Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1917, Page 10, Image 10

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Big Shipper and Packing De
mand for Heavy Bun of Cat
tle of All Kinds.
Omaha, January is, lilt
Hecetnta were. Cattle. Hon. Phe
Official Monday tl.OM 11.438 19.171
Official Tuesday 10,241 2S.&SI 14.77
KM! mat Wednesday . 1,200 2M0 IM
ThM rfv lhl wrk tT.4lt t6.0J 1.1,143
Rama days last wffk.10.iM 10.991 3M2
Sam a dava 1 wki aro. 1.77 U.J7 23.11.
Kama days t wka, ago.lf,.9 M.1T W.62.
Same daya 4 wka. ago.27,s74 "1fiS 41 4 1,0
Hamt days laat year.. 11,70 44.691 34,ifi4
ftM(nta anil rttannaltiAB of live. Block at
the Union Stock yards. Omaha. N-h., for
. terday : .
Cattle. Hons. Sheep. HVs
T.. . a St. P H
Missouri Parlfic... 2 5
Union Pacific 26 93 42
0. ft N. W oast... IB 10 J
C. N. W.. weal.. 4 111 1
C, St. P., M. it O. 31 34 3
C, B. A Q omit., a 12
C. B. Q . west... 2 7
C, R. I, A P., east. 14 19 3
:.. R. I. P.. we. 3 4 3
llllnola Central.... 13 . IB
Chicago Gt West.. 4 IS
Total receipts.... 937 364 78 3
rattle. Hoit. Sheep.
1,027 4,120 1.614
I.fthfi 6.RI4 4.84ft
1.111 7.UI . 1.31
1,701 M7 6.214
Morris Co.......
Swift A Company. .
Armour A Co
Nchwarti A Co
J. W Murphy
. Morretl
Lincoln Parkin Co..
8. Omaha Parking Co.
Ht. Clair Parking Co. .
Curiahy. Country. . . .
lluntnger & Oliver
II? n ton, Vannanl-Luah
r H I,wt
4, Tl Root A Co 19
J. M. Ilulla 4
L. P. Huh
Roaenstock Bros
F. O. Kellogg
Werthelmer A Dcgen.
H. F. Hamilton
u11lven Bros
.Mo. A Kan. Calf Co...
Banner Broa.
John Harvey. .
Dennis A Francta
Je.naen A Lungren,,,,
Other buyers 0
.... 4.317
Totala M3f "'10
Cattle A vary reaped able Wednesday run
of cattle ahowad up today, about 0.200 head,
and the three daya supply haa been nearly
7.000 heavier than for the corresponding
daya laat week. Quality waa only fair
this morning but there waa a vlgoroua de
mand from both packer and shippers for
the desirable beef steers, and prices ruled
fully ateady, In some caaaa a ahada stronger
than yeaterday. Butehar atock and oannera
also mat with a ready sala at fully attady
figures and, although tha movamant waa
Homewhat delayed by tha lata arrival of
trains, anything at all daalrabla In the
of killing stock found a ready salt.
In atock era and fedrs th demand waa
chiefly for desirable stock and both haavy
and light weigh that had quality want at
atrong flgurea, Common light and medium
weight stuff, howvr, was tn liberal sup
ply, and. as thera waa an Indifferent demand
for It, trad was slow and prices, If any
thing, a Utile easier than on Monday and
Tuesday. . . I
Quotations on cattla: Good to choice
vaarlina beeves. 110.16 11.60; good to
rhotea weighty cornfed beeves, !0.00U.OO;
fair to good cornfed beeves. M.60w 10.00;
oomman to fair cornfed beeves. I7.76cjl.60;
god in oholce grass beavea, 11.00 U6; fair
to Rood grass bevea, 17. 6091.00; common
to fair grass beeves, I.60y7.60: Rood to
choice heifers. 7.00fl.6O; good to choice
rows. II.OucjB.00; fair to Rood oows. li.OO
17. t cora-ion to fair oows. 4.Ht6.0;
prima feeding atom. i.eOfJI.W; Rood to
ihlcs feeders, fl.00fl t; fair to Rood feed
ers, I7.60A)M0; common to fair feeders.
It.2597.00; fair to choice atockera, IT.7&9
t.2l; stock beifera, tf.369-3ft; stock oows,
16.6097.60; stoak calves, 7.009-0ni
calves, $7.10910.00; beef bulla, stags, tc,
0. 097.76t bologna bulls, $6.60 9-QA.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr. No,
Av. Pr.
. 720 IT 16
. 918 T 60
, 847 I 10
. 821 8 60
.1071 I 16
.1043 f 16"
,1181 t 16
. 860 86
.1180 f 60
. 163 70
.1361 I 80
.1364 $ 90
.1304 10 36
7..I..... 4 7 26 10.
... 786 7 40
.... 766 7 75
...1013 I 3i
.,.1061 3 65
...1013 t 00
...1067 I 20
... 888 I 80
...1131 40
,..131$ 9 65
,,.1214 I 75
,..U2fi t 16
...1323 10 00
16. .
13. .
. 3. .
. .
I 09 3...
I 40 1...
86 4...
t 16 1...
4t 6 36
866 6 60
B8& I 76
320 t 00
.970 T 36
790 T 90
910 1 26
176 7 VK
707 I 00 4........ 793 I 60
1, 480 T 00 6 440 7 16
19 371 T . 333 7 T6
I........ 410 I 00 I 471 I 10
15 6.10 $ 60 3 836 I 76
6 19 8 60 , I Ill 10 00
Hags From the sellers' standpoint yes
terday's close was very unsatisfactory.
Packers' blda got ateadlly worse as the day
advanced and a Rood many of the later
sales were lower than Monday. In fact the
t-los was so mean that sellers carried over
flity loads for today.
This carry-over, added to the heavy fresh
supply, made today's offerings even larger
than yesterday's. Other markets were also
overloaded and a general reaction aet In.
The local market waa another very uneven
affair, movement being draxry and prices
very Irregular. Shippers bought some hogs
early that were mainly 10916c lower,
though some scratch sales were made that
were nesrly ateatly and packers took sonic
early that ware not much more than 10c
down. A" & Reneral thing, though, their
bids showed declines of 16e or more.
Buyer tried hard all morning to gat hogs
at weaker price than they ga on early
rounds, but up to noon they had not had
much success, nearly all the sales made
up to that time being; somewhere around 10
916c lower. Movement waa more active
In the session, than it was early, hut to
wards the close slowed down again. At
noon practically all the good weighty hogs
that were In had sold, and bulk of the
butcher weights yarded up to that time
had changed hands. Wherever tt was pos
sible, though, buyers followed yesterday's
plan of leaving out lights and midday found
quite an accumulation of lights still In
the pens, as well as a sprinkling of mixed
and butcher stuff. Bayers were not even
trying to buy a Rood many of the under
went ta and wanted butchers at easier
prices than they brouRht early. There ware
veral trains aUU oat at the time of
vl'-eing this report.
Bulk of the hogs sold during the fore
noon landed at $10.109 19.60. Thla spread
does not take Into account the lights, for
not enough had sold to show what they
were worth. Beat beavlea rnached $10.60. 80
far as quality was concerned the run was
almost as good aa ye terday, but buyers
atl complained of lack of weight.
Representative aaJeo:.
No. Av. 5b, Pr. No. Av. . 8h. Pr,
73. .164 ...$9 90 76. .194 ...19 09
79. .193 19 19 19 68..21S 340 10 16
61. .176
70.. 173
, 19 39
19 40
19 $9
77.. Ill ... 10 16
93. .383 30 10 4S
II. .119 ... I Tf 39. .131 ... I 99
Sheep ror the third time la three days
sheep and lamb supplies were real liberal.
- lateness of neatly all trains mad It hard
io estimate the run. but at mid forenoon
aeventy-aour loads, or about 18,000 head.
were In eight The supply for the first half
of the wee foots up 61,143 head, aa com
pared with 36,039 last week. 23,111 two
weeks aao and last year.
The fact that only a very small share of
the estimated offering had been yarded up
to a late hoar tn the forenoon was mainly
responsible lor another araggy market
With so Ronaroas a run In sight packers
were not In a harry to ail their orders and
refused to Ret Interested early. All the
bids mads as to mid forenoon showed
low tendency, and a load or two that had
sold looked. If anything, weak to a Utile
lower, but sellers all predicted that wh-n
the lambs Rot In Rood kinds at least would
show m tie or no change.
Uuotstiona or. sheen and lambs: Lambs.
good to choice, $13.16919.60; lambs, fair to
ajooa, si. lam os. Clipped, aiQ.aoa
11.2$; lambs, feeders, tll.00913.76; year-
IUUH. Roea caoico, 1ii.w911.00; year-
Unas, fair to good. tlO.OOfl 1 100; wethers.
fslr to hoi re, .00w 10.25; good to
rhoice, $9.r5t?Kri0: ewes, fair to food. 17 7
2u; ht, plain to culls, i.07.i.O
cwff, feeding, $:..! 7.60.
Representative Baku:
jn Av. Pr.
lift fed lambs 7 $13 4'
.IB!, fed lambu "2 13 2:
337 fed yearlings 101 11 fl
?7 ffrf lamha IS 1
37 fed ewee 143 17?
Cattl Market tron, ting Weak,
"hlcairo, Jan. 1 Cattle Rwtpta, 24.0fl
head: niarkol tron, native beef rattle
27 R'ttf 1 1.H0: waiern sleow. tl.!tO0 10
Ftorkerr, wnd frfdern, $ H6: rows and
helffm. I4.4(lfrlfi.00, ralve, J.f.fl4 1 4.00.
Hogs Rerripta, 72,000 h'art ; market
weak, Hr undT yeatrrday'a avrragr ; bulk
of ft!e. $10 310 66; light, & 10. 45
ml $ 1 0.10ft in. 5ft; heavy, in.30Hf 10.S6
rough, I10.204yl0.26; plgn, 7.fiO0.W).
Shp and Umbo Receipts. 13.000 head
markrt atrong, wethem, .6neio.i0; ewoa
!7.0nWO.IO; lambs, tll.&Ofeu.OO.
Mom City Live Stork Market.
ftlowr City, Jan. 10. Cattle- Receipts, I.
000 head; market for kill wek. atorfc
era ateadv: hef uteers, t.26W11 00; butch
erx, 17.00 ft M0; fat rows and heifers. t 00
01.00; rannrr. 24.26tr6.50; atorkrni and
feeders. ,f,n8.fifl ; ralves, t.0$j)J),f0;
hulls, atagn, Hr , tft.6O97.6O; feeding cows
and he fern. Ih.00(r7.25.
Hogs Receipts, 22,000 head : market
1F926r lower; llirht, , 6091.90; mixed,
19.05910.20; heavy, llO.lfcO 10.66; pigs.
tl. 00471.60; bulk of sales, 19.9D10.I0.
Hheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,600 head
market steady; fed muttona, 9.ftfl9U 26
wethnrs, 29.00910.00; cwea, $8.00 99.10
lambs, 111.00913.26.
City Uve Stork Market.
Kansas city. Mo., Jan. 10 Cattle Re
elpla, 8,200; market higher; prime fed
iteera, $10.76911.50; drrwed href teers,
tK.OO9io.6O; western atners, f 7.50) ft 1 1.00 ;
rows. I6.26W9.00: heifers. ffi.BOfti 1 1.00
atorkera and feeders, tfi.6099.00, bulln, $8.00
97.75; calvea. 17.00 11. 5".
Hogs RerelntH, 1.1.000 head: mnrkt
lower; bulk of Hales. 1 1 0.20 & 10.00 ; heavy.
tl0.569inn5; parkers an.l butchers. tI0.209
jo.r.ft; light. 1.B010.F0; plRs, jB.n((W9.7.
Hheep and Lam he Rr'ptn, 11,000 he1;
market weak; Iambs, 1 2.869 1.1. M; year
lings, 111.20912.25; wet lie fit, 9. 00910.00;
cwea, t.6099.60.
Hi. InU Uve Htock Market.
t. 1-oulS. Jan. 10. Cattle RereiptS, ,-
100 had; market ateady; native beef sleers,
I7.f.011.50; yearling steers nd heifers.
t8.6O9il.6O; rows, $5,60(1)8.50; stock ura and
freders. $5.3098.60: prima aoilthern beef
ators, h. (K) 9 MO; beef rows and heifers,
24.597.50; native calves. i6.00p 2.26.
Hog Rnreipts. IB, 200 head; market
lower; lights, $10.30clfl.66; pigs. $7,769
1.60; mixed and butrhera, $10.30910.70;
good heavy, $10.00910.76; bulk of sales,
Hheep and Iambi Receipts, 600 head;
market steady; lambs, $12.75912.75; ewes.
$0,609 76; yearllnga, $11.00912-26.
ttt. Joseph Live Htoek' Market.
St. Joseph, Jan. 10. Cattle Receipts, 2,-
500 head; market active and strong; steers,
t7.60911&0: rows and heifers, t5.(H910.S0;
calvea, . 50912.60,
Hogs Receipts, 13,000 head; market
109 16c lower; top. tlO.66: bulk of sales.
(10 06910.66.
Hheep and Lamba Receipts, 3,000 head:
market steady to strong; lambs, $13,609
13.46; ewaa, $1.6099.60.
Uve Mtock In Night.
Cattle. . Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha 0,200
flloux City 2,000
'hicago 24.000
Kanaaa City 0,300
Ht. Louis..,., 6,100
Totala 43,600 161.300 44,700
New York Money Market.
Var Tftrb .Ian 1 A Marfan t II ! n.
3 per cent.
Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills.
$4.71 ; commercial 60-day bills on banks.
$4.71 4: commercial 60-day bills. $4.70:
demand, $4.76; cables, 14.78 7-16.
Silver Bar, 76c; Mexican dollars, 67 c.
Bonds Government ateady; railroad Ir
Time Loans Easy ; 90 and 90 days, 89
ttt per cent; six months, 8tt93tt per cent.
Call Money Kaay; high. I per cent; low,
i per cent; nil In rate, 3 per oent; last
loan, 1 per cent; closing bid, per
cent; offered at 1 per cent
U B. r. 3a, rag. 99L A N. un. 4a.. l
do coupon ... 99 M. K. A T. 1st 4a 77
IT. H. 2s, reg....0t Mo. P. con. 6s. .103
do ooUDon ...101 Mont Power Is. .100
U. S, 4s, reg....ll0 N. T. C, deb. 6s.ll3tt
do coUDon ...110UN. T. City 4Ua.tl0U
Am. Tel. A Tel. N. T., N. H. A
' 4US 1034 H. OV. AS 101
Anglo-French 6s. 92 No. Pacific 4s... 96tt
A ten. gen. a.... so no as oa
B. A O. 4s 91 Ore. S. L. ref. 4 94 tt
Beth. St ref. Bs.lOlttfic. T. A T. 6s..lflitt
Central Pao. 1st. 92ttPenn. con. 4 He. .107
C. A O. cv. 40 no 00 gen. 'As... 103
C, B. A Q. Jt 4a 98 Reading gen. 4s. 96
C, M. A St. P. 80. Pac. cv. 6s. .103
cv. la 106H do ref. 4s 94U
d. R. I. A P. r. 4s 77ttSo. Railway 6s. .103
C. A B. ref. 4tt- as union racmo is. 99
O. A K. U. 0, SS It an cv. s. .... lift
Brl gen. is.... Tl 17. fl. Rubber (s.101
Oen. Ulec. us...l06tt" B. Steel 6s.. .10(1,
at. No. 1st 4tts.l01a west, union 4a 07
I. C. ref. 4s.... tSgDom. of C. 1931. 91
K. C. 80. rot. 6a 10 Bld,
Coffee Market.
New Tork, Jan. 10. The market for cof
fee futures waa comparatively quiet today
with prices sagging oft under scattering
liquidation and a little trade selling. The
opening waa unchanged to 1 point higher,
but there was very tittle aupport In evidence
and the unaettted ruling of other markets
seemed to bring in Increased offerings dur
ing the afternoon. There also was talk that
higher ocean freight rates might attract
better supply of tonnage from Braill on
the decline which carried Mny off to 8.91c
and September to 9.16c. The close was
to o points net lower. Hales were esti
mated at 37,600 baRS. January, 8.78c; Feb
ruary, 1.78c; March, 8.84c; April. 8. Bsc; May.
8. 32c; June. 8. 96c; July, 8.99c; August. 9.06c:
September, 9.10c; October, 9.16c; November,
9.10c; December, 9.24r.
Spot, steady; Rio 7s, 10c; Santoa 4s, 11c.
No fresh offers were reported in the cost
nd freight market, but tt was said that a
salo had been made yesterday of 3,000 bags
of Ha nt os as and 4s at, London
Cotton Market.
New Tork. Jan. 10. Cotton Futures
opened steady; January none; March. 18.66c;
May, 18.10c; July, 12.81c; October. IT. 40c.
Futures closed steady; January, 18.07c;
March. II. Ho; May, 18.49o; July, 18.60c;
October, 17.09c. Spot quiet; middling up
lands, 18. 40c; no sales.
The cotton market today closed feverish
and Irregular at a net decline of 38 to 42
Liverpool, Jan. to. Cotton Spot, firm;
Rood middling, 11.62d: middling, 11.46d;
low middling, ll.SSd; sales, 1,000 bales.
Omaha Hay Market.
Prairie Hay Choice upland, $13.00; No.
1, $19.60911.00; No. 8. 89.00910.00; No. I,
t8. 0099.00. Choice midland, til. 00; No. 1.
110.00010.60; No. 3. tm. 50 9 9.&0; No. ,
$7.6098-00; choice lowland. 19 00 9 9.50; No.
3, $7.0098-00; No. 3, $6.0097. 00.
Straw Choice wheat $l.00O-69; choice
oat or rye $6.6097,00.
Alfalfa Choice. 117.60; No. T, IU.B09
916 60; standard. $14. 601x16. 60; No. 2, 12.60
913.60; No. 3. $10.00911-00.
Kvaporated Apples and Dried Fmlte.
New'York, Jan. 10, Evaporated Applrs
Quiet; fancy. 999Hc; choice, t9Sc;
prime. T9Tr.
Trfed Fruits Prunes, quid but steady;
California. 6rl0c; Oregon, 8Vtl8c; Ap
ricots, firm; choice, 17c; extra choice, IT'io;
fancy, 18c. Peaches, firm; choice, 8ttc;
extra choice, 9c; fancy, 9t. Rataina,
mure freely offered; choice to fancy seeded,
8910c; seed lens, 109Uttc; London layers
Metal Market.
New Tork. Jan. 10. Metals The Metal
exchange quotes lead at $7.4097.60. Spel
ter, easy ; spot. Rast St touia delivery,
$9.00. Copper, Irregular; electrolytic, first,
second and third quarter, $36.00913.50,
nominal. Iron. steady and unchanged.
Tin, firm; spot. $42.60943.00.
At London: Spot copper. 1131 ; fulurea.
(1Z7; elertrolytlr, mi. Tin, spot 181
16a; futures, 193 La; lead, 30 10s; spelter,
$41 10s.
City OotMtwl Market.
36,000 18,000
23.000 1,600
72,000 13,000
13.000 11.000
Is, 200 600
Kansas City, Jan. 19. Wheat No. 3 hard,
$1.9291 96; No. 1 red. $1.9301.96; May,
Corn No. 3 mlxod. 96996: No. t white,
95 S 9 91c; No. , ynow, 99991c; May,
94c; July. 94c.
Oats No. I white, 67 9 7c; No. 1 mixed.
9tt9 67c.
Ht. IaoIs Grain Market.
St. Tjouls, Jan. 10. Wheat No. I red.
tl. 9892.06; No. 3 hard, 11.9 tf 1.02H- May,
$1.83; July, $1.46.
Corn No, 3, 98r: No. t white, 99c9
$1.00. May, 979Tc; July. 96tt996c.
Oat Ho, 2, 67c; No. I white, llttc
Decline in Futures Market
Dulls Activity On Exchange
Beceipts Moderate.
Omaha, January 10, 1917.
The local gratn receipts were moderstely
hnary again today, but the decline In the
future market caused a continued dullness
in the cash aituatton and the eaeh market
suffered a general decline.
Considering the fact that there were
ninety-nine cars of wheat received today,
thla market was extremely quiet as only
about thirty cars were reported sold up to
noon and most of these ware either durum
and spring wheat or the poorer grades of
hard winter.
The sales of No. 2 hard wheat were made
at tl. 9191. 92 and the bulk of the No.
nari sos-l at 11.91, showed a decline 01
1 to 3c from yesterday's prices.
The com market was comparatively ar-
tlve and there waa a pretty good inquiry
for the commercial grades of this cereal
r decline.
Most of the better grades of corn sold at
9Jr and the poorer samples ranged In price
from tl to 92 o.
(ats recelpta were not very rood, not
(he demand for this article waa pretty
artlve at fcn lower, the No. 3 white selling
at 64 the standard at 54'c and the'
No. 4 whtte at 63 c.
Rye was In good rlemand at unchanged
prices, the No. 2 selling for $1.46 and the ;
No. 3 at $1 45. ;
There was very tittle trading In the Parley ,
market and thla cereal waa quoted nomi
nally unchanged
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
to M6,00fl bushels: corn, 243,000 bushels
oats, 14,000 huahela.
Primary wheat receipts were "RB.OOO
bushels and shipments 40,000 bushels,
against receipts of 1,460,000 bushels and
shipments of 91(1,00(1 bushels last yar.
Primary corn reccinta were LiHK.nnii
huahela and shipment 537.000 bushels,
acalnal reretnta of 1.187.000 hushet and
shipments of 685, OdO bushels last year.
Primary nats receipts were 62 1 ,oon
huahela and shipments 646,000 bushels,
agalnat receipts of 1,167.000 bushels and
shipment of 1,026,000 bUHhels last year.
Wheat Corn. Oats.
Chicago 61 220 91
Minneapolis 260
lJululb 27
Omaha M 74 14
Kansaa City 91 41 1J
Ht. I ii j Is 103 t!7 41
Winnipeg 263
These sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 1 hard winter, 1 car, $1.91.
No, 2 hard winter, I car $1.92; 4 cars,
$1 91. No. 3 hard, winter. 1 car. $1.93; 6
cars, $1.91. No. 4 hard winter, I car, $1.89;
3 cars. $1.88; 2 cars, $1.87; 1 car, $1.86; 2-3
cars $184; 3 cars, $1.63. Samples, hard, 1
car, $1.80; 1 car, $1,60: 1 car, tl.05, 1-3
car, $1.13. No. 3 durum. 1 car, $1.84 No.
durum mixed, 1 car. 11. 84 ft. No 3 mixed,
car 11.90; 1 car. 11.89; 3 cars. 11.88;
car, $1.26. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, $1.97; 1 car,
Rye No. 2, 1 car, IU.44; No. 3, 2 cars.
Corn No. 2 white: 3 cars, 93c. No. 3
white: 1 car, 93c. No. 4 white: 1 car,
93c. Sample white: tt car, 60-. No. 3
yellow: 12 tt crs, 93c. No, 4 yellow: 4
cars, 92ttc; 3 cars, 92c. No. 6 yellow: 1
car, 92o. No. 3 mixed: 3 cars, 93c. No.
mixed: 8 cars, 93c; 1 car, 9ttc. no. 4
mixed: 1 car, 92c. No. 6 mixed: 3 cars,
92c. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 91r.
Oats Standard: 4 cars, No. 8
white: 3 cars, 64 c. No. 4 white: 1 car,
63 c. Sample white: 2 cars, 63 c.
Omaha Cash Prices: Wheat No. 2 hard,
1.9191-92tt; No. 3 hard, $1.9091 92; No.
4 hard, $1.8291.89; No.i 2 spring, $1,889
1.98; No. 8 spring. $1.8601-98; No. 3 durum.
$1.84 tt 186 tt : No. 3 durum, $1.83 tt 9
1.84V Corn No. 2 white, 910$3c; No.
2 white, 93H993c: No. 4 white, 93 9
91 Hr; No. 6 white, 9!92ttc: No. I white,
91983c; No. 3 yellow. 929$3c; No. 3 yel
low. 93tt9 93c; No. 4 yellow, 92 9 92 He; No.
5 yellow. 93993ttc; No. 6 yellow. 919 92c;
No. 3 mixed, 93 993c; No. 3 mixed, 92tt9
93c; No. 4 mixed. 9a92tt; No. 6 mixed,
91992c; No. 6 mixed, 90tt991c. Oats No.
2 whtte. 64tt04c; standard, 64954ttc;
No. 3 whtte, 64964c; No. 4 whtte, 63 9
64c. Barley Malting, $1.1091-30; No. 1
feed, 97c9$l 07. Rye No. 2, $1.4601 46;
No. 3, $1.4401.46.
Omaha Future Market.
The openlnR prices on wheat were a trifle
lower and heavy selling brought about a
rather decline In the May and July options,
the May closing at a 3tto decline and the
July at lo decline.
There was no news of partlonlar Interest
concerning wheat ami today's decline was
the result of heavy selling by the bears and
long covering by the bulls, who think the
market has had a sufficient upturn.
Corn and oats were rather quiet and
while corn followed the break In wheat
oats were steady, the May option closing
unchanged, while May corn waa lo lower
at the close.
Local range of options;
Art Open. High. I Low. Close. Taa
Hay I 1 II H
July 1 4S
8IL 1 JO
July lit.
May (I
July S
1 it 1MHI
1 13 US
1 4114 14K
1 10 131
Hi lit.
1 4M J41
1 11 14 ISO
ni ii
Ei ( U
10 (0
Chlcaco cioatnv prlcfo. furnished Tbe B
by LoK.n ft Bryan. toek and train broa
n. Ill South Sixteenth itr.t, Omaha:
Art. Open. 1 High. U)w. Cloae. Yoa
wit I' i r "i i
May 1 11 1 M 111 1 11 117
July 1 it 1 13 111 1 41K HI 1 17 I ll 114 1 14 Si 117
May lHK14 17 (1
July 17 OSS lit, ( 7K
l. I..
May 7H ilH Ht IS 67
July 14k ItVk 'J 64 II
I'ork I
Jan. SI 00
May I SI 10 II 10 11 11 21 40 21 10
l.arrt. I
Jan. I IS 61 II II 11 CO II II IS II
May II 10 11 11 II 01 II 07 II l:
Fllli., i
Jan. 14 C! 14 II 14 13 14 II 111 II
May It 00 IS 01 14 17 IS 03 ll 07
Wheal rrteM Rally tram Tranatonl Wfmk
m Dm to reac. Raman.
ChlfHfo, Jan. 10. Disturbing niraon of
hostllltt.fl on thn Atlantic carried wheat
price sharply today, some transaction,
showing; a loss of as much as lc a bushel.
Eslreme weaknetw, proved brief.
The close, although nervoas, was at 34i
elite net decline, with May 11.13 1. 13
and July ll.47iWl.4T4i. other leadln,
staples, too. finished at a setback corn, IV.
fl,l.c; oata. tjlc, and provisions, 31,0
Until the flurry took plac. In rerard to
nithttng that was supposed to have oc
curred somewhere on the route of merchant
ships bound from the United States, to Eu
rope, the wheat market had displayed a
tendency to higher values except just at the
outset, initial declines appeared to be due
largely to lnferrnres that the German chan
cellor soon would make a new move to
bring about peace. Selling pressure, how
ever, was not heavy, and It took but Itule
buying to bring about a moderate upturn,
especially as demand came from the most
part from leading houses, whereas pit spec
ulators were the chief bears.
l.ack of any evidence of new export busi
ness had considerable to do with the readi
ness with which wheat prices gave way
when late In thn session the possibility of a
renewal of Qerman submarine exploit, wor
ried holders. Bearish sentiment ajao was
Increased by the accompanying depression of
stocks and cotton and by revtawd crop figure
Indicating that the yield In Canada waa
Now President Corn Exchange Na
tional bank.
Now Cashier of the Omaha National
Frank Boyd, who "has just been
promoted to the position of cashier
of the Omaha National bank,has
been connected with the bank since
18W. For the last dozen years he
has held the position of senior as
sistant cashier. Prior to his advent
in Omaha Mr. Boyd was a country
hanker and is personally known to a
large number of bankers, not only in
Nebraska, but in adjoining states. He
has worked his way up from the
bottom until he has attained high
rank among western bankers.
larger than th. trade In general had knowl
edge of.
Cora fell with wheat. Previous to the last
hour, though, prices averaged higher, owing
to chanee of a crop failure In Argentina
and to a scarcity of domestic rural offers.
Trade tn oata w'aa of a local character.
Price changes merely followed the develop
ments In other pits.
Liberal recelpta of hogs were primarily
responsible for the decline of provisions
values. Belgian relief Inquiries served to
some extent to check short sellers.
Cash Price Wheat: No. 1 red nominal;
No. 3 red, 11.10; No. I hard, 11.17; No.
1 hard, ll.301.. Corn: No. 1 yellow,
7c: No. 4 yellow, S0l7e; No. 4 white.
11097c. Oats: No. 3 white. S657c;
standard, S7fjl7c. Rye Nominal. Barley,
II. 0091.31. Herds: Timothy, f!S0S.S0;
clover. Ill.004yl7.00. Provisions Pork,
III. 60; lard. I1S.I201S.O1; ribs, 114.000
Butter Lower; creamery. 32Q38HC
Kggs Receipts, 7,163 cases; market un
changed. '
Potatoes Receipts. 11 "can; market un
changed. Poultry Alive, lower; fowls, 15fllc;
springs, lie.
Qiwtatioars of the Day on Various Leading
New Tork, Jan. 10. Flour, easy; spring
patents, t9.064T9.90; winter patents, $9.06'
1.30; winter straights, 8.769.00; Kansas
straights t9.6t.ty9.86.
Wheat Spot, weak; No. 2 hard, t2 09;
No. 1 northern, Paluth, t2.19; No. 1 north
ern. Manitoba, t2.23, f. o. b.. New Tork.
Com Spot easy; No. 2 yellow, tl.10,
c. I. f.. New York, prompt shipment.
Oats Spot easy; standard, 64 0 65c.
Hay Steady; No. 1, 1.10; No. 2. Il.onjp
1.06; No. 3. 6097c; shipping, 85$90c.
Hops Qu4et ; state common to choice,
1916, 46H50c; 1915, 8yl4c; Pacific coast,
1916, Uyl4r; 1915, 86 11c.
Hides Steady; Bogota, 43c; Central
America. 42tt42c.
Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 67c; sec
onds 65c.
Provisions Pork, firm; mess, (32.00(rj
33.60: family, S31 . t0f S3.5; short clear.
t3t. 00(933. 00. Beef, steady; mess. 323.00
23.50; family, fcl.60.?i.7.00. Lard, easy; mid
dle west 216. 75t16.85.
Tallow Qulot; city 10c; country, 11
11 c: apeclal, 11 c. '
Butter Steady: receipts, 6,040 tubs;
creamery. 40ift'40c; firsts, R638c;
seconds, 34(&:t6c.
Kggs Irregular: receipt 2,825 cases;
fresh gathered extra firsts. 62c; firsts. 50 nj
5tc; refrigerator seconds to firsts, 36 &
37 c.
Cheese Steady; receipts, 634 boxes: state
held specials, 34024c; state, average
fancy, 3;;(fi.I4c
Poultry Dressed, steady; chickens, 210
19c; fowls 16tJJc; tnrkeys. 2032c, Uve,
Irregular; chicken. 17018c; fowls, 30fj21c;
tar key s, 10c.
Mlnneetpolts Grain Market.
Minneapolis, Jan. 10. Wheat May, fl.St
July, 11.78. Cash: No. 1 hard, 1.96 1
l.i t; jno. i nortnern, l.!fll.S3
northern. l.Byl,93; No. 3 wheat,
Corn No, S yellow, 91r92V'.
Oats No. 3 white, 63 064 c.
Flaxseed 12.6 2.90 .
Flour Unchanged.
Barley 9Or0tl-23.
Rye tl-46itj!l.44.
Bran 427.60428.00.
London Stock Market,
Tiondon. Jan. 10. American low. priced
shares and United States Steel were oc
casionally bought, but the stock market
closed- Idle here today.
w' ' ''V
Active Shares Yield Two to Six
Points in Wall Street.
New Tork, Jan. 10. Steady presnure of !
ityr name general character which has been ;
eiprted with mort or leu effect atnee last j
December was the outstanding feature of i
today's market. Artlve h hares yielded 3 to
i points, with declines of greater proportions
In ISKUes of the lnn reprexentatlve claas.
The aelllnc. fo far aa It had anv direct 1
cauae. Hppard to have Its origin in the Inl
creaalng uncertainties and apprehension!" I
ariHlng from the foreign -situation. This f
condition waft accentuated by the delay in i
the reply of the entente allies to the Waeh- j
Ington government. Prices probably fell. :
however, more from further abstention of I
public interest than for any more tangible
Lowett prices were quoted In the last i
hour, the only period in which the Hat manl- i
fottteil any activity. In several leading
utockn, notably Mercantile Marine preferred, !
which dropped 6 points to 76, today's mini- '
im wrf under the feverish seHHlons of ,
last month.
Sentiment aljto waft adversely affected by
nolher break of 14 points in General 1
Motors, representing a loss of .11 points in 1
hree days, Bethlehem Steel also forfeited
!0 points on every few sales, and the
lumerous low priced1 equipments and muni- '
(ions and specialties as a whole sagged '
proprotlonately. j
United Stateti Steel held Its ground for a ;
time, hut was among-, the first of the ;
pe:uiatlve favorites to recede, closing at 1
110. Steel's Uecember tonnage statement, i
disclosing the largest amount of unfilled j
orders ever reported, proved Ineffective. I
Knit were again consistently heavy on 1
relatively light offerings. New Haven and
St. Paul losing over 2 points with 1 to S for ,
Reading, the Partflcs, and many minor is-
wes. Coppers were firm during the fore
noon, but kept pare with the later down- I
ward trend. Total ales amounted to 860,- j
000 shares. j
Bonds were again featured by heavy of-
firings of intf rnntlonal or war Issues, rail
way issues being more steady. Total sales, ;
par value, tti,640,000. United States bonds j
wer unchanged on call.
Number of Hates and quotations on lead- j
ing blocks were i
Sales. High. Low. Close, t,
Am. Meet .sugar... ...on ht i 92
American, Can 4.500 47 4 45
Am. Car A Foundry 500 7 66S r
Am. locomotive 2.900 78 75 75
Am. Smelt. & Rff.. 14.500 l 104 104
Ain. Sugar Refining 1.200 llfltt 10tt 5
Am. Tel. & Tel 900 123 123 1234
Am. Z.. I,. A S 800 37 'i 36 6
Anaconda Copper.. 17 600 84 82 82
z.&uii liiha liM'fe 1U4VS
4.900 hbMt 54 54
900 84 8H 83
1.000 47 46 46
1.700 26 34 24
1,000 159 158 158
2,500 94 89 90
1.200 64 63 63
5,100 91 88 89
1,200 121 120 120
Bald. IOcomotlve..
Baltimore A Ohio..
B. & 8. Copper
Cal. Petroleum
Canadian Pacific. .
Central Leather. . .
Chtuiapeake & Ohio
:.. m. & Ht. p....
Chicago & N. W...
C. R. I. & P. Rv..
Chino Copper 3,000 G5
Colo. Fuel A Iron.. 700 4fi
Corn Products Ref. 1.900 22
Crucible Steel 10,600 63
53 53
21 21
61 61
26 26
instiimrB' securities
General Electric...
Great No. pfd.
Great No. Ore ctfs.
Illinois Central....
Inter. Con. Corp. . .,
Inspiration Copper.
4,600 53 32 32
300 168 168 168
1,200 116 115 115
400 .16 35 36
600 10tV,4 104 104
1 200 15 'A 15 15
9.500 59 67 57
inter, liarvenier
Int. M. M. pfd. ctfs. 53,000
84 78 78
24 M 24 24 tt
K, c. southern not)
Kennecott Copper. . 15,100 46 44 44
Louisville & 300 132 131 131
Mcx. Petroleum 31,300 106 102 102
Miami Copper 2,000 41 40 40
M., K. A T. pfd 18
Missouri racmc,
National Lead.,...
Nevada Copper
New York Central..
N. T.. N. H. A H. .
3.200 24 23 23
2.100 103 101 101
10.200 47 45 45fa
200 133 133 133
1,200 109 108 107
Norfolk A Western.
Northern Pacific...
Pacific Mall
Pacific Tel. A Tel..
jV 1V 19
6.500 56 Afi
5,200 57 26
9,400 102 99
ti,700 80 77
300 26 26
1,600 97 96
17.300 31 30
Ray Con. Copper. . .
Rep. Iron A Steel. .
Hhattuck Aria. Cod.
26 i
6 I
Southern Pacific. . .
Southern Railway..
Studebaker Co
Texas Company ....
Union Pactflc
at) I
6 700 106 103 104
5,300 243 236 236 I
fi.800 144 143 142
200 84 84 83
26,100 121 117 117 i
21,100 113 110 110
900 120 120 119
22,600 106 103 103
300 97 96 96 i
Union Pacific pfd..
U. 8. Ind. Alcohol..
U. 8, Steel
U. S. Steel pfd
Utah Copper
Wabash pfd. "B". .
Westlnghouse Elec
8,500 53 62 62
Total sales for the day. 950,000 shares.
Oil and Koala. -
Savannah, Ga., Jan. 10. OH Turpentine,
quiet, 63 c; receipts. 216 bbla,; shipments,
S4S bbls.; stocks, 23,311 bbls.
Rosin Firm; sales, 297 bbls.; receipts,
1,192 bbls.; shipments, 1,363 bbls.; stocks.
90,157 bbls. Quotations: A. B, C, D. K.
18.25; F, Q, l.27; H, I. tt.32; K, JS.60;
M 16.70; N, S6.95; WG, $7.10; WW, t? .80.
Dry Hoods Market.
New York, Jan. 10. Dry Goods Cotton
goods and yarns were steadier today with
trade quiet. Hosiery prices named on staple
goods for fall, 1917, were from SO to 60 per
cent higher than a year ago. An unusual
attendance of buyers was reported In the
markets for this time of the year,
Hugar Market.
New York, Jan. 10. Sugar Raw, steady;
centrifugal, 6.39c; molasses, 4.63c. Refined,
quiet; tine granulated 6.76c. Sugar futures
were quiet but the undertone was unsettled
and prices were a little lower at noon and
scattered liquidation, prompted by expec
tations of increased offerings from Cuba.
Bank Cleauings
Omaha, Jan. 10. Bank clearings for
Omaha today were t5. 739, 307. 78 and for the
corresponding day last year, t4,52. 876.03.
Raymond's January Sale
Progresse at the same lively clip that marked its
beginning a week ago. The reason is CLEAR.
THE VALUES are plain to be seen. In every piece
of Furniture on our floors a REAL Sale Price is
MARKED. Many pieces are given especial empha
sis by the white tag marked "As Advertised."
If PRICES only were the criterion in this
SALE, then the values to be had here would be
merely a string of FIGURES.
Therefore, consider well the high quality
offered you in this Sale.
A number of mixed cars of Furniture have
reached us this week and are being sampled and
placed on the floor as fast as possible, and marked
at 0NE,THIRD LESS than we could possibly do if
we were buying it on the wholesale market right
Mr. Edward Thomas. ,
Mr. Edward Thomas of St.
Joseph, Mo., has accepted the man
agement of Raymond's Carpet and
Drapery Department, which occu
pies the entire 2nd floor of their
commodious quarters at 1513-15
Howard street. Mr. Thomas, recent
ly severed his connection with
Sturges, Ellingwood & Roerman,
St. Joseph's largest department
store, where he has bad charge of
the carpets and draperies for a
number of years. 'In coming to
Raymond's Mr. Thomas brings his
past successful experience to couple
with the up-to-the-minute equipment
he will soon hare at his command
in taking care of Raymond's Cus
tomers in his department. The rug
and drapery floor is now undergo
ing a complete change in its ar
rangement. Every modern device
and equipment is being added to en
hance the comfort and convenience
of the floor for Raymond visitors
and customers
In addition to the rug and floor
covering section, where the dis
play is much improved, a complete
drapery section will occupy one
side of the room ; fixtures, counters,
cabinets, etc., are now being built
from blue print and cut to specifica
tions by a local mill, and will soon
be instilled. The drapery section
will be fully stocked as soon as
shipments arrive, which were con
tracted for in November at a very
considerable saving as compared to
the present fabric markets.
.First go to Mobile
make Mobile the first leg of your winter tour. From
there you can reach the charming resorts of the Gulf
Coast; from there Florida is reached easily and quickly;
from there you can take steamer to Cuba; or swing
'round the circle to Tampa, Key West and New York.
Outdoor Sports on the Gulf Coast
Whatever your favorite hobby may be, you can gratify it at
Mobile golt, tennis, fashing, hunting,
motoring, sailing, riding, drivmg it's all
to be found at its best, and in the balmiest
and softest of winter climates.
Write me today and uk about oar aH-ail or nil and water
trip, to winter resorts. Lrt me send yoo our llliwtrafrd, dps
enptive booklet on the Gulf Coast and Florida ami tell yon
about our low-fare circle tour to Mobile, Tampa, Key Wot
and New York.
F.L. Harris, Genl Agent, Mobile & Ohio RR.
305 North Sannth Street, St Louis, Mo.
I o f
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1 04 15.
1 C 0 O I
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