Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, JANUARY 15. 1917.
Brie City News
Platlaam W Adding Slu Edbolaa.
Han lott rrtat It New Bum fn
Baat Mwl far Ika llonu ClUran'nt Inu.
Dr. W. K. FaoU, now at 1011 Flirt N
H. H. Claiborne has opened law of
fices at 612-13 Paxton block.
Dr. J. P. Slater. Dentin, now at 1121
Plrst Nat. Bank. New phone Tyler 736.
Ihi Tow Moaer And valuable, tn the
American Sfe Deposit Vaults, Sll South
17th St., Bee Bids. Boies rent 1.00 for
month!. Open from a. m. to 0. p. m.
Twn Want nivorom One wife and
one .husband were granted decrees in
divorce court, as follows: Neil Ryan
from Mathilda Ryan and Margaret J.
Holloway from William 0. Holloway,
Sues Street Railway Charles E.
Stiles has sued the Omaha & Council
muffs street Railway Company for
12.133.45 damages, alleging injuries
suffered In an automobile-street car
crash. ;
Palmitic nf Corn Mrs. R. A. Wil
lis has loaned the Commercial club
an exceptionally fine oil painting of
a bushel basket of corn. The painting
is at present on exhibit in the club's
reading room.
Realty Firm Moves The real estate
tirm of Rasp Bros, has moved from
the McCague building to 210 Keeline
building, where It has larger ana oei
tcr quarters for handling Its Increased
Kansan In Searcli of Son Chris
Riggert of Lanham, Kan., has arrived
in Omaha and has requested the local
police to assist him In a search for
his son, G. F. F'sgert. Young Rig
gert was last heard from a week ago
while a guest at the uasue notei.
Grocers to Have a Dance The an
nual banquet of the Retail Grocers'
asoclation of Omaha this year is to
be followed by a dance. This was
decided at a recent meeting of the
pntertninment committee of the as.
sociation. The banquet Is to be held
at the Hotel Rome February o.
Musicalc at House of Hope This
afternoon, 3 o'clock, a program con
sisting of music and readings will be
given at the House of Hope, Florence.
Contributors to the program are Miss
Mae Wetherill, voice; Mr. win iicmer
ington, violin, and Miss Amy Wood
ruff, reader, and their assistants.
Stage Hands to Dance The local
branch of the International Alliance
of Stage Employes will hold its annual
dance Tuesday evening, January -j,
at Washington hall. On the commit
tee of arrangements are: J. L. Kemp,
R. Glover, Gus Smith, H. Holland, K.
Tollivar, J. Whiting, E. Urace ana J.
Privates to Give Social Privates of
Company C, Fourth NeorasKa Ja
tinnni Guard, will hold an informal so
cial function Monday evening In Wolfe
hall, Twenty-second and Cuming
streets. Floyd Paynter and Charles
Moriarty announce the 1918 "prom"
to be given at Keeps' academy, Twen
ty-fifth and Farnam, January so.
Sunday School Elects Mr. and Mrs.
John I.. Correa. 2301 South Thirty-
first street, entertained the Barrathea
Sunday school class of the Hanscom
Park Methodist Episcopal church. The
semi-annual election was held and the
following were elected: W. M. Temple,
president; C. W. Kise, vice president;
Mrs. J. A. Carlson, secretary; Mrs.
Roger Gallup, social secretary; Mra
W. M. Mathews, treasurer; Mrs. S. L.
Albright, hustling committee; Mrs. J.
h. Correa, missionary committee; Mrs.
O. P. Giffln, flower committee.
l ine l iivmix !Huv Sunderland.
"Globe Trotters" Bring Joy to
Old Friends at the Gayety
Those of us who live on laimhs will
find at least a banquet at the Gayety
theater, where Jim Coopers "oiooe
Trotters" hold the boards for the
week. The first-night audience last
evening seemed to enjoy the whole
Frank Hunter is the chief mirth
maker. As an Italian and later as a
negro detective, he drives the yawns
away and replaces them witn Droaa
erins. if not heartv laughter. He does
everything but sing and he does not
even attempt that. Ed Swartz ought
to sing more than the one song which
earns him so much approval. His
character acting is good and pairs
well with the clever personifications
bv Georee Hickmann.
Irving O'Hay is one of the best
"straight men" seen at the Gayety
this season. His monologue in the
second part merited the prolonged
plaudits it got. On the other hand,
Julia Clifford is really young, pretty
and vivacious, can sing and act and
beautifully fills some scant uniforms
Elsie Lavedeau. another woman not
without physical charms, is a worthy
helpmate of Miss Clifford. Then
there's Virginia Ware, who sings and
dances well. The Isabella sisters also
are not to be forgotten when passing
the praise around. These two girls
play tne violin ana mannoun.
Commander of Guard of Jeff
Davis Dead in Nebraska
1!. M. Derstine, a Nebraska Grand
Aimy man, will be buried today from
his home at Stella, Neh where he ex
piled suddenly on Wednesday. His
funeral has been delayed awaiting the
arrival ot a son from Ureeon.
Mr. Derstine had an interesting war
record, having enlisted in the Seventh
Ohio cavalry and served two years
and ten months. He was made hrst
duty sergeant and promoted to first
sergeant, (hen advanced to second
lieutenant in command of .Company
A, Seventh Ohio volunteer cavalry.,
serving in the army of the Ohio and
Wilson's cavalry corps, and was one
of the omcers m command ot the
guard which conducted Jefferson
Davis from Atlanta to Augusta, Ga.
Mr. Derstine was born in Kentucky
in ! 837. but his early life was spent
in Ohio. He was nearly 80 years old
at the time of his death. Mr. Der
stine was a member of the McKinley
. Post. Grand Army of the Republic,
and took an active part in old sol
diers' affairs. For nearly thirty years
he had been a resident of Stella. His
son, Charles, served in the Spanish
He is survived by his wife, his son,
Charles, who now lives at Rend, Ore.,
"One Touch of Nature Makes the
and Mrs. F. G. Nixon of Omaha.
Huwaldt Says Registration at
H$h School Will Beach
f Five Hundred.
Whole World Kin."
It's a commendable trait that when
something has been of benefit to us,
wc want to share it with others who
stand in need of the same help. It's
the touch of Nature that makes the
whole world kin the wanting to be
helpful to our fellow men. That is
why people who have used Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy write letters to
the manufacturers about it, and ask
to have them published so that others
will know what to do under the same
circumstances. Behind every one of
these letters is the warm hearted wish
of the writer to be of use to some one
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
At (least 500 students will enroll
at the South High school for the mid
year term, according to Principal Ed
ward Huwaldt. The last wtek has
been spent registering undergraduates
who aretiow attending the school.
Two years ago the attendance at the
local schooKwas less thah 350. Prin
cipal Huwaldt undertook the strenu
ous task of speaking daily at each
grade school building in the city, cen
tering his efforts larg-ly on the gradu
ating classes of the three north side
schools, the Castelar. Edward Rose
water and Vinton street' schools, that
were only recently requested by the
Board of Education to attend school
on the South Side, At each school
he spoke in all rooms alike, from the
kindergarten to the eighth grade.
The opening basket ball game of
the season found many students of the
Vinton street school in attendance.
Free admission tickets had been
granted by the principal. The effect
was that more than three-fourths of
the classes that graduate from these
formerly north side schools have en
thusiastically consented to come to
the high school here.
Overcome with Gas.
Henry Lee, gas fitter, in the em
ploy of the Omaha Gas company, was
overcome while at work Friday morn
ing. In company with Fred Yarger,
a fellow workman, he went to 4411
South Twenty-sixth street, to repair
a leaky pipe. Yarger waited outside
while Lee went within. As he stepped
into the open air again, after complet
ing the repairs, he was overcome.
Face Lacerated in Fight
With lacerated face Tames Whitten,
5064 South Thirty-ninth avenue, ap
peared at the police station Mast even
ing to complain against O. Powers,
Twenty-eighth and Q' streets, John
Wiley, 2202 North Twenty-first street,
and H. M. Huston, 2922 Davenport
street. In a fight over some meat that
had been purchased by Whitten, Pow
ers attacked him.
Two men, Elmer Sumler, 2616 Y
street, and John Harden, 5509 Q
street, were brought to the station,
but later released. They had partici
pated in the fight in defense of Whit
ten. Powers was charged with may
Big Week at Yards.
"A big week all around," is the way
stockmen characterized the last record-breaking
six davs at the stock
yards. A lack of cars is said to have
hindered in marking up even larger
records than were actually made. The
hog receipts established the hrst rec
ord. The official total was 113.019
head, a gain of more than 6,000 over
the previous record week. All records
for up to six days were broken except
that of a single day's run. Tuesday,
which was the biggest day this week.
falling about 200 short of the high
hgure chalked up rebruarv 13. 1912.
Cattle receipts were 34,379 head, well
above normal for this time of year,
and the sheep run ot , head was
one ot the largest ever received
Trace Bogus Check.
A bogus check for $450 is said to
have been passed at a local bank one
day last week. The receipted slip of
paper was tracked to the rooms of
five Austrians at 2906 R street by De
tectives Fleming and Sullivan. The
five were arrested and are being held
tor investigation.
It is claimed by the officers that
these men were in an organized con
spiracy to swindle local banks of large
sums of money through bogus checks.
Another bank had been touched
with a check for $500 on Friday, but
payment was refused by the cashier.
Ice Cutting Monday.
Ice cutting at Seymour lake by men
in the employ of the Cudahy packing
plant will start the second time ot
the season Monday morning. The ice
is reported to be about ten inches
thick. Two hundred men will start
the work.
Negro Steals Coal.
Walter Graves, negro, Twentieth
and U streets, was arrested at Twen
ty-seventh and N streets Saturday
night by Special Officer Marksberry
of the Missouri Pacific railroad. He
was discovered roaming about the
railroad yards with a sack of coal on
his back. The coal was confiscated
by the railway agent.
XL Club Program.
The XL club has arranged to give
the following program rridav eve
ning, January 19, at the McCrann hall.
iwentictti and u streets:
Vocal Solo Minn Mario Brad'.
Monologue Clifford Long.
Piano Solo Miss Sara Koefe,
Voral Solo William Routt.
Reading Miss Blancho Wallweber.
Vocal Selection K. M. quartet.
Music furnished by Cockrell's orchestra.
Upchurch Loftuc No. 2, Degree of
Honor, installedofficers at their last
meeting. The omcers: Past chief of
honor, Mrs. Rose Bernard: chief of
honor, Mrs Lizzie Randall; lady of
honor, Mrs. Mae liernar chief ot
ceremonies, Mrs. Lillian McCabe:
recorder, Mrs. Margaret Steele; finan
cier, Mrs. b ranees Kratky: treasurer,
Mrs. Elizabeth Deckert; Usher, Mrs.
Marv Rishy; assistant usher. Mrs.
Agnes Fisher; inside watch, Mrs. Ida
Martin; outside watch, Mrs Mary
Ratigan, trustee, Mrs. Frances Carne-
Marie Cltj tiossip.
William Kaln.,' Justice of the poace. Of
fice 4134 s. utn Ht.
St. Martin's Woman's auxiliary will meet
with Mrs. A. K, raraer. 4311 tjouth Twenty
second street, Wednesday, January 17, a
2:30 o'clock. '
South Omaha Grove, No. 69, Woodmen
t irele, win giye a caru party at the Odd Pel
low's nan at, Twenty-iourln and M alreets
Wednesday evening.
Guy C. Kldiloo left' yesterday for St. Louis,
where he gooa to take an attorney'a part In
a lawsuit thai Is now pending In the federal
court at tno ssissouri city.
The women or the Optima rlub will rl,
card party and dancing festival Monday eve
ning at the Centurlan club rooms at Twenty
slxin ana r sirens, j-nses win no given.
An entertainment was given by members
of Modern wooflmen t.amp. No. inn. Royal
Neighbors of America at their Installation
of officers Thursday evening at the Odd
Pellow's hall. - Refreshments were served.
There were many guesta present.
The Ladles' Aid society of tha Wheelc:
Memorial church will give a calendar din
ner Thursday, January IS, from b:H0 to 7:80
at the church at Twenty. third and J streets.
Then the Fun Began'
ft lit r
cSftf! owy
! , i
Educational Notes
Chftdron Normal School.
A full KftuMule for basket ball in being
arrnjrid which wilt include from twitlve to
fourteen ffamoH for the boy. Several games
win amo be scheduled or the ffiria.
The orchestra 1b DreDarlntr a concert to be
given In chapel near the end of the semeBter.
Beginning with the neronri semester. Mr.
Thomas of the violin department will direct
tne orchestra.
Mr. R. C. Klni? .rave a talk to the mem
bers of the Young Women's Christian asso-
taiton Tnunaay morning, tatting tot ner
subject "Consecrated Service." Miss Mary
Wilson played the prelude.
Superintendent Raymond Fisher of Hem-
Ingford visited the model school Friday,
making observations In the training school
with the view of Increasing efficiency in
the supervision of his own school.
The fifth and sixth grades have been
writing out letters to the secretaries of
various states of the country asking for
copies of the state seals. They are using
these copies in the primary history ciasseB.
The iunlors are busy practicing for their
play, which Is to be given on or about Feb
ruary ft. It is a comedy which wu pro
duced with great success at the state normal
at Stevens Point, Win., Just previous to the
Registrar R, O. King is busy registering
students for next semester. Ho has an ex
cellent schedule made out for class and
laboratory, and students are finding It com
paratively easy to make selections of their
Miss Kathleen Morgan of the Omaha pub
lic schools promised on her recent visit to
the normal to return and sing for us. Miss
Morgan 1b taking private lessons In voice
with one of the best teachers In Omaha, and
Is developing a very pleasing voice.
President KlHott announced to the stu
dents at chapel Monday that new pins had
been designed for the school, and will be
ordered for the school through the Young
women's Christian association, wnicn or
ganisation will have the proceeds of the
Paul Thomas, who has been doing some
work In private Instruction In the Peru Nor
mal, has been enraged as director of the
orchestra and teacher of all orchestral In
struments. On Monday he gave to the
faculty, students ana tneir rrienas one or
the best concerts which It has been our
privilege to enjoy. Miss Madeline Leppla
accompanied Mr. Thomas In a very pleasing
Fremont College.
Prof. C. H. Mohler gave a talk with black
board Illustration on the total eclipse of the
moon which occurred Sunday night.
A recital given bv the ounlla of the Dlano.
voice and violin departments Is planned for
the near future. Tne date win do announced
Mrs. Clemmons gave a talk In chapel
Tuesday morning, describing the Inaugural
ceremony 01 me new governor ana state
oflcers and also the reception given the
same evening.
President Clemmons spent Wednesday
night at home, en route to Omaha, where he
attended a farmers' educational conference
Thursday. The students gave him a hearty
welcome when he appeared In chapel Thurs
day morning.
Mrs. Besa Oearharl Morrison,
reader, who has appeared In recital at the
college a few times, was a guest of Mrs.
Clemmons Thursday night. She addressed
the students Friday morning and gave two
of her best numbers.
Doano College.
President W. O. Allen la tn Boston this
Coach A. H. Wood spent the holidays
with friends In Alma, Mich.
The college opened on Tuesday, but had a
full week of classes by using Saturday as a
regular class day.
The Men's Glee club returned Thursday
night from a short concert trip to Harvard,
Fairmont and Friend.
Miss Grace Hooper. '99, field secretary of
the Nebraska Christian Endeavor union.
visited In Crete this week.
Rev. V. K. Clark, for several Tears field
agent for the college and at present pastor
of the Beatrice Congregational church, has
been appointed probation officer, with an
Ooano college library p.hs received some
valuable Herman book from the estate of
the late Major Schilling. Among them are
a lexicon of fifteen volumes and copies of
Goethe and Schiller.
Mrs. J. P. Jones, who has spent much of
her life as a missionary at Madura, main.
viMlted her brother. Prof. H. H. Hosford,
during the holidays. Her husband was the
auinor ot several important cooks on mam.
Ttellerve College,
The game between the Bellevue oollege
Reserves and Crelghton High school In the
Inter-City league, was poHtponed from last
Thursday evening until next TUeHday even
lng. The game will be played In the Belle
vue gymnasium.
Miss Chapman Rumsey, member of the
Junior class, has been confined to her room
for the last three days with a severe at
tack of tonsl litis. She Is under a physician's
care, but la expected to be, able to attend her
classes In .a day or two.
President David R. Kerr returned Satur
day from Chicago, where he had been at
tending the three-day session of the Asso
ciation of American colleges. Henry
Churchill King, president of the Oberlln. Is
president of the association.
Prof. Oscar Schmlede), head of the depart
ment of mathematics, who was appointed
dean of the faculty by President David R.
Kerr last week, has been conducting the
chanel services during the abaence of Dr.
Kerr tn Chicago. Dr. Kerr returned Saturday
Paul W. Cummings, assistant financial
secretary of Bellevue college, la expected
to return today (Monday) from a trip
through the western part of the state In the
interest ot the ooJIege endowment fund
campaign. Mr. Cumminga la also doing stu
dent campaign work.
Miss Marguerite Dlddock, Dean Faa and
Karl Brans tad gave an entertainment Friday
evening at the Dundee school house under
the auspices of the Dundee Social center.
Miss Dlddock sang several vocal solos, Mr.
Faleft gave some readings and pianolng and
Mr. Brandstad read "King Robert or scuy.'
Qrand Island College.
President Jorden has Just returned from
Chicago, where he attended the annual
meeting of the College Presidents of
Harry Linton, who spent his vacation at
his home In Mlnnseota, has been attacked
again by his former malady and may be
taken to the Mayo hospital at Rochester.
Dr. C. J. Elmore la In quarantine for scar
let fever. His children have all been sick,
but are recovering. Dr. Elmore has put In a
telephone to keep In touch with his classes.
Thursday, January 18, will be observed
as the day of prayer for colleges. Daily
meetings are now being held In anticipation
of this event. Rev. John L. Barton of
Stromsberg will preach morning and evening
of that day.
A contest In oratory took place at the col
lege chapel Saturday evening, January 6
John Oekas, Mtlford Kelso and Paul Hueb-
ncr participated. The purpose of the contest
was to select one orator to represent the
college tn (he camping state oratorical con
test John Oekas was chosen. The Judges
were: Mayor Ryan, W. H. Thopmeon and
Judge Bayard H. Paine.
Nebraska Wealvyan.
Prof. Morrow has returned from the Uni
versity of Minnesota., where he has been do
ing reuearch work In noil chemistry.
C. E. Plnckney. chemist at the experiment
station of the University of Montana al
Boseman, was a campus visitor Thursday.
New chairs and tables, the gift of the
class of 1917 to the university, have been
placed In the library, where they make a
very acceptable addition.
The regular program of the Physics rlub
est week consisted of an exhibition of mov
ing sc lures bearing uu Industrial subjects,
n the auditorium Wednelay afternoon.
Miss Joy Schreckengaat. saltant treas
urer for the last yt-ar. has resigned her po
rtion to become a misMtinary to Houin
America. She will sail January I for Ar
gentine, where she Is to be principal ot a
girls' school.
hancellor Fulmer and Vice Chancellor
Schreckengast have been In ChUago attend-
ng a meeting of the sRaoclatton of the nraal-
d-Mits of .Methodist oollgea. Chanoellor Ful-
r was elected president of the organ) sa
lon (or tho year 1917.
The Wesleyan Choral society under too
direction of Mr Kerns, will present lUn
dais oratorio, ,Th Messiah," at the First
Methmllst Episcopal church next Tuesday
l lug. Thi solo parts will be taken by
Mr. Movtus and Mrs, Ou timer of the Con-
erMory of Music, It Aden Hnyeart of
Orind Fork. 8. D., and Mme. North of
hicugo. This i the seoond year for the
Choral society, which now has more than
100 Vclces.
Cotaer raJvarstty.
P. R Stevens. '17. Is conducting a meet
ing at Bennet, Neb,
Robert H ask Ins of Phi I brook, Minn., en
rolled In the English Bible department this
r W Rllv. a ministerial student, held
a two weeks' meeting at lnavale. Neb., dur
ing the vacation.
Paul QiNten. a ministerial student. Is con
ducting a meeting at Filley, Neb., a Mils led
by Kul h Kennedy, lt.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman, students In the
Bible detriment, have been engaged tn a
meeliriK tit Mondamln, la.
Mt Hervl Kelley. Ml. later a student in
the i'ollege of Missions, was recently mar
ried m Dr. Moon of Cincinnati, O.
The Wednesday morning program at
Impel con Hinted ot the tiiMtrumeiitai solos
(lotnioiiera ' oy ijiasi ana uver ine ithi
Itu.1' bv Schvtte. rendered by Miss Marie
iTraeiisiiil hhmIm t .in t lintlrup tor In the school
of music, and two readings. "The Janitor's
Child and "When we Haven t nam uur
Prayers." given by Belva McKtnney Smith of
the sciiooi or expression.
The intArenllesTlatA Student Volunteer
union of Lincoln and vicinity neia a iuncn
eon and save a urorrcm In the University
church Wednesday evening. Reports were
given rrom tne dirierent colleges, ah in
terest lna letter was read from Mr. Slmond.
a missionary In India, formerly of Wcsleyan.
Miss Joy Hcnrecaengast, wno expects in uui
for Argentina, South America, in reuruary,
gave an instructive talk.
Peru Narmal School.
Ponl KIAA of Red Ctnuri has been elected
to captain next year's foot ball team.
Prof w V. Hovt v. an illustrated lec
ture Monday evening on "Caves and Cave
President Haves. Prof. Dnliell and Prof.
nun ar imnnf ihom wno missed a ir
days this week on account of tha grip.
The model school has moved to Its new
home. The old building Is rapidly Ming re
modeled to accommodate the enlarged man
ual training department.
Arrangements have Just been completed
to have Hon. Philander P. Claxton. United
States commissioner of education, deliver
the address on semi-centennial day.
Tmf vuiev of the State Agricultural
school department of farm management ad
dressed me Hcience ciud on tuu uojrnn i
Markets ' at the ciud meeting last r riaay.
Prof A. W. Bowen snent the last two
weeks at a school of pageantry In Chicago,
in anticipation or tne rem pageani, wmi-n
will be a feature of the semi-centennial cele
bration next spring.
The following students have received elec
tions and will begin work In their new posi
tions next semester: Spencer Leger, super
intendent. Axtell; Lulu Sturgeon, principal.
Marsland; Marie Mc In tyre, high school. Bell
wood; Eleanor Foreman, high school, Thed
ftiril: Ruth Hawbeoker. commerce. Hlldreth;
Grace Douglaa, grades, Orand Island; Rdtth
Ijoper, grades, zorK, rem lerry, gramiuM
grade, Fairmont.
York Callor Mois. N
Ten new students hare enrolled since the
The college quartet ia giving entertain
ments thlB week-end In the western part of
the state. ,
President McLaughlin returned Saturday
from a lecture tour covering eastern Ne
braska and western Iowa.
Prof. Blase tt was the guest of honor at
the Toung Men's Christian association busi
ness men" a banquet Friday evening, January
4. The subject of his address was "Peace
A basket ball tournament has been ar
ranged. The tint game will be played on
Friday evening, January 12, between I he
academy and business oollege. On the same
evening the girls team of tb college will
play the local high school team.
"Kondon,in on the Job. j
He Finds
Don't try to work with your head alt staffed up. A tube of
ffenuine Kondon't Catarrhal Jelly will make yon dear aa a bell
So million intelligent Americans have oaed Koodon'a for
coM - in - head or nasal catarrh. Some druggists offer you com
plimentary trial cans. All druggists offer 25 cent tubes with the
understanding that 11 the first tube does not do you a dollar's
worth of good, you can get your quarter back from Kondon't
Catarrhal Jelly, Minneapolis, Minn.
Simmons Says Canada
Is Sure Allies Will Win
Mrlc U. Sim nons, district passen
ger agent of the Great Western, is
back from Winnipeg, where he has
been for a month or so looking after
company business. He asserts that
the war spirit among the Canadians
is as rampant as one ye,ar ago when
he was there and that they all feci
confident that, while the struggle is
to continue for a long time yet, the
allies are going to eventually win.
According to Mr. Simmons, Can
ada has furnished 600,tX)0 men for the
war and 500,000 more are in training,
preparatory to going to the front.
Large numbers of wounded men are
returning, and, while they are pro
vided for temporarily by the govern
ment, no provisions are made for
their future.
Persistent Advertising Is the
Road to Success.
4 Ery Kind Prices ' Vary Low i
? Over five hundred machines to
'select from. Rent applied on
. purchase. .
- Central Typewriter I
: Exchange, Inc. :
Z 190S Farnam St.
I Phono Douflas 4121
"T never employ a salesman who sufferH
from bad feet," says a big merchant. "I
know tbat no man. or woman who niifferH
from fnnt trouble can possibly do Justice In
any kind of a Job, because had fet torture
a man's body bo that hts mind can't be on
his work." Thousands of men and women
are handicapped in their life race by hl
Teet. It is such a uneleaa handicap nowaday
becautte a very simple home temtdy will
nave them. A Sfr-cent package of Wa-NV-T
will bring instant relief to foot euffrere.
You drop two or three of thewn tablets in
a pan of hot water and bathe the feet in It
for a few mlnutee. The palne, aches, burn
ing senaatlon snd Irritation vanishes llhr
magtr. and the f"M are cool and comfortable
In no time. Delightful for use In bath.
Leaven nkln ooft snd nanttary. If your drug
glut hasn't Wa-Ne-Ta we will gladly mnnti
you a sample package If you will send
1ft nenU to cover font of mailing, L. C.
Land on Co., South Bend. Ind. Adv.
Every Niqhf-
For Constipation
Saiend Sure H
Wggg MIAR . UP ft.
cota Tas, gra
te, at a drag
Von don't hare to coax tba children
to eat plenty of N. B. C. Graham
Crackers. Theae are not only rich in
the nourishment that build bone and
muscle, but their tempting taate makes
the little appetites hungry for more.
N. B. C. Graham Crackers added
an individuality and nut-like Savor
that other graham crackers lacked.
This makes them an almost univer
sally popular article of everyday diet.
sWhatDoos theVbridChwaMotheri
All that love eaa ft for cheer.
All that actenec can give for re
lief. And arias has enntrthtrtei "VWWl
Friend" to aUarlata pal a and raadw aid
rendlaar. and at eontoasaeaL to aaatat
Datura la preparliir for rapid nemrr
and aanrlsi IM atttMr aart out pa
tot kaallh ft la aullv annllail to aab
. 0t ft at nmr dmnrlst, aad writ, for rraa toot aa
m wainer snmia, aava a an&v. .Mna
THa Brartfltld Regulator C, ! Lanar Bldl
uS57 J
Atlanta. Oa. m
Winter Tourist Fares
Via Rock Island Lines
Jacksonville, Fla., and return SM.66
Lake City, Fla., and return $54.58
Tallahassee, Fla., and return $54.56
St. Augustine, Fla., and return .........166.56
Palm Beach, Fla., and return $73.06
Tampa, Fla., and return $66.16
Key West, Fla., and return $87.66
Savannah, Ga., and return $54.56
Mobile, Ala., and return ., $44.31
New Orleans, La,, and return 4... $44.31
Pensacola, Fltwjtnd return '.$46.61
Thomaaville, Ga., and return ,.....,$54.56
Augusta, Ga., and return , .....$52.77
Aiken, S. C, and return $53.67
Charleston, S. C., and return $54.56
Columbia, S. C, and return $53.67
Jackson, Miss., and return $38.90'
Meridian, Miss., and return $38.90
Havana, Cuba, and return, via Key West, or Tampa and
steamer $94.80
Havana, Cuba, and return, via New Orleans and
steamer , . $92.15
Jacksonville, Fla., and return, via Washington and rail,
or via Baltimore and steamer; same route both di
rections $74.40
Jacksonville, Fla., and return, via New Orleans tn ana
direction, direct routes in opposite direction . . $65.56
Jacksonville,- Fla., and return, in one direction via direct
routes; in opposite direction via Washington, D. C,
and rail, or Baltimore and steamer $63.76
Havana, Cuba, and return, one way via New Orleans, I
Jacksonville and Key West, or Port Tampa and
steamer; other way via Jacksonville, thence direct
routes $11140
Havana, Cuba, and return, one way via Washington and
rail, or Baltimore and steamer to Jacksonville,
thence Key West or Port Tampa and steamer; other
way via Jacksonville, thence direct routes $12640
Tickets on Sale Daily, with Long Limits and Very
Liberal Stopovers.
Automatic Block Signals
Finest Modern All-Steel Equipment
Superb Dining Car Service
Chicago-Nebraska Limited at 6:08 P. M, Daily
Tickets, reservations snd informa
tion at Rock Island office. Phone,
write or call
J. S. McNALLY, D. P. A.
Fourteenth and Farnam Sta.
Phone Dou las 428.
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to admit
Advertising Facts
YOU will almost, admit that nearly all success
ful merchants use newspaper advertising,
but you may be rather doubtful if advertising
will pay YOU.
IN other words, you admit the other fellow has
no more advantage than you have, inasmuch
as you can buy the same advertising space he can.
THEN why not follow the other fellow. What
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you have something worth while to offer.
The Omaha Daily Bee
" Omaha' t ptatttt marktt oae "