Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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, xt -..6W.H0W . 1h ITOPANOJ I II VH.-VHrVT 1 1 JSS SKSr 1 ' I !( lteOoT I
Mulligan's Quintet Will Start
Season With Conflict 'With
Drummond's Pupils.
- . . . .
Central High opens the basket ball
season Saturday night, when the
H igh School of Commerce will . be
. flayed at the Young Men's Christian
association! Ail , extra treat will be
served to the fans in the form of
two inte-class battles for the class
" championship. The'"Seniors will meet
the sophomores, and the juniors the
" freshmen. , i -
Practice will begin in. earnest this
week. Five veterans are back for the
team, but "Turk" Logan, the fifth man
will not enter school until February
and in the meantime another man wilt
' be groomed to fill in his pface. Floyd
Paynter will resume his place at cen
ter, and Captain Jsse Patty at for
'. ward. The other positions ' are. in
doubt. Clyde Smith and Gene Max-
well will be members of the team,
but it is not known at what positions
Coach Mulligan will place them.'
Maxwell was used at a forward, last
.". year, while Smith was ineligible the
second semester on account of failure
" in studies. But 'Smith' has proved
himself to be a good man at goal
shooting and may get the call at for
ward. Maxwell will then be shifted to
a guard. Coach Mulligan is as silent
as a sphynx, at to whom he thinks
would fit best into the open position.
' this year because of conflicting dates
and instead South Side High has been
j 'given two dates. The schedule com
pleted gives the high school twelve
games exclusive of the state tourna
ment in March, five of whch will be'
played on the home floor. The schel
ule completed follows: '
vr January 13 Hlsh School of Commerce,. at
Young Men'a Christian association.
January. 20 University Place High,- at
Young Men's Christian association.
. January 27 Lincoln High, at Lincoln:
' February 2-2 South Side High, at Young
Men's Christian association. -
February I Jefferson (la.) High, at Jef
ferson. February 9 Boone (la.) High, at Boon.
February 10 Fort Podge (la.) High, at
Fort Dodge. ' ,
February 16 Boutn 81de High, at South
Side High.
. February 17 Beetrfce High, at Young Hen's
Christian association
February 23 St. Joseph Central High, at
St. Joseph.
-. February 24 Wichita HlghTat Wichita. .
March 2 Lincoln High, at Young Men'a
Christian association. '
' March 7, 8, S, 10 State tournament., .
A mass meeting will be held at the
high school Tuesday morning.
Speeches will be made by members-of
: the faculty, letter men and graduates.
Letters will be giver, to last year's
basket ball, base ball and 'track men,
and this year's foot ' ball warriors
Sweaters will also tie given this' year's
foot ball men. . .
Wells-Fargo Employe
Is Accused of Theft
Joseph Mattison, aged 34, and a
. trusted employe of the Wells-Frgo
Express cptnpany, was arrested last
night by F. M. Cashman, assistant
chief of the Union Pacific special
agents, and detectives for the ex
press company, when they traced
stolen' express parcels to his room.
Articles 'worth severaLhundred dol
lars were reepvered. Company of-
ficials say they will not know the ex
; tent of his peculations until i com
' plete check is made, which will re
quire several days..
Ford Files 6ig Bond" 1 " ;''V.
, And Will Build Plant
'"Washington, Jan. 7. Unanimous
Ford, president of the' Ford -Motor
company, was today allowed to pro
teed with the construction of a $12,
000,000 smeller on the Detroit fiver,
' near this'i city. The ' three circuit
judges presiding at the injunction
si'.t brought against Ford by the
Dodge Brothers accepted a bond of
$10SXK),000 to secure the Dodges
from any possible losses.
J net Enough Eggs for One
Breakfast in All Indiana
Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 7. Only
enough eggs sufficient'for one break
last for all Indiana were found in the
- state, in a survey made by the State
. Food md Drug commission of all cold
st&rage warehouses in the state, ac
cording 4o H. . Barnard, state food
and drug commissioner. Ninety-nine
' hundred cases of eggs were found.
1 ' About Constipation. , -
Certain articles of diet tend to
check movements of the bowels. The
most common of these are cheese, tea
and boiled milk. On the other hand
raw fruits, especially - apples and
bananas, also graham bread and whole
' wheat bread promote a movement of
the bowels. When the bowels are
liadly constipated, hovever, the sure
. way is to take one or two of Chamber
lain's Tablets immediately after strp-
., p- ' (:.
Jury Disagrees in Big Dam dge ,
Suit. Against RingHng Bros.
Fails to Arrive at Verdict After
Eight Hours of Deliberation
i and Is Dismissed.',.
After eight hours of deliberation
the jury hearing the $25,000 damage
suit of George William Rinker
against RingHng Bros, circus An the
United States district court, failed to
agree and was dismissed by Federal
Judge Woodrough, without reaching
a verdict.
- Rinker in his suit alleged that on
August 10, 1914, while standing at
Sixteenth and Dodge streets, watch
ing the circus parade, a four-horse
cage team became unmanageable,
broke away from the driver and ran
him down' in the course of its flight
north on Sixteenth street. He alleged
the injury ultimately resulted in total
paralysis' of the voluntary organs and
almost complete paralysis of the or
gans of speech.
About thirteen months after thcin-
Today's Calendar of Sports
Field Trials Annual trials of 'All-Amerll
can Field Trial club at Roger gpringa, Tenn.
Billiards Annual meeting - of National
Association of Amateur Billiard Players at
New Vork.
Fox H anting National Class C champion
ship tournament opens In New York City.
Annnsd meet of New England Fax Hooters'
eiao m nearon, nose.
' BoxingKid Williams against Pete
man. twenty rounds, at New Orleans.
Fred Yelle aaalnst BlUv Kramer, twelve rounds.
t Taunton, Mass.
Mooore's Marvels Show Class
2" By Defeating the Superior?
Outweighed by their more exper
ienced opponents, the Moore's Mar
vels showed their class by swamping
the Superior Athletic club of Flor
ence on the latter s floor, by a score
of 39 to 8. Merritt Klepser and Art
Paynter starred for the Marvels on
the offense, garnering thirteen field
goals between them. Clif Peterson
was the star performer for the Su
periors. The Marvels will play the
Gym Leaders' team, at the Young
Men's Christian association Tuesday
evening. The lineup: ..jr-
. Peterson
. . . Brtsbtn
fiubemotefl: Back for Walker. Hobson for
Paynter. Field goals: Walker, Klepser 2,
Paynter (6), -Hobson (I), hBnolken, Nelson,
Peterson (8), jlussum. Foul goal: RuMnm.
Referee: y. Moore. Time of halves; Twen
ty minutes.' .
Fremont Defeats Omaha
Bowling Team in Close Game
' Fremont, Neb., Jan: 7. (Special
lelegram.) rhremont defeated an
Omaha team of bowlers, here last
evening, 2,760 to 2.736. Learn of Oma
ha had the highv single game of 267
and totals of 669. Middaugh had high
totals tor rremont. the scores
-. J- ' 1st. Sd. M. .Total.
Learn ............117 225 267 ) sen
Toman 163 111 104 (38
H airman ....... ..Its 171 14 ill
Huntington .163 1S4 lsl (
Wartohow lit It 3 lit ' Ms
Total, '..'.......804 SJ1 1,000 J,78
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Johnson,', 313 -181 lit 660
Rletl 174 1(4 . 103 131
Douglss lit 16 140 (61
Middaugh ...183 .atf ' lt( ., (70
Hammond ...... 1 16 1S . ((
, Totals 171 ' lS 181 2,710
Lawrence Wins Fast
Game From Bladen
Lawrence, Neb., Jan. 7. (Special.)
The Lawrence town team defeated
the Bladen town team, January 3, at
Bladen. The score in thefirst half
ended 17 to 10 in favor of Bladen
Lawrence nosed out ahead in the last
few minutes of the game and the
score ended 25 to 23. It was one of
the hardest fought -games ever wit"
oessed there.
Bottom...., L.F. L.F Brltt
Denton R.F. H.F Kalley
Greene. .C.C w. 8conce
Bssert ..L.Q.IL.O A. Seouce
Lldgard. Time
Denny for 43reene
: 40 minutes.
. ,. f
Fremont High School
- Outplays North Bend
Fremont, Neb.. Jan. 7. (Special.)
The Fremont High school defeated
the North Bend school" at basket ball
at North Bend. Friday evening, 25 to
22. Gardner of Fremont was the star
performer with nine goals . to his
credit. The lineup: -
Seott L.F. L.F Gardner
Fowler ....R.F. R.F Relly
Miller '.'....'. Dahl
Hoffman ...... .L.G.IL.O Chrlatensen
Thorn R.G. R.G.y, Anderson
Hub.1 Sub
Feel Stuffy? Irritable? Dlssatlafledf
Tour liver Is the cause. Clean out your
system with Dr. King's New, Life Pills.
You will feel fine. 2(c All druggist,. i
Advertisement. '- '
Copyright. 1911.
InttnwUoMl N Scrvlc.
jury' was alleged to have occurretn
uic lulus wae himuicu si hiiiijm
City for $25,000. A transfer to the
federal court was obtained by coun
sel for the circus people. -:
Taking of testimony and arguments
of counsel in the case took the entire
week in federal court. John M. Kel-
ley, general solicitor for RingHng
Bros., came out from Baraboo, Wis.,
to make the plea for the, defense.
His defense was that the accident
never happened and that if it did
happen it was the result of an inde
pendent agency, because Officer Le
roy Wade had, in trying to stop the
runaway horses, deflected their course
to one side before - Rinker vras
struck. i ,
-The case was given to the jury at
7 o'clock Friday evening. 'The jury
deliberated until 10 o'clock, when it
was released until 9 o'clock Saturday
morning. At 4 o'clock, Saturday after
noon the jury made it plain to Judge
Woodrough that, it could not agree
and the judge dismissed it. -
"Million Dollar Dolls" Get
. Good Start at the Gayety
The "Million Dottar Dolls," with
Lew Hilton as chief fun promoter,
opened last night at the Gayety be
fore an appreciative audience. It is
a good show which starts to enliven
rather slowly, but once under way, it
rollicks ahead with a wealth of amuse
ment. -
Lew Hilton is the dynamo of the
whole works.- .From the rise of the
curtain till its final drop, he's on the
stage dancing, singing, playing good
tunes on an old cigar box with a
string attachment, or making puppy
ove to rat laaies. oiem jveiian laKesj
is good. Bob Ferns, a black-faced
mirth-maker, has a unique specialty
with some new stories with a tang
to them. He would get by even
without his song hit, "When the Black
Sheep Returns to the Fold." He sings
that to encores.
There's,. a little man with a kanga
roo curve in his spine who does a
juggling act which wins nrolonged
handclapping. He balances everything
from-" a feather to a horse (plaster
cast), on his protruding chin. He alsp
contributes a Charlie Chaplin act,
which 13 away above the average as
far as' imitations of the movie star go.
Among the ladies, the votes of the
audience orobablv want to Alice
Lazar, whose moid no artist would
scott at.. She can sing, too, and con
tributes "Fifi," "Ragtime Land" and
the "Dangerous Girl" to the delight
of the audience. Then there's Miss
Seymore, a lively, athletic girl, whos
singing ot lie May Be Uld, but He
Has Young Ideas" and other ditties
wins approval. Patricia Baker sings
several songs that get .deserved ap
plause. Kansas Supreme Court Def ines
Bootlegger, and the Jointist
r Topeka, , Kan., Jan. 7, The su
preme court of Kansas was called
upon today to determine the differ
ence between a bootlegger and joint
ist, in upholding a decision granted
Carl S. Scriven of Lebanon that the
council of that city in placing a tax
of $250 on his sweet cider 'business
should not refer .to it as bootlegging.
The definition of a bootlegger
worked out by supreme') court judges,
is a person who sells intoxicating
liquors on the sly, not from any par-,
ticular business location, but carry
ing his wares in his bootleg, his
pocket, or in some fitting hole-in-the-wall,
i - .
"Bufwhen a person ) establishes
himself in a definite place of business,
where, by skillful legerdemain he
can sell or pretend to sell the inno
cent juice of the apple as well as
beer both near and far and other
intoxicants, the niceties of the Kansas
language designate him as a jointist
and no longer in the plebeian class of
bootleggers." 1 ,
You Will Have to Stay Up
Late to-See the Eclipse
Washington, Jan. 7. A total eclipse
of the moon, visible throughout the
United' States, and the first of seven
eclipses to occur daring 1917, will be
gin Sunday night at 12:50 o'clock east
ern time. At that hour the moon will
first come in contact with the earth's
shadow and at 2 o'clock it Avill be en
tirely within the .shadow. For one
hour and twenty-nine minutes the
total eclipse will continue and then
the moon will . begin to leave the
shadow, finally coming into full light
at 4:39 in the morning.
Major Pardons Host
- Of Young Prisoners
Jefferson City, Mo., Jan. 7. Gov
ernor Major, as one of the last acts
of his administration, today pardoned
ninety-two young prisoners from the
state penitentiary. It was "said by
prison officials that the number was
the largest ever released at one time
in this state.
- .; V' i v v" .,-'-
jjate is, Agreed Upon for Clash
Between the "Coming" and
"Come-Back'' Orapplers.
' January IS is the date set for the
wrestling match between Marin Pies
tina, the big Omaha Austrian, who
has been making such a loud noise
in wrestling circles the last six
months' by hurling challanges at
every grappler in sight, and Freddie
Beell, the dimunitive scamp who
once captures the world's champion
ship from Frank Gotch on a -fluke
and is trying to stage a comeback.
The event will be held at the Boyd
theater in Omaha. -
A few months ago Plestina, in his
broadside ofv promiscuous challenges,
included the name of Freddie Beell,
but at that time Freddie had visions
of becoming a sheriff or a marshal or
a constable or some other such of
ficer which permits the occupant to
wear a glittering and impressive star,
and he ignored the defi. But the
election didn't go the way Beell's am
bitions lay so Freddie decided to( re
turn to the wrestling game as a
means of earning three squares per
After two months of constant and
conscientious training Freddie de
cide! he was lit, so he challenged
Plestina. The shock almost killed
Marin, who has been evaded by most
allithe other wrestlers. 1ut after he
recovered he lost no time accepting?
January 18 was suggested as the date.
- v, ;a ,(
date suited mm
There's .V' '
M Another ; W
I .'Broken ' fS4fe ' 1
, If; Cigar! : rO
I -: Ywwi M
m T.TTTT.E rifiAflR - . Ilifc
.Drawn for
and Freddie agcetl that January
was as good as any.
It has been ten years since Beell
has been seen in Omahar" In the
halcyon days of old he exhibited his
skill here many times, lie had one
of his memorable matches with Farm
er Burns at the Omaha Auditorium
over a decade ago. He has always
been- popular here and there are
many fans of the mat game Avho hope
to see him stage a successful come
back. ,
Chalicf. on Which Is
Portrait of phrist, Is Found
New 'York, Jan 7. Portraits of
Christ and the apostles, which it is
believed may be authentic, are on an
old chalice dug up from the ruins of
Antioch and now in the possession of
a firm of art dealers in this city, it be
came known tonight. The chalice, ac
cording to the dealers, came directly
to them from the hands of the ex
cavators in 1910. It can be dated with
ccitainty to the second half of the first
century, A. D., says Dr. Gustavus A.A
tisen, archaeologist.
It was found by Arabs digging a
well in Antioch on the Arontes Syria.
At the depth of many meters they
came upon underground chambers
which contained the treasure.
Three Hundred Candidates
. For Club Directors
Three hundred names are'on the
official ballot just printed for the elec
tion of seventy-five members of the
board of directors of the Commercial
club. The election is to be held Janu
ary 10. The polls will be open from
10 a. m. to 6 p. ni. The election is by
ballot in the Commercial club rooms.
The candidates are listed according
to business and profession. Thus three
will be elected from the bankers'
?:roup, seven from the financial, ten
rom professions, two from grain
dealers, four from railroad and pub
A great divine says it is not profane to
thing inanimate. ' Therefore you are excused when
you rent your feelings on a broken little cigar. But
what's the use! . s , ' '
-Admiral Little Cigars, with the Million Dollar
Wrapper, do not break in the package, pocket or 1
BUT TOBACCO, (elected to blend and harmonize
with the sweetest, mildest and most satisfying to- .
bacco you ever smoked. It is found only on Admiral '
Little Cigars. . '
The Million Dollar Wrapper means no profanity no
disappointment A nickel proves it. In foil-lined packages.
The Bee by George McManus
ic service corporations, three trom
stock yards and live stock, twelve
from manufacturers, five from real es
tate, eleven from retail trade, sixteen
from wholesale trade, one from traffic
anil one from publicity bureau,
v The election occurs on Wednesday.
The following Saturday the new board
Wets and electa from among its num
ber, the! new executive committee.
The following Tuesday the new ex
ecutive Committee is to ' organize,
which will mean the appointment of
a chairman for the coming year, the
election of a secretary, treasurer, and
attention to other details. '
Bushels of Bad Checks " ,
; Return to Business (Wen
' Checks that would fill a bushel bas
ket come back to the business firms
in Omaha every few weeks because
the person who gave the check has
no funds or because he chanced to
draw a check on the wrong. bank.
Three months ago the Associated
Retailers of Omaha decided to keep
a list of all the checks returned bv the
"bank for one reason or another. This
was not done with any intention ot
bringing any harm to the persons who
gave the checks, but for the purpose
of making a survey of the situation
to see what was the matter. The list
is now remarkably large and it is
found that the trouble simmers down
to two -situations, largely. One; is the
rase in which person makes a pur
chase in a store and then asks for a
blank check to fill out. He forgets
to change the heading of the check,
and thus issues aicheck on one bank
when his account is really in another.
The other chief difficulty is that per
sons do not keep a close enough rec
ord of their check stubs, as compared
to their monthly bank balance, and
thus write checks after their balance
hat been consumed. Though the law
now is rather strict against this kinti
ofv thing, cases are not, as a 'rule,
pushed unless it is quite plain there
is an attempt to. defraud. . ,
damn a
Eleven Vessels Sunk in Eleven
Days by Subsea Working ,
i , Near France. .
Beriin, Friday, Jan. S.-(By Wire
less to The Associated Press, ' Via
Sayville, Jan. 7.) An admiralty state
ment published in connection with the
announcement of the safe return of
the German submarine U-45, which
had been reported sunk in the Bayv'
of Biscay, says that a German sub- ,
mersible (nunibervriot given) has sunk
eleven entente steamers in eleven
days. Of this' number five vessels,
totalling 15,000 tons, were laden with
coal and bound for France and-Italy.
Transport Sunk, ,
Berlin, Jam 7. (Via London.)
"One of our submarines," says an
official statement issued today by the
German admiralty, "torpedoed and
sank, December 23, in the eastern!
Mediterranean, an enemy transport
of morethan 5,000 tons. The vessel -was
accompanied by warships."
I ' . Denial of Sinking'
London,. Jan. 7. Commenting on
the German admiralty report of the
sinking of an entente transport, the
London Press bureau says: v-'
"No transport, British ,or French,
was sunk in the eastern Mediterra
nean December 23."
- Iry Gemts.
New Tnrh, Jan. I. Cotton seeds closed
the week steadier. Tarn, were quiet an4
IrrafUlarv Burlap, for future deliver- were
firm. Linen, also were firm. Knit good,
were quiet with requeet, numerous for de
liver? on poet orders. Wol food, wen
ur(u v
' ' '- J - ' 1 ' .'i ; ' ;,' '
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