THE KEF! : OMAHA. THURSDAY. JANUARY 11. 1917 3 SAYS HOT WATER WASHES POISONS FROM THE LIVER Everyone should drink hot water with phosphate In It, before breakfast. To feel as line as the proverbial hddle. we must keep the liver washed .lean, almost every morning, to pre icnt the sponge-like pores from clog eiiiR with indigestible material, sour ilc and poisonous toxins, says a noted physician. If vou get headaches, it's your liver. 1 1 you catch cold easily, it's your liver. If you wake up with a bad taste, furred tongue, nasty breath or stom ach becomes rancid, it's your liver, fallow skin, muddy complexion, watery eyes, all denote liver unclcan lincss! Your liver is the most im portant, also the most abused and neglected organ of the body. Few Ktiow its function or how to release the daniined-up body waste, bile and toxins. Most folks resort to violent calomel, which is a dangerous sali vating chemical which can only be used occasionally because it accumu lates in the tissues, also attacks the bones. Kvery man and woman, sick or well, should drink each morning be fore breakfast, a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phos phate in it, to wash from the liver and bowels the previous day's indigesti blr material, ' the -poisons, sour bile and toxins: thus cleansing, sweeten ing and freshening the entire alimen tary canal before putting more food into the stomach. Limestone phosphate does not re strict the dirt like calomel, because it can not salivate, for it is harmless and you can eat anything afterwards. It is inexpensive and almost tasteless, and any pharmacist will sell vou a quarter pound, which is sufficient for a demonstration of how hot water and limestone phosphate cleans, stimulates and freshens the liver, keeping you feeling lit dav in and day out. Advertisement. Most every woman want a nice, clear com. plexion. and can have it at a triflinff coat. Constipation in women is increasing to an alarming extent, and this causes poor circulation which accounts for yellow, muddy, pimply complexions which so many women are trying to overcome. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets is the one dependable remedy for had complexions. They act on the liver and bowel like calomel, yet have no dangerous after-effect. They assist nature to throw off the impurities that get into the blood. They will surely clear up, even the most distress in g condition quickly and tone up the entire system, giving a pure, fresh, ruddy skin. They are absolutely pure easy to take and correct constipation. They act quick ly, cleanse and purify and make you feel fine. Start treatment now. Get a bos from any druggist 10c and 25c Neuralgia Neuritis Sciatica, Etc. CURED Free Trial of a New Method That Cures by Removing the Cause. Send No Money. We've a new method that cures Neuralgia, Neuritis, Rheumatism, Asthma, Sciatica, Neurasthenia, Tic Douloureux, etc., and we want you to try it at our expense. No mat ter how great your pain, or how terrible the torture you endure from diseased nerves, our method will bring prompt and blessed relief. No matter whether your case is oc casional or chronic, nor what your age or occupation, this method should cure you right in your home. The Mulhall Method does not contain a drop of morphine, opium, chloral, cocaine, acetanild or any narcotic whatsoever. It provides a nerve food that cures by remov ing the cause. We especially want to send it to those so called "incurable" cases that have tried all the various doctors, dopes, sanitariums, "opathys," etc., without relief. We want to n how everyone at our own expense, that this method will end at once and for all time, all those tortures and twinges of almost un bearable pain that are present in Neuralgia, Neuritis. Sciatica. Migraine, Tic Douloureux, Neurasthenia and other nerve diseases. This free offer is too important to neglect a single day. write now and begin the cure at once. Address Mulhall Co., Room 674, Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Don't Rub It On Bruises or Sore Muscles Sloan's Liniment quickly pene trates and soothes without rubbing. Cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments, does not stain the skin. Have a bottle handy for emergency, rheumatic achei and paint, neuralgia, lum bago, gout, itraini, sprain! and lame back, yield to Sloan's Liniment. At all druggist, 25c. 50c. and $1.00. Read Wantads for Profit ; Use them for best Results Nebraska WATTLES DELIGHTS HIS FELLOW DINERS Omaha Magnate Turns to Pleasantry and Poetry to Historical Society Dinner. JESTS AND SINGS FOR JOY Lincoln, Jan. 10. (Special.) At the annual dinner of llie Nebraska His torical society this evening G. W. Wattles of Omaha was the principal speaker. Mr. Wattles, in a very pleas ant way, referred to his connection with the society and what hroiiRht him to Lincoln, tellinp of John Lee Webster's recent visit lo his ot'licc for the purpose of petting him on the toast list. He went on: "He thinks he knows what I am go ing to talk ahoul. hut he doesn't know and vou don't know, and let me con tide in you a little secret, I am not very certain, for as the boy said, I am going to speak 'expectoraneous.' hut one thing is certain, I am not going to talk about the scmi-cente)nnial celebra tion, the first installment of which was held in Omaha last tall. Nobody Much Present. "You alt know what happened on that occasion, we only had 300.000 or 400,000 people on the streets lo wit ness the parade. All the dignitaries we had there consisted of the presi dent of the I'niled States, the gov ernor of Nebraska, the mayor of Lin coln, Arthur Mullen and a few other democratic politicians. The president made three nonpartisan speeches and in N'ovrnvficr he carried the state of Nebraska by a majority of about One tenth of the number who attended the celebration and who were uudoubtcdlv converted to his standard during his visit in Omaha. I see you arc going to have the president m Lincoln at your celebration in June. I had hoped by that time we might have a brand new, tirst-class. up-to-date republican president, but my hopes were blasted, so I wish you success in your efforts to gc? the old one to come. He owes it to Nebraska. He ought to come out here regularly to all uur public functions. Never Mind Celebrations. "But in considering what 1 am go ing to talk aboutthis evening , I be lieve I will speak of something more pleasant than serious semi-centennial celebrations. 1 am off down here at Lincoln, where the folks at home will never hear of what I do say and I have a big notion to take a big drink of water, kick over the traces, recite some poetry and talk about something pleasant. In Omaha I am expected lo think only in dollars and to deal only in banks, street railways, grain ex changes and million-dollar hotels, with an occasional expositiuu or centennial celebration thrown in for diversion.'' Pleases With Poems. Mr. Wattles then recited a semi humorous ode relative to his first visit to California, following this with a poetic tribute lo work, its pleasures and rewards, and concluded his enjoy able talk with a poem dedicated to mothers. This revelation of his abilitj as a poet delighted his hearers, who loudly applauded the captain of com merce and industry before them in a new light. Oelkers Wins His Office In Frontier Recount Curtis, Neb.. Jan. 10. (Special tel egram.) The recount on county com missioner of Frontier county before County Judge E. R Pylc was fin ished today and resulted in the re election of Henry E. Oelkers. repub lican, of Eustis, by two votes. The official returns in November showed Goohlieb Albricht. democrat, elected by one vote. Oelker asked for a rc coutn, which reversed the result. University" Students Construct New Gavel (From fl Staff Corrchpondenl .) Lincoln. Jan. 111. (Special.) A new oaken gavel made by the engi neering department of tlic University of Nebraska, was presented to Speak er Jackson Wednesday afternoon by Representative Fleetwood of Dixon county, himself a law student at that institution. Obituary Notes F. A. STOCK died at his home at Kails City, Neb., Tuesday morning af ter an illness of more than five years. He was born In Saxony, Germany, April 3, 1832. Hp was married sixty years go in his native co un try to Miss Wlihelmina C'obert and camp to America at unee. They lived in Wis consin and at Arago. Neb., until 187li when they came to Kails City. A few- years apn he erected a brick building and had been running a bakery on a largo scale, lie is survived by his wife, one daughter. Mrs. George Ger hardt of Falls 'City, and three sons, Fred W., who was associated with his father; Ed, a traveling salesman, and William, a farmer living near MeCook. Mr. Stock had lived a retired life for (he laat ten years and had lived for the last forty-four years in the same house. MRS. KLLA M. SQUIRES, wife of G. i . Squires of Lyons, Neb., died Wednesday morning at a local hos pital. Mrs. Squires was 35 years of ape and in addition to her husband she leaves three little children. The body is at the Fdward U Dodder under taking establishment, from where it will be sent to Blue Mound, Wis., for burial. MISS MARY URQUHART. fi04 South Thirty-fifth street, died Wednes day morning at her home as the re sult of pneumonia. The funeral will probably be held Friday afternoon. Miss L'rquhart was 33 ypars of age and was a sister-in-law of Kdward S. Thompson, Omaha shoe dealer. VINCENT RUSSELL, aged 27, died Tuesday night at St. Joseph's hospital after a brief illness with pneumonia. The body is at Ileafey & Ileafey's, where It will be held pending word from Russell's mother In New York. MRS. JENNIE WHIPPLE, aged 28, an Indian woman of Rosebud, S. L., died Wednesday at a local hospital of stomach trouble. ter body will be sent to Rosebud for burial. JAMES WALLACE, 30 years of age. died Wednesday at his home, 410 North Fourteenth street, after an ex tended illness with tuberculosis. He ts survived by his wife. Cun YiMtr Told! It. Klnjt'N New IMncovcry will cure your i-oNl. It to nniisi-ptte nnd eoothinit, klllit the 'old germs. All drugfjlHlfl. AOvcrthrmont. ! NOMINATED AS MEMBER OF BOARD OF CONTROL. LUGE NT. O M AVI-TKI.H (Krom n Staff I'orrospon.trni ' I .incoln. Neb., Jan. 10. I Sikh ial Telegram.) The name of Ktigeuc O Maytield of Omaha wa cm to the senate at 10 o'clock this morning for appointment as a commissioner nt the board of control of state iiiMitu (ions. Senator Henv ol Collax moved for consideration of the mat ter next Tuesday at J o'clock. Sena tor Howell moved for immediate con sideration, but later, when Senator Sandall of York opposed immediate consideration, Mr. Howell withdrew his amendment and consideration went over until I uesdav Two Persons Only Register In Lincoln as Lobbyists (From a Staff Correspond rut ) Lincoln. .Ian. 10. (Special.) -Only two have registered thus far with Secretary of State l'onl ar lobbyists. They are: A. C Whittct nf the Brotherhood of Locomotive Train men, in I lie in terest of railway legislation. Elmer K. Thomas of Omaha, of the Omaha dry committee of 5iMt, in the interest of prohibition legislation. Mrs. Y. E. Rarklcy of Lincoln, president of the Nebraska Woman Suffrage association, has announced her intention of registering imme diately. Falls City Missionaries Are Home From Africa ".ills City. N'eb., Jan. 10. (Special.) I. O. Layman, wife and four chil dren arrived from South Africa to spend the year in the United States after eleven years as missionaries. Two-, of llie children were horn in Africa. Mrs. Layman is the daugh ter of John Ilei.'.c, one of Kichardson county fanner;.. hTmeneal. Frcudcnberg-Emerick. Madison. N'eb., Jan. 10.- -(Special.) Walter l;reudenherg and Lena Km erick were married at J:.W this after noon at the (iermau Lutheran church. Rev. M. Ilensiek officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Linerick of this city, and the groom is I he son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kreudenbrrg, residing several miles west of Madison. The young people were born and raised here hav ing known each other from childhood, and are members of prominent pio neer families of this community. They will he at home on and after Febru ary 1 on Mr. Frcudcnbcrg's farm west of Madison. Fischcr-Wilhelm. Lindsay. Neb.,' Jan. 10 (Special.) Miss Lizzie Wilhelm and John Fischer were married in the St. Ber nard C atholic church. After a wed ding reception at the home of the bride's parents north of here, the young couple gave a wedding dance at the fireman's hall. They will go to housekeeping on a farm near Madi son, where the young man comes from. Bakke-Kirkpatrick. A UorfT Bakke and Nellie Kirk patrick, Essex, la., were united in marriage last evening in the assembly hall of the Young Men's Christian association building by Rev. B. R. von dcr Lippe, pastor of the Clifton Hill Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Malley Mathcs, Essex, la., wit nessed the ring ceremony. Meyer-Sand. Avoca, Neb.. Jan. 10. (Special.) Frank J. Sand of Lorton and Miss Katie Meyer of Avoca were married yesterday at the Holy Trinity church east of town by Kev. l-ather L. K. Broerman, pastor of the church. The groom is the son of Michael Sand of Lorton. I he bride is the eldest daughter of the late Mat Meyer. They will reside on a tarm near Lorton, Heine-Wohlers. Avoca, Neb.. Jan. 10. (Special.) Otto I'red Heine and Miss Mary S. Wolilers, prominent young people liv ing southwest of town, were married yesterday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Woli lers, by Kev. Carl Luecke. They will make their home on a farm west of town. Fowler-Foyner. Miss .Josephine Foyncr and Fred Fowler, both of Council Bluffs, were married by Rev. Charles W. Savidge Wednesday afternoon. They were ac companied by Mrs. Hattie foyncr and Henry C. McAdams. BEAUTY DOCTOR TELLS SECRET Detroit Beauty Doctor Gives Simple Recipe to Darken Gray Hair and Make It Soft and Glossy. Miss Alice Whitney, a well-known beauty doctor of Detroit, Mich., re cently gave out the following state ment: "Anyone can prepare a simple mixture at home, at very little cost, that will darken gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. To a half pint of water add 1 oz. of bay rum, a small box of Barbo Compound and Va oz. of glycerine. These ingredients can be Bought at any drug store at very nttie cost. Apply to the hair twice a week until the desired shade is ob tained. This will make a gray-haired person look twentv years younger. It is not sticky or greasy and docs not ' ub on. Advertisement. FIRST HOUSE BILL FOR NEW CAPITOL Richmond of Douglas Intro duces Measure Carrying Pro vision for Mill Levy. INVITATION TO PRESIDENT (Knim a Staff Corrrnptnlont Lincoln, Jan. 10. - Special.) -- Rep resentative Henry Cly Richmond has the honor of introducing house roll No. 1, the first bill introduced m the present session in either house. It provides for the erection of a new capitoI building in Lincoln on the site of the present building, to cost $-,500,000 and provides fur a special cominsioii. who will serve without compensation. Commission of Four. 1 he bill provides that the governor, immediately after the passage of the hill, j.hall appoint a commission con Ms ting of tour men. not more than two of whom shall reside in the same congressional district nor be of the same political party, neither shall any one of them he a member of the pres ent legislature nor hold ,tuy state of lice, except the governor, who slrall be an c-oflii io member of the com mission. The com mission is authorized to . ausc to he prepared a suitable design tor a state capit-.I building to meet iiiture wants of llie slate, so that the building can be erected from tune to time as the needs of the state shall require. Emm the designs submitted the committee shall .select the most suitable and enter into contracts therefor for the building according lo the accepted plans. One Mill Levy, The expense of erection of the building shall be met by a levy of I mill upon all taxable property of the state, to be collected the same as other taxes, to constitute a fund to be Known as the "Capitol Construction bund." and be placed to the credit of the commission. The levy and col lection of such tax shall continue from year to year until the total sum col lected shall aggregate the sum of $3,500,000. In the erection of the building the commission shall give first consideration to Nebraska firms and workmen, where the proposition is of equal weight. Invitation to Wilson, i Mr. Richmond also offered a resolu-, tion, which was adopted, conveying ' an invitation from the legislature to President Wilson to speak at the ' semi-centennial celebration of Ne braska statehood, at Lincoln, June 13. Value of Fillmore Land. Geneva, Neb., Jan. 10. -(Special.) j Eighty-two acres of Fillmore county i land brought $11,000, while 160 acres! near Exeter sold at administrator's' salt yesterday for $21,100. IN THE a Maintenance wm OF HEALTH m It is highly important that you pay special attention to the stomach, liver and bowels 1 AT THE FIRST TENDENCY to sluggishness or weak ness you should try HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Bargain Rugs The biggest sale of Rugs we will offer this season. Splendid patterns, best qualities and all sizes from the small door rugs to those suitable for the largest rooms. The savings are remarkable. A few of the many items follow. Bring in the size of your room. We can fit it. S 4. 76 22Vix3S French Wilton Run. $3.78 I (.75 27xM Standard Wilton Rues. $ 4.95 S1S.TS 3SI63 French Wilton Bug...$ 7.SO 112.00 6CS Hartford Saxony Roira...S 9-80 110.09 ,1x3 Plain Chenille Ruea . S 6.95 1(9.50 9x12 Bundhar Wilton Run. .S47JO I4R.00 9x12 Smith Seamless Wilton Rues $34.50 $1(.00 6x6 Light colored Body Brus- sel Rues $12.75 121.00 4-x7-6 Bundhar Wilton Ruks. for $10.60 $18.00 6x9 Kilmarnock Scotch Ruffs. $12.75 $(0.00 10-6x10-8 Best Body Brussels Ruis $39.00 $5. 00 10-6x14 Best Body Brussels Rukb $45.00 $X2.(0 8-3x10-6 Best Body Brussels Runs $28.50 $48.60 8-3x10-6 Standard Wilton Run. for $35.00 $70.00 9x9 Hartford Saxony Rug . . . . $50.00 $101.60 11-3x16 Bundhar Wilton Rug. $75.00 $70.00 11-8x12 Standard Wilton Rug for $55.00 $100.00 9x16 Whillall Anglo Indian Rug $90.00 $116.80 11-3x12 Whlttall Anglo Per sian Rug $97.50 $75.00 9x12 Hartford Saxony Rug... $53.50 $22.60 9x12 Croas Seam Brussels Rug, for $13.95 $24.(0 9x12 Cross Seam Axminster Rug $15.05 ORCHARD a WILHELM COMPANY ! Notes from Beatrice And Gage County 1 lieatrire. N'eb.. Jan. 10. (Special. ) -Mrs. Martin Vertuass, who has re- i sided northeast of t, ortland tor years, was found dead m bed at her home Monday. She ate a hearty dinner. and a short lime later her husband found her dead He. nt trouble is gixen as the cause The deceased was about 50 years of ;tpe and leaves her husband and ectal children. The board of supervisors held a meeting yesterday, disposed of the business be lore it and adjourned sine die. Che new board was organized by the election of J. Y. Marples of W'ymore chairman. I. X. Floyd, who wa formerly en gaged in farming: southwest of Hea- 1 trice, died Sunday at his home at Stromsbuig, Kan,, where lie had been living for a number of years. lie was 73 years of age and leaves a widow and nine children. John (i. Andreas and Miss Magde- Telephone 2020 Douglas Take Advantage of This Offering One lot of Serge and Silk Smart Serge Dresses, clever straight-line effects, at One lot of Suits, worth to One lot of Coats, worth to One lot of Skirts, worth to MEM papers with the detailed announcement of our sale of the purchase of the en tire Clothing Stock of the Pease Brothers Company See Our Wonderful Furniture Values $345.00 Other Odd Pieces in Dining Room Furni ture Reduced 25 to 33 1-3 Per cent. $30.00 (.olden oak buffet $HZ.riO $37.00 Golden oak buffet $27.00 $49.00 Golden oak dining table, quarter Rawed oak, 14-incb round top, at $36.00 $84.00 Antique mahogany buffet, Charier, IJ deaign $66.00 $60.00 54-Inch round top table lo match $46.00 January Prices in the Gift Shop A few odd pieces of Chelsea China at half price and less. We arc closing out this pattern. One vrry ornate wire bird cbko with funny little porcelain flowers wreatheil about it. Was $7.00. now 3J0. A few odd bone China plates at half price. One painted waste paper basket, white with Paul Poirret flowers. Ixively for sun room. Was 16.00. now $3.35. One fitted ork basket. Was $17.00, now 111. 34. 414-416-418 South line lliischler, both residents of this ieinii, were married estcrday aft ernoon at the home of t he groom's parents. Mi. and Mrs, William An dreas, easl of the city. Rev. Albert i. hoiher-in-law ol the groom, officiated. About 100 guests witnessrd the ceremony, which was followed by a wedding dinner. Mr. and Mis. Andreas will make their home on a farm three miles east ol Beatrice. The annual banquet ol llie Beatrice I onimercial club will be held at the club rooms on l-ebruarv (- The com mittee on arrangements will make an elH-i t to scenic an outside speaker j to give the principal address on that evening j Death at Geneva. ticneva. Neb.. Jan. 10. (Special.) ' A daughter of Fred Wilte, living ; northwest of deneva. was buried to- t dav . Her deatli was caused by grippe. She was Jh years of age. I brandeis Stores And Practice Good Economy SILK AND SERGE PRESSES at new low prices that will make new owners for them quickly. Spring stocks will soon come trooping in, and so these radical price reductions are the order of the day. There arc not enough of them to make a big event of it but the smallness of the quantity is more than made up by the remarkable value. Women Who Share in This Sale Will Be Indeed Fortunate Silk and Serge Dresses, in late models and smartly trimmed in beaded and embroidered designs; have sold here up to $30.00. Thursday, at Dresses, worth up to $22.50, Thursday, at. ?20.00, at. $22.50, at. $5.98, at. Second Floor. Be sure. to read the FRIDAY Windows. Living Room Furniture Reduced 25 to 33 1-3. Stilid mahogany rocker, an Hhnwn in nil , cant? nrnl and Mil-It. KcKulnr priro, $26. January Sale Vrice, $18.50. Others of thin name type of furniture, nhuwjnK re duction an follows: $12.00 Solid ijuarler-Hawrd oak rocker, with tapestry Kprinsr Real $ 9.75 $lf.00 Same deHiKn in nolid mahofrany $12.00 $10.00 Solid mahogany, tupeHtry covered fiprinfr fn' Ncttee $30.00 $(.6.00 .Jacobean oalt hettee, with hijrh cane bark, wool tapefttry nprinir neat $50.00 $:it.0 Chair to match $20.00 $:.2.00 Rocker to match $27.00 ANTIQUE MAHOGANY DINING ROOM SUITE $127.00 fiO-inrh buffet $ 00.00 $ 7:'. 00 6 1-inch extension table $ 65.00 S 60.00 Side table lo match $ 33.00 J I. 00 Arm diner to match $ 13.75 $ 7H.0Q fi Hide chairs, each $13. 6 for. . $ 5H.50 $250.25 PERIOD STYLE BEDROOM SUITE. Jint added to tbia January Sale Lot. Shown in American Walnut or Antique Mahogany. $ 47.00 44-Inch Dresner with fufl width mirror $ 35.00 $ 47.00 Chiffonette, 3H inches wide $ 35.00 $ 42.60 Triple mirror Drermintc Table to match $ 31.50 t 40.00 Full niac Med to match. .$ 30.00 $178.50 $131.50 Sixteenth Street Grippe! It is a winter plague which claims thousands every season. will strengthen and fortify you against Grippe, and if you 4, have had it, Scoff's will re- CSk store yourstrength faster than JVf any other known medicine. No Alcohol-Just Blood-Food Smtt Bownf . Rtoomtirid. N, J. I6-M Mail or Phone Orders Filled Promptly $16.50 $13.85 $10.00 $7.50 $10.00 $3.95 Drapery Specials Splendid Values in Cretonnes and Over drapery materials. Cretonnes. Scvcnf y-fivc patterns of 5 to 30 yards each. Effects suitable for Living Room and Bed Room. 2.1c, :!0c and She values, 15c yd. 10c, 45c and 50c values, 25c yd. 05c and 75c values, 38c yd. Drapery Materials. Many of them sunfast. ili and 50-inches wide. From 5 to 30 yards of a pattern. 50c, 65c and $1.50 values, 18c yard. $2.00 values, 1.00 yard. JJ.5U values, $1.25 yard. Nulace Voile. In patterns of a little over Vi yards (proper curtain lengrth). Brown, blue, pink. Regular tl.75 value for 95c. Remnants. Drapery materials, curtain nets and cretonne. Priced at ISc. 28c. 44c, 95c. Representing valuea to St, $1.50, $2.60 and $6.00.