THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1917. If Back Hurts Begin on Salts Flush the Kidneys at once when Backachy or Bladder bothers Meat forms uric acid. Xo man or woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid, which clogs the kidney pores so they sluggishly filter or strain only part of the waste and poisons from the brood, then you get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, head aches, liver trouble, nervousness, con stipation, dizziness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, get about four ounces of Jad Sajls from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is niade from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer causes irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. v lad Salts is inexpensive and can not injure: makes a delightful effer vescent lithia-water drink which all regular meat eaters should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. Adv. Quickly relieved by Cuticura even .vhen all else seems to fail. The Soap cleanses and purifies, the Ointment soothes and heals. Sample Each Free by Mall With JR-p. bonk on the akin. AMre poet -card: "Cuticura, Dept. 33F, Boitnn." Bold avorywhere. I'm simply covered with jruption-What can I do? " I can't rest, I can't sleep, and most I all, I hardly dare go out, for when it tarts itching, I simply have to scratch, matter where I am." "Don't worry a bit-just get a cake f Resinol Soap and a jar of Resinol Ointment. .Use them according to di rections and I am sure you will get prompt relief, and that your skin will :c alt right in a few days." Resinol Soap and Ointment sold by all' druggists. Resin for that skin trouble 1 OH HOW GOOD THAT MUSTEROLE FEELS! It Gets to That Sore Spot Lite Magic A-a-hl That's delicious relief for .hose sore muscles, those stiff joints, that lame back. Musterole is a clean, white ointment, made with the oil of mustard and other home simples. It does the work of the old fashioned mustard plaster, minus the plaster and minus the blister! You simply rub Musterole on the " pot where the pain is rub it on briskly and usually the pain is gone. No muss, no bother. Just comfort ;ig, soothing relief first a gentle "low, then a delightful sense of cool ness. And best of all, no blisters like the old-fashioned mustard plaster used ;o make. Use Musterole for sore throat, bron .'litis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, conges Ton, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chil I lains, frosted feet and colds of the 'host (it often prevents pneumonia). Brief City News Flat in am Wedding1 Rlnr Ed holm. H fUmt Print It New Beacon TrM. Bmt Ml far tha Ha-CtktrnVat I no. Dr. W, K. Toot, now at 1011 Ftrat Nat'L II. H. Cfctibonie has opened law of fices at 512-13 Faxton block. Dr. J. P. Slater, Dentist, now at 1121 First Nat. Bank. New phono Tyler 736. Meat Choice S(pr Shoulder Roast or Steak, per In., 1240. Home-Made Hamburger or Sausage, two lbs. for 2-"ip. Home-Made Weinies or Frank furters, per lb., 15i:. At the Wash ington Market. Mandeixm Camp Meets General Charles F. Manderson camp No. 1, Sons of Veterans, will hold its regu lar meeting in the court house Thurs day night at 8 o'clock. Secretary Ritcher urges all members to attend. n -Gold Ring Company The Nu Gold King company, manufacturers, importers and wholesalers of finger rings, has tiled articles of incorpora tion with tho county clerk. The capi tal is $2ii,000. Jacob B. Kastman and Anna 8. Kastman are the incorpora tors. Now Investment Company Capital ized at $25,000, the South Omaha In vestment company, which will do a general real estate and loan business, has filed articles of incorporation with the county clerk. Henry Ehrman, William Nelson and Albert Wcgner arc the incorporators. Polish Club Klecttf Michael Kala maja was re-elected president of the Polish Citizens' club at a meeting held Tuesday evening at Twenty-fourth and Bancroft streets. Other officers elect ed were: John Rakowski, vice presi dent; Andrew Sobozyk, secretary, and J. B. Koxal, treasurer. 1'lnc Fireplace Goods Sunderland. County Attorney Orders Probe of Mrs. Talley's Death In order to determine what caused the death of Mrs. J. A. L. Talley, 3110 Hamilton street, who died sud denly in the Brandeis building Tues day noon, County Attorney Magney has ordered a post mortem examina tion of the body. Mis. Talley fell in i faint in the Brandeis store and was removed to the office of Dr. Medders, who says that when she was brought into his office her pulse was near norma! but that despite this she died four min utes later. He said death was not due to heart disease and could have been caused by poison or drugs. It was on this statement that the county attorney ordered a post mortem examination. Mrs. Talley was 50 years of age. Her husband, who is a salesman, was out in the state at the time of his wife's death but he hurried to Omaha. The body is at the N. P. Swanson un dertaking establishment. Officers of Independent Elevator Are Elected J. F. Coykendall, secretary of the Great Western railroad, came over from Chicago to attend the annual meeting of the Independent Eleva tor company of this city. At the meeting. S. M. Fellon, president of the Great Western, was elected presi dent of the elevator company; G. W. Wattles, Luther Drake, K. T. Hamil ton and E. E. Bruce, all of Omaha, directors. At the meeting of di rectors, Mr. Coykendall was re-elected secretary and treasurer. , The report of the secretary shows that the Independent Elevator com pany did the best business in its his tory. Sent to Jail for Carrying Concealed Weapons When Ecj Prend, Harry Curtis and Tom Ryan, charged with carrying concealed weapons, were arraigned before Judge Sears of the criminal court, the judge looked the trio over carefully and then entered the fol lowing stiff sentences on the docket: $200 each and costs, or ninety days in the county jail. The prisoners hinted that his honor might as well said "$200,000,000 each and costs" as far as their chances of paying the lines were concerned. They will there fore be County Jailer Clayton's guests for the next three months. Clifton Hill People Enjoy Dance and Social More than 300 persons attended the successful meeting of the Clifton Hill community center Tuesday evening, which was held at the Nebraska School for the Deaf. Following a literary and musical program, the meeting concluded with a dance. Next Tuesday the Clifton Hill school will have charge of the pro gram. On January 23 the "Old Dis trict School" will be presented. Bell-aims Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it. 25c at all druggists.. Union Pacific Bridge Opens Second Track At 12:01 noon the new Union Pa cific bridge spanning the Missouri river was entirely completed and the second track was opened for tralfic. A month ago work on the new bridge was sufficiently finished to per mit its use for travel over one track. But it was not until today that work on the approaches was accomplished so that both tracks could be em ployed in the movement of trains. Petersen & Pegau Baking Co. Name of New Bakery The U. P. Steam Baking company has changed its name to the Petersen & Pegau Baking company and in creased its capital to $200,000, accord ing to amended articles of incorpora tion filed with the county clerk. Peter F. Petersen and LcKoy M. Pegau are the members of the firm. Three Wives Are Widowed By Divorce Decrees The following decrees have been granted in divorce court: Elizabeth Andrews from Walter Andrews. Maria Tagg from Harold E. Tagg. Gussie Seibel from Philip h'eibel. ' PERSONALPAKAliHAPHS Dr. A, If. Good of Pitkin. '.In., Is viit InR h1n ulster, Mrs. W. B. Whithorn. Tha doctor is on hit way to Knirlaml to rv In a military htmpllal undtir tho Drill., government. rr. King' New Life FUU. lingular TiowM movement in essential to your health. Tak? lr. King's New !Jf Pills nnd hv n daily inovrmcnt. t&c. All drtirvrtbls . AilvTttrn.'iiK-nt. THEN AND HOW OVER THE FASTEST LINES Ads in The Bee of Forty Years Ago Show of What the Rail roads Boasted Then. OMAHA PROUD OF HOTEL By A. R. GROH. "Through to Chicago without change of cars." says an advertise ment of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad in The Bee of one day in January,-187, forty years ago. "Celebrated Westinghouse Air Brakes on our express trains," cries an advertisement of the Chicago, Kock Island & Pacific railroad in the same paper. "Only direct route, being the short est and first completed, between Omaha and Chicago," says the adver tisement of the Chicago & North western railway, and adds the further inducement that its "trains are equipped with Miller's Safety Plat form and Coupler." They refrain from stating their running time between Omaha and Chicago. But here is an ad of the St. Paul & Sioux City and Sioux City & Pacific railroads which proud ly announces that the run from Omaha to St. Paul is made in eight een hours, "ten hours ahead of any other road." The schedule today from Omaha to St. Paul is about eleven hours. Fast Train Then. Something of the speed of travel in those days is shown by an adver tisement of the Pennsylvania lines in The Bee giving the schedule from Chicago to New York. This road's "crack" train left Chicago at 9 a. m. and was due in New York at 7:35 p. m. the next day, thirty-five hours and thirty-live minutes. The fastest time today is twenty hours. There were seven trains coming in Sage Tea Turns Gray Hair Dark It's Grandmother's recipe to bring color, lustre and youthfulness to hair when faded, streaked or gray. That beautiful, even shade of dark, glossy hair can only he had by brew ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul phur. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When it fades, turns gray or streaked, just an application or two of Sage and Sul phur enhances its appearance a hun dredfold. Don't bother to prepare the mix ture; you can get this famous old recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients for 50 cents a large bottle, all ready for use. It is called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound. This can always be depended upon to bring back the natural color and lustre of your hair. Everybody uses "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair has disappeared, and after another appli cation it becomes beautifully dark and appears glossy and lustrous. This ready-to-use preparation is a delight ful toilet requisite for those who de sire dark hair and a youthful appear ance. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Advertisement. This Druggist's Customers Satisfied With, Kidney Medicine I have been selling Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root ever since it was intro duced in this City and I can truth fully say that it has produced noth ing but perfectly satisfied customers ever since 1 have handed it over my counters. All of my patrons say it is a remedy of merit in kidney, liver and bladder trouble, and I believe it must be a fine remedy else my cus tomers would not all claim that they were benefitted. Vcrv truly vours. L. J. HAINES. Druggist. Dec. 18th. 1915. Galena. Kan.-as. Express Mixed .. Freight . Freight :.10 p. m. 5:15 p. m 11:15 a. m and seven going out of Omaha daily in 1877. Today there are seventy, seven coming in and seventy six going out daily. This was the complete I'nion Pacific schedule: Leave. Arrive. IMS p. m.. .145 p. m. 4:4." p. m, 5:00 a. m. 8:.?0 a. m Harry P. Deuel's name was signed to the advertisement of the "C, K. I. & P." and "C. B. & O." adver tisements as Omaha ticket agent. J. O. Phillippi was general Omaha agent for the latter road. Small Roads Absorbed. Several other roads set forth jheir advantages in the advertisements, little roads that were later absorbed by the growing systems. The Sidney Short Line stated that it was the shortest line to the Black Hills, and that it used a new sixty-one-span truss bridge across' the Platte river. And here is the ad of the Cen tral Railroad of Iowa. What did the Central Railroad of Iowa have to of fer the traveling public? Well, sir. it had "Track Built of Steel Rails," as the advertisement says. And while we are talking about the traveling public, observe the lux ury which Omaha offered in the way of hotels. Here is the advertisement I of the "Grand Central Hotel, Largest and Best Hotel between Chicago and San Francisco. Opened new, Septem ber 30, 1873. George Thrall. Prop." Gen. Joseph R. Webster Dies at Washington, D. C. General Joseph R. Webster, former ly of Lincoln, died Tuesday at Wash ington. D. C. following an attack of apoplexy and subsequent heart fail ure. He was ?7 years old. General Webster earned his military title in the civil war. He was a member of the Loyal Legion of Oma ha. He was also an attorney general for Nebraska in the early davs and held the chair of equity in the law school at the I'nivrrsity of Nebras ka. For the last seventeen years he has been in the office of Ihe solici tor of the Department of Interior. General Webster is survived by his wife and one daughter. Funeral serv ices will be held in Lincoln Saturday. QilthdayQook Woodrough Holds Short Court Session at Grand Island Federal Judge Woodrough returned from Grand Island, where he held a short session of tho January court. No cases will be tried in the federal court here until next week. Five Years Old Tomorrow, (Jan. II): Name. School. Johnson, Lucille St. Agnes l'avlik, Joseph Assumption Six Years Old Tomorrow: Hupner, Annie Bancroft Kotlik. Agnes. .Edward Roscwater Mrrtens, Herman Saunders Williams, Henry, jr Si. Patrick Zupan, Joe West Side Seven Years Old Tomorrow: F.rickson, Carl Mason Fritscher, Robert Kelloni Fuller, DeWitt Lincoln Vicrling, !'. Robert Columbian Eight Years Old Tomorrow: II r bek, Amelia J u n g in a n n Kopeckv, Agnes St. Mary's Yick, Gerald Saratoga Nine Years Old Tomorrow: Besla, John Brown Park Polivka. Helen. F.dward Roscwater Persistent Advertising Is the Road lo Success. Watch Your Sneeze! It may be the forerunner of bronchitis or a bad cold. It is nature's warning that your body is in a receptive condition for germs. The way to fortify yourself against cold is to increase warmth and vital ity by eating Shredded Wheat, a food that builds healthy muscle and red blood. For breakfast with milk or cream, or any meal with fresh fruits. Made at Niagara Falls, N. Y r Letter to Dr. Kilmer Co., Bingham ton, N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmc,r & Co., Binghamton. N. Y.. for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the Omaha Daily Bee. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. DEAD ON HIS FEET r,OJ,I MBDAL Haarkm Oil Caput. lea will hrlnfr now life anl quirk ly relievo thai slnppofj-un concealed filing. They will t borough ly rlfanne an J wash out th kld rwys 'd bladder and gently furry off the 111 effffts of nxc-aftes of all kinds. The hJ InR, noothtnfT oil woaka right into the walla ami lining of tho kidneys and expel the poisons tn your system. Keep yonr kidneys in Rood nhape by daily use of Gol.D MKIMIj Haarlem Oil Capsules and you will have good health. Go to your at once and secure a package, of this tlrtae honored, world-wld remedy. H la not a 'patent medicine." Tt la passed upon hy (J. H Onvernment ehemlala nd declared pure before romln Into this eountry. GOLD MKHAIj If th pure, original Haarlem Oil, imported direct from the anrtent labora tories in Holland, where It in the National Houachold Kemedy of the aturdy Imtch. iMok for the name, OOI.D MBDAL, on every box. Accept no nubntttute Tour druggist will gladly refund your money If not aa represented Advertlaemant. Cured His RUPTURE I wi badly rupiured whlla lifting a trank several jeara ago. Doctora said my only hope, of cure was an operation. Truasea did me no good. Finally I got hold of aome thtng that quickly and completely cured me. Toftrn have passed and tho rupture has never returned, although I am doing hard work aa a carpenter. There wai no operation, no lost time, no trouble. I have nothing to sell, but will give full Informa tion about how you may find a romplete ure without operation. If you write to me. Kugeno M. I'utien, Carpenter, 19C, Marrel tun Avenue. Manaaquari, N. J. Better cut out this notice and show it tn any others who are ruptured you may aave a life or Hi least atop the misery of rupture and the wurry and danger of an operation. Adv. Burgess-Nash Company Wednesday, January 10, 1917. 'EVERYBODY STORE" STORE NEWS FOR THURSDAY. Phone D. 137. Announcing for Thursday a Clearaway of Winter Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats rnHIS sale, r-nminir at a time just aa the old hat is Retting J. have several fresh, smart hats to finish the season with, ond Floor Section is included in this sale. Two lota Choice of Any Trimmed Winter Hat $1.00 "shabbv." enables the thrift-wise women of Omaha to Every trimmed and untrimmed winter nat in our oec- Choice of Any Untrimmed Winter Hat 50c Let these words be sufficient to the wise Be here at 8:30 Thursday morning. Burgti-Nasri Co.-Second Floor This Mid -Winter Sale of "Mina Taylor" House Dresses Is a Timely Offering of Interest to Every Woman rpHE first complete and thorough showing of authoritative styles for spring and AJS I f- 1 qi 7 w iiiimtratn hut W of the many mode s nc uded. examples only of tho very large and comprenen- . . . ; , . , i. i i: v v Dive Variety 1IUIII nilltll "U lll.J manv jwm w.v... v.... V 1 A. X VmLlt This Dress $2.50 Made of Renfrew gingham in sport stripe. Colors, preen, blue, pink. Plain, full waist with fastening on left side of front with large pearl buttons. Three - quarter sleeves. Large organdy collar and turn-back cuffs of white organdy. Full skirt. Lower part from knee down of reversed stripe. Broad, loose belt. This Dress $2.25 Made of Pacific cam bric in pink, lavender, gray, and blue; regular sizes, 34 to 44. Full waist and skirt, joined with elas tic at waist line. Three quarter sleeves, collar and cuffs made of plain white cambric. Hemstitched in color to match material. Patch pocket also trim med in white. Loose belt. Regular sizes, 34 to 44. This Dress $1.75 Made of American cambric in pink, blue, and gray; two tucks on each side of waist to form fullness back of waist stitched on shoulder and a pointed tab is left to form yoke effect; sleeves, bias cuff to match fancy bias collar and set on belt. Trimmed with 1-inch band of plain material; large pearl buttons arc used as trimming and fastners; sizes regular, ,'14 to 44. Burgeas-Nash Co. Second Floor. This Dress $1.75 Made of stout per cale in light colors only. Fancy cut waist, yoke, effect over shoulder, two points where waist fastens down front. Round collar with deep points in front Loose belt and length sleeves; regular, 34 to 44; stouts, 41 to 47. This Dress $1.50 Made of Scout percale, fancy cut waist, yoke ef fect over shoulder, two points where waist fast ens down front. Round collar with deep points in front, sleeves with turn-back cuffs. Plain skirt, fancy long-pointed pocket trimmed with two- minted tabs to match col ar and front of waist; regular sizes, 34 to 44. Free Lessons in Knitting and Crocheting Mrs. Brown, a skillful teacher, will be in charge of a demonstration here Thursday of FLEISHER YARNS and her services are free and at your command to help you learn any of the new stitches; to teach you how to make any article. A special showing of articles made from 1-leishcr yarns will be on view in the Art Embroidery Section. You are invited to come and consult with Mrs. Brown. Bur(c.-N.fa Co. Third Floor An Interesting Clearaway of Dancing or Party Slippers WELL-DRESSED women everywhere look well to the selecting of their party or dancing slippers. This clearaway Thurs day includes all this season's lasts and patterns at an unusual price reduction At $3.25 Choice of black kid beaded strap slippers or black and white satin slippers. At $3.95 Black kid, beaded vamp, Louis heel; black kid, opera beaded vamp; patent kid with ornament; bronze kid with six-bar strap. At $3.65 All the odd pairs and short lines of evening slippers, reduced about half price. At $5.00 An assortment of gold and silver cloth slippers, very effective for evening wear. Co. Second Floor Our Mid -Winter Sale of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Goes Merrily On WITH scores of women buying every day who are an ticipating their season's supply stocks are replen ished with fresh, new merchandise tables heaped with dainty undergarments all at mid-winter sale prices. As an ldeatpr Thursday Envelope Chemise, $2.50 Oepe de chine envelope chemise, two rows of lace, ribbon straps, in the mid winter sale, Thursday, at $2.50. Envelope Chemise, at $3.50 Jap satin envelope chemise, fine lace trimmings, ribbon strap, $3.50. Crepe de Chine Envelopes $3.98 to $7.98 Crepe de chine envelopes, fine trim-, mines, some hand-embroidery designs in front, at just about half regular values; price range, $3.98, $5.98 and $7.98. Gowns at 50c GOWNS of nainsook, trimmed with rows of lace insertion, lace edge and ribbon CA beading OlC Gowns, at 75c Several very pretty styles of nainsook or muslin, slip-over, empire, hiirh or low neck styles, daintily trimmed. At least ! twelve styles. Bnrc-NBh Co.- Corset Covers at 25c OF nainsook, loose fitting style, with rows of lace in sertion and lace edge. Several very attractive styles ftp and values dSOC Corset Covers, 50c Nainsook, daintily trimmed with lace insertions and edges, special values. . Second Floor