Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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A reversion to colonial dtyt was
the novel feature of the fashionable
BUckstone dinner-dance Saturday
evening, when dancing bv candle
light proved to be i decided success.
Guests approaching were mystified by
the medieval darkness which en
wrapped this exclusive hostelry. The
only means of illumination greeting
the arrivals was a tiny taper which
struggled against the sweeping
blasts of old Aeolus and threatened
its fragile life at the opening of the
On the eighth floor, where the ta
blet were set in the sun room and in
the enclosed roof garden, hundreds
of white tapers decorating the dinner
tables as well as the ball room, lent
a festive atmosphere to the occasion,
and cast a most effective glow over
the beautiful gowna of the women,
which seemed to be of more varied
hoes than usual Then, too, the sug
gestion of the colonial style of dress,
which seems to be quite the smartest
mode of the moment, made one feel
that the temporary extinguishment of
the lights on that particular circuit
was most timely, as it only added to
- the 'merriment of the throng and en
hanced the effectiveness of the pic
ture. The devotees of terpskhore
were hot daunted in the least by the
mishap and, as "All's well that ends
welt," the party was voted a huge
Am Dancing Club.
The Art Original Dancing club
was entertained Saturday evening
by Messrs. Earl Noel, Albert Noss
and Wallace Craig at the home of
Mr. and Mr. A. E. Cooper. Decora
tions were m pink and white. A two
course luncheon was lerved. The
guests were all attired in Yama
Varna costumes. The following were
an Baaer, ,
Prod Baeoa,
Harold Neleea,
Ralph Pllaaterar,
GwrU Fllnn,
Albert No,
Weltaoe Cimlf , ,
Mary Noel.
Mabel Noel. '
IQdlth Bacon,
Morton arts,
Irene Notion, .
Winnie smith,
Bnllo Hjelm,
Meedame- .
A.. B. Cooper,
' Knrt-
Oerald Elbert, .
llltloa Mulrhead,
JohB MeOomber,
I,ealle Noll, .,,
Pall Noel
A. K. Cooper. s
Roth Weteen,
Leona Boibolt,
Uul Haekell. '
l,ttinle Mndmler,
Peggy Derby.
lOve Jeenbeen,
Bloom White.
14e1emae ,
' F OewlBBer.
Move Not Permanent
Mrs. D. A Foots and daughter,
Miss Mildred, leave early tn March
to take possession of their winter
home in Pasadena. Cel., wntcn ur,
Foote purchased on his recent trip
west Mrs. foote has spent several
easons in California and wished to
go earlier this year, but arrange
ments could not be made sooner, as
the home is still occupied by the
former owners. t .
Friends of the family will be glad
to know that this does not mean that
; the family will leave Omaha for good,
at least for many years, and that they
will claim Omaha as their home,
keeping the home in California for
winter use only. ' 1
Parties for Powys Lecture.
' Of the three attractions which drew
Omaha society women this afternoon
John Cowper Powys was the most
nonular. Boxes for this occasion were
all filled. Mrs. Charles T. Kountze
had a party in her box, as did alao
Mrs. fc, M. sytert. J . : '
Mrs, Frank T. Hamilton had
guests in her box:
ifre4aniea Meademee -Mr.
K. Mania, John A Hcbheae.
P. A. Bregaa, - 5
Mr. and Mro. VIII Hamilton.
Miae Daley Dean...
Mile, do Cletue.
In her box Mrs. Charles Elgutter
Meedameo ' Meedamee
Alexander Pollack. leader Elogler.
Frederick Roeenaiek, Herbert Arnetela.
Minna Jaooba, J . . , '
tllaeee ; Mlieee
Frederick eeeaatMk.fteee Orkla.
Mrs. William Archibal Smith in
cluded in her party the officers of
the Major Isaac Sadler chapter,
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion: Meedamee Meedamee
Karl StanfleU, temeel K. Heaford.
1. r. wear, . , '
Mleeee ' Mini i
Carolyn Barkalev, Bath Oanooo,
Ida M. Crewell. Caeote Ren. .,
Mrs. F. R. Straight, regent of the
Omaha chapter, Daughters of the
American Revolution: Mrs. C H.
Anil, state regent of the organiza
tion, and Mrs. W. L. Selby of the
Omaha chapter, had with them in
their box: ' '
Meedamee Miedamee'
P.W.Clarke. S. H. Morton.
B C. Hoyt. ,
Helen Clarke, D. a. Mitchell.
Franco-Belgian Lecture.
Members of the Franco-Belgian so
ciety fear that Omaha people do not
. fullr understand that the lecture
which Lieutenant Zinovi Pechkoff
will give under the auspices of their
society Saturday afternoon at 3
o'clock It free to everybody and that
no cards of invitation will be isaued
for it . Madame Borglum, who ia the
founder and honorary president of
the Franco-Belgian society in Omaha,
en deemed the mmt fittine? nereon
to introduce the speaker and she halt
consented to do so.
' Said one of the prominent workers
of the original Franco-Belgian circle,
"Lientenant Pechkoff is young and
handsome, comet direct from the
' trenches, sent out by this wonderful
New York society, and so we hope
j that everybody will crowd to hear
! him at thit open lecture, until the ball
: : room of the Blackatone will be filled
j to overflowing." . , j
Society Night Partiea.
Small . and standing reservations
; make up the list of society night
, parties at the Orpheum thit evening.
Parties of four or five will be enter
i tained by Norrit Brown, Judge Baker,
I Guy Cox, L. Cohan, S. S. Carlisle,
j W. Foye, A. Herzberg, W. P. Milce
! sell, E. J. McDermott, G. Rasmut
! sen. 0. C. Redick. C A. Swan son, H.
A. Tukey, W. G. Silver, and Kenneth
Peterson a box.
P. Meyer will have a party of seven
at the Friday matinee and the Com
mercial club will have a party of
twenty-six Tuesday evening..
Mn. Eugene Duval had a party of
nine this afternoon. Thit evening
Mra. Mary E. Van Gieson will have
a box party, toliowed by a supper
party at the Fontenelle. Among her
ifaeiti will be the tenor at the Or
jihenm thit week, Clay Campbell
Gossip : Society Notes : Woman's Work ,
Other members of ' the party will be:
Dra. end Meodemeo
Oeorge Aleiander Toung.
Cbarlee O'Neill Rich,
Henry B. Lemere.
Deborah Franklin Club.
The Deborah Franklin club will
celebrate the birthday anniversary of
Benjamin Franklin Wednesday by a
dinner on the evening of that day at
the Fontenelle. The committee in
charge of the affair includes:
M demee Meedeme.
C. K. Corey. F. A. Kennedy,
.T. M. ijowm. V. C. Fedree,
H. L. Toatovla. J. h. Qulnb).
Entertains Card Club.
Miss Agnes Pritclurd entertained
the N. N. Card club Thursday even
ing at her home. Prizes were won by
Miss Grace Riley and Miss Kate Mc
Mahon. Those present were:
Mloom Mleeee
Reeo Chrlotle, Merger! Prltt-hard,
Oraoe Rller. r Anna Boehnlng, ,
Blanche Prttcherd, Prenrlo Roger..
Henneh Hick,
Mlllen ttelnert,
Kale McMohea.
Aeneo Prltt-hard.
Marie Riley,
Kensington Meeting.
Adah Kensington club of the East
ern Star will meet at the home of
Mrs. M. M. Graham January 25, in
stead of January 18, at 2:30. Mrs.
W. Neiman will assist the hostess.
Prest Club Tea.
Miss Rose Rosicky entertained
Omaha Woman'l Press club mem
bers at tea at her home Sunday, when
plays, poems and short ttoriet sub
mitted in the clttb't i recent contest
were read. Miss Emma Rosicky and
Mist Jennie Redfield assisted the hos
tess. Columbian Club.
The Columbian club will entertain
at its hall, Twenty-second and Lo
cust streets, Wednesday afternoon at
2:30. Hostesses for the occasion will
be Mesdamet F, B. Hogan and M.
W. Murphy.
Neighborly Club.
The Neighborly club wat enter-
tamed Friday afternoon by Mra. b.
Stine and Mra. V. Swinnerton at the
home of Mra, Swinnerton,
On the Calendar.
Mrs. Clarence Ribbernsen will en
tertain informally at luncheon
Thursday in honor of Mrs. Thomas
Heyward ot 1'itttburgn.
Mr. Harry O. Palmer will be one
of the hosts at the University club
dance Saturday evening.
Perianal Mention.
Mrs. Erie Reed and little son leave
this even in for their home in Tor
rington, Wyo., after a week't visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson.
Mrs. Charlet Tyner of Lincoln,
Neb., who hat been ill at the home of
her mother, Mrs. George W. Sprague,
for the last three weeks, It much im
proved in health, ,
Dr. and Mra. A. E. Mack have re
turned from California, where they
spent the holidays with Dr. Mack't
brother In San Bernardino.
Mrs. Henry Hitler left last evening
for Chicago, where the Will visit with
her daughter,
Mr. William Peterten leavet the
first of March for three months of
ttudy in Chicago, j
Social Qoatip.
Mr. and Mrt. William Colling, who
have been at the Fontenelle since
their return from Baltimore, move to
the Blackttone today, awaiting the
completion of their apartment in the
Sholes, in Dundee.
Advice to the Lovelorn
B Bdofriet Fairfax.
Da Mat Be Mooted.
Dear Mlai Palrfali I am implored In a
large office In New Tork. The manager or
the concern had been very Kind to me ana
hae helped me to advance my eel f. 1 am
erowlns very rond or thli manlier ana I
trow eeir-eomolaao when ho look! at me. I
am eoneldered a pretty and refined girl and
1 hive alwaya aaoonlaled with tne nieeet
people! but I tear that he regard! me an an
tnrerlor beceuee I am a woraing gin. i
would thank you eery mnrh If you will toll
ine how I oan refrain from allowing him I
like him, aad aloe haw I can make him like
There w no snobbery In sex and there
should he no sea la builneei, It thli man e
Intereit growa to niendehtp sad then to
to vi, It will bo beceuee your peroonaltty at.
traetid him. But he mey think of yoa
merely en a fellow worktr la need ot kola.
Jut be amiable and agreeable but don't
flirt and make yourself conspicuous la the
cltln. He la not worthy ot the name men
It he leoki down oa you because you are a
' Ket Ike Weteh. .
Deer Mill Pairfei: About a year and a
half ago I waa going about with a eouatn
of mine, who la elx yean my eenlor. He
loved me very much, although ho knew
that the affection was not returned. On
my nineteenth hlrthdey he geve me a
wriet watch, after I hed told hlra that I
would not accept any glfla from him. I
waa angry with him tor doing 'trite and
he went away, leaving tho watch at my
home. After thli I did not go out with
him any more. About a year later ha be
er. m eoaBetnted with another girl, and
reoenUy became engaged. I have alwaya
wanted to return the watch, but my par
enu were agmlnat It, ae my eouatn fai en
friendly lerma with the family and they
did not wleh to hove unpleeeent memoriae
brought back to htm. Now that ha la en
gaged they think It would be all right
for me la return It. K. R. L.
Don't revive . unpleeeent memories. A
sift from your oouetn waa In good taete
eeea If yea did not caro to accept It from
him as a declared lover. Kow that he la
ta marry, It would he moat tactleea to
drag thli ancient auarrol to light.
' Help Hmt.
Dear Mlas Palrfas: A few months ngo t
waa married to a young roan three yeere
my aealer. I am II. He he! a good trade,
but It Is rather slow now. My mother la
alwaya reproaching me becauoi hie buetaeea
le not what It ihould be. We are living
with my mother now. t love my hen bend
very dearly; he la everything a girl could
wleh for la a man. He hae no had haMlo
and has very high moral prinelplea. Bleeuld
1 leave my hue bend aad let him ehlft alone
until ho haa made money and then name
back ta mo, or ahould t etlck ta him newt
He haa a little money, hut not enough to
ault my mother, and aa I am aa anly child
1 aupneee I waa expected to do wondern.
I am at preeent working myeelf. earning
IS per week. A WIFE.
Olve your huaband every encouragement
now, A man of the fine character yoa nay
he pofvaoeee deeervea your faith had pa
tience during hta "lean yeere. " If yaw de-
oert him now end leave him ta aealta hat
own way knaldad aad uaeecoeraged or the
loyal faith at the girt vha vewed be take
him "for richer, for poorer," why atermM he
not feel that yoa have deaartad and railed
him for eelftah and mereeuerr raaaoaaT And
tf he does feel go aaat aheeeea never ta re-
tore will you not daaian juat that fata? Be
loyaland patient a, true wife and "help
Timely Fashion
1 t"" 'f 1
Science of Linguistology
The request to "put out your
tongue" doesn't mean the tame thing
now that it used to in the good old
days when the family' doctor took
that means of ascertaining the state
of your liver and stomach. When
you are asked to exhibit your tongue
now it is still in the interest of sci
ence, but with 4 very different pur
pose in view.
It is to discover the state of your
soul , instead of your body, for it it
claimed by tome pseudo-scientists
that the tongue it an infallible index
of character, and one no man who
makes a study of his fellow creatures
can afford to neglect
Of course, the art is full of mys
teries, but the main points of it are
that a big. tongue indicates frank
ness; a short tongue dissimulation;
a wide tongue generosity; a narrow
tongue concentration ot ideas; a
tongue that is long and broad a good
conversationalist; a tongue that it
short and broad an equal fondness for
talking, but a ditregard for accu
racy of statement; a tongue that it
thort and narrow ia the mark of a
consistent and artistic liar, while a
pointed tongue is the sign manual of
the gossip and the curious.
With an appropriateness that savort
of the justice of a comic opera, the
discoverer of thit new tcience it a
woman, and the calls it "linguist
olocv." The idea of judging character by
the tongue ia hardly a new one, ex
cept that heretofore we nave been
more concerned with the action and
the general results of the tongue than
with itt personal appearance. In
fact, to the brief outlines of the sci
ence of linguistology that have been
made public, we can all add observa
tiona of our own.
there is, for instance, the long
tongue that tells too much. It blabs
itt own tecrett and betrayt every con-,
fidence. To tell anyone possessing
such a tongue a secret is a sure sign
that it it going to be published to the
There is the supple tongue, that ap
pear! to be hinged in the middle and
have a phonograph attachment at
both ends., It it the tongue of the
man who knowt it all, and can ex
plain everything and always says,
H told you to," or "if Mr. Smith had
taken the tip I gave him about Beth
lehem1 steel he would have made a j
million," and so on over every subject
of earthly knowledge. This kind of
tongue is tne unlaiiing indication 01
a forty-four inch bore.
There is the repeating tongue, that
tells the same old story over and
over again, and regales you with the
jokes that you cut your teeth on in
the cradle, that is tne tongue 01
the pest, from which it it only com
mon prudence to flee at toon at he
opens hia moutn, and you get :
glimpse of what is coming to you.
There it the telf-wmding tongtu
that never runt down. Thit it par
ticularlv common among women. It
never says anything worth listening
Instant Hair Stain
Better Than Slow
- reiki
would km row
wietfl tnt witf
! O 1 It r tO T4T.
Mretket, er fated
. hair, without
7 aUinttif U No
Ti e b pnpanttosi
hM enr brao dls-
sWjMji Then ft anly
JT mtwraitoa
m ; p n lir u bvo
Iwd, iIItw, WW-
xi lir ly
rier;. lB)'.
Hnr. real tar
rndurta or their
dertnattrM. That
lwM"loa it rtllftt '-Brmmttene," It le to mv
atid Hf to appLv th the mode? U that wana
(iter wm anything tit.
"Browaaioa" tnaUnlrr tinta tbt hair to an? ..wW
f brum (or blirk) that may be tratreri. If lb era
ebowa aa four Mmplas or la ArvoUni your balrtr
tba ante of your balr an Hghur than iba baJanoo,
or If for aa iwaeoa km wtab U tula all or pan of
yew kali1 uaa "nrowtwlon "
A tuiple aad ft buoUol will be sant yon rfma
MuoTartuiwr only) urn noMl of toe. ManUcat
ahaMU deatrtd.
All of Ubt tfodlng dnif Moral eat.
Tm tfatj. lae aod Lt.
I Pike t.. Oelmfifm, U.
Md and f eraleod hi Omaha by Surmaa a Mv-
Hint By u Raamteuse
The all white suit
for southern wear
is unquestionably
a practical
investment, since
it can be adapted
for many
occasions. An
attractive suit is
shown here in
white La Jerz,
featuring a
circular skirt and
cleverly belted
coat. Navy blue
velvet is
introduced on the
collar and cuffs.
A becoming sport
hat and high
. button boots
compfete the
to, but it can go on forever and ever,
a sort of perpetual motion, repeating
the things that "he said," and "she
said," and "I said," and "they said."
Young men thinking of matrimony
would do well to avoid girls with
this tvoe of ton sue. - -
There is the sharp tongue with the
razor edge that cuts to the quick at
every pass. This tongue it also found
oftener in a woman's mouth than a
man t. it indicates a mean and cruel
disposition, and to go near it it to
court danger.
There is the paprika tongue, which
likewise belongs to the temmine sex,
which blisters where it touches. Many
men find this piquant, before mar.
riage, but they do not seem to ad'
mire it so much when they are pre
sented with yards and yards of it
upon their return home at 3 o'clock
in the morning;
There it the tongue on which oaths
live and bad language, and question
able ttoriet. No gentleman ever hat
this' kind of a tongue. '
There is the smooth, flattering
tongue that plasters yon over con
tinually with tnUome praise and com
pliments. It it an indication that the
possessor of it is a cheerful worker,
and that you will be the next victim.
A ready tongue it esteemed a
great advantage, but when the day
of trouble comet to us it is not the
man who it a glib talker to whom
we go for help and comfort. It it
to the man with a halting tongue who
stumbles over his words, or is dumb,
but who gives us a clasp of the hand
that means more than a whole dic
tionary full of fine words.
Undoubtedly the study of linguist
ology may t be attended with mi p
benefit, but the greatest thing any
body can discover it how to apply a
brake to the tongue of those people
whose talking apparatus runs away
with them.
Here is a combination hard
to achieve. The only shoe in
which we have found both
real comfort and correct
style is the HANAN. That is
why we take pride in selling
The popularity of the Hainan Shoe
ii because you can get a Hanan
In all sixes in any style. Hanan
sises do not vary. Yoa wear the
1419 Farnam St.
16, 1917.
Names Left by Indians
Heighten the Beauty Spots
I sing the praise of New York. Not
in metre, to be sure, yet, in spirit,
thie ia a anno. I would make it a
veritable paean, if I could. Who that
' I
knows its hills, its mountains,
lakes, its rivers, itt streams, its glens,
its cataracts, its rapids, its springs.
its gorges, its rich valleys traversed
by abundant waters, its high, green
pastures that seem to lie up in the
sky, its shady, rocky and ancient
woods, where deer, and bear, and
many a shy creature of the wild world
yet live in their old, ways, does not
feel that earth could Have few fairer
sights to show than the Empire state.
Hiawatha, the god of the sagacious
red man, when he came down from
heaven, chose the heart of New York
for the "long house" of his people.
His selection was approved by the
still more sapient white man. The
land ot mawatna gleams witn cities,
villages, colleges, farms, and within
the limits of the state that has grown
up around the abandoned hearths of
his children is gathered the popula
tion of a great kingdom, composed of
kings, not subjects.
Hiawatha's Mohawks, Oneidas,
Onondagas, Cayugas and Senecas
have left their names a robe of
splendor for a splendid land. Their
syllables undulate in poetry over the
lakes, hills and waterfalls, and match
in beatny the scenes to whicn tney
cling. Chenango, Susquehanna, una-
dilla, Cavuta, Layadutta, lananaaigua,
Canajoharie, Canisteo. Canastota,
Chittenango, Genesee, Horicon, Hon
nedaga, Owasco, Oswego, Ontario,
Oneonta, Sacandaga, Saratoga, Scho
harie, Niagara and Manahatta are
not these names that the Muses them
selves would have chosen to be known
Regardless of what commonplace
meanings they may have had for the
Indians, do they not make the places
that bear them dwell long and grate
fully in the memory? Imperial New
York I Could she have bestowed up
on herself an Indian name, from
anions' the legion of them which lay
at choice, her baptismal fortune might
have eaual ed Naooleon s.
Could any other river than the Hud
son have been worthy to shape a
harbor for the queen city of a world's
commerce, and the metropolis of a
nation of free, self-governing men ?
Providence works at long range, and
makes no mistakes. It foresaw, and
nreoared a place for the capital of
democracy. (The city of New York
ia aa manv-sided- as oicturesaue. as
fascinating as the peerless state that
hat surrendered more than half its
population to people this vast hive
nf humanitv. ...
The rocks that bear Its mighty
piles, its domes, and pinnacles out-
towering the pryramids, are braced
upon the ribs of the planet. In the
days of its youth, before civilization
had claimed and transformed it. Man
hattan could vie in beauty with an
X - II W
Science Confirms the Lore
Long before the coming of the
white- man, the Seneca Indians
collected mineral oil from the
surface of water In pits dug in
the oil sands. A French mis
sionary visited theWestern Penn
sylvania wilderness in 1627 and
was told that the erode petroleum
thus obtained was good for rheu
matism and skin diseases. Used
internally, the Indians declared,
it killed a serpent that lived in
he intestines and caused ab
dominal pains. .
: Household Topics
Aegean isle. The majestic Palisades
looked across it and remembered the ;
link that bound them. They looked :
across today and are sunk in wonder ;
over their ancient comrade. !
This is the age ot riches; let me.
then, sing of the wealth of New York.
XTa. u.d, ,h tint ,t& Crnlfl-
I: I I.- k... : ,r-oci,ra v tn Uf
grasped by human hands. Few know
IlliqU VltUllO, UUL Ii9 UI.B3unJ J-i
how immense they are. Large areas
of soil of New York are of exceeding
richness. Its little farms have sin
tered from the competition of the
spacious plantations of the unex
hausted west, but the New York farm
ers have retired without defeat. To
be overwhelmed by an avalanche is
not to be defeated.
Much of the old land of the Iro
quois is found as productive as ever
when turned to newer uses. If the
Empire state no longer excites won
der and envy by its enormous grain
and corn crops, it leads the union in
growing potatoes the great dietary
gift of America to the world. In
small fruits, grapes and vegetables, it
has few rivals. It can raise all the
hay and produce all the milk it needs.
Manv of its new college-bred farm
ers are prosperous, and they have this
splendid advantage they are sur
rounded not Dy monotonous, enaiess
prairies, or a distant frame of barren
ridges, but by some of the noblest
and most beautiful scenery on the
earth. Many a New York emigrant
returning, in his declining days, to
his native state, feels like one wno,
having left his mother in the morning
of life, comes back at last to find
her crowned with a half-remcmbered
beauty such as he had not seen in all
his wanderings.
New York is first among the states
as a producer of magnetite iron ore.
In the valley ot the Hudson tnere is
a treasure of clay which has built up
there the greatest brick-making
region in the whole world. New
Yorks tine-grained and beautifully
colored sandstones are almost unri
valed. It produces many magnificent
marbles. Ine hrst natural cement
rock known in the United States was
found near Chittenango, and the Ul
ster county deposits of this rock are
perhaps the most important in the
country. ' Everybody knows the story
of Syracuse and its salt. But my
paean is becoming a tabulation.'
With the most wonderful ot water
falls at one end of the state and the
greatest of cities and most excellent
of harbors at the other end, and be
tween them 50,000 square miles of
valley, hill and mountain, as fair, fruit
ful and inspiring as the globe con
tains, where are the words that can
make a fitting eulogy of New York?
3S hgr Krape Book Frtt
Today the twentieth century
physician prescribes mineral oil
the safest, most rational treatmcr, . 1
for constipation. Nujol is th
modern version of the Indi.;
specific. It is not a laxative or :
purgative. Its action is to soften
the intestinal contents and so
make natural movements easy.
"Nujol ia bottled at the refinery and ta eo'd
only In pint bottlee bearing the name Nujol
and the imprint of the Standard OU Company
tNew Jereey). Refuee eubetitutee-4ie eure
you get the genuine. Write todey for booklet,
'"The Rational Treatment for
Th. M , vin I treatment for uhu
(Now Jaraey)
Bayonne New Jersey
Beware the Cold
Storage Egg! in his
work on food and dietetics
Doctor Robert Hutchison
says, "the absence of carbo
hydrates prevents eggs
from being in any sense a
, complete food." This refers
to the fresh egg the egg
with a clean bill of health.
What. would the Doctor
say of the modern cold
storage egg? At present
prices two eggs cost ten
cents and the egg is not
a complete food I Some
thing must be eateri with it
to supply the needed carbo
hydrates. Two Shredded
Wheat Biscuits, with cream
or milk, make a complete,
perfect meal at a cost of
four or five cents. Made at
Niagara Palls, N. Y.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onepackage
proves it 25c at all druggists, j
To the Milk
The law provides a fine of from
$1 to $10 for selling a milk deal
er's bottles without the written
consent of the dealer who owns
To protect our customers from
rising prices we must have our
bottles pack. Your co-operation in
this respect will help us and you.
The "Milk-White" Dairy.
will be easily relieved by taking
a spoonful of
after each meaL It fortifies
the throat and chest while
it enriches the blood to
help avoid grippe, bron
chitis and even pneu
monia, Scott'$ is well
worth insisting upon.
Scott St Bovme, Bloomfield, N. J. le-14
of the Indians