4 - . , " " 1 1 "-'-'' Sr. .- ' ' . , ." . - , . J : ' " . THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1917. ' Personal Gossip : Society Notes : Woman's Work : Household Topics "The Pied Piper" By Nell Brinkley Copyright, If 17, International News Service By MELLIFICIA, January 4, 1917. Goings and comings during the hol iday season have brought to light all sorts of queer experiences. One of the best jokes was told at a recent wedding. An out-of-town man came to Omaha to attend the Phi Lambda Epsilon dance, given at the Black Ulane last Friday evening. When he arrived in the city he immediately bethought himself of a young woman, a former acquaintance, whom he wished to accompany hisji to the party. Accordingly he called the young woman's home and made his "date." So far, so good. Soon, however, the young woman began to reflect. Who was this young man; did she know him? She knew a man of his name; it was not an unusual one. Then she questioned her young brother, and from his description of the man in question she decided that a sad mistake had been made, but how could she rectify it? She had no idea of the young man's whereabouts; she could not reach him by Jiote or by telephone; io fact, she couldn't do anything but wait. When the hour of the dance came, the young man appeared and the whole mystery was unraveled. The out-of-town man had known her sis ter, now married; had telephoned to ask this sister to go with him to the dance, had talked to the unmarried maid, thinking that she was her sister, 1 and finally was nonntiissed In find that she was not. , But as all good i tones snouia end, tney went to the dancing party and had a perfectly grand and glorious time. That story led a staid married man ! to tell of how once when he was young, his younger brother got into a mixup and was scheduled to take two young women to a party. Elder brother said, "I'll take one of the girls," for he thought he knew her. But when he called for Fair One No. II, much to his surprise, he had never seen her before. Fortunately, he looked enough like his younger brother to pass himself off as such. The charm couldn't work very long, of course, and so before he arrived at , the party he had to make his ex planations. He succeeded in convinc ing his companion that he had tele phoned for her in the first place, with the happy result that they were de voted friends for a long time after- wards. . ... Now these stories may gain a little'l ipjcc 11 two names are added to them F4r them in their places and mail your reply, care of the puzzle editor; ohyi no,. don't bother, the names are Rogers and Clarke. ,.: .,. Lap Year Dance. The Prairie Park club gave a icap ear dance Saturday evening. The club rooms were , beautifully deco rated by Messes. Haynes and Nelson, i he following were present: B. . Kent. I.oula Nelaon. 1. H. Clarlmon, A. H. Olmaleed, . H. A. Tolanri. : W. V. Kaynehle. U. L. Mlrker, I. . B. Toal, , ' ' B. O. Clay. ' R. It. Lawln, 1 Uuy H. Purneag, C. A. Roblnaon, . A. O. Rorhoford. W. W. Kerr, Dr. J. K. Roll. A. A. Wodrmoyar, C. c. Haynoa Mlaaea Ada Watt, Kllaabrlh Roaa, Francoa Roaa. Myrtle Tfrotk. ' Meedamoa FaiiBle Watt. Moaara. O. H, Khoam. A. I.wKe. Frefd fluncler. ( harlea Neflf, J. A, Abbotts ' T R MartCenile. .K. A. Mlllor. R. H Hrywood, C A. Strand. 3. B. Bene. Tl. J. Scanncll. IT, J. c. Hookup, W. N. Nlrhnla. John C. Tarbot of Duluth, Minn.; Mtesea- Mrrcedee Abbott. Klhcl B. Weldner. ' Ovhella, Adair. m Hathermgion, Meadamea H. Harf la - of Lincoln, Neb,; Meaara. Tn. C. H. Roaa, : Original Cooking Club. Mrs. Ward M. Burgess entertained seven members of the Original Cook ing, club at luncheon at her home today.' Other club members were un able to be present. Fiance Dangerously 111. Hiss Helen Hayden, daughter of M., and Mrs. William Hayden of Birmingham, Ala., formerly of Oma ha, who with her sister, Miss Clara, isjvisiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Flynn, received word the morning of the dangerous illness of. her fiance, Mr. I. B. Jones of Washington, D. C. Miss Helen Hay den will leave this evening for the east, but Miss Clara Hayden will con tinue her visit in Omaha until fur ther word is received. Jfrs. Flynn entertained the young pejjple at luncheon at her home to day, when about thirty young women wejre guests. Uther plans for the entertainment of the visitors have i been indefinitely postponed. ' Luncheon for Mrs. Coutant. One of the largest affairs of the day was. Mrs. George Haverstick's luncheon at the Blarkstone compli mentary to her guest, Mrs. C. K. Cou tant of Chicago. The decorations weie baskets of Killarney roses. After luncheon auction bridge was played in "the parlors of the hotel. Covers weie laid for the tallowing- eucsts Meadamea Jaittee Chadwlck, MarV Crelrh. F. FltHorald. A. If. Fuller. L. jL Garner, L. C, Olbeon. VT. JO. Goodrich. K. W Ounlhcr, Fre4 Kmc ol Flirt Crook. . John Baldwin. Joha Dempeler. F. K Pearce, C. A. Sweet, Mlaaea Helen Hlbbard. Mcadarnea ' F. hi. Kantmrn. Arthur Plnlo. Ada AlklnHon. B. F. trummer, J. W. tlannelt, N. A. Kurla of Idaho, ti. R. Hariri.anl, Philip Poller. Caapcr Toet. ' K. I,. Burke. Uoorle tbmtree. C K. Coutant. Ulaaea Nellie Wakeler. Beeale Allen, , Luncheon and Sun Party. Miss Helen Jifane Horton enter tained at luncheon at the Commercial club today, followed by a party at the. Sun, for a number of girls of the achipol set. Mrs. C. ' B. Horton chaperoned the group. The guests were Mlaaea ' - 1 Mlaaea t Kathleen Olvaen. Ruth Nlcum, r Eleanor Potter, Marjorle Paraona, Elva Bmlth, Mildred Troaell, Olive Walton. Franeea Foot, FJeanor I,tne, Jaaecl Oakley, Dorathy Paraona, Joaephlne stuben, l,oue nineteen. MaSe-rei-Wlodhelra. Wrttetlcy Club. Tjhe Omaha Wcllesley College club met yesterday afternoon" at Brownell Hall for a business meeting. The tlu meets the first Wednesday of THE Pied Piper of Hamelin' came over the meadows in faery tale land and piped away the little children of the village so sweet was his music. They trooped out behind him, and over the hills, and they did never come back. And. in Hamelin their mothers and fathers wept. There is a' Pied Pip'cr with golden gleam- each month. Of the twenty-five mem bers only ten were present yesterday. Mrs. J. B. Prichard was. hostess for the occasion. Entertain for Guests. Mrs. Charles C George entertained at luncheon today for her guests, Mrs. Harris Roome of New York City. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. George will enter tain at a pretty dinner this evening. Russell roses in the center of the table and surrounded by tall pink candles will be used. Covers will be laid for; Meaara. and Meadamea Charlee 0. George, Oaprffe TunniclllT, Harrla Roome - O. C. Redlek. of New York, r ' Mlea Mtnftedelle Oaorte of Oftloabura, 111. Mr. Oeorie Wrliht ot Council Blulta. New French Society. . Madame August Mothe Borglum and M-iss May Mahoney are asking all who are interested in the French lan guage, literature and art to attend a meeting Saturday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock in the public library, prelimi nary to the organization of a local branch of L'Alliance Francaise, This federation originated in France many years ago, but now maintains organi zations in many European capitals, as well as 158 groups in this country. Louis de la Marre, general secre tary of the society and its official lec turer, comes to Omaha January 24 to assist local men and women in organ izing and to give a lecture in French as well. . L'Alliance Francaise is instrumental in maintaining the Romance language department at Columbia college in New York. . -r . Bobsled Party. ' Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Lonergan gave a delightful bobsled party Tuesday evening in honor of their son, Charles. The guests were met at the end of the Florence car (line and taken to the Loncrgan home, five miles northwest of Florence, where an oyster supper was served. The party was chaper oned by Miss Lucile Craven and Mr. Philip Uoak. 1 lie guests were: - Mini Oladye Hroderaon, Lillian Itrodnraon, Via Harrington, Viva Bmlth. Mrearo. tlnrke Rhea, Karl Pulte. LaRoy Craven. " Florence Uenaon, Mildred O'Brlcit, ' Moaara. C'harlae Lonerran, Arthur Chelupeky, -William McCarthy, Luncheon Postponed. On, icnvtnt ,st the illness of her mother, Mrs. Esther M. Allen, Mrs. F. J. Birss has postponed until next Tuesday the luncheon which she had planned for today in her honor. Past Festivities. - . ' . Miss Ethel Anderson entertained at her home New Year's day. Games and music furnished amusement for the following guests: , i Meaara. ana Meeaamee. Jamea Wllfort Chartoe Rlehardeon it. f. Fiiaaeraid A. P. Anderaon Mlaaea rhyllia l!eher . . Loulae Moore ' Marnaret Wllfort Anna Hchloifet Moaara. Tamea ITaher .lamea Flteaerald . Robort Unhor Vernon Capile w- Her MlaRa Roaa Wllfot Margaret Moore Helen Anderaon " Kllaabelh HogaR . Meaara. Kdward Wllfort Vincent lxwery Harry Anderaon John Buckley Henry Leaner Personal Mention. - , Dr. P; T. Barber has returned from Lone Beach. Cal.. where he was called ,n n,i.i ii,. r,..,.-i c i.:B tu ! C. Barber. I Mr. James insor of Maurice. III.. has been making? a short visit at the J. H. Rushton home. Mr. and Mrs. v. A. powler of Dav enport, la and formerly of this city. - - . Lti .. who have been the holiday guests of Miss Hallie Wilson at the Colonial, leave tomorrow for their home. , Family Reunion. . Mrs. J. S. Marshall entertained at a Webster family reuntqn dinner on New Year's day in honor of her mother, Mrs. James - Webster, a pioneer resident of Omaha, who had about forty children, and grandchil dren present, Mr. and Mrs. James Young, the tatter a daughter, came from Black foot, Idaho, for the occasion. The guests besides the children .were: , Meaara. and Meadamea. Jamea Young, A. P. Gladden : Blaekfoot, Idano.' Albert Turner . Harry Getty Will Getty Marl Turner Albert Weberg . Jamea Marahall ' Mlaaea Vonla Van Claava Meaara. A. I Webater ' Guy Van Cloave George Cheater James webater. Mlaaea Verne Van Cleave . Meaara. Jamea Van Cleave Anderson-Brooks Wedding. Miss Kathryn Elaine Brooks of Rushville, Neb., and Dr. William Vance Anderson of this city, son of Mrs. M. C. Anderson, were united in marriage at the home of Mrs. S. H. Wilson Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock by the Rev, T. J. Matkay, Only the relatives of the young people were present. Dr. Anderson is asso ciated in business with Dr. Leroy Crummer. They will make their home in Omaha. Future Events. The University, Mixer club of Creighton will give its New Year's dance January 9 at Keeps academy. Box Party for New Play. ' Additional box parties for Sister Mary Angela's new play, which is to be held at the Krug theater January 22 to 28, inclusive, with three matinee performances, are a's follows: . Meaara. and leadamea John Latenaer, T. J. Mahoney, ' Dean Cole Martin, W. J. JeRera. Gene Melady, v ' Meadamea ' Meadamea . - Kalherlne Noah, Duff Greene, Mr. John Lynch. " Smith College Club Plans. . ' Local Smith college alumnae, meet ing at the home of Mrs. A.! L. Gor don Wednesday, decided to exhibit in Omaha a moving picture film depict ing life at Smith, the college build ings, campus and other features of their alma mater. ' Plans for mak ing available a Nebraska scholarship to Smith were also discussed. Mrs. Lloyd Holsapple will be hostess for the February meeting. Press Club Election. New officers named at the Omaha Woman's Press 'dub annual meeting at the Fonteuelle Wednesday are: President, Miss Ella Fleishman of The Bee; vice president, Miss Eliza beth Kern, World-Herald, and secre tary. Miss Henrietta Rces, also of The Bee. Miss Faith Lee Het is the retiring president, Miss Rose Rosicky will have press club members to tea at her home Sun day afternoonr January 14, when prize plays, short stories and poems in the club's recent contest will be read. For Out-of-Town Guests. - Mrs. John A. Bruce was hostess at luncheon at lie Blackstone Wednes day followed by an Orpheum matinee party, honoring Mrs. George Hoer ner of Hastings, Neb., who is the guest .' r a few days of Mrs. Herbert Hoerncr. Mrs. Ward roses decorat Lowers the Cost of Good Living Not Touched by Hand in Making or Packing ing hair, a white boly and sea-blue eyes, with a passion-flower behind his ear, who comes a-piping in this little world and it isn't a faery talc I And When the little maids hear his music passing by, silver and seductive as the drip of pale honey, they shake what they have froin their busy laps and out of their home-gardens they go and fol low him over the world. And they never come back. And their ed the luncheon table, at which cov ers were placed for: Meadamea Meadamea Myron Haywnrd, . Herbert Hoerner, .. John B. Pulver, B. Kvenlld, O. P. Goodman. C. R. Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rushton will en tertain at a dinner party this evening at the Blackstone in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Usher of Pitts burgh, Pa., who are visiting their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Usher. The decorations were in roses and stevia, arranged in baskets, and covers were laid for the following: Meaara. and Meadamea F. A. Howe, O. M. ftumnor, B. P. Rector, " Howard Ruehton, B. F. Howe, J. H. Ruahton. m - I School Set Affairs. Miss Mildred Rockwell was host ess this afternoon at a Strand party to the Nevesew club of Central High school. After the matinee the girls had tea at Kogers. Mrs. A. s. Rock well chaperoned the party, which was as follows; Mlaaea Mlaaea Francoa Foote, Francoa Wall. Dorothy Gray, Marjorle Guild. Dorothy Canan, - Gwendolln McCoy, Bthel Wldner, ... Mildred Rockwell. Irene Dyball, Miss Katherine Denny entertained at a luncheon today at her home in honor of Miss Winifred Smith, who leaves Monday for St. Mary's semi nary in New Jersey. Seventeen of her school friends were included in the guest list. The decorations were in yellow and white, the narcissus be ing used with yellow ribbons. After luncheon they spent the afternoon dancing and playing cards. Miss Ethel Piel, who leaves next Monday to resume her work at Na tional Park seminary in Washington, was the inspiration for a card party this afterndon, given by Miss Ruby Klingbcil. Poinsettias were used in decorating the parlors and the fol lowing guests were present: Mieeea ' . Mlaaea Margaret Holden, Katharine Reynolda, Ruth I.leder, Katherine Ritchie, . Martha Uelgor, Honor Norrle, Grace Brown. Virginia Haltlne, Margaret McCormlck, Margaret Oilman.. Peart Kllngnell. ... Mre. Bruce Toung. Miss Josephine Platner will enter tain at a luncheon and Orpheum party tomorrow, when the guest list will include members of the school set. The billiard room, which will be dec orated in the holiday greens, bells and poinsettias, will be the setting for this pretty luncheon. The guests, who will he seated at small tables, arc as follows: Mlaeee Gertrude Koenlg, Lydla Burnett, llga Langdon. Jnecphlne Wllllama, Charlotte Denny, tlnolee Mann, Dorothy Morton, Margaret McLaughlin, Mary Wright. Dorothy Davie, Charlotte Abrama, Dorothy Hippie. Mary Ulffnrd, .. Marie Neville. Donna McDonald, Gertrude Peycke, Blale Schmidt, Dorothy Arter, Anne Axtell. , Katherine Denny, Lillian Head, Joalyn Stnne, Virginia White. Winifred Grant, Katherine Goea, Exodus of School Set. The follow students have returned to Lincoln to resume their work at the state university: Anne Russell, Skinners THE HIGHEST QUALITY EGG NOODLES - .HhgllKiptBookFrtt .. SKINNER MFG. CO. OMAHA. USA UIOUT MACMOKI HCTOrr la aMUKA FVeiiiii Geraldine Johnson, Elizabeth Gould, Louise Bailley, Florence Jenks, Kath erine Newbranch, Helen Giltner, Uertrude JJonavan, Margaret McCoy, Elizabeth Crawford and Messrs. Ly ell Rushton, Richard Balliman, Gene Nlson and Richard Perley. Engagement Announced at Tea. At a large ta at her home on New Year's day Mrs. I. C. Russell of Ann Arbor, Mich., announced) the engage ment of her daughter. Miss Edith, to Lieutenant John Singleton Switzer, U. S. A recently with the Fourth United States infantry stationed at Brownsville, formerly at Fort Crook, but now at Fort Leavenworth. Lieutenant- Switzer is a popular young. man in Omaha society circles. He was one of the ushers at the Pen-field-Bacon wedding last fall. He is a graduate of the University of Mich igan and a member of tne ZetaPsi fraternity. Miss Russell is a daughter of the late Prof. I. C. Russell of the Univer sity of Michigan, who was noted for his geological ' research work in Alaska. During Ak-Sar-Ben she was the guest of Mrs. J. S. Switzer at Fort Crook. The wedding will prob ably take place late next fall, although the date has not yet been set. Lieu tenant Switzer left Tuesday evening for Fort Leavenworth, where he will be for several months. Events to Come, The Phi Tau Pi fraternity will give a dance at the Blackstone hotel oh Thursday, January 11; Mrs. Ronald Paterson is entertain ing at luncheon Saturday for Miss Ruth Hamilton. The Delta Gamma Sororify will be entertained at its monthly luncheon Headley. Mr. A. K. Headley, recently of Portland. Ore., where he has been associated with the Lipman-Wolfe Furniture Co., one of the largest mercantile houses on the Pacific coast has accepted a place on the selling force at Raymond's. Mr. Headley formerly lived in Omaha and for a number of years was connected with a local firm here. He Is well known to many Omahana whom ho will be glad to meet at his new quarters The Ray mond Store, 1513-15 Howard street, where he will be actively engaged In dispensing Raymond Service and looking after the Interests of Ray monds customers. r (if?- Mr. A. E r. a . . . fathers and mothers are sad, because they know that the child who has heard the piping of love is a child no more that that maid who arose to follow him over the world will never come back again! 'Hark the Pied Piper LoveP Close your ears little pigeon for I would have you, my little child, a little longer." NELL BRINKLEY. Saturday, when Mrs. Hugh Wallace and Mrs. B. J. Hull will be the host esses at the home of the former. Miss Winifred Brandt will have an informal party at her home tomorrow evening. Pleasures Past Miss Catherine Hastings enter tained at an Orpheum party, followed by supper and dancing at the Fonte- iielk'. tighteen young people were included in the party. Personal Mention. Mrs. Thomas Piper or Philadelphia with her small son, Thomas, jr., ar rived Sunday to visit for several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mulvihill. Retiring Officers Entertain. The members of the' Prettiest Mile Women's Golf club were entertained by its retiring officers Tuesday even ing at the home of Mrs. Edward R. Burke. The officers for the new year were installed: Mrs. P., J. Crecdon, president; Miss Lillian Paul, vice president; Mrs. L. D. Hopkins, sec retary; Mrs. Glenn Smith, treasurer.' The business meeting was followed by an enjoyable social program, in charge of Mrs. Vincent Hascall. Miss Ruth Madden gave a piano solo, Mrs. Fred M. Crane a recita tion and vocal selections were given Call Tyler 1000 When' you have something which has outlived its useful ness to you. A small want ad will very likely reach the party who can use it, and you will have the price of something you desire. Try it today. ) by Mrs. Robert Adams. There were seventy-five members present." Stork Special. - A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stein New Year's morn ing. . Brownell Hall Trustees . Call for Building Plans Two or three sets of plans for the new Brownell Hall will be presented at the next meeting of the trustees. Wednesday at their meeting with Bishop Williams, ex officio president, a committee was appointed to call for and receive plans for the new college building. The plans are to show a group of buildings, including administration, chapel, auditorium, gymnasium and dormitories. Estimates of cost are also to be submitted. The group is to be built ii; Fairacres. Second Minnesota Boys Will Go Through Saturday The Second Minnesota infantry, enroute home from the Mexican bor der, will be ir Council Blurts m ..a' time Saturday. The men are travel ing on two sp ;ial trains over he Burlington, In Council Bluffs they will be transferred to the Northwest ern and carried on to Fort Snclling, inhere thev r .jtcred out. - aiiiaaii u t I ( J3$t? J$$H'thA.ll i to vow 1 Iff y rib C t i