2 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1917, OMAHA BANQUETS ARCHBISHOP HARTY New Catholic Dignitary Prom fees to Work for the Wel ... fare of AIL GETS OEEAT RECEPTION (OoatiMfd trmm Tmttm Oh.) sympathetic co-operation for greater and a better Omaha. "A few years ago I was traveling In the far east There were in the troop eleven of u. Some were first class passengers, others second class, others third class passengers. ' When the time came to start we found we were all in the same coach, although three scales of fare bad been charged. The mystery was cleared up when we reathed a . steep incline. The driver called a halt. Turning to the passengers he said: 'First class pas sengers keep your seats; second class ' passengers get out and kalk; third class passengers get out and push.' Needless to say, in a few moments all were third class passengers, pushing the stage coach over the rugged pass, sharing in the same work, shoulder to shoulder. When we reached the summit of the hill we all took our places again in the coach and heartily enjoyed a laugh at the expense of eacn otner, at me same mnc naving learned the lesson of tht importance sn push. A Greater Omaha. "That It shall be a Greater Omaha what observant man can fail to see. For here at the gate, the passage, the tmporiura o( the west destiny has set its foot and if says to us: 'Yours is the future, yours the eomm:rce, yours the wealth, yours tne Beauty, ootn nhviical and moral, that needs must teem in yonder vast plains as far even as the barrier mountains oi tne coast. "A hetter. Omaha It needs must be. Of that there is a pledge and prophecy in your minds and in your hearts, wherein dwell and energire noble motives, magnificent concep tions, . masterful purposes, expectant realization ot . raeais, oi civic excel lence, of civic srowth and grandeur. On what do we base our expectations? ' Let as count over some of the as sets of Omaha. "We have th gentle aephyrs which welcomed me a month ago on my en trance to your city, when my Manila overcoat felt like tissue paper. We have our honored toastmaster, Mr, MaTioney. Then we have Mr. Wattles and the c&iet justice oi meorasita. we have the solidity of the commercial houses. We have the lofty and noble principles which dominate the city and its citizens. We have broad and gen erous institutions. Wc have the in telligence of the people. We have her social relations, which are so safe; her popular institutions, so beneficent and secure: the justice of her law, We have freedom, encouragement, help, upward and onward toward the noble aspirations of her citizens. We have all these, surmounted, capped, as; it were, by Ma warm affections of your straightforward, broad-minded noble hearted men and women. v:;' -For Lasting Greatness, "Mr. Toastmaster, I can assure you that the people whom I represent will always be found measuring up to high standards, and that they will always be found striving for a better Omaha, a city built ob truth, lovfe and justice the firm 'and enduMng foundations ofj lasting greatness. ' "Great though their interest in tne material magnificence of a growing Omaha may be, the people for whom I. speak will always be found deeply concerned in that which is noblest in a noble city, namely, in the men and women who dwell in it. God has made a wonderful world; He has made nothing in it so precious as man. And, therefore, I (hall put forth my best 'efforts in behalf of the toilers. The people of Omaha wilt' always find me where the people of the Philippines ever found me standing on the plat form of Christian democracy, making myself all things to sill men... Manliness Is Necessary. ' 'May our city's growth be the brightest and best growth of our Christian civilization. And In this growth the church will have part The church is as lofty as the love of God and as ample as the wants of man. The poet Terence wrote the memor able saying: 'I am a man and noth ing that touches human nature is estranged from me.' The church here Hot Water for Sick Heaclaches below is made up of men, and, there fore, should show this shining char acteristic manhood, manliness, and all that the sublime idea implies. "It shall be our aim in private and public life, in our political and social institutions to foster this spirit True to the cosmopolitan spirit of our world-wide church, we shall ever strive to rise above all consider ations of sectionsl jealousy, of local narrowness, of religious prejudice, or partisan animosity. We shall strive to reach the level of a patriotism which embraces our whole country and meets all her citizens in the grasp of brotherhood. I believe this public celebration tonight is a long stride to ward the recognition oi Christian principles, the diffusion of Christian principles, the diffusion of Christian brotherhood. "We shall then push on, having in mind the material, the abundant natu ral advantages of Omaha, situated in the center of population in the United States, seated in the very heart of the golden wheat belt enthroned as the queen of vast tributary. Is there not, gentlemen, revealed to our minds a vision of vast possibilities, in the reali zation of which we shall have a large share, if we but open our minds and hearts to the blending power of sym pathy? We will, therefore, clasp each man his neighbor's hand in cordial co-operation in the building up ot a great, splendid snd enduring city. LAWSON NAMES M'ADOO; HE SAYS HENRY TOLD HIM CaatlaM4 trm Pas M living at 1721 Twenty-first street, an apartment house. , .- The letter which Lawson read fol lows: 'My Dear Mr. Lawson: If the name of the man who was the go. between in the present leak and the amount of money be of assistance to you, I can supply the name and the amount he received and give tne name of at least one associate at the White House who participated in the haul." The letter went on to offer to make an appointment which Mr. Lawson said he made with Mrs. Visconti. In the presence of her attorney, he said, she gave him the names of Price and McAdoo. Asked by Representative Henry who he meant when he said he would give the name of a go-between who received a large sum for "his bit, Lawson 'said he referred to the name given him by Mrs: Visconti as "Sec retary Tumulty. Suggests Calling Editors. Lawson also said Henry told him of rumors that Bamey Banco was connected with the "leak." Lawson suggested calling T. R. Rathom. editor of the Providence Journal, in connection with an article on "leaks" which appeared in his pa per, and also the editor of the Boston Transcript which he said had made a "flat-footed" statement that a cer tain brokerage firm had dealth in 800,- 000 shares of steel on December 20, which netted a profit of $8,000,000." Lawson further said Henry had told him .information had , come to the committee that the German ambassa dor had profited over $2,000,000, but that he did not think it .was true. Lawson and: Henry. In a long description of his visit to Chairman Henry,' Lawson said that Henry had told him of rumors that Secretary Lansing had gone to the Baltimore hotel in New York to meet Barney Baroueh, four times, but that he, Henry, thought His visits were perfectly legitimate. 1 told Henry, said Lawson, "tnat I would stake my head on it that Secretary .Lansing was not telling 1 anything lie ought not to do." When asked for the name of Mrs. Visconti's attorney, Lawson said he was a member of a Washington firm named "Brown & Brown" or "But ler & Butler." No firm of either name appears in the city or telephone directory. Lawson declared that Henry bad asked him late in December to say nothing more about the leak charges, on patriotic grounds, saying he owed it to the country not to men tion them further lor the present. At no time Lawson insisted, did he ever say that he had any direct in formation relating to a "leak." Denial by Chairman Henry. Chairman Henry then took the wit ness stand. Henry emphatically de nied that he ever had mentioned to Lawson the name of any cabinet of ficer. ."Not during our whole three-hour conference did I mention to Mr. Law son the name of any cabinet officer that he has mentioned here today." Henry asserted again and strain- that he had not given Lawson such in formation. "I have no fear of my reputation in the house or in the country," he declared, "and what this gentleman lu, hmrm tnJi, fl nn) .... Hie turb me." i I Turning to Lawson, Henry repeated he had told him nothing. Lawson did not reply but shook his head, as if to say that he stood by his statement. Henry Makes Denial, Henry also declared he never had mentioned the name of a member of congress or a banker to Lawson as having been involved in the "leak." This msde his denial of Lawson's testimony complete. Henry read long excerpts from a letter from Lawson to him urging an inquiry into the "leak" situation and asking that he be permitted to con duct it. , - And after that, Henry said em phatically, "he tells this committee and the country that he got his iu ofntiation from me, I do not seek to defend myself. I have done nothing wrong." . When Henry ; had concluded his testimony Lawson rose and dramatic ally -asserted that every word he, Lawson. had uttered todav was the "truth, so help me God, without variation." In response to questions Henry de clared that not only had he never mentioned any names, but that Law- son had mentioned none. What Tumulty Told Him. I , had no information then and have none now on my own knowl edge," he said. "The first time I ever heard of an official's name in connec tion -with this was when Secretary Tumulty told me at the White House only Om "BKOMO cjtjrxrNB." To tut the rnulna. cjtll for full mih. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for trnatur of U. w. OKOVB. Cares a cold In on day. He. AdvortlMment, 1 Hartmann ; I Wardrobe Trunks IF Wardrobe Trunks eonld be bnilt better Hartmann would build them. . We are exclusive agents for this line of trunks in Omaha and are mighty proud Of it. ; These trunks bear, the closest Inspection, as they have ell th patented features known to' gunk construction. They sell, $25.00 to $75.00 We are making special prices oa BAGS AND SUIT CASES Freling & Steinle, "Oanha's Bool Bf two BuilaW : 1803 FARNAM ST. ? one day that he ha heard his name was being mentioned in connection with this subiect." Lawson added that after talking with Henry he had hid his informa tion before John O'Hara Cosgrave, editor of the New York World; H. J. Ridgewaf of Everybody's Magazine and Donald McDonald, publisher of a Boston financial paper. "Call these men, Lawson shouted, "and they will bear me out in what I say." Lawson said he told the three men that Henry considered the investiga tion too serious to proceed with. Lawson was almost in tears when he said he couldn't understand why Henry should deny the statements he had made. 1 "I'll make good here," he shouted, "and I won't go to jail as the goat." Obituary Notices. MRS. CORA MTERS, 40 years qf age, a resident of Omaha for eighteen years, is dead at her home, 144 South Twenty-first street In addition to her huslyind, F. L. Myers, she Is survived by one son, William Flllman, and a daughter, Mrs. Khada Clements ot Council Bluffs. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Cols-McKay chapul an 4 Interment will be In Forest Lawn cem etery. JAME8 CTJMINGS, 68 years of age, died early Monday at St. Joseph's hos pital. Mr. Cumings had been employed at Cudahy's plant for twenty years and was well known In South Omaha. The funeral will be held at o'clock Wednesday morning from Larkina chapel to St Mary's church. Inter ment will be in Holy Sepulcher ceme tery. JAMES W. MASON, 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Mason ot Council Bluffs, is dead after a four days' Ill ness at the home of his uncle, M. K. Bailey, 4312 South Seventeenth street The body will be sent to Love land, la., for burial. REV. EDWARD B. CDMMINOS, member ot the drat legislature , of South Dakota, civil war veteran, class mate of William McKinley, editor and missionary, died at Indianapolis at the age of 77 years. MRS. RACHEL ALLEN, widow of the late F. L. Allen of Harvard, Neb., died at the Mary Lannlng hospital In Hastings, Friday afternoon. Mrs. Allen fell at her home November 17, sustaining a fracture of the hip. She was taken to the hospital at Hastings the same evening. She took a slight cold which developed Into pneumonia and failed rapidly. She was 77 years old. The Body was brought to Har vard for burial by the side of her husbandr whp died In June. COAL PRICES We save you $1.50 EBONY on every ton a ft I ; of our vOAL EBONY, Lump, Egg and Nut, per ton S7.00 The ceai without a fault for all purposes. SPECIALTY, all sixes $6.50 NOVINGER, hand picked LUMP, at $7.00 ILLINOIS, all sisee. . . .$7.50 RADIANT, all sixes eur pride ..$8.00 WHITE ASH, sootiest, $8.50 ) ROSEWOOD Hard Coal, for furnaces and hot water Slants. Holds fire for 24 ours without attention, per ton $11.00 All Coal Hand . Screened. Call us for prices on all grades ;' of steam coaL ROSENBLATT . Cut Price Coal Company Phone Douglas 530. Talis why everyone should drink hot water with phosphate , In It before breakfast. Headache of anv kind is caused by auto-intoxication which means self poisoning. Liver and bowel poisons called toxins, sucked into the blood. through the lymph ducts, excite the heart which pumps the blood so fast that it congests in the smaller arteries and veins of the head, producing vio lent throbbing pain and distress, called headache. You become ner vous, despondent sick, feverish and miserable, your meals sour and al most nauseate you. men you resort to acetanitide, aspirin or the brom ides which temporarily relieve but do not rid the blood of these irritating toxins. ' A glass of hot water with a tea- : 8Dooniui of limstone phosphate in it. drank before breakfast for awhile, will not only wash these poisons from your system and cure you of head- , ache, but will cleanse, purify and freshen the entire alimentary canal. Ask your pharmacist for a quarter pound of limestone phosphate. It is inexpensive, harmless as sugar, and almost tasteless, except for a sour ish twinge which is not unpleasant If yon aren't feeling your best if tongue is coated or you wake up with : bad taste, foul breath or have colds, indigestion, biliousness, constipation or sour, acid stomach, begin the phosphated, hot water cure to rid your system of toxins and poisons. Results are quick, and it is claimed . that those who continue to flush out , the stomach, liver and bowels every morning never have any headache or know a miserable moment Adv. - I Name Your Price - ssHSHSMsasasaasjsHBMoMMBiMM ' ' mtmmmtmmmmammmum Get, a Diamond, a .Watch, a Clock, Ring, Table ware or almost any article of Jewelry you may want ...at your own price! The Brodegaard : Jewelry ' Stores, Inc., stock--$95,000 worth of : high quality Jewelry is being sold at AUCTION Here is your golden opportunity your .chance to get the article you want or need at the price you are willing to pay! Every piece in this immense stock is to be sold regardless of cost. Come, examine the goods and make your selection, then bid for what you want. If you offer most, it is yours. Spedal-DIAMONDS-Special This stock includes many Beautiful Dia mondsRings, Brooches, Scarf Pins, La Val lieres, etc. A number of these will be auctioned Tuesday. ; Sale Continuously, 10 A. M. to 6 P. M., at 1 607 Farnam Street (Jut Wart of Rn Knl H.tioittl Bank Bldj.) MEXICAN-YANKEE CONFERENCE OVER American Commissioners Urge Withdrawal of Pershing's Force. Friday. Three additional names appeared today for directors of the Omaha Farm Loan bank D. C. Patterson, S. Arion L,cwis, who was the first man to subscribe to the stock of the OmaJ ha Loan bank, and John B. Brisbin of Florence. Steamship Minnesota Sunk . At Dock. After Collision London, Jan. 15. Lloyd's an nounces that the steamship Minne sota has sunk while at dock, after a collision. TELL DE FACTO DELEGATES New York. Tan. 15. The Mexican- American joint commission, -which failed to effect an adjustment of the questions at issue between Mexico and the United Stares after a series ,of conferences that beean four, months ago, was formally dissolved late today. Secretary of the Interior Lane and the other members of the American commission, Dr. J. R. Mott and Judge George Gray, told the Mexicans that they had recommended to President Wilson the dispatch to Mexico of Ambassador Fletcher and the with drawal of the American troops' from Chihuahua. Would-Be Farm Bank Directors Will See Quick (From a Staff Corresppndent.) Washington, Jan. 15. (Special Tel egram.) Herbert Quick, member of the Farm board, accredited to West Virginia, but at heart an lowan, and, for that matter, a Nebraskari, leaves on a wsetern tour today, having two engagements to fill at Lincoln on gg ' - c-. ' j 1 IL ' DESKS ' CHAIRS and a complata lina of Office- Equipment. GlobeiWernicke Co. ' Stool and Wood Files. Sanitary Of fie Desk, Solid Oak, as low as $25.00. . We invita you to sea our line Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414-416-418 South 16th St. THOMPSON, BELDEN COMPANY Furs All Go For Less Separate pieces, sets and fine Hudson Seal Coats are included in this de cisive clearance. Qualities are exceptionally fine, while prices have reached the season's lowest mark. The Hudson Sea! Coats Are Particularly Desirable Separate pieces and sets in popular furs, muffs, $10 up. Scarfs, $8.50 up. The Fur Shop 2d Floor. We Arc Still Very Busy in the Linen Section Those who understand the linen situation are buy- ing now During the January Sale. k Irish .Linen Huck Towels SI. 25 quality for 85. , . $1.50 quality for $1.25. $1.75 qulaity for $1.50. Heavy Irish Linen Crash Toweling ' 30c quality, 25c yard. 35c quality, 30e a yard. WashCloths 8M Turkish Cloths, Be 5c Turk-nit Cloths, 3c Knit Cloths for 2c. Knit Cloths for 1 Me. . Irish Linen Damask Table Cloths & Napkins $3.78 Cloths, 2x2 yds., $2.89 $4.75 Cloths, 2x2 H yds. at $3.50. $4.50 Napkins, size, $3.50 a doun. , Our Annual Sale of Bed Spreads Commences 1 WEDNESDAY MORNING NEW-YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 346, and 348 BROADWAY- NEW YORK CITY TO THE POLICY-HOLDERS AND THE PUBLIC: : . A brief of the chief, activities of this Company' during 1916 runs as follows: NeW Paid Business - - - - - - - . $263,048,300.00 Of this total $239,090,873 was secured in the United States. Total Income - - - -'- - - - -' $138,559,395.79 From New Premiums $10,241,497,43 . v From Renewal Premiums... $82,843,015.14 From Interest and Rents $38,108,768.16 From miscellaneous sources (exclusive of in crease in Book Value of Assets) $7,366,115.06 Total Payments to Policy-holders - - - - $81,415,138.36 In Death Losses $29,332,346.32 In Endowments $11,384,424.69 In Dividends $19,695,355.33 In Surrender Values ..$19,551,361.00 In Annuities $1,414,154.02 In Disability Claims $37,497.00 Significant Facts: Mortality Rate reduced Expense Kate reduced Interest Rate increased '.New Business increased $70,717,602.17 $24,676,393.00 $866,988,841.57 $728,226,426.34 $138,762,415.23 $2,511,607,274.00 Invested During the Year in Bonds and Mortgage Loans To pay 5.26 Added to Legal Reserves - -- -- Market Value of Assets, Dec. 31, 1916 Legal Liabilities - - - - - - - - - - - - - Reserved for Dividends and Contingencies - - - - - Outstanding Insurance - - - - - - - - - - - Represented by 1,228,601 policies. The actual mortality of the Company expressed in the per cent which 'it bears to the expected death losses, according to the tables of mortality adopted by the State for valuation purposes through a period of years, is as follows: , . v , .:... - 1912 Actual death losses 76 of the "expected" , . 1913 Actual death losses 73 of the "expected" . 1914 Actual death losses 73 of the "expected" (5 mos. of war) " " 1915 Actual death losses 73 of the "expected" (12 mo. of war) 1916 Actual death loaaes 71 of the "expected" (12 mo. of war) The Seventy-Second Annual Statement of the Company will be filed at once, with the Department of Commerce in Washington and with each State of the United States and each country where we do business. A brief of that statement will be sent gratis to any person asking for it v . DARWIN P. KINGSLEY, ' ; 1 President.