COL CODY, SOLDIER, SCOUT, HUNTER, DIES famous Plainsman Passes Awaj at Home of Sister , at Denver. ILL FOR SEVERAL WEEKS .(Caanaeta' rraaa Fe 0.l ment followed. Then the colonel thought if he could get out more nd take the baths and drink the water at Glenwood Springs, Colo., he would make further improvement. He went to the reort on January 3. On Jan uary 5 he suffered a nervous collapse and his physicians, hurried him back lo Denver. ' Sketch of an Active Life. Mule driver, pony express driver, stage driver, scout, soldier, hunter, ahowman are a few of the occupa tion embraced in the picturesque career of Colonel William Frederick Codv, better known throughout the world as "Buffalo Bill." From the day that his father was killed in a fight that gave "bloody Kansas" its name, William F. Cody was never idle. Colonel Cody was born in Scott county. Iowa, February 26, 1846. At the age of IS years, already a man in size and strength, he had been herder, messenger and stage driver and had won a name as a dead shot and a horseman with few equals. Un der General Albert Sidney Johnston he saw his first Indian 6ghting. The civil war found htm a private in the Seventh Kansai cavalry, an active "Jayhawker" regiment, and for more than ten years after the close of the war he saw service, first as scout and later as chief of scouts, in the Indian wars. His commander included Gen erals Sheridan, Sherman, Miles, Cus ter, Carr, Cook, Ord and Fry all the famous Indian fighters of the period. It was when he was chief of scouts under General Crook that he won fame by killing in single combat the Indian chief, Yellow Hand, knife against tomahawk. . Wins Hit Thle. In 1867 he won hi title of Buffalo Bill." It was then that a gang of 1,200 men were laying the tracki of the Kansas Pacific across the plains and were famishing for fresh meat. Cody volunteered to furnish the meat and in eighteen months, with his horse, Brigham, and his favorite breach loader, "Lucretis Borgia," he killed 4,280 Bison. Between times he was a deputy sheriff, justice of the peace in a tur bulent Nebraska town and served in the Nebraska legislature. After the expiration of his term as a law-maker he accepted the job of guiding the Russian Grand Duke Alexis and his party on a hunt in the far west. Cody was richly rewarded, for he brought the party through the roughest and most dangerous country, and they shot all kinds of game. , Late in the 70s Cody had tried act ing in a melodrama of the, west and it was the success of this which led to the formation of the "Wild West" show, with which his name was linked for more than three decades. He col lected s motely company of Indians, cowboys, scouts, trapper and animals and produced his show first in Omaha on May 17, 1883. More than 5,000 people turned out to- see the novelty. After that he travelled the country. He was wildly greeted, for his fame had preceded him, and "Buffalo Bill" made a fortune. In 1887 he took his show to Europe and won great success in London and the big cities on the continent. He later made another successful tour of Europe with his troupe. . Brings Army Men. ' But "Buffalo Bill1 realized that without changes and improvements hia show could not live foreever. So he imported from Europe whole companies of English lancers, French and German , light cavalry and South American vaqueroa. For s season or two these helped to hold up receipts and every time "Buffalo Bill bestrode his horse and took off his sombrero with that wonderful sweep of his he stood for the king of the picturesque. In 1910, st the age of 64, he made what he called his "farewell tour." He had secured for himself a big ranch in Wyoming, near the town named in his honor, where he could resume as much of his early life as he wanted to. But the fire of adventure was still burning within him. Now and then he would invite a company of friends for a long hunt ing trip in the Rockies, and on these trips he would try to soothe his "fighting nerve." But these did not avail, and "Buffalo Bill' at the age of 70 years again joined his old show, the ownership of which had come into the hands of the circus firm of Ring ling Brothers. In 1916 he changed his allegiance and toured the country as the leading feature of the "101 Ranch" show. He was still as straight as an arrow, vigorous and commanding. Colonel Cody was married in 1866 m St Louis to Miss Louise Fred eric!, daughter of a prominent French merchant In March, 1916. the couple celebrated their golden wedding at the tody ranch in Wyoming. Buffalo Bill Will Likely . Be Buried Beside Children Rochester. N. Y.. Jan. 10. Colonel . William F, Cody, probably will be buried in Mount Hope cemetery, this city, beside the bodies of his three children. Colonel Cody lived in this city for two years in the early eighties. Two of his children, Kit Carson Cody and Ora Cody, died when still of tender years, and Mrs. Arts Cody Thorp, who died early in 1904 in Spokane, Wash., was brought here by her father for burial. On frequent visits to Rochester, Colonel Cody ex pressed hi determination to be buried beside bis children here. BUFFALO BILL MEMBER ELKS Omaha Lodge Names Representatives to Attend Funeral. "Buffalo Bill" was a member of Omaha-lodge, No. 39 of the Elks. He joined the Elks in. San Francisco in 1877 and transferred his membership to the Omaha lodge in 1897. He had been a member here ever since. - "He ha been m these rooms many times," said Secretary Miner. "I re member a beautiful speech he made in our old room over in the Ware block," ..... ; , ;, .. The local lodge lias appointed seven former Omaha Elks, now living in Denver, to attend the funeral. They Colonel Cody Made Name Early For Daring Rides Across Plains Colonel Cody distinguished himself in the early days as pony express rider. He was one of the youngest and most daring of that intrepid class of riders who carried valuable pack ages through the west, never knowing but that each trip might be tl.e last. These were davs when there was more tnith than poetry in the admonition, "Look out ior your scalp." On "Cody Day." during the summer of 1898, at the time of the Transmis sissippi exposition in this city, a group of prominent business men gave a banquet in honor of the great scout and plainsman. At this function Colo nel Alexander Majors relatea now Will Cody, a youth in his teens, se cured his first job as express rider for Russell, Majors & Waddell. who transported trains of freight wagons across the plains. Cody was at the time a fatherless western boy. his father having been killed by the Indians. Cody's first pony express route was between Red Buttes and three Crossings, a dis tance of seventy-six miles. The trail extended through a canon through which the Sweetwater ran from wall to wall. It was desolate and lonely and freauented by hostile Indians. George Chrisman, leading wagon mas ter for Russell. Maiors & Waddell, met Cody at Julesburg, where he en gaged the youth tul westerner in a career which led to his world-wide fame. It has been said that Cody made the longest pony exprea trip on rec ord. He had made hi regular route from Red Buttes to Three Crossings, seventy-six miles, and there was no bodv else to make the next trip of eighty-five miles on to Rocky Ridge. Cody made the entire trip ana oacK again, a total of ill miles, without a mishap. A week later he was atracicea oy a band ot Sioux nine miles west of Horse Creek, in a sand ravine. Mounted on the fastest horse in the service of the express company, he spurred his mount to the limit of endurance, extended himself on the animal's back and dashed into Sweet water to hear that the town had been raided by Indians that morning. During his frequent visits to Omaha are these: J. E. Preston, general agent of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad, Denver; C. S. Potter, r. fc. R., 1544 Penn street, Denver: J. J. Koche, Kocky Mountain ruel com pany, Denver; t. u. Sell, 1M uncoin street Denver; Sherman R. Cox, Den ver Stock yards, Denver; M. F. Gross man, manager Denver nrancn Mid land Glass and Paint company, Den ver; H. J. McKenna, International Harvester company, Denver. D. B. Hines of Omaha, an old friend of Colonel Cody, also expects to go from here for the funeral. "One of Bill s last kind acts was a good deed to the Elks," said Secre tary Miner. "Last fail nis show was playing at Roanoke, Va. He went up to the Elks' national home at Bedford, Vs., and brought all his brother blks down snd had them as guest at the show and later gave them s camp dinner." " Mr. Miner recalled, alo, that Colo nel Cody' romantic life on the plains waa first told to the world by Ned Buntline and published in New York, the stories of adventures selling in enormous quantities. They were trans lated and sold also in foreign coun tries. COL. CODY HIGH IN MASONRY For Nesrly Half Century He Was s Member of the Maaonic Order. . Colonel Cody was s Mason of forty six years' standing. March 5, 1870, he waa initiated into Platte Valley lodge No. 31, Ancient Craft Masonry, at North Platte, Neb. April 2 that year he was passed and January 10 the subsequent year he was raised. He became a mark master and a past master in Euphrates chapter No. IS, Royal Arch Masonry, at North Platte on November 14, 1888. He was also made most excellent master on that day and on the following day became a Royal Arch Mason. In 1889 Colonel Cody became s Knight Templar, a member of Pales tine commandery No. 13 at North Platte. April 1 that year he was given the degree of red cross and the next day was given the Knight Templar degree. Robbers of Brush Bank Arrested at Kansas City Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 10. Police announced today that two men, ar rested here last night, had confessed to having robbed the Stockmen's Na tional bank of Brush, Colo., Decem ber 18, of $5,000. The men's names were given a Marion Cooley and Elie Mace. The police said nearly $2,000 had been found in their possession. Been "Going It" Too Hard? Lots of folks who ars tired, cross, nervous, rheumatic snd achy, are allow ing all the signs of early kidney trouble without realising it It's often the re sult of our great American fault making one con tinual rush of work or pleasure without t a k i ng enough rest. fresh air, exercise or sleep. Such sn attack isn't hard to get rid of just give body and nerve a rest and help the kidneys get stronger. Try Doan'a Kidney Pill. They have helped thou sands of kidney sufferers. Don't wait. Chronic kidney disease is serious. Omaha Proof: P. A. Andarson. ahocmakar. S7SS North Sixteenth street, sara: "I don't know what 2u7iM-JLr"L ' BomtitmM hn I would st up, th 1Mt novc I made felt aa if aomons was putting a knife Into my back. One box of Doao's Kidney Pills cured me and I haven't been bothered atnee." DOAN'SW 50 at all Drug" Stores roater-Mllburn Co BufTalftNY THE BEE: COLONEL WILLIAM F. CODY the colonel has told many of his thrilling experiences of the early days when he was considerably more than a mere story book romancer. When he raced to safety on that eventful day into Sweetwater, stories were go ing the rounds of Indians making raids on horses. Forty stage drivers, expren rider and ranchmen, includ ing Cody, elected "Wild Bill" James B. Hickok, captain of a party to go out to recover the stolen horses. Ac cording to western lore. Will Bill was the last word of courage. On one occasion he killed ten desperadoes single-handed. He never wasted am munition nor word. With Wild Bill at the lead, this party started on a trail for the .Powder River country and after a hard and long ride they surprised the Indian raiders in the cover of darkness. They recovered their horses and brought 100 Indian ponies as prizes of war. One of the stories told by the colonel to his Omaha friends, was of a bear hunt, in which he got no bear. On oner of the best pony ex press horses he rode up. the valley of the Horseshoe and observed bear tracks in the snow. He shot a sage hen, tied hi horse to a tree, built a fire and broiled hia game for supper and then started out again. After pressing on some distance he heard voices of white men snd heard horses. He came up to a dugout where ten outlaws had established themselves. The men thought that Cody was spying. He tried to con vince them he was on a peaceful er rand of hunting bear. They insisted on sending two of their number back with Cody to get his horse. Reaching his horse, he worked a ruse which enabled him to kill one of his would be captors. He started away on his horse, but member of the gang shot the animal and then he escaped on foot in the darkness. He walked all night and trudged into Horseshoe sta tion the next day. Disintegration CAVE Don't worry about blotches or other Ida troubles. You can have a clear, clean complexion by using a little laemo, obtained at any drug store for zSc, or extra large bottle at $1.00. Zemo easily removes all traces of pimples, black heads, blotches, eczema, and ringworm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrat ing, antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle for each application, it is ajwayi ucpcnuui. TU at. " ' " v "- at W. Bom Co, Ctowlood. a Reliable Remedy for Coughs and Colds Hake It Yourself Add Vi oz. Balm of Gilead buds to 1 pint of Duffy' Pure Malt Whiskey; let it stand 48 hour and strain. To this add 1 lb. bruised Rock Candy, which will slowly dissolve. This remedy is invaluable as an as suager for all troubles along the course of the air passages including throat affections, bronchitis, astfima and all deep seated coughs and colds. Increase the dose gradually from a teaspoonful every hour to a table spoonful every hour, or if the condi tion is acute, take every halt hour until decided relief is felt. Sold by most druggists, gTocers and dealers, $1.00. If they can't supply you, write us. Send for useful house hold booklet containing many valu able recipes like above. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, Jf. Y. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Succes. i .ill. .. ' - - I - MM M Clean Blotchy Skin OMAHA, THURSDAY. JANUARY 11. 1917. SUPREME JUDGES pZHAGERMAtf Highest Tribunal Asks Many Questions During Adamson Case Argument. EIGHT TO FIX WAGES Washington. Jan. 10. Final argu ments over constitutionality of the Adamson law were heard today in the supreme court with Special Assistant Attorney General Hagerman closing the case for the government. Maintaining power of congress to pass the law, Mr. Hagerman said it can be operated temporarily like the Interstate Commerce commission temporarily regulates rates. "Is there any law of that kindr asked Justice McKenna. "It's done by the Interstate Com merce commission in daily practice, said Mr. Hagerman. 'There's no claim that this law is confiscatory," the attorney continued. "Congress acted in its discretion, a discretion with which the judiciary has no power to interfere." "Oh, no one claims that the court can substitute its discretion for that of congress," interrupted Chief Jus tice White. When Mr. Hagerman said the legal resumption all presumptions are in f-vor of validity of an act of con gress, the chief justice interjected: "I don't believe it mea.,s to go that far not all presumptions, but every reasonable presumption." Goes Further Thsn Other Laws. The federal employers' liability, hours of service, pilotage and other laws were cited by Mr. Hagerman as precedents of the attention of con gress to contracts of employment. When Justice Pitney asked if these laws were analogous to rate regula tion, Mr. Hagerman said: "I'll admit the question m this case goes a little farther than any you have heretofore decided." "The court called attention to jhe 1 Omaha' t Beit I BAGGAGE BUILDERS 8 " "" I H Sharp Reductions f Popular Priced TRAVEL BAGS Cowhide, Mountain Goat snd Walrus leathers; 16 and 18-inch sizes. Some with sewed frames, aewed corners and leather lined Sal Price Reduced to $5, $5.50, $6, $7, $7.50 FRELING & STEINLE 1803 Farnam Street It it wi vm Ian. jan"""Tg if r PHSm-s-1 rS.jsj- sK!!-Rw-"LA you ever watched a a man, by years ot enort and denial, build up a substantial estate and then see that estate, after his death melt quickly away? CPrudent management would have saved them such an estate. CAssure prudent manage ment for your estate by naming this Company your Executor or Trustee. QorQQ Every Niqhf For Constipation) HeacheJnrIicestion,etc RANDRETH RILLS Sd&and Sure iimmrrtWl Hair Often Ruined By Washing With Soap Soap should be used very carefully, if you want to keep your hair looking its best. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it The best thing for steady use just ordinary mulsined cocoanut oil (which is pure and greaseless), and is better than the most expensive soap or anything else you can use. One or teaspoonfuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil, The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair tine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every mem ber of the family for months Adv. fact that pilotage stands on peculiar grounds because of the character of employment," the chief justice inter rupted. You ve said in otner cases toy in ference) that the power of congress exists to fix the wage," Mr. Hagerman answered. LEGISLATURE IN RUNNING ORDER; FIRST BILLS COME ff'ontinaed from Paca One.) commission may have bearing on the question and this report, requested on the car famine situation by the Murtey resolution in the house, will be ready Thursday morning. Bills by the Bushel. Members of the lower house of the legislature may turn loose any num ber of bills they wish into the legis lative hopper and they will receive the same consideration as of vore. unless something is brought out later to restrict the inflow. Liggett ot Seward attempted this morning to get across a motion restricting each mem ber to 6ve bills, but it met with very I Kid Glove Sale I Black, white and col li ors, broken lots. Per il feet gloves of fine kid. I $1.50 and $2 Qualities I Thursday $1.19 a Pair Curtain Special Marquisette Curtains with in sertions, lace edges and effec tive drawn work. A good qual ity, 2 yards long. $1.49, $1.65, $1.75 a Pair Basement. New Values In Linens Brought forward Thursday. Linen Huck Towels. $1.00 quality for 75c $1.25 quality for 85c $1.50 quality for $1.25 $1.75! quality for $1.50 ' Lhaen Gtrest Towels. 45c quality for 39c 65c quality for... 50c $1.00 quality for 85c- Fine Table Cloths. . $ 3.75 Table Cloths $ 2.89 $ 6.00 Table Cloths $ 4.89 $ 7.50 Table Cloths $ 5.89 $12.00 Table Cloths $ 8.89 $20.00 Table Cloths $15.89 Napkins to Match. $ 4.75 Napkins.... $ 3.75 a doz. $ 6.00 Napkins .... $ 4.75 a doz. $10.00 Napkins. ... $ 6.89 a doz. $17.50 Napkins $13.89 a doz. uiatUsawtaH I'liifTTi severe opposition and after some dis cussion was relegated to the has-been basket. Representative Greenwalt of Custer favored the motion, tit saia mac me I fewer bills presented the better work could be done by the members. He did not believe in incumbering legis lation by a lot ot Dins wnicn wouia never get anywhere, and voted for the motion. Bills were introduced for the first time in the house today. Both resolution covering the car shortage proposition introduced yes terday by Dorsey and Jacobson went over until Wednesday for consider ation. Representative Reisner got across a motion for supplying to the members who did not have them copies of the journal of the last ses sion. Packing House Probe. McAllister introduced a lengthy resolution dealing with the alleged monopolistic control of farm products. It provides for a special committee of five democrats and two republicans to inquire into the operation of pack ing houses, etc. Jerry Howard attempted to knock out the arrangement made which provides for a substation pestoffice in connection with the house, but it was defeated. Howard wanted some THOMPSON, BELDEN y COMPANY January Silk Offerings Contain Much of Interest Crepe Voile, one of the new sheer fabrics, is here. It's very firm and durable and comes in all the newest spring colors. Georgette Crepes, an exten sive selection in the most wanted colors, have just ar rived. Haskell's Famous Black Silks, sold here exclusively, are now being offered at a decided sav ing in price. Silk Section Dependable New Furs Selling at Lowest Prices Black Wolf Muffs, $6.50 and $10.00 Genuine Mink Muffs, $20 to $44.50 Genuine Mink Scarfs, $24 to $41.50 Marten Muffs $25 to $44.50 Marten Scarfs $1 0.00 to $60.00 Sable Fox Sets, $39.50, $59.50, $100 Also Mole, Hudson other desirable furs expect to pay. The Fur Shop Hygenic Cold Cream 75C One Pound Jars 59c For Thursday only. Leave today and the second morn ing you can be basking in Florida. Less than two days ride separates you from that sum merland. Florida reaches out into the warm south seas and brings the beauties and balminess of the tropics within easy reach of America's people. No wonder it's the national winter mccca. You'll be there? leaves Kansas City 6:15 p. m. and reaches Jacksonville 8:25 a. m. second morning only a day and a half's ride via Frisco Lines and Southern Railway; the direct route. All steel train of coaches, sleep ing cars and Fred Harvey dining cars. .LCLxriam. L a:...r...ff f-..J,-.: poor man to have the job of post master instead of the government butting in and doing the job for nothing. State to Make Plates. Christ Andersen (Boyd) got through a resolution to have a com mittee of three appointed to confer with the Board of Control on the es tablishment of a factory at the peni tentiary to manufacture automobile number plates. Andersen, LaBounty and Hutton were named on the committee. Th Quinine Tbat Does Not Afreet the Head. Bec&une of Ita tonic and laxative effect. Laxative Bromo Quinine can be taken by anyone without eaunlng- nervoauneea or rins ing In the head. There ! only one "Bromo Quinine." K. W. DROVE'S signature on box. 16c. Advertisement. New Bill Proposes to Make Alaska Bone-Dry Washington, Jan. 10. At a hearing on a drastic prohibition bill for Alaska before the house territories committee it was developed that there are 325 dealers and six brewers in the terri tory. Chairman Houston indicated the committee would report the bill favorably and that its effect would be to make the territory "bone dry." Faille Matinee, one of the most charming fabrics for the coming season, in new sport colors for evening, also street shades. See this fabric early. A whole table of choice sea sonable silks is being closed out. These sold regularly up to $1.75 a yard; Thursday, $1.18 a yard. -Main Floor. Seal, Cross Fox and at much less than you Second Floor. Children's Wool Hose Special at 19c An odd line, and only a small quantity, not all sizes, 25c, 35c and 50c qualities, 19c a pair. The undertigmd hu tome new Florida literature that will interest yuu write for it, and aak about rarei and reservations. Dk.Paa.AAM. TO WalM SUM, Kawaaa City. Me.