THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1917. 10 LIVE STOCK-MARKET Tone of - Cattle Market Im proves Under the Heary Bun of Stock. HOGS MOVE UP ABOUT DIME Omaha, Januarr It. lt Receipts were! Cstlle Hon Sheep Offlrrlel Mondnv Mil MIS , Bstlmate Tttesdar t.tO .tt Two im ihu wMk,m n.tii . Sams dan leal weak .11.111 4t,!t ,tl Kama dsvs I wki. ase.ia.ttl 11.113 H. Bams tiara I vsa. aao. 1.117 4.M8 ll.SSJ Santa daya I wka. sto. 10.447 88,018 11.188 .Sana daya teat rear. .11.111 M. IMS! ' Reeslpta and- dlipoaltlon of llva steel: at Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Call la. Hon Sheep HYi St. T... 34 47 C. M. Wsbsah Missouri Pactnc . Union Farlne .... CAN. W., eaat CAN. W., writ. f... St. P.. M. O. C. B. A a., eaat... !0 C. B. A Q.. treat... M C. R. I. A P.. eaet.. 10 C. R. ITA P., weal.. .. llllnota Central ..... I Chlcalo at. Weat.. 4 1 t7 IS IIS it I 4i 4 1 ie no 17 II M7 . .l.ll ., txo ..l.Oal 10t 1 ist 00 14 it Hi tl 70 111 100 0 u 10 1 M 100 11 100 7 117 t.oos 4.711 1,838 (.370 1,0'S 4,0(4 Sheep. 1.8S8 t,80l 1.4011 MM Total receipts ...MS SI0 OS DISPOSITION HEAD. ' Cattle. Hots. slorrls A Company. Swift A Company. f?unshy Pack. Co.. Armour A Co Srhwarta A Co..... 1. W. Murphy l.lnrnln Pack. Co 00 Bo. Omaha Pack. Co. 1 St. Clair Packing Co. 4 w. B Vanaant Co... 11 Benton. VanaantLuah 200 uni a ann - 60 r. B. Lewie Huaton A Co 1. a Root A Co J. H. Bulla L. P. dual Roaenotork Bros. .... r. ci. Keiion Solllvsn Broa . Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. Chrletle Hlteine Huffman ............ Roth Meynre X ., .......... Oiaaabers Banner Broa, John Harvey Dennis A Franola ... Jsnssa A Luntrea .J II'IIKW ... Other buyera 117 .... 1,400 Total! 7,011 11,181 11,171 Uattto There ail a moderate run of cal Te today. ' The quality of the offerlore oom pered very favorably with Monday's arrlvala. for the two daya auppllaa have bean a Utile vor 10,000 head, or nearly 0,000 abort of last week, and the tone to tho market aa Bomswhsl Improved again today, although thero waa no quotable advance la prlcea. Demand waa good from both local packera and for ablpplng account and all dealrablo gradaa sold freely, the medium and com mon ateora aa uaual being uncertain aalo at Irregular prlcea. lnqulrlea for oawa and helfora ware aleo rather broad and arloaa firmly hold for anything la the way at butebor or cenner stock. Thar waa not a great deal of Hfo to tho atooker and feeder trade, but aa a rule prlcea were well auetalned and dealrablo offartnga of all wolghta aold readily at firm flguroa. Quota none ca oattlet Oood to choice yearling Beeves, Sla.lttll.Mi food to choice welabty oorafed beeves. 110.000 11.00; fair to goad oornfad beeves, 10.0000 10.00; common to fair oorafed beovoa, 17.70 0.00; good to choice grata beovoa, 88 ilt Ml! fair to good graao beeves, 7.tK.W; common to fair graao beovoa, 10.00007.00; good to choice bslfsrs, 1.0O(S.00; good to choice oowa, l!..e; fair te food oowa. lo.OOOT.Ot; oommon la fair oowa, ti.0t 0.00; prVmt feeding ateera, tl.110l.lli goad to choice feeders, toevtrl.ttj fair to good feodere, I7.00ajt.0t; common to (air feedora, lt.SO0O7.ot' .fair to choice atookera, I7.70 S.S0; ataek saltan, tt.lll.8l: atock oowa. tl.ltt-l; atock calves. l7.WO0.00t veal cejvee,; beef Bella, etage, ate, 04.teci7.70; bologna bulla. ts.stti.vt. Hayroaentatlvo aaleai t . BIEP ST1JEBS. . At. Pr. Its tl 10 PW YORK STOCKS further Gains of One to Three Points in the Usual Leaders. THE ADVANCE IS STEADY New Turk, Jul Furthr galm of 1 to S points tn th uaum! leader and more for Yarioua speculative) Muea aecompanlfd the court of today'i tron and broad mar ket. Total mIm of 126,000 abaree' were more than double tboee of the precedtns Mtnlona. Apart from a irowtnr belief that the re sent eel line has been omewhat overdone and that the Immediate future offera more ground for hope than discouragement, there appeared to be no or tangible reason for the rlee. For the moat part the advance wa Bteadra nd without apeotacular fmture. An eitremtv-faln of 1 points In United Htatts steel to 11- gase plausibility to the rumor that events of Importance may de velop at the quarterly meeting of the cor poration two weeks hence. Recoveries of I to s points in automobile Issues, General Motors leading, were re garded as a drive against the short Inter oats, but the greater strength of metals. Including sine shares, seemed to originate tn a real renewal, domestic as well aa for eliro of laat year's Inquiry for thee products. Mealeana, Including oils, responded to the dleaolullon of the joint commission and shippings were' 2 to t points better on In timations that foreign freight rates are likely to hold Indefinitely, Industrial Alco hol, American Woolen, sugar and other stocks dependent upon tariff prospects made variable, but fof the most part, substantial Improvement The Inquiry for rails was more sustained than at any recent period, Reading and other coalers making the pace for grangers, transcontt centals and low grade issues, Best quotations were made in the last hour, which also waa the most Active. The firm tone of sterling and franca was the more noteworthy because of the greater weakness of rates on Berlin, Vienna and Petrograd. while exchange on - Roma waa at the lowest level since tho war. Domestic bond! were strong, especially railway Issues, 1 but Internationale, notably Paris Is, were again offered at fractional ooncosslona. Total sales, par value, l,37t, 000. United States bonds were unchanfed on call. Number of sales and ranee of mieea of leading stocks: Am. Ueet Sugar. . . 1.700 IK t2 9i American Can 1,600 47 46 46 Am. Car A Foundry lot) 47 tfl Am. Locomotive.. MOO 77 71 77U Am. Smelt. A- Ref, J 3, WO 101$ Am. Sugar Refining lit Am. Tel. A Tel.... 1,600 123 tU Am. Z I st a:.. 1,706 3H 26 17 Aanaconda Copper. f,20 sb m AlClalSOII , l.OVU JWO nam. euocomoiivs.t viuv .Baltimore t Ohio.. 4,71)0 Brok. Rap. Trans B. h. 8. CoDoer.... 1.600 Cel. Petroleum. ... 300 Canadian Pacific, 1.690 J 61 central uiatner... ,ioo C'heeapeake t Ohio 1,100 C, M. 8t. P.... M Chicago tt N. W.. .... , C, K. I, A P. By ChlDo)Copper C.200 Colo. Fuel ft Iron. J.J oo Corn Products Ref, 2,300 Crucible Steel 11,700 Distillers' Hoc us. ioo Krie .4.200 22 U Oensral Electric... 1.200 170 ui, rtorinern pin. i,vv in Great No. Ore ct(s. 2,100 minou central Inter. Con. Corn... 1.100 16U . 16 Inspiration Copper. 36,200 17 66 inter, Harvester. . ... Int. if. M nfd, ctfa Kao, City Southern 200 24 24 Kennecott Copper. 11.600 4 44 Loulavlllo Nash. IOO 122 121 132 lot ll.ilran 11,000 loot, 106 Miami Copper 0,100 IS ' 41 M.. K. a T., aid Mlaaourl Pacific...' National Lead Nevada .Copper.... N. T. Central. N. T., N. H. H.. Norfolk ft Weitera Northern Paolflo... Paoltlo Mall Pacific Tela Tel... Pennaylvaola ' 4,100 lH Ray Con. Copper.. S.S00 27 i Keadlm 17.000 103 . Hep iron a at eel., id Bhatuok aril Cop. 7, SOS 17 Southern Pacific .. 4.C00 00 nouthern Railway.. 11.000 81 Htudebaker Co. . . .. 0,000 100 Tenneaaae Cooper Texaa Company.... 4,000 lit Mo. t. 4, It. 10. iv. ....... ... It. .,. 1S0S St.. 070 11 1011 10 1170 Av. Pr. . tit It 71 , ttt 1 0 Oil I 00 1100 -1 tt ots t to t 4t I tt t 70 I It , Nt, t... tt......,.ltst 14 1070 17 1174 1111 17 .U1I 10..,. I 11 I It I u t It 0 M t It W .llltllt 10 10 Hit 11 M Hole Tn. market let off to a aoeaeerkai lew atari. Cblcaae receipt, were 14, eat thort ot the cellmate and .early reparU from tare Indicated a aaarp advaace. With a bis ran bare all buyera were aktv about making ftrat blda, evea ahlppera dolai Uttle until later advice, were received tram other pulnta. but aellara kald that tie Ike market bore bad a .right to Ihara the general ad vance la eplta of fairly large recelpu. They carried their point, toe, ablpplng trade- fl. aally opening otroag le lie higher, aaat walla aaekara abewed a good deal at re iuetaeee they made their that yartaaaea at i.ibi kl.har nrtoea. . Oaoa U. loe had bee brahaa the market boeame mora acuve. ana aa the raenung advaaoed It developed late a gen .rally 10c higher affair, walla before aeea telle f.w , Im had beaa aaade that were much aa tit lie higher. a.t midday there wore atlll aame tralaa baak, hat balk at th. hoga yarded up te that time had, changed handa. The aeaeral market waa anyway a dlie higher thaa yemrday, piioee being more or leaa uaevan and Individual aetea raag. Ing from a abade te lie higher. Bulk ot the hoae aold un te Beaa landed at 010.10 lu.7t. There waa the uaual aprtnktlng ot underweight, and eonunoa atug uaaar that, while quite a few gee heavteo reached and beat net a aew January high mark af 114.11. Hepceeealatlve aeJeel No. Av. 40, .IIS 10.. sot 81. . Sit ' 41. .lit '(..111 40. .111 No. A. 71. .IM 71.. Ml . 77.. It7 tl. .811 74. .10 1I..8I4 th. Pr. ... 10 10 ... 10 40 ... 10 to 10 10 70 ... It it ... It It lb. .. It If .,-10 It " 10 tit Sheen Thla maralag'a arrlvala at and lambe wr ee the goneaoaa wt run vounltng out aame etuyw a a U.eoe bead. Thai makea the twe daya' - total 18.721 head, aa compered with 14.14! laat weak, 14.0U twe weeka aad and It.llt . Xor th. ek-v,. daya a year ago. Itellera waat higher prtoaa agala today, and aa packera were trying hard te flu tnvtr order, at yeatarday'a aguraa, early rouada ot lae market aaw mil. buata, tranaacted. A good ahare al the egarlaga " were late la being yarded, aaether factor which made for etewneae la alartlng. What little Blue had aaaa up te mldforenoea waa vailed ateady, aeveral leaaa of good lamba bvlna caaaed at ttl.'.l. tnatud ot aaowtag the aaalrBd atraagtb the later lamb trade yretty decent atuS eel I Ing aa aneeh em lac lower, while In-betweea alada were alow at any prloe, aad aalle a aumber of lamba were atlll la the peaa at midday. The tope up to noon waa $11.74, eajetoa Mexican, aet having teen aold. aheap held abewt ateady. pretty good t evrea aelllng arewad lt.laot.70. with good light Bluff at a aew record af Tear llnga at were eaeady. Keedera eoatlaaa I. .bow atreagth. Oeed feeding lamba pceeeht III t, the utter price tee aigaeal ever paid, a Quotations oa abeep and lamba: good te choice, 13.14; lamba, fair to good. tll...ayil.M! lamaa, ollppad, 110.71 lamaa, feed.ra,; year. ' llnga, good to oowe,; year. llnga. fair to good, lll.OtDll.oO; wetbera. fair to good, lt.00Olt.0t; ewea, good to . choice, lO.tttyOOO: ewea. fair to good. 11.10 a;..,; .wea, pmia to culia, lt.teg7.7i .wea, reeaing, ,a.ea7i.e. . w Kepreaentatlve aaleai Ka. . Av. 411 fed lamba. 74 I call lambe It 281 fed lambe 1 it It 10 100 fi S looti in 3 01 M 00 64H ui I1M. IH lit. , toy! tool .. ... 188 81 It Mtt." H 40'4ttt tt tafi ooh SI 87 tl 1714 SS S8t 1M ltttt lieM ite i2 nt st 101)4 It 114 so 14 It IV 101 , Z4 1.100 II 14 14 4.000 101 u: lootj 101 h 1.400 lltS 13(14 ISO 800 100 10. ft 401 8014 SO 101 U sot! 8214 tt. tt-i St5 17 HO!. 102T4 7714 7014 14 8614 1714 14 07 I7l 1014 lit, S lOtli 107 5 GRAIN ANDPRODUCE AH Markets Show Substantial Gains Excellent Cash In quiry and Light Receipts. NO KYI OS BARLEY SOLD . Omaha, January 10. 1017. Today - the local grain receipts were rather light, but the caah Inquiry for all careala waa excellent and all markata ahowed aubetantlal . galna. Tho wheat market waa especially active and was quoted from 1140 to to higher, with the No. I hard aelllng at ll.O101.t2l4 and the No. 1 hard ruling from 11.87 to 11.1114. with the bulk going at Il.tlOl.ll The No. 4 hard and the mixed grades of wheat wore aleo good sellers, the No. 4 hard going at gl.gigpl.17 and the No. 1 mixed aelllng at tl.l84tl.IO. The corn market waa quoted tram Vie to a higher and the bulk of the commercial grades brought from 08c to 03c, with the yelow selling at a alight premium over the other grades. Oats receipts were extremely light, the No. 1 white selling nt Ho, tho No. 4 white at fse, and the market generally being quoted from 14c to 14c higher. Th. trnd. In ry. and parlay waa also very quiet, and as no aalea were reported, these careala were quoted unchanged. Clearances wore: Wheat and floor equal to 484,000 bu; corn, 110,000 bu.j oats, 170, 000 bu. Primary whuat reeelpta wore 740,000 bu. and ahlpmente 470,000 bu., agalnat receipts of 1,114,000 bu. and shipments, of 474,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 1,144,000 bu. and shipments 073,000 bu., agalnat recelpu of 1,081,000 bu. and ehlpmenta of 440,000 bu. last year, , Primary Data receipts .. were SSO.Oet bu. and ehtpmenle 438,000 bu., agalnat reeelpta of 718,000 bu. and shipments of 731,000 bu. last year. CABLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oata. Chicago it 401 Omaha 31 -. ,83 Kanaaa City 101 10 St. Loula 114 It These aales were reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 oar.. 11.11; 1 car, 11.1314 i 7 ears, 11.11. No. I hard winter: 1 car. 81. 8m; 1 car, 11.11; I cars, 1.0114: 1 cera,; 4 cars. : SI; 1 car. 11.11; 1 car, 11.11. No. 4 lard v-'nl.r; 1 car. 11.17; 1 car, 11.86; 1 car, till; 1 car. 11.14; 1 car, 11.88. fiample hard win ter: 1 oar, 11.10. No. 4 durum mixed: 1 car, 1.1814. No. 1 wlxed: 1 car, 11.13. Na I mixed: lcar, 11.10; 1 ear, 11.11: 1 oar 11.17; 1 car, 11.11. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. 11.1414; 1 car. 1.11; 1 ear. 11.11. Sample mixed: 1 car, 11.88; 1 car. 11.74. No. I mixed durum: 1 car. 1.1114; 1 ears, 11. tl: 1 car, 81.84. Wheat and barley iptied: 1 oar, 11.10. No. 4 spring: 1 ear, 1.71; CornNo. 1 white: I ears. PTtic. No. 1 yellow: I cars, 08c No. 1 yellow: II care, OSKe. No. 1 yellow; 1 oar, IlKe; 1 car, 0814c; 1 ear. 0314c No. 1 mixed: 1 cars. I3KC No. 1 mixed: 11 care, 1114c. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, 1114c. ' . Oats No. 1 whits: 1 car. i4c. No. 4 whits: 1 can, 3o. Sample white: 1 oar, 1814c; 1 car, 0814c. Omaha Caah Prices Wheat: No. 1 hard, l.U!4!.S3tt; No. 1 hard, 1. 8101.1114; No. 4 hard, 81.83, 1.S7; No. 1 cprlng, 11.87 lit; No. 1 spring, 81. 84 01. tl. Corn: No. 8 whits. 8144081c; No. I while. IJ14 2o: No. 4 white. -;i40l'..c; No. i white,' 030 0214c: No. 0 White, 111408o; No. 1 yellow, Ol0O3o; No. S yellow, O3140OSKO; No. 4 yellow, tS14 0llc; No. t yellow, l01314o; No. 0 y.llow, 0114041c; No. 1 mixed, Oiuj 0O3c; No. I mixed, 8114 08114c; No. t mlri. I9M09UC, No. I mixed. lltiOOlc: No. i mixed, 11011tic. Oata: No. 1 whiter! 04140 1414c; standard, .vaei4o; no. white, IlKOttc; No: 4 white, !!!40iS. Barley: Halting, 11.00 01.11; No. 1 feed, 17c Rye: No. I, 11.4101.41; No. 1, 1.1101.43. 184 II II Quetalleaa st the Key ea Tartan Leading Commodities. New York, Jan. It. Flour Firm. Wheat Soot, etront: No. Shard, 13.1414, No. 1 northern. Dulutb, 3.2414: No. 1 north ern, Manitoba,, t. o. b New York. Corn Boot, firm: No. S yellow. 11.1114, a L f.. New York. Oeta flpot, firmer; atandard. 870I7V,C Lard Hteady; middle west. Slt.00011.10. Hay Steady: No. 1, 11.10; No. 2, 11.000 1.00; No. 1, 0500714c; ablpplng, 18 0 00c. Hope Quiet: state, common to cnoico, lilt. ts50c; llli, O014G) Pacific coast, 1810, 11014c: llli, 8011c Hides Dull; Bogota, 41042c; central America. 4tc. Leather Firm; hemlock ftrata, 17c; sec onds, lie. Provlalona Pork, very firm; mess, 132.00 0 33.10; family, 131.00 0 32. (0; abort clear, 181.000 33.00. Beef, Arm; mesa, 1231000 I33.S0; family, 20.00027.00. Lard, steady; middle weet, I0.0091t.10. Tallow Steady; city. 1044c: country, 110 11 He; .pedal, 1114c Butter Steady; receipts, 10,131 tuns: creamery, 4004114c; firsts, lt03114c; sec onds, 331403014c. Kgga Eaalor; receipts, 7,010 eaaea; zrein gathered, extra ftrata, iltri2c: Urate, 00c; refrigerator, aeconda to flrats, 37030c. Cheese steady: reeelpta. 0,201 boxes; stale, held, specials, 34!4 0 24c; aame, average fancy. 3314034c. Poultry Dressed, strong;; chickens, ISO 38c; fowl., 20 340; turkeys, 10023c. Llvs, steady; no prices quoted. Ill 1131) II. 8. Ind. Alcohol. '44.100 180 13314 United S la tea Steel, 10. too lift lull 1141 U. S. Steel pfd..... 100 ISO, 130 k 1314 Utah Cod cr lt.100 100 100 101 Wabash pfd, "B".. 1,400 10 11 111, Western tlnlen too 00 3 8614 81 lj WeaUnghouae Else. 1,100 1344 02 tl xotat saiee lor me oay, sze.oro aoaree. ': ' Hew Terti laeaay aUrket. New Tor. Jan. It. Mercantile Pacer 8 IV. per cent Stoning aTxcbaage ee-aajr bills. It. 73: ommeretal tt-day Mill on aanka, 14.714; oommarolal 10-dajr Mile, 11.11)41 demand. M lilti eaatea, 14.71)4. Silver Bar, M140: Mexican aenars, 1714c steady; railroad. The furors grata rltuatlon showed a much stronger tons today and tho trade today waa featured by a good export Inquiry for wheat and 00m and more .particularly for corn. The present aupply and demand aituatloa la evidently const rued as being bullish, although some of the trad. Is un easy about tho political situation and all slicking pretty eloss to shore. Wheat opened stsady and during the early part ot the sea son both tho Hay and July hold around the opening prlcea, but a lata advance closed the Hay at 11.1114 ana tne suiy ei et.e,v,. nam and eata followed wheat and corn In the advance. May corn eleering at li0 and May oata at 1014 c. Local range ef options: Art Wht May July Sep. Corn. May July Oata. May July Time Lean, Steady: sixty daya. 441 ner eeat; ninety daya, I per eent; six months. 14 per cant etui atonsy aveawr; higher, g per out; w, 1 aer mat; rutin, rata, 1 per eeat: last loan, 1 per eeat; closing bid, lit per oent; ottered at 1 per oent U. S. 8a. reg.... ltK. c. Sq, ret (a. t14 da coupon.... Mgrl N, un. ... 87 5 U. 8. la, reg...l01 M, X. k T. 1 4a 77V, do coupon. ...101 "He Pac Con. Oe 104)4 U. a 4a, reg.:. 110 Mont Power la. .10014 -no . r. cen. deb ssllisi Am. T. A T ov. 4UflN. T. Cllv tu,. Ill Am T.AT. c 4!telSN T.J(.H.H.,c.lalotV, Anglo-Freneh la II 14 No. Paclflo is.. 84)4 Atcnlnaon gaa. is lli.No. Pacific Is... 1014 nail, at unio ea. v ureva. 1. rer. 48. 0444 Beth. St. ref. I..101HP.6. T A TA 1. uiu Can. Paclflo 1st. I3)tena. Con. 4U.B.1071. ... . v. - , - n ..... .. . u. i,,m C, B. A Q. It 4s. 1814 Reading gen. 4s. 1114 C. H. A St P. c. laflo. Pacific cv. la. 104 5 CM ASt.P. e. 1.1(17 Ho. Paclrio ret ts 04 5 C..R.1.AP. r. 4s 71 So. Railway IS..103I4 Cole A a. r. 414s li Union Pacific Is. Ill, lien. tOlectrifl lalOO UU. fl. Ruhher Sa lAikT 111. No let OliallOltkU. a Steel is. ...101 til. uentrat r. a. lOM'west union 414s I8H Bid. Wht May July Sep. Cora. May July Oata Mar July Pork. , May ' July Lard. Jan. May Rlba Jan. May Omaha, Jaa. la. Bank clearings for Omaha today ware 14Jti.ttt.7t and for the oorreatMBOiag aay last year 11,411.171.01. CHICAGO UVK rrOC'al MASK ST. Cattle, Steady, Hogs, Kaey, Ixiaana, Jaa It. American eeeurlttee were Idle oa the stock sxchangs here today. Dlsceant Bates Sholr bllla, 1 per eent; three ueoire, a pv. oon,. Sheep, Chicago, Jaa, II Cattle Reeelpta. 1.0O0 bead; market oteady aatlve beef, 17.000 11.80; weeurn steers, 7.70 011.10; Blockers and,; oows and heifers, 84 40010 II; calves. 10.7114.81. Hoga Receipts, 40,000 head; market easy at lie above yesterday's average; bulk of aalea, flo.lovil.oi; light, 810.1(011.00 mixed.; heavy. 810.700101 rough. 110.700 10.01; plga. II.MtllO.IO. Sheep and Lamba Receipts, 13,000 head market unsettled; wethers, 10.70010.1; City uve Star Market. St Lasts live steak Market, 23 4 fed lambs 178 fed tames 201 fed lambs 471 Colorado lambe Pr. Ill tl , M. Jeeoph 'Jw Stack Market 1 St Joseph, ho, Jaa. la. Cattle Re eelpta, 1.444 bead; market a trees: stsers. oowa aad heltera, 14.IO01O.M; calve., t4M0l!.tt. Hogs Reeelpta, 14.000 heed: markst mostly ltc big aer; top.; bulk of aalea, Sheep and Lean be Receipts, I.Mt hae; market 10c hlghsr; lamba, I1S.H011.M; ewea, 1.1001.00. Bee 'Want Ads Produce Results. St. Louis, Jan. II. Caltle Recelpu, 1,100 head: markal ateady; native beef ateera, 17.10011.00; yearlings atesrs -and heifers. 1.00 0 11.10: cows and heifers. 18.1000.10; Blockers and feeders, 0.8008.11; prime southern beef steers and heifers, 17.1101.00 native calves. 10. 00 0 11.00. Hogs Receipts, 11,700 head; market lie higher; inula,; plga, IS 31 a) 11.00; mixed snd butcherB, glO.iO011.Oi; good heavy, (10.11011.17)41 bulk ot aalea, Sheep and Lamba Reeelpta. 1,701 head; market higher: lamba, 112.7l014.SiL ewea. 8.e.eyi..v.; yeariiaga, gll.ss0ts.3i. Ctty leva Meek Market Kansas City, Jsn. 1 1. Cattle Receipts. 11,000 bead: market strong; prima fed ateera. 17.00011.00: cowe, gi.li0t.OO: half era, gl.IO011.tO: Blockers and feedsrs, 10.00; nulla,; calves, 17.000 11.1a. Hogsa-Reoslpta, 1I.0M head: ' market higher: bulk of aales, glg.IO01l.Hi heavy. gio.lt0is..i; packers and butchers, 110.100 10.10; light, 110.20010.71; plga, 11.710 - BhMp and Lamba Receipts. l.iOA head; markst higher; lambs, ll.tt0ll.OO: year- lings,; wethers, I8.8O0IO.35 ewes, . Dry Oeeds Market. ' ' New York, Jan. If. Dry Ooode Oray cot. tea godda were today easier la sales betwMn aeeend handa. Tame, quiet Burlaps were Irregular. Men's wesr openings continued with buyer, numerous la the markets. Open. 1 tilt 1 44 1 84 1 !t II High. 1 1 44 w 1 11 11 1)4, '' : 81 low.: 18314 144, 130 t: M 11 does. 1 StM 1 4ii 1 w 111401 " fl lea. (111H 144 iat M tt)4 Cklcege oleatng prtoee. furnished Tbs Bee by Logan uryaa, atoca ana gram oroa' srs. Hi South Sixteenth street. Omaha: 1 Silt 1 41 1 U)4 ' 11 17 : 17 14 II 11 11 li 11 71 it 10 14 It It 13 High. I Low, 1 18 1 11 1 tf 18 I It II 11 II 11 II li II 17 10 00 111 141 114 0 17 tii 14 St 111 II II II 17 11 101 14 10 11 M M , 1 11 .. .: )4 ,' 1SI ' '!! MI4; 18 11 II 11 11 II It 11 II ti It 41 114 141 134 H 7 1714 14 111 Tl St It II II II It 14 71 IB 13 decline of I to I pointr and aold off to for Mar and I7.:e for September during the afternoon, or about 12 polnta not lower. The cIom waa at practically tho low point of the day, abowlng a set loaa of 11 to 12 polnta. Salea wore eatlmated at 68.500. January, 83 i; February, 84. 0e: March, 84. Be; April. 84:0e; May, It.Se; June, 16.8c: July, lf.3c; Auguat gd.Sc: September, 87.2c: October, 87.7c; November, 88.2c; December, 18.8c Spot quiet; Rio 7s, 10c; Santoa, 10e. More offers were reported In tho cost and freight market with aSntos 4s quoted at 10o London credits, and Rio 7a at 0c American credits. Krelghtn were reported flrrn In Rraxll at 13 per bag. The offtctel cablea reported an advance ef 71 rets st Rto whlls Ssntos was unchsnged Si rets higher on futures. Rio cleared i.000 bags for New, York. NEW YOKE GENEBAJL MARKET. Kanaaa City Caere! Market. Kansas City, Jan. 18. Wheat No. 1 hard. 1.1001.11; No, 1, 11.1701.03: No. 3 red. 1.0001.13; Nc I, 11.1001.01; May, 11.1414 01.84; July, 11.48. v Corn No. 1 mixed, 815 08414c; No. 1 white, fl.; No. 3 yellow, M0O8c; May, 808Oc; July. O80Ofc Oata No. 1 white, f70i7)4e; No. S mixed. 140iio. Butter creamery, 4le; firsts, lle; sec onds, S7e; packing, 10c Ens Firsts, 88 o. - Poultry Hens, 10o: roosters, 12c; tur keys, 14c. Minneapolis ttretn Market. Minneapolis, Jsn. 14. Wheat May, July. 11.11. Cash: No. 1 hard. 1.1O03.O114; No. 1 northern, 11.8114 01.18; No. 2 northern, 1.1101.00; No. 8 wheat H.7101.81. Cora No. I yellow, 1409ie. Oata No. I white, i40Bic. Flaxseed 2.88 01.13 . Flour Unchanged. 1 Barley lo081.1S. Rye 1.4001.41. Brett 837.600)28.00. The decision ot the United States supreme court in placing; the literal interpretation on the Mann act law In upholding the decisions of the state courts in the cases of Maury I'. Diggs, F. Drew Caminetti and L. T. Hayes, wilt" have no bearing on the future workings of the United States De partment of Justice, according to Marshall Eberstein, agent in charge of the local office of this bureau of the secret service.' The Mann act has been in operation since lyiU. since that time about half a hundred) cases have been tried in the federal court in this state. Over forty of these cases have been tried sinccMr. Eberstein came to Omaha three years ago. In the three years Mr. Eberstein has been at the head of the local bureatrtnly two have been acquitted. One man was acquitted in the United States court in Omaha and one in the court at Lincoln. Forty have been convicted in the three years. Twenty-two were convicted of violat ing the law during 1916. Evidence Elusive. "As a matter of fact," declared Mr. Eberstein, "practically all of the white slave" cases are commercial, but this feature is generally very hard to prove. It is many times impossible to obtain evdrnire proving the com mercial feature when it is known to be contained in the case. Of the forty convictions in this state since I have been in Omaha we were positive of the commercial fea ture in practically every case. "The decision of the court will not affect our methods at all. The law remains the same. The law does not make an exception for noncommer cial cases, and our department in making investigations and arrests has never made exception. The decision of the supreme court will not make it any easier for us, will not influence our work at all, and we intend to con tinue as we have done in the past." St Lotus Grain Market St. Loula, Jan. It. Wheat No. I red, 1.K01.17; No. 1 hard, 11.1701.18; Hay, 1.17; July, 11.41. Corn No. 1. ote; No. I white, 8808c; May, 8114c; July, 1814 0 890. Oata NO. 1, ife( Ho. z While, osc. Stetrx City Live Stock Market . Sioux City, la., Jan. 11. Cattle Reeelpta, 2,000 bead; market for killers strong, J0o hlghsr; Blockers steady; beef steera, 30.600 10.00; butchers. 7.iO0l.2i;. fat cows and heifers, 0.00 0 0.00; Banners, t4.li0i.iO; stockers and feeders. 10.10 0 8.00: calves, 1.0001.10; bulls, a tare, etc.. IB.lO07.iO; feeding cowa and heifers, gi.OO08.OO, Hogs Receipts, 12,000 bead; market 10 Bloo higher; light. 111.OO01O.SO; mixed, lO.88 01O.tO; heavy, 810.16010.80; pigs, 8.00 01.00; bulk of aalea. gio.Si01t.lo. . Sheep, and) Lambs Recelpu 2U0 head; market ateady; fed muttons, . S8. 00 011.00; wsthsra, M.oo0io.o; awes,. fi.zi0i.; unh Don't take too long to "think it over" when the break comes. McAdoo nearly lost his job ones because he could not answer promptly "yes" or no." To take advantage ot a real good thing, you must act promptly. If you do not, the ether fellow gets the "plum" while you are dreaming.' Prepare yourself to set promptly, and Watch these columns closely tor a day or two. New York. Jaa. 24. Cetttm Futures opened barely stsady; January, 17.10c; March, 17.44c; May, 17.01c; July, 17.040; October, 11.40c Futures closed steady: January, 17.1io: March, I7.44c; May, 17. lac; July, 17.11c; October, 11.31c Spot cotton, ' quiet;' mddllng upland, lt.SOo: aalea, too bales. - The cotton market today closed steady at a net advance ef te 11 points. Liverpool, Jan.. If. Cotton Spot easy; good middling. 10.13d; middling, 10.70d; low middling, JO.tld: aales, 7.0M bales. Prelrla Bay Choice upland, 111.10; No. L llll.M01I.M; No. 3, 810.00011.10; No. I, It 80011.01. Choice midland.; No. 1, 1011011.11; Nc a, I1.M011.M: No. I. 88.I40I.M. Choice lowland, ll.BO01t.tO; No. 1. 8l.M08.iO; No. a. tl.M0t.OO; No,. I, ll.tO0t.lo. Straw Choice wheat ll.M0l.6l; choice oat or rye. I7.to07.ii. Alfalfa Choice, 17.ITvll.10: Me. 1, lt.tt17.M; standard, lll.01i.4t; No. 2, 118.00 0 14-M; No. 1. 111.11011.00. live Stack tm Sight 1 Receipts af live stock at the flvs' principal westorn markets: Cattle-. Omaha L ' 8,000 Sioux Cltr.......... S.Boo CHICAOO GRAIN AND PBOVISIOSS. Chicago. Jan. It Enlarged export boat neaa, together with a big decrease In the United States' visible aupply. gave a atrong upward Impulse to tne wneat roaraet toaay. Aa a result nrlces, although nervous at the lose, showed sn aqvancs ox i n is net, with May at 81.11 to 11.81 and July at 11.11 to 81.11. corn gained o to cent, oata 0 to cent and provisions 31 to 7ic. Export sales of wheat for tne day totaled aa much as 1,100,000 bushels and It waa said three foreign governments were buying. In this connection tbs fact waa pointea out that the world's avallabls stock showed a hugs reduotlon In the laat week, about f, 001.000 as against an Increase ot about !,- O00.0M at ths corresponding time a year ago. Still more stgnncaat, according to the bulls, was tn. circumstance inei, 000 buahsls bad to be noted as a cut la the amount on hand In the United States. The hesvy abridgment of the domestic aggre gate was announced Juet heforethe open ing and exerted an Immediate Influence on velues. a consequence that kept heightening throughout the session as from time to time fresh export Bales were made known. Berlin edvlcee tbat tne answer 02 we entente allies to President Wilson's 'nets barred for tho present any further steps by Germany te bring about peace oounted (0 a material extent as a bullish factor In the wheat markst Bene feera or crop damage the soft wheel slates tsnded also to handicap the bears. Export buying and tne acarctty or rural offerings helped to lift corn. ArgenUne re ports oontlnued telndtcate a big shrinkage of tho probable yield. Besides, there waa much notice tsken of the etrength of the domestic live stock markets at high record levels. Oata, llks what gnd corn, responded Improved eeabosrd demend. shipping business, however, wss restricted by dl cul ty of obtaining railroad care. Advaace In the hog market mads previsions soar. In addition, ths semi-monthly report on ware house Blocks wee regarded aa bulllab. .nee ds! I r concerning perk and rlba. Cash rncee Wheat: No. 1 red nominal : No. I red, 11.1401.13; No. I aad I hard nominal. Corn: No. I yellow, 8l0S8o; No. 4 yellow, H0t7c; No. 4 white, 18 01! Ho. Oata; Ns. I white, it0i7c; atandard. i70llc Rye: No. 8. 11.17. Barley. Olc081.ll. Seeds: Timothy,; clover. 111.000 17.00. Provisions. Pork, 110.0; lard, 816.10016.86; ribs, 814.80 011.01. Butler Unsettled: creamery, Sl0 37c- Kgga Lower; receipts. 1.141 csaee; firsts. 4l 0 47oj ordinary flreta, 11041c; at mark, cases Included. 310400. Potatoes Stesdy; reeelpta, tl cars: Wis consin ami Michigan white, 11.1001. 10; Idaho, Colorado, Oregon and Washington whit.. 1.0003.01. Poultry Allv. steady; fowls, ltc; springs, lie . .. ' ; Ceffea Market Mew oTrk, Jan. It. The market for cof fee faturea was sxsln stesdy todey but with scstterlng liquidation which seemed te come largely rrom nroaere wttn oetteo trade or Well Street connections. Ths leaa faverkble view ef peace pit pacts probably acceuated for a good pert of tbls pressure, while there were alee reporte ef freer offar tnga from Brasll. Tbs market opeued at a .. 1.100 .. t.MO .711,000 14,11 101,700 Hogs. Sheep. 11,000 11,000 12,000 200 . 1B.700 1,700 40,000 13,000 18,000 1.600 18,100 Louis. Chicago Kansas City., Totalis;..'. Evaporated Apples end Dried Fruits, New Tork, Jan. It. Bvaporated Apples Dull: fancy, 814c choice, f0lc; prima. 707c . Dried Fruits Prunes, dull; Calif orntas. 101Oc; Oregons, 80to; Apricots, firm; choice, 17c; extra oholoe, I7c; fancy, ltc. Peaches, quiet but nteady; choice, 8c; extra choice, lc; fancy, lc. Reta ins, arm; cboice to tancy seeoeo, strive; seedless, 1001114c; London layers, 11.10. Ytavannah. Oa., Jan. 11, Oil Turpentine, firm. ilc; aalea. 111 bbla.; receipts, 183 bbla.: shipments. 86 bbls. ; stocks, 38,414 bble. Rosin Ftnnl ssles, 1,214 bbls.: reeelpta till bbls.: shipments, 717 bbla; stocks, 87 171 bbla Quotstions: A, B. C, 0, G, F, 11.3000.37: O. 8B.2CDS.X714: it. i. 8B.40 K. 18.10; M, tt.BO0O.7i; N, 16. IOO 7.00; WO,; wv. fi.sveyi.av. New Tork. Jan. la. .Soger Raw, quiet; sentrifuaaJ. l.Sto: molssees. 1.83c Refined, steady; fine granulated, l-Ttc Futures were eesy under aelllng by trade Interests, prompted by the bearish weekly figures from Cuba. At boob nwvcee were to points net lower. New Tork, Jan. 18. Mate la Lead. 17.10 bid. Spolter, not eaoted. Copper, firm; electrolytic nrat second and third quarters. 37.M031.tO. Irea, ateady and un changed. Tin. strong, swot M4.M0 41.10. receive. Dr. Ring's Never IMeeoverv. There at BOthuvg hotter for yonr cough or cold than Dr. Kmc New Dlauosou; tn use error 4, years. Otsaranteed. All drag, (lets. Advertteevient Th first motiaarid dollars is the hirdettto make. We are going to help youto make that first thousand. After tbat the rest comes easier. Watch these column. We Buy Alfalfa and Grain It Will Pay Yoa ; TtStUTiUi M. Peter. Mill Co., Omaha South SM StMiw HAM ACT RULING MAKE5N0CHANGES Marshal Eberstein Says Fed eral Secret Service Here Anticipated Decision. , VICE ALWAYS COMMERCIAL Ladies' Relief Society Sends fund to Budapest . Nellie Pollack of the Ladies' Relief association for war victims has for warded 2,500 kronen to Budapest in the name of the society. The dona tion is- equivalent to $300 in American money. V Subject to Croup. "Our little girl is subject to frequent attacks of croup," writes F. O. Strong, Calpella, Col. "I always give her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, as one or two dosei of it cures her." This is a favorite remedy for croup, as it can be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. It contains no nar cotic. Advertisement. AMl'SEMEliTS BOYD Last Tim Tonight AMISKMENTS Phone Doug. THE BEST Of VAUDEVILLE Dilly Mat. 2:18: NUM. 8:18. Tel. Work; r iwiiusim A woLFiii, SOPHIE TUCKEtf BRENDA FOWLER. soi-ma. tuirmrt rtir CAMPBELL, Al.uBHer KlSt Alice Lyases Dell A Co.? Freeh C.rmea. OrsheeM Travel WaUtr. Prices: Bailer. 10.; Beet Hut. (exeoot Saturday is euasaj), 2tc; NUbU, 1 00. 25c 80e aa 7J. ' - wuiui't srtrM rrWTK D " tAm0eTr DaU Mats, 15-25-SO J.S-iajf nsjgyi Evsn'is, 15-23-50-75 ' THIRD EDITION ALL BRAND NEW "BLUTCH" ftlnha Tmttsrt Musics COOPER'S UIORe-JrOlieri Burlesque Frisk HtiBttatr. EaUIt Siniiz and A ftTrsaU. cut at aa- ociaie traTfjlerB Gto, HJekinvi, Elate JLtTedtu, Irv ing u 11 ay. virfinig, rtatrtj. .uua uuotu. i iuv xnu and Kifvtible Beaut Khonu. Fun for all; U for fun. eUdiaa' Dime Mctine Evtry Wek Day. Sat. Mat. and Wk: The Great Behman Show. ALLtAAN AND LOADER CO. In Rural Satira TUN ON THE FARM." RAB&rMk aV MeGradei Gladhra Cor- rialli Lulu CeaU A CrackerJacka. Bryant Washburn and Nell Craig aVa - - " RDIT AltTITRsZ Tuesday and Wednesday PAULINE FREDERICK, tn "NANNETTE OF THE WILDS." A Thrilling and Romantic Tala. PRINCESS Douglas rj FIVE REELS FIRST RUN jj Francis Ford snd Grscs Cunard in No. S of "THE PURPLE MASK." "Heart sick at Sea,'' L-KO. "The Wrong Mary Wright," caneerf. I In an Eliht-Reel PhotB Dramatic Version af NAZIMOVA War Brides" Marian Craig Wentworth's Tremenaoui Drama BSANDEIS THEATRE All Till Week Tele) Dilly Matlsesi l-M P. ., 2t. E'i. 1:30 P. M., 2Se. Ue Special Matinee Today 3 P. M. (or School Children The Bif Musical Comardy 'Bringingup Father' From th Fsmous Cartoons. Matinees, 15c and 25c. Nights, 25c, 35c, 50c and 7Sc. Mary Pickford Her Second Superfetnttire, "The Pride of the Clan'' During Engagement of This Pic ture Matinee Price! Sana as Night There's a Plaea for "IT in ths Julius Steger In 'The Stolen Triumph' First Run BBS. sa. gat I Contlnoous Paramount 1 1 L iPsrfonnancs Vlturaph lllUOL I Until' Photoplay.. I 11 P. M. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Louise Hnff Jack Pickford in "Great Expectations" The fiett Drened and Beat Known Woman in America, ' Mrs. Vernon Castle "PATRIA" The Serial Supreme. There is such a thing; as s person being absolutely pushed into s access. That is what we are going; to do to you watch these columns. Reminhcent of Old Creole Days-Beauregard 's Home 0 Standing ii) columned majesty, the Beauregard home is typical of old New Orleans days. Its slender Ionic pillars recall the halcyon times of the 'fifties, when Louisiana ball-rooms were thronged with glittering toilettes from the ateRtrt of great modistes. One can almost picture the court ly master, as Tie returned from the Mexican wars, a hero of heroes, ac claimed by North and fYsv tf Ca. BtAUreiarJ South alike a warrior worthy of his gallant Creole ancestry, Fiery romance still makes the Beauregard home her own. In recent years it has staged desperate scenes, even to bloody battles between rival Italian clans. That is the- piquant charm of New Orleans today; at any corner one may stumble on an unexpected story, some fantastic tale of happenings which make the past live again in the reality of modern times. Everyone who b aGve to the thrill of romance wants to visit this magic city now. Its cafes are a-bubble with lifej its ball-rooms again resound to the music of Creole airs; its Opera House is packed to the roof as in the early days of Calve. For the opening of the Panama Canal has brought gold and gaiety to New Orleans once more. The Panama Limited To Neto Orleans from Chicago and St. Louis provides for the traveler a journey as unique as the pleasures which await him at the journey's end. It is the most sumptuous train, ever ' run between the North and South; jhe "magnates1" train, people call it, because it is the train business men take when they want luxury and speed. No extra fare. The Panama Limited has materially cut the fastest schedule to New Orleans Ver made before. Leave Chicago at half-past noon, or St. Louis at 4:30 p. m.,and arrive in New Orleans in time for lunch the next dajr. No one who goes to California, to Cuba, to Panama or to South America can afford to neglect-New Orleans tn joule. And every one who values the good things of travel goes via Panama Limited. , Leaves Chicago Daily 12:30 P. M.; St. Louis 4:30 P. M. Arrives New Orleans 11:30 next morning. Illinois Central S. North, District Pusenjrrr Agent 407 South Sixteenth St., Omaha, Nebraska r