Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Brief City News
Platinum Wedding Kings Edholm
Have Root Print It Now Beacon
Best Meal for the Money Clatre
monc inn.
Dr. W. K. Foote, now at 1013 First
Dr. i. P. Slater,, now at 1121
first Nat Bank. New phone Tyler 736
The Undertaking Business of the
late Edward L. Dodder will be con
tinued under the management of Fred
E. Fero, who hs been with the firm
for the last eighteen years. (Signed)
Delegates to Municipality Meeting-
Mayor uahlman appointed commis
sioners Butler, Hummel and Jardihe
as delegates to attend the annual
meeting of the League of Nebraska
Municipalities at Hastings on January
25 and 26.
John I'M Is a Sick Man John Utt,
Rock Island general agent who has
been In poor health for more than
year, is now in southern California
and reports from there are to the ef
fect that, while he Is not well, he Is
much better than when he went there.
Social Club Election The Hatikwop
Social club held a meeting at the
home of Louis Levy, 3716 Burt street,
and the following officers were elected:
Morris Levy, president; Ruben Brown,
vice president: Kobert Kouper, secre
tary; Louis Levey, treasurer: Sam
Kadner, reporter.
Haskell Is Sustainrd-AIthouxli he
is no longer a justice of Bie peace, the
supreme court has decided that he had
a right to that office while there. This
was brought out when the supreme
court sustained the action of the dis
trict court in ' ouster proceedings
Drought by Hteronymous Eisclc.
B'Xnl B'rlth Program A smoker
and social program and the initiation
of forty candidates for membership
will entertain the William llcKlnley
lodge, No. 521, International Order of
-'.-ml B'rith, at their meeting Thurs
day evening in the Lyric building. The
Ls-'lies' auxiliary will give a dance
Tuesday, January 23. at the Hotel
IS'ortliwest Improvers to Meet The
ixertnwest Federation club will hold
its regular monthly meeting with the
IVewport-Belvidere Improvement club
in the auditorium of the Belviderc
school. Thirty-sixth and Kansas av
enue, Thursday evening, January 18,
at 8 o'clock. There will be addresses
made by prominent speakers and a
full attendance Is desired.
I'liic I'lreplace Goods Sunderland.
Plenty of Smokes During last year
in its transcontinental business, the
Union I'at-tnc hauled 3.992,000 pounds
of manufactured tobacco into San
Francisco and It is estimated that as
miu-h more was taken in locally and
on other transportation lines. The
3,992.000-pound consignment was for
home consumption and did not In
clude that carried through for export
Coal Supply Increases The local
coal supply was materially increased
by the arrival of four tralnloads over
the Missouri Pacific, from Kansas and
Missouri. While no shortage is anti
cipated, all railroads centering here
are nurrying coal along from the
mines. The Burlington, Northwestern
and Rock Island are bringing large
quantities from Illinois and consider
able quantities are coming in from
Develops Blood Poison and Appen
dicitisRoland Barbee, who shot
Deputy Sheriff George Giliaspy at the
uscar jawson Tarm and who received
a Dunet in tne leg In return, was
taken from the Avoca (la.) Jail to the
Jenny dmundson hospital in Coun
cil Bluffs last night, as his condition
is considered dangerous. The wound
in his leg has become infected and the
prisoner is also suffering from appen
dicitis, which developed while he was
confined in jail.
Youthful Wireless Operator is a
Philosopher with His
Other Talents.
By A. R. GROH.
Douglas Burghardt's call is "9 W.
R." HtN uss a 200-meter wave link
and the continental code.
Of course, you don't know what all
t' .'j is about. So I'll explain. j
By day, Douglas Burghin' is an
employe oi The lice engraving depart
ment. But by night he is a amateur
wireless operator.
At his home 5023 North Twenty
fourth street, he sit down to his
transmitte-. The mvsterious current
obeys his will. His thoughts leap
out, hundreds of miles across the
country. He "talks" to other boys in
Dubuqie, in Dallas, .ex., in Buffalo,
N. V., boys whom he has never seen.
but who are his wireless pa'.s.
1 stopped Douglas as he was pass
ing through the offic". He told me
about the amateur wire ess organi
zation of this country. Wonderfully
well intormed he is ind Ins conversa
tion is full of interest.
He t .Iks of Hanove . Germany: Ar
lington, Va. ("right acrost'the river
from Washington, L. C." hj tells me)
and Key West. Fla.. iust ordinary
people might talk of Omaha, Council
Bluffs and Florence. Inde, C, in wire-1
less circles, the former aren't much I
farther Tpart than the latter. I
How often do you use your wire
less?" I asked him.
Talks Every Night.
"Every night." said Doufflas.
promptly. "About 7:30 I send out
the general call. That 'C. O.'. In
the continental code you make 'C
with a dash-dot-dash-dot and 'Q' with
"My aerial is in the yard. 1 have
tower forty feet high and a pole
top, fifty feet high, makine ninetv
feet. use the city current instead
battery and have a one-kilowatt
Tite been cettine the war renorts
from the government station at Fort
sam Houston, lex., and messages
from amateur stations all over. The
divided into districts for the ama
teurs. Omaha is in the ninth district
Amateurs have to use a "wive link"
less than 200 meters long, so as not
to interfere with government sta
tions which use wave links, some
times thousands of meters long. Ships
usea 600-meter wave link.
"In time of war," this serious lad
informs me, "wc would give our sta
tions to the government and, even if
the enemy cut all the telegraph lines,
messages could be relayed by the
amateur stations. We have to prom
ise to do this." (Let our enemies
"But doesn't it cost a good deal to
have a wireless station?" I asked.
Now mark the words of wisdom that
fell from this boy's lips.
"I think I've spent about $100 on
mine," he said? "but I think I have
gotten more good out of it than that.
You learn a lot, and besides, if I
didn't have the wireless I'd want to
be out at night, doing something
Aha, Douglas, quite true I You hit
the nail on the hed. I hadn't
thought of that, but it certainly is the
Parents of our amateur wireless
enthusiasts don't have to worry how
to keep their boys at home, nights.
with its contents is a total loss. An
overheated furnace is believed to have
caused the tire.
School House at Mobridge Burns.
Mobridge, S. D.. Jan. 16. (Spe
cial.) Fire destroyed the East Side
school house at Mobridge during the
night, causing a loss of between
$3)0OaiidJtf,0O0. The entire building are within a radius of three miles
Fire in New Bank
Building is Started
By a Cigaret Stub
Somebody tossed the stub of a
burning cigaru among some rubbish
in a vacant office on the seventh floor
of the First National Bank building.
The result was a fire-scare .hat drove
many office ren rs in a peil-inell rush
to the strec. and did about $400 dam
age to the building. 1 he damage
was confined to blistered paint and
burtied woodwork on the seventh
floor of the building.
Pipe Line Destroys Hope
Of Growth of Glen Rock
The people of Glen Rock, a city
that has sprung up within the last
sixty days in the Big Muddy district.
the latest ot the Wyoming oil fields to
come in, have given up all hope of
securing a refining plant. The Stan
dard Oil company has commenced
laving a pipe line from Glen Rock to
Casper, a distance of nineteen miles.
Glen Kock sixty days ago was a
portion of a cattle ranch. Now it is
said to have a population of 1.000,
with about every line of business rep
resented. Twelve producing oil wells
This Simple Laxative
A Household Necessity
Dr. Caldwell's Syruo Pepsin
Should Have a Place in
Every Home j
Constipation, or inaction of the i
bowels, a condition that nearly every
one experiences with more or less
frequency, is the direct cause of much
disease. When the bowels become
clogged with refuse from the stom
ach, foul gases and poisons are gen
erated, and unless the congestion is
quickly relieved the system becomes
weakened and most susceptible to at
tack. Various remedies to relieve consti
pation are prescribed, but many of
these contain cathartic or purgative
'agents that arc harsh and violent in
other day I got a card from an ama-1 !rf ir act'" al"?. shock T system-
Jill. mull tllCLUVC I CI licit V IS I 1 c
Nash and Burgess Go
East for Some New Ideas
Ward Burgess and Louis C. Nash,
president and vice president, respect
ively of the Burgess-Nash company,
left Monday night on an inspection
trip of some of-the principal stores in
the cast.
It is their plan to visit such cities as
Indianapolis, Dayton, Toledo, Cleve
land and Detroit, where some of the
most up-to-date and progressive de
partment stores of the country are
located. "We intend to include every
practical convenience for shopping
and service in our new store," said
Mr. Nash before leaving. "Wc expect
to get many ideas on this trip that
will help us materially in making our
plans. The architect's plans of the
building will soon he completed, and
Tausig & Flcish of Chicago arc work
ing on the arrangement and layout ot
the store. We expect lo begin the
work of demolishing the Boyd build
ing within the next few weeks and
our plan is to rush the building on as
rapidly as possible."
teur in Buffalo, N. Y.. stating that he
had picked up my message. And an
other fellow in Dallas, Tex., got a
call of mine. I have received mes
sages here from Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, and Porto Bello, Central America."
Douglas wears a button inscribed
"Radio League of America," and he
has a government license from the
United States radio inspector.
Fifteen Stations Here.
He says there arc about fifteen
amateur wireless .stations in Omaha.
LI- I n;:n: ' n:i . ti .
ahu vv miaul iciiiiiari, i nirty
second and Larimore avenue, work
together a good deal.
He told me how the country is
Siya Cream Applied In Nostrils
Relieves Head-Colds at Once.
combination of simple laxative herbs
with pepsin that is sold in drugstores
under the name of Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin.
The Hon. John D. Keister of Bran
dywine, W. Va., who has represented
his district in the State Legislature
for six years, writes that he uses Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and finds it
a splendid laxative, easy to take and
mild, yet positive, in its action, and
that it should be in every household
for use when needed.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is sold
by druggists in all parts of the United
States and costs I only fifty cents a
bottle. It contains no opiate or nar
cotic drug, does not gripe, and is
recommended as a family laxative,
mild enough for the tiniest babe, yet
sufficiently powerful to act easily on
the strongest constitution.
To avoid imitations and ineffective
substitutes be sure to get Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin. See that a fac
simile of Dr. Caldwell's signature and
his portrait appear on the yellow car
ton in which the bottle is packed.
A trial bottle, free of charge, can be
obtained by writing to Dr. W. B.
Caldwell. 455 Washington St., Monti
cello, Illinois.
If your nostrils are clogged and
your head is stuffed and you can't
breathe freely Usjcause of a cold or ca
tarrh, just get a small bottle of Ely's
Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic
cream into your nostrils and let it
penetrate through every air passage
of your head, soothing and healing
the inflamed, swollen mucous mem
brane, and you get instant relief.
Ah I how good it feels. Your nos
trils are open, your head is clear, no
more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no
more headache, dryness or struggling
for breath. Ely's Cream Balm is just
what sufferers from head colds and
catarrh need. It's a delight. Adv.
When Tired and Nervous
If the end of the day finds you weary or irri
table,with achingheadand frayednerves,you need
something to tone and strengthen the system.
mmm pills
are a remedy which quickly helps in restoring normal
conditions. Theyacton the stomach, liver and bowels,
and so renew the strength, and steady the nerves.
A few doses of these world-famed family pills will
Bring Welcome Relief
Directions of Special Vain to Woman an with Every Bos
Sold by druggist throughout tho world. In bozos, 10e 2So
A Simple Way to
Remove Dandruff
There is one sure way that has
never failed to remove dandruff at
once and that is lo dissolve it, then
you destroy it entirely. To do this
just get about four ounces of plain,
common liquid arvon from any drug
store (this is all you will need), ap
ply it at night when retiring; use
enough to moisten the scalp and rub
it in gently with the finger tips.
By morning most if not all of your
dandruff will be gone and three or
four more applications will completely
dissolve and entirely destroy every
single sign and trace of it. no matter
how much dandruff you may have.
You will find all itching and dig
ging of the scalp will stop instantly
and your hair will he fluffy, lustrous,
glossy, silky and soft and look and
feel a hundred times better. Adv.
Feeling Blue?
Take a
and feel in the pink
of condition! D;.
It fills a long-felt want
among the 'wage-earners..
Vatch these columns.
Wednesday, January 17th, at 9. A. M.
Will Be Sold by
Orchard & Wilhelm Company
414-416-418 South 16th Street.
At a 25 Per Cent Red uction
Thursday Evening, A i
January 25th... rlQdi
flBDT0R0M!gg;: "Faust"
SayryM2a7thee'. "Tales of Hof fman"
s1SrS"6: "Cavalleria" & "Pagliacci"
We secured 1,000 of the reduced-rate San Carlo Grand Opera Company's Season Tickets on Saturday
afternoon last just before they were taken off sale by the Local Managers, and as an artistic compliment
to our friends, patrons, music-lovers and theater-goers generally we shall, Tomorrow Morning at 9 place
them on sale at our Store, at a reduction of 25 Per Cent, making you a direct saving of twenty-five' cents
on each coupon book. The original cost of these books was One Dollar.
These "Dollar Season Tickets" positively cannot be purchased
from any other source now even at the Dollar price.
These tickets permit opera lovers to reserve their seats to all four performances of the San Carlo
Grand Opera Company at an additional charge of from Ten to Seventy-five Cents per performance accord
ing to location of seats desired, whereas the regular prices of single seats (without these coupon books) are
75 cents to $2.00 per performance. '
. nnTheT,reduce,d"ra tickeU win be n sa'e on the M ain Floor of our store and will positively be limited to
1,000. Remember, Tomorrow Morning at 9. Get in line early and be one of the Thousand Music Lovers to
hear grand opera at small cost.
Relatives Usually Respond
In Blood Transfusion Cases
The relief of patients by transfusion
of blood is not a serious problem in
Omaha hospitals. Usually, when
transfusion is necessary, relatives or
friends respond with their life blood.
Only occasionally is it necessary to
pay the person whose blood is trans
iused to save a life.
Whether the person is a relative,
friend or stranger, his blood is care
fully tested before he contributes to
the life of another.
In a few cases those whose veins
were tapped were paid $25 to $50 for
this service. Most of the patients
are anemirs.
In some of the large cities of the
country subjects are selected from
such institutions as workingmen's
hotels or charitable shelters. On an
average one out of four are accepted.
Police Take Part in the
Payment of Coal Bill
V. M. Kissell was fined $7.50 and
costs by Police Judge Fitzgerald on
complaint of Mrs. li. Kerr of 131
South Twenty-fifth street, Mrs. Kerr
said that she had left some money
with Kissell, who was in her employ
at that time, to pay a coal bill, but
that the money and Kissell disap
peared soon after.
Onn of thn rrett fflclsncy prU ba
llvrt -had lt tr a prim ciom of In
efficiency In the purault ot tbo daily bread.
"I examine a man mentally and phrBlcally,"
he avrj, "and If I And ho baa bad foot I
report against him. I know that bad ft
lower a pervon'i effect I veneai." If you ara
auffertnn from hot, tender, aching feet, you
can't do your best work. Fortunately, thero
Is no longer any eiruae for suffering feet.
A JS-cent package of Wa-Ne-Ta will glv
you foot comfort. When you get home lo
thn evening, drop two or three of these
iHbletn In a pan of hot water and soak your
feet tn It for a few minutes. You'll be sur
prised how the pain vanishes. It will soon
relieve you of all foot troubles. Delightful
for uae In bath. Leaves skin soft and sani
tary. If your druggist hasn't Wa-Ne-Ta,
send us 10 rents and we mall you prepaid
a sample package. I C. Landon, Co., South
Bend, Ind.
Burgess-Nash Cot ipauy.
Tuesday, January 16, 1917
Telephone Douglas 137
An Extra Strong Feature of the
Anniversary Sale Are These
Women's Winter Suits
At a Fraction of Their Real Worth
THESE suits are the very latest fall and winter models, made of such dependable
materials as
Serges, Poplins Cliecks,
Gaberdines, Mixtures, Etc.
The suits are well made throughout with clever pock
ets, belts, buttons and collars as trimmings. Four groups:
SUITS that were to
$29.50 reduced
now to
SUITS that were to
$59.50 reduced
now to
SUITS that were to
$45.00 reduced
now to
SUITS that were to
$69.50 reduced
now to
None Sent on Approval, No Exchanges, None Sent C O. D.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Second Floor
These Charming Blouses
Enter the Anniversary Sale
IN fact, a clearaway of three special groups with val
ues quite out of the ordinary.
Chiffon and Silk Blouses, at $4.93
Suit chiffon blouses and silk blouses,
in bright shades, plaids and stripes;
many styles from which to select, but
not every size in every style; were $7.60,
$8.50 and $10.00.
Fancy Blouses, at $3.53
Fancy net blouses, georgette crepe
and a few crepe de chine; colors are
flesh and white. Also a few dark chif-
,'fon blouses in this list; were $6 to $6.60.
Tailored Blouses at $2.43
Pussy willow and crepe de chine
blouses, in tailored models, flesh, white
and a few dark suit shades; were $3.86
and $5.00.
Burf eu-Nftah Cs, 5,cona Floor
Unusual Brassiere Values in the
Anniversary Sale
A MOST attractive selection of brassieres, daintily
made and very special. ,
$1.00 Brassieres, Wednesday, 73c
Very distinct pattern of cluny lace, V -shape neck, back and
front, trimmed top and bottom, front closing effect A regular
$1.00 value, sale price, 73c.
Women's 75c Brassieres, at 43c
Brassieres of unusual value, embroidery back and front; V-
shape neck, splendid quality muslin, very special, 75c value, 43c
Assortment of Brassieres, $1.43
Collected together an assortment of well known brands, per
fect fitting, in all styles and materials; odd lots, including values
to $3.50; Anniversary Sale Price, $1.43.
Burgoss-Naah Co. Socand Floor
Anniversary Sale
White Goods 13c
New white goods in lace
cloth, lace marquisette, diagonal
stripe, voile, etc., especially de
sirable for waists and dresses;
usually 25c, the yard, at 13c.
White Organdy, 23c
Sheer, crisp organdy, 39
inches wide, snow white, for
lingerie waists; usually 40c, at
23c a yard.
White Coeds, 93c
Fine, sheer, embroidered organdy,
shadow organdy, party cloth, etc.,
usually 11.00, I1.2S and 11.60,
Wednesday at 03c a yard.
No. 400 Japanese nainsook. 19
Inches wide. figs sheer quality, for
dainty lingerie. Neatly twice) is. 10
yard bolts, at 13.43.
Fine, sheer nalnaook for dainty lin
gerie and infants' . wear, 42 inches
wide. Ten yards, neatly boaed, for
from long thread staple eot
ton, snow white, will wear and laun
der perfectly.
No. 10 a inches wide. 10-yard
bolt, 1J3.
No. 40 IS
bolt. S2.43.
mehea wide, la-yard
Chamois finish long sloth, fall IS
Inches wide, for women's and chil
dren's undergarments and Infants'
wear. Neatly put up m coaTraleni
10-yard bolts.
B-M-lnch long elotb. 10-yard bolt,
D IS-inch long cloth. 10-yard bolt,
Sheer flaxen In asserted checks, for
waists and lingerie, sal pries, 25c
the yard.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor
l l i
Women's Petticoats at 93c
AN interesting special in the Anniver
sary sale are these petticoats
made of best quality sateen, same qual
ity and weight that is sometimes called
"Hudson Silk;" fitted top with elastic in
the back, pleated and ruffled flounces.
Those featured come in navy blue, spring
blue, white, black, lavender and green.
A splendid anniversary value, at 93c.
House Dresses nt $1.13
All new spring styles. The materials
are ginghams, madras and percales, in
stripes and checks, trimmed with em
broidery and pockets, some are two-niece.
White, pink, blue, lavender, gray,
shepherd checks, brown, etc., all sizes,
usual $1.50 to $2.95 qualities, subject
to slight imperfections, at $1.13.
Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Stors
Toilet Soaps in Anniversary
One lot toilet
soap, 3c.
6 cakes cocoanut
oil soap, 23c.
1 quart household
ammonia, 13c.
One lot toilet
soap, 3 cakes, 13c.
Sayman's soap, 2
cakes, 13c.
Essex peroxide,
t caKes, 13c.
Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store
One lot toilet
soaps, 2 cakes, 13c.
1-pint witch hazel
for 23c.
Nail brushes, 13c
Anniversary Sale of
White Semi-Porcelain
hups and Saucers, 6 Pairs, 43c
Fancy shspe cups and saucers, 10a
value, at 6 pair for 43c
Gravy Boats, 13c
Fancy shape sauce or gravy boa te
st 13c.
Vegetable Dishes
Fancy shape bakers or oval vac.
ctsble dishes:
He size, at. ... . . m r
lie else, at 1 Af
21c V
Nappies, 13c
Fancy shape nappies or round veg
etable dish: fe
15c slie. at. I JSC
17c sise, at
Oatmeal Dishes, 6 for 43c
Fancy shape oatmeal dishes, 10c
value, 6 for 43c
Soup Plates, 6 for 33c
Fancy shape coupe or rim soup
plates, 6 for 33c.
Fancy Shape Plates.
5- ineh. or bread and butter alsej.
S for 13c.
6- ineh. or pie else, f for S3c
7- inch, or dinner size, 0 for S3e
Meat Platters
Fancy shspes, 8-ineh siss, 10c val
ues at 13c.
Decorated Dinner Ware. $3.63
42-piece dinner eets, fancy may
flower shape, pretty decorations, serv
ice for 0 people, for S3.63.
100-Piece Dinner Sets, $10.33
Fsncy mayflower shspe, pretty dec
oration complete dinner service for
12 people: set, S10J3.
Burgess-Naah Cev Down Stairs Stare
Best known brandy in America Order from Jarvis Brandy Co., St. Joe, Mo.