2 D THE OMAHA SUNDAY CBEE: JANUARY ' 71917. HELP WANTED MALE Store ind Offices. WE ARE GROW ING with Growing Omaha. Our busi ness has increased so the past; year '., that we. were obliged to engage -: larger quarters. We now have one . . of the finest equip , : ped bureaus in the middle west. We Need at Once Accountant, $1,500. . '. "' Stenographer, $75.. Rate Clerk, $65. Auto salesman', liberal draw i account., . .; . ,-. . .; .... Office clerk, good penman, ; . $50-$6a Ledger Clerki $65. . Stenographer R. R., $65. , Stenographer $75 and many -others. :. !.. - ' " . - j ' NO FILING' FEE, only 50 cents to cover expense ot Investigating references. . The Marti Co., 1317 W. 0. W. Bldg. Salesmen tnd Solicit on. H'lk'T UlMWUrt TS AN KVPKRTKlNCED SALESMAN ONB WITH PROMOTION EXPER1MNCB PREFERRED. A largs middle wtt corporation wishes to seouro th services of a really high class man whoa training, aaportsnco and general personality fit him to. handle a high olaM business proposition among 1 -high elast business and professional men. Prefer man who la acquainted with mtddl Mtira way of handling -"wines. Will not consider applicants who j are under 80 years of age. ' ' Thin li not an ordinary salsa proposl tlon. but a man with exceptional aalee ability who eao eomblne therewith tact and diplomacy will be adn.lrably4fU.ed to perform the service we require. The propoaitloa we have to offer to a emmJsslpa propoettlon with liberal ss penao advanoe. An energetlo man poo eating the desired qualification eaa ex peot to earn from $-.000 to per year. W have men who are earning an much and more. Thli li an opportunity for the man now employed to materially hotter htmielf If ho la an experienced and efficient worker ta foot, we would prefer getting la touch with thin class of people, Write ua, giving brief outline of your pait esperlenoe, All communication! will , be held In atrleteat confidence and later- view arranged at ear Meet poeatble mo ' ment. - , ' - ?,,. ... Addreaa Bel lTOt, Bee. LAND AND. LOT SALESMEN. ' ' ' The next vie moatha belong, to Flor ida. We have epant a million dollara on .our propertlea and are new ready for the btggoat eampalga over opened In Florida. We will pay liberal commU-lons. advertlae -heavily for you locally and pay expeneee for agent aad piirehaaera to Florida. We bava aa entirely new plan of aale which is proving a big winner tor the agent. On our last pro petition feveral aaleemen made aa- high aa 116,00 In one season. Wo protect our agent aad want live wlren only. We are the strongest organlaatlon In the south. We have learned that we moat make money for our agenta before wsj aa make money ouraolvea. Write today for territory. E. T. ANDERSON, 114 9. DEARBORN,' CHICAGO, BIQ LINE Bid PAT. tlnadroda making email fortunes. We want a live man In your county. Send poetal for great offer to. atari you In a big money-making business. No capital required. Simple but effective eel ling plan earaa for yeu $160 t $600 a month, right in your awn county, eel ling hlgheat grade groceries, patnla, oila and atock remedlea at wholesale. Old astabllshea, reliable house. Ask your banker. Write quick for free book, "The Way to Success la Busi ness." John Sexton Co., Wholesale Grocers, Lake and Franklla Sts., ChloagOi HIGH-CLASH men with organisation, ex ecutive and superior salesmanship ability who la and has been successful and who . possesses highest Integrity and standing. Position that of district supervisor of talesmen for many high-class rasnufac turers. representing millions of capital. Ons tine Is a new wonderful gasoline trac tor and truck of great power and flvil aillty that will overwhelm and astonish the world. Sella at $35 and $100, Here is the opportunity to make more money each month then you ever made In a yrsr. If you can qualify here Is a chance of lifetime. , Perrlne. 89 N. LaSalla St., Phkago. ' ' ' " ;. ' ' "" WEIttt TOU EVER -OFFERED A OROCKRxVSTORK? OUR PROPOSITION IS BETTER. . iat us tell you how you can handle 4 flour,, canned goods, provisions an entire : lino of groceries: as well as paints, roof ing, stock foods, automobile and maohln-i erv one ana greases, no rem 10 pay, no investment in sioca. juarga orders taxen , from aamplea, Goods af guaranteed and Draven auailtr. : Belling experience not necessary. Very profitable work for. "workers.- Addreaa K. m, mil, president, Hltchooclf Hill- CV, Chicago. Reference: Any bank or express company, salesmenTmagazine, who have successfully sold collier's, leslie's or any high grade publication, for-the best bank deal on the market. - ' - ? give experience, refer ences .and telephone number. address y-761, 1 NKURAKCK man wanud to take thargs f axoeedlngly good territory la Nebraska. New. original and up-to-date con tr acta 1 for further Information. Tel. Harney 1114. SALBSMBN wanted to aetl oar calendars; fans aad advertising swvsltlsav Money . making Has. Standard Adv. aad Frilling . Cew Ft BaaU, Kaa, . HELP WANTEDMALE Sa.eimcri and Solicitor,. SALESMAN -Traveling, drug, for Iowa, Illi nois, Indiana. Wisconsin, also man foi Chicago. Pont tlon to be Oiled January. Flrat-claaa house. Good established bust- neae In territory named. Full pharma ceutical and toilet line. Only hostlers with clean record need apply, having sold druarlsts In above territory preferred 20 per cent commission; best reference. territory covered, experience, ago. etc. most accompany application.- Aetna Chemical Co., 687 Michigan, Detroit Mich, SALESMEN WANTED Hundred thousand dollar corporation af high standing has opening for several state managers who srs In position to Invest from ons to five thousand dollars In the compauys securities during employment. Hx-sboe retailers preferred. Only flretclaas men need apply, Salary and com m teal" n. Ref erences required. Adreas box Y740 Bee. SALESMEN WANTED To self ft -Ton Ik direct to farmer; also at wholesale to dealers. Ral-Tonlk, the medicated condi ment (salt and pepper) to pound block, for all farm animals. Worm destroyer, dlssaae preventive, conditioner., No trou ble to feed, no feeders, no dosing, no waate. . Stock lick the block, "doctor themaelvea automatically." A big field;! big demand ; easy seller Commission 1 proposition, with liberal weekly advance-1 ment on commissions. Writs st once for sales producing circular aad Information. Guarantee Veterinary Co., Stock Tarda, Sioux City, Iowa. $1,000 FOR your next 100 daya. Spot cash. New money-making invention for agents, general agents, managers. Recently Invented. 1.000,000 already Bold; 100 more salesmen wanted at once, Amaxlng Au tomatic Compressed Air Washing Ma chine. Waehes tub of clothes In six min utes. No cranks to turn or lever to push, no rubbing. Works like magic. Prlre only 11.10, makea sales at every house, 100 per rent profit. L- Palmer, Glen Allen. Ala., ' put out on trial 108 machines, sold 107. Profit, 1107. Write today. Wendell Co.. I 111 Oak St., Lelpolc, Ohlo SALESMEN -Excellent permanent position. open January 16, capable salesman in Nebraska. Staple line for general retail trade. Liberal commission. 16 weekly advance. Ralph H. Ide, 41-1 Williams Bldg., Detroit. WANTED A young man II to IS with high school education to travel as junior salesman for a Isrgs manufacturing con cern do Ins a national business. Salary ; f.10 par week and expenses to start. Pro motion assured If earned. Applicant to reply In own handwriting. Box 4771 Bee. THE OLD LINE Bankers' Life of Lincoln The Company of Big Settlements. . Liberal Contract to Agents. fCllly. Bills ft Thompson, Oeneral Agenta. Doug. 1111. 111-14 City Nat l Bk. Bldg. WANTED every atock salesman, who rsads tut ad, too oaii ana investigate my proposition at ones. HOWARD 0, WOLFE, I Waad Bldg. Hth and Farnam St.e. We" WANT two live stock salesman to help place stock in new bank now organising In Omaha. This la a real opportunity. Call Monday. 10 to 11 a. m. Ouaranty So curUes Co., 1111-11 Farnam St. SIDE line salesmen, luster mops, polish and other products, pleasant to sell. Sampiea light; liberal oommtaslon. Writs today. Luster Mfg. Co., 11 W. Klnile, Chicago. SIDELINE salesmen wanted, high olass salesboarda only, - Largest concern in country; commission $& to $11 each order. Chicago Diamond Importing Co., 120 So. State SL, Chicago. . SUB OUR ATTRACTIVE! OFFER, la our other advertisement, especially In teresting to tea, coffee and extract sales man. John Sexton A Co., Chicago. TRAVELING, salesman, staple Una, $7$ too WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., INC. WANTED STOCK SALESMEN. ' R HAVB QUICKEST SELLING IN DUSTRIAL STOCK IN THK MARKET. GOOD COMMISSION. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. 100 BRE BLDO. SALESMEN Increase your earnings. Ba- tablleh brilliant future, witn ngnt una and advantagea. Grasp opportunities now. Local territory. Several vaoant fields. Bnslgn Baflnlng Co., Cleveland. . BIDS LINE salesmen maks $60 to $U weekly selung our advsrtlslng fans. Sev ers Is hundred dealgna. Cover every line ,of business. Samples light. Easily car t rted. Apply now. Don't wait. Fan iDept., Kemper-Thomas Co., Cincinnati, SALESMEN Beat, new, pleasant, very prontabie .specialty, aiae or regutar una. Sampiea coat pocket. All retaiiara. No money advanced. Commlaalona paid weakly. Box 471, Iowa City, la. . SALESMEN. A necessity for merchants. Largo demand, liberal commission. Poek at aamplea. Wlrth Sales book Co., Dept. All, Chicago. SALESMEN wanted -Experience unneces sary, earn while yoa learn, write cor largo list of openings and testimonials 'from hundreds of our students who earn $100 to $1100 a month. Address nearest office. Dept. 41a, National Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago, New Tork, Baa Francisco. SALESMAN, experienced any Una tor an- exoelted aew specialty proposition to gen eral trade; splendid oommlaaloa contract for Nebraska, Vacancy Feb. 1st. $.00 weakly for expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., 1S71 Continental Bldg., Clsvsland. Ohio. 8A LESMAN Local territory, calling on Ice cream and confectionery manafaoturera, commission, splendid opportunity future Income, give references, full particulars for reply. Farquhar, 310 Waat lTth St., New Tork City. TBS, you could aell our big outdoor electric sigh at 121.00 even though you ware deaf I and dumb and blind. Live sales mea writs Flashtrlc Sign Works, Chicago. WANTED A young man to asll bonds and tooka. , Experience not required. Burns. Br Inker 4t Co., 441-1! Omaha National jmdk tiiog., umana. SALESMEN wanted to sell HI 11a Honey ft Tar and oiner meoiotnea to drug and ooun try stores. Liberal tree goods and pre mium deals. No cash advanced. No hood , asked. II. par cent commission paid semi monthly. Now Tork Drug Conoera,, New xork. SALESMEN wanted, having established gan- arai a tare trade, sen laoas packed in el lent aaleemen cabinet free; 124 par cent eommlaalon. Cabinet -Lacs Work. J7 CanaJ .St., New Tork, ' , SALESMEN for Una of raincoats for men, woman, children; aamplea weigh a Iba. Commlaalon 10 per cent Guaranty Rain coat Co., 80 West 16th, New Tork. , SALESMEN, $C0.OO wsekly and 11,000.10 yearly from re-ordera. We give merchant 16.00 chewing gum vending machine free. Millard. SSI Broadway, New Tork. SALESMAN, capable specialty man for Ne braska. Staple una on aew and excep tional terms. Vacancy now. Attractive commission contract for lflr, $16 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Blxlar Co., 131-1 Carlln Bldg.. Cleveland, O. MFO. wants traveling aaleemen on oommta slon. Bex iitt, Litchfield. III. " Agents and CanTttgers. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD. - ; If thla ta not ths greatest money mak ing, house-to-house proposition. N. R. G. TABlBUl waahea clothes la l minutes, without rubbing. Contains no lime, lye. paraffin wax or other Injurious chemicals and cannot possibly Injurs the clothes or hands. Nothing like It on ths market. Poaitively the wonder of tho age.; sells for Hp, enough for I family washings, We supply one free sample with every pack age you buy and guarantee the sals of Sams. Just leave the free aamplo with the houaewlfet when you call again, she la eagerly awaiting to become your steady cuatomer. Secure territorial rights at onne - or you will .regret It A lo postal brings sample and full particulars. FARQUHAR MOON MFG. CO., Dept. II, 140 W. Van Huren St.. Chicayo, EASTERN manufacturer wants atate repre sentative to handle high grade specialty. legitimate and permanent proposition to right party; must rurnun some cash, ref erence and standing, otherwlsa do - not apply. Bo W. J. McDonald, sales man - sger, Paxton Hotel, after Sunday. Also want man for worth and South Dakota. AUKNTtt 110 a week and expanses, free sampiea, gold snd silver letters for store , fronts, omoe windows ana glass stgna Anyone ran put them on.- Big demand ' everywhere. Liberal offer ta general areata. Metallic Latter Co., 411 N. Clark fit, Chicago. BIG textile mllia want ambitious man and women everywhere to show latest dress fabrics, neckwear, hosiery, underwear and sweaters, 400 styles, easy aalea, valuea beat a tores. Many making over $30 week- 11. All or spare times. Complete aample ouSt starts you. Stead f sat Mills, Dapt IB Cohocav N. T. , y : AGENT: To advertise our goods by distri buting free aamplea to consumer, 0 cants aa hour, writs tor run particulars, rav art Co 1430 Rag SL, Dayton. Ohio. HELP WANTED MALE Agents Slid Canvasaen. FOR a few experienced men only, we havi a very attractive proposition to noil tea coffees, spires, groceries and special 1 1 direct to the consumer, both city and rogntry. For particulars address ths E. C. Harley Co.. loll BL Id St., Dayton, unto. AGENTA: Sail rich looking Imported 3Bx ft rags, 11 each. Carter, Teun., sold 116 In 4 days. Profit $67. Tou can do same. Writs for samps offer, selling plan: st elusive territory. Sample Rug by parcel post prepaid, li cents. Con Don, importer, Stonlngton, Maine. , WANT KD Active man to sell Simplex Gas plants, No experience required. Can maks 1300 to $600 per month. Others are do ing It, so can you. Address Simplex Gas Plants Co., 104 Whiting St., Chi cago, III. AGENTS Ton can make II a day with our proposition. 1401 Jackson Bt LARGE manufacturer wants representatives to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses. waists, skirts, (direct to homes; write for tree sampiea. Madison Mills. 610 .Broad way, New Tork City. - . TOUR name brings a copy of Money Making Ideas. The groat agent a and mall deal- aar'a magasine. A, H. Kraua, 1X4 Kraos Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. AOBNTS wanted. Agenta make 500 per cent profit selling our auto monograms and Initials, window sign letters, change able signs, and show cards. 1,000 varieties, enormous demand. Sullivan Co., 1121 Van Buren St, Chicago, III. WE pay 0 monthly salary and furnish rig and expenses to Introduce guaranteed poultry and stock powder. Blgler Com pany, X-I3S, Springfield, Illinois. NEW Invention Ventilated chemical Indoor closet for country, village and auburban homes; no plumbing; no waterworks; no reaspool; abslutely odorless; thlrfy daya' free trial guarantee; every village and farm home a cuatomer; an order at every house; one agent made $112 commission in eight hours, Agenta ouult free. Exclu sive territory contract. Write today for full particulars of this blggeat winner ever offered to salesmen. Address Shaf er Mfg. Co., 441 Coltoa Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. CHEWING gum. Sell Grape Jules and Spearmint Gum to storekeepers. Novel packages; t' years In business; 14,400 dealers stocked up and regular customers of our agents. Good profits for you. Wrlte today. TheHelmat Co., Cincinnati AGENTSFree catalog" and aamplea,new goods, quick aalea, big profits, make $6 to $21 daily, no experience. World'a great est specialties. Cruver Co., Jackson and Campbell, Chicago, 111. COAL IS lifOH-l-Our 'self-making gas burner placed In cook atovoa makea bet ter, steadier heat and Is cheaper. Agenta coin money. U. S. Mfg. Co., Colurabua. O. WE pay 3S a week and expense to men with rigs ta Introduce poultry compound. Tear's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept 71, Parsons, Kan. PORTRAIT men wishing to work Indepen dent should write me. Can finance any else organisation. Roberta Wholesale Portrait. Kansas City, Mo. AGENTS Startling Invention. Get exclusive territory quick on our euprerae Magnet Massage Vibrator. Nothing like it; bet ter, cheaper than o there. Write for par ticular today. Supreme Vibrator Co., R 105, 105 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Trade bchools. . ,WB WANT MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. ; Fsw weeks qualify to run ahop or work for othara; yeara of apprenticeship saved by our method; wo have placed graduates la loading positions everywhere; compara tively no expense; catalog mailed free. MOl.KK BARBER COLLEGE, 111 a 14th St, Omaha, Neb, (Estsbllahed lltl.) AUTO MECHANICS.. BARN BIG MONET. Never Idle -Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING AS8N, HIT N. 20th St, Omaha, . Send fojr Freenataloguc. iOOOD MEN WANTED, learn auto trade for the many pa i now open. Fine training work la auto 'and electric starting system. , r If URIC AN AUTO COLXJCOB, 1051 Farnam. .Omaha, Neb. LEA RN barber trade; bo Independent, more than make your expenses while learning. Wagea or percentage. We don't over charge yoa to begin; 1401 Dodge St TRI-CITT JBARBBR COLLEGsl l LEARN telegraphy, railroad and commercial. Special rates. Nebraska Telegraph soilage, Lincoln, Neb 1 . f Miscellaneous. WANTED We can use a limited number of men between 11 and 40 year of ago aa CONDyCTORS and MOT6RMEN. Muat be at least S feet. 1 Inches tall, physically sound of good character and hablta, and mnat come well recommended. Apply la person at office of superin tendent of transportation, room 80S, sec ond floor, Merchants National bank Bldg. OMAHA & ' COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. GOVERNMENT railway, mall, post office and other poaltlona pay 1800 to 11,800 a year with short hours and steady work. ' Prepare for coming ' examinations now Wader former TJ. 8. Civil Service Secretary Examiner. Booklet Mill free. Write to day, PattarnoD Civil Ssrvloa School, Roch- eater, N. T. THB way to get a government Job ta through tha Washington Civil Service School. We prepare you and you get a position or we guarantee to refund year moneyWrite to Barl Hopkins, President, Washington, D. C for Book FKltl telling about 212, 211 government positions with lifetime employment ahort hours, sure pay, regu lar vacations. BJQ DETECTIVE Interesting work, trav el, beat paid professions, representatives wanted everywhere, Hartley Detective Agency, St Joseph, Mo. HUSTLERS $20 to $31 made weekly distri buting circulars, aamplea, tacking algna, stc Advertisers National Agency, Dept CI4, Chicago. , GOOD MONET made at home knitting hos iery, Machlnea f urn lined on time. We buy or sell your goods. Easy and con stant work. Wheeler Co., (Inc.) 137 Madl aon. Chicago. $20.00 WEEKLY made writing names for mall order houaea. No canvassing. Particu lar for stamp. The Guide Company, Memphis, Tonn. OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations coming, IT! month. Sample queatlons free. Writs Immediately. Franklin In- aiitute. uept. in w. Rocnecer. N. T. WANTKD Toung men as railway mall Clarke; $71 per month: aampla examina tion queatlons free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 131 R. Rochester. N. T. WANTED A good sober mea with a boy er two old enough to work on a farm or ons that la willing to board an sxtra man. Address T 76$, Bee. WANTED Names of men It or over, wish ing to become government railway mall clerks. Commence $75 month. Vacations. T 731. Bee. BECOME a detective. Inexperienced appll. cants everywhere. Write Bertlllon Secret Service Institute, Chicago. MEN wanted to enlist In Signal Corps at once; report at Lincoln. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER to act. as private sec retary, 111. Bookkeeper, executive ability, $76-$100. Stenographer, fine Insurance office, $&. Stenographer, wholesale house, $46. Stenographer, bright beglrurtr, $40. NO FILING FEE. only 60 centa to In vestigate references. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1,1T Wy O. W. Bldg. . ' STENOORAPHKR and Bookkeeper $R0 Stenographer , ... $60 Comptometer Operator. , TK Comptometer operator. . t ko Office Clerk a .V. , ... .no Asetetant for Dentist .,...$31 WATTS REFKRKNCB COMPANY, 1131 First National Bank Bldg. THB GREATEST GAIN 41.711 1 In paid want-ads sver made by anv Omaha paper, la the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1110. BUST RESULTS LOWEST RATS STENOGRAPHER, small office up town. $40. WESTERN REF. h BOND ASSN., INC. TTPIST and p. B. X. operator, up town of flee, $41. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN.. INC ' Professions snd Trades. 50 GIRLS WANTED. To maks house dresses and aprons. All machines are driven by electric motors and require no exertion. Splendid pay to girls who are willing to be come expert operators. Will be ' glad to have applications from girla without experience, as we have room for several of thla class. Ask for Mr. Anderson. M. E. SMITH & CO.. 2th and Douglas Streets. WANTED dirts with common school edu cation, between II and II yeara, to take up local and long distance teiepnone warn. v. uunoert, mi uoogiaa . . WANTED Experts need shirt makers, alsv apprentice girla. Apply Albert Cahn, 111 HO. 14tP st. WANTED Experienced aaeorter. Nonpar ell Laundry Co. Douglas 1610 WANTKD Experienced milliner. City work and wen paid. Boa 1732. Bee. , Saleswomen and Solicitors. AT ONCE Tea ladles to travel, demon strata and sell well established litis to our dealers; previous experience not neces sary; good pay; railroad faro paid. -Good rich Drug Co. Dept 614, Oreana, nbo.. FIVE bright capable ladles to travel; dem onstrate and sell dealers; Z& to l&u per week; railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company, Dept 404, Omana, Web. Household and Domestic MAN of 42, with five children and Income of over $100 her month, desires house keeper an elderly Bohemian lady pre ferred. Box 483, Schuyler, Nebr, WANTED Experienced girt for general housework ; small family ; good wagea. Mrs. V. W. Boylsa, 1117 Dewey. Harney 2933. WANTEf Experienced girl for general no use work, ramiiy oi tnres aauiia. references required. $11 Park Ave. Har ney 3231. WANTED Experienced white girl for housework, family of three adults; beat wages., Phono Walnut I7L 111! Cans GI HL or woman to do 2 or I hours' work mornings and evenings In exchange for meala or wages. Harney 120$. WANTED An experienced second girl by Mrs. Frank T. Hamilton, no bo.. zo Ave. Qnod references required. WANTED A competent white girl for gen eral housework, 3 in family, E. A. Baud, 3520 Burt St Harney 12S. -. , . . WANTED girl to assist with light house work In family of 2 and to help saw and crochet F4374 Co. Bluffa. GIRL attending school or working part ...uv H ... .uvu. " w WANTED Experienced girl for general bouse work; in small lamuy, mono alter I p. m, to Harney 19$. WANTED A competent girl for general housework ; small family. Mra. j, o. Uenake. Walnut 112. WANTED A cook, 110 per weak, private family. Mrs. Johh . L. Kennedy, Teie pnone wairuit bio. yVHITB girl for general housework; small family; wages $7 per week. Tel walnut 772. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 03 Dewey Are, narney 4tta. WANTED Competent white gtrl for gen- orai housework; email family, riar. ai w. GIRL for general housework; no laundry work. Mra. R. L. Carter, 401 So. llth St WANTED At once, woman to da light Housework, 1 in family, pnona wainnt sps. WANTED Young girl to assist with house work; small family. Call walnut, H7L TOUNG girl to assist with housework at 3 per week. Phone Walnut 1002. WANTED A girl for general housework. references required. Barney &44I. GIRL for general housework. 1SS North Slth St. Phone Barney 10. - Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Two women, mother and daugh ter preferred, to work In restaurant one to cook, other for general work. Good pay; board and room. Town of 100. T 776, Bee. . WANTED Experienced chain barmaid. Douglas 1121. Boquet Hotel. , WANTED Chambermaids, Apply to, Houee- keeper. Hotel fontenello, . Trade Schools. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade. apeclal rates and Inducements. t TRI-CITT BARBER COLL BOB. -. 1402 Dodge. Miscellaneous. REFINED 1 and energetic - woman with proved bualnass ability and sufflclant fin ancial support to- establish herself as our axciuatve Omaha represeataXlva. We are advertising our product In the best of the woman's magaslnea and with proper effort our representative can establish a clientele which will pay her at least $1,100 tho first year, with Increases from year to year. No brokers nor thliik-I-cana" need answer, aa our proposal ' will appeal only to the. very hlgheat type; and we ahall require and expect to give the very highest references. Addreaa Box Y78I Bee. EARN money at home, addreaa! ng envel opes and mailing circulars, spars time, particulars for atamped envelope, Addreaa, Success Supply Co., 4040 -Belmont Ave. Chicago, I1L - ' ; EARN $26 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magaslnea. Exp, unec; de tails free. Preaa Syndicate, 142 St Louis, Mo. WOMEN wanted. Full time $ll spars time Jfie an hour sailing guaranteed--Wear Proof hosiery to wearer, ahtperlenea un netwasary. Guaranteed Stacking M11K norrisiown. rt, WANT ED Persons to color art pieturae at home, eaay work; no exparlanae; . good pay; sample free. .Wheeler Co., 337 Mad ison, Chicago, WILL pay reliable! Woman $25.00 to dlstrl buta KREE (not to sail) 200 pkgs. . Borax Soap Powder among friends. No money required. Ward Company. 711 N. Praak lln St, Chicago. WANTED lady's maid.. References re quired. Y 775, Bee. v . EDUCATIONAL Help Yourself and -; 1 The Other Fellow Will Help You, Too , Yon eanncJt expect your fellow runners In the race of life to help yoa along. But tha fellows ahead will be glad to welcome you If you are capable of holding the pace. . Get yourself Into condition to run a strong race by starting your training new. : BOYLES COLLEGE '. Is conducted' for the distinct purpose of qualifying young men and womea to be self-supporting and to make their mark In the world. . . Every day Is enrollment day In either the DAY or NIGHT school. Write ua at once for full' information about our couraee. BOYLES COLLEGE ' HI B. BOYLFS, PRESIDENT " llth and Harney Sts. Tel. Doug. 185. Omaha, Nebraaka. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find the room y" desire among tbeee ada call at The Bee office for a Room List Olves complete detailed description of va cant rooms In sll parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept and give your name and addreaa and a Hat will be mailed to you at once. New lists are issued every we. CHOICE 7-Rni Mod. 341$ Charlea, $2$. rf iiar. list. Furnished Rooms. OWNERS LEAVING CITY MUST SELL AT ONCB. Following new modern furniture: 2 leather upholstered ' rorkers, 2 wicker chairs, dining room table. chairs, buf fet large French Wilton rug, 2 email ones, Circassian walnut bed, dreaser, dressing table and 2 chairs and bed springs, Sealy mattress, bedroom rug, De troit Jewel gas range, lace curtains, wean ing machine, boiler, refrigerator, etc. (used six weeks). All new at reasonable prices. 2106 Evans St., Webster 4031. THB GREATEST OAIN $$,7$ In nalrf wnt.asia vr made by any Omaha paper, Is the record of THE UMAHA BKB for 1111. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE YOUNG men arriving In Omaha will find warm' room, mod board and neip in so- coring a position at Father Flanlgan'a hotel : social club In connection. zv . llth. Phone Tyler 2672. ELKGANTL Y furnished connecting rooms in private family; suitable for one or two gentlemen; modern; select neighborhood; walking distance. Harney 220 CALL RED 4232 Suits of rooms for dis criminating people, private - entrance. Beautifully furnisned, modern conven iences. SUNSHINE APARTMENTS. For men anlv. Comfortable heated rooms. Rats $2.10 and up par Week. $08 N. 17th St MODERN furnished room,vlose in, private family ; all conveniences. Harney ib2i. LARGE, well furnished room, with board suitable for 2. Walnut 2094. MODERN warm, newly furntahod" sleeping ana Housekeeping rooms. 2414 uuw at UOUglSS 488b. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms and a garage. Call Web. 288. EXTRA large, pleasant front room, suit able lor one or two gentlemen; modern private home; references. Hanscom park district, aamey 6873. . TWO large front rooms. Elegantly furnish ed; strictly modern. Sterling Apartments, Number I. Telephone Douglas 1 644, MODERN, clean 'room; walking distance oar tinea: sv monio. i v. a duuib Ave. Phone Harney 4466. DESIRABLE newly furnished, well heated room; walking distance; homo privileges. Douglsg 4160. 2712 JACKSON ST. Newly furnished. strictly modern, reasonable, reference re quired. H. 3622. N. 1 1ST. ST., $12 Three nice modern. sleeping rooms ; brick flat ; fine heat uougias 7BS. 2132 CAPITOL AVE. 2 r. gotta, strictly modern; ohlldren welcome; walking dis tance. TWO nicely furnished rooms and board, pri vate home, walking distance. Harney 4147. CHICAGO 2610 In private home; large aoutn front room with alcove; alas mas room. FOR RENT Front room, furnished, private cam IE desired, sizi iougiaa. uoog. ksi. HEATED room for respectable working men. 2421 Decatur St Webster 4074. DAVENPORT 2611 Nice pleasant room with kitchenette; reasonable. IN private home, modern suite of furnished rooms. Call Harney 4173. FURNISHED rooms for rant 2114 Dewey. Phono Douglas 2161. , , SLEEPING room, clean and desirable. Call Douglas 1201. 242$ DECATUR, heated rooms, $3 per week. Web. 4674. Honsekeeping Rooms. 1218 VINTON 3-room suite furnished com plete for housekeeping, $2.60 and $3.00 per week; stove heat, quarter, meter. Red 6387. 3573 ST. MART'S AVE. Nicely furnished. sunny suite, olean; good heat, ngnt and not water. First-class in every way. LARGE strictly modern light housekeeping room, well furnished. Doug. 88s. $3 PER WEEK, I rooms eosulte. 2211 Leav- anwortn. . Board and Room. BEAUTIFUL ateam heated front room, alngle or ensulte; private bath; excellent meals; garage. Call Harney 1711. 2021 HARNEY Suitable tor three gentle men ; cosily furnished room; . excellent board. Haney 3268, AT THE GREENWOOD. Room, two gen tleman, excellent board, 1614 Leaven worth. GOOD board, modern and well heated room; private home. Harney 4703. Unfurnisued Rooms. Ill 9. 15TH ST., 7 rooms, modern. neat. CITY TRUST COMPANY. 16th and Harney Sts. Phone Douglas 789. STEAM heated I -room fiat for light house- Keeping. th . itn st Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THB BEB WANT-AD DEPT. and Snd out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that la helping many people rent their rooms. YOUNG . woman, employed, wants board and room In private homo in West Far nam or Dundee; preferably In small fam ily. Box $784 Bes. WANTED Two furnished housekeeping rooms witn kitcnenette, modern, walking distance preferred, uot. 4031, WANTKD--Pleaaant sunny room by taach- er, wits or witnout board, soutn of Dodge, west of 24th. Box I7U, Bee, FOR RENT-TURNISHED Apartment and Houses, Apartments, IN THE Hollywood, near 26th and Harney. very desirable 3-room and batn. furnished apartment on second floor. Fumed oak furniture, linens, dishes, cooking utensils, all furnished. First class apartment close In at moderate rental of $47.60. Ernest Sweet, Office New Hamilton, 24th and Farnam. Douglas 1472. , OWNER leaving for the south, will rent his apartment lb the New Hamilton until March 16. Apartment consists of large east front living room, dining room, bed room; kitchenette and bath. Well fur nished; to strictly reliable party, only, with best of references. $85 per month. D. 1472., CHOICE 2-r. apt with 3-r. accommoda tions, 2711 Dewey Ave.; close In, NEW, nicely furnished. $27 su., $30 winter, HASTINGS & HEY DEN, 1414 Har. Ty 60. Houses, 208 SO. 30TH ST., almost new, easily heated, six rooms, oak finish and tiled bath. Tel, Har. $830. S-R., 271$ N. 24th, nicely furnished, $36. - See this today. HASTINGS A HEYDBN, 1114 Har. Ty 10. Miscellaneous. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT $14.00 -r 1432 Clark St. $14.00 6-r., 311$ No. 20th St., modern ex cept heat, $26.00 -r 1807 Locust St.. modern. $27.60 -r. Sc. 2 -rooms, 2 Davids; Block. $30.00 J-r., 1723 Pratt St., modern. . $30.00 -r.i 636 So. 20th Ave., modern. $30.00 $-r.,.638tS. 34th Ave., modern. 3 qoo 6-r., 2423 Laurel Ave,,' new, mod ern, stucco bungalow. $32.60 -l-r., 630 Park Ave., modern flat 36,00 T-r., llOlsCorby St. modern. 140,00 7-r., 3825 California St, new, modern, very desirable. $60.00 8-r., 137 No. 3 2d Ave., modern. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone D. 76$. $02 CUy Nat Bank Bldg. EDUCATIONAL ' Van sant school of business, dat and evening schools. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance, 320. Douglas 6W. 9PANISH--Eventng classes now on by na tive teacher, English-Spanish translations guaranteed. - Bladlo Benito. Douglas 244T. Y- M. C A. bay and Night School. Musical Harp Limited number pupils accepted eora Ing season; early applications favored. Harps fur. Loretta Do Lone. 308 Lyric Bid. ""Persistence is the Cardinal Virtue in Advertising;. FOR RENT HOUSES West BRAND NEW STUCCO. . 103 SO. 41 ST ST. Having I rooms, fireplace, breakfast room, aun room, exclusive and refined sur roundings. Price, $46. PAYNE & SLATER CO., $11 Omaha Nat l Bldg. Phone Doug. 1011. FOR RENT. . Sevan rooms with alaeplng porch and aun room, mantel and grate, hardwood fin ish, polished floors, tiled bath room and every convenience. Including .garage, ex ceptionally fine view; quiet neighborhood. $60. J. H. DtJMONT CO.. 410-1$ Keellne Bldg. t Phone Doug. 400 HOMKS OF A BETTER KIND. Strictly modern, beat of locationa: 3310 Dewey Ave., I rooms. $40. 110 & $6th St, 7 ra , sleeping porch, $40. 2217 Dodge St, $ rooms, $50. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Douglas 217. 212 S. 17th St. 2303 HOWARD ST. A 2-Story frame, 7 rooms and sleeping porch. New furnace. Room for one ear In garage if desired House rent, $10. ALFRED THOMAS, 10$ first Nat. Bk. Bldg. 331$ Dewey Ave., I rooms, atrletly modern. Ideal location, pleasant surroundings. THB BTRON REED COMPANY. Douglss 27. 312 S. 17th St. 8-ROOM modern house, large yard, fine location, 211 Park Ave., $26. L. Harris R. B 070 Brandcls Bldg. North. t-R. HOUSE WITH HOT WATER HTCAT. $22 per month. 81, -room, .u modern house, hot water heat, laundry In bam ment, carace, chicken honsw. 1527 No. 2,th St. Call Web. 1S5S. FOR RENT Houa. at 1102 Blnoejr; atrletly modern; newly papered and painted; owner will reserve one room and gar. lie ; 125 If rented aooni call owner, J. B. Nlcholaa, Paxton Hotel. 3114 Spencer St, l-r.. all modern I2S.0O 2124 N. 27th Bt, T-r., mod. ex. heat. 20.00 Hot N. 12d St, t-r. mod. ex. heat 15.00 B-aBP BROS., lot McCaa-ue Bldg. Tylor T21, RENT CUT TO 111. 1101 M 22d I--, flat, .teal ran,.. ,ai plate. Kitchen cabinet Water paid, 115. RASP BROS. Tyler T21. t-ROOM modern house ; ftnt elan condi tion and neighborhood; ihadea, 2422 pewaro. ,zu. n-ey mi aoor north. FOR RENT ttww 6 -room modern bmualaw. 2101 Evan St, M. RMldent bavins city, win mi new raralture raawmabl.. Pongla. 1621 or Web. tor 40H. CLASSY 11 1 tie X-roeun eottage near 24th and Ames, el oc trio Ughta and gai for cooa-ing. only ill, call Douglas 1472. NEW, modern residence, 2594 niondo, til nor month. Inqulr. 711 N, ILL Phone Pongla. 7111. M. Sleek. NEW bungalow, 5-room, strictly all modern, half block to ear, IIS. Located 2th and Fort Htn. km llll. NICE 5-room cottage, modern except heat apienaia contusion, webater 2980. FOR RENT 3504 Blonde new Mod. Bid. 120 per Mo. Inquire Doug. 7211. 6-R., mod. cottage. 2M4 N. 21th Ave., 111. Tel. Harney 4711. South. OWNER SAID CUT RENT. on his awell house, located at 2419 S. 82d Ave.; 8 nloe rooms; hot water Jieatlng plant; house about 4 years old and has Just been redecorated and painted. On west Bid. Hanscom Park oar Una. Don't wait, bnt b. the first on. In lln. for this snap, . PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 127 Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. D. 1781. FOR RENT t rooms with sleeping porch ac 1022 Arnor st, on boulevard; strictly modern, oak finish throughout, furnace heat, full basamant with laundry. Large yard- On two oar Unas, rent reasonable. First urn, vacant Call Tyler 1141. SPECIAL. Btrletly modern 5-room stncoo bungalow, 04 So. Slth Ave. 5-ROOM cottag., modern except lust; good repairs. Zbii naroe. Phone Tyler Z210. I-ROOM Two hatha. West Farnam district. s.o.uv. .'none uougias zs.T. 6-ROOM house, mod. except furnace. 523 S. 24th Ave. Harney 4255. I-RM. mod. flat. 510 1 llth. First Trust Co. D. 1101. FOR RENT 5-room house, 4821 Plerc. St walnut 2,61. - 6-R. mod. flat. 2210 0. 24th. 120. TeL H. 4711. Miscellaneous. HOUSES MODERN. l-r., 1SIT S. mt, NEW, S14. 6- r 4227 Wirt, new bungalow, IJ2.B0. l-r.. 2102 Spanoar, Eountse Placa, water paid, 125. t-r., 4,02 N. 24th, beautiful horn., with fireplace, built-in buffet, panel walls, oak and whit, enamel finish; NEW, Just completed; has sleeping porch; 132.50; key on. door west t-r., 3718 N. 30th. reasonable, rent, 122.60 t-r., 2020 Franklin, good, 125. - l-r., 2028 Vinton, NEW, 26. 7- r, 803t N. list good condition. 132.51. 7-r.. 134 a 18th Ave., NEW, 30. 7-r., 8716 N. 24th, good oond.; owner has left eleetrlo washing maohln. for use of tenant 830. 7-r.. 1021 N. 32d. Bern Is Park, hot water heat 127.60. 1-r., 2701 Bristol, good, 220. 7-r., 1840 N. llth. good, for 135. 7- r., 2840 Franklin, new oak floors and electric fixtures, 826. 8- r, 113t Owrgla A v., with garage, 836. HOUSES MODERN EXCEPT FURNACE.' t-r. St7 Maple, new, tit. 4- r, S31 1 Taylor, good eond, wat. pd, $14. 5- r, 2428 8. 17th, choice hou, and In good condition, 120.. l-r, 2123 Vinton, good, 111. 6- r.. 108 S. 19th. clos. in, 111. 6-r, 1813 Spruce, good condition, - 81t. 5- r 2888 Maple, nearly new, 120. 6- r., 1S21 Manderson, gooA! repair. 111. . 5- r., 1,20 Emmet downstairs,, water paid, 118. t-r, 2437 8. llth, A-l house, good loca tion, 111. 7- r, 125 S. 20th, clos. In, arranged for two families, 126. 8- r 4043 Farnam, good location, 820. 8-r, 1820 Emmet suitable ' for two famt- Ilea,.l36. ( HOUSES PART MODERN. 4-r ,04 8. 27th, water and gas, 8. 6- r, 2320 S. 21th, water and gas 110. t-r, 202 S. 37th, water, gas, toilet, 310. FLATS MODERN. 6-f, Jilt Woolworth, hot water heat, own er will wire for electricity this week, good location and good repair, water paid. :. 6-r, 206 Paxton Court between 26th Ave. and Stth St, Douglas and Farnam. with bullt-ln ld, making practically a t-r. . flat; ga. range and refrigerator furnished; curtain rods and window shades; close. In, NEW; 137.60. FLATS MODERN EXCEPT FURNACE. 4-r, 2222 8. Slth, water paid, key down stairs, 110. 6-r, 607 N. list close In, snap at 121.5,. t-r, 1120 S. 10th. wat, gas, toiL. 112.60. For Colored. ' 2-r, 1818 N. 23d, water, gas, 6. 4-r, 3836 Patrick Ava,, mod. ex. fur, 116. 4-r, 1113 N. 23d, Its, water, gas. IIS. Befon. raiting phono or call on us for our weakly printed list It will help you. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AQENCY. HASTINGS HETDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 60. PAYNE & SLATER CO., "OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN," HOUSES AND COTTAGES. . MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 1-r. 30 So. S2d St, all on one floor, east front, easy walking distance. This place is positively a bargain at flCSO. 10-r. 1213 Douglas, excellent placa to , rant ont furaiihed rooms, $30. ALL MODERN. 6-nns. 3117 Burt St., dandy bungalow, all on one floor, newly decorated and floors varnished throughout. Every thing spotlessly clean. Special price, -22.0. -r. 382 Charles St., has Just boon put In good condition, 220. -r. 22 So. 81th St., east front, close to oar, FiHd Club district, atrletly high olass; -special price, 135. f-r. 2217 No. 20th SL, 2 oedrooms and sleeping porch, on ths boulevard. 937.50. 2- r. 2568 St. Mary's Ave., 4 bedrooms. Thin Is a dandy place to rent out furnished rooms; In good condition, 142.50. 8-r. -1H22 Emmet St, 4 bedrooms, 230. t-r. 2883 Farnsm. will put In first -dies condition for good tenant, $50. FLATS. i.r.i410 No. 17th St. city water, gf. 3- r. 1412 No. 17th Bt, city water, 87. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. Ill Omaha Nat l Bldg, Pboa Doug. 1IU. FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. WE HAVK WHAT TOU WANT. HOlTHK.fi AND COTTAUE8 PARTLY MODERN. 4-R. a.dl P.rkp Si 1 HO 4- R 111, C.rtw Laka Blvi M OO t-R 103 Miinba 81 II I. 5- R 511 Mi.rih. HI li 6, l-R .120 Par.tog. 81 K M T-R SOU N. 4Sd Rt 1S.S, MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. l-R 1,1, B.r.lon. fit Ill It -R. ll N. !7th tl. (tor colored) 1S.0 -R tlii 8. till St 11. kg 8TUICTLY MODERN. .R 4'12 P.rti.ln 81 ,ll., ,-R 5327 N. !7th 81. (brand nw). IS 00 7-R. 4113 8. lid Bt 2..0, l-R 21. Brl.tol Bt. (with tarn In the r.r) 12., ft l-R. 11 N. 17th St 10... ,-R. KOI Dewfy An... 40..O m-R till Dodf. 8t. (cIom In).... 40.00 FLATS STRICTLT MODERN. t-R. 1011 D.wejr A v.. (vry ehole.)l8T.S0 HEATED APARTMENTS. S-R. 111 Funun St. (Btrn ily mod em ,nd np-to-d.t. In v.ry re spect) j 138.00 WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE LIST BEFORE RENTING. PORTER 4 SHOTWELL. 201 S. 17th St. , Dou. 1012. I DETACHED. 1724 Davenport. 12-r mod 175.00 Want offer. 2210 a list St, 6-r, mod 32.60 6133 N. 24th, all mod, t-r. 30.00 3167 Davenport 8-r, mod 25.00 15.19 Sherman Ave, 7-r, mod. ex. ht 18.00 2711 N. 21th. l-r. part mod 12.00 PLATS. 11 N. Hth, Id fl. 7 rms. mod. ex ht 11.01 ATTACHED. It7 S. 28th Ava, l-r. mod 87.60 165 8. 28th Ava, l-r, mod 35.00 Just being completed; ready this week; very choice. A. P. TUKEY & SON, Doug. 502. 610 New First National Bldg. ( I FOR RENT. ' FLATS. 831-23 S. llth St, 30-r e. w, 151. 601 8. 36th St. 6-r, modem, 130. llth and Nicholas Sts., t-r, mod ex. fur.. 820. n 1046 S. 20th SL, t-r, e. w., gas, IIS. DETACHED BOUSES. 1511 N. 10th St., 8-r, modern. 125. 1541 a th St, 7-r, e. w, gas, 112 60. 1341 S. 37th St. t-r, modern, 133.10. 1882 Park Wild Ave, l-r., o. w, bath. 120. 887 S. 32d St, l-r, bath, c. w 111. 908 N. 86th St. 7-r, c. w, bath. 111. 211 N. 28th St, t-r, c. w, bath, lit. 113 8. llth St, 6-r, e. w., lit. 1611 Davenport St.. t-r, c w, bath, IK. 1811 Nicholas St, t-r, c. w, 110. 614 N. llth St.. l-r, modern, 130. GARVIN BROS, 846 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. ' 818 S. 28TH S., ,-r. modern, 120. 2014 Bancroft, 6-r, part modern. 813. 2811 Harney. 5-r, part modern, 112.60. " 4310 N. 22th Ave, i-r, city water, 112.50. 2820 Castelar, 6-r, city water, 210. 2201 Blonuo, 4-r, city water, 39. 2922 Blondo, 5-r, city water, It. 4828 N. llth Bt.. l-r. Well. 1L 8461 Miami, t-r, well, 81. 3738 Lake, 6-r, well. It. CREIGH, SONS & CO, Douglas 200. 608 Bee Bldg. 3 ROOMS 1819 No. 17th St 112.50 4 Rooms 1803 So. Hth 81 s.00 4 Rooms 2412 Ersklne St.,..,.... 14.00 5 Rooms 8616 Parker St.......... 16.00 Rooms 2912 Fowler Ave., mod.. 26.0, 7 Rooms 1311 Burt St, modern.. 22.5, 7 Rooms 1422 Sherwood Ave. mod. 26.00 7 Rooms 130t So. 28th St, mod.. 27.60 BENSON & MYERS CO, 484. Omaha National Bank Bldg. 2026 Spruce St, f rs, part modern... .811.00 2211 Burdatte St, 5 re, all modern.. 20.00 2311 Dewey Ave, t ra, modern..., 40,09 2222 Burdette, 7 rs, hot water heat 25.0, 110 S. 26th St 7 ra, all modern, steep ing porch 40.0, . 2317 Dodge St. 8 rs., all modern S,.00 ' THE BYRON SEED COMPANY, Douglas 2,7, 211 S, 17th 8t 1102 SO. 33D ST, 8-r. mod. house $4, 1122 So. 32d St, 8-r. mod. house.... 81 2121 Capitol Ava, 8-r. mod. houM.-H 21 111 No. 24th St, 3-r. nous....... 11 ALFRED C KENNEDY CO, 201 Sooth llth St Douglas 713. 12-ROOM modern, close-In rooming hoowa, 165. On. block from 24th St. car, Bear Kountx. Place, for 3 families,- 1 rooms, each. Hot water heat Strictly mod ern, 836. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, Doug. 2716. 1016 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. FOR RENT. It l-r. cottage at 2107 Ohio. 311 -r. house at 1803 Corby. - 126 8-r. modern brick house, 2614 N. l,th 330 l-r. modern bouse at 3111 Emmat 322.60 l-r. modern house at 3128 N. 28 ta. W. H. GATES. 617 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1294. Web. 2188. ; 1.12.50 8 rms, very fine, 2111 Maple St. 313.50 5 rms. 3022 So. 19th, mod. ax. ht 311.004 rms, 1407 N., 40th, mod. ex. ht 85.00 3-room cottage, 3815 Fort St. We have a large list. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO, Douglss 420. TWO 5-room modern houses in block ot 4 brick houaea; just the pises for friends or relatives who want to live near each other, $22. Close to car lino and in walk ing dlstsnce. - J. H. DUMONT t CO.. 416-1 Keeline Bldg. Douglas $99. $42221$ Howard, 12 rooms. 936 unlcago, 8 rooms, modern, suit able for light housekeeping, 1605 N. 20th, 4 rooms. Inside toilet; 1554 N. 20th, 4 rooms, water paid; either of these 112.80. RINOWALT BROR. Brandels Thea. Bldg. 1008 SOUTH 22d St. t rms., all mod. 232. & 1284 N. 21st St., rms., mod. ex. hL 11.00 2902 Charles St., t rmi., part. mod... 14.00 1502 Ohio St., 6 rms. part mod 12.00 117 8. 25th St.. S rms., city water.. S.00 BIRKETT & COMPANY, 422 Bee Bldge. Doug, 233. WE want mora houses and apartments to rent. The fact that we hsve practically cleaned out our big list Is conclusive proof ot the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your places rented sea Payns Slater Co., "Omaha's Rental Men." Cll On. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 10l. BEFORE RENTINO PHONE OR CALL T3 FOR OUR WEEKLY PRINTED LIST. It will help you. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 1614 Har. Ty SO. 124 N. 24 St I rooms, all roodem.M6.00; 512 S. 20th St. 0 rooms, strictly mod ern. $37.50. F. D. WEADK 210 8. 18th St, D171. 6-ROOM, all modern cottage; good neighbor hood. No. 2518 Mason St, l:-. O. C. OLSEN, P. 1053. 103 McCague Bldg. $42.602114 Chicago St, ll-r4 ail mad Uood for rooming house. H. A. WOLF, 114 Wars B!k. Douglas 8081. 7 ROOMS, modern. 3002 Mason St $S5 Nice 7 -room flat. 1207 Cuming St $25 I rooms, electric light 1718 N. 26th.. $U JOHN W. ROBB1NS, 1802 FARNAM BT. 208 SOUTH 41st, hot water plant, $33. 121 South 27th, modern, 7 rooms, $23. 1125 South 21st wtth garage for t cars. JOHN N. FRUNZE R. DOUGLAS 654. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIGH. SONS CO., Ota BES BLDO. DOUG I FOR RENT APARTMENTS West MILTON, v 3 ROOM, WITH f 5-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS! CLOSE IN 1954 JONES. Three apartments left one renting? for $22 sum., $40 winter, and ether two rent ing for $27.60 sum., 842,60 winter. Tha fsct that this building is Just competed and all apartment re practically ranted is evidence that this is one of the choicest apartments in the city. Right downtown and still In a select location; has tw built-in beds; small dressing room with built-in chiffonier la dining room; all light rooms; nicely decorated; la teat light ing fixtures. ' OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS A H-BTDBN. 1114 Har. Ty. 60. VERY CHOICE -roora steam-boated apart ment on w. rarnam si. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST.