THE BEE; OMAHA. FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1917. Governor Neville Asks Many New Laws; Thirteen Measures to Enforce Prohibition; Suggests Sweeping Changes in Elections r Neville's Points Governor Neville recommends for the enforcement of prohibition: Public welfare department to as sist in prosecutions. Strict regulation of drug stores. Exclusion from state of beverages of inferior quality or containing harmful ingredients; additional chemists needed in this work. Drinking ciubs to be prohibited. Penalty for sale to fall on land lords as well as on tenants. Drastic penalties for boot-legging. Common carriers to make monthly reports of liquor handled. Municipalities to be given power to make law effective. Plants manufacturing beverages to be strictly regulated. Ample appropriation to enforce prohibition amendment. Greater power for governor over local officers. Other recommendations by Gov ernor leville are: Establishment of publicity bureau. State and national officers to be nominated by petition; county officers at primary. Quadriennial elections, state and national alternating. School officers on nonpartisan bal lot. Encouragement for irrigation. Commission without pay to build state house piecemeal. Support for National Guard. Continuance of supreme court com mission. Consolidation of hotel and food de partments. Good roads, with state body to ad vise county authorities. Amendment of workmen's compen sation law. Development of water power. Economy in expenditures. Governor Neville began his mes sage to lthe legislature by calling at tention to the fact that the people had adopted a prohibitory amend ment to the constitution, and now looked to the democrats to provide the necessary laws to eniorce the amendment. He'.iadc the assertion that "the greater part of the moral and economic reforms enacted into law in the last twenty years have been fathered by democratic legislators, passed by democratic legislatures, and have been for the most part signed by democratic governors. Following this he went on: "We must honestly, conscientiously and intelligently endeavor to prohibit the sale and manufacture of intoxicat ing liquor within -the state after the amendment becomes effective. We are not in any sense exercising the functions of a physician towards a patient. The prohibitory amendment in no way assails the right ot an m- dividual to purchase intoxicating liquors for his -personal use from sources outside the state, and that right should not be abridged, except to the extent nccejsary to carry out the provisions of the amendment pro hibiting the illegal sale of liquor within the state. Any legislation nec essary to carry out the letter, and spirit of the prohibitory amendment should be enacted. In approaching this problem, we can safely assume that the oeoole who voted for the amendment will approve the expcndi- ture of such sums as may be neces- j sary to put into effect and continue I in effect their decree. I Duty of the Governor. "In the words of the constitution,' 'the supreme executive power of the state shall be vested in the governor, who shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.' I "It is clearly intended that the chief executive shall have power to de-1 mand law enforcement by loyal au- j thorities. The Sackett law is intended to give the governor the power to re move officials for failure to enforce the laws of the state, but the delays in cident to such removal render it prac tically valueless. It is doubtful whether the Sackett law could be amended so that it would be an ef fective instrument for law enforce ment, but legislation can be enacted that will materially aid the governor in enforcing the law. New Departments Needed. "How to make prohibition a fact in Nebraska is. indeed a problem and toward its solution the following legislation should be enacted: "First A public welfare department should be created, and the governor be empowered to appoint a deputy and such assistant deputies as may be necessary. The salaries attached should be sufficiently large to attract honest, fearless and capable men, and such additional funds as are necessary for the operation of the department should be provided, in order that it may perform the functions for which it is created. The principal duties ol this department would be to gather information of law violations, help in prosecutions and assist generally in making the nrohihitorv amendment tffective. It would also provide an ex-1 cellent means of determining whether ! or not local officials were doing their i full duty in the matter of law en-' forcement. "Second The legal department of i the state should have authority at the direction of the chief executive to per sonally, or by representative, aid lo cal authorities in conducting prosecu tions; to bring and conduct such prosecutions in the name of the state if desirable and to maintain a special prosecutor where necessary. Sale and Shipment o" Liquors. "Third The sale of intoxicating e...t:r,c chntilrl h strirtlv reow. I lated and a state permit issued to such institutions, permitting such sale for medicinal, mechanical, scien tific and sacramental purposes only. and prohibiting the sale of same for I beverage purposes, in tne aDsencei of a state permit the possession of a government permit to sell intoxi cating liquors should be considered prima facie evidence of the unlawful sale of such liquors. "Fourth The shipment into the dtate of liquors for beverage purposes containing wood alcohol or. other harmful ingredients and being of such low grade and inferior quality as to nlate in jeopardy the health, men tality or sight of the consumer should be prohibited. The enforcement of ksuch a law will fall upon the rure jVood department, and, judging by the experience of other prohibition states, additional chemists will be necessary to successfully cope with this phase of the problem. , No Place for Clubs. "Fifth If the spirit, as well as the letter of the prohibitory amcndmKJ is to be carried out, drinking clubs and similar institutions, wherein the members' interest in the common liquor supply is represented by chips, cards, tickets and other methods of a like nature, or where the so-called locker system is used, must be pro hibited. "Sixth The penalty for the sale of intoxicating liquors for beverage pur poses from, or the manufacture of same in buildings within the state should fall upon the landlord as well as upon the tenant, as is done under the Albert law in cases where build ings are rented for immoral pur poses. "Seventh Police magistrates should be given full jurisdiction over cases arising out of violations of the liquor laws. "Eighth A fine, which would merely be, a tax upon the profits of the industry, will not suffice to dis courage bootlegging. Drastic penal ties wilybe necessary. A fine or jail sentence should be provided as a penalty for the first offense. A graduated penalty of increasing se verity, consisting of jail sentence and fine, should be provided for each suc ceeding offense. Peddlers and Agents Prohibited. "Ninth Contracting within the state for the delivery of intoxicating liquors from sources without the state, by representatives of breweries, Total Premium Interest , Total J. C. J. W. R. E. j'! distilleries and similar institutions is clearly in violation of the Jcttcr of the amendment and penalties should be fixed for such illegal sale. "Tenth Common carriers should file monthly with the county clerk a record of all shipments delivered in each county, and no delivery should be made to any person other than the party to whom shipment is con signed. "Eleventh Legislation should be enacted enabling municipalities to take such steps by ordinance or other wise, as they may deem necessary, to" make effective the prohibitory amend ment in their respective communi ties. "Twelfth Breweries and like insti tutions which may be converted into plants for the manufacture of nonm toxicating beverages should he strict ly regulated, as should distilleries and like institutions manufacturing alco hol for mechanical and scientific pur poses. "Thirteenth It is of the utmost im portance that a sufficient sum he ap propriated to insure that the au thorities be not hampered by a lack of funds in making the prohibitory laws effective." Publicity Bureau Needed. Governor Neville advocates the es tablishment of a publicity bureau, to be maintained by the state, to ac quaint the outside world with facts concerning Nebraska and to assist in the organization .of farm loan asso ciations. Changes in Election Laws. The' primary election law needs amendment and the governor sug gests as to require for all state and national offices that candidates be fore the primary present to the secre tary of state petitions signed by at Fifteenth Annual Statement Guarantee Fund Life Association Omaha,. Nebraska ASSETS First Mortgage Farm Loans Municipal Bonds. , .' Cash in Banks and Treasury Accrued Interest. ........... . . INCOME and Other Refelpta From Pollcy , , , , , , , , , , , , , $1,238,254.05 GROWTH BY YEARS Reserve, Surplus and Mortuary Funds 1902... $2,974.68 1903 $8,210.88 1904 $13,471.36 1905... .$21,949.47 1906 $33,931.93 1907 $60,597.01 1908 $105,748.90 1909 $160,885.69 1910 $225,145.15 "1911 $375,013.50 1912. ..,..$607,992.65 1913 $763,728.03 1914 .$1,079,068.87 1915 $1,380,767.06 1916 $1,931,925.48 Above funds invested according to law in First! Mortgage Farm Loans and Municipal Bonds. Buffington, President L. A. Williams, Vice-President Hughes, Secretary-Treasurer J. S. Helgren, Cashier Langdon, Assistant Secretary L.E. Gillespie, Auditor least I per cent of the, total vote cast for such office at the last general elec tion, such signatures representing voters in at least two-thirds of the counties. For county offices, includ ing legislature and county judge, the primary system to prevail as at pres ent. Candidates seeking nomination from two parties failing to receive the nomination of the major party cannot go on the ticket as candidates of the minor party unless the votes so cast were greater than the candidate re ceived from the major party. No candidate whose name appeared on the primary ballot should be per mitted to file for office by petition. Starter Ballot. For the shorter ballot, and to avoid changing elective to appointive of ficers, Governor Neville suggests that at the 1918 election all- officers be elected for four years. This would make state and national elections al ternate, and would materially shorten the ballot in presidential years. He would further shorten the ballot by omitting the names of the presidential electors, having these chosen by party conventions, to serve in case of the presidential candidates of their re spective party receiving a plurality. For the Schools. He also recommends that university regents, state and county superin tendents and all other elective school officers be put on a nonpartisan basis. Also that "appropriations should be made for the development, mainte nance and the support of all educa tional institutions, including rural high schools and consolidated schools, which have been authorized by pre vious legislation." Irrigation Needs. Irrigation gets attention in the sug gestion that "there should be the greatest possible co-operation be tween the State Board of Irrigation. Highways and Drainage, and the United Mates Reclamation service. This can be done by "authorizing the state engineer to employ two men to gauge and measure the North l'latte river from the Wyoming line to Elm creek, thereby assisting the reclama tion officials in determining the loss and gain from seepage and evapora $1,670,929.35 153,300.00 102,202.23 30,991.03 . $1,957,422.61 s - Holders, , , , , , . , , .$1,135,091.54 , 103,162.51 We certify to the correctness Omaha, Neb., January 2, 1917. OFFICERS tion during the different periods throughout the irrigation season." New State House Plans. For the solution of the state house problem he recommends that a build ing commission, to serve without pay, he created. This commission to de cided upon a definite plan, and then proceed to build piecemeal. The cost to be met by a tax extending over a number of years. The "slightly in creased cost of building piecemeal would be more than offset bv the rc- Iduced cost of building material when prices return to normal. National Guard Support, The National Guard is warmly praised for its response to the call of the president, and the legislature is urged to "give thoughtful consider ation to the recommendations of the state's military department and enact such legislation as may he necessary to maintain the guard in a reasonable state of efficiency." It is recommended that the supreme court commission be continued, and that hotel commission be consolidated with the pure food and drug drpart-"! ment. Good Roads Measures. - Good roads are favored by Gov ernor Neville, but "any plan adopted should he inaugurated on a conserva tive scale. There must be some responsible state body through which the good roads fund would be dis tributed. This body should co-operate with the county authorities and act in an advisory capacity with refer ence to road making. The cost of such road construction should be borne equally by the counties and by the federal government. In instances where the roads constructed connect county seats, thereby facilitating inter-county travel, and being of gen eral as well as local benefit, state aid should be given, the cost being borne one-third by the county, one-third by the state and one-third by the federal government. Where feasible, con vict labor should be utilized in the construction of roads." Workmen's Compensation. The workmen's compensation law should be amended to make the relief adequate in certain cases, and to guard the injured employe against in -LIABILITIES Death Losses Proven and Unpaid., None Death Losses Reported (Proofs Not Filed) $ 30,000.00 Liability Under Installment Policies Terminated by Death 85,054.94 Taxes on Premiums Accrued. (Estimated) 20,000.00 Miscellaneous Office Expense (Estimated) . 5,000.00 Total ' '.$ 140,054.94 Balance to Protect Contract 1,817,367.67 Total ,.$1,957,422.61 DISBURSEMENTS ' Death Losses. , 268,074.33 Commissions and Fees to Agents 226,215.61 Salaries to Officers, Directors and Employes 58,147,53 Medical Examinations 25,909.00 Inspection of NewRisks 14,627.74 Department Fees and Taxes ., . . . 22,456.50 All Other Disbursements (Rent, Postage, Office Equip ment, Etc.) ', 53,256.79 Total $ 668,687.50 Excess Income Over All Disbursements 569,566.55 Total ". '. .$1,238,254.05 RESULTS FOR 1916 , . Securities Deposited With Nebraska Insurance Depart ment to Protect Policy-Holders ( $1,824,229.35 Mortgage Loans Due and Unpaid None Interest on Loans Due and Unpaid None Average Rate of Interest Earned on Invested Funds.. 6.14 Reserve, Surplus and Mortuary Funds Held Solely for Payment of Losses $1,931,925.48 Increase in Reserve, Surplus and Mortuary Funds during 1916 551,158.42 Losses Paid Since Organization 1,090,048.58 Mortality Cost, Year 1916, for Each $1,000.00 of Insur ance in Force (Mean Amount) 4.53 Expected Mortality, 1916, (American Experience Table) 832,000.00 Actual Mortality, 1916 336,000.00 Percentage of Actual to Expected Mortality 40.39 New Insurance Gained, January 1 to December 31, 1916. $9,672,000.00 Insurance in Force 79,062,000.00' Designated Depository . Banks 3,207 of the foregoing statement. L. E. GILLESPIE, Auditor. JNO. W. BARTH, Actuary. solvency of the employer. Develop ment of water power is recommended, and the legislature is advised to be economical in expenditure of public funds. Ben Keegan No Lunger Has Charge of City , Prisoners At the request of City Commis sioner .lardine, "' n Keegan resigned as watchman at the city workhouse. Mr. lardine made this statement: "Mr. Keegan has been allowing pris oners to escape, even after 1 warned him on December' 11. On December 15 he let nine men get away. On a day of last week three men escaped. THE JEST SMOKING TOBACCO TWE fren'ship that's hardest to gain, usually lasts the longest. The harder it is to please yo' to bacco taste, the longer you tvill stick to Velvet. want 1 II IfllSMOOm Edward M. Martin, Vice-President John W. Barth, Actuary Dr. A. C. Stokes, Medical Director I would say that nearly seventy-five i - L l I -ll....,4 in rr... nave necn rcicascu or iiuw. , away by Keegan. He even went so far as to get a physician to examine some of these men and then released them himself on this physician's statement." Council Orders Te Poel To Probe Saloon Bonds The city council directed Assistant City Attorney Te Poel to examine all personal surety bonds offered by ap plicants for saloon licenses. Several statements of liability have been re jected on account of bondsmen not owning property claimed. A STRONG tobacco may have lots of flavor, but vou can't smoke as much of it a3 you want A mild tobacco often has only ( its mildness to recom mend it VELVET combines mildness and flavor in such a wav vou can i smoke all you want, and all you smoke.