Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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Prize Chickens Will Be on
Exhibition There Begin
ning Monday.
Kearney, Neb., Jan. 10. (Special.)
VVith the arrival here yesterday of
a carload of especially constructed
exhibition coops which will bouse the
2.500 prize chickens, plans for the
thirty-second annual meeting of the
Nebraska State Poultry association,
which will open in Kearney on next
Monday, January 15, are nearing com -
Superintendent Charles E. Coddle
of Edgar, Neb., who will have charge
of the big, show, will arrive here
Thursday morninc and assist the In-
cal committee to make whatever final years of age, was the colonel's valet J back at that time and be just carried
arrangements are necessary. Super-i and in later years became famous as his audiences by storm."
intendent Coddle has been chairman a marksman. "Buck" Taylor is now j Mr. McCune relates that while re
of the nonltrv pvnrp rnmmittep nf ! a resident of Philadelphia. Major I turning from England during the
the association for a number of years
and is considered an expert in the re-
ceiving and handling of birds.
An office has been fitted up for
Secretary A. H. Smith of Lincoln in
the Commercial club rooms and that
official has stated that he will arrive
in town triday morning.
VVhile a majority of the entries are i
made by mail, there are nevertheless
always a number of late additions to
the long list and Secretary Smith will
take the last of these rriday night.
After that time no chickens will be
received for entry.
The judges for this year's show are
I". G. Roberts of Fort Atkinson, Wis.;
1'. O. Hobbs of Monntain Grove, Mo.,
and J. C. Johnston of Fairland, Ind.
These men have a nation-wide repu
tation for ability, experience and in
tegrity and their decisions will no
doubt meet with the unanimous ap
proval of the large number of exhi
bitors. Richardson County Goes
To Commission Basis
I-alls City. Neb.. Jan. 10. (Special.)
At the fall election Richardson'
county voted to change from the
township organization of seven mem
bers to the commission form with
three members. A. W. Loucks was
elected to the office of supervisor
and was one chosen to remain as a
commissioner. The work of choos
ing the three was up to County Treas
urer George Morris. County Judge
John Wiltsc and County Clerk O. O.
They selected A. W. Loucks, I
republican, Falls City, implement I
dealer: H. E. Boyd, republican. Hum-
no at. res estate ( fa fr: .. 1 J. Anricr
democrat. Liberty township, farmer
The new commissioners were hardly
appointed until they filed their bond
and took the oath of ofiicc and the
bonds approved by the county judge
ini Saturday. The board of supervi
sors had adjourned to meet January
which was also the day set by law
for the new board to meet. Tuesday
morning both the old and new board
appeared at the court house. One to
(heck up the countv treasurer's of
fice and the other to begin the work
nf looking into the business of Rich
ardson county.
Farmers' Association at
I inrisav Ha finnri YpaP'
Linu&dy nab uooa iear
Lindsay, Neb., Jan. 10. (Special.) 1
The Farmers' Elevator association !
held its annual meeting here Tuesday. ,
W illiam Kurtenbacb and Henry I
fieierman were re-elected directors, i
John Borer was again placed in Lindsay aggregation. Sam Agnew's i selection of a candidate for the post
charge as manager at a substantial i visit came unheralded and was short, office at this place was. held Tuesday,
increase in bis salary. l:nder his ef- or the Lindsay fans would have done j The weather was fine and the roads
hfient management the association
this last year did $286,000 worth of
business and was practically closed j
flown for business in their big month
m' December for the want of cars. I
The manager reported that he was !
unable to buy corn now for the want
'f cars and he says the needed re
lief seems very slow in coming. Be--ides
declaring the usual cash divi
dend the board of directors reported
iliat the new $8,000 elevator was com
pleted the last "year without levying
on assessment or selling more stock.
1 1 was decided to place on the mar
ket another 290 shares at $25 each,
which would bring their paid in capi
;al to the capital stock of $25,000.
County Job for Teacher.
Madison, Neb., Jan. 10. (Special.)
-County Treasurer J. B. Dufphey
ha;, tendered the appointment of dep
uty treasurer to A. H. StcfTen. teacher
of the German Lutheran parochial
chool of Norfolk, and Mr. Stcffen
lias accepted the appointment. How
ever, he will not actively take up his
duties until March 1. During the in
terval W. M. Darlington, retiring
treasurer, will assist Mr. Dufphey.
Induce! Sleep.
'taW Or. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honn)- fi
hacking night rough; It Htopa ihe
and you nlwp. 26c. All druRplMp.
Omaha Scene of First Wild West
Show Given by Buffalo Bill
Colonel Cody was always closely
identified with Omaha. He was almost
i t i . i.
a mnrh at hnnip nore at; hp was tn
North Platte, or in any other part of j idea of traveling with special cars and
the great west. Many of his oldest I having a regular organization of work
and most intimate friends were I men had not yet been tried out. We
r. . r i j.;. i went around the country until 1887,
Omahans. Omaha was close to his ! . m . . . . '
I when the colonel took the outfit over
heart. to Europe. I was with the show and
In 1883, when the colonel con-! 1 just want to tell you wc received
ceived the idea oi taking a wild west
show on the road, he brought his out-
iit to Omaha for the first public per
formance. 1 he exhibition was given
at the old fair grounds in the north
part of the city. He brought from
North Platte a herd of buffalo, elk and
1 xcn. a Dead wood stage coach and a
'lot of Sioux and Pawnee Indians. He
was joined by Dr. Carver and A. H.
! Bogardus. champion marksmen, and
! "Buck" Taylor, known as king of the
cowboys. Johnny Baker, then 13
j Burke was associated with the colonel i
j for many years.
During the first visit of the Buffalo
Bill show here William (Billy) Mc
Cune joined the Codv forces and re
mained with the show for more than
thirty years. He started in as tent
boss and later had charge of the ln-
dians which were engaged each sea-
i son.
j "1 remember quite well my first
meeting with Colonel Cody," related
Billy McCune. "At the time I was a
policeman here, receiving $90 a
month. Major Burke recommended i
me to the colonel who said he would
give me $110 a month and expenses
and he said I would be able to see the
country. After the Omaha engage
ment we made up a train of railroad
cars in the yards and started out. 1
was in doubt at the time whether the
show would be a success. It was hard '
Hartington Fair Association
Increases Its Directorate
Hartington. Neb., Jan. 10. (Spe
cial.; l ne nartingron driving anu j
Fair association Monday evening ;
vntpH to amend the rnnstilntion so
that there will be a directorate of six (Pror 4 8ta respondent.)
hereafter instead of five. The fol- Lincoln. Jan. 10 (Special.) Ed
lowing directors were then elected: j ward P. Roggen of Omaha, formerly
P. C. Dclier, Fred Mecklenberg, L. D. secretary of state of Nebraska is one
Greenwood. A. J. Lammers. J. M. j ot the employes of the bouse of repre
Lammers and W. H. Burnev. The ! ntatives at this legislative session,
ncsnriMinn rerf-ntlv taken out a ! occupying the position of bill docket
new charter and is in a prosperous
r- n..: nn
rrlCnu DUbllltJ IVIdl
nicciicc I IVP Tftnir.Q!
rricnd. Neb., Jan. IU. (Special.) ,
At the business men's noon-day lunch-!
; con l ucsnay me mauer oi cmpioyiiiK
j a coach for the high school basket
ball team, the car shortage, and a
reception for the Fourth Nebraska
: infantry baud, when the boys are
' mustered out of the service and re
' turn to Friend, were taken up and
j discussed. The proper committees
- to look alter these matters were ap
I pointed.
Catcher Sam Agnew
Visits Lindsay Brother
Lindsav. Neb., Jan. 10. (Special.) !
Sam Agnew, catcher ol the cham-
Boston Red SoXi was jn town
yesterday and today visiting with his
brother, Marshall
ho makes his
home here, who himself puts up dur
ing the summer a pretty stiff article
of ball behind the bat for the strong
a little more than give him the glad
Center Point Santa
OI rv f D
UiatlS UieS 01 BUMS
McCook. Neb.. Jan. 10. (Special.)
The closing incident in the Christ
mas Santa Clans burning accident at
a school house a few miles north of
Center Point, Frontier countv. was
enacted at Indianola, this county,
Monday morning when Patrick Hag
heney was buried. Mr. Haghency's
clothes caught fire from a candle at
the Christmas exercise at which he
was playing the patron saint. Before
the flames could be extinguished, Jie
was fatally burned.
Golden Weddine at Falls Citv. i
Falls Citv Neb Tan 10 (SoeciaM
-Mr and ' Mrf Chr M He ser rcle.
brated their M irth wedd nanniver
Trv it the home in Falls ' n
sary at the home ,n i alls Uty on
Sunday evening A wedding dinner
was a special feature, about which
members of the family gathered with
a few friends of the parents. Those
present were Mr and Mrs. John Hei-
wf T"0" ,': r,aml
Mrs. Will Heiser and three children, l
Mr. and Mrs. Uiarles Heiser andjyoii come to understand this, the I letters on the subject. There is no
daughter, Mr and Mrs. Will Hahn, i quicker you will get it out of your charge for the medical advice Ad
sr.; Mr. and Mrs W ill Hahn, jr.. and system. S. S. S., which has been in ( dress Swift Specific Company 40
children, Mr. and Mrs. C. Birmeley j constant use for over fifty years, will I Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga '
-:- ssi -:-
I work in those days, because we had to
'k' different raihoad cars at nearly
! every stop and hire tiev men to help
... . ... . ....
with th lifaw urnrlf nf the hnw The
ovation aiter ovation in the old world
We gave a special performance on the
awn cti mirk ineiiain na arr. ( Mieen
Victoria. J'rince and 1 rinccss ot
Wales, William (iladslone, the shall of
Persia, Chauncey M. Depew, Thomas
A. Edison and many other notables
made personal visits to the colonel's
tent while wc were in England. It
was a real triumph for the colonel
and a wonderful experience for myself
and other members of the show. The
colonel was a dashing figure on horse
spring of 1888 Colonel Cody's favorite
j horse, "Charley." died at sea. During
the colonel's visit in France, Rosa
Bonhcur, famous painter of horses,
painted the great American scout
astride Charley. In her studio were
Iwn naintitio-s shp rhprisliH nne
1 x: i i i i. i
snowing iiauuicuii un nuicuta mi ,, K , la(o, ,hnon Wodona powers
the Other of Colonel Cody on his I of eontraet of married woman.
favorite mount. Charley was buried i it. H. 19. imroe. .lohnson Any rity of see.
a . r t It I n. ond elasa or vlllaire may eontraet for llKht
off the coast of Newfoundland. Ihe , or lK)wer RaI(1 nutBi(IO ,.l)rpora. ,ims.
animal was wrapped in an American j n. r. 20. Hwanson. riH Reciprocal de
flag and there was a touch of genuine murrage bin $1 10 a day.
i .1 ,. l i-,,,-! H. R. 21, .laenbsen, hawson Kxempts
sadness in the scene when Colonel ,.,.,, pm in1nurm from iurv R(.rVice.
Cody witnessed the body of his pet
horse committed to the ocean's depths
In a scrap book owned by Mr. Mc
Cune is an account of a visit of
Grand Duke Alexis of Russia to
Omaha in 1873. The duke went on a
buffalo hunt with Colonel Cody, who
knew every nook and corner of the
great west.
I and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Will
' a : 1 :t :u n i
musiinaii ami mumy wmi icv. anu
Mrs. J. J. Hoffman.
Ed Roggen Will Docket
New Bills in House
clerk in the chief clerk's office
I in the old days, when he served two
J terms as secretary of state and twelve
vcars as deputy in the same office. Mr.
Roggen was a republican, but for scv-
eral years past he has been a demo
jjlc OUse committee on employes
VAA enKaged Miss Lindblad as a ste-
nographcr for all the house members
to write their personal letters. She
will have her desk in the legislative
reference bureau. She will do no work 1
hills, as that will be looked alter
1 by the regular force in the bureau.
Others who have been added to the
house payroll are;
M. O. WorraJl, Whoo. eerl( In charge of
printed hilla; T. R. Hutchinson, Kearney,
proofreader ; Mrs. Slock dl Saline county,
stenographer in reference hureau, who will
he employed later In tin- fngroKing and en
rolling room; MIshps Mi-nson and Csnhfii.
utenographerK in refern11 hureau ; W. II.
, 1 !).' ker. Hd It county, night WMtchman ; H.
I W. Knnwli's. 'U.stodian of gallery. I'. A.
trwford. hinroit.. . ustodian r chief rjerk'.
II. Moss jukI Kd round Ml leu, jariitota.
Emil H. Mack Elected
Postmaster at Petersburg
Petersburg, Neb,. Jan. 10. (Spe-
cial.) The postnffice primary for the
good and a large vote turned out
There were 458 votes cast. There
was almost as much excitement as
there is at the state elections in No-
vember and each candidate had his
men hard at work all day. The vote
for the candidates stood as follows:
i Kmil H. Mack, 222; John B. Cameron,
i 155: George Probst, 81.
The winning candidate has been a ,
You Need not
Suffer from Catarrh
It Out
Rid of
Yo"r Wood to Utt Kid of It
Permanently. ...
Vou have probably been ,n the habit
f apply,n CXtCrn,al treatments, try-
,nBJto n,re Catarrh You have
used washes and ,otions d
possibIy been temporarily relieved,
Hut after a short tlimc had an
other attack and wondprcd why, You
must realize that catarrh is an infec,
tjon Qf the blood and to get permanent
relief the catarrh infection must be
driven out of thr hlnr.d Th nnirlr.r
resident of this vicinity for a "'-
her of years and is a clerk i one of
imc .urn. siurrs. i mc umif iiys t
salary of $100 a month with an allow- I
ancc for clerk hire. i
Bills Introduced
H. R. 1. Illehmand. Douglas Provide
for new capltol build Inn and romml.-islon to
agree on dnnign, etc.
H. R. S, Norton. Pol Provides for call of
constitutional convention.
M. R. 3, Hownrd, rougla-rMtnlmum
wave bill. v '
II. K. 4 Minimum wage for municipal
H. 11 ft. Howard. Oouglaa Right -hour
day for females laborer.
H. It. 6. Norton, Pollf Create a state ef
ficiency survev I'ommlMlDii.
h. it. 7. Moffmeister. chase Requires
i ri,lin" iiiipNir ( ,un!U " nmi
unupcd rim ht -of-way. Kxempt Inter
H. R. R. Naylor. Pawes County bond Is
sues for grading and Improving public rondu
It. H. . Anornon. Royd Provided for
sate of state school lamia.
H. R. 10, Kadke and Fleetwood Non
partisan election of stale and county school
II. U. 11, Radke and Fleetwood Fixes
mrlhod for determining county population
for netting salaried of counly official.
11. R. 12, Raton. Fleetwood und Rndke
changes haift of whool fund apportionment.
H. R. ill, Krtea. Howard--Fish license bill,
no charge to residents of county for county
. R. 14, Frlea and MrAlllMer Const It u
tionnt amendment, creating state water
V'VseV! rli-Cin
Maintains laud
' district,
unrveya at county expense Instead of rotul
16, Thoman am) Wallc AmhorlfoH
the ntHtp crfm-atlnniil land ami fund board
to exrhanK. srhool landn for forest rpHi-rvo,
II. H. 17. Thomaa aod Walt. Provide for
establishment of forest areas by eounllea.
.elllea and village.-..
Hates. "heyenne Stale athletic
commission hill a la dene Malady.
H. R. 23. OIHk. Valley Nonpartisan elec
tion of state and county m-hool superintend
ents. R. 24. Real. Keith Judicial reappor-
tlonment making Blight changes in weM and
ii. r. 25, Richmond, riongiaa Provides
L.neoindy "d WrkJ' 0f Abr"h"m
' n. r. 26. Moeiy, Lanranter Right-of-
way now1" granted to light companies for aj well as pole:
H. R. 21, Radke and Fleetwood Creates
a department of Plate police, for prohibition
H. R. 2H, Reinhlck, Richardson Appro
priates $20,000 for legialaiive expense.
H. R. 29. Relshick. !lichardnon Appro
priates $10S.ftOO for legislative salaries.
H. n. .10, Oltls. Valley Provides for In
vestment of permanent school funds In Fed
eral Land bank bonds.
H. R. 31, Ollta, Valley Authorizes trust
companies to inveet funds in Federal Land
bank bonds.
II. R. Zi, Shannon. Douglas Kor taxation
purposes railroad right-of-way shall include
only strip of Und 100 feet on each side of
center of main track.
H. R. .1.1. Shannon, Douglas Provides
semi-monthly pay day for railroad em
ployes Burglars' Brotherhood
Will Defend De Weese
Sail Uke City, Utah, Jan. 10.
Howard Dc Weese, in jail here fac
ing trial for the alleged murder of
his wife in a local rooming house
September 2 last, has informed Co
lice Chief I. Perlev White that funds
f."r h'f defense will be furnished by a
u,b,,-7 ".V"-"
says ne is a incniuer. nc sum main
tains he was engaged in a diamond
burglary when his wife was slain.
A battery is not a piece of
machinery. It is a chemical
device, that's why it needs
the occasional attention of a
battery expert. Come and
see us.
Free Battery Inspection
Delco-Exide Service Station
Zn? Farnam SL Onaba, Na.
Phana Douflai 3897.
drive the catarrhal poisons out of your
blood, purifywK and strencthenimr it.
so it will carry vigor and health to the
mucous membranes on its journeys
through your body and nature will
soon restore you to health. You will
, relieved of the dropping of mucous
in your throat, sores in i.os rHs bad
brea(n hawkm' andpit tn,s
All reputable druggisN carry
S. S. S. in stock and we recommend
you give it a trial immediately
The chief medical adviser of the
( nmr,,n ;ti un(.,tu. n
Drawn for
rUDLllj llMluMUlJ UN
on tinned from Pag One-.)
receive such information?"
"Absolutely no member had any ad
vance information."
Boiling said he had no knowledge
of any official of the government or
administration who hau profited by
stock transactions as a result of the
peace note and was excused after a
brief examination.
W. A. Crawford, bead of the local
bureau of Central News of America,
which supplies news to Financial
America, a Wall street paper, read a
confidential message he said he sent
to his New York office December JO,
saying that a note was coining, but
that, according to Secretary Lansing,
it was not a peace note nor a move
for mediation.
"There was absolutely no leak in
our service nor from anv of its
clients," said he.
' Representative Harrison said he had
examined the Central News tapes for
December 20 and found nothing indi
cating that the confidence of Secre
tary Lansing had been violated. He
read from the ticker report of that
day several references to Lloyd
George's speech in Parliament and
its effect on the market.
"I have found absolutely nothing in
the ticker," said Representative Har
rison, "to intimate anything about
Secretary Lansing's conference with
newspaper men of that date. Accord
ing to this tickci report it was the
Lloyd George speech which affected
the market that day."
Crawford Reads Statement.
Crawford read a statement declar
ing that Central News was not the
only news service with financial pa
pers among its clients and he thought
. jt fajr sincc jt had been "singled Otlt"
1 , , , , ,
in the inquiry that this be known. 7 he
! International News service, he said.
j he was "reliably informed," served the
; ow Jones Company and that TllC
Associated lJress served the New
York Journal of Commerce.
"You don't think any of them vio
lated Secretary Lansing's confidence,
do you?" asked Representative Ben
nett of New York.
"Oh, no," Crawford replied.
"Neither The United Press nor The
Associated Press is connected with
any ticker service, is it?" Representa
tive Harrison continued.
"No," Crawford answered.
Representative Henry brought out
that Central News had the privilege .
of a representative on the floor of the
house of representatives. i
Representative Chiperfield asked i
A Nervous Wreck At
Doctor says Nuxated Iron is greatest of all
strength builders Often increases the
strength and endurance of delicate,
nervous folks 200 per cent in
two weeks' time.
i NKW YORK, N, Y. Not long kro a man c&me tn me who
! was nearly naif s century olU and anked mc tn Rive him a
preliminary examination tor life in nu ran re. I wax oHtoninhed
j to find him with the blood prenmire of a boy of HO and an full
I of visor, vim and vitality tin a young man; in fart a young
i man be really wan, notwithstanding hia aue. The secret, he
Maid, wan taking iron nuxated iron had filled him with re
, newed life. At 30 he was in bad health: at 46 he wart oare-
worn and nearly aJI in. Now at 50 after taking nuxated iron
J a miracle of vitality and hin face beaming with the buoy
i ancy of youth. Ait I have said a hundred limen over iron i
the greatest of all strength builders. If people would only
throw away patent medicines and nauneouH concwtionn and
take simple nuxated Iron. I am convinced that the livK of
thounanda of person might be aaved, who now die every year
from pneumonia, grippe, consumption, kidney, liver nml heart
trouble, etc. The real and true cauae which Htarted their di
eajtcfl wan nothing more or lean than a weakened condition
brought on by lark of iron in the blood. Iron in aliHolutely
neeeasarv to enable your blood to change food into living
tisnue. Without it, no matter how much or what you eat, your
food merely paaaea through you without doing you any good.
You don't get the strength out of jt and an a eonseoiirnrc you
become weak, pale and aickly looking, junt like a plant trying
to grow in a wil deficient in iron. If you are not trong or
well you owe it to yournelf to make the following teal: Set
bow long you can work or how far you can walk wilhout be
coming tired. Next take two five-grain tablet of ordinary
nuxated iron three time per day after menln for two weekn.
Then tt your atrength again and nee for yournelf how much
you have gained. I have Keen dosena of piTnorm, run-down
people who were ailing all the while, double their Htrength and
endurance and entirely get Hd of all ymptoms of ilymiepHia,
liver and other trouble in from ten to fourteen days' lime
simply hy taking iron in the proper form. And thin after they
had In Home cane been doctoring for monthn, without obtain
ing any benefit- Rut don't take the old form of reduced Iron,
acetate or tincture nf iron simply to aave a few cento. You
mnnt take iron in a form that can easily be ahnorhed and
assimilated, like nuxated iron, if you want it to do you any
good, otherwise it may prove worse than uselens. Many an
athlete or prizefighter has won the day simply he
knew the secret of great strength and endurance and filled
his blood with Iron before he went into the affray, while
many another has gone down to inglorious defeat dimply for
the Jack of iron. K. SAUKR. M. D.
NOTE Nuxated Iron, recommended above by Dr. Sauer, i
not a patent medicine nor secret remedy, but one which i
well known to druggints and whose iron conntituentn are
widely prescribed hy eminent physicians everywhere. Unlike
the older inorganic iron products, it is eanily assimilated,
doea not injure the teeth, make them black, irr iipnet the
stomach, on the contrary, it in the most potent remedy in
neany an lorms oi indigestion, an well bh for nervoun, run
down conditions. The manufacturers have such gr-rit confi
dence in Nuxated iron that they offer to forfeit ? 1 00.00 to
any charitable institution if they cannot take nny man or
woman under 60 who lacks iron and increase their strength
200 per cent or over in four weeks' time, provided they have
The Bee by George McManus
Crawford if his linn in New York
maintained a wireless station for the
purpose of getting information. Craw
ford said there was a wireless station,
but that he did not know to what
extent it was used.
Archibald Jamieson. also of Central
News, told of the conference in Secre
tary Lansing's office on the morning
of December 20 with newspaper men
at which they were informed that a
note would be ready at 5 p. in. for
release in morning papers. Jamieson
said he telephoned liis office, includ
ing in his message the statement t hat
the president and Secretary Lansing
were anxious that the matter be held
in strict confidence because they
wished no leak to get out that might
affect the stock market.
"On what did nt base that state
ment regarding the injunction against
a leak to the .;toek market?" asked
Representative Harrison.
"My impression is that Secretary
Lansing said that," said Jamieson.
"Of course 1 have no transcript of the
Representative Lenroot questioned
the witness at length to show that
Secretary Lansing himself had testi
fied he did not have the stock market
in mind at all when he talked to the
newspaper men on that morning.
Representative Henry asked Jamie
son if he knew whether his confiden
tial message regarding the nole was
so kept by his employer in New York.
Jamieson said he had been so in
formed. How Note Was Printed.
Cornelius Ford, the public printer,
testified that he obtained his first in
formation regarding the note from
the newspapers and did not Jtnow
when it was being printed in the gov
ernment plant. W. J. McKvoy, as
sistant superintendent of work at the
plant, described every step taken in
Juit to keep our tailor buiy, w ar
giving an extrs pair of $7 panta ab
solutely free with every luit (C. 4 P.)
tailored to your meamre at
We put honest, pure wool fabrics,
fine durable tailortnc into our clothes,
and don't forget tiiia It'i th kind of
style, quality and value that costs
$26 to $30 elsewhere.
Comar 15th and Harney SU.
46 A Miracle of Strength
And Vitality At 50-Taking Iron
the printing of the note anil said he
was certain there was no leak in the
government olice.
William S. Oilin of the Interna
tional News Service testified that his
service on December 20 sent no dis
patches regarding the note except an
announcement to the New York
office after 4 o'clock in the afternoon
that note was coming for morning re
lease and a similar confidential an
nouncement to editors.
O. W. Harron, head of Dow Jones
& Co., was directed by formal sub
poena to bring papers and records of
his office for Wednesday, Decem
ber .'0.
Episcopal Mission at McCook.
McCook, Neb., Jan. 10. (.Special.)
K'ev. William Shaw, dean of the Al
liance dcancrv, will open a mission
in .McCook, January 22, at 8 o'clock.
He will be assisted by Kcv. H. J.
Johnson, local rector.
arc curve cut to fit the.
Ctucttfcabody &Cb:!nc.mrs
j Perry Lock j
! Steering Wheel !
I a positive I
a positive
No two locks have keys
alike. Front wheels are wild )
when car is locked. I
Ask us about it now. Phone I
Douglas 3217.
Auto Device Sales Co. I
894 Brandeis Bldg.
Omaha, Neb.
Did It
Mr tn H i
n sen.iu oriranii- trouble. Tliey aiao offer to refund your
money if it doea not at leant double your strength and en
durance in ten daya' time. It ia diapenaed in this city by Sher
man a McConnell DruH Stores and all other drugaiats.