Daily Bee Want-ad Night Service to 10 p. m. Tyler 1000. THE, WEATHER FAIR; WARMER VOL. XLVI. NO. 182. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 17, 1917. TEN PAGES. , Or Trilni, it Hotili, Nm tUndt, ft., M SINGLE" COPY TAyO CENTS, The Omaha SHERIDAN FARM OWNERS SWARM IN CAPITAL CITY -Visiting Men and Their. Wives Given Special Invitaton to Hall of House of Rep- , resentatves. NEW INDUSTRY TO FRONT Potash Plants Proving Gold Mine in Hitherto Barren Field. THOMAS DELIVERS SPEECH (From a Staff Correspondent.) ; Lincoln, Jan. 16. (Special.) Sheri dan county and Sheridan county farmers and their good wives held he center 'of the stage today in leg islative halls, having been present on special invitation of the house given through Representative Lloyd Thom as of Alliance, their representative. . The delegation ""was greeted a Jittle address by RepresentativeRich- mond of Douslas to the house calling attention to the presence of so(many fine looking men and beautiful wom en, and after Speaker Jackson had welcomed them without reciting any poetry, Mr. Thomas was called upon to do tne real nonors ot ine occasion, which he did in an address calling at tention to the rapid development of Sheridan county and the rustling abil ity of its citizens.) . West to Front. , 1 Mr. Thomas said that there were many things which had brought west ern Nebraska into- prominence. Prof. Condra witlf" his motion pictures showing the activities of 'western counties had done much along this line. The people themselves had done much b ytheir thrift and energy, to gether with their, determination to stick under adverse circumstance, to bring Box Butte and Sheridan coun ties,, the counties ot his district, into the limelight. Speaking of a new industry, Mr. Thomas in closing said: "During the last three years a new industry has been developed in Sheri dan county which is ot vital agricul tural and commercial importance. The state now leads the world in the production of potash, which is used in making fertilizer. In the southern part of the county there are a num ber of alkali lakes which for many years were deemed of little value un til some enterprising young men from the University-of Nebraska discovered ;hat they were rich m potash. " ' New Plants Started.' ; "Thte are now four huge evaporat i ing plants in operation, .takifigv the 'potash from the water in these lakes. The largest of these plants is turning uui Mil avcidKC ui ,ui ijr tunc pel May. Altogether the potastv production of ' southern Sheridan county is now ap proximately iuu ions per day. At their present rate of production and with potash remaining at its present price, these four plants will turn out during the coming vear not less than $10,0(10,600 worth of potash perhaps twice, that amount." , Eight Bills Voted ; Against Alleged . Chicago Grafters . Chicago, Jan. 16. Eight indict ments, according to an announcement from the state's attorney's offiec, were voted today against men involved in the police graft investigation which recently led to the arrest of former Chief of Police C. C. Healey, other police officers and various alleged go betweens accused of aiding in col lecting tribute from the underworld. It also was stated that the October grand jury, which has been hearing witnesses in the graft inquiry, would be dismissed with the return ,of the indictments. This action was ' re garded as the outgrowth of the charge that a member of the grand jury had communicated happenings in .the'grand jury room to former Chief Healey's bondsmen. ,The Weather Tempera tores at Omaha Yen Unlay, . Hour. Dei. 6 a. m I a. m 4 7 a. m s l. m.,., 4 9 a, n. 7, s 10 a. m 11 a. m 7 12 m 9 1 p. m 12 2 p. m n 3 p:m , . . , . 17 4 p. m n 6 p. m 15 6 p. m lfj 7 p. in 14 p. m 14 Comparative Local Byword. 1917. 1918. 191fi. 1914. Hish'Bt yesterday....- 17 4 28 fit) ho went yesterday 4 a 14 3D .Mean temperature.... 10 0 21 42 Precipitation 02 .00 .55 .00 Tfrnperatuito and precipitation departures from the normal: Normal temperature 20 Deficiency for the day io Total excess since March 1 ....230 Normal precipitation 02 Inch PeficJency for the day 00 inch Tots) rainfall since March 1 ... .16. 82 Inches Deficiency since March 1 12.11 Inches Deficiency for cor. period. 1916. 1.71 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1914. 3.08 Inches Report From HUtlonyst t P. M. Btailnn and State of Weather. Cheyenne, clear , Da ven port, clear. . . . , . Denver, clear Den Moines, clear Iodg pity, cloudy..., Ianter, clear .North Platt. clear.... Omaha, clear Pueblo, clear , . JUpld City, clear -Halt l-ako City. deaf.. 'Hani a Fe. cloudy..... Temp. High- Rulti- 7 p. m. est. fall. 2 4 .02 8 12 .00 4 .00 12 It .00 1 18 .00 .04 10 .00 14 17 .05 14 .,4 1 .011 14 IS .00 II an ,o: 1! .00 It 14 .01 S. 10 .06 innennan, ciear. Hloux I'ltr, clear....... Valentif., clear Indicate below zero. L A. WELBIt, Meteorologist. House Members Forestall Lobby That Drove Them Wild in 1915 House Adopts Motion Showing Itself in Pavor of Extend ing Terms. MOTION MADE BY DEFOE Lincoln. Jan. 16. (Special Tele gram.) The bill to make the terms of county officers four years will pass if an expression taken this morning really reflects the feelings of the members. The vote was taken in or der that the lobbyists might know whether it would be necessary to come to Lincoln or not. The vote stood 87 yes to 7 no. When the autstion came to a vote, the only . ones found opposing the proposition were Beaf, Gormley, Kee gan, Lovely, McAllister, Moseley and Stuhr. Those absent and not votfng ROSS OH OFFENSIVE ALONG SERETH LINE Attempt of Huge Mass Forma tion to Break Through Near Fundeni is Failure. MUCH ACTIVITY IN GREECE (Aaaoelmted fttm War Summary.) The Russo-Roumanian defense of the Sereth line in no'rtnern Roumania has turned to the form of heavy coun ter attacks, which are being delivered both along he " Moldavian frontier and between Fokshanf and the Dan ube. I The most ambitious attempt to push back the Teutonic front was made along the main Sereth line between the mountains and the Danube, in the vicinity of Fundeni. Russian troops in mass formation were thrown into a storm attack yesterday. The Teu tonic lines were reached, but could not be held by the attacking forces. Elsewhere there has been little fighting, so far as the current official reports reveal. There are signs of impending activities of an important nature, however, along the, front in Macedonia. In this connection interest attaches to a news agency report of the pres ence in Greece of General von Fal- kenhayn, former chief of the Gerv man general stati ana laieiy in com mand of important forces in the Rou manian campaign. Another report from a correspond ent with General Sarrail's army de clares the entente forces in Macedo nia are, to be augmented preliminary to an offensive which will have for its object the cutting of the. ,-Berlin-Constantindjfle''1 "ratfroad, "running through Serbia, Bulgaria and Tur key. i v . ';' 11 ' Pontiff Extends y uongratuiations to President Wilson Washington Jan. 16 Congratula. Hons from Pope Benedict AV on tne recent peace movement of the Ameri can government xwere conveyed to President Wilson today by Juan Ryano, the Spanish ambassador. The pope has sent no suggestion for fu ture moves. The message was con veyed through the Spanish ambassa dor because the papal legation here has no diplomatic status. On its own account the Spanish government has already replied to President Wilson's peace note, taking the position that it would do nothing for the present. . In transmitting the message trom the pope today the Spanish ambas sador acted merely as an interme diary. In response to a request by Presi dent Wilson the Spanish ambassador later in tne day cabled nis govern ment to convey the thanks of Presi dent Wilson to the pope. The present status of the peace sit uation was not mentioned either by the president or himself, the Spanish ambassador said. The Greek government -Today in a note handed to the State department by Charge Vovros expressed the most lively interest and support of Presi dent Wilson's peace .note. i Immigration Bill Passes House With Literacy Test In It Washington, Jan. 16. The house today finally approved the immigra tion bill and it went to President Wil son. May 1 was the date when it shall become effective. Whether the bill will be vetoed by President Wilson on account of the literacy test, which in similar bills has led to vetoes, is nctt known. ' Kugel Wants Law Changed So " Citizens Who Fear May Tote Guns Commissioner Kugel offered to the city council; for consideration a gun toting ordinance which conforms in general terms with the state law as well as providing that reputable citi zens may protect themselves under reasonable circumstances. "This ordinance means," explained Mr. Kugel, "that, if "you were going home iluC'nB the late hours 'of the eveningand had to traverse a dark or lonely route and should be caught with a concealed weapon you would not be held under the ordinance. Or suppose that you were carrying an un usual amount of money or had reason to expect attack you could justify yourself." , . were Grecnwalt. Leidigh, Mills, Mu tcy. Osterman, Schneider and Stearns. Mr. Taylor, speaking for the Dafoc motion, said he wanted to save county officers the trouble of coming to Lin coln and lobbying members of the legislation. Mr. Letnar wanted a pro viso making them ineligible for re election after one term of f-ur years, but he did not press the. t. How the senators . Vnta- tives were houndedv,v -Ss i of ficers' lobby tw 'v s by Mr. Fries "This will help sK Jrv The ok i . was by Mr. Dafoe anrf aP' jllows: "I move , f be declared the sense of this ifvdse that we favor the enactment of a law fixing four-year term for county electiv officers and that such law shall not affect the terms of office of present encum bents." The vote showed 86 for the motion and 7 agaiitat. MAYFIELD GIVEN . 0. K. BYSENATORS Confirmation for Omaha Man for Position on Board of Control. TWO ONLY VOTE AGAINST (From a staff Correspondent.) 1 Lincoln, Jan. 16. (Special Tele gram.) E. O. Mayfield, named by Governor Neville for the Board of Control, was cotffirmed by the senate after -a long session this afternoon. Only two senators, Sandal, republi can, and Oberlies, democrat, voted no The first vote came on a motion to suspend action one week, Bushee, Douthett, Haase, Hammond, Lahners, McAlisster, McMullen, Neal and San dall, republicans, and Oberlies and Sawyer, democrats, vote for. On the confirmation the vote stood 30 for and 2 against, with Spirk ab sent. Will Examine Into Mental Condition Of Harry K. Thaw Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 16. An ex amination of Harry K. Thaw's men tal condition will be made if he is per mitted to leave the hospital, where he is recovering from self-inflicted wounds, according to Dr. Ellwood R. Kirby. his physician in this citV. Dr. Kirby. said the wounds on Thaw's wrist and neck are rapidly Healing, but that he would be keot in the hos pital 'until the mental examination is completed. The physician said the patient's mind is still somewhat cloudy. He talks with difficulty and while speaking he frequently falls into a doze. Questioned whether Thaw would be 'removed to New York without a legal fight, Dr. Kirby gave it as his opinion that there will be a contest. - Bath Pipe Bursts, Miss Stevens Runs, Slips and Sues It all happened on account of a sunfmer night's bath. Minnie Stevens resides, or rather did reside, at 2302 South Twelfth street John Baumann and Marie Baumann own the house'. It a $5,000 damage suit filed against the Baumanns in district court Min nie alleges that on July 29, 1916, while she was splashing about in the bath tub, a defective water pipe broke and flooded the floor. She hurriedly j made a dash for the stairs intended to go down cellar and turn off the water, she alleges. Some water was also trickling down the steps, Minnie slipped, so she sets forth, and injured herself $5,000 worth. Gas Company Re-Elects Its Officers and Directors Stockholders of the Omaha Gas company re-elected directors and the' following officers: Frank T. Hamil ton, president; G. W. Clabaugh, vice president and secretary; Lewis Lil lie, treasurer; I. W. Morris, assistant secretary and L. W. Weymuller, as sistant treasurer. W. H. Taylor con tinues as manager. Jerome Weinel Gets Pen For Forging Bad Check Jerome J. Weinel, pleading guilty to passing a forged check for $5 on the Brandeis stores, was sentenced to from one to two years in the peni tentiary when arraigned on a contin uance before Judge Sears of the dis trict court. ."Is there not danger that this privkJ icge woum De aoused, was asked the superintendent of police. "That will be ,up to the individual. If you are arrested with a concealed weapon and cannot give a reasonable explanation then you will be liable un der the ordinance," said Mr. Kugel. The purpose of the ordinance is to provide means for prosecuting on a city rather than a state complaint. "Many citizens have asked Chief Dunn for permits- to carry "smoke wagons," bu the. chief has steadfastly refused to issue permits. The penalty to be imposed under the new ordinance will be a fine of $100 or imprisonment for three month; PERKINS WAVES WAR CLUB AGAIN AT G.JU MEET Issues Manifesto Saying That He Is Not Pacified by Anything Done by Chiefs. STATEMENT BY WILLCOX Republican Leaders Give Out Communication Stating Their Side of the Case. NOT SLAP AT MdOSERS New York, Jan. 16. Efforts to bring about harmony between repub licans and progressives here today produced as their first conspicuous result a stormy protest from Geo, W. Perkins and .Everett Colby, progres sive leaders, that republican leaders were not acting in good faith. Chairman Wm. R. Willcox of the republican national committee called together a sub-committee ot the re publican executive committee ap pointed yesterday to devise a plan of co-operation between republicans and progressives. The result of this meeting was ine issuance oi resolu tions adopted fory the purpose of forming a supplemental committee to be composed of republicans and pro gressives to have a voice in party af fairs. This would take the pSace of the joint republican progressive cam paign committee which went out of existence after the election. Perkim Makes Statement. Almost simultaneously with Mr. Willcox's announcement of this plan at the Union League club Mr. Perkins at his home around the corner issued a statement attacking the republican executive committee and Mr. Will cox's sub-committee on harmony but at the same time defending Mr. Will cox. Mr. Perkins- declared that at the meeting of the executive commit tee yesterday there had been an ef fort to force Mr. Willcox out of the chairmanship and to place a reac tionary vice chairman in his place to prevent Willcox from "liberalizing" the party. He also called for a meeting of the entire republican national committee to work out harmony plans,-declaring that the sub-committee on har mony, of which Mr. Willcox is chair man, was in the hands of the "old guard." Finally, when he saw the harmony plan proposed by this com mittee he declared that it had been dictated by las. A. Hemenway of In dianA, who lie called one of the "old euard.B Mr. Perkins added that he regarded the resolutions "merely ai a scrap ot paper. . , ' Joint Manifesto Issued. A statement declaring the charges of Mr. Perkins were unfounded was issued tonight by James A. Hemen. way, F. W. Estabrook, and former Governor Gillett. They declared it was endorsed by John 1. Adams, Cornelius N. Bliss, jr., and other members ot the committee. Swiss National ' Body Orders More Men to the Colors Berne, Switzerland, Jan. 16. (Via London.) Official announcement was made today that the federal council has decided, as a measure ot precau tion, to mobilize on January 24 the Second division and the contingents of the tourth Tlnd Fifth divisions, which have not yet been mobilized. The announcement follows: "The federal council declares that circumstances enabled it to reduce very considerably during recent months the forces on the frontier. At the beginning of the year it was considered necessary.to take more ex tensive measures of precaution and for this reason it ordered the mobiliz ation on January 4 of the Second division and the contingents of the Fourth and Fifth divisions which have not been mobilized. i "The federal council remains fully confident of the intentions ot the bel ligerent parties toward the neutrality of Switzerland. There have been frequent reports recently of uneasiness in Switzerland regarding possible violation of the country's neutrality. Italy, according to unofficial dispatches, had strength ened its defenses along the Swiss border. v President Schulthcss of Switzer land said recently that the Swiss peo pie would never allow a foreign army to invade their soil. On account of the reiteration of these reports the French and German governments re newed their assurances to Switzer land that they would respect its neu trality. To Provide a Penalty if Light Bill Not Paid On Time Corporation Counsel Lambert has prepared for the city council an amendment to the 6-ceut electric light ordinance, providing that the light company may bill 'i cent per kilowatt hour in excess of the 6-cent rate, the additional charge to be payable only after ten days from date of bills. This conforms to the rule in practice be fore the 6-cent rate went into effect. Cruiser Milwaukee1 is Driven Further Inland Eureka, Cal., Jan. 15. The cruiser Milwaukee, which stranded near here .Saturday, lay high on the beach to day, having worked itself further in shore during the night. Its tilt sea ward was much greater than yester day. The engine rooms and boiler rooms are flooded. The submarine 11-3, which the Mil waukee undertook to rescue,' was high and dry on the sand. Admiral Dewey Dies After Illness At His Home in National Capital "Hero of Manila Bay," Who Sunk Spanish gleet in s Philippine Waters Is Dead. WAS BORN IN MONTPELIER Washington, Jan. 16. Admiral Dewey, hero of Manila Hay and by priority the ranking naval officer of the world, died at his home here at 5:55 p. m., today in his eightieth year. He had been ill for, a long time, but the serious nature of his ill ness was not made known until a few days ago. Native of Vermont. Admiral George Dewcv . of the United States navy, the "Hero of Manila Bay," was born in Montpe lier. Vt., December 26, 17J7, the son of Dr. Julius Yeinans and Mary (Per- nnj Dewey. He was a descendant, in the ninth generation, of the first Dewey who came to Dorchester,-in the Massachusetts bay colony, in 1633, from Sandwich, England. The admiral's father was a deeply re ligious man and founded Christ Euis- copal church in Montpelier, where his son George was baptized, went to Mindav School and was confirmed The first funeral which took place there was that of George Dewey's mother, when he was but 5 yars old. It was a rather odd coincidence that the ancestral arms of the Dew eys bore the motto, "A Crown the Conqueror is Due," and that when George was but a little chap his father proudly used to call him his "little hero." George was a manly boV, full of vitality and inborn cour age and ever fond of action and ad venture. i George Dewev received his first education at the Washington county grammar school in Montpelier, which had obtained a rather unenviable rep- DEMOS PROPOSE BIG BOND ISSUE , , Revenue Program Embraces Among Other Features a $289,000,000' Loan. RAISE INHERITANCE TAX Washington, Jan. 16. Ways and means committee democrats today met and formally agreed on reve nue program embracing a bond is sue of $289,000,000, an increase of the estate or inheritance tax to pro duce $22,000,000 and an 8 'per 'cent tax on xce profits above 8 per cent on capital of corporations and part nerships. In addition temporary certificates of indebtedness may be decided upon up to $100,000,000 to run until June 30. The president, Secretary McAdoo and Chairman Kitchin have agreed to that program. This is the program as. now ar ranged: Inheritance or estate tax to pro duce $22,000,000. "Tax of 8 per cent on all over 8 per cent net profits on business of cor porations and co-partnerships with income of $5,000 a year and over to net $214,000,000. ' Bond issue on account of Mexican border and other expenses to produce $289,000,000. Probably $100,000,000 certificates of indebtedness, a temporary expedient to take care of the treasury until the' present year s income tax returns flow in. The estate tax would increase to Vi per cent the 1 per cent tax on the minimum taxable estates from ffsU, 000 to $100,000 and increase to 15 per cent the present 10 per cent tax on estates over $15,000,000 in value. The bond issue is to pay $162,000, 000 for Mexican border expenses, $1, 000,000 for the Alaskan railway, $20, 000,000 for the nitrate plant, $1 1,000,000 for the armor plant, $25,000,000 for purchase of Danish West Indies, and $50,000,000 for creation of a merchant marine under the shipping bill. No decision was reached at to the 3 per cent certificate indebtedness under which there is authority to issue $200, 000,000 to run not more than three months. Chairman Kitchin indicated that there might be a decision later to issue $100,000,000 merely to take care of the treasury between now and June 30, by which time $200,000,000 in income tax is expected to be in the treasury. Wyoming Senate Votes to ' Submit "Dry" Amendment Cheyenne, Wyo., Jan. 15. The Wyo rring Senate today passed a bill sub mitting prohibition, as a constitutional amendment, to the people of the state in 1918. The bill now goes to the house. Entente Plans to Cut Berlin And Constantinople Railroad London, Jan. 16. The allied army on the Saloniki front vill be rein forced as a preliminary to an effort to cut the Berlin-Constantinople rail road, according to a dispatch from a British correspondent with General Serrail's.forces. The writer lays it down as the most urgent task of the Saloniki army to cut this railroad and shut off Germany from the supplies of foodstuffs and men which it is drawing from Asia Minor. "fie describes Asiatic Tur key as a granary which Germany is develnninff; on scientific lines, while it is also the home of 2.000,000 mag-. mhcent lighters, who, he says, are being trained and drilled under Ger man instructors. "Only by cutting the railroad." rn AOMlRAl GEOJUX OtWtY utation through the mischievousness and rebelliousness of the pupils. Young Dewey formed no exception, but soon became a leader ot tne re bellious set. But. when a new teach cr, afterward Major Z. K. Pangbornq came to the school, who insisted upon strict discipline and adminis tered young Dewey a severe whip ping, the former leader of the muti- tCoathMNl on l'tve Two, Column One.) COURT HEARS HOW THE BANDITS WORK Story of Conduct of Assman and Calcord Told Again at Fremont. DEFENSE ASKS FOR TIME Fremont, Neb., Jan. 16. (Special Telegram.) Only fifteen of the twen ty-eight witnesses County Attorney J. C. Cook had supboenaed for the stated in the bank robber case were called upon to testify against Louis Assman, one of the defendants. The state rested its case this afternoon and Attorney Bcrger asked for time to bring an expert from Omaha who will testify as to Assman's com petency. Judge Button adjourned court until 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. r . i ne story oi tne roonery, tne cnase of the bandits across Washington and Thurston counties and the subsequent arrest of Assman and Tom Calcord were told by witnesses today. The court room was crowded to overflow ing again. George Voll, cashier of the Wins low State bank, was the first witness called. He testified to the defendants coming into the. bank, commanding Assistant Cashier Elmer Ruwe to hand over the money and "do it quick," and then firing shots in the ceiling. Voll said when the bandits took Kuwe to the vault he ran over to a store to call for help. He identic tied both defendants as the two rob bers who raided the bank. Logan Lambert of Winnegabo, to wnom the detendanta surrended fol lowing; their tiitht with Clint Hoffman Winnebago marshal, told of the hunt and the capture of the bandits. Lam bert aid Assman and Calcord came out of the brush along the" creek where they had hidden and throwing up tneir nanus said, we are through ooys; we give up. , Wilbert Ross, the farmer who hauled Calcord and. Assman to Win nebago after the car the defendants were driving broke down, told of the fight with the marshal at Winnebago anu ine escape oi tne Dandlts. Attorney joe Berecr. for Assman said today he would need about half a day to introduce testimony for the neiense. Haskell and Gould Will Represent Omaha Two delegates fromvthe Omaha Builders' exchange are to attend the meeting of the National Association of Builders' Exchanges to be held in Atlanta, Ga., February 13, 14 and 15. V. Ray Gould, president of the local exchange, and Paul A. Haskell, sec retary, are the delegates. Mr. Has kell will also attend the conference of secretaries to be held there Feb ruary 12. the correspondent writes, "can this process be stopped and this is the only justification for maintaining our expensive, but hitherto inadequate force in Macedonia. It can only be hoped that the reinforcements that will arrive in 1917 will make it pos sible by next New Year's da to have got astride of the vital trans-Balkan railroad." Tht checking of German expansion in the near cast is specified by the correspondent as an even greater end lo be aimed at by the allied army. He declares that the Germans plan to establish themselves at Saloniki as a stepping stone to a near eastern em pire aifd that the entente powers must fashion the Balkans so as to "build a Slav dam across the tideway of Ger man ambition." LEAK FROBE TO BE INQUIRY INTO STOCK MARKET Rules Committee Spreads Drag net Over Financial District of New York as Result of Lawson's Testimony. WITNESS TALKS FURT0ER Goes Into Detail Regarding Alleged Interview With Chairman Henry, WANTED WOMAN MISSING Washington, Jan. 16. Spreading, a dragnet over the financial district of New York, the house rules commit tee today extended the j peace note leak" investigation to if general in quiry into the stock market. In an executive meeting the committee con sidered the advisability of emploving expert counsel familiar with financial affairs to conduct the examination ot witnesses. It also planned to ask con gress tomorrow for an extension of -time to report. As the hrst step in enlarging the scope of the hearing the committee subpoenaed J. P. Morgan, H. P. Dav ison, F. A. Vanderlip, Arthur Lipper, Sol C. Wexler and J. S. Bache, New York financiers. ' i ; Woman Disappears. Vying in interest with the summon ing of the financiers was the disap pearance of Mrs. Ruth Thomason V isconti, who I nomas W. Lawson says told him Secretary Tumulty and others had profited in the stock market by the "leak," and that Wil liam W. Price, one of the White House correspondents, had acted as the "go-between" in the affair and re ceived $5,000 for his work. Sergeant- at-Arms Gordon and several assistants tried in vain to find Mrs. Visconti. Mr. Lawson expressed great surprise over ' the disappearance. Lawson, whose sensational testi mony aroused the committee to go to the depths of the "leak" rumors, oc cupied the witness stand again today, reviewing, ana supplementing nis statement. Attacks Henry's Denial. At the outset Lawson attacked Reo- reseutative Henry's denial of his tes timony and emphatically declared that he or Henry was guilty of rank per jury, In a characteristic outburst, Lawson shouted his reiteration that lis had told the truth. - "When there it a direct difference pot opinion stronger .than a question ot veracity," said Lawson, it is per fectly obvious that one of the other of us is committing perjury, deliber ate, ranie perjury, unless your chair-, man said the things that I have said he did, I am guilty of foul perjury and' i am unni to oe nere or anywnere out" side me Dars oi a jail. . Lawson again brought the names of Secretary Lansing, Count von Berns torff and Bernard Baruch into his tes timony as the men Chairman Henry had told him he had heard "leak" ru mors about, and elaborated on his sjpry told yesterday regarding Hen ry's alleged statement concerning them. - Never Did Say It. ,. In that connection, in answer to in quiries by Representative Garrett as to what Henry lold him about "a cabinet member, a member of con gress and a banker," Lawson said he never had asserted that Henry had told him anything about Secretary , McAdoo, the mysterious "Senator O." and H. Pliny Fisk. The cabinet member Henry spoke of, Lawson said, was Mr. Lapsing and the banker ' Mr. Baruch. The fact that Baruch is a "speculator and in vestor" and not a banker had led to a misunnerstanding in the commit tee regarding Lawson's previous tes timony. Information Mr. Lawson said he received in regard to McAdoo, Ffsk and "Senator O" came from an other source, which he did not reveal The Boston financier insisted on re citing to the committee in great detail the disputed confidential conference with Chairman Henry. For more than an hour he recounted what he had said to, Henry and what he alleged Henry had said to him. , Remembers Something. With regard to his testimonv ves- tcrday bringing in the names of Sec retary Lansing and Baruch, Lawson said he had forgotten to add that Henry told him the committee had received information concerning the substance of all of one of Secretary Lansing's alleged conversations with Baruch and part of another. Lawson was questioned closely concerning the letter he received from Mrs. Visconti, the missing wit ness, ana tne conference witn tier at a local hotel. When Representative Pou asked him if he had not previously acquitted Secretary Tumulty of any connection with the leak Lawson declared he never had had Mr. Tumulty in mind respecting it until he met Mrs. Vis conti. Even then, Lawson said he told the woman her efforts seemed to him to have jgeen actuated by an ul terior motive. She insisted, he said, in the presence of her attorney, that she had no such motive, but wanted to Hisrlnft information sh thrme-ht congress and the public should have. " Afraid to See Tumulty. Asked by Representative Pou why he had not acquainted Tumulty with the informal ion. given by Mrs, Vis conti, Lawson declared that he never: had any intention of making the wom an's letter or her statements public when he did and that he would not have done so yesterday had the com mittee not demanded that he give, them all information in his possession on pain of punishment. Lawson said hp harl aoiicrht a mnfrnrm nrith XJw Price, but that reports which came to him concerning his effort caused him to let the matter drop. He said he probably never could have gotten up his courage to go to Tumulty in (Coatjunjtl aa lx Iw, Mna Twt 4