Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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Organized Agriculture Draws
Great Company to Capi
tal City.
From s ytaff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Jan. 16. (Special.) The
real opening of the week for the
sections of organized agriculture be
gan this morning, when several dif
ferent ' organizations began their
business sessions. Two organizations,
the florists' society and the State Fair
association held their annual banquet
in the evening, but others will be
held later in the week. The flower
people held forth at the Lindell, while
the fair secretaries were lunched at
the Commercial club.
The State Board of Agriculture
listened most o the afternoon to re
ports of officers and committees, the
report of the secretary showing the
organization in good condition.
Speakers at the Association of State
and County Fairs, covered many sub
jects of interest in which J. E. Law
rence of Chadron, S. C. Blackman of
Madison, Frank Sloan of Geneva and
Henry Pickett of Wahoo were the
principal speakers.
The Corn Growers' association at
University Farm had a well attended
meeting with W. P. Snyder of North
Platte, E. P. Brown of Davey, E. G.
Woodward of Lincoln and Arthur
George of Battle Creek, as speakers.
The state corn show is on in full
blast in the city Auditorium and
there's a good display not only of
corn, but of kindred products. The
florists have a grand display.
Motion pictures every evening
showing the resources of Nebraska
are being given.
Hopkins Aims Shaft at
Incompetent Mechanic
(From a SUff Correpondent-
Lincoln, Jan. 16. (Special.) Voic
ing the complaint of countless auto
mobile owners against allowing in
competent workmen to pose as expert
repairers and mechanicians. Represen
tative Hopkins of Douglas county
took the initial step today for legisla
tive action to stop this form of impo
sition on the car-using public. Hop
kins introduced in the house a reso
lution, which, under the rules, will lie
over for two days before it is voted
upon. It proposes the appointment of
a committee by the speaker to for
mulate legislation which will make it
unlawful for ignorant and incompe
tent persons to advertise themselves
as qualified to repair, adjust and care
for automobiles, or to practice extor
tion by charging high prices for in
ferior work.
Many so-called mechanics cannot
distinguish between a lubricator and
a carburetor and do not know the
difference between a pinion and fly
wheel, says the resolution.
Rickard Introduces Bill
To Raise "Age of Consent"
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 16. (Special
Telegram.) Representative Rickard
of Webster county introduced a bill
this morning to raise the "age of con
sent" for females from IS to 18 years.
He has announced that Judge Sutton
of Omaha will be asked to appear be
fore the committee in behalf of the
Fire Destroys Troy Armory;
Loss is Half Million Dollars
Troy, N. Y., Jan. 16. By a fire of
unknown origin the armory of the
Second regiment New York National
Guard of this city was destroyed to
day. The total loss will amount to
nearly half a million dollars.
State Home Notes
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Jan. IS. (Special. r The al
leged selling: of eggs kept five months out
In Custer county without any preservative
precautions le the basis for the first prose
cution Instigated by the new food commis
sioner, Otto Murschel.
The first session of the house committee
of the whole was held to advance the two
bills appropriating $106,000 for legislative
salaries and 120,000 for legislative expenses.
l'tetitenant Governor Howard begged . he
urnate to permit newspaper men to remain
at the executive session that passed on E.
O. Mnyfleld'3 appointment, but Marlarty of
Douglas objected and the scribes remained
Department Orders,
Washington, .Ian. IS. (Special Telegram.)
Fturl leiter carriers appointed:
Nebraska Avoea, (just a v A. Wltake; Be
atrice. Carl T. Wright; Bellewood, Ivan E.
Harris: Benedict, Kenneth V. Wirt; Wal
ton, Krank Plxon.
South Dakota Aurora, Omar F. Short:
Flradley, Elder V. Orthberg; Cafter, Charles
K. hunker; Dell Rapids. Carl Berge; Hector,
J. McOilvray; Egan, Alexander Brown; Oar
rctHOti, Jloflcoe C. Harrington ; Wesslngton
Springs, Charles W, Miller.
The Tostofflre department has accepted
the proposal of Louis o, Tolles to lease new
quarters for a postoffice at Laurel, Neb., for
ten years.
Neuralgia and Shooting Pains,
Sloan's Liniment is a wonderful medicine
for neuralgia and sharp shooting pains,
applied to painful spot It stops the ache.
Only "6c. All druggists. Advertisement.
The condition of the teeth regulate
the Health, Looks and Morals of a
people. Our good dentistry will put
you at your best.
Beat Silver Fillings
Work, per tooth,
Wonder Plata
worth llSto25,
$5, $8, $10
We please you or refund your money.
14th and Farnana 1324 Farnam St.
Phone Douglas 2872.
Best 27V Gold
It will be the safest, greatest and
best opportunity the man of medium
means has had presented to him
watch these columns.
Bills Introduced
Can't Hold On Dasn't Let Go
Heme Holla.
H, R HI. Craddoclt, Douglas Provides
for county unit system of school organisa
tion. II. R. 114, Craddock, Douglas Provides
for re-examination of candidates for teach
ers' certificates.
H. R. 115, Craddock. Douglas Prohibits
school teachers, etc., from acting as agents
for school book concerns.
H. It. 116, Swanson, Clay Provides that
hour for filing shall be put upon documents
filled with district court clerk.
II. R. 117, Olson, Harlan Relates to dam
ming of draws and dry water courses.
H. R. lis. Stream, York Makes five su
pervisor districts In counties where change
1 from township system.
H. R. lis. Con ley, Gefferson Relates to
taking of sand and gravel from beds of
streams of state and hay and timber from
lands In river bends.
H. R. no. Fries, Howard Provides that
survey of sections In state shall be In ac
cordance with United States laws.
H. R. 121. Dafoe, Johnson Provides land
owners shall mow weeds along lands con
tiguous to their lands between July 16 and
August lb of each year.
li. It. 122, Good. Nemaha Provides for
annexation of tracts of land belonging to
slate to cities or Villages of state.
H. R. 123, Murtey, Cass Amendment to
banking law prohibiting stock solicitation
before banks actually have opened their
doors for business.
H. R. 124. Iloffmelster. Chase Provides
for reorganisation v( state health depart
ment. H. R. 125, Itarike. Oedar County judges
must bo regularly admitted attorneys at law.
H. R. 128, Lamyerl. Saunders Provides
forrondemnatloii of lands adjoining remterlea
of more than twenty years establishment and
with more than 100 bodies burled therein.
H. R. 127, Regan, Platte Sanitary eoda
fountain bill.
H. R. 128, Shannon. Douglas Provides for
enclosed entrances and exits to streH cars.
H. R. 129, Richard. Webster Raises ago
of consent to IK years of age.
11. R, 130, Craddock. Douglas Authorizes
fraternal Insurance associations lo insure
children between 1 and 18 years of age.
II. R. 131, Craddock, Douglas Creates
state board of accountancy to examine pub
lic accountants.
H. R. 132, Lofely and Kccgan. Douglas
Provides change of venue from Justice of
peace to municipal court in Omaha.
H. R. 133, Lovely and Keegan, Douglas
Prohibits municipal judges from practicing
H. R. 134. Keegan and Lovely, Douglas
Provides that municipal judge shall act as
police judge whenever vacancy occurs.
II. It. 135, Keegan and Lovely, Douglas
Reduces municipal court fees and exempts
Indigent persons from costs In civil suits.
H. R. 136, Keegan and Lovely, Douglas
Provides for three municipal court con
stables. H. R. 137, Keegan and Lovely, Douglas
Limits jurisdiction of justices of the peace
to their respective districts.
H. R. 138, Keegan and Lovely, Douglas
Permits appeal from justice courts In trials
of the right of property.
H. R, 139, Keegan and Lovely, Douglas
Limits Juriadlctlon of justices of the peace
in attaching goods to his district.
H. R. 140, Olson, Harlan Exempts $200
worth of personal property from taxation.
H. R. 141, Stearns, Scottsbtuff Provides
or confirmation of acts of irrigation dis
trict board by district courts before such
acts go into effect.
H. Rv 142. Retener, Thomas Eliminates
open season on quail and changes chicken
and grouse open season to September 15 to
October 15.
H. R. 143, Thomas, Box Butte, and Waits.
Lancaster Creates state forestatlon com
mission. H. R. 144, Stuhr, Hall Abolishes ad
visory board of pardons.
H. R. 145, Dorsey, Franklin Amends act
relating to reptevlned goods.
H. R. 148, Dorsey, Franklin Permits
party against whom judgment has been ren
dered without other service than by leaving
at his usual place of residence, to reopen
case at any tlma within five years.
H. R. 147, Dorsey, Franklin Provides that
engineer must ring bell and blow whistle
when nearlng crossing.
11. R. 148, Dorsey, Franklin Provides that
judgment. debtor must appear In court to
answer questions as to what property he
may possess.
H. R. 149, Stearns, Scottsbl off Author
ises co-operation of state Irrigation districts
with United States reclamation service.
H. R. 150, Steams, Scotts bluff Author
ises Irrigation districts to comply with fed
eral reclamation act.
H. R. 161, Bates of Kimball and Others
Creates printing commission and appropri
ates $100,000 for stats printing plant.
H. R. 162, Dalbey. Richmond and Dan
Workhouse bill.
Board of Agriculture
To Re-Elect Old Officers
(Prom Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln. Jan. 16. (Special.) There
will probably be little or no change
in the personnel of the official roster
of the State Board of Agriculture at
the election tomorrow.
It is said there appears to be a senti
ment very strongly in favor of Presi
dent J. A. Ollis holding for another
term and it also appears that the other
officials will be continued without "op
position. Secretary Mellor, with his record
for doing things, appears to be
strongly entrenched in the office and
there appears to be little or no senti
ment this year to deny him an elec
tion, although the names of E. R. Pur
cell of Broken Bow and E. R. Daniel
son of Osceola have been mentioned.
Neither of these apepars to aspire for
the job.
Senator Robertson Favors
Sale of School Lands
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Jan. 16. (Special.) Cover
ing the sale of school lands of the
state, Senator Robertson of Holt
county in a long statement on condi
tions in his home territory winds up as
If It is wrong to sell the bcIimqI lands of
the state so that people can Improve and
build homes on them, it was wrong for tho
government to let people settle at all in this
western country. The land should have
been held for posterity. Which is beat?
Land that people can own, Improve, build
homes on and pay taxes on, and thus help
all others who pay taxes, or land held non
productive and nontaxpaying7
Victor Wilson Files Bond;
Only Commissioner to Do So
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Jan. 16. (Special.) -It At
torney General Reed's contention is
right, that a railway commissioner is
not a railway commissioner unless he
has filed bond of $50,000, as required
of other state officers if this conten
tion is right, then Nebraska has only
one railway commissioner.
He is Victor E. Wilson of Stroms
burg, whose $50,000 bond has been
filed With Secretary of State Pool.
Neither Commissioner Hall nor Com
missioner Taylor has given bond, and
as far as that matters, no railway com
missioner has done so since the com
mission was established by constitu
tional amendment in 1906.
The commissioner, however, con
tend that they arc not endowed with
the executive powers of state officers,
and they are consequently relieved
from the bond.
Joy Morton Weds
The Companion of
His Former Wife
Jov Morton, scion of the famous
Nebraska family of that name, and
Miss Margaret Grey of Chicago, for
several years companion and nurse of
his former wife, were married in Chi
cago yesterday at the home of his
daughter. Mrs. Joseph Cudahy.
A wedding trip to Hawaii and the
Orient is to follow. The couple will
be joined at Seattle by Sterling Mor
ton. Mr. Morton's son, and Mis. Mor
ton. Joy Morton is the son of the late J.
Sterling Morton of Nebraska City
and is well known in Omaha. His first
wife was Miss Carrie Lake, daughter
of Mrs. G. B. Lake of Omaha and sis
ter of the late Mrs. Charles Deuel.
After their marriage Mr. Morton and
his wife lived at Wheaton, III., and
later at Lisle, III. Mrs. Morton Wed a
year and a half ago after an illness
which made her an invalid for seven
teen years.
Miss Gray was during many years
of the long illness Mrs. Morton's con
stant nurse and companion and man
aged the Morton household.
Mr. Morton was in Omaha during
the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities last fall to
help celebrate the semi-centennial.
Omaha Man Burned to Death
In Car Fire at Grand Island
William Smith, colored, who is be
lieved to have a wife in Omaha, was
burned to death in an early morning
fire in a boxcar in Grand Island.
Clyde Harrison and another man,
both negroes, were slightly burned.
Obituary Notes
DIt. GKORGE MOZKti, died at his
home in Geneva yesterday, after it
long Dines. Kor many -years Pr.
Mozec has practiced in this city und
vicinity, and leaveB a widow, three
sonH, Charles, Jtosroo und Kverett;
two daughters. Mrs. Hert Lain and
Mrs. Mcrton Allen. His ace was 72
years. "
Samp Club to Meet Tho Omaha
Stamp club will hold Its regular meet
inn Friday evening at 8 o'clock at
Room 210 Farnam building, (former
First National bank building). An
A. P. 8. circuit will be exhibited and
there will be other items. 0
. . t.
It may be tomorrow it may be the
next day but it's just about ready
watch these columns.
.hi IWf t
Cracker with
the Delicious Taste
N B. C. Graham Crackers are incomparably in traesi
flavored of graham crackers. Thank to our careful aelec
tion of grain and thorough preparation, w get Just the
rieht proportion of element to make a wholesome biscuit
and one that is the most palatable end appetising of it kind.
Try N B C. Graham Cracker for their .dellciou nut-like
' flavor and flaky criapnee. Use them regularly at meal and
between meals, because they are as digettible as they are
5c and 10c Package
Beauty and Grace After Guldkirtk
Many women are disheartened by the fear of losing
their graceful figure by childbirth. By using "Mother'
Friend" the natural beauty will he preserved and most
of the psins incidental to confinement will be eliminated,
berauM the Influence of "Mother's Friend" now Into erery llmv
nmii, unw prrnftnnr h rnr mfi nwiui Rcriun wnn fane, i it
rWrtt X it an iiniaain. Mnil ror the rem nook on Motiwrnuod. Ad- S .
fw vi". ' ... iir.iu iKiuiMur vw, iMuar Blag., BCTOTOel
Bee Want-ads are the best, easiest and quickest way
to Success. Make no mistake Use Bee Want-ads.
Save $2 a Pair
"Ground Gripper"
High or Low Shoes
This Week
Notice has been given ua to advance
Ground Gripper Shoes $2 per pair.
This will bring them to $10 the pres
ent price is $8.
Buy your shoes NOW. Our Spring
Stock and an expert fitter have just
317 South Sixteenth Street
dj The Riviera of Ame
t aw
1 1
1 1 Wrjl
II II yik ckemtin
' America
Pass Ckzlstian, Biloxl, Ocean Springs, Gulfport,
Mississippi City, Boy , St Louis, Pascagoula, Peu
acola, New Orleans, Mobile.
i Golf, Boating, Fishing, Shooting.
and all Outdoor Sports
i9 mild qnaLlff clinwi and picturesque lurrounJlnAs
are espaclaUu; attractive to northern people leeklng
i complete change and diversion. Good hotels
I furnish accommodations to meet all requirements.
Modem steel trains xroni Chicago ana St Loots
vta Louisville & NashvilU R. R. reads tkis n.
I vacation land la a little over 24 Lours.
Atbaca Town to Cantnl Arnica, CuL or Florida
via Gull Coaat. for lUuatrotod feldon, idwdulM
of otkor Information. ddrw
P. W. MORROW , N. W, P. A., L N. R.R.
332 Moiouotto Building Chicago, IUlsoli
304 N. Btoadwou, St Louit, Muaoul
Get a Sled or Skis
For Real Sport
These Wintery Days.
brandeis Stores
When You Cannot Come
Mn Person 'Phone or Write
Prompt Service Will
Be Yours.
Rainbow Colors Revealed in Sports Skirts
The Favored Styles
Are Many
smart Sports Skirts which are being worn so much
this season. '
While the call of the Southland does not enter
into every woman's life, the greater and greater in
fluence that outdoor sports has over her life is being
manifested as never before, in the costume she wears.
SPORTS SKIRTS are greater favorites than
ever. The sensible woman reasons rightly, that
there is plenty of time for plainer wear and so
the severe and staid styles give way for the
nonce to the bright and lively colors and, make
a broad appeal to everyone.
While our stock is not big, as numbers gq,
each and every garment is representative of its
class and will find instant favor with women
who would meet the spirit of the Fashion.
The Wool Velour Sports Skirts:
Gray and lavender designs are shown in rather sub
dued tones. Black and white stripes and checks that
go with any complexion. Big blanket checks in orange
and black, very effective. Influence of Scotch plaids
shown in numerous styles.
The Corduroy Sports Skirts:
Variety of models in plain colors, such as Reseda
Green, Lemon Yellow and Old Rose.
Khaki-Kool and Yo-San
Lead the way in the dressier types of Sports Skirts.
Also Georgette Satins and fancy stripes in Silk
An Oriental design is shown very effectively on one
Light Wool Spprts Skirts:
These are mostly serges, and all extremely desir
able. Shown in Brewn, Lavender and Black fancy
Tiin-1- r T-v4--i -vt Tittz-v The Barrel Skirt, with pocket on either side, stands out prominently
J US L 3 lN OlC 01 -L WO. m prime favorite this is shown in the upper left hand illustration.
Pockets of all kinds, patch pockets
a distinct claim for your regard.
Other styles are shirred full on the hips, with two large pockets.
Second Floor.
loose pockets and slipper pockets all shown in the pictures, each making
Nothing is missing from this display.
Wednesday Is
Caramel Day
That means that on
Wednesday you can
come here and buy de
licious, full cream Car
amels, some plain and
some with nuts, at a
price that is consider
ably less than that
which we ask on other
days. Wednesday they
will be
25c a Pound
Main Floor. Pompaian Room.
Hair Goods
Two special items in hair
switches for Wednesday.
Long, naturally wavy,
finely selected human
hair, can be used for all
style coiffures.
Absolutely sanitary, beautiful
texture and lustre, in all shades
but gray. Can be washed.
The 28-Inch, (C QQ
worth to $10, at,"
Second Floor.
The 22-Inch, weight 2
ounces, worth fljo QQ
to $6.00 at. . . . vO.170
Neatly Initialed
"Somerset" with a
neatly gold initialed let
ter in the corner, good
quality linen paper.
Excellent for personal
correspondence, and
very modestly priced,
29c a Box
Main Floor, Book Dept.