10 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1917. LIYE STOCK MARKET Liberal Supply of Desirable Beeves Makes Good, Steady Market Undertone Firm. HOGS STEADY TO ITVE UP ' Omaha, January II, 11'. Receipt, imi Cattle. Bora Sheep. Esttrasts Monday I.4M 1.10, lv.400 Sam. day laat WMk...lI.tl 11.411 li.1T) Sana day 1 t'b ate. . t.I f.MI . Ham. day t Was aco - Sam day Wki aio..K,l 11,101 .'" 8am. day lest year.... s,44 11, Ml 11.13! Holiday, Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Uolon Stock Tarda, Omaha, for twenty four hoara ending at I o'clock p. m. yes terday: RBCErPTS CARS. Cattta Hoaa Sheen.HYs. c m. a nt p.... 14 Missouri Pacific.... t . Union Pacific 61 C N. W oast.. 19 C. N. W., weot.. SI C. St P., U. O. It C. B. Q., east.. 1 C, B. ds Q., west., 40 C. R. I. ft I, oalt Illinois Central la Uhlcage Ot West. 17 Total receipts.... 114 1 ,1 ii ' : 'i 4 I H I 8 4 I 1 ii ii 'V. 'i '.1 t II 47 I , DISPOSITION BEAD. Cattle. Hoita Sheep. Morrla Co Swift ft Co Codahy Packing Co. Armour A Co ...... ,. 7! 1.317 1.013 ..1,S6 .. Ill ..1,111 1,141 117 1.7M 132 1,071 2.IH1 1.112 1,171 Scherarts Co - J. W. Morphy...... Lincoln Packing Co.... Codahy, Kansas City.. W. B, Vansant Co Benton, Vansaht A Lush Hill Son.. r. B. Lewis J. B. Root 4 Co J. H. Bulla L. r. Hubs Roeenatock Bros....... P. O. K.I Ion Wertheimer ft Degen... H. K. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Rothschild Krebs....', Mo. A Kan. qelf Co... Christie , HiKlns ; Huffman Baker Other buyers .......... II 517 100 lit HI . 171 lit 12 11 . II 121 54 111 M 41 101 01 I 1 3(1 124 316 Totals .1,011 0,071 0,000 Cattle The week opens with a tolerably liberal run and arrivals were made up very largely of butrher slock and atockers and feeders. Offerings of deslrabls beeves were comparatively limited and there was a sur- Detent demand for these to make a good steady market Prices for .anything at alt useful In the- way -or beef compared very favorably with last Thursday and undertone to the market was better than It was at the clou of last week. Cows and helfera also found more favor vlth buyers and at rather Itrraer flgures. Supplies of this kind were limited, however, and the movement at no time overly brisk. Veal oalvas, bulls, stags, ate., wore Just about steady. Inquiry for stock e.ttl. .and. feeding steer showed some improvement and at tractive offerings of both heavy and Mont tocM sold to better advantage than toward the oloao of uVet week. I Stormy weather Interfered with trad somewhat, but the de: mend waa good and (h. undertone to the market firm. - - . Quotations on eattlet Oood ; to - ehotes yearling beeves, 010.IIB11.IO ohole weighty cornfed beeves, flO.OOO 11.09: fair to good corn fed beeves, fO.IOrt 10.00; common to fair oornfed beeves. 17.76 .40: good to choloo grass beeves, ii.ooo) i.l.i ralr to good grass heaves, 07.oooi.oo common .to fair grass beeves, fo.1007.10 good to choice heifers, 97.004yl.IO; good to cnoie cows, s7.ooai.ov; fair to good cows, $0. 00O7.00; oommoa to filrcews, 14.104 1.00; prims feeding steers, 11.0000.10; good to choice feeders, 11.0001.10; fair to good feeders, 17.0000.00; common to fair feeders. O4.is07.oo; fair to choice atockers, 07.7(0 1.10; slock helfera, 10.2101.21: stock cows, 1.00 07.00; stock calves, 17.00 0 0.00; veal calves, 10,00 010.00; beef bulls, stags, etc, oe.ovvT.70; bologna bulla, Ot.M0O.OO. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. A No. I.. 7.. 10.. It.. Ar. Pr. No. A. Ft. 004 If u III T 71 707 I 10 11.. It.. s!l:: 10.. . 011 17 it . Ill 7 M . Til I to .0)1 I 00 1014 I 10 1011 I 10 e..,.....iori s so II. 117 111 a. .1111 I It Home Thera was Just a fair Monday hog run here, some ntnaty-olght loads, or 7100 head, being reported In. This is mors than 4,000 smaller than slthw last week or the cor re ponding Monday of last year, bat it larger man two weeks ago by over a.ooo head. ... . Shipping demand! wag not overly argent today, and while to tha and outside buyers maua a rair purchase, they got tbolr bogs at pries that were steady to not over a nickel higher. Packers did not start very aarly, and at first they talked easier prices, but trade firmed up later, and bulk of the packing hogs finally sold on a' steady to to higher besla A big run at Chicago had a bearish Influence here all through tha mar ket and movement wag sot vary gotten at any time of tfc.. day. Most of the offerings had been cleared trp by uldforenoon. but buyers slowed down before a olearano waa made and tha elooe was about aa mean as could be Imagined. Tha last train In. along with seme mixed ana ugni nogs ion rrom tu early trade, found tha early strength more than lost, being met with bids that war as much aa to too lower than Saturday, or around 10O below the early market Soma sellers, to escape carrying bogs over on a night that promised to b cold and stormy, out loose at the decline, while a few held on and the ten or twelve loads that were still In the pens at noon Included soma llghta on which buyers warn not oven making offers. . The best that could bo Bald of tha gen eral market waa. that It waa vary uneven, most of the hog. aelllng steady to tc higher, with aom lata toloo lower, and others, which. If sold, would show thst much decline or more. The general qual ity was not aa good as Saturday and the market waa a Utile better than It shows up on paper. Bulk of the offerings sold at I10.100rl0.l0. Some underweights and plain mixed bunches sold on down to 110.00 and under and several loads of good buteh rs and heavlea landed at 110.70. tb ton. Representative sales i No. Av. Sh. Pr. Ka. Aa, Bh. Pr. i ,.. 10 II , 40 10 II It 10 15 '130 10 41 10 10 It ' ... 10 It ... It 70 04.. 140 11. .111 1..101 II. .lit 71..10I 10 00 10 i Tt.iao 40. .110 21. .141 70.414 72. .Ill II. .311 00. .144 40-10 30 .. 10 40 .. 10 10 IO..I10 ,120 10 00 It. .121 ... II 1714 M II Sheep Juet a decent run of sheep nnd lambs showed up this morning. Arrivals were estimated at forty-two cars, or 10.100 head, which Is only about half as largs as a waek ago. and 1,000 smaller than a year ago, though It la nearly 7,000 larger than the small rm two weeks ago. Chicago fell several thousand short of the Bomber estimated, and with a moderate sap ply prices there recovered from last Friday's slump. Locally there waa a broad outlet movement starting early at prices that were largely lOOlic higher. Part of the offerings were late in getting to the barn, but a fair clearance of the early arrivals had been ef. footed before 10 o'clock. Anything desirable in the fat lamb lias sold upwards from 112.00, and there waa a good showing around 111.70011.71. Prime light fed wast rn such as sold at 111.71 Saturday, or choice Meitcann woald, probably have landed around lll.lt. A load of good clippers brought lll.lt, showing about the seme advance as wool aklna. Higher prices were In order on mature atoek, most sales being aoywsy loo abova last week's cloea Same of tha h hero brought l 710t.ll, tha utter price be-1 Ing a new record for th market and ith that there was nothlog that considered choice on offer. Another cut of tha year lings that Bold at 112.00 laat Friday dupli cated the price today, this shipment being a little weightier than Friday's. Uemaad for feeders ooatinues good, al though there waa not enough here In the feeder lino today to. t -. out the market A deck or so of decent light (cedars sold as high aa lll.lt. Quotations on sheep and lam be: ' Lambs, good to choice, 111.00011.10; lambs, fair to good, 111.00011.10; lambs, clipped, 110.710 11.70; lambs, feeder. 112.00011.21; yar llngs, good to oholce, 11 1. 00 0 12.04: year lings, (air to good. 110.00011.00; wethers, fair to choice, 10.10010.10; ewes, good to choice, II 1001.14; ewes, fair to good, II 21 00.00; plain to culls, ll.OO07.it; owes, Kepresentatlvs sales:- No. -x .. .' ' 244 fed lambs......,,,, 144 fed lambs 250 fed lambs til clipped lambs....... 42 fed ewes. . . ., , 111 fed irthers. ........ Av.V 1 Pr. r ii 11 y 70 70 II 10 11 II 11 71 I 71 it oo ..... 71 ..... 70 ...,,101 ..... 01 'CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. CalUa Market Firm. Hogs Strang, Firm. Chicago. Jan. II. Cattle Receipts. 31.000 head; market firm: native beef cattle, 07.00 aui.io; western steers, I7.70O10.20: stock ers and feeders, lt.Ot0l.IO: cows and hell ers. 14.10010.10: calves. lo.7tOI4.2f. Hogs Receipts. 07,000 head; market strong. 0c to 10c above yesterday's aver age: bulk of sales, 110.01010.10; light 110.26 010.11; mlsed, 110.100 10.00; heavy, 110,66 erii.eo; rough, oiv.oo0io.7o; piga, 97.100 B.ro. Sheep and Lam he Receipts, ll.OOo bead mantel nrm: wethers. lf.7VOll.oo: 17.60ttl0.16; Umbo, IU.70O14.I0. Kaajae City Live Mock Market Kansas City, Mo., Janr- II. Cattle Re. oeipta, 14.000 bead: market ateady; stock era and feeders, 10c higher; prime fed steers, ie.7ft0ii.iv; dressed beer ateers. ll.voo v.eo: western stsers. 07.00011.00: cows. ft.3iO3.00: helfera, IC.i0O10.t0; stockers and feeders. 10.1001.00; bulls, 11.0001.00 calves, l 60BU. 60. ' Hogs Receipts. 17.000 head: market higher: bulk of ss lea. I10.16B 10.70: heavy. 110,70010.10; packers and butchers, 110.400 iv.ys; ngnt tiv.v&tviv.oft; pigs, os.7io.oe. Hneep and Lambs Rece ots. 1.100 head market higher: lambs. 113.000 12.10; year lings, lll.iO0ll.eo; wethers, It.iOOlo.lO; ewes, oo.tO0l.ot. M. Loals Live Stock Markets. St. Louis, Mo., Jan. It. Cattle--Recelpts. 1,100 head: market, strong; native beef steers, 17.60ft 11. 10; yearling steers and helf era, 11.50011. to: cows, It.tOOI.iO: stockers and feeders, &. 4001.00; prime southern beef steers, tl.ootyl.en: cows and belters. 14.360 7.60; prime yearling steers and heifers, 17.60 00.00: native cslves. II.OOOH.OO. Hogs Receipts,1 20,000 head: market, lower; lights, 110.40010.71; pigs. 11.160 10.00; mixed and -butchers. 110.40010.00 good heavy, ll0.liO10.lt; bulk of sales. OlO.3D01V.lft, Bheep and Lambs Receipts. 1,200 head; maraec sieaay; iambs, oi s. 70010.70; owes, IO.iOOO.7i; yearlings. IU.00O12.20, 1 Kansas City lie Stock Market. Ksnsas City, Hoe. 11. Cattle Receipts. le.oee neso: maraei steady; prime fed steers, 110.70011. 10; dresssd beef steers, ll.00O10.76; western steere, !7.fO0U-OO; cows, 16.3100.00; heifers, 14.10011. 00; stockers and feeders, 10,20 01.00; bulls, 11.00 07. so; calves, IV. 10011. ftv. . Hogs Receipts, 13,000 head: market steady; bulk of sales, oiv.3O0lo.7O; ties H0.00O10.7t; psrkera and butchers, 110.46 B 10.70; light 010.00010.00; pigs. It. tOO 1.16. , Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 11,000 head: market ateady; lambs, 113.00 011-10: year lings, Ill.iOOll.tO; wethers, ll.i0O10.2t; owos, OS.OV0V.Bft. Sloax City Liv Stock Market. Stout City, la., Jan. It. Cattle Re- celpte; 4,000 head; market for killers steady atockers steady and a shad lower: beef steers, ll.to011.OO: butchers, 17.000 0.20; fat. cows and heifers., 10.000 0.00; fanners, I4.l606.to: stockers and fsedera, 11 60 01.60: calves, 10.00 01.10; bulls, stags, etc., It. 60 0 7.00;. feeding cows and belfers, 16.00 !.6. Hoge Receipts, 7,000 head; market 60 10c higher; lights, IO.7i0IO.lO; mlsed. iio.iftasiv.vu; neavy, 010.00010.70; pigs, ll.ooevs.fto; puik or sales, 110.10010.40. Bheep and Imbs Receipts, 1,000 head market steady; fed muttone, 11.00 0 10.00 wethers, 1100010.00; ewes, 11.26 01.21; lames, via.uvayia.aa. , Live stack la Slant. Receipts of live stock at th Ova principal wvsivra maraeia yesieroey: Cattls. St. Loals 6, too Chicago . , Si.ooo Kansas City 11.000 Omaha 7,000 Sloua City 4,000, Total! .10,400 111,100 14,000 M. Joseph live Slock Market.' St. Joseph, Mo., Jan. 10. Cattle Receipts, 1,200 bead; market steady to 10c Metier: ale re, 7,i0Otl.t0; cows and heifers,. 16.00 0io.ev; csires, v'.oovis.ov. v Hoes Receipts, 1,100 head: market steady; top, .110.71; bulk of sales, I10.36O iv.io, 1 Sheen and I-embe Receipt. 1.000 heavl-. market 10c higher: lambs, IU.00Ol2.7t: ewes, II.OOOI.IO, Coffe Market, New Tort. Jan. 10 The market fee enf. fee futures opened somewhat irregnlar, with prices I .points lower to 1 point higher in response to some outalde liquidation of March and unimportant coverlnse of the lata months. Subsequently moderate unload ing by trade Intereats and oaaler Arm offer ings produced weakness and tha close wsa 4 to I points net lower. Sales were estl. mated a 00,000 bags; January, l.40ci Feb ruary, l.ilc; March, Lite; April, I tic; May, t.Olo; Jane l.70o; July, l.7lo; August, 1.10c; September, I. Itc; October, l.llc; November, e.eeo; uecemoer, v.voc npot, steedy; Rio 7s, lOe: Santo 40 11c. Cost and rrelrht of. fers were about 10 points lower with Santos to quoted at 10.10 0 1V.I6C. London credits. The official eablea reported a decline of 7i reia la aw la ana oc 30 rels in Santos fu. tores, .... Oottoa MmrtaM. Nw York, Jon. Cot ten--ri. tart panod Stwulri evJnaftry. IT.IOoj March, it.too; May, it.ioo; July, 17. lie; Ootobcr, Cotton- flwot auiot: mlddlln uniind 17 41c 8i, 00 bale. Paturts oloMd tadr: JtuiOArr. IT. 1 Je Manth. IT.lTo, May, 17.41c; July,. 17.S0e October, n.ifto - under Salurtey' final ptiooa. urooi. jml. it.C0tton bml mi food mid d llnf, 11. lid; mlddllni, 10.01 low middling. lft,T7d. Bate, s.ogo balta. , HtfV Market, tow iTork, Jan. lft. 8uaar Raw. tami-elv tady; centrifugal, 1.31c; molaaaea, Renned. steady : rut loaf. T.IOr: rpnahnH 7.7&c; mould. A. T.lfto; cube, T.Zfa; XXXX powdered, .IOo; powdered, M6c; con fee u la tod, .7o; diamond A. i.76c; confer- itrs A. I.CCOt No. 1. I.lta. Aalda frnm Jenuair, which waa higher on eoverlag, me maricet for nigar ruturea waa generally tu- an TOitarfja MiiiiiK dv omani eat, prompted by the eaaler ruling raw market At noon pricea were 1 higher to 4 lower. " Ommhm Ray Market. Prairie Ray- choice nvlana. illlO: Ma. 1. lll.OO01t.OO; No, t. 110.00011.00: No. I. li-goovioov. unoiee miaiana, oii.ao; no. 1, llV.ftOll.OO;' N. X, I.0010.00; No. I, 18.00 Of.vv. unoice lowiana, ii.duvio.oq: no. I. Ii.uu0i.evi no. I, fi.vvayi.vv; to, 1, 11.000 1.00. Straw Choice wheat u Quotable at il.ODA 1.60; choice oat or rye, fO. 1007.00. Alfalfa Choice, 117,50011.00: No. 1. $10.00017.00; itandard, 116.00010.00: No. L tia.OO01i.OOi No. I, 110.00012.00, Metal Market. New Tork. Jan. U. Mo tale Lead. 17.00 bid. Bpelter unaeltled; apot, east St. Louie delivery, ttte aeked. Copper, firm; electro lytic, fin.t, aeoond and third quartan, fST.IB vsx.ev.fttiron, ateaay; no. i nortneru. 31.60 091.10; No. 1, 31.OO03t.OO; No. 1 aouth- ern, 111.6003000; No 1, 20091.IO, Tin. atrong, 44.OO0 44.1i. At Xjondon: fipot copper, ilSO: futurea. lUt; electrolytic, 141. Spot tin. lllOj fu turee, HIT I.e. Lead, 10 10a. Spelter. 41 10a. -. B-vauotated Airplea aad Dried Mta New Tork, Jan. 10. Uvaporated Aoolea wuiei; lancy, ww, onoiee, fie; prune. IHV.0. Dried Fnilta Prune, dot) : Callfornlu. IfflOW: Oregona. Itt0e. Aprlcota, quiet; choice, 17c; extra choice, 17c; fancy. ISc, Peachea, quiet) , choice, lc extra choice, Kf; fancy, c. Ralalne, ateady; choice to fancy aeeded, 8010c; aeedleaa, 100 unci bonuon layara, fi.ee. Minneapolia Grain Market, Mlnneanolla. Jan. 16. WhMi v Il.im01.l84t: July. 91.10)4. Caeh: No. naru. ll.ftKBl.lItt: No. 1 aertharn. tllHl.rft; No. I northern, 11.140 Corn No. I yellow, 1114 0Hc. Oata No. 1 white, IIMOtlKe. Flaxseed 13.0003.03. OU ai Savannah. Ga.. Jan. 16. Turnentln Firm; 40c; sales, 301 bbts,; receipts, 100 bbla.; ahlpmenta. Ill bblsj stocks, 31,313 bbls. Rosin Firm: sales, 1.073 bbls.: reoeinU. 033 bbls.; shipments. 3.700 Bbls.; stocks, 07, 031 bbts. Quote: A. B. O, D, K, F, a. 10.37: H. L 18.36; K.-04,60; M. 90.70; N. 11,06 WO, 97.i WW, tf.lt. ' tmUm Bioek Market. London. Jan. 14. American earaHtlM were Wiy ateady on the Stock exchange hero today. BHver Bar, 0d per ounoe. Money 1 per cent, ' jjiaoount itaies nnort bills, oper cent; three montha, I per cent. . lry Goods Market. New York. Jan. 16. New fall caftan milt. Ings and high priced ehlrtlncs for anrin maunfacturtng purpoMs were opened today. Verne were quiet. The markets were 111 led with wholesale and retail buyers Hogs. Sheep. 10,000 1,300 17,000 13,000 17,000 1,000 7.100 10,100 1,000 1,200 GRAIN AND PRODUC Wheat Sells at Decline, but Corn and Oats Make1 Sub stantial Gains. DEMAND IS EXCELLENT Omaha, January II, 1117. Today waa the first big day In points receipts that the local cash market has had In several weeks, and while the tables were loaaea with aamplaa, the traders am noi nave mucn trouble in eeiiinv tneir stun. although wheat sold at a decline. The de mand, however, for ail cereals was excellent, with corn and oats making subauntlal galna and ry end barley selling a fraction under aaiuraays price. No, 3 hard wbeat sold up to 9i.9O0i.oi, but the bulk of the offer Ings went at 91.19, while the No. 3 hard ranged in price from II 16 to 9110, the bulk atotn at I1.061.I7. There waa quite a few cars of durum and mixed wheat sold, tne durum bringing from 91.8301.6O, and the better grades of mixed selling from fi.affl,?l, I The corn market wss quoted from 0 higher, and while the sales of yellow and mixed com were heavier than tha whit. there was no premium paid for either of inese varieties, ail the commercial graves of corn selling from 930!3e. The oats market was quiet, duo to light receipts and the demand would prboably have taken care of larger offerings, but, as ii was. tne market was auotsd from on changed to o higher, with the No. I white ringing 3o and the No. t whit 64 c J was in mooa aemana at tne nrevall. Ing pricea. the No. 3 barley onoted ll it i decline of c from Saturday's market. Bar ley waa very aulet at unchanged to 'it lower, and the only car sold waa a ear of no. 1, wntcn brought ii.or. Clearances were, wheat and flonv to 1,034,000 bushels: corn. 422.000 hfMhia oau. l.zso.oov buanels. frimary wheat receipts were 1.433,000 bushels, and shlDRiente 444.000 hunt, n la against receipt of 1,000,000 bushels and nipmsnu oi vei.ooo bushels last year. Primary com recetDts werel.300.000 biuh. els, and shipments 469,000 bushels against receipts of 1,347,000 bushels, and shipments ui no,wv DHsneis last year. rnniary oata receipts were 700.000 howfe. i, and shipments 630,000 bushels aaalnst receipts of 060,000 bushels, and shipments oi ivd.uvv ouaneis last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Whaat. Cnrrt rwta -nioago ao 140 Mlnneanolla 400 Duluth .....1,.. 31 Omaha , 107 101 Kansas City 174 . 61 Ht. Louis .........167 71 Winnipeg 91 Theee sales1 were reported today: Wheat No. 3 hard winter! 3 cars. 91. 11 1-1 cars. 91.10: 21 cars. 91.00. No. 3 hard winter: 3 cars fdsrk), 91.90; 1 car, 91. Of oars, ii.bs; 1 car, 91.07: 11 cars, 91.07 7 cart. 9100; 1 car, 91.36. No. 4 hard win- 3 cars. 91.03: 3 cars. ll.02Ut I cairn i. si. vampie hard winter: 1 oar, 91.10; 1 car, oi.ie; im cars, 11.70; I car. 91.40 3-1 car, 91.19. No. 3 spring: 1 ear, 91.10. no, s aurum mixed: 1 eara. 11.06.. No. durum mixed: 6 cars, 91.93. No. . mixed: 1 ear, 91. 01; 1 oar, 91.09. No. mixed: 9-9 car, 9100; 1 car, 91.36. No. mixed: 1 ear, 41.81; I care. 1.W; 3 cars. 11. is. Rye No. 3: 4 cars, II 43 Barley No. 4: 1 car. 31.00. RfivtMl I car. 96o: 1 car. 06c. Baranle: l.k eur. loo. . Corn No. I white: 1 oar. 92Uct S shc. no. 1 wnita: 1 car, oac: l car. n3o. No. S yellow: 9 cars, 93o; 13 ears, Tia. no. 1 yellow: 0 ears, 93c; II cars, o. a yenew: i car, ic. No. yellowt 1 car, 01c. No. I mixed: 9 eara. m-ftc; 11 cars, zic. no, 1 mixed: 19 cars, c; si care, no. mixed: 1 car. sxttc; a ears, vtc: 1 oare. ooc. No. mtxeai 1 oar, sic, sample mixed: 1 ear, N90, . , Oata No. I white: 9 rare. S4Ue. fltand. ard: 1 car, 64c. No. 9 white: 4 can. 63c. No. 4 White: I oars. 6IUof'l-K car. llUa. mpn woiib; cars, u;i "o. omsha cash Prices Wheat- No. t bard. fi.eawi-i; no. s nara, i.9l01.H No. hard, 91.1101.13; No. S spring. 91.960 02; No. 9 nnrlng. 91.0301.90. Corn: No. 0 wnne, filfsac; no. 0 white, O3 0 93o: No. 4 white, 910O3o; No. 9 white. 910 01o; No. 0 white, 91091cj No.' 1 yel low, 930l3e: No. I yellow. 93092Uc; No. 4 yellow, 910O3e; No. I yellow. 910 iq; no. d ye. iow, vioiiko no. a mixea. iHVie; no. 1 mixed, O30O3o; Ho, mixed, 910Olo; No. I mixed, 910 iioi no, nuxea, yic uats: NO. ,1 white, 94064e; standard, 63 064c; No. 3 white, 63063c; No. 4 white, 110 oao. jtiariey: no. 1 xeea, 01.001.11; re. jectea, iroii.io. ny: no. I. 01.4301.41 NO. 9 91.1101.42, Omaha Faturee Market. the market for the most part waa very quiet today and lacked any interesting fee turea. Homo export business was reported, but there waa evidently not enough busi ness to encourfege any heavy buying and closing pricea on wneat ruieo ft trifle lower. The bulk of the trade in the pit was confined to the wheat market and corn and oats were extremely quiet, with cloning prices uncnangeu on an tne options. laocai, range or options: Art. Open. High. Low Cloae. ) gat. ' WhtTT T f ! I j May 1 IS 1 i 1I2H 1 tl m ' July 1 ii 1 41 H 144 1 Ai 146 U Rep. 1 10 1 30 130 1 10 ISO Com, May U U U U 1 July 03 9 ft Oata. i . May B4 U UK U H July 004 60 H 60 , 60S 10 Chicago oloalng prices, furnlehed Tha Bee hy Logun ok Hryan, stock and grain brok ' era, 111 South SUteenih atreat, Omaha: Art, j Open. High. Ieow." CToae. Sat. wht, i " Mar 1 ISH M 114 1 14 1MH July 1 00 1 00 HftL, 1 4N h no Bept 1 IftH 1 114)4 1 14 lift Corn, 1 May $t 01 8 July 17 ,H 97 17 97 Oata., 1 May . . 7U . 67 U i IT 00 July 04 00 04 (4 04 Pork. Jan. 59 IS SO II 19 SO SO SS 10 SO May 30 00 II 00 21 00 II 70 M 07 Lard. I Jan. IS 63 16 00 16 60 16 S3 11 IT May 16 96 I 10 06 16 96 16 10 03 Rib f Jan. 14 07 14 77 14 17 14 73 14 73 May 16 13 I 15 U 1& T IS 13 16 16 CHICAGO GRAIN AND FROVIHIONS. Prices of Whet Tend Upward Owing 1 larger Shipments. Chicago, Jan. 16. Notwithstanding that decreases in the United States vlslbio supply gave a 1111 10 tne price 01 wneat today, the market afterward underwent a aag, owing to absence of any Important new export buying and because of welcome snow In the south west. Quotations closed heavy, le net lower to o aq vance, wim May at 61.O4U01.I4: and July at 41.14. Corn finished unchanged to a shade higher, oats up o to 0 c and provisions varying iron. 7o decline to 1 rise of 60. At first the bulls found a good deal of en. couragement In the announcement by a lead ing autnonty mat the total amount wheat available for export from the United Statea between now and July 1 hid twnn reduced to 74,000,000 bushels, whereaa tliS prooaoie ciearancea ror ifiurope this week from Galveston and New Orleans alone wem put at 8,000,000 buehels. it waa said also that vessel tonnan th Oulf porta waa becoming more abundant. As me aay wore on. however, without any evl dence of a renewal of big purchases for curuur, no vsnr aains were ror th mnmt part displaced by losses, though not of a radical character. improvement In crop prospects son th west 1 a read 1 1 or nnowTsiiia that svs.a..Uai both necessary moisture and protection from cold received much .notice from wheat irmaerv aunng me last nan vor th session Attention also was given to statements that the greater portion of what iMt v. been purchased for Europe slnco Saturday worn waa Arm throughout the dsv. ii.i. aa a result of a good demand from the sea board and, owing to scarcity f rural of. ferlnga There also were further orop dara age report from Argentina. Oata hardened un cum, ma, nowever, waa light. Previsions averaged lower. lni.unot t . falling oft In exports as compared with laat year. Besides, there were good sited de liveries of lard and rtba oa January con tracts. Chicago Cash Price Wheat; Na t nominal: No. I red, 91-00: No. 1 harY 9l.041.9&) No. 3 hard, nominal. Corn No. 3 yellow, 0Sc: No. 4 vello- asi 37c; No. 4 white, 970OOe. Oats: No. 3 white, 64067ts; standard, 6O067U Rye: No. 2, 11.40. Barley. O6c03l.si r.... Timothy, 3.O06.6O; clover, 913.00017 oo" Provlnlons: Pork: 1 30. 60; Urd llittila 16.67: rlha, 14.36014.76. Butter bowercreemery, 31 037c . Eggs Hlrher;' receipts. 3.070 firsts,, IS 0 tit; ordinary I rats, 38043c; at mark, cases included, 40040c. Potatoes Steady; receipts. 45 cars: Wis consin and Michigan white. 11.0001.90 Id ft ho, Colorado, urefon and Washington white, O1.OO0Z.OO. Poultry Alive, hldfeer; fowls, 19c springs, 10c. 1, 'KW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotation ef the Day on Various Leading tjommodltles. New Tork, Jan. 16. Flour Easy; spring patents, Sl.ooftt.so; winter patents. 98.000 0:16; winter strairhts. 30.0003.16: Kansas siraignis, B.Doapf.70. wneat spot irregular; No. 3 hard. 92.10; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 93.20 No. 1 northern. Manitoba. I2.22U. f. o. b. ew lorn. Com Spot steady: No. 2 yellow. 11.00 & 1. 1. new -X-oric, , Oata 4 pot firm: atandard. 04 67c. Hay Steady: No. 1. 11,10: No. 2. 41.000 i.vt; no. s, VwVTaic; snipping, ibOtOc. Hops Steady; state, common to choice. 110, 46050c: 1016. 0ft 14c: Pacific cc 1910, 11014c; 1916, l&llc. Hides Oulet: Borota. 41042c: Central America, 41c. LeatherFirm; hemlock firsts. 67c: sec onde, 65o, Provisions Pork, firm; mess, 932.000 .u latniiy. iai.&uaa.&o: nnort c enr. 131.00033.00. Beef.- steady; mess, 923.000 Je.ou; latniiy, 9.bOSZ7.00. Lard, easy; niiaaie west, oib.TUQl&.HQ. Tallow null; city. 10c: countrv. lliB 4.)c; specie. i, JlC. Mutter steady; receipts, 4,430 tubs creamery. 4O04Oc; firsts. 39038c: sec- onus, it fMOC, JSgge fStronc: recelnts. 0.030 caemi fresh gathered extra first. 64c; firsts, 62 7tc, venonas ana poorer. ,sp52c: refrlc- era tor seconds to firsts. 27iS0p. Cheese Firm repel fit i 7k. hna held specials, 24t3i24c; state, average Poultry Alive. Btadv- ni nr(K mmttA dressed, stronger; chickens, 20 037c fowls, 17023c; turkeys, 20033c. OMAHA OElWKKAf MARKET. Poultry Dressed: Turkeva. drv otckeA 10 over live. No. 1; ducks and geese, scalded. So over live. No. 1: hens and snrinn. scalded, lo over live, No. 1. Live: Broilers. lie; Dana, ioc; springs, 17c; stats, 14c; old roosters, lie; geeee, 14c; ducks, 14c; tur keys, any slae Over 10 Iba, 32o; turkeys. to iv ion.. io; capons, 9 ids., and over, ISo ; gulneaa. each 36c ; guineas, young. each, under lbs.. 40c; uaba. Homers. h.vu per aoa. Butter J8o. Bgge Presb. No. L case. 311.00: Ne. 1. mmm, i.v, craa oaea, sf.so. Cheese quotations by Urlau A Co.: Cheese Extra fancy douieatlo nIm domestic Bwiaa. ioc; block Swiss, 32o; twin cheese. 26c; triplets, 26c; dalslea, 26c; young America, 27 c; blue-label brick, 3&o; umwurnr, dvvi iinvr vorm wniie. Z9c; - ttOr quefort, 06c Beer cuts (Wholesale Pr cesl Rlhs N 1, 10e; No. 3, 17o; No. 3, lie. Loins: No. 1, 23c; No. 3, 10c: to. I, 16c, Chocks: No. 1, 13c; No. I, 11 c; No. I, 10 c. Rounds: No. 1, 10c; No. t, 16c; e, iiTiu. riKiiM. no. i, 110I NO. 3, 10c; No. I, 9c. Oysters "Klng uoie" northern, callona: Standards, 91.00; selecta, 92.00; counta, 93.36. m wn 9 rosen special : w nit ing. skinned, llo lb.; whiting, round, lo lb. HallbOt, OOaat frosen. lbc lb' salmon, fall- irvsan, io.; aaimon, silver, froxen, 10o lb.; whltefleh, medium, 13c lb.; white fish, large, 16c lb.: whltefish. iumbo. in ih catfish, large, 14c lb.; catfish, small. 16c lb.; black ood, loo lb.; pike, yellow, cpund. tie Ibi ptke. yellow dressed. 14a ih nick. ere), round, 9o lb.; tllefiab, for ateaks, 11c lb.; herring, round, 7o per lb.; herring, pan frosen, 0c lb.; sunflsh, 0o lb.; croppies, ec tb ; trout 16c lb. o Preah Fiah Catfish, lararb ne small, t lb.; halibut, steamer, lOo lb., salmon. 16 o ih ; trout, market: see trout. 'Oc lb.:: Span lab mackerel, large and medium, 16c ib.j blueflsh. medium, 10c lb.: black haaa. iapm 30c lb.; black base, order else, S4o lb.: black baas, small. 17c lb.: rod snantier. l&n Ih flounders, lSe lb.; codfish, eastern, 14a lb Smoked Pish White chubs, bay flab. io-lb basketa, llo lb.; kippered salmon, 10-lb. baskets, ISo lb. finan 'addles, 16 and 90-lb boxes, 14o W; kippered ood,lMb. boxea. Fruit and vugetable anoutlona umiaht by OillnOky Fruit Ca.: ; rruite crangos: 324. .aoss. ism 360s,. 910a, 3.00 box; alt other sixes, 93.26 box;' extra fancy, special 26c box hivhne I Lomona: fanny, 300s, 360s, $6.00 box; choice. I jura, ses, se.ou oox. uraperrult, 36s, 93 60 box; 40a, 90s, 93.76 box; 64a, 04s, 00a, 94.00 box. O rapes: Malagas. 97-00010.00: Km. pvrora, marast price, Banana, 40 1. Apples Jonothans. fancv. Ol.EA h. Jonothan, extra fancy, 1 2. 00 box; Orlmea uoiaen. rancy, i.,t box; Arkansas Blacks, extra -fancy, 93.60 box; Arkansaa Blacks, iftncjr, t,.vu mxi ArKansas JHiacxs, choice, 1.00 box: Tork Imperials, 96.00 bbl. Vegetable Potatoes. 92.00. Sweet nntatn.. 94.30 bbl.; sweet potatoes hampers. 92.10 namp. iiery. lauuornta. 91.00 doa. Turnips, carrots, parent pa, 3, Cabbace. In lb. RuUbageee, 3e lb. Lettuce, head, era tea, 93.00 crate. . Cauliflower, 93,90 Orate. Cu cumbers, 92.24 dot. Tomatoes, six baskets, 90.00 crate; tomatoea, baskets, 91.10 baaket Oniona, red, 4o Uv; enloo. sianish. 12.26 orate. Cranbeiiloe Bbbxi 310.00 khl i 93.29 box. , Cider Uotta. 94.39 kea: Hotta bfala. IT.SE Oleomargarine Natural mine, .m ik Premium, 34c; Challenge,-' 33c; Kersey, svw, idiy, iic; Lincoln, 17 o White, ir id. ; Hnownake, 32c. Miscellaneous peanuts: No. 1 raw. lh.. 0c; roasteed, lb., 4c; Jumbo,- raw, lb.,. 0c; Jumbo, roasted, lb., 10c. Dromedary dates. cane, 3.(0, piga, ease, oi.oo. No. 1 Eng. lUb. walnuts, lb., 10 c. Kansas city Oeaeral Markei. City.- Jan: 14. WkMb-K. . , hard, Il.l0tyl.0li No. I red, Il.l8tl.l3 May, 11.11 i July. 1.46. uorn no. 2 mixed, 064706; No. 1 hlte, OtHIHfltc: No. 1 yellow, llliieosc May, 06e06o; July, 06e95c. Oata No. 2 white, 47t67oi No. 1 mlsed, !4Uc. Butter Creamery. 41c: Urals. 3IU: uii. onds, 87o; packing, 20c. e.ggs f irsts, II c. Poultry Hens. 1614c: roosters. 12u.a turkeys. 840. . M. Loals General Market, Bt. LOUIS, Jan. 15. Whsat No. 1 red. e.wi no. nam, UH.1..:.. .840401.84; July. 11.47, Corn No. 3, 18c; No. I whits, OSKc OatNo. I, 50c; No. I white, nominal. New York Money Market. New York. Jan. 16. Prim. Mm-.n.n. reper a eta per cent. Sterling Exchange Sixty-day' bills. , wimiierciai eixiy-aay OI1IS Ob OaiutB, 14,71: commercial sixty-day bills. 14.71 u , demand, 14.76; cables, 04.70 T-10, silver Bar, 74c; Mexican dollars, 57c. Bonds Oovernment. steady: r.ilm.H firm. Tim. Loans Easier: sixty dava lu'ai per cent; ninety days, 3403 per cent; six months. 3 93 per cent. Call Money steady; highest, I per cent; lowest, 1 per cent; ruling rate, 8 per cent: last loan, 1 per cent: closlna bid. l u. cent; offered at 1 per cent. U. B. Is. reg.... 9901M. K. ft T. 1st 4s 77 do coupon.... 09 Mo. Pac. con. Oa.104 , V. S. 8a reg.. .101 Mont. Power 6s. .looul do coupon. ...101 N. r. Cen. db. 0sll2 U. i 4s. rog..ll0 N. T, City 4..110 do coupon.... 110 M. K. ft T. st 4s 77 AmT.ftT. o. 4lsl04 N T V M au . Z,!! Anglo-French ... 03No. Pacific 4s... 0044 ten. gen. 4s.... osNo. Paclflo Is... 0814 . A O. 4 83Ora. R T. r.r a. iS Beth. St. ref. OelOl Pen T a T a. m J Central Pao. 1st. 03 Penn. con. 4.s.l07 S- .- i"-.4 "Penn. gen. 4s..l03 C. B. A O. 1L 4s. 0fUR.HtnV C.. M. A St Po. 6.100 So. Paclflo cr. Os lo. C.. R. I. A P. r. 4s 78So. P.CHI0 ref. 4s 04 S'2- J I' '. R.llway 5a. .102 D A R. O. con. la 84Unlen Pacific 4s. 00 Krl gen. 4. 73 do cv. 4a 05 ten. Kiertno 6,100 u. 8. Rubber 6a. 104 Of. No. 1st 4al01U. 8. Steel 5....10T sinwest. union 4a 08 K. C. So. ref. Kb 00 rtam Ar n .... ,mu L. A N. un. 4... 97 'Bid. ight and Half Million Pounds Sugar for Year Grand Island. Neb.. Ian. IS. fSr,. cial Telegram.) The manufacturing campaign of the American Beet Sugar company has closed after ar un 'of a hundred and one days. A total of 8, 500,000 pounds of sugar was pro duced. Other features of this vear'g rrrnrrl were 'the granting of a bonus of $40 for each who worked the entire cam paign with pro rata bonuses for men who were employed only a few days less, the voluntary payment of SO" ecnta per ton extra for beets, even though delivery was provided by con tract and the increase of the contract price for beet of $1 per ton in 1917 rer that.ot Wlo. During the comintT summer months the work of (remodeling, only partly one during will be completed.! HEW YORK STOCKS Prirti Tend Moderately Up ward, lint Trading; I Narrow. BAILS OCCASIONALLY DULL Xew Tork, Jan. 16. Price, tended mod erately upward today, but tradlnc was nar row and the turnover, about 400,000 shares, was so small as to convey no actual signi ficance. Oalns were mostly limited to erstwhll, favorites, except rails which were auu at all times, the only leatur in that division been, a 414 point advanc, in Lon, Island",' usually one of -th most Inactive tevues In the entire Hat. -United Statea Steel, which stain furnished its customary lar,e precentsge to- the day's operation, rose 1 points but. .closed at a net gain of V of a point.. Other industrials. equipments and munitions moved within cir cumscribed limits except harvester corpor ation (the foreign company), which made a belated advance of 4 V, points. An extreme recovery of zw, points rrom Haturday's setback was recovered by United states Rubber on a more definite ex planation of the company's dividend policy, in connection with the new bond Issue, but Central Leather was heavy with Gulf States steel, oils, tieneral alotors and Mackay companies. Metals as a group were firm to strong. being sustained by higher quotations for refined copper, with concurrent advances such bl-producte as lead and spelter. Some large domestic orders for copper, run ning Into the second quarter of the year, were said to be under negotiation. De velopments over the week-end, especially the very favorable bank statement which caused a shading In time accommodations, were among the factors making for more cheerful sieculatlve sentiments. The un certainties of the International situation were indicated by a slight easing of sterling and heaviness In rates on Berlin and Vienna, neither, however, approaching recent low figures. western railway terminals reported larger tonnage in consequence of the lifting of em, bargoes and an Increase in available equip, ment. Firmneas In International Issues con- trlbuted to the better tone of the bond mar ket. Total sales, par value, 00,170,000. united States bonds were unchanged call. Number of sale, and quotations on lead ing stocks were: Sales. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar... 400 13 92 S 12 'it American Can 1.200 45 44 46 Am. Car t Foundry 1,100 6 66 66'4 Am. Locomotive... 1,000 1014 76 76 Am. Smelt. A Rer. 17,000 107 100 106 Am. Sugar Reflnlnf am. tel. et ici. Am. Z.. L. 8... 000 123 700 35 13,300 84 000 104 1,700 60 Anaconda Copper. Atcnison , Bald. Locomotive. Baltimore A Ohio H. B. Conner... ,00 300 1.100 I- 46 ' 26 100 Cal. Petroleum... Canadian Pacific. Central Leather. . 28,100, 00 Chesapeake A Ohio BOO 800 03 10 u m. Bt. raul. . C. R. I. ft P. By. Chlno Copper Colo, Fuel eV Iron. Corn Products Ref. 1,400 65 46 21 03 16 800 300 4,700 600 000 Crucible Steel msttllerr Bees..., Erie 12 General Electrie... Clt. Northern pfd.. Ot. No. Ore ctfs.. 00 108 V. 108 168 !O0 110 . 110 110 400 36 Dk 3614 Illlnos Central...'. 06 10 105 106 Inter. Con. Corp. . . 200 10 16 5504 68 inepiratton uopper. Inter. Harvester. . . ,400 08 600 120 120 120 Int. M. M, pfd. ctfs. Kennecott Conner. . 80 46 46 1,209 40 Louisville A Nash.. Hex. Petroleum. .... Miami Copper M., K. A T., pfd... Missouri Pacific... 1.200 104 103 103 1,100 41 40 40 700 20 II 20 Montana Power.... ... National Lead New York Central. ' l;30 101, 101 s 101 40 ' 24 134 138 10 n:i x., jv n. r n., - ,.uo .7 !. r.evaoa iODDer. . . . 2,600 34 22 700 134- ,J4t Norfolk ft Western. Northern Pacific, .. racine Mali,...,,. 200 .n SO" Pac fie Tel. ft Tel. Pennsylvania ..... 1,400 Sl 20 60 2 60 20 Ray Con. Copper. 2,200 Reading . 12,300 100 99 100 Rro. Iron A Steel 300 600 300 300 77 23 11 u 26 20 6, 07 Shattuck Ariz. Cop. Southern Pacific. 7 Southern Railway., NtuaoeaKer i;o Texas Company.... Union Pacific Union Pacific pfd . . U. 8. lnd. Alcohol. V. S. Steel 11. 8. Steel pfd.... Utah Copper Wabash pfd. "B' . Western Union ... . 3,100 105 104 104 1,800 232 230 231 2,200 144 143 143 .... ... 84 ... 121 19,400 112 111 111 500 120 110 126 1,700 106 104 104 28 200 9&tl ' 9644 BS4& Westtnghouse Elee, 3.100 (3 62 63 Total swlgj for tha day. 40l.t)00 ohmres, Title to Tract of Timber in Black Hills in Dispute Rapid City, S. D., Jan. IS. (Spe cial.) Steps are being taken by the federal government to' prevent the Warren-JLamb Lumber company of this city taking possession of a large amount of timber land which it pur chased a short time ago from the state of South Dakota, the action of the government being based upon claims that the title to the land never passed from the government to the state. .. . According to the information avail able, about six years ago arrange ments were made between the govern ment and this state whereby the tim ber land in question was to be trans-, ferred to the state in exchange for other land belonging to the state. The transfer from the state to the government was duly made and it is understood that the land lias since been thrown open to entry. ror some reason the timber land was not transferred to the state, but evidently this was overlooked by the state authorities, lor a short time ago the timber on the land was advertised for sale by the commissioner of school and pulic lands and at the time of the sale was purchased by the Warren Lamb company. The government now steps in 'and claims, the transfer of the land to the state never having been made, the sale is void and that no title to the same was acquired by the Warren- Lamb company by reason of the same. C. C Warren, president of the com pany, and Judge Levi MeGee are now in Washington and will interview the secretary of the interior in an effort to make the best ot the matter they can. Carl Bicknell Killed In Motor Car Upset A It:- XT-L T IE C I p. sttuaiiic, iicu., jan, ij. vopeciat Telegram.) Carl Bicknell, aged 20, son of J. V. Bicknell, was fatally in jured and William Rice, son of J. E. Rice, slightly injured in an' automo bile accident about two miles north of Alliance, last night. The car struck a bad piece of road. became unmanageable upset and pinioned Doth men beneath until re leased by men in another car follow ing. The men were returning from South Dakota, where they had been looking after cattle. ' ' ' ' - - - , . j Real Estate Dealt at Harvard. Harvard, Neb., Jan. IS. (Special.) A number of real estate transfers have been taken place. in this vicinity. H. E. Beldon sold his well improved eighty acres, in the town of Harvard, four miles from the city, for $140 per Vre. A quarter section three miles south of town was sold t referee sale last Wednesday, at $122 per acre. This is all broken out, but there are no improvements. A quarter section in Union precinct Hamilton county nine miles north of this city, was sold in 123 123 36 36 82 84 104 104 50 66 83 83 40 40 24 26 158 150 88 89 03 08 11 ' 00 31 54 64 46 46 21 11 63 02 20 26 3244 3244 last week lor fiy,uuu taso. Republican Valley Editors Talk Shop With Big Four Hastings, Neb, Jan. IS. (Special Telegram.) The Republican Valley Editorial association and the Big Four Editorial- Editorial association of Clay county, met in joint semi-annual ses siontoday. I. President J. N. Clarke of the Cham ber of Commerce welcomed the AMUSEMENTS THERE'S A PLACE FOR "U" IN THE. mm with the TTTTT"TTTfTTTTTIIIHTTTTTTTn A, ' a a TvstltsBtarBra 141 Alii. iiaVsi. I By EDWARD B. HO..TON, on Our Mammoth Orchestral Organ Phono Doug, 494. THE BEST OF VAUDEVILIE Dl1y Mit.. 2:15: Wight. 8:15. Thl WMk: IWILLIAMS 4 WOLFUB, sophie nirKPB Ibrenda fowler. Altiindir Kl Alic Lyndon Doll A Co., Fnnk .V-" " 1 '' w wRiy. rriBw: uaMtry, 'e ; Boat SMtt (nuat Saturdaw SuhiIbu.. Jh- Nlghta, I0o. 2fte, 50o and 75c "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" . J-ir--ir Even'gs, 15-25-50-75c1 THIRD EDITION ALL RRANn NE-ur Glob. Trotters r-r.sk Heater. EMI. swarti .nd s .real cm i? u eacUie travelarmeo. Hickman, Klale Uream, Irr ,n. 'Hr' Yi'tfme Wat., lulls Clifford, Club Trio sd Klaubls Betutr Kborua Tun for .11 : .11 for fun. (Fle.1 Pwf.rsi.RM Friday Nltsl. t Ladles' Dial. M.1U1.. Ev.ry Week Day. Tonight . ' n A W ik Matinae Tomorrow D W I If Tomorrow The Musical Comedy "Bringing Up Father" From the Famous Cartoon.. Mat., lSe and 25c; Night,, 25cTo 75c Tuesday and Wednesday PAULINE FREDERICK, in "NANNETTE OF THE WILDS." A Thrilling and Romantic Tale. Bee Want Ads Produce Results ifll ALLMAN AND UOADaoTt tST In a Rural Satire- 4i 9 "FUN ON THE FARM."- iJ ' Rothrack 41 McCrsde; Gladys Cor- i I, i riell; Lulu Ceata V Crackerjaeas. J y L Bryant Washburn and Nell Craig ' Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising maybe in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really successful. guests at a luttfhcon and a response was given by A. Tipton of Campbell. Various phases of the publishing business were discussed this afternoon and tonight (he editors held a ban quet. Bank flearioge. Omaha Jan. IS. Bank clearing, for Omaha today were 16,600,844.00, and for . the corresponding day lsst year 13,101, 601.32. - I AMUSEMENTS Proper music First Run Paramount and Vitacraph Photoplay.. MUSE Continuous Parformancs 2 P. M UntiK . 11 P. M. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday' ' Louise Huff and Jack fickford in "Great Expectations" The Best Dressed and Best Known Woman in America. Mrs. Vernon Castle in "P ATRIA". The Serial Supreme. Mary Pickford in . ' Her Second Superfeatnxe. ,' ' "The Pride of the Claiaw Dunne; Engagement of This Pic ture Matinee Price, Same as Night. PRINCESS 1 14th and Douflas . 5c Fiv. Reels First Run Sc .'' Fifth Chapter of Pearl White, la "PEARL OF THE ARMY." "THE LAWYER'S SECRET." ? Animated Weekly. ( . W7 -i