e Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER Fair; Colder VOL. XLVI. NO. 177. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 11, 1917. TEN PAGES. 0 TfilM. it Haiti. Mm Stand, do.. H SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS LEGISLATURE IN RUNNING ORDER; FIRST BILLS COME Governor Neville Recommends Mayfield of Omaha for Place on the .State Board of Control. COL. W. F. CODY, SOLDIER, SCOUT 4ND HUNTER, DIES Talking It Over ENTENTE'S REPLY BUFFALO BILL AND THE KIDDIES Colonel William F. Cody, who passed away at noon at Denver, was a great lover of children, and the children, red and white, who accompa nied his show always found a welcome at his office tent. fe'-- TO WILSON GIVEN SHARPJT PARIS We should 4worry! -mous Plainsman Passes Nature of Answer Not Revealed Away at Home of His Sis ter at Denver Near ' Noon. and Won't Be Till President ' Has Had Time to Con- sider It. TREE SPEECH IN SENATE ILL FOR SEVERAL WEEKS FRENCH PRESS FORECAST Use the telephone for BEE WANT-ADS Telephone Tyler 1000 Easiest way. TH Lahner's Resolution tto limit Remarks Is Voted Down. NO LIMIT ON BILLS (From ft Staff. Correspondent.) Lincoln, Jan. 10. (Special.) Rec ommending E. O. Mayf.fld as having wide experience in the lines which ought to make him a valuable mem ber of the Board of Control of state institutions, Governor Neville today sent the name of the Omaha news paperman to the senate for confirma tion for the place on that board now filled by Judge Howard Kennedy, whose term will expire July 1. Mr. Mayfield is an old newspaper Kan in Nebraska work and at the present time owns an interest in two republican papers in the state. Con firmation of the appointment was put Over until next Tuesday at 2 o'clock, when it is expected that some op position may be made, though it is thought this will not be sufficient to prevent the confirmation which must be by a two-thirds vote. Mr. Mayfield has the endorsement of most of the rtw.mbers of the repub lican state central committee and the chairman, Ed Beach, besides that of many newspapermen in the state. Free Speech Hereafter. Free speech and plenty of it will not be denied by the senate this ses sion, a motion by Lahners, who ob jected to a half-hour being taken up yesterday by a woman speaker in presenting one sideof the war situa tion, being voted down by 18 to 14. Senator Howell made a vigorous pro test against denying the right of the people to come before the senate and present their claims. Lahners wanted a committee of three appointed to in estigate the kind of oratory any in dividual might want tp turn loose, but the senate was willing to take a chance and defeated the motion. Those in favor of the investigation of speakers were Adams, Albert, Buhrman, Gates, Haase, Henry, Kohl, Lahners, Mattes, Moriarty, Robert son, Samuelson, Tanner and Wilson of Frontier. Wallace Wilson -slipped oot of the chamber and did not vote. The other eighteen opposed the "throttling for free speech." Lieutenant Governor Howard, ris ing to a point of personal privilege, explained that the chair was not responsible for the Tuesday woman speaker. He asked the house if it had objection, after Senator Sawyer of Lancaster had presented her. He ex plained that no objection was raised. University Presents Gavels. Senator Adam McMullen of Gage presented, on behalf of Chancellor Avery, two gavels made by the me chanical engineering department of the university, one to Lieutenant Governor Howard and the other to President Pro Tem John Mattes of Otoe. Lieutenant Governor Howard, in fris speech of thanks, commended the real working branch of our state University," and said that he favored more extensive teaching to make the youth useful in a mechanical way. In Senator Mattes' speech the Otoe fconnty president pro tem flung a chal lenge to those who had declared he represented the liquor interests and would not be fair to the prohibition Icause. "My one and only ambition is to fiscredit the prophets who have fore told the calumnious things of me," he said, after explaining that the state cannot do too much for the univer sity. The resolution opposing federal control of transportation, offered by Senator Walter E. Hager of Adams, was laid over for a day, as is custo mary. Car Shortage Report. The Samuelson resolution, asking for a joint house and senate probe of the car shortage, was continued until Friday at the request of its author. Tie report of the Nebraska Railway 'Conttmed on Pftgv Two, Colnma live.) The Weather Tor Nebraska Fair and continued cold. Temperature- at Omaha yesterday. Hour. 6 a. m., 6 a. m. . 7 a. m. . 1 p. m. , : p. i 5 p. m 20 4 p. m 6 p. m..n. J8 8 p. m 17 7 p. in.......... lfi 8 p. m 16 Comparative Local Reoord. Ifl7. 116. 1I5. ISM. Rlfffreat yesterday..,. at 41 ns as Lowest yesterday. . IS 11 Z2 35 mean temperature.... 26 26 a 22 Precipitation T .00 .00 T , Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal: Normal temperature 20 Excess for the day 6 Total excess since March 1 291 Kormal precipitation 03 inch Deficiency for the day 0.1 Inch Total rainfall Mince March 1 16.72 Inches Deficiency enlce March 1 12.75 Inches deficiency for cor. period, 1916.. 2.0fi Inches Deficiency for cor. period 1915.. 3.46 inches Reports From Stations at 7 P. M. Station and State Temp. High- Raln- or weather. 7 p. m. cut. Cheyenne, clear S3 42 Davelport, snow 11 34 Denver, clear 34 4ft Ia Moines, clear 13 K Dodire City, clear 3H k North Platte, cloar :i :in Omaha, cloudy in :tfi , PueblO, clesr 3 It 44 Salt Lake City, clear.... 22 ?t fall, .00 Santa Fe, clear. .. 34 4K .1 Sheridan, pt. cloudy.... .10 UK j Sioux City, clear 12 10 Valentine, clear 2H no .1 T indicates trace of precipitation. t-w. 1 A. WELSH. Meteorologist. 1 1 ) 0 SENATE COMMITTEE WORK DISTRIBUTED Tanner Heads Corporations, Morearty, Cities and Towns ; Howell, Enrolled Bills. PLENTY OF WORK FOR ALL (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln ' Neb,, Jan. 10. (Special Telegram.) The senate committee on committees tonight completed the as signments of the standing commit tees, the chairmanships being as fol lows: . . . Accounts arid expenditures, holy; agricul ture, Lahners; banks and currency, Mattes; claims, Boost: constitutional amendment. C happell ; Irrigation, Bushee; educational, Wallace Wilson; enrolled bills. Howell; finance. Kohl: fish and game, Sprik; high ways, Samuelson; insurance, Henry; Judi ciary, Oberlies; live stock, Adams; manu facturers, Hager; medical societies, WIIIIh Wilson; miscellaneous corporations, Tanner: miscellaneous subjects, Bennett; municipal affairs, Moriarty; privileges and elections. Sawyer; public Institutions, Strehlow; rail roads, Gates; revenue and taxation, Buhr man: school lands, Robertson; prohibition legislation, Beall. Three chairmanships got to repub licans, Lahners, Bushee and Spirk. Publicity for Nebraska Is Aim of Commission (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Jan. 10. (Special.) An extended program of Nebraska pub licity, in keeping with Governor Ne ville's recommendations in his mes sage to the legislature last week, was mapped out at a meeting of the Ne braska conservation and welfare com mission at the Lincoln Commercial club this noon. The commission took steps to elect Governor Neville chairman, Chan cellor Avery of the University of Ne braska vice president, and Dr. George E. Condra, executive secretary. It is the plan' to co-relate the work of all surveys under the direction of the commission, to extend the scope of information available in state de velopment and to enlarge the depart ment of publicity of the state's re sources. A moving picture studio is planned. Mrs. John Dale III and Her Recovery Considered Doubtful Mrs. John Dale, widow of the late John Dale, sustained a stroke of apoplexy last Sunday and has been un conscious most ot the tune since. At the home last night it was said tfiat she was gradually growing weaker. Her recovery, owing to her advanced age, is considered doubtful. She is at the family home, 1538 Georgia avenue. Mrs. Dale has not been well since last summer, when she suffered heat prostration. Nomination of Winthrop M. Daniels Approved by -enate Washington, Jan. 10. The nomina tion of Winthrop M. Daniels of New Jersey to succeed himself as a mem ber of the Interstate Commerce com mission, held np since December 20 by opposition by progressive repub licans, was confirmed today by the senate. The vote was 42 to 15. British Paper Says Mr, Gerard s Speech Blunt Hint to the Kaiser London, Jan. 10. Referring to Ambassador Gerard's recent speech in Berlin on German-American relations, the Manchester Guardian says that "The precise significance of Mr. Ger ard's speech has been missed in some quarters in England, but not in Ger many." The newspaper adds: "Mr. Gerard said the relations be tween Germany and the United States would continue to be good as long as the chancellor and the present chiefs remained. That is due to the fall of Falkcnhayn and Tirpitz, who pinned their hopes to expansion in the west and to the use of all methods, however ruthless, as means of vic WEALTHY CHICAGO CAFE OWNER HELD Thomas Newbold is Taken Into Custody in Connection with Graft Revelations. ONLY START, SAYS HOYNE Chicago, Jan. 10. Investigation of alleged Chicago police graft "ring" led to the taking into custody early today of Thomas Newbold, wealthy hotel and cafe owner. Maclay Hoyne, state's attorney, who is conducting the investigation, refused to make public- the-re asoif-f or 'Nt wiKTs de tention, but pointed out that several of the hotels controlled by Newbold have been the scene of police raids. Newbold. ,was taken into custody shortly after Mr. Hoyne announced that Thomas Costello and Lieuten ant Augustus M. White, both under arrest, had confessed, directly con necting Charles C. Healey, chief of police, with the system which lie charged levied tribute amounting to thousands of dollars annually on the underworld. Chief Healey, who was arrested Monday night, charged with extortion, bribery and conspiracy, is free on bonds of $25,000. Mr. Hoyne promised he would make public the details of the two confessions today. "I haven't even scratched the sur face of the graft ring," Mr. Hoyne said today. "The inquiry is still in its infancy. It will take several weeks to get to the bottom of the ring's op erations." Mrs. Louise Howe Dead; ' Her Husband Is Very III Mrs. Louise Howe, wife of James Howe and mother of R. C. Howe, gen eral manager of the Armour & Co. plant, died yesterday at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Drexel Byrne, on the Fort Crook road, where she and Mr. Howe h;;ve Jieen living. Mrs. Howe was born February 18, 1843, in Ireland and came to America forty-nine years ago. She had lived in Omaha for the last eighteen years. She is survived by her husband and seven children, R. C. Howe, Gertrude Howe Britton of Chicago, W. G. Howe of Clyde, 111.; Harriet Howe Duke of Omaha, James T. Howe of Virginia. Minn.; Elizabeth Howe Byrne of Omaha and Alice Howe I 'rice of Philadelphia. James Howe, the husband, is quite sick and arrangements for the funeral are being delayed until it is deter mined when he might be able to at tend. Minister Saves Three Lives And Then Loses His Own Des Moines, la., Dec. 10. After heroically saving the lives of his father and two aunts in a fire here today, Rev. Harold E. Ford, secretary to Bishop Harry S. 1-ongley of the Epis copal church, was overcome by smoke and died. Kev. Mr. Ford was treasurer of the Board of Missions and editor of the Iowa Churchman. The body will be taken to New York City, his home, for interment tory. Mr. Gerard knows President Wilson fears the failure of his peace move may be followed by a sub marine campaign as desperate as Ger many can make it, and his speech really was a blunt hint of the trouble that such a development would cause with the United States." The Guardian justifies the unusual procedure of the ambassador in in tervening against one of two opposing political parties by surmising that he can only have done so in the belief that the position was such as to need a pointed statement one that would make the situation clear to all in Germany. Famous Hero of Many Battles Makes Gallant Fight Against Death for Many Hours. BREAK COMES ON MONDAY Denver, Colo., Jan. 10. To add to its measure of appreciation of what the west owed him, the state of Colo rado will receive the body of Colonel William F. Cody (Buffalo Bill), who died here today, into its capitol Sun day, there to lie in state for four hours. Funeral services for Colonel Cody are to be held Sunday afternoon, when the body will be placed in a re ceiving vault in a local cemetery, but the burial will not take place until next spring, probably Decoration day, when the body of one of the nation's most picturesque characters will he interred, in a tomb hewn from the rock at the top of Lookout Mountain, near this city. Plans already arc afoot ior the erection of a suitable monu ment at this final resting place. The Funeral Services. The funeral services Sunday are to be in charge of the Denver lodge of Elks. In accordance with the wish of the dying scout, however, all the societies to which he belonged are to have a part in his funeral, including the Grand Army of the Republic, the Pioneer Society of Colorado and the Cowboy Rangers of Denver, besides the Eiks. The Masons will have charge of the interment of the body in its mountain tomb. Arrangcmentswere made at a con ference late today for the body to lie in state in the capitol Sunday morn ing from 8 o'clock to noon. Leaders of both houses of the legislature, now in session, attended the conference and agreed to seeure the passage of the necessary joint resolution tomor row. While the body lies in state at the capitol a guard of honor will be on duty. Troops Will Escort Body, 'Federal troops will escort the body from the capitol to the Elks' home for the services, according to the plans tonight, and other federal troops are expected to march in the funeral cortege. Colonel Cody's Masonic affiliations included membership in the Royal Ach degree at North Platte, Neb., and in the Knight Templar commandery at the same place and membership in the Shriners of Mecca Temple, New York. After Sunday's services and until placed in the tomb on Lookout Mountain the body will be in custody of the Knights Templar here. Telegrams of condolence in large numbers have been pouring in to the home of the sister here, where Colonel Cody had been staying for the last few days. They included messages from friends of high and low degree all over the country. One from Presi dent Wilson and others from Lieu tenant General Nelson A. Miles and General Hugh L. Scott, chief of staff, were among the number. Unconscious Since Morning. Colonel Cody died at 12:05 p. m. With Colonel Cody when death came were his wife and daughter, who had hurried down from Cody, Wyo., the family home, last week to be at his bedside, and his sister, Mrs. L. 1 Decker of Denver. Colonel Cody had been in coma since this morning. Colonel Cody fought death as he often had opposed it on the plains in the davs when the west was vounif. "You can't kill the old scout." he" would tell his physician whenever his condition would show improve ment. And when the doctor told him his life was ebbing Colonel Cody ac cepted his fate like a stoic. Directions for Funeral. "Let the Elks and Masons take charge of the funeral," he said to his sister. Then he turned to his busi ness affairs, making suggestions or ineir continuance. i "Let us have a game of 'high five.'" he said after he had talked with his family. And every one joined, the he was winning. Since January 5. when he was hur ried back to his sister's home in Den ver, the colonel has surprised all who knew his real condition by great pow ers of resistance and recuperation. One day his physician would see the end "within thirty-six hours." and then the colonel would rally and no one would predict the oxact outcome. On January 8, however, his system broke down entirely and from then on it was a question merely of time. History of Illness. The following outline of Colonel Cody's illness was given by his phy sician: N Colonel Cody returned from his season's show work last fall much exhausted. He went to his ranch at Cody, Wyo., to rest, and on his re turn to Denver, about four weeks ago, contracted a severe cold. This seemed to settle in his bowels and an im paction followed. The impaction was reduced with great difficulty. It was at this time that relatives here called in the colonel's wife and daughter, only to find before they ar rived that the colonel had improved and was in no immediate danger. Following this, although the cold persisted, the colonel recovered enough to be up and take automobile rides. For years an inveterate smoker, his heart became seriously affected. The amount of tobacco Colonel Cody con sumed was reduced sharply on his physician's advice and again improve- (Coslianed Tmf Two. Ctlou Om.) OFFICERS OF MANY CITIESJUNT THAW Slayer of Stanford White In dicted at New York, Charged With Flogging Boy. THAW'S FRIEND IS HELD New York, Jan. 10. With the po lice of many cities searching for Harry K. Thaw, wanted here to an swer to an indictment charging him with assaulting and kidnaping Fred erick Gump, jr., of Kansas City, Mo., it developed today that the man whom the police of Philadelphia have ar rested is not George F, 6'Byrnes, Thaw's bodyguard, alleged to have been involved in the enticing of Gump to New York last Christmas. Frank F. Walsh, counsel for the Gump family, consulted the district attorney upon his return here today from Philadelphia. He informed the prosecutor that the man in custody in that city is Oliver Iirower of Utica. N. Y., an acquaintance of Thaw. According to Mr. Walsh's story to the prosecutor today, Thaw appar ently left in Brower's care at a Phil adelphia hotel a number of letters and documents. One of these, ac cording to the lawyer, is an agree ment, drawn up but not signed, whereby Gump set forth that he had no objection to being whipped. The charge against Thaw is that he lashed Gump with a whip on thre'e occasions during Christmas night in Thaw's rooms in a New York hotel, Brower is held in Philadelphia on a technical charge. He is not in volved in the accusations mentioned in the indictment against Thaw and O'Byrnes. but acted, Mr. Walsh al leges, as Thaw's emissary after Thaw left New York subsequent to the es cape of Gump from the hotel here. Thaw is understood to have sent Brower to look for Gump in the hope of preventing the youth from telling of the alleged incidents of Christmas night. Case of Franz Bopp Is Given to Jury Late in Day San Francisco, Jan. 10. The case of Franz Bopp, counsel general here for Germany, and his co-defendants, charged with conspiracy to violate the neutrality erf the United States, was given to the jury late today. Salt Lake City Will Have New Mile Speedway Salt Lake City, Jan. 10 A two mile board automobile speedway, cost ing $500,000. will be built on the shore of Great Salt lake this summer, ac cording to articles of incorporation filed here today. Mayor Dahlman Recalls Early Days With Cody on Western Plains Mayor Dahlman knew CoTonel Cody for thirty-five years. About the time the colonel was starting out with his show the mayor was riding the ranges over the country which knew Cody in earlier years. "I will never forget the colonel's story of how Wild Bill Hickok tried to break into the wild west, show game." said the mayor. "Wild Bill and Cody were intimates in the old days of the west. During one of his visits to Omaha the colonel told me that Wild Bill wired to New York, expressing a yearning to display his skill as a horseman and marksman. And don't forget that Bill was some marksman in his time. Cody wired for Bill to go east and meet him at the Hoffman house. New York City. "Wild Bill rode in a hack from the depot to the Hoffman house, where PUBLIC HEARINGS ON LEAK SUSPENDED General Belief that Committee Will Report Wood' Resolu tion Unfavorably. BOLLINO DENIES IT ALL Bulletin. Washington, Jan. 10. After a two- hour executive session late today the house rules committee adjourned un til tomorrow without taking final action on Representative Wood's resolution for an investigation of a leak in advance of President Wilson's peace note. Although most of the democratic members favored abandonment of the whole proceedings with an adverse report on the resolution, a subcom- mittccr-was appointed to draft con tempt charges against Thomas W. Law son tor use in case the committee decides to report the Boston financier for refusing to give names in connec tion with rumors he repeated. Washington, Jan. 10. After an other brief session today the house rules committee suspended public hearings on Representative Wood's resolution to investigate whether there was a stock market leak on President Wilson's peace note. Many congressmen believe the committee will report against an investigation. No formal action was taken by the committee at its executive session Members stated, however, that the Wood resolution probably would be adversely reported to the house. Whether to recommend specific in vestigation of Lawson's general charges of stock exchange operations by government officials or a broad inquiry into the stock exchange is the question now being considered. President's Brother-in-Law Testifies. R. W. Boiling, a brother-in-law of President Wilson and a member of F. A. Connolly & Co., brokers, Wash, iugton, was the' first witness at to day s hearing. He denied he had any thing to do with a "leak." "I have nothing to say," he said, "except that whoever is responsible for bringing my name into this, Rep resentative Wood, I believe, might send me an apology at the same time that he sends one to Secretary Tu multy." i "When did you receive your first information regarding the president's note?" Representative Henry asked. "When I read it in the newspa pers." "Did you ever receive from any source," Representative Garret asked, "any intimation of the president's so called peace note in advance of its publication ?" "Absolutely not." "Any other member of your firm (Oontlnard on Pair Svmi, Column F1t.) he got into an argument with the driver over the fare. According to his custom. Hill tried to settle the argument with a gun. The hotel clerks shouted to Colonel Cody to hurry downstairs and quiet a wild man from the west. The colonel did manage to pacify Wild Bill, but he could not see his way to put Bill on the pay roll of the show. Wild Bill was too wild for Buffalo Bill's Wild West show. "Cody told me Bill went into Chey enne one evening and entered a gam bling house without introducing him self. He proceeded to play as any stranger might do, when two men en tered and ordered everybody to hold up their hands and remain quiet while they were robbed. Wild Bill raised his hands and in each hand was a re volver. Firing with both hands, he killed the two holdup men as if with one shot" Prominent French Journalist Intimates Answer Will Contain Surprises. CONTAINS PEACE TERMS Washington, Jan. 10. Official infor mation reached here today that the entente reply to President Wilson's note suggesting a discussion of peace terms by the belligerents had been handed to Ambassador Sharp at Paris. No intimation of the nature of the reply was given and the advices said It would not be made public until President Wilson had received and had an opportunity to consider it. Paris, Jan. 10. Marcel Hutin, who is well known as a journalist, is au thority for the report that the reply of the entente to Wilson's peace note will be "ultra sensational," and that its delivery to the president is imminent. He asserts the note will be made puo lic as soon as President Wilson has had opportunity to examine it. London, Jan. 10. The reply of the entente powers to President Wilson's note asking the belligerents to state the aim for which they are fighting, has now received the approval of all the entente governments and its de livery is about to be made at Paris. Publication of the text of the note, however, will be deferred until forty eight hours after it has been received by the American government. As finally framed the reply is con siderably longer than was the answer to the German peace proposals and contains approximately 1,200 to 1,500 words. Its statements concerning the terms of the entente powers are more specific than were made in previous communications or official utterances, but they were still general and some what guarded in character, Roy Hinterliter Found Guilty and Is Given Life Term ..Olney, III Jan. 10. Roy Hinter- liter, found guilty this morning of manslaughter in connection with the death of Miss Elizabeth Ratcliffc last July, was sentenced by Judge Miller today to life imprisonment. The jury brought in a verdict of manslaughter at 4:15 o'clock this morning after having reported three times for instructions. The penalty for manslaughter is a sentence from two years to life imprisonment. Hinterliter confessed on the wit ness stand that the girl's death oc curred last July during an attempt at an alleged illegal operation while driving in a buggy with him, but as serted she had used the surgical in struments supplied by him while he was nor with her. He claimed the girl employed the instrument while he went to unhitch his horse, tied about thirty feet away. Hinterliter said when he returned to the girl she was unconscious. He believed she had fainted, but he was unable to revive her. He placed her in the buggy and drove to a hospital at Olney, where a physician found the girl was dead. The state contended that the death of the girl was caused by air bubbles forced into her veins for the purpose of relieving her con dition. Gen, Miles Praises Buffalo Bill as One Of Great Americans Lincoln, Jan. 10. General Nelson A. Miles, U. S. A., retired, who is in Lincoln attending a meeting of the Nebraska Territorial Pioneers' asso ciation and the State Historical so ciety, expressed his sorrow over the death of Colonel Cody. "Colonel Cody was a high-minded gentleman, a brave American and a great scout," said General Miles. "He performed a great work in the west for the pioneers and for the gen-; erations coming after them and his exploits will live forever in history."; General Miles said it was while he was conducting his campaign against the Indians in the Yellowstone coun try of Montana that "Buffalo Bill" served as his chief of scouts and they were thrown much together in later campaigns. Walter Goodman, a senior in the University of Nebraska, is a nephew of Colonel Cody. Colonel Cody has other more distant relatives living in Lincoln. The Next Time You need help call Tyler 1000 Competent ad takers will help you write your ad. More and more peo ple are securing good help through . The Bee's Help Wanted columns every lay. i You are as close to The Bee Waal Ad Dept. as your phone is to you. Call Tyler 1000