Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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KnUr-d at Omdii aoatofflta ai aan--laaa mattar
By Cerrlar
' , par Booth
Daily and Sanaa?..
Dailr wfthaut SundaT JJa
Eventns atid Bandar
Evantoa: without Saadar..., ?
Sunday Baa only v. f "ij.i"llO 00.
HaiiT ana eunaay aaa, u"" 7cr ... 7 a.
Stni notk of tkansa of or Irwlarltr l da
livary to Osaka Baa, Circulation Dapartinant.
R.mlt ky draft, azpraia or aoatal ordar. Only t-ttni ttm
take, in payment of im.ll eeeaanta. '"Ll
neept on Omaha and aaatarn axcaansa. not aacaptad.
Omaha Tha Baa knfldhur.
South Omaha 2810 N. atraat
Conndl Blnffa 14 North Mala atraat
Unaoln ! Uttla BaUdins.
Chieaao 81 Paopla'a Gal Bnlldraf.
Naw York Room IS. ! Fifth ataaua.
St Loula -M New Bank of Coaimarea.
Waahinyton 725 Fourteenth atreat, N. W.
Addraaa eommmleatkna Mlatfny to new! and editorial
matter to Omaha Baa. Editorial Department
53,368 Daily Sunday 50,005
11 Dvicht Wllllama. ainalatian nanaaar of Tha Baa
Publiaain eampaay, balnt oaly worn, aajra that tha
tenet elrenlatlon for the month of Daaamber, IIH waa
Mil dally and J0.0SB Bandar.
Sahaerihad ia my preienee and awarn to bafora aw
thl. 4,h da, "?'g.,J"c'XjlLgoM. Kotar, Pah...
Subacribers lea-i-f city UmporarllT
houU hava Tha Bm mailoal to than. Ad
draaa will ha ehugad aa of In aa raquaatad.
Speculative goasip loves shining marks.
' It it a heaty wtlcome for Archbishop Harty,
and no dissent on that. -
Still, ol course, the president cannot be held
responsible for all hi family relations and con
nections. -
.' In the absence, of news to the contrary, it it
presumed Austria and Italy are still shooting up
the Alps..; ' , ' '. ' . '. 1 '
v " 1
Denials By thick and fast at Washington. The
political menagerie outshines the performance of
a three-ring circus.' .'' 'rv" " f-.
When It cornea to "pointing the finger of
scorn" Tom Lkwson, is there with the finger, if
not with the goods.
When the congressional investigating com
mittee got hold of 'Tom" Lawson it got the bear
by the tail, all rightl
. The king of Greece has not received an talti-
matum for a whole week. ; Royalty, like minor
mortals, suffer varioua inconveniences in wartime.
r It ia easier to understand now why Chairman
Henry eagerly sought to drop the leak inquiry.
The Texas statesman appears to be something of
a leaker himself. :
; ; -
"Fifty Vermont professors," aays the Boston
Transcript, "have sent a petition to President
Wilson asking him to break with Germany." Pre.
sumably the professors -are ready to enter the
first line trenches?
' In filing his campaign expense account, that
democratic candidate for county commissioner
evidently acted on the hunch, "They alt do it,"
but ttie Question to be decided Is whether that
constitutes a legal defense.
'.. The court of last resort sharpens every tooth
in the Mann act. . Whatever discomfort or incon
venience results is not the fault of the law. Thoae
who monkey with the buzzsaw of gayety cannot
blame the edged instrument for clipping their
-wings, .: , .' .: '
Someone wants to go back to the old system
of electing members of the school board by
wards. What should be done is to reduce the
size of the school board. No need for more men
to run the schools than to conduct the city gov.
ernment : (
Why are fire rates in Omaha kept up so high,
notwithstanding the improvement in pur fire
fighting forces? Are we, out here, being com
pelled to help pay losses on munitions plant con
flagrations? Or is it Just because the fire com
panies are in. position to exact whatever ratea
they see fit? V ' '
Optimism ia the sunshine of life. It cheers, in
vigorates, enthuses, provides the pep for lethargy
aud banishes gloom. The quality of optimism
"made in Omaha," already 100 per cent pure, must
be revised upward to meet the high atandard ex
pounded by Archbishop Harty. As an exponent
of optimism the archbishop heads the class.
Boosting Corn Bread
New Yark Commercial
. Representative Rainey. is trying to persuade,
luiigicoa Miming win incai ui tui
1 starch with wheat flour to lower the cost of breac
i Such a measure would drive the proverbial coach
i , and four through the federal pure food law. Adul
I ( terated wheat flour would be sold as straight
wheat flour, and few bakers would mark their
! i white bread as containing corn starch.
i No reason for such a law exists. Corn bread
I ii uihnUtomi hicrhlw n.ilr.'tini.. an. I nnnnt.l I
...) .. ..v.v...., ... .vuo tu Jiaiauic I1U
I , should be sold for what it is. It is not necessary
to put mixed flour on the market. Any cook or
) ' baker can mix corn meal or corn starch with
wheat flour 'in any . desired proportions. In the
best hotels and restaurants the demand for corn
: muffins, etc, is large and some of the most famous
! eating places in New York specialize in them,
r ' It would be detrimental to the interests of
corn growers to permit corn meal and starch
to be used as an adulterant of wheat flour. They
should be sold on their merits, aa they have been
in the past. An education camoaisn miorht in
duce foreignera who are not used to corn to eat
more corn bread. Retail bake shops do not sell
corn muffins and bread as freely as they might
because they charge cake prices and try to make
extravagant profits. In a few cases bakeries go
at it the right way by advertising in their Win
dows that corn bread or muffins will be on sale
at a certain hour every day. Several establish
ments have worked up a large trade in this way
- and this proves that the people will eat corn food
products if they can get them at fair prices.
The Department of Agriculture has issned a
cook book giving fifty receipts for making corn
bread, muffins and other delicacies with corn meal
and corn starch.. Every housewife should get
one. and can, by' writing to Washington. Thi
is the proper way to increase the consumption of
corn products. It will add to the variety of the
home bill of fare and reduce the cost of living
at the same time. The meal and starch are on
the market and Americans should use them more
freely.- . ':
George Dewey.
Americans will lay roses on the bier as they
heaped laurels on the head of George Dewey,
with hearts full of gratitude for his notable serv
ices to the republic. While it was his spectacu
lar victory in Manila bay over the fleet com
manded by Admiral Montejo of the Spanish navy
that suddenly made him a popular hero, that
affair by no meana comprised his work for the
nation, which extended over sixty-two years in
the navy. Under Farragut during the rebellion
he developed the qualities that burst into light
when he carried out the command sent him by
cable from Washington to Hong Kong in April,
1898. "Find Montejo and destroy him" was the
order given, and Dewey executed it with a thor
oughness that left nothing of the Spanish fleet.
His daring run past the guns of Corregidor
changed the history of the United States and
fixed the destiny of the American republic on a
new and higher plane.
Since that event, his talents and experience
have been devoted to the development of the
American navy. For sixteen years he has served
as the head of a board charged with working out
the great problems involved in the astonishing
advance made in methods and means of sea war
fare. Politicians have sought to capitalize the
hold Dewey had on the popular heart, but he re
mained to the end a "sea dog," his fealty to his
profession unshaken by allurments of promised
office. At no time in all his honorable career
did he give his country more of real worth in
service than since he laid down active duly and
took up the work of adviser.
That his end came peacefully on shore is re
markable, for he had dared death in every form
at sea, serving through two wars and following
his perilous calling with ardor until retired for
age at the very top of the list. His name is now
forever the possession of his country and will go
into the glorious galaxy of our country along
with those of Barry, and Jones, and Perry and
Lawrence, Decatur, Porter, Farragut and all the
long and honored list of sailors who have served
under the flag and made it respected throughout
the world.
Scope of the Mann Act.
Passing on the so-called Mann white slave.
act, the United States supreme court has not only
affirmed its constitutionality, but has given it the
most comprehensive possible construction to em
brace all interstate transportation for immoral
There is no question that the lawmakers who
enacted this measure had only in view the sup
pression of commercialized vice, but the supreme
court, by a majority opinion, insists that the
wording of the law bears out no such intent, but,
on the contrary, is all inclusive. With this con
struction placed upon it, the Mann act becomes,
more than ever, a handy instrument for black
mailing purposes, for which nefarious business
it has already been extensively used and for
which, if left as it is, it holds vast future possi
Because of its ramifications into the realm of
morality, the subject is a delicate and difficult
one for public discussion, but frankness compels
the declaration that the law should be modified.
If not specifically defined to refer to commer
cialized rice only, it should at least make a sharp
distinction in penalty between the interstate
traffic in white alaves and the mere crossing of
state lines by licentious couples whose offenses
otherwise would be, at most, mere misdemeanors.
' The federal government should not let up one
bit in its efforts to stop the trade in women, but
it will better succeed in its laudable endeavor by
differentiating this odious crime from the casual
lapse from the moral code.
While there is much beini written of the
career of the noted scout and showman, William
F. Codv. I have seen nothine as to his immediate
ancestors or his early childhood. As my span of
ife includes all ot his and almost nine years more,
will give as best I can some facts ot interest:
In the snrinr nf 1844 mv father, lames Miller,
moved from Pennsylvania to Le Claire, Scott
county, Iowa, and had as our near neighbor Isaac
Cody and family, which consisted of father,
mother and three children, two girls and
hov. Martha. Louise and Samuel. People were
very neighborly in those early days as I re
member the families were quite friendly.
Mr. Cody was a small man and spry ot move
ment. Mrs Cody was a fleshy lady and like most
fleshy people was good natured and jolly. Some
time early in the year 1846 there was born to
them a second son, destined to bring fame to the
Codv name. He was noted from his birth, for
he tipped the scale at fifteen pounds.
Like many other famous men he was born in
a log house a house of one room with a loft
as a sleeping room. A stone chimney stood on
the outside on the east end, and the usual fire
place upon which all cooking was done within.
There were a few black locust trees near the
house. This house has long since disappeared.
This place is now included in the farm now be
longing to a man by the name of John Wilson
and is located west of the town of Le Claire.
Isaac Cody, like his distinguished son, believed
in doing big things. In 1847 he contracted with
Colonel Breckinridge to break up and improve
3,000 acres of land near the north line of Scott
county.. For this work he bought at least 100
yoke of oxen, twenty-five plows and hired twenty-five
young men to run them, one of whom was
my oldest brother.
Call for Constitutional Convention.
The agreement of the house committee at
Lincoln to report for submitting a proposal for
a constitutional convention to the electorate so
improves the prospects of its passage as to en
courage supporters to believe its success assured.
Agitation for a constitutional convention has
gone on for several years, although it has never
gathered especial force before. The need of
constitutional revision is admitted, but there is
divergence of opinion as to the best method.
At least twice have initiated amendments been
voted on, one being rejected and the other
adopted, while amendments submitted by the leg.
islature have been numerous.
The people of Nebraska are really progressive
and always well abreast of advance movements.
While the machinery is perhaps obsolete, the
government of the state is fairly responsive to
the real needs of the people. No state in the
onion has better laws for the care and comfort
of its inhabitants in all their rights, nor are citi
zens anywhere more jealous of their rights,
These facts should always be kept in mind when
talking of changing the constitution. We do not
want to lose the substance la catching at the
A constitutional convention will bring out
many proposals for reform, and many schemes
for social experiment, and will reduce to concrete
terms many suggestions now vague and indefinite,
giving the public finally an opportunity to sift
them to their merits. Revision by convention,
too, is an expensive proceeding, and slower than
direct amendment, and should be carefully con
sidered in all its bearings,
Four-Year Term of Office.
A vote taken in the lower house at Lincoln
indicates an intention to pass a law extending
the present term for county officers from two to
four years. This is in response to pressure from
incumbents, although it connects with the recom
mendation of Governor Neville that a change be
made from biennial to quadrennial elections,
Objection does not lie so much against the
lengthening of the term of office as against con
tinuing an incumbent by statute on the payroll
for two years longer than he was elected.
Offices created by the constitution, of course, are
for teems fixed by the constitution, and cannot
be changed by atatute. Thus a quadrennial dec
tion brought about by the proposed plan will not
shorten the ballot by decreasing the number of
offices voted for, but only reduce the number of
elections. Relief from present conditions is not
to be found in the direction the democrats are
traveling. Their plans tend to complicate rather
than simplify our elections.
Democracy s greatest problem during the
short session is how to wring more taxes out of
the industrial north and spend the substance lib
erally in the sbuth.
Accuracy and completeness alike require that
the output of the legislative mill be given a con
spicuous place in Nebraska's industrial statistics
Early Life oj "Buffalo Bill'
Health Hint for the Day.
The bites of rabid animals should
be Immediately burned with a hot Iron
or cauterized by fuming nitric acid,
followed by a strong solution of sal
eratus In water and then by alcohol.
One Year Ago Today In the War.
British drove 50,000 Turks toward
British shelled German lines with
oonaiderable effect at Oivenchy and
Montenegro aald to have obtained
separate peace on terms of uncondi
tional surrender.
Austrian obliged to evacuate the
trenches In Oslavia region becaune of
heavy Italian bombardment.
In Omaha Thirty Years Ago.
President Max Meyer of the exposi
tion association has received a letter
from Dan O'Leary, the Troy, N. V.,
pedestrian, who wants to arrange a
walking match to take place in the
exposition building some time in April
or May.
h.rtfr rnhnm Is having a new in
grain carpet of beautiful design laid
upon the floor in nis omce, mt
I do not recall the year the family moved to
Kansas. Cody was an ardent free-soiler and an
anti-slavery man. It was during the time that
Kansas was struggling to become a tree state
that Mr. Cody was killed.
All 1 know of the Codvs since they lett Iowa
I got from the colonel in two visits I had with
him within the last three years. He told me he
believed me to be the only person living who
bad known his people in Iowa. He seemed
greatly pleased that I had called upon him and
would not let me go until we had talked over
those early times and insisted that I stop and
have dinner with him, which I did and greatly
enjoyed in his mess tent.
He told me that each time he came to Dav
enport, la., in his travels that he hired a team
and drove out to Walnut Grove a distance of
twenty miles to visit his brother s grave.
He said. Did, you know Bob Porter, a livery
man, there?"
I did, I said. , ' .. .
"Well. I asked him for the best team he had
to drive to Walnut Grove. Porter said, 'Will
you want a driver?' 'No, I want to go alone.'
'We don't let strangers drive our best team, it is
hard to manage.' 'Porter if you have a team
Bill Cody can t drive, 1 want to see it. Uh! 1
didn't recognize you.'
Cody got the team.
He told me of his father preparing to go to
California in the spring of 1849 and backing out
the morning the caravan was to have started.
As 1 very well remember, as my oldest brother
went with the caravan. He also told me that he
enlisted in the Seventh Kansas mounted infantry
otherwise known as the Kansas Jayhawkers.
1 doubt it there was another regiment in the
western army that was its equal in its art of con
fiscating and destroying the property of the
enemy. As to his having served in the legislature
I have this to say, he told me he had been elected
in early times as state senator, but resigned and
didn't serve. I have also heard that he ran
against D. P. Ashburn of Gibbon and was de
clared elected and the latter contested Cody s
election and won out
Kearney, Neb. J. E. MILLER.
Newspaper Men and "Leaks"
-Mlanaapalla Tribune. -
Uncle Joe Cannon once said, in a. public ad
dress, that the operation of the federal govern
ment-would be wrecked if the Washington cor
respondents were to divulge the : secrets they
were constantly keeping. Mr. Cannon did not
mean that these secrets were .improper. He
meant that the newspaper men at the national
capital were entrusted with inside facts, the pre
mature publication ot wmcn might seriously in
terfere with the plans of public officials, from the
president down. He added that in his long serv
ice, in congress lip utu kiiuwii ui iiu uisiauic ill
which any newspaper man' had violated the con
fidence reposed in him.
The recent scandal in Washington over the
premature publication of the president's peace
note, resulting, it is alleged, in the harvest of rich
nrofits bv Wall street speculators who secured
the advance information, has left the newspaper
men unscathed. While Secretary Lansing took
scores of Washington correspondents into his
confidence, some of them men connected with
financial publications deeply interested in every
thing attecting tne speculative marxets, an oi me
officials, including Secretary Lansing and the
congressmen who investigated the "leak," have
joined in emphatically declaring that newspaper
men had no part in tne premature publication ot
the news that upset the stock market
It is a matter of record that Mr. Roosevelt,
when president consulted freely, almost daily,
with members of the correspondents' corps in
Washington. These men knew, frequently weeks
in advance, of the president s plans and legisla
tive policies. Some of them, it is known, helped
him frame the railway rate bill, the pure food
bill and other measures, the adoption of which
sent stocks soaring or tumbling. The president's
confidence was never betrayed. Presidents and
oublic men. in Washington and elsewhere, have
learned, or are learning, that so long as they
are devoting their official efforts to serving the
Dublic thev have no stronger allies than the rep
resentatives of the press. They are learning that
by taking newspaper men into their confidence
and giving them in advance the details of official
plans, the news, when publication is finally au
thorized, is presented more accurately and ef
fectively than otherwise would be possible. Wise
officials have also learned that the surest way to
prevent premature publication of plans and news
is to take newspaper men into their confidence.
It is only when public officials attempt to conceal
their plans and suppress news that newspaper
men are forced to take what they can get, and
the result is almost invariably unsatisfactory to
alt concerned, the officials, the newspapers and
the public. Newspaper men everywhere must be
gratified over the clean bill of health furnished
them by the Washington officials in investigation
of the recent "leak" scandal. Officials everywhere
may find a lesson in the incident.
People and Events
ii-i f?cn!5
gy-,,f--v,-y-js --, 17
A schedule of the nersonal property of the
late Richard C. Kerens, railroad magnate and
politician of Missouri, filed in St. Louis last week,
shows a tout of $6,500,000. There is considerable
real estate besides which was not appraised.
The half-brother of the king of Siam, Prince
Mahidol, a special student at Harvard, concedes
that American chorus girls are good to look upon,
but the chorus girls of old Siam have 'em beaten
several blocks. Some nerve in that slant-eyed
The new luxury of violet-scented waters in the
co-ed natatorium of Chicago university draws
from the Daily Maroon, college organ, these joy
ous exclamations: Back in the glorious Roman
days of the perfumed bath; Back to all the luxury
and gorgeousness and voluptuousness of the pur
ple days of Nero I" Wow I On the old midway,
makes his quarters look like a parlor.
His old carpet, it Is whispered, has
been dropped into County Clerk Need
ham's private office.
Deputy Sheriff Grebe, whose regu
larity at his office when in town and
not otherwise engaged is like that of
the sun, is seriously sick at home from
an aggravated attack of pneumonia.
Hon. J. E. Kelly, one of Omaha's
most prominent contractors and real
estate dealers, has just returned from
New York.
Fire Chief Oalligan has Just re
turned from Chicago and reports that
the new fire truck will be ready to
send to Omaha in three weeks. It
is ninety feet In height and can be
stretched to its fullest limit inside of
sixty seconds.
Omaha men have formed a com
pany to develop certain gold mines
near Hally, Idaho. The corporation
will be known as the Idaho Gold Belt
Mining company, with headquarters
in this city. The Incorporators are
J. C. Cowin, H. S. Rollins, W. F.
Bechel, Court Carrier, John McClure,
Alex Mitchell, F. A. Nash, John Keene
and T. K. Sudborough.
Articles of incorporation of the
O. F. Davis company were filed. The
company, composed of O. F. Davis,
P. L. Ferine and Thomas A. Creigh,
proposes to conduct a general real
estate and loan business.
This Day in History.
1706 Benjamin Franklin born in
Boston. Died In Philadelphia April
17, 1790.
1790 Thaddeus Fairbanks, inven
tor of the platform scale, born at
Brlmfleld, Mass. Died at St Johns
bury, Vt, April 12, 1886.
1842 First stone of the new Royal
exchange In London laid by the prince
1861 Lola Montez, for whom Louis
I of Bavaria lost his throne, died in
New York City. Born In Ireland in
1862 John Tyler, tenth president
of the United States, died In Rich
mond, Va. Born in Charles City coun
ty, Virginia, March 29, 1790.
' 1874 Cheng and Eng, the famous
Siamese twins, died in North Caro
lina, aged 67. .
., 1891 George Bancroft historian,
died in Washington, D. -C. Born in
Worcester MasB., October 3, 1800.
' 1893 Henry Cabot Lodge was
elected United States senator from
1895 Felix Faure was elected pres
ident of the French republic by the
national assembly at Versailles.
1901 The kingdom ot Prussia
celebrated Its bicentenary.
1903 The German gunboat Panth
er bombarded a Venezuelan fort
1910 House of representatives
passed the separate statehood bill for
Arizona and New Mexico.
1911 Mexican federalists and reb
els engaged in slxteen-hour battle at
Coromo, Chihuahua
The Day We Celebrate.
Isaac N. Hammond, the real estate
man, is 82 years old today. He was
born in Ohio and came here from
David. Lloyd George, the new prime
minister of England, born at Man
chester, fifty-four years ago today.
Vice Admiral Sir David Beatty,
commander of the British North Sea
fleet born forty-six years ago today.
Francis Sayre, grandson of Presi
dent Woodrow Wilson, born in the
White House two years ago today.
Right Hon. Joseph A. Pease, late
postmaster general of Great- Britain,
born nfty-seven years ago today.
Thaddeus A. Thompson, who
cently resigned the post of United
States minister to Colombia, born in
Burleson county, Texas, sixty-four
years ago today.
Dr. Palmer C. Rlcketts, president
of Rensselaer Polytechnic institute,
born at Elkton, Md sixty-one years
ago today.
Jack O'Brien (Joseph F. Hagan)
formerly prominent as a middleweight
pugilist born In Philadelphia, thirty-
nine years ago.
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
The birthday of anniversary of Ben
jamin Franklin will be observed today
with meetings and banquets of num
erous societies throughout the country.
The Ohio state utilities commission
is to conduct a public hearing at Co
lumbus today on a petition for lower
freight rates on coal shipped frdm
eastern Ohio.
The present migration of colored
people from the southern to northern
communities will be the chief subject
of discussion at the annual Tuskegee
negro conference, which opens today
at the Tuskegee Institute.
Sthryette of the Day.
"I didn't want to come here in the
first place," confided the first guest
at the expensive hotel at a well-
known resort on the New Jersey
"No more did I," replied the sec
ond, "but my wife insisted on my
"So did mine," said the first "She
said we had to come Just because the
Munseys were coming, although I told
her we simply could not afford the
"And that's what I said," explained
the second, "but my wife said we had
to oome because the Browns were
"Why, look here, my name is
"And mine Is Munsey."
Then the two men shook one anoth
er warmly by tbe hand. Pittsburgh
Who Did the "Franking?"
Omaha, Jan. 16. To the Editor of
The Beet Under the heading. "Ne
braska Press Comment I note a
clipping from the Friend Telegraph
which makes the accusation that an
automobile was franked home on the
Fourth Nebraska troop train from I
Llano. Tex., and also that officers' i
wives were franked home in the same
way. Not having been a participant
in the franking home of either auto
mobile or wife, I have no interest in
this matter except for the general
aspersion it casts on the service, and
It looks to me as though the editor
making this charge should have fur
nished the names of the guilty parties.
As a matter of fact, full freignt
charges were paid on the automobile
in question and those omcers wives
(three in number, 1 believe) wno
:ue home on the round trip tickets
they purchased before leaving for the
south to Join their husbands.
I cannot believe that the editor of
the Friend Telegraph would willingly
do an injustice to the officers of the
Fourth regiment by permitting this
accusation stand unless prepared to
substantiate the charge, which I re
spectfully ask him to do.
Major Fourth Nebraska Infantry.
Bohemians and Allies' Answer.
Chicago. Jan. 16. To the Editor of
The Bee: The Bohemian National al
liance, principal organization or Bo
hemian speaking people in the United
States, has Issued the following- statement:
No gronD of people has expected tne
allies' reply to Wilson with more im
DatJence or received It with greater
enthusiasm than the Bohemians. The (
auiea powers wno naa on many mi-
vious occasions announced mat tney
were fighting for the rights of small
nationalities have now stated con
cretely their demands on behalf of
the oppressed. They have made the
liberation of the Czechoslovaks from
foreign yoke one of the conditions of
Nearly tnree nunarea years nave
elapsed since the Czechs have lost
finally their independence. German
rulers, the Hapsburgs, have ever since
exploited the Bohemian lands and the
Bohemian people for their own dy
nastic interests and for the greater-
glory of the German name. It seems
almost a miracle that this small na
tion with their brothers, the Slovaks,
survived three centuries of oppression
and forcible Germanizatlon. The out
break of the war found them fighting
tooth and nail the aggressive and das
tardly diplomacy of their Viennese
rulers, dominated, by Berlin.
The awful crime of causing the war
has severed altogether the last ties
still binding the Czechs to the Haps
burgs. Bohemians would not be will
ing partners in iniquity. Czech sol
diers rebelled and went over to the
"enemy," Czech emigrants enlisted
with the allies. Czech leaders escaped
from Austria to demand freedom for
the nation.
And now speak the allies, the ten
nations strong In manhood, strong in
material wealth, strong in justice of
their cause and declare firmly that
peace will not be re-established until
the Czechs and their nearest kin, the
Slovaks, are liberated from foreign
oppression. So the uncounted thous
ands of Czechs will not have died in
vain; all the misery, privation, hunger
and sorrow brought by the war upon
Bohemia will be richly repaid to the
unfortunate country by the boon of
Bohemians are overjoyed by the
answer of the allies. They confidently
expect that the Inlluence of the liberty-loving
America will be thrown on
the side of the allies In favor of lib
erty for Bohemia and Slovakia and all
small nations. Dlt. L. FISHER.
President Bohemian Nat l. Alliance.
Woman and the II. C. L.
Omaha, Jan. 16 To the Editor of
The Bee: So many Inquiries are be
ing made as to the plan of action to
be taken by the Omaha Consumers'
league as to what we expect to do
about attendance to the meetings, as
to the getting of immediate results in
the forcing down of prices.
In answer to suggestions given us
from the fullness of their hearts and
past experiences, I want to say this:
For my own part I fully believe that
while the women of today may en
joy the social side of things as keenly
as ever, she takes public questions
especially questions of an economic
nature as intelligently and as business-like
as the average man. In her
fight for the ballot the average Ameri
can woman is proving herself very
much alive to the important place she
holds in public life. That she Is not fully
awake to the place she holds in the
business of buying and in the regu
lation of prices is because it has not
been necessary up to this time to think
along this line. But when she does
see her position clearly in this vital
question of the high cost of living
which is a very part of her home, T
am sure she will respond and lend her
hearty co-operation without any pink
tea or amusement to keep her inter
ested. We are not discouraged. We are
better equipped for action and effec
tual work than ever. Rome was not
built In a day, neither was the egg
President Omaha Consumers' League.
Knocks Obstinate
Coughs in a Hurry
A Simple Home-Made Heatedy,
Thrnia&nds of neome normally healthv
in every other respect, are annoyed with
a persistent hanging-on bronchial cough
year after year, disturbing their Bleep
and making life disagreeable. It's bo
needless there's an old home-made
remedy that will end such a cough
easily and quickly.
Get from any druggist "2 ounces of
Pinex" (50 cents worth), pour it into a
pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain
granulated sugar syrup. Begin taking
it at once. Gradually but surely you
will notice the phlegm thin out and then
disappear altogether, thus ending a
cough that you never thought would end.
It also promptly loosens a dry or tignt
cough, stops the troublesome throat
tickle, soothes the irritated membranes
that line the throat and bronchial tubes,
and relief comes almost immediately.
A day'a use will usually break up an or
dinary throat or chest cold, and for
bronchitis, croup, whooping cough and
bronchial asthma there is nothing
better. It tastes pleasant and keeps
Pinex is a most valuable concentrated
compound of genuine Norway pine ex
tract, combined with guaiacol and is
used by millions of people every year
for throat and ehest colds with splendid
To avoid disappointment, ask your
druggist for "2te ounces of Pinex" with
full directions and don't accept anything
else. A guarantee of absolute satisfac
tion or money promptly refunded goes
with this preparation. The Pinex Co.,
Ft, Wi"-" l
"Cotjld rou (nicfreat lotno suitable had
for our "Don't Worry club?" aaked the
typewriter boarder.
"How would a Tjine-knot dn?" aikcd the
Cheerful Idiot. Indianapolis News.
I WIN; WW? .
"Pa, why do you insist on my singing
when Mr. Bimley calls?"
"Well, I don't like the fellow, and yet
I hate to come right out and tell him to
go." New York Times,
Hokus That fellow Closeflst doesn't know
what it means to be sensitive. You can't
hurt his feelings.
Pokus Did you ever try plnchlnf him in
the pocketbook ? Town Topics.
The Baby Grand for
Your Home
4 feet 8 inches.
Will fit on your favorite comer
of your room. No matter how
restricted the space area, this
wonderful little grand piano re
quires no more than an upright
Renowned artists and musi
cal conservatories have enthu
siastically commended the re
markable rich and full tone of,
this beautiful small grand.
Prica $465 and $485.
Exclusive distributers.
1513-1515 Douglaa Street
Omaha, Neb.
Compartment Observation Car
Still better service, this feature being
added to the regular equipment ot
Drawing-Room Sleeping Cars,
Coaches and Restaurant Car, in
tbe Ail-Steel, All-Year train to
Jacksonville over
CMcaa-o USS Ml
tlaaHai Can TUO 10:30 P"
Jackaonrilla SiSO A-kL
StcoaO Meralaa
Vk Cincinnati and L.&N.R.R.
Through Knoxville and Atlanta
Scenic Route
to the South
Zaaal ffcM AtmttmBflrm im H,lm alanal
fmn 7Wr 7rt, fc rWWla mmd .Savti ifrtfmml
tiwU nun caaaTaj SOUTBLAJO.
Ji m
Sat WdT.
a hwaar amf,
Jg-a fliialmi mm.
AW m
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