Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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' v FAIR
VOL.' XLVJ NO. 3$. ;J'N;"1,
II v
1 . Jv-s-jl.-S
German Forces Follow Re-
treating Russians and Rou-
' , manians , Along Whole, ;
Eastern Line.'' i
, Berlin Reports Heavy Fighting
South of Riga and Nine Hun '
,' dred Prisoners Captured. '
. . -TURKS
(By AMwetatod Pms.) ' '
' Along a 100-mile front in southeast
ern Moldavia the troops of the cen
tral powers are slowly pressing the
retreating Russians and' Roumanians
back upon the line of the Sereth
. river. The Sereth has been reached
, by the troops of Field Marshal, von
' Mackensen , at two points between
Fokshani and Galatz, the last Rouma
nian port on the Danube, and which
is reported under the fire of German
: guns. -, ., .;.'';-.' ..'
From the Uzul valley to Galatz the
Austro-Germans have been successful
at several points and have compelled
the Russians and Roumanians to re
tire before their attacks'.' At one
point in the Uzul valley the Russians
were victorious in a battle for the
possession of a height.
Heavy fighting is reported in the
region of Soveia in the Suchitza val
ley, about ten miles inside the Molda.
vian frontier. South of the Trotqs
vajley the' Austro-Germans in their
Jatest advance have taken 300 pris-
dners. .'..' ".
. Mackjngen (Takes . Five Towns.
, ' In southern Moldavia Field Marshal
von Mackensen. followed, up his cap
' ture of Braila with the occupation
of five towns southiof the Sereth and
between Fokshani and Galatz. North
of Braila Fetrogrcd admits that the
. Russians and Roumanians nave re
! tired across the'Sereth.- -
Severe fighting ( has, taken, place
around Riga, at the northern end of
the long eastern trontj German
fnrrM Berlin aavs: were Successful in
. engagements south of Riga and near
f the river Aa, apturing900 prisoners
, and several machine guns. - Russian
attacks farther south along the Dvma
... river failed, ''., iM
. Russian troops,, says PetrogMd,
were successful in combats west of
Riga, taking '275 prisoners and one
s batteryi . rvAi-i'i. r.SSi
, British EnteV German Trench. 4
There has been little activity along
the rest of the eastern iront, excep
in the Carnathians.- where a Russian
attack in the region of Ktrlibaba was
" repulsed. i ' ' -
' North of the river Arfcre, in north
" em France, British troops in a night
attack entered a German advanced
- trench. Northeast of Verdun a Ger
man raid was made into the French
lines. Artilleryngagements are tak
ing place at other points on this
, front- ' ' ; ' ,';-- ' , ' -.
An attack'by a strong British force
' against Turkish positions near Inam
MuhamedY on the Tigris front, was
repulsed With heavy fosses, Constanti-
( nople . reports, and the British re-
tired to then; trenches.' ,
East of HamadaB,Jn Persia, the
1 Turks repulsed Russian attack .with
severe casualties. xNear -Sakkir Rus
sian attacks were also repulsed by the
: Turks..- . v ' - '
Best Man Murders
Bridesmaid Who
Refuse to Wed Him
Chicago, Jan. & Joseph Soboj did
. not understand that a custom in Po
' land that the principal attendants of
a brMat couple at a, wedding. will
themselves be married at an early
date is not- necessarily a custom in
Chicago.. Consequently Miss Celia
- Rudon is dead, and Soboj is held by
the police on a charge of killing her.
Miss Rudon was bridesmaid at a
Polish wedding six months go, at
which Soboj was best,, man. ( Subse
quently he proposed matrimony. Her
refusal cost her her. life,-for the re
irrtrd heat jnan hid near her home
and shot Tftr as she walked by, theJ
police said. Then Soboj fired two
' shots at himself. When after, a few
1 moments of unconsciousness it was
" discovered that they had merely cut
i holes in his shirt, the destination
ai the ambulance in. which he was
riding was changed from the hospital
to the police station. ' ' "T,, , ,
j Tte Weather '
For Nebraska Fair and Bonwhat colden
at Omaha Ywtordaj. '
Hour: f
6 a. jn..
a. m. .
7 a, m.,
8 a, m. ,
I a. nt..
... 3
... 3
... 3
... as
... 36
... 37
, .-. 41
10 a. mi.
a. m.
1J m...
r. 1 p. iB.i.;..
t p. nip.
'I p. m.
4 p. m.,.' .'.
i p m....w....Kt
p. m... 41
T p. m. . 49
ConpanttT . litteal Records.
-J : " '' ! ' MIT.- ltl. li k, ltl4.
'Hlffhflrt yeaterday... ;4B , 22. IJ t
'Ijomat yMUrdar...''. 14 - 12 27 1 v 29
Man .tmpratttr.., 40 . 1 f st
Proctpltatloa 00 .00' . Of .40
Temperatvre and precipitation departures
froni the normal at Omaha alnc March 1,
and compared with th )aat twp years:
Normal temperature 21
Bxceaa for the day. i,. . , )f
Total axoeMi since March 1 ............ Jit
Normal precipitation s . .. ;.. Jbl Inflh '
Defleienny for the day . .. ,U .-....,.. 6j Inch
Total rainfall since March U. 16. 72 Inches
Defiolency since March 1. .... .12.45 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1916. 1. 9 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1914. 1.86 Inches
-.-!. t i
California Woman Murdered by
Her' Husband May Have
, Been Involved in Colo'- :
, ' rado Murder.
- , Uvv
Los Angeles, CaL, Jan.
Irene Barrett, alleged' to have, been
murdered' with her son, IRaymom)
Wright, by her husband, Benton Bar.
rett, gcdt San Monica rancher, was
said today b'y Dr. L. L. Clock to be
a Mrs.Myrtle Wright, implicated in
a mysterious death In Colorado) by
which she collected $30,000 insurance.
.Dr. Clock, held in the county jail,
charged with a' statutory crime, iden-'
tified a photogtaph of Mrs. Barrett as
that, o Mrs. Wright. Barrett's attof-'
neys contend that the woman and her
son are alive., - -5. ' 1
i . Clock Tells Hit Story. " 1 ';' , '
Dr. Clock said he was called to a
hotel in Pagosa Springs, 1 C6lo., in
1901, where he found Mrs.' Wright
and a man, Neff, beside the body of
beoree Barber, who lett Webster
City, la., t accompany the woman to
Colorado. Barber was dead. He said
the circumstances were such that he
reported the case to the authorities.
Ihe body was exhumed and' an
autopsy and examination' Of the heart
in Denver showed the. presence of
poison. .Mrs. Wright and Nerf were
held for a time, -but .released, when it
was shown that death would have
occurred without the ' poison, which
might have been used as a stimulant.
Collected the Insurance. .
' The woman collected $30,000 insur
ance, Dr. Clock Said, and left with
Neff. Six veal's later Dr.. Clock re
ceived an"; inquiry from . a v Pueblo
lodger-asking for the address of Mrs.
Wright, to Whom a lodge member
who had died, left his insurance.
Barrett was arrested and chareed
with murder, when he was taken to
the district attorney's office, October
21, 1916, by' hhf attorney, and con
fessed he killed his wjfe and step
son three days before", and burned
their bodies in the. yard of his, ranch.
Bones were found, but experts dis
agreed to whether they were those
qf either or both of the victims.
' Several witnesses were said to have
been found by the defense, who had
seen Mrs. Barrett and her son after
the time of the alleged murder. None
ot tnese was called at Barrett s pre-J
liminary hearing, when he was held
to? trial March 7.- ; , " .. .
- '. Dr.,' Clock's story was ;sqbmitted to
the district attorney and an investiga
tion Dcgun. .
. , Confesses to Killing. H
, Barrett in his confession said he
killed his wife and stepson when tljey
attacked him,. Barrett tarried some
insurance, payable to; his wife, but
not enough according to the police,
to Tiave tempted his wife to kill him.
Barrett, it was found, had shovim dis
approval bi other' men's attentions to
his wife..;?',-.' -.--' . t ..I .
The -' defense advanced several
theories to reconcile Barrett's 'con
fession with the theory his-two. .Vic
tims were alive. One of these was
that, Barrett was hypnotized, j "
' j , " . Death of Barber. '
, Pagosa Springs, Colo., Jan. 6.-ft
A mannamed George Barber died in
a Pagosa Springs hotel in Novem
ber, 1900,x- under strange , circum
stances. -Myrtle A. Wright and W..
P.! Neff, who brought him to this
city, were arrested and charged with
administering poison to him. A Sioux
City life insurance company is said
to have .lost heavily '. by Barber's
death. , ( . , '
After afdel4y of' many weeks the
charges against Mrs. Wright and
Neff were dismissed. Barber was so.
ill when he arrived in Pagosa Springs
it .was necessary to carry him from
theHrain to the hotel, where he died
next day. Mrs. Wright set up . a
clajm for Barber's insurance, alleg
ing she was his fiancee and that their
marriage -had been delayed by Bar
ber's illness.. "
December '17, 1900, the day the in
quest was to be held, the prosecuting
attorney sprang a surprise by an
nouncing that instead of holding the
inquest he would file . information
against Myrtle R; Wright and W.- P:
Neff, charging them with committing
murder by administration of poison.
Despite objection by the counsel for
the fctwo they were held , in $7,000
bond for the preliminary hearing,
which was set for ten days later,
Neither was able to furnish bond. -
Doctor Seward reported to the Odd
Fellows' Annuity Life Insurance as
sociation of . Des Moines, in which
Barber had $7,800 worth of insur
ance, that Barber undoubtedly came
to his death by the administration of
an organic poison. The1 company
spent $1,100 or more investigating the
case. . . ' '
Mrs.Wght formerly was Nettie
Sears. After her marriage to Al
Wright of Sterling, Colo., she lived
in that town several years. .
Prisoners in County Jail to Read ' ?
i Much-Censored Newspapers
The British war office censors
haveS nothing on Douglas county's
new sheriff,' Mike Clark.',
1 With a new sheriff coming intoof
fice the prisoner in the county jail
took- advantage of the situation to
make appeals for certain heretofore
ungrarqted privileges. One of the re
quests was that they1 be allowed
newspapers.. . '
Following aconference with Judge
Sears Sheriff Clark announced that,
starting Monday, copies of the daily
Omaha papers will- be distributed
atnong the county- jail residents, but
the former street car majj will per
use said news organs .'with a dis
criminating eye and wield the scissors
whenever it is necessary. " ' '
In other words, Sheriff Clark will
lay Date "Fixed
e "Who Desire
. Take Stock in New
Financial Institutions.
i '
Collector of Internal Revenue
Sent Here Designated as
the Receiving Officer. K "
"VCProm a SUff Corr.iondpt.l -Washington,
Jar(. 6. (Special Tele
gram.) X he federal tarm loan Doara
has announced that subscription books
for. the sale of stock for tfce twelve
federal land banks will be opend
simultaneously in all of the twelve
cities next Wednesday. January W.
Under the terms of the-farnP loaj) act
this stock is to remain on sale thirty
days. The books will close FebruVry
9, and immediately thereatter the sec
retary of the treasury, on behalf of
the United States,.will subscribe to alt
of the remaining unsold stock. Each
bank will be capitalized at $750,000.
The shares wilKbe $5 each. ' . -!
George W. Norrisj farni loan com
missioner, nascent subscription books
and fubscription blanks to each of the
cities: and notices will be posted in
all of the federal buildings of the
twelve cities advertising the stoclOfor
sale.''.. ' v . --i- ' : -
The collector of internal revenue.
George L.j Loomis, has lieen desig
nated to receive subscriptions for the
Omaha hank, and in whose custody
the stock books will remain for thirty
davs. Subscriptions may also be made
direct to the federal farm loan board,.
Washington. Each subscription must
be accompanied by cash or a certified
check equal tO;20 per cent of the sub
scription, the balance to be paid upon
the issuance of the stock.
Nebraskani in Evidence. s .
' The republican members of con
ffres from Nebraska, were consider
ably in evidence yesterday during the
:j . f .1 :..u..l-
cunsiueriuiuii uiwic dKniuuuiai ap
propriation bill. Mft Reavis took oc
casion to say a number of pleasant
things about the farmer whom he said
was engaged in owrking, not only to
keep starvation from the people of the
LJnited States; but from the world at
large.';, ,'.V.
Mr. ,Sloan spoke at length on the
dairy situation, while .' Mr. Kinkaid
announced .the amendment in the bill.
IpJovidiag appropriation- for .the -Ne
prasKa, nauonai lorest ana giving. iu
secretary of agriculture authority to
acquire lands fy purchase, or con
demnation adjacent to the Niobrara
division of the Nebraska national for-
Ust, suitable for nursery, sites, to be
used for the purpose or growing trees
for planting on the Nebraska national
forest. . - , '"' '"' ''., ' " ' - .
Colonel W.F. Cody : -t
; IsBeportel Dying
By His Physician
Gleffwood Springs, Colo., Jan. 6.
The condition of Colon'tl William F.
Cody (Buffalo Bill) took a turn for
the worse early today and his physi
cian announced he wy hurrying the
colonel back to Denver. '; . , v
"Colonel Cody is slowly nearing the
end and cannot recover from his pres
ent illness," Dr. W. W. Cook, in at
tendance, announced." ,.
i Golcjriel Cody came to this resort
til is week in the -hope- of recovering
his healths He suffered a nervous
collapse last night and, as a result, his
mental faculties are in a serious con
dition, according to Dr. Cook, i
It is planned to fake the colonel to
Denver tonight and later to his pld
home in" Cody, Wyo. Colonel . Cody
contracted a severe cold several weeks
ago. Mis condition since, has grown
critical because of complications.'
Elector Lightner
Of Columbus Quits;
; : Byrnes Succeeds
'l' (Prom h Staff Correspondent.) "
j Lincoln.Jan. 6. (Special Tele
gram.) Democratic electors metviat
the office of Governor- Neville ',: at
noon today and organized, with .W.
M. Morning of Lincoln chaifman and
Otto Baumann of, Omaha secretary.
Louis Lip-htner of Coltmibus was
'present and preserrtecjiiis resignation
as an elector and the remaining elec
tors filleM the vacancy by electing
John C. liyrnes of Columbus in his
place. The electors will meet Mon
day to select the rnes?nger to carry,
the vote to Washington. :
i , . : -f in
j, -
see to it'-that the 'prisoners' do hot
get a chance to con over siich choice
bits of scandal, stories of crime and
Certain' other items as delight seek
ers of the sensational in the outside
world, just as a prisoner starts toJ
read a 'story to the effect that the
Sb-and-so club is agitating a eforrrt
in social circles and advising officials
to take some action in regafrds the
he'll encounter a bladk Sbace where
the censorship-board Df one has bcerrj
ai worK. .. . , ; ,K
Nevertheless the county prisoners
will be allowed to read all the weighty
editorials they want to and can at
least keep up with the prospects-'for-peace
situation, the H. C. of L.' rum
bles and, perchance, Tom Lawson's
latest leap into the first column po
sition. : " '. ;.; . . . .
k'A.'e !
fmmv on Saturday
Speaker Something
'. a ' ' .. "
a V"!a it)
:-'v 'lr iHIl I-!' 5
U i'i - YA
. as committees Are c no sen now
v -
Committee on Committees
Picked by Districts Evn
Before Canons Met. '
i (From ft; Staff. CofTspondat.) '
Lincoln, Jan: "6. (Special.) just-
now some ot, the members ot toe
lower branch of the NeMuska legis
lature are; wondering &nKher v the
modern plan of selecting 'tlie standing
committees, of the 4egislature brings
good results. ' ;-';' ; .
Under the former pUn, the speaker
of the house,, who was o great ex
tent held responsible for good or bad
legislation, selected the ' standing
committees of that body. Usually he
called in a number of the members in,
whom he had confidence and the se
lections were made usually by placing
men in the chairmanships who were
especially qualified for the position.
- Under the .present plan, the stand
ing committees are selected bv a soe-!
cial committee, which has neither the j
Legislature Divides Itself Into
' Three Faction', and Work of "
Session' af Standstill. -
Pheonix,-triz., Jan. . 6. Chaotie
conditions rule in the Arizona, legis
lative Circles tonight, two days of the
assembly of that body, because two
men -are seeking to exercise the ex
ecutive,' function. These conditions
will not be settled, even temporarily
until the supreme court decides ,next
week on the petition of Thomas E.
Campbell, to oust G. ,W. P. Hunt from
possession of the office. .
Three groups' exist among the legis
lators, ' pro-Hunt, ' anti-Hunt . and
Campbell. None, has, outlined a pro
gram andwhile there are a number
of candidates for the speakership;
no formal caucus - has been, held so
far to choose a candidate,1 as the
leader of any of the group. '.J
- Both Hunt and Campbell are'pre
paring to submit messages to the as
sembly.:; ' - ". - -Aj. :. -':f f ' "i
ilt is asserted by student's of the
situation, that Hunt will control the
organization of the house, while the
senate it is asserted will be the scene
of a close contest with the five re
publican members holding'the' bal
ance of power. . '.
Young Farmer Killed 1 r
' As Auto Jumps Bridge
' Cilver Creek, Neb., Jan. 6. (Special
Tclcgram.VFrank Zipper," a young
man residing seven miles southeast of
Silver Creek, was killed on the Platte
river bridge south qf here last night,
when his auto ran into two wooden
railings of the bridge and dropped to
tire ice twelve feet below.. He was
caught beneath the car and his, neck
broken. A companion, Tonv Stovicek
of Tarnov, escaped with minor bruises.
Douglas County Files :
j ,, Claim With- the State
'. t (From'a Staff Corrfepondent.K.
Lincoln, Jan. 6.- (SDeciaU)--The
county of Douglas today filed a claim
against the state with Auditor bmith
for $2,013.18 being the amount due for
taking juveniles to state institutions. .
J the bill includes SI 03.04 for feeding-
and $258.94 for conveying prisoners to
me yvmicmiai y. ; w
Diary of ,i Strenuous yeek
of Dead Letter '
i '''' i xt
authority of rules of proeeduri not:
of the majority of the majority party
of that body nor. has it the sanction,
perhaps, erf the speaker 'elected, who
must stand responsible for legislation.
The. special- committee "known as
the committee ori committees was
selected by the democrats pi each
congressional district "electing twoor
three from thsir own. district ti com
pose itlie committee. '' Aittr a sturdy
battler of witsjfctween thr Hitchcock
faction ini el legislature and the
Bryi f actiojt, In whkH Representa
tive NortoifeiU'olk was backed by
the latter, WhiK friends of Senator
Hitchcock gobjthind Mr4 Taylor for
the purpose OHdefeatjng, the Bryan
man, Tayor wen.out.," . "
' Novv It Is uaderstood that Norton
controls the' ebmmittee ami the se
lections for thi standing committees
will he made 1y a minority of the
demdcralj. menrbers and the speaker,
who should have much to say in the
selection, is not even a member of
that -committee, and no one , appears
to know whether he has-even been
advised with. I ' - ; , '
Bold Work With Auto in Street
pf Tarentum Nets Ten
.PittsBurgh, Pa., ' Jan.! , 6. Three
masked .highwaymen today held dp
an express messenger "at Tarentum,
near here, and robbed him of $10,000,
the pay roll of the Flaccus (jhtsa com
pany. The mrney had been sent from
here by rail and uponJts receipt at
Tarentum was transferred to an au
tomobile, though still in charge of
thei messenger. As the machine was
passing through -the residence part
of the Village it was side-swiped by
a large touring car and stopped. Im
mediately a. man with a handkerchief
over his face sprang on the running
board and pointing a revolver at tlie
express messenger ordered ' him to
hand out the money. He then de
manded the magneto key of the auto
mobile and, wifh his revolver-yiJl
covering the messenger , apd chauf
feur, backed to his awn machine, in
which were two other i men. - They
drove quickly away. ' .? ". '. v ,i -
R'OJ Marnell Appointed - .
Workmen's prand Treasurer
Holdtegel Neb.," Jan. 6. (Special
Telegram.): Frank ; A. Anderson,
grand master workman Of' the An-i
cient Order United Workmen, has
appointed R. O. Marnell, cashier of
the Merchants' National bank of Ne
braska, City, grand treasurer of the
Ancient Order -United Workmen of
Nebraska to fill the vacancy caused
by the death of E. L. Dodder. :
Substance that Controls Growth
Of Body Isolated by Scientists
Berkeley," Cal., v Jan. 6. Scientists
at -thej University; of California have
discovered the substance thaj. pro
duces growth in the human body, it
wit announced, today. Telhelin is
what they call it; it is located in the'
pituitary body at trie base tne
brain and by retarding, or accelerat
ing its functions is may be possible,
according to the Berkeley scientists.
to control the stature ot human He-
...;... . , , ,-,
Teutons Capture Braila and
Moving . Toward Oalati,
i'; Twelve Miles North, ,
(AuMtaxa tnm War (uaunry.), t j
.The capture of Braila by Field Mar
'shal von Mackensen, his advance on
Galatz, twelve miles north; the clear
ing' of Dobrudja of Kussiani, and fur
ther Teutonic successes in Moldavia,
have brought the Roumanian ' cam
paign to a new phase. ' ' ,
The. Braila bridgehead,- while not
itself an Integral part ofthe Sereth
line,' now held by the Russians, run
ning northwestward from the Danube
toward the Moldavian frontier moun
tains,' formed an outlying defense of
that line on .the Danube end, and its
capture weakens the eastern flank of
the Sereth position. '
Galatz, likewise on the Danuht, lies
just behind the Sereth line, and that
town now is menaced by a Germano
Bulgarian ; movement across the
Danube from it to Dobrudja, made
possible by the Russian evacuation of
the province. i -jJft ; S
'.It. is not only here71i!$4ver, that
the Sereth line ii'threaWnfd; for de
spite a tenacious defense by the Rus
sians and Roumanians the line north
westward beyond the Buzeu river', is
not holding well against the Teutonic
pressure, while the efforts to keep the
Teutons in check in the Moldavian
frontier valleys isf apparently proving
still less successful. '
A break in this line on the south
erly front would iirmeril the MnU..
vian frontier position, while the pierc
ing of the frontier line itself, not an
apparent improbability, would endan
ger the entire lme runqing southwest-
wara to me uanube, . , ,
i In thesel circumstances commenta
tors in entente capitals are consider
ing the possibility of the Russians
being compelled to abandon the line
of the Sereth and withdraw to ' the
Russian frontier or beyond it, to
Bessarabia. ' '
The French, British and Italian pre
miers and important military subordi
nates in several entente ministries, are
holding a war council in Rom. n.
consideration of the general situation.
i.iFciu (uimhi is quoted as de
claring in an order issued to the army,
and navy that as Germany's offer of
peace negotiations had been refused,
the war would be continued with a
ijicw to an understanding forced by
arms. v y ....
Snow Fast Disappearing ,
. Over the Entire State
According to reports to railroad
headquarters, the weather all through
Nebraska is of a brand similar to that
prevailing in Omaha. All through
the western and central portions of
the state temperatures started in this
morning at a -"little above freezing
tup ip ipiiy uisappearing.
Announcement of the discovery
was made by T. B. Robertson, pro
fessor oj biochemistry, who said that
he had succeeded in isolating tethe.
Mm and that he believed it was the
first time in the history of biological
science that it had been done, .s
Dr. Robertson said that his experi
ments covered a period of four years
and that the ultimate importance of
the discoveries made by him and his
associates could not be estimated at
Jthu tunc,.
'"" v- ' . ,
Heads' of Wall Street Bureau'.
Are Also Requested . to' '
Bring Ticker Tapes
of Deo. .20. r t.
Bay State Congressman Reads .
4 casting Peace Note. '
Washington, Jan. 6. v Subpoenas
for seven' men ftrt ordered issued
today t)y the house rules committee,
at the outset of today's session of 111
"leak" investigation;- s
The men to. be called are John
Boylev and Henry-F. Bland of the
Wall-Street Journal, and W. A,' Craw
ford, Ernst A. Knorr, jr.:'- A.-L. 1
Geiger, Nelson M. Shepard and A. M .
Jamieson, employes' of the Central
News of America, a news service ,
which supplies Information to Finan
cial America, a Wall street newspa-
; The heads of the bureaus also went
requested to bring the ticker tapes
of their, terices for from 10 a. m.
throughout the day of December 20,
1916. . -. - , , ,-'
The committee wants to learn what
time the Central News and WaH .
Street Journal bureaus, made public
Tnc laci iimi tt nuic vo iuivhvv b
from the president. - ? I . . , ' . "
sk Brokers to Keep Record. -,'
A motion by Representative Camp
bell, republican, to have4 the New
York and Chicago exchanges notify
all their members to preserve their
sale slips of from December 10 to
December 23 was adopted. , '
i Announcement was made by Chair-
man Henry that Bernard; E. Baruch,
who is declared by the mysterious
"A. Curtis" to have profited by the
so-called leak, and Otto H. Kulin of
Kuhn, Loeb & Co., whom Represen
tative Wood suggested should be'
called, would be here Monday to testify.-
f ' - '
On 'X motion ' of ' Representativt
Henry,, Mr. Baruch was prdered to
bring before the. committee all of his
brokers' commission atips from De
cember 10 to December 33. .
' Representative Chiperfield of Illt
noic, republican, declared at the hear
ing that he understood Thomajt W.
Lawson of Boston had been the chief
beneficiary of the. falling market
J which followed the president's- peace
note.-, '):-. - . r
- Wood Again Testifies. ,
Representative Wood, - author of
the inquiry resolution, had been
called to the stand and a wrangle be
tween republican and democratic
members had been precipitated, when
Representative Harrison, democrat,
asked Mr. Wood why he had not sat
isfied himself as to the identity of the
mysterious "A. Curtis." ; ' .
i "Representative Wood is not the.
author of the charges under inquiry
1 ,, ' . . J w . ."1. .' 1 .1
ncre, proicsicu . mr. vuiici uoiu,
"ahd his motives cannot be impugned. .
1 think that we are losing sight of the ,
fact that these scandalous charges ,
were made by Thomas W. Lawson of
Boston, and it is my understanding
that Mr. Lawson was the chief bene,
ficiary of this falling market."
(, Representative Harrison, democrat,
called attention to the - (act that
woons nrst resolution was proaucea
before Lawson had made any state
ment or before the letter from A:
Curtis," alleged New 'York broker,
had been received. ' ! ' ,
; ''The cjuestion," Mr. Chiperfield iu-
jisted, "is whether there was a leak
and whether government officials im
properly profited by it."; 1 -i
'Do ybu think there was a ; leak?"
asked Representative Campbell of.,
Mr.-Harrison. ? .
: "Yes," - replied Mr. . Harrison, ''but
1 think the leak came from the rep-
? tapers, or else the leak came bak
rom foreigrt centers.", s '. v y
'.-'-: Gardner Cites Message.
Representative Gardners of Massa-'
chusetts, who' on the floor of the
house on January 3 said he knev;
there was a leak and that the whole
Stock exchange transactions showed
it was then called to the witness
stand. f , ,y r .
Representativejjardner testified he
was convinced there had been al
"leak" because at 2:05 p. rn. Decern-;
ber 20, ten hours before the peace,
note was released for publication and
four hours before it had been placed
in the hands of the news agencies, the!
following dispatch was sent out over "
the Dow, Jones & u. ticker: ' j
"The renewed selling of the mar
ket is ' due to reports received by
brokers' private wires from Washing4
ton to the effect that the admiuistra
tion will in the near future address!
to the belligerents some suggestions1
or proposals in regard: tp peace i
Nothing definite is obtainable in ad
ministration circles." !
"There is your proof lof a' leak."!
said Mr. Gardner.-"Miracles don't go.
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