODD jobs or Janitor work by day, weak oi month, web, zssx. PIR8T CLASS JaJiitorTtlty reference- 'Web ster 3631. Female. WANTED By colored girl, day work. Call Webster 2327, ask for Esther. THE BE HJ charge for "Situation ads" U lower than any otner xorm oi aovarcirag not enough to cover the neat of printing. WANTED Position as companion or house keeper by middle -med lady; renned, edu cated. Addraaa Y 774, Bee. Invalid would like crochet work, hemming napkins, tahltwloths, French hand. Col.1777 EXPERIENCED mall and filing clerk, de- res position in a Isrga office. Walnut 1304. COLORED girl wants position dusting It) furniture ora. Call Webstar IBal. WANTED Bundle washing by experienced laundress. Call Webster 3171. PRACTICAL nurse wants position; house- work also. Harney 4IM. POSITION as companion to society lady. No salary. Box 9884, Bee. WANTED Day work or washing by the ,-. Walnut 2838. FIRST CLASS colored cook wants position. Webiter 74C7. Laundry and Day Work. EXERIENCED woman wishes day work of any kind. Call Douglas 61.10. FOR experienced bundle washing call Web ster 1871. frompt aeuvery. Day work, any kind; comp. ref. Web. Ex. lady wanta b'dle wash. Guar. Web. DAY work or housecleanlng exp. Web. 4667. For day work or gen. housework. Ty. 1864-W. EX. LAUNDRESS, bundle wash. Web. 241. Ex. colored lady wants day work. H. 676$. LAUNDRY and day work. Webster 6244. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1810 Davenport SL DoOgla 1$$$. Headquarters for hotel help. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. ACCOUNTANT, $178; bkkpr., $90, bkkpr.. $76; bkkpr., (temp.) $86; steno. and bkkpr., $86; steno and bkkpr., (out of town) 60; steno., $76; office clerk. $60; file clerk, $60; bill clerk, $60; file clerk, $30; office boy, U. WATTS REFERENCE CO., 1138 First Nat. Bank. Doug. S88L ACCOUNTANT (A-l) $176 BOOKKEEPER 90 8TENO. (OUT TOWN) 80 CITY SALESMAN (INVESTMENT! . . 100 SALESMAN (EXP. UNNECESSARY) 16 JR. OFFICK CLERK (BANK) $6 NJOHT CASHIER $36 and Bd. THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. WE NEED AT ONCE. Acnountant, R. K-, $86; ledger cleric $46; purchasing clerk, $86; service clerk (auto firm) S6; office boy, (bank) $26. Many others. NO FILING FEE. only $0 cents to Inveajtgate references. THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. Q. W. Bldg. WANTED By a wholesale house, yeung man stenographer; applicants will please give city references, employers name, eipertenre, age and salary wanted. Sub mit application In own handwriting. Ad dress Box 20, Bee. AN EXPERIENCED architect for permanent position with big organisation; good salary to right man. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N. THB GREATEST GAIN 68,738 In paid want-ads over mad by any Omsha paper, Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1918. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATS ABSTRACTER wanted, competent with ex perience. Permanent position. R. L, Gllll land, Jefferson, la HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. WANTED Foreman, for structural steel shop. State age, experience and salary wanted. Apply St. Joseph Structural Steel Company. Ht. Joseph. Mo. Drug Positions Ail States CO-OPERATIVE. KUrttKEINlS CU 1016-16 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED ExperleoceU flrat-clxss structural steel draftsman. Apply St. Joseph otruc tural Steel Company, St. Joitpb. Mo. WANTED A flrst-claas meat cutter. The Washington Market. 1407 Douglas St. ARCHITECT draftsman wanted. Harry Laurie, 637 Paiton Blk. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANT MAN WHO IS AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN ONE WITH PROMOTION EXPERIENCE PREFERRED. A large middle west corporation wishes to secure the services of a really high class man whose training, eipericnce and ganeral personality fits 'him to handle a high claw business proposition among high class business and professional men. Prefar man who la acquainted with middle weatern ways of handling business. Will not consider applicants who are under 80 year of age. This Is not an ordinary sales proposi tion, but a man with exceptional sales ability who can combine therewith tact and diplomacy wilt be admirably fitted to perform the services we require. The proposition we have to offer Is a large commission proposition with liberal expense advance. An energetic man pos sessing the desired qualification can ex pect to earn from $3,000 to $6,000 per year. We have men who are earning as much snd more. This is an opportunity tor the man now employed to materially better himself if he Is tn experienced and efficient worker In fact, we wouW prefer getting In touch with this class of people. Write ua. giving brief outline of your psst experience. All communications will be held In strictest confidence and Inter view arranged at earliest possible moment Addrrae Box 8708. Bee. THE OLD LINE Bankers' Life of Lincoln The Company of Big Settlement. Liberal Contract to Agents. Kllly, Ellis 4t Thompson, General Agents. Doug. 2818. $13-14 City Nat, Bk. Bldg. WANTED every stock salesman, who reads this ad, too call and Investigate my proposition at one. EDWARD O. WOLFE, $ Weed Bldg. llth and Farnam Sta WANTED Reliable man to represent (The U Youth's Companion). Steady employment to right man wnn guarantee io aiari, v.n for Kunselman, Harley Hotel. Don't call unless you can furnish good references. WANTEDa salesman covering Omsha and Council Bluffs to sell a nice line of groceries and merchants' sates books. Ad dress Complete Bookkeeper Co., 10T 7th St. Des Molnen. Iowa. 1 YOUNG men. sged 18 to 23. qualify for high class advertising proposition, to travel, $12 per week and commission. In quire cxmsutaaaw sisvuis ww, 1917. HEXP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Two young mn to work towns in Iowa. See K. ,. Threaogiii. nam? hotel. WANTED Experienced city ssJeamaa who understands selling butcher supply noes. H. Ehrllch and Sons Mfg. Co- Bt- Joseph. HALR8 positions, mercantile line. WESTERN REFERENCE Kjnu w Agents and Canvassers. AOE.VTS You can make $8 a day with our proposition. 1403 Jax-kson Bt, Trade Schools. AUTO MECHANICS. EARN BIO MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Basy to Learr. by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING A&TN, 2817 N. 28th St., Omaha. Send for Free Catalogue GOOD MEN WANTED. To learn auto trade for the many po sitions now open. Fine training work in anto and electric starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2053 Farnam, Omaha. Neb. WE WANT MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Few weeks qualify to mn shop r work for other; years of apprenticeship saved by our method; we have placed graduate In leading position everywhere; compara tively no expense; catalog mailed frsa, MOLER BARBER COLLEOK, 110 a Hth St., Omaha, Neb. (BsU.bllshed 1813.) LEARN barber trade; be Independent, more than make your expenses while learning. Wages or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. 1402 Dodge St. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLKOE. Miscellaneous.' FEB. 10TH. Railway Mall Clerk Examina tions In Omaha. 878 to 11 SO month. Every second week off with pay. Education un neceseary. Sample questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 238 A. Rochester, N. Y. MEN wanted to en?st In Signal Corp at once; report at Lincoln. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. BOOKKKEPER $70 STENOGRAPHER . . 00 8TENOORAPHER M STENOGRAPHER 48 CIGAR CLERK S5 THE CANO AGENCY, 800 BEB BLDG. BKkPRTand steno., $78; steno., $65; steno., $60: steno.. 846: checker. $40 and board; typist and file clerk, $36; girl tn doctor's of rice, 830 WATTS REFERENCE CO. 1138 First Nat. Banff. Doug. 3886. THB GREATEST GAIN 68.738 Tn paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, Is the record ot THE OMAHA BEB for 1814. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. STENOGRAPHER, small office, up .town. automobile business. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASSN. STENO.. $4$ billing clerk, $46; office girl. $20. TH B MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOK KEEPING, stenographic, clerical po sitions. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASflN. WANTED Girl for cigar store. 802 Pierce Professions and Trades. WANTED Girls with common school edu cation, between 18 and 22 years, to take up local and long distance telephone work. C. F. Lambert. 1817 Douglas St. Household and Domestic. WANTED Girl for renersl house work. Reference required. Good wage. Mrs, M. C. Clarfcson, Casper, Wyo. A YOUNG white or colored girl to assist In housework. Family of thne grown people. Call at 114 N. 30th SL WANTED A competent white girl fur gen eral housework ; must be good cook, no laundry; high wage. Harney 3014. WANTED Nurse girl In family of threo; no washing; board and room and small wages. 1144 8. $2d. Harney 6314. COLORED housekeeper for white man; good appearing widow or girl; give address. Box 23, Bee. WANTED A' girl for general housework small family; wage $6 per week. Call Harney 6724. GIRL for general housework; no washing nor cooking. 2608 SL Mary's Ave. Doug las 7686. WANTED A competent cook; references required. Apply 206 & 32d Are. Tel. Har ney ZDs. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Nagel, 3617 Farnam. Telephone Harney 4046. WANTED A competent cook, also an ex perienced housemaid. Call Harney 2641. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for family of six. D. A. Ross, Montrose, Kan. Box is. WANTED Reliable girl far general house work. Phone Harney 889. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotype. typewrit- - ing. telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas 1666. ltth and Harney Sta. SPANISH Evening classes now on by mv five teacher. Engl I no. -Spanish transit tlons guaranteed. 616 Bee Bldg. Eladio Benito. Douglas 2447. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAY AND EVEN I NO SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank. Bldg. Entrance 2S0. Ijpuglaa 5880. T. M. C. A. Day and Night School. Musical. Harp Limited number pupils accepted com ing season; early applications favored. Harps fur. Loretta De Lone, 308 Lyric Bid. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos, tnd. notes as security ' lit) 8-mo. H. H. gds., total cost, 33. bn 48 ' Indorsed notes, total cost, $2.60. Smaller, larger am'ts.. proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. Orxantxed by Omaha Business Men. 433 Rose Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Ty. 666, MOVING AND STORAGE "GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and mov ing. 218 N. llth St, Thone Douglas 384. Globe Van and Storage Co, For real moving sfrvlce try us. Lirgs 3 -horse padded vans. Storage, $2 month. Satisfaction Ruarnnteed. We move you QUICKER, CHEAPER AND SAFER. Phone Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. ""metropolitan van and storage co. Careful sttentlon given to orders for niflTfnff. narklnt- or storage. Office Raymond Furniture Co., 1613 and 1616 Howard St, PhoneD. 6634. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving; packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. $02 8. 16th St. Douglas 4163, FIDELITY ."SiL. FREE Phone Douglaa 38$ for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sta. Maggard Van and two men, $1.36 per hour. Van and Storage Co., Moving. Packing. Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1488. Globe Van and Storage Co, For real service In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 880. er -u?lJ! TiT?T Kxpress Co. Moving, J. j, RLiC-U Packing and storage. 1387 Parnam St. Douglas 4148. TwTrTciTT EXPRESS CO., 1S2S Cass SL Douglas 1717. Trunks stored a specialty. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Hoasei. Aprtineqts. DESIRABLE furnished "and unfurnished apartments. All sis and prices, splen did locstlon. 14th and Farnam. Km est gweel. New Uasalitoo. Douglas 1471 FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS1 If yon fall to find the room you desire among these adi call at Ths Bee office for a Room List Gives complete detailed description of va cant room In sll parts of the .city. II more convenient phone The Bes Want Ad Dept and give your name and address and a list will be mailed to you tt one. New lists are Issued every week. Furnished Rooms. THE GREATEST GAIN 6$.T$$ In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, is the record of THB OMAHA BEE for 1818. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE OR RENT Furnished rooms In Hanscem Park district everything new. wen neaieu. on car line; breakfast If desired. 1144 8. 8 2d. Harney 6314. SUNSHINE APARTMENTS. For men only. Comfortable steam heated rooms. Rats $3.88 and up par week. 80S N. 17th St VERY nicely furnished room, with board. In one or the finest nelgnDornooos in .jdpiuib park district; price reasonable. Call Wal nut 1822. .. THE COCHRANE, 4810-13 Sweetwood Ave,, large room for two; also single room, clean, comfortable and homelike. Doug. '458. THE NORTON Excellently furnished 2- room apartments complete for housekeep ing. Call 670 8. 28th St. Harney 15S0. MAHOGANY furnished, large, steam heated room, private bath; excellent home-cooaeo meals. Garage. Phone Harney IW. 3fi&3 HARNEY ST. Nicely furnished mod ern rooms, single or in double, eouth front, slso large parlor room. Douglaa 8189. SELECT place to board, steam-heated; ma hogany furnished; private bain; garage. Harney 1788. 220 N. 23d Excellently famished steam heated room. Private (anally; ovary con venience. NICELY furnished room in steam-heated apt., private family, close In, walking dla tance. Call Douglas 8880. NICELY furnished1 front room In modern private home, excellent neighborhood, close to car line. H. 6931. COMFORTABLE furnished room. 4 gentle men; private family. Weat Farnam dis trict. Harney CHICAGO 3610 In private home; large south front room with alcove; also side room. . FOR RENT Front room, furnished, private bath If desired. 2121 Douglas. Poug. mi. $30$ Sherman Ave. Nicely furnished room In private family; all modem conveniences. 2037 DODGE Large double front room. modern, with board. Phone Tyler 1873. UNFURNISHED rooms, all jdern except heat 1817 North 19th. WWDSter Betel.. 704 N. 83D Modern furnished room, close In, private family, all convenience. HEATED room for working men. Modern home. 2428 Decatur. Web. 4B7. ROOM, with -washing, $1.60 per week. so. sid sl German ramny. NICELY famished room modern. 3441 BL Mary Are. Red 8344. Board and Room. BOARD and room, $5 per week. lfomla St D. 4826. 1 ROOMS furnished with board. In Dtxndea Walnut 2682. Unfurnished Rooms, UNFURNISHED rooms, all modern ex cept hat 1817 No. Hth. Webeter 6257. Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THE BEB WANT-AD DEPT. and ond out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that Is helping many pi opt rent their rooms. FOR RENT HOUSES West 3103 HOWARD ST. A l-story frame, 7 rooms and steeping porch. New furnace. Room for one oaf In gang If desired House rent. $20. ALFRED THOMAS, 808 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. STONE HOUSE and garage at 60th and Dodge, $70. W. U semy sons. Douglas 1610. Keellne Bldg. 208 8. 41st, hot water plant $2$. 1126 a 31at St. with garage for two t North. FOR RENT. t rooms near the high eelmeA, We. 411 N. 22d St.; $1$ per month, owner pays for water. J. B. ROBINSON, 442 Bes Bldg. Dongnu $tt, NEW, modem residence, 2604 Blondo, $1$ per month, inquire 7is n. xist rnons Douglas 7311. M. Sleek. FOR RENT 7-room, strictly modern bunga low. 3311 Howard SL Call Douglas 3, or Douglas 3424. NEW bungalow, 6-room, strictly all modern. half block to car. ize. LrOcateo zin an FortSts.Red 1881. 6-R., mod, cot, 3644 N. 28th Av.. $18. T. 4711 South. WALKING distance, 6-room, modern. , 28th St. $20. Webster ssxx. Miscellaneous. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT, HOUSES AND COTTAGES PARTLY MODERN. 4r. 3401 Parker St $10,88 4-R. 1416 Carter Lake Blvd 14.00 6-R. 60S Martha St 12. bH fc.R Ell Martha Bt 12.60 K-R. 4120 Saratoga St II 7R&016 N. 42d 8t 16.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. S-R. 2810 Saratoga St $13.08 -R 2819 N. 27tb St. (for colored) 16.0$ 4-R. 2233 S. Cth St . 12.6$ STRICTLY MODERN. 4H2 Farnam St $36.04 8-R.&327 N. 27th St. (brand new). 26,00 7.R. 4613 fi. 23d St 26.00 -R. 2430 Bristol St (with barn In the rear) 22.84 f-R. 2608 Dewey Ave 40. FLATS STRICTLY MODERN. .rt. 3018 Dewey Ave. (very choice)) 8T.68 HEATED ArAKTM K1NTH. i-R, 2918 Farnam St, (strictly mod ern and uo-lo-dale In every re spect) $32.04 WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE LIST BEFORE RENTING. PORTER & SHOT WELL, 202 a 17th St, Doug. 6012. BARGAINS IN HOUSES. j-r. 830 South 23d St., modern except heat, east front very close In; special . price, $12.60. 6-r. 605 South llth, newly decorated throughout, very close In, two we free rt-nt. $26. s.r. 2706 North 49th St, strictly modi bungalow, sun parlor, brand new, $27.60. s.r. 822 South 38th St., Jlftld Club us trlct, strictly high-class, reduced to $36. fr, 3817 North 20th SL, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, nearly new, $37.60. PAYNE & bLATr-K LU., 616 Omaha Nat'I. Bldg. Ph. Doug. 1016. 114.00 6-r.. 1612 Clark SL 16. 00 &.r., 3816 N.'20th St., mod. ex. ht. 125.00 6-r., 1107 Locust St.. modern. $27.00 2-r., S. 2 re. No. S, Davldge block. 120.00 6-r., 1713 Pratt St., modern. 130.00 6-r., 526 S. 26th Ave., modern. 130.00 6-r.. 6St 8. 26th Ave., modern. 232.50 6-r, 630 Park Ave., modern Oat. 136.00 7-r.. 10S Corby 8t., modern. 940.00 7-r., 2626 California SL, new, mod ern, very desirable. 146.00 8-r., 312 S. 37th St., vary desirable. Oarage. t&O.OO 8-r., 137 N. 32d Ave., modern. GEORGE & CO., Phone Doug. 726. 001 City NaL Bk. Bldg. $10.003816 WOOLWORTH AVE., fi rooms. $88.00 2603 Dodge St., rooms, all mod. ja.OO 860 8. 26th Ave., 8 rooms, mod ern, very desirable brick flat. 38.00 847 8. 37th St.. 8 rooms, strictly modern brick flat. 6.00 2703 Farnsm St., 8 rooms, hot wa ter heat, all modem. 8.00 300$ Dodge St. handy to Farnam St. and Turner park, 8 rooma 400 1108 S. 33d St., 8 rooms, modern, garage If desired. Field club dlsL 10.00 704 S. 24th St., 7 rooms, all mod ern, close tn brick fist. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 38. 818-20 City National. $20.00 SWELL 4-r. all mod, flat, 18th and Willis Ave. $20.90 Partly furnished 4-r. flat, 18th and Willis Ave. 113.00 i rms., 3022 So. ltth.; mod. ex. ht. $11.00 4 rraa, 1407 No. 40th, mod. ex. ht $5.00 3. room cottage. 8816 Fort St. We have a large list EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO. D. 40. HOUSES FOR RBNT. CRBIOH, SONS CO.. $88 BOS BUML iXUO. FOB RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. $ ROOMS, all modern, cast front, porches, everything new and up-to-the-minute. Walking distance. 2S per month. Doug laa 4886. TRAVER BROTHERS. $1 New First National Bank Bldg. 4RWM8T8T04 N. llth St., $15. 4 Rooms 3413 Ersklne St., $14. BENSON ft MYERS CO., 434 Omaha Nafl Hank Bldg. FIRST TRUST CO. Houses, stores, 400 First National Bank Bldg.. 18th and Fsrnaiw FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. VERT choice 4 -room steam heated apart ment on West Farnam SL JOHN W. BOBBINS. 180$ FARNAM ST. 623H S. 24th Ave. 4 -room modern flat, hot water heat; $30 winter, summer $20. TeL Red $ier Miscellaneous. ELEGANT 4-room apartment, very close tn; has just been newly decorated. See Payne ft Slater Co., Phone Doug. 101$. 411 Omaha Nat Bldg, FOR RENT Basincs Pr'p'ty Stores. FOR RENT Good business location In Council Bluffs at 2313 West Broadway; most central- lo cation In the west end. A nice little store room, suitable for any small business. $1$ per month. tt'GEE REAL ESTATE CO., . 106 Pearl Street STORE FOR RENT. 141S-17 North 24th St., store room, tlx 10 basement and On large display win dow. Good location for retail elore er "hOP ARMSTRONG-WALflH CO.. Tyler 1824. 333 Rass Bldg. STORE room. 2116 Cuming St., with rooms In mar, $2b montn. t-an wecpier ssas. STORE building for rent In good business town. Write Box "F," Snyder, Nab. Offices and Desk Room. OFFICES. Single and en suite. In central taoa- Mon" BROWN BLDG., Room 407. "'- Douglas 1883. DESIRABLE office rooms In the remodeled Cronna block, lis . ism ot topposue pootoffloe). $10 to $14 per month. Conrad Young, 323 tiranaeiB i nosier, uouw. n. CHOICE o:lcs space. Balrd Bldg., ltth and Douglas. McCague inv. w Garages and Barns. FOR RENT Garage, 2227 Evans. Call Web. : 4084. , Miscellaneous. LARGE, light basement 16th and Howard. cheap. Wright at Vaasoury. uong. imm. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses and FUta. WE GUARANTEE TO ADVER TISE YOUR RENTAL fKUf U.K TY IF YOU LIST WITH US. BIG 4 REALTY COMPANY. 1015-16 W. O. W. BLDG. DOUGLAS 346. WE want more house and apartments to rent The fact that we nave practically cleaned out oar big list 1 conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. It yon want to keep your, places rented see Payne & Slater Oow, "Omaha's Rental Men." 41$ Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1014. Miscellaneous. WANTED A modern furnished room for single gentleman; snouia oe oi easy ee eesa from business district. References given. Address Box 14, Be. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. 26th and Farnam 60x324, $X2,8$, Cheapest buy a Fe nam emeu 24th and Douglas n-feot froitace ra 24th SL. rmpro-red; prle. ttt.MO. Bast bur on 14 Ik St. Glover & Spain, IMirsla XMl !- CUT Setlonal. Wear KABNAM, stucco, t.r., modern. lot vara. 91.0Q,; muss vara. ,,,vve. u ior. li.,0. tit No. ltth A.. Dong. t47. FOR SALE Fine home. Harney ear Una, 91,2bQ. Masy terms, snaa. m. r. gtwom. North. BEMTS PARK LOT AS FIRST PAYMENT. Six rooms, strtetrr modem boeaaa, loeanV ad earner ot Bemla psu: tan lot, paved street, pavtnr paid. WU1 sell aa eaar terms er take a lot at a barrel fltram. (ST Omaha Nat. Bk. Bid,. n. 1m. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, rvro souk. Tlih. r flntah. atrlctly modern to every army. De.. UtuUy decorated; In taat. ready ta move Into: dandy east front lot; two block, to Walnut Bill ear. A bt barrel, at MOM. Terms almost ta nit. or first payment RASP BROS. lie KseltPO Bldg. KOUNTZB PLACE, rcatiicted district, reem. denco tor sal. A V K.leat. tut M. ltth, South. KTO BAROAU1 OUTH S0TH STRBaTt. r Uraona aotlluN cottage, en one lot. at 1414 Seoth lath. In excellent repair, paying all paid. Only J3.7S, for the two cottagea. Eaar tanna. NORRIS NORRTS. 4M m Bldg. phon. Donrbaa dga. Miscellaneous. SIX ROOMS ALL ' MODERN TWO-STORY HOUSE Propertv muat be sol. at one. on as. count of mortgage. Owner Uvea In Chi eago and cannot keep up his parrnenta on the mortgage, which le 12,600. Prop erty Is located In a good section of the city and handy to a good car line. Worth 14 000. Owner asking 33.500. Hake us an offer of 13,150; 3600 In cash la all that Is required. . HIATT COMPANY, 45 Omaha Nat l. Bank Bldg. Tyler . CLOSE IN NEW BUNGALOW Large living room, dining room, kitchen on Bret floor; three large bedrooms and bath on second door; oak finish and oak tloora; built-in bookeaaeo and buffet; full basement; gusrsnleed furnsoe; eaat front lot; paved etreet; fine location. Price $4,500. Terms. SCOTT AND HILL CO., Doug. 100s. Ground Fir. McCetue Bldg. THB GREATEST GAIN Bt.Ttt In paid want-ada ever made by any Omaha paper, la the record o TUB OMAHA BEE for 11. BB8T RESULT tj LOWEST RAT MODERN BUNGALOW Fine location, east l.nnt, raved street, I rooms, hardwood floors and finish, close tn hool end car. A bargain at $3,00,. K.v terms. Call owner. Doug. 1731. BARGAIN, nonresident; etrlctly modern 4 room house, nearly niw, hardwood floors, garage, lot 50x120, 12,700, 1500 cash. bal. time. Owner I. Smith. Castle hotel. i"woungalow; aisv and gardening, our '..rms end p-' -e; Inv rltb HM. rent I b,uses cost yieU.lsJ ,Vvnrrootns. rew. B A"'1. To'" dece. rated, all modern, etc.. 52.T60: f:u caao. balance monthly. CUu llli. owner af ths article In most cases Is will tag to reiand the oost af advar Using. l ' t. i 1