THE BEK: OMAHA, JANUARY , 1917. Want-Ad Rates UCASH WITH ORDHI. par wort ach Insartlo. Bt aolld na dlaplaT.) Ads raragrtMied or Bat In Dlaplay S'Tla. la par Itna ana time la par Una thraa conaecntlva times (Count tts wards to tba Una.) CHAKOK BATES. lo par Una I par Una thraa oonaacntlra tlmas (Caunt all warda to tha Una.) Apaatel lUtcot Farm ;.nd nancli I-an-a. 1 par Una thraa eonaacntlTa tlmea (Caunt all worda to tha Una.) FOREION ADVERTISING CNDES! AGENTS OB HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS, f par ward -. J mn par word tnrra wniw" , . SO AI TAKEN FOR MBW THAN A TOTAL OF POa Oil IXSIt THAN Ita A DAT. CARDS OF THANKS. DEATH AND FUN-KRAI. NOTICES. lte par Una aarn Inaartla. (Mlnlnnm ehan. (a cnla ) MONTHLY RATE FOR STANDINO ADS. (Na Chans, af copy ailowad.) Ona Una ",,!r!I Two Mna or mora par Una 1.8, (Count put worda ta tha Una.) (Cor tract rataa on application.) THE BEE aril! not be raarwnalMa for mora than ana Incorrect Insertion of an adrar. Moement ordarad for mora than ona uma. ADVERTISERS ibauld retain recelpta flvan br Tba Baa In payment lor Want Ad aa no mistake can be rectified without them. USB THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con veniently bring ar aend In your nda. Ask lor a Want' Ad Taker, and you will re ceive tha same (ood aervlce aa whan oe llvarlnK your ad at tha office. PHONE TTLKR la. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSB. EVENING EDITIONS U: 1IORNINO EDITIONS M K' MOVIE PROGRAM. Ovrmrt sffsrfaws af tha hast Mattaa Fla tnra ThoBlara la Omaha, (Change Pally.) Downtown. PRINCESS lllT-lt DOUQLAS 5c PRESENTED HERE FOR-5c "FIGHTING FOR LOVE" A BIO l-REEL FEATURE ALSO OTHER BEAUTIFUL PICTURES AND GOOD COMEDIES North. DIAMOND 34TH AND LAKE "THE PURPLE MASK" ANIMATED WEEKLT TERRORS OF A TURKISH BATH" GRAND 18TH AND B1NNET "SHIELDING SHADOW," No. 10 A l-REEL DRAMA AND A 3-RKBL KEYSTONE 8outh. LO 38TH AND LEAVENWORTH ONE GOOD PICTURE AND a GOOD COMEDT BOULEVARD IID AND LEAVENWORTH IRENE FEN WICK. In "THE CHILD OF DESTINY" ALSO A DREW COMEDT COLUMBIA 10THVAND HICKORY FLORENCE LA BADIE, In "THE FEAR OF POVERTY" COMEDY HOHLFT ShU LEAVENWORTH SIR- HERBERT BEERBOHM TREE, In "THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME" MYERS AND THELBY COMEDY West J658 FARNAM FLORENCE LA BADIE. IB "THE FUGITIVE" PATHS NEWS OMAHA . 40TH AND DODGE "THE PENALTY OF TREASON" ALSO A THREE-RKEL DRAMA "A3HKS" . South Side. PHEUM 14TK AND M WILLIAM S. HART, in . 'THE RETl'KN OF DRAW EG AN" l-REEL KEYSTONE COMEDY DEATHS FUNERAL NOTICES. WINSLADE Miss Sarah B, aged It years, died of an attaok of tha grip on tha aft ernoon of January 4. ' Servlcea will be held at fha residence of Leonard Llveeey, 304 Park avenue, at I p. in.. Friday afternoon. Burial at Mad ison. Wis. TURNQUIST Mrs. Betly, aged 41 years, 7 months, II daya, beloved wife of John A. Turnqulat. December I, ltll. Funeral Sunday afternoon at I o'clock from N. P: Swanson's chapel, Seventeenth und Cuming streets, to Forest Lawn ceme tery rrlenda ara welcome. FLORISTS. BEST qUALIT" CUT FLOWERS al plant. Art Combinations shipped every where. Excellent aervtca to our custom' ere In past yeara recommends. HUSH A 8WOBODA, 1413 Famam St Doug. 1301. LARGEST AnetOhTM ENT of frerh Sowera, delivered or ahtpped anywhere. L. HUN DERSON. lilt Farnam St. Doua. 1331. Fon lenella Florist LEELLARMON lilt Douglss 81. Doug. 134 3. 3344 PARKER Flowsr Bhon. 411 ft Ulb. A. DONAGHUE. 133: HarneyTDoug. 1001 BATH, National FlorUu lilt Farnam St. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HULSE A RIEPEN. undertaken and am balmera. 701 8. 14th St. Douglas 1333. DUFFY A JOHNSON, embalmera and fu neral directors. Ill B. ltth St. Tyler 1471 FRATERNAL ORDERS. CROUNBE HALL. Opposite poatoffiro. New hall for lodge meetings and dances, (excellent floor, TOUNO A DOHGRTV. IS Brandcls healer Bldg-. Doug. 1.T1. BIRTHS ANDJ)EATHS. Births M. and Roee Ueben. 1420 Charles, boy; Frank and Frances Pongruber, South Side, boy ; Thomas and M ary Cerovac, Twelfth and li, girl; Krwtn H. and Kmma Alice Beckman, 1701 Woolworth avenue, twin boye; J, H. B. and Mabel ailleapte, U1 Kvans, girt; Borrla and Roee Komey. H07 Chicago, girl; Carl M. and Isabel Now port, 1711 South Thlrty-thlrd, girl. lJMthr Ifid ward Conley. t, 440S South Nineteenth; Betty Turnqulst, 48, 27 Charles; Mrs. Julia B. McUtll, 06, 301 North Twenty-sixth; Peter Koopman, 17, 1331 South -eighteenth; M. U. Allen. 74. 1U6 1'umlng; Frank Prlschen, 66, 41t North Tiurteentn; lUoclen F. Hale, 71, 129 Pierce baby Cleghorne, 11 days, 1114 North Twenty-fourth; Peter Wyman, IS. 1004 BoutA Sixteenth. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to wed have been Issued to the rut lowing: Maine and Residence. Age. Ulnn R. Fteh-r. Plalnvlew, Neb. .s. over 31 Vra Hell Chenoy, Crelghton, Neb. ...over IS Fredrlk Schilling. Minneapolis, Minn.. 4 Alke Cole, Chicago, ill 41 Homer Mucks. Trumbull, Neb. . ....over Jl Carrie Sullivan, Trumbull,, Neb;.. ...over 11 BUILDING PERMITS. - The fotlowlns building permits have' been Imnied: urare Palmer, 3323 North fortr-Sfth, frame dwell Ins, 8S.M; Clifford Millar. 41 ' Caea, frame dwelling, $3,01).; C. M. Moore, 3833 North Twentf-lrst, brick dwelllns. .. .. SPECIAL NOTICE GREATER Omaha Improvement club will hol4 Special meeting at 14th and Popple too Monday evening to elect new secre tary. All members requested to be pres ort t. Oreater Omaha Improvement Club. RKJIOVAI. NOTICE, Singer Hewing Machine Co. has moved arrows the street from 304 N. lth to 104 X. WtV. ( h ' LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA OOU.NriL BLUFF STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some art lr!s would do wll to rail up the otfire of the Omahn Counrlt Bluffs Street Hallway company to ascertain whether they left 11 In the street car. Many articles each day are turned In and the company li aniloua to reatore them to the rightful ownors. Call Tyler 800. IF you lose anything and will advertise It here, you will surely recover 11 u touna by an hnnst person. Remarkable recov eries are brought about every day through this rolumn. THB HON 1. ST WAT If you And something of, value, or a keepsake of value only 10 the owner, la lo Insert a small ad. The owner of the article In most i-aeea Is will ing to refund the coet of advertising. THB GREATEST OAIN 58.738 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, 1 the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1116. BEST RESULTS LOWEST HATE IF party who picked up gold mesh bag In lounge room or the sun theater naiurnay evening will keep contents and return bag to Dr. Roy Dodge, 43S Brandela Thea ter Bldg., they will avoid trouble. WILL the person who took the chinchilla overcoat from Prague on Tnursoay even ing return same to owner, 4101 No. 26th Ave, Party known. No questions asked. Colfax iM, LOST Brlndle bull dr.. white streak on head, while breaat, had 2-lncn collar iwiin brass moun tinge, answers name "Rags." Reward. Call Colfas 3186. LOST Between BYackstono and Fonlenelle hotel, gold bar pin aet wltn one soniair. diamond. Liberal reward If returned. Ad dress Box 1670, Bee. LOST Diamond bar pin at Fontenolle Hotel Dec. 30. Return to U. . OSt, naenwne Telephone Co., and receive It0 reward. No questions asked. LOST Lady's black leather handbag, down town district, containing is ana uurnng ton annual pass. Reward. Call Colfax 3834. . LOST Brown aeal handbag, on south Omaha car, at a p. m., containing aeya and currency. Call Webster 3388, Reward. FOUND ftoda Fountain. GREEN'S PHARMACT, lth ndHw"rdZ LOST Brlndle Boston bulldog, white one glass-colored eye. Dr. K. k. tarry, 240 Bee Bldg. Douglas 2111. Reward. LARG9 AIREDALK DOO Lost ChrUlmai morning; aaciaeaiy dibck anu wn. -ward. F. J. Adams. Barney 12j0. LOST About 3 weeka ago, black and tan Atrdale dog, scar on, hind toot, ruone Harney M77, R. h. Pennington. LOST Black bni book containing two notea made out 10 w. noaenoerg, aieu imvvtvim, etc. Reward. 1631 N. Mth. LOST Sunday, double gold chain with solid gold locket. Liberal reward, onereu, rnone Douglas 3063. LOST Downtown, gold wrist watch, gold dial, Swiss worlta. nnaer csil weoeter lilt; reward. L08T Oold brooch, with small diamond setting, on 36tn St.. near fuming, uoni. 4433. Reward. LOST A bunch ol keys. Tuesday night. rinder call Harney 1308. FOR SALE MiacelUneou . Furniture and Household Gooda. Pre-Inventory Sale It Is our desire to further reduce our stock before Inventory, ao tor tho next law daya wa have priced our goods at prices that ara a real. SENSATION, "A wnrrf to the wlae la aufticlent." THE STATE FURNITURE CO., 14th and Dodge ata. uougias is.i. THB GREATEST GAIN 88,713 In paid want-ada aver made by i OMAHA BHB lor 1116. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE 1 COMBINATION gaa and coal range; i coal range; l gaa stoves; s nesting atovas, for aala at Omaha Van and stor age Co., 806 S. ltth. STOVES,. ALL KINDS. See us first. Prlcea right. City rurnuure u., ivi a. tela Loyal Furniture Co., 131 N. 14th St. BUY a Little Olant Ironing table. It glvaa absolute eettafactloo. Tna utile uiant Manufacturing Co.. Omaha. STOVES, furnlturs, . ruga, bedding and linen of all klntla. upen nil s p. m. Dolguff, 1838 N. 24th St. GOLDEN oak princess dresser, same as new. used only few months. Jill wisioi. wen. 3334. Piano and Musical Instruments. BEAUTIFUL upright piano; cost 1286! sell for less then hair. Tyier 60s. 8ewingMachlne.j "SEWING MACHINES ' We rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all sewing machines. . , MICK HIV 8 ' NEBRASKA CO., ltth and Harney 8t Doug. H81 Billiards and Pocket Tables. FOR BALK BILLIARD TABLES, Brand new, carom and pocket, with oomplete outfit, I1S5; second-hand Ubiea at re duced price; bowling alleys and supplies; easy Payments, Cigar stores, drug, deli catessen and soda fountain fltturea, THK BllUN8WlCK-UALKK-CULLKNUl.l U. 407-401 South 10th St. BaHBKR shop and pool hall, pool table separately. Lang, nam Bt. Red 72SO, WIU sell no? Far- Typewriters and Supplies. NEW machines apld the same aa rent II rer month. Bee us before you,busr or rent. Shipped any place on ten daya fre trial. Butts' Typewriter Exchange, 410 8. ltth St.. Omaha, Nb, WB BUT. sell and eichange typewriters. guaranteed typewriters, 110 up. Write for list. Midland Co., Bee Bldg. CARBON paper l a box and Up; second sheets. bOo a ream. Midland Co. D. 1147. TYPBWRilTER 8 so Id, rented and repalreiT Rent an Oliver typewriter I months for $&. Central Typewriting age, 101 Famam. RKM1NOTONS, Monarchs and Smyth Pre niters for rent: sent anywhere. Remington Typewriting company, u. Jti4, NOT"! L. C Snilt h " ty pe w rlter "f or lale. quire S600 California St Printing and Office Supplies. COMMBRCIAL Dupllcatlne Co., alao publlo Bteno. rhone for prlvea.- LXtu.laa 38.3. 84. Paiton Blk. OUT our prlcee on Job printing. UNITKD O TATSio rKlM'I'lNO CO., Bee Bldg. Douglas I1TI. WATRHS-BARNTIART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 1138. 63 s. 13th St. Machinery and Engines. NEW AND 8KCOND-HAND MOTORS. KXPISIIT UI.KCTRIC1AN8 AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON KLKCTR1CAL WORKS. 318-30 So. 13th St., Omaha. B01I.KR8, ateam, electric, gaa anginas. pipes. Oroes Wrecking Co., 1818 Cuming. Miscellaneous. OMAHA Pll.l.OW CO. -Felt end hslr mat treaeea made over In new tlcka at half the price of new onea. All your own feethere back when w. renovate. 1307 Cuming St. Douglaa 2487. MY hlah atandard of quality will be main talnedi 4 quarla of Old Fontenalle whlaky, 13.38; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock. mall order house. Doug. 7148. 111-134 N. 13th St. ALEX JETTES' LIQUOR HOUSE. Thirteenth and Douglas. Bottled In bond whisky, lie. 11.00. ti t.. full quart I8KiL safea. scales, ahowcasfs, shelving, etc. We bsuy. sell. Umuha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-14 II 8. Hlh. Doug. 1734. ON IS Iron stand and 30 Job type cases. mean. u. h. mnting uo. DRY KINDLING WOOD. ACM IB BOX COMPANY. UARNKT 1817. 1 POWtSRS t moving vie tire machine, Harney SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF VOU have anything to trade, make ud Httle ad and run It in this column for even days It only coals J 8c and to per answer. This offer Is good only In Omaha, and excludes Real Ksute, rash otters and Business For 8a is or Trade. These, as well aa mall orders Cor use of Swap pore Column, must pay reaular rates. One or two a new ere are aufticlent to Disks your trade and the whole trans action only costs about Joe. Try it. AN KLKOANT oak ce electric piano with organ combination. May be played by hand only. Has nickel slot attachment for optional use. Plays with rolls attar h Ing cord to electric socket. Cost til DO. - What have you 7 Uox B. C T44. JBes. SWAPPERS' COLUMN LAROK rt-suuraiil, combination ice boi and buffet, .32 Wlnrheetor repeating rifle, ln eubator, brooder, Mhihi'i bonr'grtnder, 8. C. W, Minorca eoikcrel and puUeln. N. C. B. Mlnorra pullet and i-ockeri-la, two Cameras, 6x7 and fcxIO, extra wide angle lens 110, 40-foot extension ladder, small collection of old coins, typewriter, ox r hang-it for any thing I can use. Address Bog H. C. 73, lice. THK GREATEST OAIN 58,718 In paid want-ads ever made by ny Omaha paper. Is tho record of THB, OMAHA BKK for 1918. BKHT RESULTS LOWEST RATE ONE large acorn bimeburner, one large slxv Improved Klng-Me stov; aluo 30-gallon gartlln tank; tdeal for a mall (trocery store. Will eichatigo for groceries, Address 8. C. 20. Bf". PHONOGRAPH records, havf a number of Victor and Columbia, records, of which l have tired; all In good a hope. Want to swap for others. Box 740. Bee. WK sw.o or buy kodaks; films developed fr- rte-day aervlce. Kaae Kodak muaio, KevllU Blk.. ISth and Harney. WANTKD to awkp household furniture of e-room noune tor gooa acona-nanu auw mobllo. Address Ifi74, Bee. TWO good houses, one lot, trade equity for autos, diamonds or wheat, owner, louax 4193. 1S24 Hahler, WILL trade my hunting dog for good shot gun, or what have you? Box o. J. (. Bee. I4 T6uRINO car, value fa 7 5; mfhange for clear lot. Ford or piano. Address a. c, 1U3 Hon ' OR HAIvB A large size Thurmun Vacuum cleaner. Perfect order. W. U. Boy lan, Norfhboro, la. LITTLE AD In this column will brlog about some remarkable exchanges. WANTED TO BUY. GUTTMAN Pays Highest Prices for Furniture. Ruga, Clothe. Pianos, Office Furniture, Trunks. 8hoee.Dougla-S71. Res.. Webster 4304. "DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, ued deska, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, lUtfZ Farnam. ENKINS Pays highest price for clothes, shoes, trunks. Res., Douglss 8033. tc. Red 1297. ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOMOBILE storage; dry and clean, 13. & per month. Keys., Council Biutrs. la. Accountant!. E. A. DWOKAK, C. P. A. 838 Ramge Bldg., Phone Doqg. 313. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, Side, Knife. Uox Pleating Gov. Buttons, Hemstitching. NeD. neating and Button Co., 431-3 Paston Blk. R. 4843. Attorney at Law. F.HANClg MORGAN, 613 Bee. Douglas 43H, Bakeries. CAKES, pastry and fancy bakery gooda aupplled to partlea, lodgea and entertain- menu. Z. H. Reader. 16l N. 18th. W. 3327. ORTMAN'S NEW ENOI.AND BAKERY, III N. 18th BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDBN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO" BETTER BAKED GOODS. Baths. DR BGNDA Sulphur, ateam. Modern Turkleh BATHS AND MASSAGE. Private apartm-nte lor ladlea, with lady attend ants. 1819 Farnam. Phone Doug. 6877. BITTEN HOUSE Sanitarium; all klnda baths. 310-214 nalrd Blk. 17th and Douglas. Staata Inat,, 1606 Harney, alectrlo and other batbs, massage, D. 7087, open evenings. MINERAL ateam. hot bath and massags. K 833 Neville blk., 16th and Harney. Buttons and Pleating:. TAN ARM AN Dress Pleating and Button Co., 836-7 Paxton olK. Doug. 3108. Accor dion, knife, aide, apace, box, aunburat and combination pleatinsv hemstitching, plcot edging, pinking, ruchlng, covering but tons; all styles and all alsea. Price list fres. Brass and Iron Foundries. PaxtOB-Mltchell Co., 87th and Martha Sts. Caterers. AN EXPERIENCED CATERESS, excellent oook; epeclal attention to partlea and Sun day dtnnera. Prices reasonable. Doug. 6348. WHOEVER neada an cxp. caterer cail Mra. Hlckett, Ty. 1628. will fur. waitresses. Chiropractic Drs. Johnston, 1326 W. O. W. Sldg. D. 1638. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. Dr. burhorn, Kose bldg. Palmer acbool graduate. Doug. Hi !, , J. C. Lawrence. Balrd BUlg. D. 461. Dr. Francea Dawson, S02-3 Rose Bid. T. 2888. Carpenters and Contractors. LE38AHLI SON, 3021 Cuming. Tyler 1883. Corsets. STOCKWEI.L. Doug. 8283; 7 Baldrlga Blk. Costumers. LAROSST stock of coolumea for theatricals and masqueradea In tha country for aala er rent. Lleben ft Son, 1814 Howard. THEATRICAL gowua, full dreas suits, for rent 204 N. 17th. John Feldman. D. 3133. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 313 Neville Blk. Evidence secured la all caaea. Tyler 1138. Interstate Detective Aaa'n., 432 Ramge Bldg. Dentists. Pr, Bradbury. No Pain. 813 W. O. W, Bldg. Taft's Dent. Rma., 303 Rose Bldg. D. 313t ftanclnK Academy. TVP T TTYP BALL TUBS., THURS.. LfLI UUiUJ HAT.. SUN. BVB. SCHOOL MONT EVE. Ill S. 18th St., op. Fontenelle, MISS AQNES MALLQT. Phone Doug. 3443. DressmaKing. l-plece dresses a apeclalty; remodeling; work guaranteed. (34 8. 26th Ave. H. 4484. OOWN8 AND DRESS MA KINO BY DAY. MISS COE. HARNEY 3808. Mra. R. A. Connelly, 300 Balrd Bldg. D. 2706. D'maklng by the day. D. 7701 bet. 6 and 7. Terry Dreasmak'g coi. 20th and Farnam. LADIES' suits remodeled. Douglas 4188. V Everything for Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bos pleating, cavered buttons, all stses and atylea; hemetltching, plcot edging, em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, aye. let cut work, buttonholes, pennsnts. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATINO CO.. 8.0 Druglaa Blk Douglaa 1836. SWITCH E8 from combings, 31 up. Dyed, too. Mia. M. Brlllbart. 338 Paxton Bldg. Fixtures and Wiring. . TtTTPtfTM Electric washing machines, U U XVXxll ,.ctrlo Irons and reading lamps. 8223 Cuming t Douglaa 2818. Furnace Cleaning. BORNEMAN, fur., chlm. cleaning. D. 73: EI.8ASSKR, furnaco cleaners; work guar. anteed; best prices. 1831 H 11th. D. 8428. Hair Dressing. DEAu Hair Parlora. 207 Balrd Bldg. Mast curing, toilet articles Douglaa 6188. Job Printing. GATE CITY Printing Co., hiEh-grade print- Ing. 2831 N2tth. Phone Web. 1687. Justices of the Peace. C. W. BH1TT. 301 Barker Block. Masseures. Miss Mae R. 228 Neville Blk., Ifth a Harney MASSAQE and chiropody. 110 Bllrd Bldr MISS LILLY Msssage, batnsT1l333 Farnam Painting and Paper Hanging. IF you. want cheap work don't call me. guarantee my work, painting and paper- hanging, call Harney 8631. Carlson. LET OARNKTTE, Ihe PAPERHANOKIt, do your next Job; estimates frte. Hsmey 1713. Patent Attorneys. 8TLROIH. 1 Brandela Th. P. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co., 8H3 Brandela. D. 6681. Pianos for Rent. 23,80 per mo. A, lloepe Co.. 1813 Douglas. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. D. 883. Wedding Stationery. WEDDIN'tl announoements and printing. Douglaa printing co Tel. Doug. 644. Where to Eat. EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN. I,0 FARNAM. ncHRUUOHB' CAFE. OMAHA. NKH. (Service) LINCOLN, NEB. 316 S. 18th St. 133 8. 13lh St. Persistence is the Cardinal Virtue in Advertising. BUSINESS CHANCES A RARK OPPORTUNITY. An eetablUhfd real estate, rental. Insur ance and investment agnj'. composed of 2 partners, with more business than they can properly handle, dratrea an at'tlvi; third party to take an Interest In the com pany and then Incorporate under the laws of this state; f&oo cash required; no booster nor rignrot flend need apply. A rasonshle trial will be given to a capabl" and acceptable person before making the invefttmenl. Don't bother unless you can show the cash, whirl. Is Icxs than the olher parttfN have already advanced.'' HOUTH OMAHA 1NVKHTMKNT CO.. 42& H. 24th Hi. Phone South 124T. $8,000 THIS YEAR. The time in ripe, our propoultlon Is right for a man with f 1.600 to make (8.000 In Omaha this year. We want men looking for a live one who ran stand to make big money. We give exclusive territory for seventeen years. If you want othfr ter ritory we have it. Call on P. K. Bchmltr, Rome Hotel. ' , 1RUG BUSINESS FOR 8AI,K - A first-class stork and business, located In good town, richest farming community In Iowa. Owner, good reason for selling. Parties wanting a good stock and location Investigate. Clauaon Bros., Klron, Iowa. THB ORKATBST OAIN 81,718 Tn paid want-ads, ever mads by any Omaha papor. Is the record of THB OMAHA BKK for It I A. BKST RKSULT-KLOWEST RATB COMPtdBTB equipment for scale repair snop, tooln, machinery, etc.. Installed and ready to run, could be converted to ma chine or uma 11 manufacturing. Would oonalder good home or lots. Could use Ford an part, Address S1t)S Be. OI-D-BSTABL1UIIBD restaurant location. large oriulpmnnt with bakery; will sell, rent or exchange, entire place; excellent proposition; located Howard, ISth. In quire N. T. Thornon, 021 8, 15th. ' FOR 8AI.E BetabllHhet. grocery and meat store; doing good mislneas; excellent loca tion;, good new stock; cheap rent for building and fixtures. About $1,100 buys It K. Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs. Ia. DO YOU WISH TO BELL YOUR BUSI NESS AND TURN IT INTO CA8HT IF BO, BEK OMAHA SALVAGE CO., 7tl OMAHA NATIONAL BANK BLDG. FOR SAL Pi Blacksmith shop, lot and tools. doing a good business, town of 1,000 In farmingcommunity. Oood reason for sell ing'. James Calnon, Decatur, Neb. HOTKL lease and some furniture for sale, fl, 800; good trade, In R. R., modern hotel; will aell or-trade; 37 rooma, ateam, bath, toilet. Addreao Y 7(8, Bee. MOTION Dlcture machines, insw and re. built), theaters, supplies. Omaha slim Exchange, 103 So. 14th St FOR SALE One of the best paying little luncn rooma in Omaha. Reasons for sell ing, other business. Call Web. 8285. A OOOD bargain for a good smith. I will sell or rent my blacksmith and machine ahop, on account of poor health. U. WU llam Olock, Eustls, Neb. FOR SALE Oood, -.ean stock of hard- wars, live town, central Nebraska. Good reason for selling. B quick. Address T Jt7, Bes. , HARNESS ahop for sale, the only one In county sest; invoice about 32,000; for par tlculara address Box 381, Burwell, Neb. WILLIAMS, established SI years. To bay or sou Business see mm. 411 McCsgus Bldg. Reference. U- 8. National Bank. DOWD Sal and Auction Co.. Omaha, hare closed out mors mdse. stocks than any other firm In U. S. Writs for terms. IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming bouse call on Buscb Borghorr, 110 World-Htrald Bldg. Phone D. 111. WB BUT, ws sell motion plcturs theaters, machines, feature nuns. co-operative Film snd Supply Co.. 210 Bromley Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, drug store, dwelling and stock; square deal. Address swBsr. Ill West th Ave., Denver. Colo. TO GET In or out of business, call on OANGBSTAD, 42S Bee Bldg. Doug. 1477. OUARANTY plan; get In or out b-ilneas. All Sfslea. P. v. Knlast. Be. Bldg.. Omaha. Rooming Houses. ROOMINO HOUSES, all sixes, great bar gains. 411 Rose Bldg. Phono Tyler 1487. Give your Want Ad a chance to make good. Run it in The Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED WBEKLT RATE, lto PER LINE. Day work or business ads. regular rates. I lines one week I0 3 lines nns week 4 to Each extra line, lRo par week. Hue. THE GREATEST GAIN 58,731 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1116. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE TOUNO Japanese boy wishes to get work at hotel, family or store help. 36th and L Sts., South Omaha. U, Umetakl, care Japanese Home. YOUNO and bright Japanese boy Is going to High school, wants some short-hour work after school and In the morning. K. Shtndo. 36th and L Sts.. South Omaha. POSITIONS WANTED By all-around cook, and dishwasher (two men); hotel pre ferred, out of city. J. H, H, Address IS 6 8, Bee. AN EXPERIENCED man cook would like a position as cook in some good private family, cafe or hotel. Phone Web. 1 691. POSITION wanted by young man; expert bookkeeper and stenographer; eight years experience. Box 9612. Bee, EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur wishes steady -position, good references; can do own repairing, can Harney 126. POSITION with automobile firm as sales man; can give best of reference; start any lime. Box 9667, Bee. TOUKG MAN wishes position, either aa driver or apprentice mechanic. Address 1604. Bet, JAM 1.8 FOSTER," stationary engineer and fireman, all around gooa worker. Address null umo. FIRST class Janitor wants position. Call we osier ds. Female. WANTED Responsible position by capable experienced lady; can rurnisn rer. iNo salary under llo weekly considered. Ad dress Mrs. Allen 2310 Douglas SL TOITNO lady, stenographer and bookkeeper, with three years experience, desires po sition. Prefer bank. Wouldn't object to position out of city. Wrlto r 744, Bee. THE BETS charge for "Situation ads" is lower than any otner form uf advertising not enough to cover tha post of printing. WANTED Position as housekeper for widower or In small family, age 30, city preferred. Box 9727, Bee. FLACK as housekeeper for elderly couple or in widowers or bachelors home. Ad dress y 73. Bee. PRACTICAL nurse, 27 years' experience can give city references. Web, 4110. Box 73J, Bee. W A NTED Position, cooking or work by week, weosier 5839. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day work. Phone Web 3027. WANTED Position at once by practical nurse. Red 681.. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AOENCT. 1110 Davenport St. Douglas III. Headquarters fr hotel help. Laundry and Day Work. FOR experienced bundle washing call Web ster 1K77. Prompt delivery. Day. work, any kind; comp. ref. Web. 7447. F.71ady w'ants"b'die whan. Ouar. Web. 4001 DAT work or housecleanlng exp. Web. 4867. '?3L?!' or g"- housework. Ty.tM4-W. EX. LAUND"RESSrbndTe wash. Web74i. CHAMBER, day or laundry work. Har. I1S5. Ex. colored lady wants day work. H. 6768, 1ST CLASS Indry. and day work. Web. 3141. LAUNDRY and day work. Webster 6344. ANY, kind of day work. Webster 5T. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices.' TOUNO man for stenographic position In advertising deuartmcnt of growing manu facturtng firm; position open February 1: replies confidential; willing to pay good salary to right man: state experience and give run particulars in Unit letter. Ad dress Box 9721, Omaha Bee ' THE OR EAT EST OAIN I8.T38 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, la the record of THE OMAHA BKK for 111. BES RESULTS LOWEST RATE A 1 ACCOUNTANT v -. $175. 10 ACCOUNTANT (R. R.) 136.00 STENOGRAPHER 76.00 CITY SALESMAN (Investment) 100. THK CANO AGENCY. ftOO BEK BL1H1, HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. HTKNOO.. &; accountant, 1176; Stenog., 175; Hienog.. Ifil.SO; 8tt-nog., &0; typist, ITS; orriro clerk, 40; office boy. $:t0. Wattn Ref. Co., First Nal'l Bank Bldg. UKNKRAL office clerk with experience In railroad ratva, wholeetalo houne, ISG, Western Rfferenre A Bond Aaa'n., Inc., 762 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED Press feeder who ran make ready, or two-thlrder who can feed press, or printer who will feed press; at least four weeks' work, come at once. Free I-anre, Jefferson, la. Drug Positions All States W-npBRATIVB BBFEKKWUB CU,, 1016-16 City National Bunk Bldg. ASSISTANT shipping clerk, J 50. CO.OPKRAT1VB REF. CO.. 1015-la City National Bank Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANT MAN WHO 13 AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN ONE WITH PROMOTION EXPERIENCE PREFERRED. A large middle west corporation wishes to secure the services of a really high class man whose training, experience and general personality fits hinvto handle a high class business proposition among high class business and professional men. Prefer man who Is acquainted with middle western ways of handling busi ness. Will not consider applicants who are under 30 years of age. This Is not an ordinary sales proposi tion, but a man with exceptional sates ability who can combine therewith tact and diplomacy will be admirably fitted to perform the aervlce we require. The proposition wo have to offer Is a commission proposition with liberal ex pense advance. An energetic man pos sessing the desired qualifications can ex pect to earn from $3,000 to $6,000 per year. We have men who are earning aa much and more. This Is an opportunity for the man now employed to materially better himself if he Is an experienced and efficient worker in fact, we would prefer getting In touch with this class of people. Write tu, giving ' brief outline of your past experience. All communications will be held In strictest confidence and Inter view arranged at earliest possible mo ment. Address Box 9709, Bee. SALESMEN, MAGAZINE, WHO HAVE SUCCESSFULLY SOLD COLLIER'S, LESLIE'S OR ANY HIGH GRADE PUBLICATION, FOR THE BEST BANK DEAL ON THE MARKET. GIVE EXPERIENCE, REFER ENCES AND TELEPHONE NUMBER. ADDRESS Y-761, CARE BEE. THE OLD LINE t Bankers' Life of Lincoln The Company of Big Settlements. Liberal Contract to Agents., Ellis st Thompson, General Agents. Doug. 2319. .13-14 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. WANTED every stock salesman, who reads this ad, too call and Investigate my proposition at once. EDWARD O. WOLFE, 3 Wead Bldg. 18th and Famam Sts. Agents and Canvassers. AGENTS You can make $11 a day with our proposition. 140 a Jackson St. Trade Schools. WE WANT MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Few weeks qualify to run shop or work for others; years of apprenticeship saved by our method; we have placed graduates in leading positions everywhere : compara tively no expense; catalog mailed fres. MOl.EH BARBER COLLEGE, 110 S. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. (Established 1893.) ' AUTO MECHANICS. EARN BIO MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASSN. 3817 N. 20th St., Omaha. Send for Free Catalogue. GOOD MEN WANTED. To learn auto trade for the many De alt tons now open. Fine training work Is auto and elect rio starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 3053 Farnam. Omaha. Neb. LEARN barber trade; be Independent, more than make your expenses while learning. Wages or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin; 1403 Dodge St. TRI-CITT BARBER COLL EG EL LEARN telegraphy, railroad and commercial, Special rates, jvebrastca xeiegrapn coiiegs, Lincoln, Neb. Miscellaneous. WANTED We can use a limited number of men between 21 and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS and MOTORMEN. Must be at least & feet, 7 Inches tall. physically sound, of good character and habits, and must come wen recommenaea. Apply In person at office of superin tendent of transportation, room 206, sec ond floor. Merchants National bank Bldg. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations coming, 17 month. Sample questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin in stitute. Dept. zzi w. j-ocnett'er. . x. WANTED Young men as railway mall Clerks; 7S per month: sample examina tion questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 331 R. Rochester. N. T. WANTED A good sober man with a boy or two old enough to work on a farm or ,one that Is willing to board an extra man. Address T 76. Bee. WANTKD Names of men 18 or over, wish ing to become government railway mall clerks. Commence I7 monin. vacauons. T 723,. Bee. HEN wanted to enlist In Signal Corps at onoe; report at Llnooln. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. 1100.09 MONTH. Get government Jobs, lien and woman wanted. List of positions , open tree. Franklin Institute, Dept. 238 A, Rochester. N. T. Persistence is the Cardinal Virtue in Advertising. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER, executive ability), $86, Stenographer, fine. Insurance office, $66. Stenographer, good future, $50. Stenographer, bright beginner, $30. THE MARTI CO., 1327 W. O. W. Bldg. BKKFR., (Council Bluffs), $76. Steno., (Council Bluffe), $50. 4 stenographers, (all good places), $35 to $86. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-1$ City Nat l Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER $55,00 STENO. AND BKK PR., (INS.).... 66.00 STENO., (BEGINNER) 36.00 TYPIST 60.00 THB CANO AGENCY. 900 BEE BLDG. STENOO. and clerk. $40; Stenog. and Bkkpr.. $60; Ass't Bkkpr. and cashier, $40 and board; Compt Opr., $76; Compt. Opr., $60. Watts Ref. Co., First Nat'l Bank Bldg. TELEPHONE girls with P. B. X. experi ence, wanted to do several hours calling from their home phones next week. Ad dress 9763, Bee. YOUNG lady for position as demonstrator for wholesale firm : must not object to oalting on residences; permanent position; salary $50. Address 9721, Omaha Bee. THK GREATEST OAIN 6S.T3 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, la the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 191. best results Lowest rate WANTED Middle aged lady stenographer and bookkeeper to take care of small bueiness after working hours for room and board. Write or call, 3200 Ave. A., Council Bluffs, la. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, $60. Western Reference A Bond An., Ino 763 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Protessions and Trades. WANTED Oliis with common school edu cation, between 18 and 21 years, to take up local and long distance telephone work. C F.Lamoert. 1917 Douglaa St. WA NT ED Experienced shirt makers, alee apprentice girls. Apply Albert Cabn, 219 So. 14 th SL FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS1 If you fall to find the room yo desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Glee complete detailed description of va cant rooms In all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bes Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a list will be mailed to you at ones. New lists are Issued every week. Furnished Rooms. THE GREATEST GAIN 8,738 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1118. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE TOUNO men arriving in Omaha will find warm room, good board and neip in se curing a position at Father Flanlgan'a hotel ; social club tn connection. 209 N. 13th. Phone Tyler 3673. SUNSHINE APARTMENTS For men only. Comfortable steam heated rooms. Rate 32.60 and up per week. 408 N. 17th SL EXTRA LARGE, pleasant front room, suit- aoie ror one or two gentlemen; moaern private home; references. Hanscom Park district. Harney 4671. NEW FURNITURE, hot water, heat and plenty of It; modem equipment; best in city for the money. 114 N. 24th St. MODERN, clean room; walking distance car lines; 10 month. 433 South 31st Av Phone Harney 4466. CH ICAUO 2610 In private home ; large side scutn iron t room witn alcove; aiso room, FOn RKNT Front room, furnished, private bath If doslred. 2111 Douglas. Doug. 1741. HEATED room for respectable working men. 2428 Decatur SL Webster 4674. N. 218T. ST., 612 Three nice modern. sleeping rooms; brick flat; fine heat Douiclas 7936. FURNISHED rooms for rent. 214 Dewey. Phone Douglas 3S56. Housekeeping Rooms. 1918 VINTON 3-room suite furnished com plete for housekeeping, $2.60 and 13.00 per week; stove heat, quarter meter. Red 6287. 2573 ST. MART'S AVE. Nicely furnished, sunny suite, clean; good heat,' light and hot water. First-class In every way. LARGE strictly modern light housekeeping room, well furnished. Doug. 9898. FOR RENT Housekeeping andV sleeping rooms. Douglas ssOi. 3 PER WEEK, 2 rooms ens u lte. 2213 Leav en wort n. Board and Room. BEAUTIFUL stem heated front room, single or ensuite; private bath; excellent meals; garage. Call Hamey 1796. 2421 HARNEY Suitable for three gentle men; cosily furnished room; excellent board. Hamey 2263. NICELY furnished rooms and excellent board. Harney 2268. 2621 Harney. Unfurnished Rooms. STEAM heated 2 -room flat for light house- keeping. 4 768 N. 3 4th 8L Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THE BEE WANT-AD DEPT. and find out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that Is helping many people rent their rooms- FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. ' Apartments. SPLENDID NEW FURNISHED TRAVERTON FIREPROOF, 34TH AND LANDON COURT. Catering to people of refined tastes Apartment Is completely equipped for housekeeping; up to date and comfortable. TRAVER BROS, Tel. Doug. 8884. 819 First Nat Bank. Or Call Web. 4836. PHONE Ernest Sweet New Hamilton, Z4tb and Farnam, D. 1472, befor. angaslng your apt Best location. Prlcea reasonable. 3-r. heated apmt, water and light partly furnished. 26th and Leavenworth. D. 3676. HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. WILL the young woman who telephoned In response w uieci huudd w - telephone again to Harney 34. WANTED Qlrl for light houaework; no washing! two In family; references. Har ney 6840. Athlone Apta., E. 6, 26 th and Douglas. WANTED Experienced white girl for housework, family of three adults; best wages. Phone Walnnt S71. 6116 Caas St. WANTED An experienced second gtrl by Mrs. Prank T. Hamilton, 2X0 So. 32d Ave. Good references required. WANTED A competent white girl for gen eral housework, S In family. E. A. Baird, 3620 Burt St. Harney 126. WANTED Experienced girl for general house work; in small family. Phone after 6 p. m. to Harnoy 899. WANTED A competent girl for general housework ; small family. Mrs. J. O. Henske, Walnut J1Z. LADIES who can sew and crochet and assist with housework in family of 2. P. 4 27 4, council Piuin. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 303 Dewey Ave. Harney 8468. WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral housework; small family. Bar. 2933. WANTEDdlrl for general houaework; no waahing; good wagee. Walnut 392. W A NTE L A gtrl for general housework, references required. Harney S448. WANTED Girl for general housework. Har ney 164(1. . . Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Douglas 1829. Boquet Hotel. EDUCATIONAL Y. M, C A. Day and Night School Reopens Tuesday, January 2. TWENTT-FrVH EVENING CLASSES. DAY COURSE FOR COMMERCIAL AND ENGLISH SUBJECTS. ASK FOR INFORMATION. ROOM J18, T. M. C. A. Phono Tyler KM. BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotype, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas 1666. 19th and Harney Sts. VAN BANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. THE SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES. Claaa or private inairucuona complete. Courses. Phon Webster 6664, for la- formation T. M. C. A. Pay and Night SchooL Musical. Harp Limited numder pupils accepted com ing season: early applications favored. HafVs fur. Loretta Do Lone. 309 Lyric Bid. FOR RENT HOUSES West 3313 HOWARD ST. A t-atory 1 rooma and almptag pored N.w fornaoa. Room for on. ear I. garasa If irrf1 Hnua. rant, $38. ALFRED THOMAS, 308 .'ira. Nai Ba aide FOR RENT FIVK-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 8638 DODOE, WALKINQ DIST ANCE. HARNEY 448 ' North. BfcAND NEW. An extra good five-room, all-modern home for rent. Choice neighborhood; not far from car; $26 per month. Phone Doug. 3029 or call 319 3. th St. 6-R modTco ttage, 3S N. 2$tb Ave,. $1. Tel. 47 1L FOR RENT HOUSES North. FOR RENT House at 180J Binney; strtey modern ; newly papered and painted; owner will reserve one room and garage; 825 If rented soon; call owner, J. B. Nicholas, Paxton Hotel. MOVING expenses paid, 1104 N. I2d, 4-r flat, steel range, gas plate, kitchen cabinet. water pair, $16. RASP BROS., POUO. 1461. RENT CUT TO 316. 1104 N. 22d -". flat, steel range, gas plate, kitchen cabinet, water paid, lie. KAat Jtinuo. -Tier v;i. NEW, modem residence, 4504 Blondo, 318 per monin. inquire lie n. timu itvuw Douglas 7311. M. Sleek. NEW bungalow, 6 -room, strictly all modern, half block to car, 126. Located 29th and Fort Sts. Red 1881. KOUNTZE PLACE 8 rooms, strictly mod ern. Web. 4730. 2722 LAKE ST., (Lu Modern cottage, 6-r. Web. 731. South. CLOSE-IN BARGAIN. 605 SOUTH 18TH ST. Six fine large rooms, very one newly papered and woodwork painted through out; floors are in fine condition. Hers yon have no carfare. Special Induce ments If taken at once. PAYNE & SLATER CO 618 Omaha Nat. Bldg. Phone ous. 1018. S-RM. mod. flat. 810 S. 18th. First Trust Co. D. 1161. FOR RENT 6-room house. 4821 Pierce St. Walnut 3981. 6-R. mod. flat. 2310 & 34th. 130. Tel. H. 4711. Miscellaneous. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES, PARTLY MODERN. 4-R., S40I Parker St 110.00 4-R., 1616 Carter Lake Blvd 14.00 6-R.. 803 Martha St 13.60 6- R., 4120 Saratoga St 16 00 7- R., 6016 N.42d St 16.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. E-R., 2910 Saratoga St 18.09 -R., 2819 N. 21th St 16.00 61R., 2233 8. 6th St 12,60 7-R., 1316 Capitol Ave 26.00 6-R.. 4112 Farnam St 36.00 6- R., 6327 N. 27th St. (new) 26.00 4-R.. 1814 Laird St. (garage) 36.00 7- R.. 4612 8. 23d St. (close to busi ness center of South Omaha) 26.00 l-R., 2430 Bristol St. (largo brick dwelling with good barn la the rear) .' 22.60 l-R., 3149 Charlea St. (with garage) 26.00 8- R., 3901 N. 17th St 30.00 10-R.. 2221 Dodge St 40.00 WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM-, PLETE PRINTED LIST BEFORE BENT INO. PORTER A SHOTWELL, 303 8. 17th St. Doug. 6013. 1008 So. 22d St., 9 rms., all mod 132. CO 1834 No. 21st St., 6 rms., mod. ex. ht U.00 1609 Lothrop SL, 6 rms., all mod.., 17.00 3903 Charles St., 6 rms., part mod.. 14.00 1608 Ohio -St., 6 rms., part mod 13.00 117 So. 26th St, 3 rms., city water 1.00 BIRKETT COMPANY, 423 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. WE want more houses and apartments to rent. The fact that we have practically cleaned out our big Hat la conclusive proof of tho efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your places rented see Payne & Slater Co., "Omaha'a Rental Men," 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 1018. 6 ROOMS, 2918 Fowler Ave., modem, 25. rooms, 1306 8. 28th St, modern, 327.60. 7 rooms, 3816 Burt St., modern, 322.60. BENSON & MYERS CO. 424 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. 42.602114 Chicago St.. 11-r.. Good for rooming houaa. B. A. WOLF, 114 Ware Blk. Douglas 3068. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIOH, SONS 4 CO., (08 BEE BI.DO. DOUO. 109. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. 4-ROOM APARTMENT WITH 5-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS IN BEAUTIFUL IDALIA 116-17 No. 33d, West Farnam district; one of the best apartments in the cltv, equipped with Murphy -In-A -Door beds in dressing rooms, bullt-ln cnilTonler, French doors, oak and white enamel finish; kitch ens equipped with built-in cupboards, ele vated oven gas range, refrigerators Iced from outside: large living rooms, built-in bookcases, decorations In latest taste, latest lighting fixtures with extra appli ances, curtain and overdrape rods, wall safes, vacuum cleaning system, large light rooms. Renting for $50 summer, $56 winter. Call tts for appointment and we will call for yon with car, or janitor will show you through. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. Hastings St Heyden, 1614 Harney. Ty. 60. MILTON, 3-ROOM, WITH S-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. CLOSE 1N--19S4 JONES. Three apartments left, one renting for $36 sura., $40 winter, and other two rent ing for $37.60 sum., $42.60 winter. The fact that this building Is Just completed and all apartments are practically rented Is evidence that this is one' of the choicest apartments in the city. Right down-town and still In a select location; has two bullt-ln beds; small dressing room with built-in chiffonier In dining room; all light rooms; nicely decorated; latest light ing fixtures. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AOENCT, HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1814 HARNEY. TYLER 60. CHOICE 6-room flat with S-room accommo dations; 306 Paxton court; close In, walk ing distance; between 26th Ave. and 26th St, Douglas and Farnam; new; has built in bed In dining room; refrigerator and gas range furnished; $37.60. . HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney. T. 60. VERY CHOICE 6-room steam-heated apart ment on W. Farnam St. JOHN W. RODBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. APT. No. 6, Dewey, 3301 Dewey, NEW, very choice, 3 rooms with 2 bullt-ln beds, mak ing practically a 6-room apartment, very good. $36 sum.; $40 winter; call janitor at Harney 1174 and he will show you through, or make appointment. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY, HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney. T. 60. North. FOUR good rooms, modern, except heat; 2 blocks from car. 4016 N. 26th SL Colfax 3258. South. SOLID COMFORT. Rent a warm apartment In the CAR LYLE, 626 8. 18th St. We furnish the HEAT and plenty of It Here you have no coal bills, no water bllts, no snow shoveling, 1st floor apart., $32.50 aummtar, $42.60 winter. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 19 Omaha Nat. Bldg. Phone Doug. 1018. TWO choice 6-r. flats, 2614-16 Woolworth; good condition and will have new eL light fixtures this week; hot water heat; water paid; $23.60 and $26. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 60 FOR RENT Four-room flat, all modern, $30 with heat $20; without 622H South 24th Ave. Phone Red 3667. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT. 1816-17 North 24th St, store room, 81 $0, basement and fine large display win dow. Good location for retail store or shop. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 153. 333 Rose Bldg. EXCELLENT LOCATION. Northwest corner 16th and Wirt, 2 store buildings. Just vacated, A-l corner, NEW, $60 for outside bldg. and $26 for other. Call us for appointment. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1014 Harney. T. 60. ON Florence Blvd., at Ames Ave., nice half of first floor with large show window and fine basement; suitable for anyone In auto line. Colfax 1010. Ul SOUTH 1BTH ST; steam heat $100. 1904 North 24th St., good brick, $28. JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 654. Offices and Desk Room. UiSetlHAHLE ntflce rooms In the remodeled Crounst block, lit N 16tb St. (opposite postoffKte). $10 to $16 per month. Conrad Young. 223 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1671. CHOICE o:lce space. Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. McCagua Inv. Co. Garages and Barns. ONE-HALF of garage. 4921 Burt Walnut 3768. Roger Holman. Miscellaneous. LARGE, light basement, 18th and Howard. cheap. Wright Las bury. Doug. 16ft,