The Omaha Daily Bee More (tore newi m THE BEE, than other papers. "The great market place" THE WEATHER FAIR VOL. XLVI. NO. 173. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 6, 1917. SIXTEEN PAGES. uN Train, tt Hatilt Mvtn lUa-t, at., ftt SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS- SENATE PASSES SUB RESOLUTION ' FOR HITCHCOCK'S Jones Substitute Motion Ac cepted by Nebraskan and Wins Way Through the ' Upper House. THE VOTE STANDS 48 TO 17 Wilson's Note Itself Not Ap proved, But Request for , Terms Is Endorsed. MOOSERS WITH DEMOCRATS Washington, Jan. 5. Senator Jones' lubstitute for the Hitchcock resolu tion endorsing President Wilson's peace note, which approves the re quest for peace terms without endors ing the note itself, was passed late , today by the senate. By a vote of 27 to 35 the senate re jected Senator Gallinger's substitute tor the Hitchcock resolution. The vote was 48 to 17. Proeressive ' republican senators voted solidly with the democrats tor the substitute. One Demo in Negative. One democrat, Senator Martine of . New Jersey, voted in the negative, The vote follows: Ayes Democrats, Bankhead, Bryan, Chamberlain, Chilton. Fletcher, Hard " wick, Hitchcock, Hollis, Hughes, Johnson, South Dakota; Kern, Kirby, Lane, Lee, Lewis, Martin, Newlands, Pittman Pnm.wnf Rang. . dell, Reed, Robinson, Saulsbury, Shaf- roth, iheppard, Shields, Simmons, Smith. Arizona: Smith. Georgia; Smith, South Carolina; Stone, Shan non, Thomas, Tillman, Underwood, Vardaman. Walsh 38. ' Republicans, Borah, Clapp, Cum mins, Curtis, Jones, Kenyon, Lippitt, Morris, Sterling, Townsend 10. Total ayes, 48. Noes Republicans, Brady, Brande- gee, Clark, Uallinger, Harding, Loage, McCumber, Nelson, Page, Poindexter, Sherman, Smoot, Walsworth, Watson, Weeks, Works 16. Democrat, Martine. Total noes 17. Accept Substitute. Washington. Jan. 5. Senator Hitchcock late today accepted as a substitute fcr his resolution endors ing the president s peace note one offered by Senator Jones, republican, which annrovea not the note, but the president's request for a statement of peace terms by belligerent nations. ' Apparently referring to the subma rine situation, Senator Lewis during his 'speech declared: ."Da vou feel that the people of this nation are in such temper that they ran vr airain allow aiiv command- -r-W Ships, ihy captains ot armies, any officer of diplomacy, to visit upon iliia rnnntrv an iniurv to a citizen or property and escape on an excuse of misconception ot orders or zeai 01 an ojficer? -. ' ' "If these conditions again be re peated," he continued, "America will not again accept that form of apology and will resent and punish to the full extent of its power. No amount of logic of pacification would prevail. "I say, continuance of war means war with the United States and in tnis I have never a doubt of the compre hension of the United States" and faith in the sagacious foresight of the officials of the administration in the effort looking to bring about peace with Europe that we might maintain peace in America. Senator Lewis declared, however, lie did not agree with the contention of Senator Lodge that adoption of the Hitchcock resolution would mean an endorsement of Secretary Lan sing's statement that- the United States was being drawn nearer to the conflict. "But let me say on ray own author ity," he said, "that I agree with the sentiment expressed from any quarter, whether by the secretary of state or anyone else, that this war cannot con tinue without America being involved in the conflict." When Senator Lewis finished, Sen ator Borah, republican, began an argu ment, contending "If the senate acts, it will intrude itself in an affair of ut most delicacy and grave import with out information other than in the newspapers and general sources." The Weather For Nebraska Fair, rising temperaure. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday. Hour. Dpic. 5 a, m 16 6 a. m 17 f a. m 19 8 a. m 39 I a. m 20 10 a. m 21 11 a. m 24 12 in 27 1 p. m 32 2 p. m 34 3 p. ra 36 4 P. m 37 6 p. m 3ft p. m. 7 p. in 8 p. m 34 Comparative Loral Record. .. . ' 117. 1(16. 1915. 18H. yjthfnt ystfinSay.... 8T Zfi 44 29 yMweat yesterday. . . . 17 1 29 Ifi Mean temperature... 27 14 26 22 r Precipitation .00 T .14 T Temperature aritt precipitation departures , from the nonnanl at Omaha alnce March 1, and compared wUh the last two years: Normal temperature 21 Kzcess for the day 0 Total excess since March 1 219 Normal precipitation 02 Inch Deficiency for the day........ .02 Inch Total rainfall since March 1. .10.72 Inches leflclency since March 1 12. 6:i Inches Iloflclenvy for cor. period, 1916. 1.94 Inches Deficiency for cor. period. 1914. 2.61 Inches Beports From citations at 1 P. M. Htatlon and State Temp. High-' Raln- of Weather. 7 p. in. est. fall. rheyonne, clear 40 Denver, clear 44 Den Moines, clear 28 Dodge City, clear...... 38 lender, part cloudy 38 North riatte, clear 38 Omaha, deaf H Puelilo, clesr 4ti Rapid City, cloudy 48 Salt Lake part coludy... 28 Hherldan, part cloudy. 60 Sioux city, clear 28 Valentine, part cludy.. 38 48 04 32 02 42 .00 JL COMMITTEE BERTHS SOUGHT BY MEMBERS AS SESSION OPENS Adjournment Taken Until Tues day to Permit Committees on Committees to Make Their Assignments. REISHICK FOR FINANCE Richardson County Member May Be Chosen to Guide Money Matters. NORMAL FIGHT SIZZLING (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Jan. 5. (Special.) During the adjournment of the legislature, which will not meet until Tuesday, the committees on committees of the two houses will endeavor to line-up the members for the dffferent assign ments, though all may not be assigned to the places they arc eventually to occupy. - Chairmen of the two committees have announced that nothing will be given out until the whole list is com plete, but it is rumored the most im portant places have already been filled. There does not appear to be much of a scramble for any of the chairmanships. Reishick of Richardson will prob ably be chairman of the finance, ways and means committee of the house, and Kohl of Wayne will have his old place as chairman of a like commit tee in the senate. Normal School Fight. The old protest against any mem ber of the finance committee of either house coming from a district where there is a state normal school, has again been brought up by Liggett of Seward. It is said that Ollis may get the chairmanship of schools in the house and that the chairmanship of cities and towns may again go to Richmond of Douglas. There is some opposition to' Richmond on the Douglas county delegation, and Bulla and Shannon are especially interested in commit tee assignments, which it is said they fear will harm their chances if Rich mond gets an important chairman ship, like that of cities and towns. How Sass May Land. Sass of Sarpy may land the chair manship of the committee on rail roads. This assignment was held by Regan of Platte last session. Ander son of Boyd is said to want the com mittee on roads, but it is pretty well understood that Soren Fries of How ard will have his old place as chair man of that committee if he wants it. Fries has been chairman of the committee many years, having served she termfc in the' legislature and' now starting the seventh. He has for two or more sessions been chairman of the committee on claims, and his efficient work along that line has made him a valuable member of the committee. May Give Way. It is possible that he may give way on roads to Anderson, if the latter desires the assignment, so that he can put in most of his committee time on the claims committee. Fries is well known to be fair and willing to (-change his mind if there is evidence enough to justify it ana tnat is tne kind of man the claims committee needs for its chairman. In the senate, outside of the finance committee, there appears to be little juggling for jobs. Some of the mem bers would like to be on certain com mittees, but as far as the public knows they are not making any threats if they don't get what they want. Federal Court Holds Session On Trans continental Train San Francisco. Cal.. Ian. 5. On a Southern Pacific limited train, which left here late yesterday tor the east, special sessions of the United States district court will be held. No wit nesses will be examined, it was an nounced, but attorneys will argue be fore United states District Judge Benjamin F. Bledsoe of Los Angeles the admissability of certain evidence in the so-called fraud suits, in which the government is seeking to cancel patents on California oil lands ac quired by the Southern Pacific com pany. hor the convenience ot witnesses for the defense Judge Bledsoe con sented to hold court in New York January 19r This is the second trans continental trip taken Dy tne court and its attaches in this case. The traveling expenses of the court in this case will be heavy, as sessions have been held in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego. Fresno, Cal.; Washington, D. C; and now in New York. Greek Government Rejects Part of Entente's Remands London, Jan. 5. The Greek govern ment, acting in harmony with the kine. has decided to reject certain clauses of the entente note demanding reparation m consequence ot the re cent fighting at Athens, Rueter's cor respondent at Athens telegraphs. 1 he Oreek government is ready to discuss the other demands made by the allies. It has been determined not to declare war on the entente, but to submit passively to all coercion, relying upon ultimate recognition by the powers that blockade is an un merited punishment. The demands of the entente, pre sented late last month, require an apology and other measures of repara tion for the attack on entente forces at Athens, re-establishment of control by the allies ,of Greek railways, tele graph lines and posts and a large re duction in the number of Greek troops under arms. OFFICERS TAKE CLOTHING FROM MEN OF FOURTH Companies at Fort Crook Are Stripped of Uniforms and Forced Into Condemned Garments. MEN DESTROY UNIFORMS Assert They W,ill Not Tu" the Clothing They ' Paid For. P? PHIL HALL IN CHARGE Stripped of the uniforms and other clothing, which they insist they paid for, soldiers of the Fourth Nebraska regiment at Fort Crook are greatly aroused over the treatment they are receiving at the hands of the state and the government. Yesterday United States army offi cers and officers of the Fourth Ne braska regiment went through the barracks of a number of the com panies and took up all the uniforms and clothing of the soldiers. The men were left only condemned uni forms to wear home. The band of Friend was the hardest hit. In several instances, the musicians were ordered to strip off good shirts and in place put on torn and condemned ones. Fol lowing the visit band members had such ragged and unlit uniforms that many of them borrowed money and sent telegrams to their parents ask ing for civilian clothing. 1 Claim Paid for Clothing. The headquarters company also was hard hit. The appearance of the men, following the taking up of their uni forms, was greatly in contrast to their former neat dress. As company after company heard of the manner in which the band and headquarter's company had been de prived of their uniforms and other clothing, they determined that the state and government would not benefit by the act. In many in stances the soldiers cut and ripped their uniforms and in some cases deliberately destroyed them. The men say that they paid for the clothing and that it belongs to them. Do Not Claim Overcoats. If the slothing is taken up, they say, they are outthe money that they otherwise could have had on the re fund and also the clothing. Members of several companies openly asserted they would not give up their clothes, when reguested to do so.; , , ,v ThVwWfer &ifi- riot- Tajfclalm 'to the "large overcoats or blankets 'they use, as they are only loaded to them while in the government service. Officers at Fort Crook are sym pathisers with the men, but appar ently are unable to stop the taking up of the clothes. State to Profit. The only possible party to profit by the deal is the state, the soldiers say, and they cannot see why Ne braska would want to benefit by tak ing away their clothing, which they had previously worn. "Most of us only draw 50 cents a day," 'said one soldier, "and before I turn my uniform over I will set a match to it." The manner which the state would be benefitted by the deal is (Contlniwd on Pars Two, Column Five.) Three Hundred Die In Japan Quake; 1,000 Houses Fall Tokio, Jan. 5. Three hundred per sons were killed and many injured bv an earthquake in central Formosa, ac cording to a special dispatch trom fikoie, the capital ot rormosa. One thousand houses were destroyed. Text of Curtis Note to Wood That Started "Leak Inquiry Washington, Jan. 5. The Curtis letter to Representative Wood fol lows: "December 26, 1916 Hon. William R. Wood, House of Representatives, Washington, D. C, Dear Sir: The democratic majority of the house will not, I presume, permit the adoption of your resolution of inquiry, but it is a highly meritorious measure none theless and if I can do so I want to help you. 1 "Barney M. Baruch of this city un questionably had the news of Sec retary Lansing's note as early as Sat urday, December 9. The note was dated December 11 and not dis patched until December 12." (The official copies of the note arc dated December 18; they were placed in the hands of news associations a 6 p. in. on the afternoon of Decem ber 20 and v. ere released for publi cation in morning papers of Decem ber 21. Ofbcials announced that the note had been transmitted to Europe on the cables in the early morning hours of December 19.) ' How Baruch got it I am not pre pared to say, but a gentleman of my acquaintance makes the positive 'talement thai he saw Mr. Tumulty and Mr. Baruch breakfasting to gether at the Biltmore hotel in this city on two or three occasions coin cident with the penning of the Holl and its secret dispatch. "That Baruch at this juncture smashed the market heavily and in all directions admits of no doubt ami can be easily demonstrated in this way: "At his offices, 111 Broadway, he has a system of private telephone GERMANY'S ALLIES LEARNING NEW WARFARE Turkith latest German military method. TURKISH .TROOPS BE1HG WILSON WILL NOT mm NOTE State Department Says Report President Preparing Second One Is False. TEUTONS WILL GIVE TERMS Washington, Jan. 5. The State de partment late today authorized the statement that President Wilson was not contemplating sending another peace note. Counsellor Polk gave out the fol lowing statement: "The report that the president is preparing to send a new note to the belligerent powers is false and without any foundation. The president has no second note in contemplation. , Following the cabinet meeting, Sec retary Lansing announced that Presi dent Wilson had authorized him to say that the American government had no other note in contemplation and that such information was being sent to all American diplomatic rep resentatives aboard. Secretary Lansing would not dis cuis the question further but it was understood that the reason for the announcement was apprehension on the part of the administration that reports ihat! another jmt. ..would, 'be seftf would alfect the entente re ply to the president's first note ex pected here in the near future. Awaiting Advice. London, Jan. 5. The British gov ernment still is awaiting advices from the French government concerning the publication of the entente reply to President Wilson's peace note, The Associated Press" Teamed at the for eign office today. It now is believed the reply will not be made public be fore Monday. ' Preparing Second Note. Paris Tan 5 Th central nnwers are reported by the Lausanne Gazette to be preparing a second note to tne entente, enumerating the precise con ditions of peace, says a Geneva dis patch to the Temps. President Nominates Members For Compensation Commission Washington, Jan. S. President Wilson today nominated the follow ing members of the workmen's compensation commission to adminis ter the federal employes' liability law; Dr. Riley McMillan Little of Swarthmore, Pa., a republican, for a term of six years. ' Mrs. Frances C. Axtcll of Belling ham. Wash., progressive, for a term of four years. John J. Keegan of Indianapolis, a democrat, for a term of two years. lines to various brokerage houses. Before he has an opportunity to re move these wires you must obtain a list of them. If he is compelled to supply you with a list I would check it by obtaining an identical list from the New "ork Telephone company and the Western Union Telegraph company, these being the two com panies that suppl" the wires. Hav ing obtained this list, you can obtain from all the brokerage houses con nected thereby a transcript of all or ders executed for his account within the period in question. This should cover not only his personal accounts, but any secret accounts, such . . ac counts carried by 'numbers' or any fictitious names, all of which, as the brokers' books will show, are con trolled by him or guaranteed by him. "If the brokers refused this infor mation congress has the power to compel it. The Stock exchange also has the power to force its members to produce their books and accounts, and as the rules of the Stock ex change arc sufficiently broad and elastic to cover every departure from ethical business methods on the part of its members, an appeal to the gov ernors of that institution will no doubt elicit the desired information. Many reputable members of the ex change arc anxious to assist you in running to earth this most unsavory scandal. "There is a great deal more in this matter than you imagine, and if you can once get your machinery in mo tion 1 am in a position to say that you will be supplied with all the necessary information. "Very truly yours. (.Signature) "A. CURTIS." SCHOOWD. MERKER KIDDIE TtJRNSUP SAFELY Carl Merker, Whose Chums Said He Drowned in River, Found in Lincoln. JUST WANTED TO VISIT Sadness gave way to gladnes yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Merker, 317 North Twenty-first street, when telephone messages from Lincoln conveyed the intelligence that their 9-year-old son, Carl, given up by police and parents as dead, was alive and well in Lincoln andiin the care of the chief of police there. And the grief-burdened father and mother were as unrestrained in the expression of their joy as they had been in the expression of their sor row. Carl left -home New Year's day in pursuit of youthful thieves who had stolen his sled. When he did not-return his father enlisted police assist ance and the, lad was traced to the river bank at the new Union Pacific bridge. There tracks indicated that the voungster had fallen into the river. . Then Carl's playmates w4.Uh- Laon found and, although Tejuctttit "atlfifth and boy had fallen into the stream while at play and had drowned. ': So plaus ible was the story that detectives gave up the lad as lost.. Dad Merker Angry, ' ' When told that Carl had been drowned the mother was driven air most to insanity and her husband be: lieves she would have lost her mind had not her only child turned up well and alive.- Merker was at police head: quarters when news was received from Lincoln that Carl -was in the detention home there. He had just expressed his dissatisfaction with po lice methods and announced that he intended to drag the river himself and would pay $50 reward for the recovery of the body. At first he doubted the truth of the news, but decided, regardless, to go to Lincoln by auto.- Then he was induced to put in a long distance call and get his boy on the 'phone. He waited nervously for an answer to the call and when it came Chief of Detectives Steve Maloney took the receiver. . Hears Boy'a Voice. . . "Who is this?" asked the chief while Merker stood close by. "Car-r-1," drawled a childish voice from the other end. "That's him," shouted the father as he grabbed the 'phone. "According to advices from Lincoln Carl was picked up at the Burlington station there last Tuesday and has since been held at the detention home. He told detention home officials his name and said that he had taken from under his father's pillow money enough to get him to Lincoln where he intended to visit a roomer who once, lived with his parents. Local officials are unable to account for the story told them by Joe Motto, 10 years of age, 501 Pierce street, and Sebasto Cerco, 11 years of age, that Carl had drowned, unless it was in spired by dime novels. Marguia Defeats Force Commanded By Gen, Villa Himself El Paso, Tex., Jan. 5. De facto Mexican government troops under General Francisco Murguia, decisively defeated a revolutionary fo-ce under personal command of Francisco Villa near Jimenez yesterday according to Iiduardo Brago, Carranza consul who announced 'that he had received the news in a message from Chihuahua City late today. Many of Villas fol lowers were killed and taken prisoner, the message said. Manager Plan is Written Into Kansas City Charter Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 5. The city manager plan of government for Kan sas City, Mo., was written into the new ciiy charter last night at a meet ing of the charter board, composed of freeholders elected at the last municipal election. , The vote stood seven to five in favor of changing from the present plan of ward gov ernment to the new system. The charter on completion will be sub mitted to the people for adoption. Agitation for a revised form of city government began in the last campaign. troop being schooled in the FULLER SAYS GUILTY; GIYENJIFE TERM Slayer of Dorothy Rader Car berry Permitted to Admit f Second Degree Murder, TALK Tp COURT CUT OFF A death-like silence hung over the big criminal court room when Floyd Fuller, slayer of Dorothy Rader Carberry on" the night Of December 21 last, was asked by Judge Sears if he had anything to say before sen tence was passed upon him. Fuller a moment before, upon the advice of his attorney, Guy Kiddoo, and the consent of County Attorney Magney, had pleaded guilty to sec ond degree murder to escape the death pnealty. The county attorney's information read before - the court when Fuller was arraigned charged murder in the first degree. Makei Talk to Court In tones scarcely audible to anyone save the judge and those close to Fuller, the former Lexington butcher, who shot down the Raclcr-Carberry woman in the tragedy enacted before ard apartments t lwenty Karnam streets, broke hit jittnee and fairly breathed the fol lnwinir. as tf weiffhlhir each word:1' . 'T tried for weeka to stave it off. I had prayed to God to strike her dead if she was not true to me, . 1 ' 'Here Judge Sears interrupted and said that the court would not accept his plea of guilty under those condi tions. "If you are possessed of the idea that God or anyone else had anything to do with your act, then that ques tion must go to a Jury, it is my duty to enter a-f 'ea of "not guilty" for you if you make . any qualifying clauses in your plea of guilty to cold, premeditated murder. Magney Becomes Interested. Here County Attorney Magney broke in and declared that Fuller knew as well, as anyone else what he was talking' about and apparently wanted to plead guilty to second de gree murder.- Fuller's attorney also said that there was no doubt but that the plea of "guilty" was what his client meant. Judge Sears repeated the query, "Guilty or not guilty?" Fuller hesitated, looked at the floor, shifted from one foot to the other, and then replied, in a low, impas- sionate voice: res,1 1 m guilty. 1 committed a great crime. Take me and hang me now if you want to do anything you want with me." Judge Sears then read the sentence: "Hard labor in the state penitentiary for the term of your natural life." In passing the sentence the judge tola fuller tnat ne nad forgotten the duty which he owed his family." Fuller has a wife and several chil dren in Campbell, Neb. . Plea for Haste. The self-confessed murderer's coun sel made one last request that his client be taken to the penitentiary immcuiaiciy. "That's up to the sheriff's office, remarked the judge. "They can take him there this afternoon as far as l'-fn concerned." After Fuller had been taken back to the county jail A. F. Perrier of Julesburg, Colo., deputy district at torney and assistant county attorney of Sedgwick county, grandfather of the girl slam- by hullcr, broke down and cried. Mr. Perrier has been in Omaha for several dau to "see that his dead granddaughter got justice." "I've figured in scores of murder cases, sobbed Mr. Perrier, "but never one so close to me as this." Lobeck Recovering From His Operation (From a Btaff Correnpandcnt.) Washington, Jan. 5. (Special Tel cgram.) Congressman Lobeck, ac cording to reports from the Homco pathic hospital, was resting very com- tortably today, although he had a rather bad night, recovering from the shock of the operation. Should no complication ensue, Mr. Lobeck will be in his scat in the house in about ten days. Representative Sloan Back in Washington (From a Staff CorrRipontfehi.) Washington, Jan. 5. (Special Tel egram.) Representative Sloan re turned to Washington today, having been detained in Nebraska on account of the death of his father, tumulty, baruch and bulling are named by wood President's Secretary and His Brother-in-Law Figure in Testimony in Leak , Inquiry. BROKER SHORT ON STEEL Representative Hears Specula. tor Conferred with Secre- i tary in New York Hotel. TUMULTY MAKES A DENIAL Washington, Jan. 5. Smouldering rumors that somebody made money in the stock market with "leak" in formation about the sending of Pres ident Wilson's peace note blazed up at a notable .. im of tin house rules committee today at its first hearing on Representative : Wood's resolution for investigation. C. .cifically declaring he made charges a -inst no one and was pre senting only information that had come to him, Wood brought in the names of Secretary Tumulty, "a Mr. Boiling," a brother of President Wil- . son's wife, whom he did not further identify; Bernard Baruch, a New York stock operator; Otto H. Kahn of Kuhn, Loeb & -o.; Thompson & McKinnon and Lamson Bros. & Co., Chicago brokers; W. E. F. H.:tton & Co., New York brokers, and F. A. Connolly & Co., a local brokerage house in which Wood said tho "Mr. Boiling" he leferred to was a partner. Much of his information, Wood said, came in a letter from A. Curtis, an independent Nw York stock opera tor. -Closed Sesdon ii Refused. Wood disclaimed intending to give the impression that he believed that Mr. Tumulty, or anyone else for that matter, profited by the so-called leak; that he was merely stating what had come to him; that he realized danger of making statements in public and for that reasc:: he had preferred to make his statement in secret ses sion, which the committee denied. At the conclusion of today's session . Chairman Henry announced that Sec retary Tumulty would appear without subpoenae, and that subpoenas should be ordered for Curtis and Baruch. Representative Gardner of Massachu setts, who has joined in .Wood's agi tation for investigation will be heard tomorrow, and Thomas W. Lawson will be heard Monday. v put Denlalby Tumulty. When Secretary Tumulty learned that Representative Wood had men tioned his name, he issued a formal statement demanding a public apology and denying flatly that he even knew of the president's peace note before it was made public. Secretary Tu multy's statement follows: "I am very glad to say publicly that , I did not know of the existence of (Caatlaaed oa Paca Kli, Calaaaa Oat.) . y . . Gregory Considers Facts Gathered in Print Paper Probe Washington, Jan. $. Attorney Gen eral Gregory had" in his hands today the fruit of the Federal Trade com mission's inquiry into the news print paper industry, with the intention of instituting civil and criminal actions if it is found a paper trust has been formed. "I konw, of course, from what has -already been brought out," wrote the attorney general to the trade com- mission, referring to the commission's investigation, "that a serious condi tion rviata in this trade and that anv remedy which rlie law may afford should be applied at once." President Wilson is said to be ac tively interested in the paper situa-t'-jn. The commission expects to re port to congress within a few days the result of its inquiry. Four More Names Added to Death List of Oklahoma Storm Muskogee, .Okl Jan. S. Four names were added today to the death list of the tornado which swept through southeastern Oklahoma yes terday, bringing the total list of dead to fifteen.' The four were pupils at the Vireton school house, which was demolished by the storm. Elsie Perry, aged 14, and Raymond Perrv. aged 8, died in the hospital-at McAlester, and Florence Rose, aged 15, and Jessie T.ose, aged 8, died last night at the: home near Vireton. The tornado dipped down on a farming community near Cjuinton and destroyed four farm houses. Bark ley Satterfield, a farmer, received in juries irom wnicn ne is expected to die. Mrs. Val Stewart and a child of Charles Quinn were badly hurt. Bee Want Ad Service for the Big Sunday Section ' is in operation until 10 o'clock tonight. , Get the Best Results at the Lowest Cost by xi calling ; Tyler 1000 You are as close to The Bee Want Ad Dept i as your phone is to you. .