4 THE BEE: OMAHA, MOMM. JAiSUAKl 8, 1)LI THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD HOSE WATER VICTOR ROSEWATER. EDITOR THE BE! PUBLISHING COMPANY. PROPRIETOR . Entered at Omaha wtoffic a secood'-elaaa matter TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Br Carrier Br Vail pr month per rear Dailr ana Bandar ' Dailr without Sunder Evening and Sundar '! Krenina; without Sundar 2' 4.00 Sunday Bee onlr Dailr and Sundar Bm, thrM years in adranrt. 110.00. Send notie of change of address or irregularity in de livery ta Omaha Boa, Circulation Department. REMITTANCE Remit br draft, nrtil or postal order. Onlr l-rnt Umpi taken in pwiant of amall aeeounta. Paraonal check;, ateept on Omaha and eastern eichange, not aectpted. OFFICES Omaha Tha Baa building. South Omaha 2111 N. street. Council Bluffs 14 North Main street. Lincoln C2t Uttle Building. Chicairo 818 Paopla'a Gaa Building) New YorkRoom 808, 286 Fifth arenue. Ht. Louia 80S New Bank of Commerce. Washington 72 Fourteenth street, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE '; Address communications relating to newa and editorial matter to Omaha Boa, Editorial Department nrrcuarn rtnri it iTinu 53,368 Daily Sunday 50,005 Dwlght WBllatns. circulation manuar or me nee Publishing- eompanr. being duly worn, aara that tha ' average circulation for the month of Deaembar, 1918, waa 68,8(8 daily and 60,005 Sundar. DWIGHT WILLIAMS Circulation Manager. , ' Bubeeribod in mr preecneo aad sworn to before mo . this 4th dar of Januarr. 1817. . aw. CARLSON, Notary Publta. ' J 1 i , ' Subscriber! leaving Km city temporarily should hare That Baa mailed to tham. Ad. tlraaa eriirbe chanted aa often as requested. .Vow it always Walt street show great speed in profiting by a hunch. , Opposition to good roads is another way of blocking the wheels of progress'. Ohio's retiring governor declares that the slate it inspected to death. Not the only one. At any rate, Nebraska's new governor ran ex cuse his mistakes by his youth and inexperience One of our amiable 'contemporaries boasts that it is the newspaper preferred by the prisoners in (he county jail. 'Nuf Sedl i The peppery Spanish note on U-boat oper ations foreshadows trouble ahead. Should the kaiser fail to mend hi ways it is more than prob able Alfonso may slap him on the sleeve. Now that the city commission has divided the pot among the various departments, the real task of economic expenditure begins. ' Let every dollar bring the taxpayers a dollars worth of return. ; t Rival governors camping In and about the statehouse in Arizona is reminiscent of a one time similar experience in Nebraska. Eagerness to hang; on or get .in is a trait that knows no state bounds. ! Uncle . Sam has spent $70,000,000 trying to "get" Villa, and has little to show for the money. Should Murguia get the elusive bandit, as re ports indicate, a claim for liberal reward will deserve consideration. Nebraska ranks fourth among the states of the union in value of farm products. The rating is a tribute to the industry of the people and foreshadows still greater advance with the grow ing of intensive farming. ' ; That Resignation and substitution of one of the Nebraska presidential electors may con lor in with legal requirements,, but if the presidency tie ' pended on tone electoral vote, it would be alto gether too risky a proceeding. v - Henry Ford worked his checkbook in the inter est of Wilson to the extent of $23,529. .This is less than one-fourth of the promised publicity blowout, and proportionately reduces the demo cratic obligation to boost the gas wagon wizard. -. Thirty thousand new corporations were launched in this country in 1916, the largest num ber since 1901. The immensity of capitalistic growth threatens to impose overtime work on the Hon. Jerry Howard. In that event, hark to free dom's scream. , - , j As a matter of courtesy, doubtless, Japan and Portugal added their signatures and seals to the last message of the allied nations to neutrals. The part of Japan and Portugal in the row at the present time resembles the famous pugilistic cry; "Hit him in the slats, Bob; you've got him going." A parade of the entire Atlantic fleet off the harbor of St. Thomas will signalize the coming transfer of the Danish West Indies to the United States. Coming under world conditions of war originating. in territorial greed, the event consti tutes a notable triumph for peaceful negotiations. Gold and Iron -New York Time Current comment is much occupied with the flood of gold. Lss is said of something more significant die outward flood of iron. In 1916 the imports of gold were $657,700,000. The ex ports of iron were $865,000,000. In 1915 the relation of those items was reversed. The im ports of gold then exceeded the exports of iron the growth of imports of gold having been roughly only a half, while the exports of iron have more than doubled. In fact, it may be doubted whether the imports of gold would have increased in 1916 by $206,000,000 if the exports of iron had not increased by $477,000,000. The significance of these contrasts is that iron is the primary metal.iot gold. Whoever has iron commands gold, whether in war or in peace Gold for the most part is used only by being; parted with. ( These facts are controlling in the war after the war, whether it be another military war or a commercial war. The world will be slow to , quarrel with a nation whose resources include a mightier warshop than Krupp's, and which is not the largest of our list. The world knows that they have fought with our iron and our weapons, to some; extent, and that in equipping them to tight we' have surpassed them in that leading item of preparedness. The world has learned that it is not enough to have men and money we have both but that it is more neces fal? toj!ve ,ron thn sToiaVand again we have both. The world knows that, as it used to be said of armies, nations fight on their stomachs, , and in that respect we are better equipped than any other country We are able to feed alien soldiers With breadstuffs by the billion because we know how to use iron tools on the farms. 1 the war after the war is to be commercial our ability in agricultural machinery, ships, railways warehouses, shops, attest that we are leaders in the arts of peace. Too much gold marks deca dence. There never yet was a country which had too much iron in cither peace or war. - Question No One Can Answer. In another column on this page will be found a letter from a reader who asks us, in good faith we take it, a lot of questions about the war, just as if The Bee were a Delphic oracle able to fathom all the mysteries of the future for the en lightenment of the present. Describing himself as a farmer, our correspondent, for example, wants to know whether it will be more profitable to put his land into corn the coming season or keep it sown to wheat. As farm prices must de pend largely upon the continuation of war de mands, he also wants to know whether the war is going to last another year and whether Crr many is going to win or be beaten. Now, if anyone could furnish infallible an swers to these questions, he could make several fortunes and he would not have to bother to determine whether there will be more money in wheat or corn this coming year. All the wisest can do is to base opinions as to the future upon what has happened, in the past and to gather correctly the impression prevailing among those most likely to form unbiased judgments. The only certain thing in the great European war is that neither side has so far succeeded in accom plishing what it' set out to do and therefore that neither side has yet won or lost. The current opinion is that the outcome of the war will be r determined more by exhaustion of resourcees at home than by military achievement in the field, and that the war will continue at least through another spring and summer campaign before either or both sides are brought to admit the futility of further fighting and the necessity of accepting the then existing situation and mak'ng the best of it. ' Notwithstanding all this, peace talk is in the air and though it does not soon materialize, it is bound to keep conditions more or less unstable. Sincti it is just barely possible the war may terminate as suddenly as it began, shrewd busi ness men will not makj committments for longer periods than necessary, and that holds good for farmers the same as for others. , Conciliation or Divorce? , News for Nebraakana. Announcement that Nebraska is to receive nearly $10,000 from the apportionment of the "trail" fund of the United States made some Nebraakana wonder whence the. money comes and for what it is to be used. It is derived from rentals of pasturage and other privileges in na tional forest reservations and ia to be spent on roads or trails through the reserves. Many of us didn't know that Nebraska has a forest reserve, but quite an area is set apart for that purpose and reports from it are encouraging, as it ia grow ing in importance all the time. Some day the people of the state will wake op to the fact that one of the great opportunities in the semi-arid region lies in afforestration. The United States bureau of forestry has demonstrated that pine trees can be grown in the sand hills, and that pasturage comes with the pines. Success will follow when the state takes hold of the work definitely and intelligently. Tariff Readjustment Imperative. , Each succeeding day's events in the business world, ss well as in the political world, adda to the argument for tariff readjustment. Importa tion of gold, which has reached an enormous total, and which has placed the United States in possession of the greatest stock of 'gold ever held by any nation in the world' history, in creases the danger , to our industry and com merce in the economic stress sore to follow the ending of the war. Clearsighted men realize this, and are urging that we be prepared. At a dinner in New York last week, Charles M. Schwab, speaking for the steel industry, called attention to some existing facta. The Bethlehem Steel company ten years ago was looked upon as one of the big units of the steel industry; it then employed 10,000 men, while today it has 70,000 on its payroll) nd is adding to that list In thirty years the steel production of the country has multiplied fourfold, jumping from ten to forty millions of tons annual output, and the men in the business say the uses for steel are just being discovered. At Bethlehem ten years ago the 10,000 workmen drew wages averaging $900 per year; the 70,000 now are paid an aver age of $1,260. . , The other side of the picture it that in Europe it is also possible to produce steel, and the facul ties of the several nations have been greatly sharpened by the war, and their facilities cor respondingly extended. For the present they are making steel to; war uses; when peace comes, they will i make steel for other purposes. This will bring them Into direct competition with the workmen of America. It will not be possible for the nationa financially exhausted by the war, no matter how marked their economic resilience, to meet the American standard in competition. This means that unless the payrolls of the United States are safeguarded in time, Europe will even tually set our wage scale for us. The steel industry may be less exposed than others, but the general principle applies to all our home industries that have to meet European competition. The tariff ha hot been settled and will not be until the ineffectual Underwood law is replaced by a measure sincerely designed for America first Building His Own Future. The Omaha boy who ran away to Lincoln that he might pursue his inquiry into the mysteries of building construction is not so much , to be blamed. Remember he is but a boy snd there fore not rifted with that better developed sense of proportion that would make such aa adventure inexcusable in a more experienced person. His energy is the commendable quality developed in his tale. It may not be that he will become an architect or an engineer; he may finish' as book keeper or a newspaper reporter, but if he doea but hold this teal for the acquisition and applica tion of knowledge he will succeed beyond hi fel lows. Thirst for knowledge that leads to ven tures beyond the confine of the commonplace or the customary has been the inspiration of man in alt his upward straggle. Let us hope that this boy acquires more of consideration for the feel ings of his parents, but that he retains his desire to know that will lead him to inquire, even at some risk. 1 ' The burning of those water bonds simply means that the bond issue waa put out in an ex cessive amount in the first place. The law ought to require investment of the water distri:! sinking fund in water bonds whenever available with immediate cancellation of the bonds and stop page of interest on, them, the saving to gn cither to further meter rate reduction or to cuting the water tax." . If .... Literary Die-eat The simple method of calling the parties into private consultation has ended many a divorce suit and re-established many a home. This has been the experience of every judge, and the need ot such an eltort presents a serious problem in social efficiency. A conciliatory agency to deal with divorce cases before they are brought into court should not be in the nature of a censor ship or a rigid regulatory process." think two writers on this theme in the New Republic. The attempt at such a delicate task ought to be in the hands of some one devoted to this form of social service and connected with the courts. The likelihood of success in such an undertaking is illustrated by a case in ooint: "A husband and wife well past middle life had not spoken to each other in many months.' All communication had been carried on through the mediation of lawyers. The parties directly con cerned were called into the office of the judge, , who. left them there for a while with the door locked. Stormy wrangling followed. But the voices gradually descended to lower tones,' and two hours later when the judge re-entered the office the parties were willing to go home to gether. "If differences can be settled after legal strife has begun, it is reasonable to demand that efforts looking to a settlement be made in the first in stance. It is the part of advanced thought to eliminiate community waste by preventing the growth of the antisocial. We save most of the cost of combatting disease by seeking to prevent its cause. In' like manner wa can eliminate the in I ret ion ot modern divorce proceedings. "The wise worthy lawyer is constantly per forming social service by bringing about read justments before filing suit" The difficulty lies in the fact that "the element of the profession which handles most of the divorce cases in America owes its very existence to such discord." Therefore, it is an act of folly to expect effort toward peace from that source. "The more bitter the strife the more ample the profit. The wife consults one lawyer, the husband another. Petitions pregnant with charges and counter charges are prepared. 1 rifles light as air are magnified to give the case added seri ousness. Society and the law have decreed, that divorce must not be granted except for serious cause. Hence, tp secure the divorce and to earn the fee, the lawyer compiles a debit account which often works serious and irreparable destruction. Even in those cases where efforts for peace are successful the seeds of future disagreements have frequently been left "The lawyer is a middleman. He exists be cause a mass of technicalities separates the citi zen and his courts. Blindly must the average man trust his lawyer to go into the maze and bring him back satisfaction of some desire. Whether he gets it depends less upon, the object sought than upon the skill of the expert employed. "Such problems as are involved in the ordinary divorce proceedings require for their solution a branch of the public service which is equipped to investigate and advise. The court as now consti tuted cannot do this. It is eouioned merelv ta decide which of two conflicting expositions of law should be given precedence. Too often the judge is merely a highly dignified referee in a technical game. The court must be equipped to meet the concrete demands of human life. Decisions must cease to partake of the mystic art of an ancient necromancy, it must become a place tor the taking of a trial balance in the immediate prob lem at hand. Justice, in order to be worthy of the name, should be the determination of the balance in human relationships." . ' Cleveland has taken the lead in establishing a concilation court, where small suits are dealt with in an informal way. Lawyers, bondsmen and other middlemen of the law are eliminated, and the judge acts as investigator and peacemaker. The writers here think that "the process which worxs tor peace m adjusting ditterences between strangers could, at least be eauallv heloful in dealing with the affairs of estranged partners in the bnsiness of matrimony." Shafts Aimed at Omaha Fremont Tribune: Those wilrt.h nrae imitn. drels recently convicted at Omaha will probably have a few nightman i in prison. Albion News: In order to save a lot of high priced paper, all Omaha papers omitted their issues on Christmas and New Years. The will probably be before the legislature advocating the cstaDiisnmcni oi more Holidays. Hastings Tribune: The citv darisnf Omaha recently rejected all bids for supplying the city with coal, and decided to go upon the open mar ket tor its coal. Looks like the grasping "mit" was working among the Omaha coal men. Kearney Hub: The Omaha Be i nf the same mind as the Hub in declaring: that there is nd call for selling the state school lands. Further, ine nuo agrees wun tne Bee that these lands should be "held in perpetuity as school endow ment." , Plattsmouth Journal fdem.1: Ed Howell re. minds one of the kettle calling the pot black. ne nas Deen a memner ot the state senate off and on for twelve rears and his mit. has aierava been extended in the direction of the special interests, ' , Nebraska Citv Press: If Omaha rwlehratrrl the advent of 1917 as the Lincoln newspapers say it did, two things should be borne in mind: It stamped Omaha as a metropolitan city of the first class; besides, the same opportunity may not come again. Nebraska Gty Press: Omaha has another reason to feel proud. Not satisfied with captur ing the land bank for this territory our progres sive and hustling metropolis has corraled the headquarters, Fifth division, for the Good Roads bureau. And these two institutions are not pork. They mean better conditions for the west that portion of it surrounding Omaha, of which we are an important and integral part The land Dank means less red tape and more money for the fanner when he needs it. The Good Roads bureau's activities mean better transportation facilities for one of five states which have so far refused to co-operate with Uncle Sam in high way building. People and Events ' An official report shows .that automobiles killed 729 persons on the streets and highways of New York state last year. This is a cemetery gain of sixty-six over the record of 1915. Half the killings occurred in New York City, 248 being children. ' i . The Episcopal clergymen's pension fund, under way for a year past, has reached the $4,000,000 mark, leaving only $1,000,000 to be raised by March 1, 1917, to make the pledges effective. Bishop Lawrence says "this great sum of money is the largest the church ever raised in so short a time." The former, steel magnate of Pittsburgh, W. E. Corey, has hsd a merry time since he dis carded his first wife for the actress, Mabelle Gil man. The latter returned from abroad last week and for the second time neglected to tell cus toms officers of New York how many swell gowns she bad in her trunks. As a result of the over sight the officers took the trunks and the gowns and Mrs. Corey is booked for extra penalties. B. E. Sunny, president of the Chicago Tele phone company, carries a line of cheery optimism that fits his name. He is sunny all the time, ex cepting when Chicago aldermen go to the mat with the telephone company. While breezing around Milwaukee recently Mr. Sunny radiated sunshine among University club members by advocating government ownership of hens and regulation of output. . Hatching out a diversion is Sunny's strong point. , : I essemaj mm ansae! J Health Bint for the Day. nnlA Ha.tia ahmtlH nnt ht tflken US Iphr a warm reaction follows: use of a very warm bathroom favors this re sult. One Year Aa-o Today In the War. Inhabitants fled from Nancy, Franco, under Are of German fifteen Inrh B-nns. Oermans carried by assault part of French line In Alsace, but were turned ntit. acrnrrline- tft Paris. In reply to American note on Frye case Germany yielded important nninta in submarine controversy. Vienna asserted Russians penetrated Austrian front on the Strlpa a.nd near Czernowltx, but could not hold their gains. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. The following Omahans, by one of the latest official acta of Governor Dawes, were aDDolnted notaries pub lic for the next vear: F. W. Hammond, Otto Siemsson. E. M. SOckney, Asel Steere, H. M. Hunt John B. Furay, F. B. Bryant Myron E. Wheeler, Je rome F. Hartzmaa and Frank i mc Cov. V. G. Langtry, C. N. Diets, Andrew Gilchrist E. P. Davison, Dexter L. Thomas and Louis Heimrod have been elected members of the Board of Trade. The Salvation Army ha opened up In the city hall chamber on Sixteenth and Farnam. The leader or me army, Malor Hithard. started out early in the evening with two or three of his followers, backed up by a man with a Dig Bass drum, and started to patrol the streets. The firm of P. J. and M. C. Nichols. insurance agents, have removed from 15U9 Farnam into the Wabash ticket office. I The Sullivan combination has ar rived from Kansas City and la reg istered at tne Millard. The "bruisers" went on a "knockout" rehearsal and were feeling- very comfortable when they sought their quarters after mid night. , Sol Bergman ha (rone to Milwau kee, where he Is to be joined in mar riage to Miss Heller of that city. This Day In History. 1808 Edward Kent, ninth and eleventh governor of Maine, born at Concord, N. H. Died at Bangor, Me., May 19, 1877. 1809 George L. Stearns, the Bos ton merchant who supplied the funds ror tne guerrlla campaign of John Brown In Kansas, born at Medford. Mass. Died In New York City, April 1SSY. 1816 The Americans under An drew Jackson defeated the British under Packlngham in the battle of New Orleans. 18!4 Wllkle Collins, i celebrated novelist born in London. Died there. September 28, 1889. 1828 Ell Whitney, Inventor of the cotton gin, died In New Haven. Born at Westborough, Mass., December 8, 176I. I 1828 Duke of Wellington became British prime minister. 1848 Pena y Pena again assumed the government of Mexico. 1880 Duke of York fnow King George V of England), promoted to be midshipman In the royal navy. 1894 World's fair buildings in Chi cago destroyed by fire. 1895 Royalist outbreak at Hnnn. lulu wa suppressed by the Dole gov ernment and the leader were ar rested. - 1901 Twenty-six lives were lost In an orphan asylum fire at Rochester, N. Y. 1903 Seventeen nersona were killed and many Injured In a collision In the New York Central tunnel in New York City. The Day We Celebrate. William E. . Bock, city, passenger agent of the Milwaukee road, Is a Council Bluffs boy, being born across we river, January a, isa. 'William A. Clark, multi-millionaire mlna.wn, inJ fnnnu irl,aJ l, . .. . . .... . m... ...... uuiicu OMIES senator from Montana, born at Con nellsvllle, Pa., seventy-eight year ago today. Sir Frank W. Dyson, astronomer royal of Great Britain, born at Ashby, England, forty-nine years ago today. Major General Sir Sam Hughes, late minister of militia and defense in the DnminlAn nakin K.m 11 . "J.,, uv 1 1. a , ASMUUJSUIB, Ont, sixty-four years ago today. msui IVO. OUQ1UOU 11. lnSWO!U, missionary bishop of Salina, recently v..uvv h...qwu notivp Ul UIV Cpin COpal diocese of Chicago, born at T 1 V. i XT V MM ! . Aetui, i-i. uiiy-au, jbotb uo tooay. A ,,,,,.,... T . - . successful of American playwrights. oorn in ec. ixrais nity-eignt years ago today. Kl TJlirtnn TTlrmAa antul ...1 - lecturer and author, born in Chicago lony-seven years ago loaay. Timely Jottings and Reminders. New Orleans will keep Its custom. ary holiday today in commemoration or General Jackson's victory over the British In 1816. Special commissions representing New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island are to confer in New York to day on the high cost of living. in accordance witn tne constitu tional provision tho electors will meet today In the caDltals of the dif ferent states to cast their votes for president and vice president. Frank O. Lowden (republican), will be Inaugurated governor of Illinois today, succeeding Edward F. Dunne democrat). Aric&nsas loaay win inaugurate a 'profitable farming" camralan. de signed to Induce the cotton planters to raise all their own food and food stuffs. , v Governor-elect James P. Goodrich' and the other state officials elected in Indiana In November will be In stalled in office today. The celebrated case of the steamer Appam, now a German prise at New port News, is docketed for argument today in the supreme court of the United SUtes. State legislature will begin their regular sessions today In Idaho. Washington, Oregon, Arisons, Iowa. Utah and California. Storyette of the Day. Judge Gary of Chicago, the storv goes, while trying a case was disturbed by a young man who kept moving about In the rear of the courtroom, lifting chairs and looking . under things. "oung man." Judge Gary called out "you are making a good deal of unnecessary noiae. . What are you about?" Your honor," replied the voiine- man, "I have lost my overcoat and am trying to rind It" "Well," replied the judge, "people often lose whale suits In here without making all that disturbance." Chris-' tlan Herald. What of the War? Walnut lac, Jan. 6. -To the Editor of The Bee: I would like to Bee the editor express himself in a little piece of foretelling, and with your position you should be in better shape to make a guess than a farmer whose business (if he Is a good farmer) is not a news gatherer, and I shall give my reason for asking this information. I have on a farm some 200 miles west of Omaha over 100 acres of win ter wheat and on making a careful examination of the fields I have about arrived at the conclusion that (allow ing for the ordinary dangers of win ter killing In January and February) my seed was of poor grade, and I shall not have more than half a crop, say ten or twelve bushels per acre. Now then at the present price of wheat, it would probably be as well to let it stay in wheat and not plow the land up and put it In com, but If wheat falls to say 90 cents, I would on such a half crop drop quite a little money. As I have a neighbor who Is in the same fix as I am, and as there are quite a sprinkling of farmers similarly situated, I feel sure that a straight piece or advice would be appreciated. Now what I want to get at is this. Will the war last another year, and is Germany going to be beaten? I have been a constant reader of your paper for several years, and other papers aiso. i nave Deen construing the In formation from odds and ends that I noticed in both that the Germans would be the winners and that the allies could not win. Lately, however, a neighbor, of mine who has returned from Rhode Island and who is a man I rely on for speaking the truth as he nonestly sees It, tells me that the Ger mans who are not in the army are starving. He says that is popular opinion there. I have for some weeks been watching closely what a New York paper has been saying on the subject and I don't know what to think, hence as a reader, would like to ask for an opinion. What is the real truth? Will the war go cn or noir This Is too long to publish, there s no need or it, you have a lot of peo ple1 who know how to write and like writing, what I want to know is some thing that I feel sure many firmer would like to know from The Bee itself, and it . Is not out of Idle curiosity. POTTAWATTAMIE i COUNTY READER. MIRTFUL REMARKS. "Sirs." said bis prime minister to tne ruler of Hades, "the contractors have arnt In their bids." "Send m back," ordered his Satanic ma jesty. "We will set all ot our pavlnc dooe free now." Baltimore American. Prof. Pudre What do you mean, Mr. Jones, by speaking of Dick Wagner, Ludle Beethoven, Charlie Ooanod and Fred Handel? ' Jones Well, you told me to set familiar with the great composers. Musical America. She Tell tne a story. He Once upon'a time before people mar ried for money She Oh. that's too ancient; that must have happened before money was Invented. Boston Transcript. y "That man says your wife has the most beautiful hair of any woman In the city." "He's trying to work up trade." "Does he deal In hatr lotions?" "No; be sold ber the hair Houston Post. A Protest on Pool Halls. OnUha, Jan. 5. To the Editor of The Bee: I have been watching with a great deal of Interest the work of the dry campaign. This, however. ooe not effect our young boys grow ing up as long as cigarettes are sold to minora and pool hall are allowed to run. If some of the women who have plenty of time to stand on the corners and preach against the saloon had the heart-break that some moth ers have, they would go to the bottom and route out as great an evil. Young boys just In long trousers will not go Into saloons, but they will and can go Into pool halls, whether they are of age or not The pool hail is the en trance to the saloon and if the saloon is closed. It will simply make It the entrance to something equally as bad speaking rrpm sad experience, I k-.t w that the pool hall Is the first downfall of the young. Why not start a cam paign against the sale of cigirettes to minors and the pool hall where many a boy's week's salary Is f,pnt that should go home to a mother who has worked to raise her sons to be a help to her. , A MOTHER. lEMt MR. kABIB6l, IM W LOME VtfTH A SIW- FWSMD OF MIKi -SWOOLp I A KlWf MANNY VES- BVff SE PRETOED TO , m TO rr-AFTBirWRirW- "The sheriff caught his young asBlstant writing love letters In buelnesa hours to day." "What did the young fellow Bay when he was taxed with doing so?" "Said he was not shirking hit duty an they were all writs of attachment." -Bait i piore American, "My old doctor wouldn't take my malady seriously. He says It's only headache." "He said that to a woman with your money?" "He did." "I am astonished. Tou suffer from migraine." Louisville Courter-Journai "I think Wombat was foolish to pay a million dollars for a duke for hU daugh ter." "Good Investment. The movie rights t the wedding ceremony will easily pay him 20 per cent." Chicago Post. BUI I see that owing to the war women are taking a large part In operating tho railways in France. Jill Well, women always were good at engineering aotne things. Tonkers States ' "What sort of a bridge player li Flub dub?" I never saw anyooay succeed in maneu vering the ace of trumps away from him. I've seen him fall down In about avery other imaginable way."Kansas City Journal. THE JOY-WORLD. Prank U Stanton in Atlanta Constitution. It's never for me a world that grieves When the wind Is a train' the brownin' leaves. For Ifs only givtn' 'em all a chance To move to th mualo that makes 'em dance: r For the wind In the treM, at the time o fail. Seems pterin a tune for a "Hands 'round ail " And Joy tomes back to say "Hello!" An' I'm swlngtn' the sweethearts of Long AgOl, Jenny, an' Mollie, an' now, let's see: weiu two or m i comp ny 'nongh for me. way tms sine o tne days o' ion. Though I jee don't dlsremember none! For the world may drift In a thousand ways. But It don't fergit Its sweetheart days. An' the sure-enough amasln' Brace Swlngln' 'em all in the dancln' plaoel So. there's not hi n sal- In the changin' year When the wind Is whistlln' loud an' clear, An' the leaves are whlrlln' all around Like all the world waa a 'dancln' ground. Old times come back an' seem to say: you oon i gii lost rrom yer dreams awav " An' life's still bright, an' the world feels 1 nne Jenny or Mollis Mzt dance is mine! Winter Tourist fares via W A B A S H Mobile, Ala $44.31 , ' Jacksonville, Fla. 54.56 Palm Beach, Fla 73.06 Peruacola, Fla. 46.91 St Augustine, Fla 56.86 St Petersburg, Fla. 66.16 - New Orleans, La. 44.31 Pas Christian, Mis. 44.31 Charieston, S. C 54.56 Galveston, Teza 41.56 Houston, Texas' 41.56 San Antonio, Texas 41.56 Havana, Cuba, and return via New Orleans and steamer. 92.15 Havana, Cuba, and return, via Key West or Tampa and steamer. . 94.80 Jacksonville, Fla., and return 63.76 In one (direction vis direct routes; in opposite direction vis Washington, D. C.; or in opposite direction vis Balti more and steamer. Attractive Cruises to the WEST INDIES, PANAMA CANAL and SOUTH AMERICA. Sailing dates, rates, etc upon application. Corresponding low fares to many other point In tha . South and Southeast Ticket on sale daily until April 30th. Liberal stop-over privileges. ' Call at City Ticket Office, or Address H. C Shields, C A. P. D 311 South Mth St., Omaha, Nek, With no expense to employees, we pro vide for their sickness, disability, injury, oldage or death in a broader spirit than any other corporation or government. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO.