THK BEE: OMAHA, JANUARY 1917. Want-Ad Rates kCASH WITH ORDER, per wort ouch InlsrtloD (8t solid no d.lplar, Ada Paracraphsd or st tn Display Stl. Tc per Una thras conwcutlvs tlma to par !to n tim (Count lz words to th tine.) CHARGE BATES. le par ltn " o por line thre eonsafutlva time (Count ilx words to ths line.) Spaotal U: Farm and Ranch Land. to per line three conaecutiTa time tCotiDt sit words to tho line.) FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AGENTR OR HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS. 2c per word on ttm ISr per word three conseeutlee time SO AD TAKEN FOB UPJW THAN A TOTAL or te OR LESS THAN 10 A PAY. CARDS OF THANKS. DEATH AND Kl;. NBRAL NOTICES. lve par 11m earn Insarllnn (Minimum .charge So cents.) MONTHLT RATK FOR STANDING ADS. (No cbang of eopy allowed.) On lln 11.96 Two lines or mor per Una ft. 10 (Ooant alx words to tit Him.) (Contract rate on application.) THE BEE wilt not be responsible for mors than en Incorrect htsertlen of an adver tisement ordered for mora than one time ADVERTISERS should retain rVcslpu given br Th Be In parmant for Want Ada. as no mlataks can be rectified without them. I'SE THE TELEPHONE If Too cannot con veniently bring or aand lo your ads. Aak for a Waot Ad Taker, and you will re ceive the same good service aa when de livering your sd at the orflce. PHONE TYLER 100. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE BVBWINO EDIT10N8 II:MM. MORNING EDITIONS : P. M. MOVIE PROGRAM. On III ffertngs ef tn kewt Motion Ple tra Twaaters In Omeba. (Chang Dally.) Downtown. PRINCESS, Ull-lt DOIKILAS K PRESENTED HERE FOR c "PURPLE MASK NO. 3" A 3-REEI. (SKRIAL) "WHEK DAMON FF.I.L FOR PHTTHIA8" JOKER COMEIIT rNTERNATIONAL CARTOON North. DIAMOND, 2ITII AND LAKE OUR OTHER LIVES" 'THE TRUNK MTSTERT" "THE ITH GRANT POLICE REPORTER" "AND THK H E MAN AND ARTIST" GRAND, 14TH AND BINNBT NORMA TALMADI1E. IN "FIFTY, FIFTY" AND GOOD COM KDT LOTHROP JITH AND LOTHROr I WILL REOPEN THE IOTHROP THEATER UNDER MT PERSONAL MANAGEMENT FRIDAY. JANUAHY II, WITH A FIRST CLASS PROGRAM W. O. JENSEN South. AP&.LO, JtTH AND LEAVENWORTH MARY PICK FORD, IN "MISTRESS NELL" BOULEVARD, 19 D AND LEAVENWORH THEODORE ROBERTS AND ANITA KING. IN "ANTON, THE TERRIBLE" ROHLFF, tUt LeVvENWEOBTH VALKTRINE, (VERNICE DE WITTS) ' "THE HIDDEN VALLEY" Weit. DNROH, Mb FARNAM ALICE BRADY IN "BOUGHT AND PAID FOR" A WONDERFUL PRODUCTION South Side. ORPHEUM, I1TH ANT) M . "LABS OF THE LUMBERLANDS NO It" WITH HELEN HOLMES "JEALOUS JOLTS" "REHABILITATED" DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. ANDERSEN Maria Katrine. Jan, I, HIT, aged J, rear, 7 month and 17 day. Fonaral services will be held from fam ily resilience, 110 North 31th street, Thursday, Jan. 11, 1417, at 1 o'clock p. m. Interment West Lawn cemetery Friends Invited. , MAXFIKLDKred A., aged is years. Jan- nary I. Beloved husband of Mrs. Martha Msifleld. Funra! service from Hoffman' fooeral . home Thursday at 1:34 p. m. Interment ' Prospect Hill camatery. FLORISTS. BEST QUALITY CUT- FLOWERS or plant. Art oamblnatlona shipped evcry whr. Eicallent service lo our custom era In pt year recommends. HESS V : 8WOBODA, 1414 Farnam St. Doug mi. LARGEST ASSORTMENT of freshnowerir delivered or shipped anywhere. L. IIKN. PERSON, 1411 Farnam St. Doug. 1 33.. Fonjen.!.. J, LARM0N -J,1 tou"18 Ht- Doag, 4244. PARK BR Flowsrahop. 411 8. J4th. D. 1101 a. don a a mm, n:i lUrn-T. tug.ooT BATH, National Florist, 1804 njsiTBL FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HtTTsSf! A RIEPBN, undertakers and em balm re. 701 n. 18th St. Douglaa 12. DOFFT JOHNSTON, rmbarrnera and fu. ml directors. 717 B. II th St. Trier 1478 FRATERNAL ORDERS. CROUNHB HALL. . Opposite post office. New hall (or lode mnunn ana aances. Kicsiient floor, TOUNO DOHKKTY. SSI Brandela Theater Bid. Doug. 1671. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Dsts and U Stein. 2421 Ham il ton. girl; William H. and Klhel Kill. 2R7S Maple, boy; William and Anna Monovlu, .030 Caldwell, hoy; Arthur M. and Mar guerite Newell, 2034 Sherman evsnua, boy; Kiia ana unmi tirenMovtr, 301 x, arlrl Cecil C. and Ma.hU Clark. 1131 llonroe, (Ctrl laurene and Minnie llanaeo, t414 Houiii Thirty-third, boy; Raymond and Prances Butler. 1108 Maple, (Mr I Deaths Leon) Ida BHckion, 71, 3214 Wirt; Cacti Smith, IT, Tenth and Grace; t'hrl tin a Stahmer, II, .414 South KtaMeonth Mrs. Mary Rafferty, S, 301X Dewey ae sue; John P. Sullivan. 41, 1301 ft. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to wed hava been tamed to the 1 following: Name and Residence. - Age. 1 . 1 Charles J. Bruckner, Omaha 21 J alia Pokorny, Omaha 11 ' C. Elmer Nelson Strom-berg, Reb..over SI Bather . Wicks trom. Valley, Neb.. over 13 I Frances Maher, Colfax. la ;t BlAnche O Mars, Elkhart, La 30 Emit KofMcky, Omaha , 29 Anna Horak. Omaha 23 . Robert H. Webster, Grand Island Neb.. 21 Blanche 0. Johnson, Oakland, Mlas 21 James Besemek. Omaha 33 Ella Ploa, Omaha 17 , Greeley T. Whitney. Omaha 4s Ruth A. Baliey. Omaha John M. Maloney, Torktown, la 42 Emma Martin Clayton, Okl 5n Rthan A. Shumakar, Omaha J Let Urable, Omaha. It ia-tra--"-W- lllllll III II MB 1 , BUILDING PERMITS The following permit baa been leaned H. P. Carlson. 1014 Indiana avenue, frame dwelling. 13,-OS; Bella Wllltama, 3 491-11 North Eighteenth, repairs, 13,000; W. J. McHurb. South Tenth, repairs. ISM: 8. Arnsteln, T1J-14-U South Bixtewith, al- Motorcyclca and Bicydea HiSLKT . DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain la mmA machines, Victor Roaa "The Motorcycle mmm. . Lteavaaworta. TWIN 111 S speed electrically equtppee,; cheap. Cell A. AwivkJV'h. 1103. POULTRY AND PET STOCK CAMAOED screenings, 11.60 a cuudrsd. A. W. Waaner. 01 K llth. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS 'OMAHA A COITNVII, H1.1TKS STREET" RAM. WAT I'I'MI'ANY Persons having lo.t snnii' srilrle would do well to mil up ihf ofllo- nt tho Omaha t'ounnl HlufTs Ptrrrt Hallway '-fimpariy to aarertsln whether th- left It In the street car Many arttr). earn tiny are turned In and the tompany te Hnxlous to reator them to ihe rightful owners. Call Tyler 0I). IF you lose anything and will sdvr-rtlee It here, you will aurely reiover It If found by an honest person. Remarkable rerov-c-rtes are brought about cwry day through this column. THK HONEST WAT. If you find something of value, ur a keepsake of value only to th owner, Is tn Insert a small ad. Tho owner of the article In most easea la will ing lo refund the cost of advrtlslng. THK (iRKATKST OAIN l,73 In paid want-ada vr made by anv imiha paper, ta th rocord of THK OMAHA HKK for 101 FJKST KKSUltTS LOWEST RATI UT Monday, flower-nhaped poe""' n(I lurquotM broooh, dlamnnrt rinir, iinrrni reward for information kadinn " wa -t-.rv. No auctions akd. Tel. Doua. 35fl LOST Tuaday evcnlna a punctured SVin-IO Non-Skld lire and rim from rar or aum. Reward. K Klngibury. t2V Brand-! Bld. poutlaa 2R. LOUT Tueuday morn ins, on Ieaven worth rar, or on Mlh Ht., near Howard, a oiarn leather purne, contain money. Rnward Vlaroey 3S11. . Soda Fountain. OREEN'S PHARMACY. lth and Howard LOST Cameo brooch at Rome hotel or near there; valued as keepsake, tiaraey 4211. Reward. LOSTBlo and black silk Jersey muffler laat Sunday night. Reward ir returned. Douglaa 21141. LOST Lady'a black pookatbook on Farnam car. Reward tor return. Miaa ioaa '-ui-faK 30 IXiNT Fur love In Kountse Place. t.all Wobeter 330?. LOUT Chlld'e blue allk pleated skirt. Tel. Harnny 338. , LOST Stirling ellver braided bracelet. C'll Walnut 1036. FOR SALE MiicelUneout Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION .SALK. HIGH GRADE FURNlTURli. At HMD North th Hlroet, Hanson. Nrb., Tbnraday, Dec. 11th, at 3 p. in. Conalatlnc of ail the furnllurr. rugs. ! intra, dlahea and etc., of a beautiful 7 room home, also many other articles, such aa 1 full set of carpontfr tools, gardon tools, and etn. Take t be Benson car. J out one block south of car line. DOWD AUCTION CO.. AUCTIONEERS. Economy Sale DEFEAT THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. By purchasing your furniture where your money gnea the farthest. Our gooda ra rare bargains at the prices w quote. Doo't take our word, all we aak la that you come and see. THE STATE FURNITURE CO., 1 4th and Dodge Bts. Joug1a13l7. ALL THIS WWRK LffavlBjg rlty; fumed oak dining table, chairs, buffet, 2 ro a era, large Wilton rugs, two small ruga, three bedroom ruga, ClmaMlan walnut hod, dresser, dressing table. 3 chairs, one Realey, one felt mattress, aewlng machine. Ire box, lace curtains, kitchen table, 2 chairs. Webster 401. TlfK "ORKATR8T (IAIN JU In paid want ads erer made by any Omaha paper, la the record of THK OMAHA BKK for 191C. BK8T RJMntTfW-LOWKST RATK "MIIBT BR DISVOSKD OF AT ONCK. Furniture for sale, moving out of city. Dining room set complete, very cheap, leather eouch, sowing machine, dresser. Icebox, rocking chairs, etc. Phone Mar. flbST. MOKKT RAISfNO BALK. $E,fl06 stock of furniture, ruga, linoleum, all kinds of bedding, complete line of house furnishings, 1038-1847 N. !4th. Tel Web. H07, Open 7:30 a. m. till 11 p. m. STOVBS, ALL KTNDR. See us first. Prices right. City Furniture Co., 107 8. 14th. Isoyal Furniture Co., 231 W. llth St. BUT a Mttle Ol ant Ironing table. It gives absolute satisfaction. The Little uiant Manufacturing Co.. Omaha. SELL cheap, Vernta Martin and bnu bed. kitchen cabinet and benroom stanu. nar ney 6331. GOLDKN oak princess dresser, same as new. used only few moot ha. 2811 Bristol, web. 2334 OAd plate, gaa erren, blue rrjg. kitchen cabi net, all practically wai. oia. KITCHKN cabinet, sanitary lounge and pad. Telephone Harney ,43s. 8LIOHTLT used, tl gaa range, cheap. S. 14.1. FOR SALB Dining room get. Call Walnut 2061. Pianos and Musical Instniracttts. FOR SALK Practically new high-grade 81- 11 ota player piano. Sacrifice price, account sickness. Ills Military Ave, Sewing Machines. Sewing . Machine Bargains Never have we offered aorh bargains In used sewing machines aa we are this week. Fine drophead machines for as little as 910. All make. Singers. Whites, New Homes, Standards, at 33 li off. If you need a machine see these bar gains Thursday. Singer, fine drophead, for II. 00 Standard, one that ti very fine i.W New Home, pretty dark oak, only,,. White, worth $64, not a mark on It, only 27.50 Remember we have many others. Come early and get best choice. MickePs Nebraska Cycle Co. ISth and Harney. Doug. 1!2, SEWING MACHINES We root, repair, sell needles and parts of alt aewlug machines. " MICKKL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. Hth andHarney St Doug. HS Billiards and Pocket Tablel. FOR BALlFt BILLIARD TABLES. "Brand new. carom and pocket, with complete outfit, 13&: aecond-hand tables at re duced prices; bowling alleys and supplies; easy payments. Cigar utere. drug, deli catessen and aoda fountain fixtures. THE BRUNSWICK -BALKE-COLLENDER CO., 407-401 South 10th St. BARBER shop and poo) hall Win sell pool table separately. Lang, 1807 Kar nam St. Red 7330. Typewriters and Supplies. NEW machlnea sold the same eq rent 33 per mon t h. See us before you buy or rent. Shipped any place on ten days' free trial, Butte' Typewriter Exchange 410 8. I'th St., Omaha, Neh. WK BUY, soil and exchange "."wrlV? Guaranteed typewrit-rn, fie Write (or list Mid las Co, Be Bldg. FOR SALE -Miscellaneous Typewriters and Supplies. CARBON paper ll a bntt and up, second aheettt. &fi- a rdni Midland Co. D. 1147, TTPRWRITKUS "eolil, r'-nt-tl and repaired. Rent an Oliver tyiwwrtu r 1 montha fnr th. Central TypewrltlnK Kxrhanue, 1105 Kama in. REM INOTONH. "Monarrha and Smith Pre mier! fir rent; nt anywhere Ramington TypwrMing rnmimny. t 124. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating" O , also public Htetio. Phonf for prtc'-n Uouglas 203. 140 Pastnn Hk. GET aur prices in Job printing. ITNTTED STATES PRINTING CO.. Bee Bldg. jauglas 1172. WATERS HARNIIARDT I'tg, Co., quality printing. Tel. DougS 190. f24 8 Machinery, and Engines. NEW ANP flKrONIJ.HANIi MOTORS. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS ANP MAC HINIHTfl. LK BRON ELECT RICAL WORKS, au-30 Ho. 12th St.. Omaha. BOILERS. Hteain, electric gas engines. ptpMi. 'IroM Wrerklng Co., 1X10 Cuming. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO, Felt and hair mat- tr'iejifls made over in new ticks at hair (he price of nr;w onea. All your own feathers back when wo renovate. 1 807 ''urnlng St. Douglas 1487. MV high standard of quality will be main tained; 4 f.uarte of Old Fontenwlle whlnky, n 25, bottled In bond. Henry pollock, mall order houae. Doug. 71SZ. 131-134 N Hth Ht. ALEX J KITES' LIQUOR HOUSE. rninpflnin nn 1 jo tig is. Bottled In bond whisky, Hbc, fl.00, 11 1- full quart. DKRKS, nafea iralftfl, showraaea. shelving, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Kliture and wiipply Co., 414-14-11 S. nth Doug. 117 '.'4. 3-PRAWER cah register (National, ckr trl-); 6 Johnson gia lamps, match anl peanut vending ma hlncs, et'. 814 S. 10th FulR-cf L. Bosh magneto and switch, nearly new, I'ift. Two 34x4 caaingH, now, off lint. Call Douglas 1K1. DOl'BI.K Jifymore wall soda fountain, in working condition; cheap. Marsh Phar., 200 Lake Ht. ONE Iron stand and 30 Job typo cases, heaii. I;. S. Printing Co. iRY K 1 NDLINd WOOp. Ai'ME BOX COM PA NT. TIARNKT 1837. V ALU A HLK patmt for sale or trade. Bo I 777 He. SWAPPCRSCOLUMN 11'' Vol) HAVE aome article that has nut lived Hit UKtifulncss to you tnahe up a Utile ad and run It In thtn column nt 1c per word. You will be more than pleased with the remarkable offerings you will receive. One or two Insertions In nearly a'l cases are suPir-lent to got what you want. TRY IT TODAY AN KLUKIANT oak case eluctrlc piano with organ combination. May be played by hand only. Has nickel slot attachment for optional use. Playa with rolls attach ing cord lo electric socket. Cost 1300. What have you? Hog S. II 744. Bee. ONE large acorn baaeburnor, one large size Improved King-Bee stove; als 30-gallon gasoline tank. Ideal for a small grocery lore. Will exchange fnr groceries. Ad dress S, C. 330, Bee. THF. GREATEST GAIN RS.738 In paid wanl-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, la the record ef THIS OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWK8T BATE. WE swap or buy kodaka; Alms developed free; one-day service. Kaee Kodak Studio, Neville Blk.. ISth and Harney. GENTLEMAN'S llnd winter eravaneLte to exchange for Alrdalo puppy or what have you? Addresses. 0. 9 1 0, Boe. A FINK kodak, postcard sise, to exchange for violin, or what have yon.? Box S, C. 748, Bee. 4 -HOLE) oil range, used wo months; Tyler 1614. for first -class trunk or bag. A LITTLE AP In this column will bring about some remarkable exchanges. ft, 600 EQUITY In two homes, ons lot, for good automobile. Col. 4193. WANTED TO BUY. CTTTTM AM P Highest Prt ,-"J A x aUXlll foI. Purnitura, Rugs, Olotbss, Pianos, office Furniture, Trunks, Hhoas. Douglas 971. Rna., Webstar 4204. DESKS DESKS DESKS Nsw dssks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Kssd. 127 Karnant. TP.MK'TN'5 "Ignest price for iJEjIN tlothoa. shoes, tnmk. etc. Rrd 319T. no... Pouglaa S031. ROCHMAN " fu" v,u for furntture. all kinds A mens do. D. 6M. I WANT to buy small grocery or confec. tlonsrr, have ths cash on hand to pay for It. Dose, 18(3, Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOMOBILE, storage; dry and clean, ILIO per month. Keys, Council Bluffs, la. Accountants. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 833 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 3HI9. Accordion Pleating. ACCORPION. Side, Knife. Box Pleating Gov. Buttons, Hemstitching. Neb, Pleating and Button Co,, 431-3 Pax ton Blk. R. 4143. Attorney at Law. FRANCIS MOROAN.SU Bee.. Douglas 4CT. Bakeries, ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY, 318 N. I4TH BRANCHES PiniLIC MARKET AJ4D HAYDKN BROTHERS. "OUR MOTTO" BKTTEK BAKED GOODS. CAKBS, pastry and fancy bakery" goods supplied to parties, lodges and entartata moota. Z. H. Reeder, 1604 N. itUv W. H3T. Baths. DR. BKNPA Sulphur, steam. Modern Turk ish BATHS AND MASH A OK Private apartments for ladles, with lady attend ants. 111! Farnam. Phone Doug. fc8T7. RITTENHOUSK sanitarium; all kinds hatha. 310-314 Bajrd Blk.. 17thand Douglaa Steals Inst., 1604 Harney, electric and other baths, massage. D. 7097. Open evenings. MINER Ala, steam, hot baths and" maniacs. H. 331 Neville Blk.. Ifith ami Harnoy. Buttons and Pleating. VAN ARMAN Dress PleatliiR Button Co., 8S-7 Paiton Blk. Doug. 3fi9, Accor dion, knife, aide, space, box, sunburst and combination pleating, hemstitching, pi cot edging, pinking, ruching. covering but tons, all styles and all slice. Price list free. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 37th and Martha SU. Caterers. WHOBVKR needs an exp. caterer call Mre. RlckMt. Ty. 1533. Will fur. waitresses. Chiropractic. DniJohnBtonS: W. OW Bldg. p. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. Dr. Burhorn, Kose Bldg. Palmer school graduate. Doug. 6347. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Bain) Bldg. D. B4l. Dr. Xrancee Dawxon. 502-3 Rose Bid. T. 33S6. Carpenters and Contractors. LESSARP a SON. 2031 Curing. Tyler 1431 Corsets. STOCKWKLL, Doug. 93H3; 7 BaleMge Blk. Costumers. LARGEST stock of costumes for theatricals and masquerades Id the country for or rent. Lleben & Son, 1614 Howard. Detectives. ,1 A M Kf ALLAN, 312 Nevllhs Blk. Evvdence secured In all cases. "IT 1U. Intenitate Detective Asa'n. 433 Ramge Bldg. " Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No Pain. 9 It W. O. W. Bldg. Taft's DentTRmaTriioTlRoae Bldg 'D. 3UsT Dancing Academy. TMrTTTYIc BALL Tl'ES, THCRS., UEl JJUAD hat.. SUN. BVE SCHOOL MON. EVE. Ill S. 18th St., Op. Fontenelle. M1H8 AONES MALIX)Y. Phon, Doug. 3443 Dressmaking. l-plece dresses a specialty; remodeling; work gnaranteedJ 62 4 8. llth Ave. HJ 44. aUlTS,"" tailored sitlrtg and blouses. Special attention given to party and tailored dresses. Work guaranteed, prices reason able. Harney 167. 371 Capital Ave, GOWNS AND DRESSMAKING BY DAT. MISS COE. HAKlHttT H"w. LADIES' suits remodeled. pouglaa 4lS. M re. R. Arroniie ily." 2"" Balrd BklgV D 370: D'maklng by tho day.4D. 7701 bet. 6 and Terry Dreenmakg Col., 1.0th and Farnam. ANNOUNCEMENTS Everything for Women. ACCORDION, aid . knife, sun burst, box pleating, covr'd button:, all sis ana htylen; hemst Itching, plcol edging, eui broiden', beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work, bultonholts, pcnnanib. IDKAL TH.TTON AND PLEATING TO.. 21U louglas Blk Douglas 193. SWITCHKH from combing. II up. Dyed. -Oc Mrs M. Bnllhart, 318 Paxton Biag Fixtures and Wiring. TlTTPTtTTM Bis trie washing machlnea, U U XVXVlil nlectrlc iror,!i and reading imps. 22S3 Cuming Hi Douglas 2i19. Furnace Cleaning. BORVEMAN, fur. - him cleaning. D. 723. EL8A3SER, furnace cleaners: work guar anteed; beat prices. 1821 S. llth- D. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlors. 207 Baud Bldg. Mani curing, toilet articles. rougU 1 f- Job Printing. OATH CITY Printing Co.. high-grade print ing. 2f2l N. 34th. PhnA Justices of the Peace. C W. UK ITT. 301 Barker Block. Masseures. s Mao, R. 22 Neville Blk.. 16th, Harney. MASSAGE girl wanted. 1 32 FarnamSt. MIKSiyiTriTWTassagn, bathjt. 1323 Karnam. MAfWAOK and Baths. 210 Baird Bldg. Music. Art and Language. FINE old violin. Free to pupila. Phone Benson - Paint.n-r and Paper Hanging. LKT OARNETTB. tho PAPER!! ANGER, do your next Job; estimates fro. Harney 1713. Patent Attorneys. H. A. BTtmaifl, S0 Brandels Th. D- Ut. Patents. PATFTNTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co., bB,i Kranaeia. u. worn. Pianos for Rent. 3 60 per mo. A. Hospe Co.. 1511 Douglse. Theatrical Costumes. THWATRICAL gowns, full draas eults. for rottt. ju . run. jonn roiomsn. quo. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. llth. D. 523. Wedding Stationery. WKDDINO announcements and printing. Douglsa Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 641. Where to Eat EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NBW DELICATESSEN, 1800 FARNAM. HCRROUOHS CAFE. OMAHA, NKB. (Service) LINCOLN. NHB. 110 a. 18th at lata a. uin ai. BUSINESS CHANCES Tractor Distributors and Dealers. Our manager of sales will bo at the Fentenclle hotel January 11 and 13 for the purpose of arranging Pioneer Tractor Manufacturing Company's 1817 sales con tracts for their Pioneer Special, a high class, four-cylinder, four-plow, spring mounted, three -speed machine. The machine, price and terms will In terest you. Ask for Mr. Chae. N. Bey han. Pioneer Tractor Manufacturing Co., Sales Depsrtment, Pioneer Brag., Ht, Paul, Minnesota. HIOHKST SPOT CASH PAID for stores and stocks of merchandise, in city or country; quick action. OMAHA SALVAGE CO.. 750 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Tel. Douglas U33. "W O VIE-8HO W SN AP. Movie show, Iowa town of 14.000; this is a money maker. Call and see this place; you will buy If yoo mean business. MOVIE SHOW DEPT., 411-20 Rose Bldg. Plume Tyler 247- A. GOOD moat market soap If taken at once; must sell on account of healtn; only market In good town; come and see. Doal with owner. James Saxon, Le we lien. Neb. m TUB GREATEST GAIN El, 733 In paid want-ada ever made by any Omaha paper. Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1316. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE B KMT -MONTHLY Omaha paper. Well es tablished, regular advertisers. Bteany money-maker. Must sell account other business. 1200 cash. Box 30tj, Be FOR SALE Blacksmith shop, lot and tools. doing a good business town or i.ouu in farming community. Good reason for sell ing. James Calnop. Decatur, Neb. MOTION picture machines (new and re built), theaters, suppnea. umana r nm Exchange, 108 S. Hth St. FOR -SALE-Good, clean stock of hard ware; Jive town, central iveorassa. itooa reason for selling. Be quick. Address T 367. Bob. WILLIAMS, established 21 ysaim. To buy or sell business see him. m HCi-ague Bldg. Reference, U. S. National Bank. DOWD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out more muse, stoats utsn anv other firm in V. S. Writs for terms. rF YOU want lo sel tr buy a business or rooming house call on Buscn worgnon. 7.(0 World-Herald Bldg. Phone P. Ill WE BUY, we sell motion picture theaters. machines, feature Sims. co-operative Film and Supply Co,, 31 Bromley Bldg FOR SALE by owner, dms; store, dwelling and stock; square deal. Aaaress owner. 918 West 6th Ave , Denver. Colo. SMALL hotel for sale cheap If taken at once. Good reason tor selling. ia.i p. 3382. GUARANTY PLAN; get In or orrt business. AU states. F. V. Knlest, Bee tiug., umana. TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD, 433 Bee Bldg. Dong, nr.. Roomine Houses. ROOMING HOUSES, all sises. great bar- gains, ill Rose mag, l-nono irier J"' FOR SALE 14 rooms, modern, furnished, fall. Douglas Sill. SITUATIONS WANTED WKEKLT RATE, 29c PER LINE. Dullness a da. regular rates; I Tines ooe week 4 3 lines one week 0c Kach extra line 20c per week Male. THE GREATEST GAIN 58,733 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, la the record of THE OMAHA WEB tor int.. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE TWO experienced young men would like positions as managers ot large iarm or ranch Strictly temperate; references. Box s;t5 Bee. Yitt' NO Japanese boy wants work. Can speak, rvad ana write angusa. onmuu, 17th and L 8ta.. South Side. GENERAL work wanted by reliable Swell. Strictly temperate, best references. Har ney IMS. POSITION wanted by all-around blacksmith and borssshner. Absolutely do not anna. C O. Morris, Quitman, Mo. YOUNG man wtehes position, either as driver or apprentice mscbamo. a.uar l06. Bee. Female. YOUNG lady, stenographer and bookkeeper, with three years' experience, destres po sition. Prefer bank. Wouldn't object to poaitlon out of city. Write Y 74. Bee. THE BKK charge far "Situation ads Is lower than any otbor form of e4vertlsng not enough to twr ths oot ef prlnttng. WANTED Position as bouse keper for wtdower sr In small family, ago 30. city preferred. Box 0737. Bee. WANTED Poeitloo as companion or house keeper by mm die-age a laay; rconeo, eau rated. Address Y 774, Bee. POSITION as housekeeper or company by lady with small chim. rainier, P-en., it. 6. Box 41 GERMAN mulatto position as lady's maid. or housekeeper lor nacneior. uox saw., Be. Invalid would like crochet work, hemming napkins, tablecloths. French hand. Col. 1777 COLORED woman wants chambermaid or day wort, can we osier SITUATION wanted by colored girl as chambermaid, w enster astii. POSITION aa companion to society-ladyTNo salary. Box mm. Hee. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day work Phone Web 303T. Pract. nurs. oomp. worn., city ref. Web. 6o40 Laundry and Day Work. FOR experienced bundle washing call Web ster lsii. rrompi aeuvery. HOUSES dresses and aprons to rut or make. Box 91-0, Bee. Dsy'work. any kind; romp, ref. Wen. 7417. Ex. id "wants b'dlo wash. Guar. Web. 40. SITUATIONS WANTED Laundry andDay Work. D A Y work or houaecleanlng ex p Web. 4867. Fnfday work or gen, bousworlc.Ty. 18S4-W. E XI . A i ND HK H fC bundle wash. Web. 1941. CHAMBER, day or laundryjvork. HarJlSfi ET.'-oloredTady wanta day work. H. 6763 LAT'NliRV and day work Webster 5344. Hotels and Restaurants. "RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AOENCT. 1410 Davenport St. Douglas 1151. Headquarters fr hotel help. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. ACCOUNTANT -"' STENOGRAPHER S1 PTKNO. (bcatnnerl CITY SALESMAN 1"' SALESMAN (exp. unnecessary, tii THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. ACCOUNTANT. J175: auuntant, 1125; Steno., 35; Steno.. ?7; Htcno., S60; Steno.. 3i8-$r.n; ledger clerk, f 7 0. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 113S First National Bank Bldg. THE GREATEST GAIN 63.734 In paid want-ada ever made by any Omaha paper. Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for lilt BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE 3 SALESMEN (city). 176; groceries (road). 100; steno., 175; shipping elk., 0; acc t, $126; bkkpr, (bk.), 7&. Co-Operative Ref. Co., 1016-16 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. SEE US fnr a high class commercial posi tion. NO FILING FEE, only 60 cents to Investigate references. THE MART! CO., 1317 W. O. W. BLDG. Professions and Trades. Drug Positions All States CO-OPERATIVK KfJa-KKKIMtJEi JU., 10U-14 City Nstlonal Bank Bldg. WANTED Registered pharmacist; married: permanent situation. Jerome Drug Co., York. Neb Salesmen and Solicitors. WANT MAN WHO IS AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN ONE WITH PROMOTION EXPERIENCE PREFERRED. A large middle west corporation wishes to secure the services of a really high class man wLmmm training, experience and general personality fits him to handle s high class business proposition among high class business and professional men. Prefer man who Is acquainted with middle western ways of handling busi ness. Will not consider applicants who are under 30 years of age. This Is not an ordinary sales proposi tion, but a man with exceptional sales ability who can combine therewith tact and diplomacy will be admirably fitted to perform the service we require. Tho proposition we havo to offer Is a commission proposition with liberal ex pense advance. An energetic man pos sessing the desired qualifications can ex pect to earn from $3,000 to 6,000 per year. We have men who are earning as much and more. This is an opportunity for the nun new employed to materially better himself If ho is an experienced and efficient worker In faot, we would prefer getting in touch with this class of people. Write us, giving brief outline of yoor past experience. All communications will be held In strictest confidence snd Inter view arranged at earliest possible mo ment. Address Box 9709, Bee. SALESMEN WANTED To sell Sal-Tonlk direct to farmers; also at wholesale to dealers. Sal-Tonlk, ths medicated condi ment (salt and pepper) 60 pound block, for all farm animals. Worm destroyer, disease preventive, conditioner. No trou ble to feed, no feeders, no dosing, no waste. Stock lick the block, "doctor themselves automatically." A big field; big demand: easy seller. Commission proposition, with liberal weekly advance ment on commissions. Write st once for sales producing circular and Information. Guarantee Veterinary Co., Stock Yards, Sioux City, Iowa. EASTERN manufacturers want man of In tegrity and ability to represent them in Nebraska, North and South Dakota. Some capital, reference and standing required. Attractive proposition to right party. See Sales Manager, Room 406, Hotel Fonte nelle, thle week. THE OLD LFNK Bankers' Life of Lincoln The Company of Big Settlements. Liberal Contract to Agents. Ktlly, Ellis & Thompson. General Agents, Doug. 1819. 918-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg: WANTED Young single man to travel with manager and solicit In territory adjacent to Stoux City. Experience unnecessary. Address W. V. Beardsley, Omaha, Neb., General Delivery. WANTED every stock salesman, who reads this ad. too call and investigate my proposition at once. EDWARD O. WOLFK. S Wead Bldg Uth and Farpsa Bta. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN., INC. WANT two good men for road work for Kansas. Preferred with sales experience, but not necessary. Remuneration good. Call 406 McCague Bldg. Benin derllng. WANTED Young men, 20 to 26, experi enced canvassers; salary 14 week. Call between 7 and 8 p. m. J. M. Maker. Hotel Neville. SALES positions, mercantile lines. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., INC. Agents and Canvassers. AGKNTS You can make I a day with our proposition. 1401! Jackcon St. Trade Schools. WK WANT MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Few weeks qualify to run shop or wsrft for others; years of apprenticeship saved by our method; we have placed graduates in leading positions everywhere ; compara tively no expense; catalog mailed free. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 110 S. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. '(Established lltl.) AUTO MECHANICS. EARN BIG MONET Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASffN, 2817 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Send for Free Catalogue. GOOD MEN WANTED. To learn auto trade for the many po sition now open. Fine training work In anto and electric starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLBOO, 3063 Farnam. Omaha, Neb. LEARN barber trade; be Independent, more than make your expenses while learning. Wages or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. 1402 Dodge St. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Boys. Boys wanted for stock and cash work. Prefer boys over 14 years of age. Apply Superintendent's Office. Til'ROESS-NASH CO OFFICE boy wanted American Press As sociation, 1007 Farnam St. Miscellaneous. MEN wanted to enlist in Signal Corps st once; report at Lincoln. OMAHA railway mail clerk examinations coming, $76 month. Sample questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin In stltute. Dept. 221 W. Rochester. N Y WANTED Young men an railway mall clerks: $75 per month: sample examina tion questions free. Frsnkltn Institute Dept. 221 R. Rochester. N. Y WANTED A good sober man with a boy or two old enough to work on a farm or one that is willing tn board an extra man. Address Y 756. Bee. WANTED Names of men 18 or overTwTiT tng to become government railway mall clerks. Commence $76 month. Vacations T 723. Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. 6 ST EN OS., 3S-!$a : bkitprT gen. office elk., $86; bkkpr. (real estate, S6; tvp let. $40; office girt. $30. Co-Operative Ref. Co.. KUBIS City Nat Bk. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER (credit work) 170 STENOGRAPHER fin STENO tbeglnnerl 3S THE jC A NO AGENCY, 00 BEE BLDG. STENO., $76Vsfer,o., $S0; Steno., $40; 'Steno and Bkkpr.. $ft6; bill clerk. $M). WATTS REFERENCE COM PA NT, 1131 First National Bank Bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPING, stenographic, clerical po sitions. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., INC. THE GREATEST GAIN 61,7.18 In paid want-ads ever made by any i unaha paper, is t he record of TH V. OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. CASHIER, bookkeeper. 3.5 160, WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND AflffN. INC. ROOK ic EKPER. rrain exDerience, 175-SS6. WESTERN REFERENCE tfc BOND ASS'N. INC. Professions and Trades. WANTED-vGlrls with common school edu cation, between IK and Ti years, to take up local and long distance telephone work C.K. Lambert, 1817 Douglaa St. Household and Doniesti0- WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; 3 in family; I a wfiek: ref erences required. Apply 4201 S.22d. WANTED A cook. $11 per week: private family, Mrs. John L. Kennedy. Tele phone Walnut 6:5. COMPETENT while girl wanted for gen eral housework In small ramliy. ia;i Capitol Ave. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. M. A. Nagle, 3617 Farnam. Telephone Harnej 4046. WHITE girl for general housework: small family; wages 7 per weeK. Tel. wainur 772. ' WANTED A woman to wash dishes and help In kitchen. Apply at Brownell Hall. GIRL for general housework; home nights. Call Web. 6063 MAID for general housework. 311 N. 41st St. Walnut 9. Miscellaneous. Y. W. C A. COOKING CLASS FOR MAIDS. A course for maids In cooking and serv ing will be given at the Y. W. C. A. be ginning Thursday, Jan. 11, from 2 to 4 p. m., and continuing Thursdays through out January and February. Terms, K26. LADY to assist in Rittenhousn sanitarium; no one under SO years of age need apply. 310 Balrd Bldg. EDUCATIONAL BOYT-ES COLLEGK. DAY SCHOOL. NIUHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypc, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service sll commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1666. lth and Harney Sts. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance 220. Douglas 690. SPANISH Evening classes now on by na tive teacher. English-Spanish translations guaranteed. 61 Bee Bldg. Eladto Benito. Douglas 3447. ITALIAN, French, German lessons, private, commercial correspondence and transla tions into English, 2206 HowarcL T. M. C. A. Day and Night School.' MusicaL Harp Limited number pupils accepted com ing season: early applications favorrtl. Harps fur. Loretta De Lone, 108 Lyric Bid. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 1103 HOWARD ST. A 1-story frame, 7 rooms and sleeping pores. New furnace. Room for one car lm garage If desired House rent. S3. ALFRED THOMAS, 104 Kirs l Nat. Bk. Bldg. 208 SOUTH 4tst, hot water plant, 333. 1136 Sonth list, with garage for 3 cars. North. NEW, modem residence, Blando, 318 per month. Inquire 713 N. 21st. Phone Douglas 7311. M. Sleek. ' NEW bungalow, 6 -room, strictly at) modern, half block to car, Located 29th and Fort St,Red1881. 7ROOM house, strictly modem, 6330 N. 36th Ave. Call Col. 320. 1!6. FOR RENT 8 -room, all modern house. 1431 S.l 1 thHt CHOICE T-Rm. Mod. 34 IS Charles, $26. Har. 6169. 6-R, mod, cot. 3544 N. 28th Av., 316. T.4711. South. 5-ROOH cottage, modern except heat; good repairs. 2677 Pierce. Phone Tyler 3210. Miscellaneous. WK HAVE WHAT YOU WANT, HOUSES AND COTTAGES PARTLY MODERN. 4-R. 3401 Parker 8t $10.00 4-R. 1616 Carter Lake Bhrd 14.00 6-R. 603 Martha St 12.50 t.R. 611 Martha St 12.60 6- R. 4130 Saratoga St.... 16.00 7- R. 6014 N. 42d St 16.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 6-R. 2910 Saratoga St $18.00 6-R. 2814 N. 37th St. (for colored) 16.00 6-R. 2332 S. th St 12.60 STRICTLY MODERN. tut Farnam St $86.00 g.R. E327 N. 27th St. (brand new). 25.00 7.R, 6I2 8, 23d St 26.00 j.r, 2430 Bristol St. (with barn in . the rear) 22.50 8- R. 3901 N. 17th St 30.00 e-R. 2609 Dewey Ave 40.00 10-R. -1231 Dodge Ht. (close la) 40.00 FLATS STRICTLY MODKRN. g.R. 3018 Dewey Ave. (very chQlce)37.50 HEATED APARTMENTS. 6-R. 2918 Farnam St. (strictly mod ern and up-to-date In every re aped) $.13.00 WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OCR COM PLETE LIST BEFORE RENTING. PORTER & SHOTWELL. 202 S. 17th St. Doug. 6013. $10.00 2816 Woolworth Ave., 6 rooms. 110. DO 660 S. 26th Ave.. 6 rooms, modern, very desirable brick flat. X39.00 647 S. 271 h St., li rooms, strictly modern brick Hat. $35.00 2703 Farnam St., 8 rooms, hot water heat, modern. $36.00 3003 DodRo St., handy to Farnam St. and Turner park. 110,00 1 109 S. Viii St., 8 rooms, modern, garage If desired, Field club dlst GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. FREE! FREE! FREE! ABSOLUTELY FREE RENT ON ANT HOUSE IN THIS LIST UNTIL FEBRUARY 1. 1814 Sahler. nearly new 6-room bunga low, strictly modern? $26 per month. CSfii Titus. 7 rooms, brand new, semi bungalow, strictly modern, $35 per month. BIG 4 REALTY COMPANY, 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Doug. 3484. BEFORE" RENTING" PHONE OR CALL VS FOR OUR WEEKLY PRINTED LIST, it will help you. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS A HE YUEN. 1614 Har. Ty 60. ; ROOMS 1 81 9 N. 17th St.. $12 60. 4 rooms 2412 Erskine St.. $12. PEN SON & MYERS CO., 424 OMAHA NATL BANK BLDG. $42.60 8114 Chicago St., 11-r., all mod. Good for rooming house. H. A WOLF, 614 Ware Blk. Douglas 8068. 1114 SPENCER StJ 8-r.. all mod $25.00 -124 m, 27th SL; 7-r.. mod. ex. heat 20,00 110! N, 22d SL, 4-r., mod. ex. heat.. 16.00 RASP BROS., 104 McCague Bldg. Ty. 'il. ui-iTTAVIfl FT) R RBNT. CRE1GH. SONS A CO.. ton BEE BLDO rn.l'Q 300 FIRST TRUST CO Houses, stores, 400 First National Bank Bldg., Hth and Farnam. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses and Flats. WE wan I more houses and spartments to rent. The fact that we have practically cleaned out our big list is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental system. If vou want to keep your places rented see Payne & Slater Co.. "Omaha's Rental Men. 616 OP1, inai. tK. nng. u'ou. mm. WANTED By couple with no children. 3 or 3-room apartment, private home. In grod locality preferred ; references ex changed. Brx SS30. care Bee Business Property. wXntEDTo rent, a blacksmith hop without tools. In Omaha or Council Bluffs, (iua Llndell.Gei.oral Delivery- Persistent Advertising Is the ' Road to Success. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find the room you desiie among these ads call at The Bco office for a Room List Gives complete dulailed description of va ran! rooms In all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name snd address and a list will be mailed to you at ones. New lists are issued every week. Furnished Rooms. THE GREATEST GAIN 6S.T3S In paid want-ads ever made by any Oma ha paper, is t he record of TH W G.f A H A BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE YOUNG men arriving In .Omaha will find warm room, cnod board and help in se curing a position at Father Flanlgan a hotel; social club In connection. 200 N. 12th Phone Tyler 2572. ATTRACTIVE front room, white furniture, cretonne covering, modern home: walking distance ; servo breakfast; everything above average; good service. Har. 319&. TWO CONNECTING front rooms, new flat. steam heat,- plenty of hot water, will make rates to three young men or couple. Ex- cellent board. 2124 Douglas. StfNSH IN E AP A RTMENTS. For men only. Comfortable steam heated rooms. Rate $2.60 and up per week. 601 N. I7th St. 1318 VINTON ST. l-raom suite, furnished complete for housekeeping. $2.60 and $3 per week ; stove heat, quarter meter. Red 6 28 7 BEAUT. FTL, steam-heVtTd front room, sln gle or ensutte; private bath: excellent moalg; garage. Call Harney 1790, TH E NO R TO N lej feTnTyf liTheTd two rooni apartments complete for housekeep Ing. Call 670 S. 2Sth St. Harney 1580. NICELY furnished room for 1 or 2 ladles; walking distance; private; referencea Phone Red 789.1. BEAUTIFUL suite with sun room; excel lent hoard; private. West Farnam. Har ney 45. CHICAGO 2510 In private home; large south front room with alcove; also side room. FOR RENT Front room, furnished, prlvara bath If desired. 2121 Douglaa. Doug. 1741. NEWLY furnished room, $'J.60 per week; meals Ifjiestrcd. Phone Harney 1802. MODERN furnished room.cTose In. private) family; all conveniences. Red 8403. HEATED room fnr respectable working men. 2428 Decatur St Webster 474. CLOSE IN, well furnished parlor, modern. J al Phone Tyler 1 4 i I v. ONE suite of rooms with running watT. well furnished. Doup. M4P. IN private home, modern sultu of furnished rooms. Call Harney 4173. 3 ROOMS, modem, in private, family. 190$ Cass St, Housekeeping Rooms. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, rfJ modern, walk ing distance, every convenience. 2 "04 Howard, VERY nice, modern. light housekeeping rooms, private family. 1711 Burt Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THE BEE WANT-AD DEPT. and find out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that is helping many people rent their roonm YOUNO bachelor destres room In private family; no other roomers; modern, stats full particulars or no attention given. Bos 9880. Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. DESIRXbLE furnished and untnrnTshe . apartments. All alafts and prices, splen did location. 24th and Farnam. Ernest Sweet, New Hamilton. Douglas 1472. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West VERY choice 6-room steam heated apart ment on West Farnam St. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. South. FOR RENT Fine five room apL In Urban a. 1317 Park Ave. Hi ATT COMPANY, 246 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. Tyler 60. FOR RENT Four-room flat, all modern, $.10 with heat. $20; without. 622 South 24th Ave. Phone Red 3657. Miscellaneous. TRACKAGE FOR RENT. From 1,600 to 4.000 square feet on ltelt Line, near Leavenworth St. ARM STRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 333 Rose Bldg. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT. 1415-17 North 24th St., store room. 31t 60. basement and flue large display win dow. Good location for retail store or shop. ARMSTRONG WALSH CO., Tyler 1636. 333 Rose Bldg. LEASE on store room for sale; 14th and Farnam Sla. WATTS, 6S7 Paiton Block. Offices and Desk Room, OFFICES. Single and en suite. In a central lees- BROWN BLDG., Room 447. Douglas 1631. DESIRABLE office rotiuiK tit the remodele-t Crounte block, lit N 1 61 h St. (opposite postoffltv), $10 to $16 par month. Conrad Young, 322 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1671. CHOICEo:lcrspace. Balrd Bldg., 17th "and Douglas. McCague lnv. Co Miscellaneous. LARGE, light basement. 10th and Howard, cheap. Wright & Laabury. Doug. 15$. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and mov ing. 219 N. llth St Phone Douglas S4L "Globe Van and Storage Co. For real moving service try us. Large $-horse padded vans. Storage, $2 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We move you QUICKER. CHEAPER AND SAFER. Phone Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders for moving, packing or storage. Office at Raymond Furniture Co., 1613 and 1(16 Howard St Phone D. 6524. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked roons for household goods and plsnoa, moving; packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 803 8.lthBt. Jouglas 414$. FIDELITY se'rvke FREE Phone Douglas 388 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also 'or storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. Maeeard K!,SEi." meo. Van and Co.. Moving Packing. Storage andShlpplng. Pbone Doug. 1406. "t." fi TyT??T Express and Moving. Packing and storage. 'ouglas 6346. 120f Farnam 8L TWIN CITY EXPRESS CO. 1622 Cass SL Douglas 1717. Trunks stored a specialty. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTSl) 4, 6 and 6-roomed houses that can be sold for $100 cash, balanca $1$ per month; complete description firs: letter. W. FARNAM iMI I H & CO.. IStf Farnam. Tel Doug. 1044. LIST your 6 and 6-njora bouses with us. WE SELL THEM OS30RNE REALTY CO. Doug 1474 ''OME to us with your rea! bargains EDWARD F WILLIAMS CO. Dong. 420. 7T; . 1 r Wead 110 S uth s REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TRACKAGE BARGAIN'. 6in2, close in. Jfi.nnn A SN AT' HI ATT COMPANY, Hh Omaha Natl Hank Bide Tyler So,