THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1917. BrieJ City News Platinum Wedding Rings lidhoim Have Root Print It Now Beacon Press. Best Meal lor the Money Claire- mont Inn. Dr. W. K. Footc, now at 1013 First national. Dr. J. P. Slater. Dentist, now at 1121 First Nat Bank. New phone Tyler 736. Tbe Undertaking Business of the late Edward 1. Dodder will oe con tinued under the management of Fred E. Fero, who has been with the firm for the last eighteen years. (Signed) DELLA DODDER, Admx. Tillotson Out of Danger After three weeks of a serious case of typhoid-pneumonia, Dan Tillotson, mall carrier, is reported to be entirely out of danger. Tillotson Is one of the offi cers of the local sick benefit associa tion among the mall carriers. To AuthorUe Bonds The city coun cil committee of the whole recom mended for passage ordinances au thorizing; bonds as follows: Sewer, 1200,000; 'intrsection, $100,000; park, 150,000. These bonds are sold annu ally as provided for In the city charter. Gets Plenty of Work Federal Jury service seems to be dogging Ben Gal lagher of the Paxton & Gallagher com pany. He was selected as one of the lurors on the "wild horse" case, which lasted three weeks, and now he is again ordered to be on hand for a Jury being selected to try several boot legging cases. Held for Boaflrggtng Mike Mur phy was arrested by federal officers and placed in the county jail on the charge of selling Intoxicating liquor to the Indians of the Winnebago reser vation. Following his hearing before Commissioner W. E. Whltcomb he was bound over for the next hearing of the grand Jury. Strip of Land Vacated The city .council ordered the vacation of a strip of land sixty by 100 feet, at Twenty-fifth and Castelar streets, this being the end of a vacated street Robert Drake petitioned for this ac tion, explaining he owns the adjoin ing property, which Is intended to be used for industrial purposes. Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderland. Scandrctt to Leave Saturday Ben Scandrett Union Pacific attorney, ap pointed to the position of general at torney for the Northern Pacific, with headquarters if St. Paul, Minn., will leave for his new field of labors Sat urday of this week. A successor of Mr. Scandrett has not been named and will not be until the return of General Solicitor Loomis, who is now on the Pacific coast and is not expected home for a couple of weeks. Wants Sons in Navy Because his grandfather and father were in the Danish , navy and he himself had been a sailor for Uncle Sam during the civil war, Andrew Nelson, aged 77, retired farmer of Benson, decided that his two sons, Andrew, Jr., 17, and Chris, 21, should also follow seafar ing Uvea Accordingly he marched them up to the recruiting station and both passed an excellent physical and mental grade. - They will be sent to the Great Lakes train station at Chicago. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS John T. T&tes la convalescing from an mack of grip, which he encountered last week. Emmett A. Chapman, hospital apprentice at the ndvy recruiting station, left for the naval training station ati Chicago to take an examination -for promotion. He will return to the Omaha office. , Among those residing In this city who have Journeyed to Lob Angeles and who are now registered at the Hotel Clark In that city, include Mrs. Edson Rich and son, Karl Tunberry, B. L. Browne, P. E. Utterback, P. W. Smith aod W. J. Morlng. Out in the Cold, Cold Worl ' PRESS IS BEST ALLY OFRELIGION Printed Page Has Many Advan tages Over Spoken Sermon, Says M. V. Higbee. CITES PROOF FROM EGYPT Sheridan County Farmers Showing What They Can Do The 164 Sheridan county farmers who are enroute to Lincoln on a spe cial train over the Northwestern are spending the day entertaining the people of the cities and towns along the route. On their train the Sheridan county boosters are carrying an exhibit of the agricultural products of the coun ty. At most of the towns this train is parked for an hour or so on a sid ing and opened lo the inspection of visitors. It will reach Lincoln some time tonight and tomorrow the peo ple aboard will participate in- the meetings of Nebraska farmers, to be held at the state farm. Auto Men May Use Street For the Motor Car Show Secretary Powell of the Omaha Automobile association convinced the city council committee of the whole that a permanent electric sign on the Auditorium would be a wise invest ment. An appropriation not to ex ceed $800 was recommended. The permanent letters of the sign will read "Auditorium, and the un derline will indicate the current at traction. Mr. Powell's particular interest was in the Automobile show which will be held during the week of Feb ruary 26, but he explained that the sign would serve a good purpose for all attractions. The council granted the Automo bile asociation use of Fifteenth street, Howard street lo the southward alley, for erection of a proposed tem porary structure to accommodate the overflow of the Automobile ishow. Forty-two exhibitors have entered for this year's show, as against thirty four last year. ' ItreathlDf Become Kwler. After a few doses of Dr. Bell'i Ptne-Tar-Honey. Inflammation la arrested, you cough leaa and breathe easier. Only 26c. All Arusf gists. Advertisement. "Sixty daily papers are published in Cairo, Egypt, a city of 800,000 peo ple," said Rev. M. V. Higbee, in the course of an address before the Omaha Ministerial union on "Africa for Christ or Mohammed?" The startling statement was ques tioned in the discussion which fol lowed the address. When cities like Omaha, with 200,000 people, have only half a down daily papers, it was con tended that Cairo surely could not have sixty, especially as Omaha is in habited by well educated people and Cairo largely by brown men of little or no education. But Dr. Higbee proved his state ment. He had it direct from Dr. Zwemer, a Christian mtssionary (or years in Cairo. "Thity-nine of the daily papers in Cairo are published in the Arabic language," said Dr. Higbee. "And all of these are Mohammedan in their influence. Many of the other twenty one dailies also are Mohammedan. Spreading Faith. "In the year lW) the Egyptian mails handled 25,169,000 copies of these dailies. Two and a half million copies went out of Kgypt to other Mohammedan countries. "There arc, in Cairo also, eleven Moslem magazines devoted to the spread of that religion. "In South Africa we find the same activity on the pant of the Mohamme dans to spread their religion and thev are making converts in large numbers. Nor arc these alone from the natives, but also from the half-castes and even among Europeans. "Journalism is a most powerful means of spreading the gospel of Christ. The printed page has many advantages over the spoken sermon. We have already established the Nile NUXATED IRON increaaet ttranfth I delicata, nervous, run down people 200 pet cent In ten dan n many initaneei. $100 forfeit if it fails as pr full explanation in large article soon to appear la this paper. Ask your doctor of druara-lst about it. Sherman ft McCupneli Drug Stores alwan carry it in atock. BB9 SUFFERED 17 YEARS n V D Mrs. Nellie B. Vanarsdell, of Mackvllle, Ky reports an Interest ing case of how she had suffered from bowel trouble since child hood. She says: "I have had four opinions for my trouble and there was nothing would do me any good or give me any relief but Thed ford's Black-Draught. I suffered 17 years straight until I got to using your . . medicine." This long standing trouble was re lieved, after other treatments failed, by the use of Toedford's Black Draught, a purely vegetable preparation, made of ground roots and herbs. For over 70 years Black-Draught has helped people who have suffered from constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, etc. It may be Just the medicine you need. Try it Only one cent a dose 25 cents a pack age. Tour druggir.t sells it. g.2g Three ways of writing' letters Slow v Faster Fastest Tilt IttmJ 7 r a. The new Remingtoa invention keeps the machine busy from the first word to the last ' It makes every typist no matter what her speed a much faster operator. It forces more work out of the machine. By the new Self Starting Remington 15 to 25 time saving SELF STARTING REMINGTON A TYPEWRITER Grand Pritt Panama-Pacific Exporitim A speed ain of 15 to 25 will interest you. Write for descriptive folder? or 'phone for a surprising demonstration of this time saver in your own office. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY; Incorporated 201-203 South 19th Street. Phone Douglas 1284. 0 Christian press as an offset of the great flood of Moslem literature that is issuing from Egypt. "Wc need to establish more such presses that will present the message of the gospel in the Arabic and Chi nese languages." Snow is General Over The State of Nebraska Snow is general over Nebraska, nk n.i.i v. .;,. ,1,. f,ll up to 8 o'clock Monday morning hav ing ranged irom one to two incites. Ji that hour it was still snowing. There was no wind reported and tempera tures ranged from zero to 18 degrees above in Nebraska. Out in Wyoming it was consider ably colder, the tcniperalurcs there running from 4 to 12 degrees below. The coldest places in Wyoming were out in the mountain districts. Nowhere was there enough snow to interfere with the movement of trains. Want Missouri Pacific to Put Watchman On Boulevard As City Commissioner Withnell was motoring to his office this morn ing he observed a man in a closed automobile narrowly escape death at the Missouri Pacific crossing at the intersection of Boyd street and Florence boulevard. A locomotive grazed the rear of the imperiled ma chine and if the driver should have stopped, a serious accident would have resulted. i Arriving at the city hall, Mr. With nell brought the matter to the atten tion of the city council committee of 1 lie whole, slating that the Missouri Pacific had been ordered several months ago to place a watchman at this dangerous intersection. Tuesday morning the commissioner will offer" lo the council a resolution, notifying the Missouri Pacific that they will be held liable for any ac cidents at this crossing. , i;l!tiiti!il!iliiliili!liiliiliiliilimi!liil'liiliiliiltilinli;liilnl : I wish to announce Kl that I am bow th only f : JUSTICE OF s l THE PEACE is Greater Omaha. I H. GLENN MQRAN, !' - 63S Ros. Bldf., 1 ; . Phone Tyler 588, , - niilittitliiliillililitliilnli'llsli1l"l1l1s"itllB,s1s'l"s ASkToK and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK ChMP SubitltutM east YOU ssm. price. Burgess-Wash Coiipauy. ' everybody!; store" Monday, Jan. 18, 1917- -STORE NEWS FOR TUESDAY- -Phea. Doug, 137. Our Birthday Bargain Cake Has been cut for Tuesday. , , Will you come and get your share? You'll Find the Prices In This Sale of Black Silks That Are in the Anniversary Sale Tuesday 'Way Below the Present Market Value THE result of careful searching; of the markets. Rich, lustrous black silks, always desirable' and the indications are that they will be in greater demand this sea son than for some time. Black silks for every purpose dresses, skirts, blouses at prices quite unusual. Black Chiffon Taffeta, Usually $1.25, at 93c Beautifully finished soft black, especially de sirable for skirts, dresses, blouses and suits, 36 inches wide,, usually $1.25, for 93c yard. Black Silk Poplins at 93c Silk poplins, rich lustrous black, for dresses and suits, excellent quality for wear, usually $1.25, at 93c yard. 93c Black Satin Duchesse. at $1.43. High finish satin, deep black and a good heavy quality, usually $1.75, Tuesday a$ $1.43 a yard. , Black SilkvFaile, at $1.93 ; Most favored for silk suits and skirts, excel lent wearing quality, full yard wide, usually $2.50, at .$1.93 yard. Black Chiffon Taffeta at $1.33- Fine imported black chiffon taffeta, raven black, soft finish, beautiful black, usually $1.95, at $1.33 yard. s Black Crepe de Chine at $1.33 40-inch all pure silk crepe de chine in a rich black, good heavy quality) usually $1.75 ; sale price $1.33 yard '$1.13 Black Chiffon Taffeta Usually $1.39, at $1,131 Excellent weight for suits and skirts, ncn black for skirts and suits, usually .$1.39, at . $1.13 yard. Black Satin Mescalines at $1.13 36-inch black satin messaline silks, very desirable for dresses, rich lustre, specially k . priced at $1.13 yard. J Black Chiffon Taffeta at $1.63 40-inch chiffon taffeta silk, soft finish, extra wide, permanent black,, usually $2.25, at $1.63 yard. r .,, Black Peau de Soie at $1.63 N 86-inch rich black lustre, peau de soie, soft finish, good heavy weight that will wear at $1.63 yard. Surf eit-Naah Co. Main Flow ANNIVERSARY Sale of Napkins at $2.93 Heavy, Austrian linen nap kins, size 22x22-inch, silver bleached, soft finish, free from dressing; old price was $4.60 dozen ; special, dozen, $2.93. $1.50 Linen Napkin, 93c Pure liri'en napkins, size 18x 18, hemmed, fast color, neat red border, ideal for breakfast or restaurant napkins, while they last dozen, 93c We reserve the right to limit individual pur chases. Table Cloths Off Odd table cloths, which we cannot match in napkins, all sizes are represented, ahout 100 in the lot, specially priced, 'A less than regular. Linen Damask, 93c A limited auantity of pure Irish linen damask, good weight, free from sizing, very special, at 93c yard. 39c Mercerised Damaek, 23c Bleached mercerized damask, good weight and good assort ment of patterns, cutl V, to 3 yard lengths, at 23c yard. Burins-Nub Co. M.m Floor TTNDERWEARin U the Anniversary Four big values that are most interesting. ' 39c Union Suits, 23c Women's union suits, fine, white cotton, low neck, sleeve less, lace bottoms; were 89c, for 23c. 75c Union Suits, 33c Women's union suits, fine cotton and lisle, cuff knee or lace bottoms, road men's sam ples; were to 75c, for 33c. $1.25 Union Suits, 73c Women's union suits, light, medium and heavy weight, fine white cotton, . high neck, long sleeves, low neck and no sleeves, Dutch neck arid elbow sleeves, ankle length; all large sizes; were $1.25, for 73c. $2.25 Union Suit, $1.23 Women's union suits, white or gray, part wool, ankle length, broken sizes; were to $2.25, for $1.23. Burgsss-Nash Co. Mala Floor ANNIVERSARY Sale A White Goods at 13c New white goods in lae cloth, lace marquisette, diagonal tripe, voile, etc., especially de sirable for waists and dresses; usually 25c the yard, at 13c. Whit Orgaaely, 23o Sheer, crisp organdy, 39 Inches wide, snow white, for lingerie waists; usually 40o, at 23c a yard. White Goods, 93c Fin., sheer embroidered organdy, shsdow organdy, party cloth, usually 11.00, 11.26 and $1.60. Tan. day at 93c yard, "NAGASAKI" NAINSOOK, 2.43 No. 400 JapaneM nainsook St Inehca wide, fin., sheer quality, for dainty lingori.. Neatly boxed in ll yard belt., at $2.43. v- "KAMintA" NAINSOOK, 3i3 Fin., sheer nainsook for dainty Ma teria and infants' wear, 42 inches wide. Ten yard., neatly boxed, for $3.23. ENGLISH NAINSOOK Hade from long thread staple cot ton, snow white, will wear and launder perfectly. No. 10 St Inches wide, 10-rard bolt, tl.23. No. 3088 Inche. wide. IS-yard bolt for II JS. Bwiest-Naah Cev-Mata Fleer i i ' i , BEDDING Supplies In Anniversary Indicators of what this splen did bedding section has in store for you. Seamless Sheets, 93c 81x99-inch seamless sheets, heavy weight, full bleached, free from dressing, 93c each. Cases, 33c Pair - Pillow cases, 42 or 45x36 inch, bleached, to match the sheets described above, special. Tuesday, 33c pair. Blankets, $2.23 Pair Large size, heavy cotton blankets, good nap and warm; gray or tan; were $2.98 pair, $2.23. 1 Robe Blankets, $1.23 70x84 bath robe blankets, wool finish, in tan, brown or gray checks; were $2.00, at, $1.23 each. Burgess-Naah Co. Down Stairs Store. Big Group of New House Dresses $1.13 Usual $1.50 and $2.95 Qualities Subject to Slight Imperfections THE dresses are all new spring styles from on of the larg est manufacturers of women's House Dresses in this country. I he materials are ginghams, madras and percales, in stripes and checks, trimmed with em broidery and pockets, some are two piece. White, pink, blue, lavender, grey, shepherd checks, brown, etc., all sizes, usual $1.50 to $2.95 qualities, subject to slight imperfections, at $1.13. Co. Down Store