Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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City Council Exonerates Ma
loney, Lahey and Dolan of
' Charges Against Them.
.Captain Stephen Maloney, Daniel
Lahey and Felix Dolan of the city
detective department were exonerated
by the city council when they ap
peared in response to charge) filed
by Josephine Bird, negress, who with
drew the charges on Wednesday.
"I am innocent of the charge. I
ner took a much a a 5-cent piece
from anybody and I defy anybody to
make uch a charge and prove it,
stated Captain Maloney to the city
The captain and hie associates an
nounced their resdiness to meet the
charge and the captain expressed the
opinion that the complainant hoold
be required to go through with the
case. -
Knel ExpreMe Confidence.
Commiioner Kaget, upermtend
ent of the police department, publicly
expressed confidence in Captain Ma
loney and Detective lahey and Do
lan and told them to continue to do
their full duty in the future a they
hae in the patt
"I have examined the record of
' the Bird woman and her btnband and
I have my own opinion of , them,
stated Commissioner Kugel.
Captain Maloney brought in rec
ords showing that Mr. Bird, better
known as "Jack Lewis," had been ar
rested forty times and convicted
many times in police court. He aid
he belonged to a elas of "thieving
disreputable women" and dared not
come before the city commissioners
in support of the charges as filed.
The action of the city council was
in substance vote of confidence in
Captain Maloney and Detectives La
hey and Dolan. '.. -,'
Northeast Auto
Owners Organize
Protective Society
Norfolk, Neb., Jan. 4. (Special.)
The Northeast Nebraska Automobile
Owner' Protective association, em
bracing a territory which extends as
far north a Niobrara, east to Fre-
' mont and south to Columbus, was
formally organized here Tuesday aft
ernoon.' The following officers Were
elected: H. E. Mason, Meadow Grove,
president; James Brooks, Stanton,
vice president; V. 0. Williams, Car
roll, secretary and treasurer; A. W.
Finkhaus, Norfolk, captain; A. W.
Forbes, Stanton, auditor; John
Krantz, and G. W. Evans, Norfolk,
organisers. f ,
The purpose of the organization is
to protect owners of automobiles
against theft. Most of the present
member of the new organization are
leader in the Northeast Nebraska
Live Stock Protective association,
. which hss been in operation for ten
years. The constitution and bylaw
of the Live Stock association were
adonted bv the Automobile Owners'
association. This association has a rec
ord of running down every thief for
which it ha hunted. The same rec
ord i hoped to be maintained by the
Automobile Owner' association.
Local camps are being organized in
all part of the territory. Arrange,
ment are made for limultaneou
notification to member regarding
the theft of a car and a systematic
hunt follow thi notification. Every
automobile garage and every auto
mobile dealer In the territory will be
come a member of the association.
Draw Bill to Reaulate
The Maternity riomes
A tentative bill regulating the ma
tern ity home in lUmaha Is now
drafted and approved by the city
health and hospital committee of the
Commercial club. It ha yet to be
endorsed by the executive committee
of this body before an effort will be
made to have it introduced in the
nresent session of the legislature,
It will extend the 'supervision over
these home over a larger field, giv
ing not only the local health officials
authority over the homes, but placing
them alio subject to the supervision
and regulation of the juvenile court
and iuvenile authorities.
' The new bill would provide for
properly licensing these homes a'nd
provide that no child could be re
moved from these homes, not even
by a parent, without authority from
the juvenile court.
Lecturer Says Sweden
; Is Not All Pro-German
"Sweden is neither pro-German
nor pro-Ally," said M. Enderstedt,
Swedish lecturer and publisher and
former member ot the Swedish Par
liament. in Omaha; VI find in Amer
ica the general opinion is that Swe
den is pro-German in sympathy. The
fact is w are divided into several
parties, and while I personally han
nen to be somewhat pro-German in
sympathy, there are just as many who
are pro-Ally, we Sell vast quanti
ties of goods to all the belligerents,
"Here is the situation in the court
the king and queen are pro-German
and the crown prince and crown
princess are pro-English. Conse
' qurntly the war is never discussed in
court circles. No, it is a mistaken
idea that Sweden is essentially pro-
tjerman, ,
Clyde Sundblad Served
Seventeen Years as Clerk
Clyde Sundblad is entering upon hi
eighteenth year as clerk of the county
court, having been reappointed by
Judge Crawford. Mr, Sundblad was
appointed clerk of the county court
by Judge Vinsonhater when he wa
11 year old. He ha served under
three county JudgesJudge Vinson.
haler, Judge Leslie and Judge Craw-
lord. :
Subiect to Crono.
"Our little girl is subject to frequent
attacks of croup," writes F. 0. Strong,
( alpella. Cel. "I always give her
C hamberlain' Cough Remedy, a one
or two doses of it cures her. lhis
is a favorite remedy for croup, as it
' can be depended upon and is pleasani
' and sale to take, H contains no nar
' cone Advertisement.
Governor Morehead's Retiring Message;
Few Suggestions Made to the Legislators;
Some of Existing Laws Need Amendment
After the cnitomarv introductory?
remarks. Governor Morehead referred I
to the public expenditures. He said
that, in spite of the increasing cost of '
living, the state is oat of debt, and baa
a large cash fund in the treasury.
"Our ward are all well housed, well
fed, and their intellectual and moral
development is constantly advanced,"
say the governor, "and at thi time
t see no reason why the expense of
the state should be increased.
Limit Number of Banks,
Under the caption. "The Banking
Department," the message says:
Having been a country banker tor
many years, and now having had four
years experience a chairman of the
banking board, 1 teel that 1 am able
to apeak on thi department The
bank of thi state were never in a
more flourishing condition than today,
but thi very condition ha a tendency
to call into the business those with
out adequate capital and without the
necessary experience in this line of
business. In order to protect the
people of the state against unsafe
banking, the law should be so
amended as to absolutely limit the
number of banks that may be estab
lished, or the banking board ought to
be given discretionary power (if the
courts do not hold that it already ha
the power; to grant or refuse chart
ers. This I regard as a matter of
first importance. If no check can be
put upon the organization of new
banks, they will be organized by un
reliable parties and by getting pro
tection of the Depositors Guaranty
fund, which is provided by the sane
conservative banker, they will draw
deposits to their banks which later
they may loan out on wild cat securi
ties, or invest in fraudulent undertak
ings and when times of depression
come, our whole banking system may
be wrecked.
I have observed that there is a
class of men who may be termed pro
fessional promoters who seek to
organize banks without regard to the'
needs for these institutions, some
times to Mil the institution when
organized, to concerns already doing
business, and at other time merely
to get the commission that may be
made out of the ssle of stock. This
is a pernicious practice and the power
to protect the public against it ought
to be definitely lodged with the bank
ing board. Ur it not with this board,
witb some suitable board or commit
tee that will administer the law with
out fear or favor."
Good Roads tor Nebraska.
On the subiect of good roads. Gov
ernor Morehead argues in favor of
construction of permanent highways.
He says the course will add to the
value of the land of the state as noth
ing else will. He reports on the ex
periment of paving a road between
the penitentiary and the city of Lin
coln, using convict labor, and shows
a considerable saving was effected.
From this be finds full justification
for his advocacy of the use of con
vict tabor in road building. He con
cludes his treatment of the topic thus:
"The use of convict labor upon our
highways il a matter of exceeding in
terest I believe it is better for the
men who are serving time, as well as
more profitable for the state. Road
work and farm work, the manufacture
of brick for pavinj, and the securing
of rock and sand to be used in the
same line of work, are classes of la
bor, in which convict may be em
ployed, V. ; .
"There may be a fear in the mind
of some farmers that the construction
of permanent roads will prove too ex
pensive, but what money is expended
should be put into permanent con
struction and where this is done, I am
sure the enhanced value of the farm
will more than make the difference in
the cost. A system of good roads
will reduce the cost of the delivery
of farm produce and this system ought
to be encouraged while the federal
government is willing to lend its aid
to the enternrise. The experience of
centuries ha demonstrated the value
of permanent roads and shown that
they are a oeneat to now tne country
and the cttv. A large percentage of
the cost, of marketing farm produce
is not due to railroad rates, but to
poor roads between the farm and the
railroad station. In Europe the land
is worth quadruple what better land
in Nebraska is worth, largely because
its road system has reduced the cost
of marketing and made intensive cul
tivation profitable. It is now time that
the progressive tarmer ot NeorssKa
should realize these things and take
advantage of the opportunity to se
cure permanent roads wan a mini
mum expenditure of money. ,
I also call your attention to an
act of congress passed at the Sixty
fourth session, 'An act to provide that
the United States shall aid the states
in the construction of rural post road
and for other purpose.' The act
specific that the legislature before it
nnai sojournment ui hub bcsbiuh, ac
cept of the provisions ot isaid act, in
order to share in its benefits."
Consolidation of Departments.
Governor Morehead refer to the
consolidation of the pure food, drug
and dairy department, with the oil
department, at hi suggestion, and
the success that has resulted there
from. He says that Commissioner
Harman has been hampered by a
"technical construction of the const
tution," but has "progressed with his
work, has taken the department out
of politics, and made it the great
i ' . . . .L . . . M
Business acpsnniem oi tnc naie.
He recommends that the hotel de
partment be placed under the food
department, but, if this cannot be
done, the inspectors of the food,
dairy, oil and drug department be
made also hotel inspectors.
"I also recommend," says the gov
ernor, "that the dairy inspectors be
placed under 'the supervision of the
superintendent of the state dairy
farm, who is an authority on dairy
Printing Commissioner's Power.
Extension , of the powers of the
deputy printing commissioner is rec
ommended, in order that he may
uprrivse the expenditure of all mon
ies for printing and purchase of blank
books and supplies for th several
state officers. At present the commis
sioner has the oversight of the ex
penditure of about $-M),000 a year for
printing, but fully $100,000 is spent
for office supplies over which he now
Morehead's Message
State mitrrations be provided tot
without extravagance.
State Banking board be riven
power to limit number of banks.
Convict labor be used in con
struction ot good roads.
Nebraska take advantage of fed
eral roads law.
Hotel department be consoli
dated with the Pons Food depart
ment .
Dairy inspectors be placed un
der the superintendent of the state
dairy farm.
Deputy printing commissioner be
given more power.
Office of secretary of 8tate
Board of Pardons be abolished.
Building committee be selected
to bav charge of plana for erect
ing a new state capitol building;
that a small continuing levy be
made to raise money for th
same. '
Four-year term for state officers,
making them ineligible for re
election. Constitutional amendment for a
short ballot
Election of supreme court jus
tices by districts.
Improvement ot primary law.
"Nonpartisan" school elections.
; Us of Lincoln'! life and work
a a textbook. y ,
Better sanitary and health law.
Conservation of water power.
' Legislation to make prohibition
ha no control. The governor think
money may be saved if these sup
plies are purchased in wholesale
quantities and not at retail, a now.
Secretary of Pardon Board.
It is recommended that the office
of secretary of the State Board of
Pardons be abolished, and that the
work be turned Over to a steno
grapher, to be located at the peni
tentiary. Through this a saving in
salaries now paid can be made
amounting to $1,100 a year, a sine
cure be abolished, and an assistant
accountant secured for the peniten
tiary, without lessening the efficiency
of the pardon board's service.
Bute Capitol Building.
Dealing with the need -for a new
state house, the message says: i
"You are on the ground ana will
observe the condition of the building
for yourself. The majority of the
Seople of the state will admit that the
uilding is not in keeping witb the
present development of the state.' If
money is to be spent, it should be ex
pended so as to bring permanent re
sults. If a wing is to be built, an
architect ought to be employed to
draw plans for a complete building
and this wing be so constructed that
as the years go on and the needs of
the state require further construction.
other wings may be added until a
complete building is finally erected.
These plans ought to be drawn on
lines that will meet the future de
velopment of the state and a building
ought to be planned which when com
pleted will be a credit to Nebraska.
Realizing the difficulty of getting
money spent in a careful, economical
way, I would suggest that provision
be made for a building committee to
be composed of a number of public
spirited and substantial citizens of the
state, whose integrity is beyond ques
tion, to superintend the expenditure
of the money and to pass on the plans
and specifications when drawn, this
committee to serve without pay, ex
cent actual exoenses. The men com'
prising the Board of Public Lands
and Buildings have so many duties to
perform that they cannot be expected
to give to the construction of this new
wing the time and attention which
the interest of the state demand.
If you see fit to handle tt m this
way, a levy sufficient to build a wing
would not Drove a great burden to the
people. If in your wisdom, you prefer
to provide for an entirely new build
ing, a small levy ongnt to oe maoe to
create a fund, which when strung out
for a number of years, would prove
sufficient for the purpose. Above all,
1 urge Uiat it any building is erected,
it be of a substantial character and
one that will be suitable to meet the
needs of the state for many years to
come, , .'. "
Four-Year Tern for State Officer.
"I strongly believe in the policy of
a four-year term for state officers and
making them ineligible for re-election.
In this way, we can have our business
affairs looked after better than when
men are elected tor a snort term ana
soon feel the necessity of preparing
tor a new campaign in order to secure
Short Ballot .
"I " would also recommend " such
amendments to the constitution as
will promote the policy ao popularly
designated as the short ballot. I have
. Uses Is a tins old-faahtoned ra
cist tor eonaos, colds or catarrh
trouble that bu . soon used with
net meoea, Oct from your eras
slst I oi. ot Parmlat (Double
streneth) about Too worth and add
to It H Plat ct hot water an
4 oft. of (nuulatod sussr. This will
make full bait a suit whoa mixed.
Take one tableeooniful t times a
No more racking ' your ' whole
bodjr with a oouab. Oosxed aoa
trlls ehould open, air paaMe-ee of
your head clear up eo you out
breathe freely. It la our to pro
per, ooeta little and te pteaaeat
to take. Aayooo who haa a tub
bom eourh, or hard cold or oatarrh
In any form ehould sIyo this pre
scription a trial. Adr. ,
Every Khid Trie Vary Uw
Over flva hundred machines to
select from. Rent applied on
Central Typewriter
Exchange, Inc.
1905 Farnam St. ,
. 5 Pboue Douglas 4131. ' t i
given the matter careful considera
tion and am convinced that it is bet
ter to place the power to make ap-
I pointment for purely administrative
) officer in the bands of the governor,
! or some duly appointed board, than
I to elect haphazard a large number of
i officers to places which do not attract
enough public attention to make them
a real issue in a campaign. No one
I who has witnessed the drift of mod
j era politics can escape the conclusion
that the voters concentrate their at
tention upon a few of the more im
portant offices and, for the most part
they merely vote tbeir party ticket
for the minor places on tne ballot It
would be the part of wisdom, I be
lieve, to vest these important officers
with authority to appoint men to the
minor places and then hold them re
sponsible for their administration.
Looking over the appointments that
I have been called upon to make and
seeing the work that my appointees
have done, I am convinced that better
results could not have been obtained
by a direct ballot In this regard, it
is gratifying to know that of the many
men I have appointed to fill vacancies-
to elective offices, practically all
have been endorsed by the voters. A
notable instance is in the case of the
judges. I have appointed six district
judges and of these all but one have
been elected; his defeat was not due
to his failure to give good service, but
to the fact that his opponent was a
man of unusual strength and popu
larity. "Another important place which I
filled by appointment was that of
election commissioner of Omaha, and
it was gratifying to note that my op
ponent in the campaign of two years,
ago, publicly pledged himself to re
appoint him in case he was elected.
Supreme Court Judges by Districts.
"I repeat what I have said m - my
former messages to the effect that I
favor a constitutional amendment
which will provide for the election of
the chief justice by the state at large,
and the election of the associate
judges from districts, thus giving the
different parts of the state representa
tion, upon tne court. 1
Our Primary Law.
"I again call your 'attention to the
necessity of an improvement in our
Erimary law. The present law, as I
elieve, has a tendency to keep out of
public life the man whom we most
need, candidates come to us at tne
primary election without endorsement
from anybody, without the electorate
having any chance of knowing their
aualthcations. moral standing or any
thing else. Platforms, declarations
and pledget mean but little when they
are to be enforced by a man who Is
incompetent, and who ha but little
regard for organized government
I hope that a committee win be se
lected that win give its entire time
throughout the i legislative session to
the improvement ot the primary taw.
Our Public Schools.
"In a former message I called at
tention to the method of electing our
school officers. By the enactment of
the nonpartisan judiciary law we took
the courts of the state out of poli
tics. This was a long step forward
and so far as I have been able to
learn it meets with almost universal
approval. I feel that it is now our
Hutv to take another advance step.
The stability of a republican form of
government-depends upon the intelli
gence Of , Hi citizenship and this in
telligence' is 'fostered and developed
hv our nubile school system. The
schools, however, cannot do their best
work when enmeshed in party poli
tics. Like the courts, they ought to
be free and, above political intrigue
and I, therefore, recommend the en
artment of a law for the nomination
and election of our school superin-
k Big Special Purchase of
Bed Spreads, Sheets
and Pillow Cases
:; at the
Union Outfitting Co.,
Sixteenth & Jackson SU.
One Day Only
An immense purehaae of splendid
high-grade Bed Spreads, Sheets
and Pillow Cases, bought Just
fireviou to the recent advances
n price of cotton materials, en
ables us to put the entire shipment
on special sale for this one day
only at prices that will mean a
saving to you of from 25 to
60. Included in this big pur
chase are many dozen of the well
known wear-well sheets and pil
low cases as well as a jreat many
Madeira Initial Embroidered Bed
sheets and Pillow Cases with in
itials from A to Z also hundreds
of beautiful Bed Spreads. Many
of them are in the satin finish;
others are in the crochet weave
and come in both the plain hem
med and scalloped cat corners.
Come to this big sale expecting
to find extraordinary values and
you will not be disappointed; and,
as always, YOU MAKE YOUR
wwanu w . a .
oou raaiBTO-
Druggist Sayso
Black-Draught Best
' if. ltriower, druggist, of South Creak, N.d writer this fetter:: "Thar
been afflicted for many yaars and hare tried many aorta or kind of medi
cine tor indlgeatlpn, but the Black-Draught excel all medicine I eves
tried. I went to using your medicines when I ata anything It would soon
teal as though I war loaded down with rocks In my stomach . . . Alter
using your preparation my stomach feels Ilk a new one." If you suffer from
Indigestion, from a stomach that seems "loaded down with rocks" aftei
meals, this druggist' axperienoa must carry conviction of the merit ot this
turaly vegetable preparation, Thedford'i Black-Draught Mr. .Flower used
many remedies and then says: - "Black-Draught excels , any. 4-hava avei
tried." W hy don't you try It? . At all druggUt 16 cent a package. S-ll
tender ts, county and state,' shnHar to
that under which we now fce our
"I am also in hearty accord with
the suggestion made by the" Grand
Army of the Republic, and other
patriotic bodies, that the study of
Abraham Lincoln's life and work be
made a part of our regular school
work- The past generation did not
aeed to study Lincoln in the schools
because they had a personal knowl
elge of his character and achieve
ments. But the generation now grow
ing up must get its information of
him in the schools. His life ought
to be inspiration to every Ameri
can yooth and, like American history,
I hope to see it made a part of the
regular curriculum.
Health Department - "
1 call your attention to a -report
made by Dr. Carrol Fox. who is in
the employ of the federal government
and who came here at -my- request,
but at the expense of the federal gov
ernment, to assist us in getting some
legislation to improve our health
taws. I regard this as one of the
most important matters of this ses
sion. It wilt require some persistent
and intelligent work in order( to
bring a better condition out of the
chaos that now exists. Better sani
tary and health laws should be pass
ed, and an appropriation providing
the necessary funds for this' depart
ment should be made, but the funds
should be so expended that they will
bring results. The money ought not
be used for an unnecessary number
of health officers, or to have several
departments which are not working
in harmony, making conditions worse
if possible, than they are now.
"In each of my former messages
to the legislature, I have stated that
I am m favor of the conservation
of the resources of the state of Ne
braska. Among these, is the proper
protection of the water power in pub
lic streams of the state.
"The oast sessions of the legisla
ture have made no appropriation for
this purpose. While there has been
little advancement made along this
line from the state standpoint private
enterprises have made some progress.
One corporation has a plant costirfg
more ftian $2,000,000, that is now con
nected with one of the leading cities
of the state. This will enable you
to investigate and determine to what
Mother 'Made, Quick ',
Acting Cough Syrup
SkeaM bo Kept Ramdr la Bverr '
He)sa Eaatlr rrypajed aad -
Carta I-lttla.
slathers. voa'U never know what von
are missing until you make up this In
expensive, quick-acting cough syrup and
try it Children love Its pleasant taste
ana notning eise wiu uxjwu m couga or
chest 'cold and heal the inflamed or
swollen throat membranes with such
sase and promptness. It's equally as
good for grown-up as for children.
This SDlendid eouirh svrun is madi
pouring 2 ounces of Pinex (50 cents
worth). Into a pint bottle and filling the
bottle with plain granulated sugar
syrup. This gives you a full pint a
family supply of much better cough
remedy than yon eould buy ready-made
for $50 a clear saving of $2.
The moment it touches the inflamed,
cold-congested membranes that line the
throat and air passages, the healing be
tins, the phlegm loosen soreness
raves, cough spasms lessen and soon
disappear altogether, thus ending a
cough quicker than you ever thought
possible. Hoarseness and ordinary
coughs are conquered by it In 24 hours
or less. Excellent for bronchitis, whoop
ing cough, spasmodic croup, bronchial
asthma or winter coughs.
Pinez is a highly concentrated com
pound of genuine Norway pine extract,
combined with guaiaool and is famous
the world over for its quick healing
effect on the membranes.
Beware of substitutes. Ask your
druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex" with
directions and don't accent , anything
else. Guaranteed to give absolute satis
faction or money refunded. The Pinex
Co, Ft Wayne, Ind.
Th exact moi ot rhenmatiim li on
Known uauiwn u generauy Deiiwea to be
due to an exoeu of urto Mid in the blood,
It mar be alto tald with eaual trnth that no
remedy hat been found which li a peelflo
matlim ahowe that there are bnt lew drags
which have not been riven a trial, in th
hand of one obeenrer we find that a certain
drug haa been need with the utmoet eaUt
factton; o the m have found the tame remedy
to be a great disappointment. All nhyel
elana however agree that every method of
treatment is aided by the administration of
aome remedy to relieve the pain and quiet
the nervons ayttem and Dr. w. B. Scbultae
expreaaea the opinion ot thousands of prao
tltloners when he says that antl-kamnla
iaoieH anouia oe given preference, over all
other remedies for the relief of the pain In
all forma of rheumatism. Theie tab leu oan
be purchased In any quantity. , They are
alao unsurpassed for headachea, neuralgias
wiH cu iwa. am iot A-n. 'xaoieca
Good Health
good appetite, good spirits
mean no discord in the body.
To keep the ofgans in har
monywhen there is need use
lavtaat Sale at Am) MeAdaa ae Cla World.
SaU avail mhm e.j jewaa. 10a. ZSS.
Coughs w) Co Ida
ftaM nMSt WBn asa)jf)
I JT- JT ftatabeetaofteaaltMr
I -Zl WsakChMtt,
extent this power can be used, and
as to the advisability of spending the
people's money for the development
of the water power."
Veto of Howell Light BilL
Reference is made to the veto of
the Howell light bill at the last ses
sion of the legislature, and reasons
therefor are repeated.
Some legislation will be needed to
make the prohibition amendment to
the constitution operative, and the
ligislature is urged to take such
action as in its wisdom is necessary
in the case.
Governor Morehead concludes with
expressions of gratitude to the people
of the state for the honors conferred
on him, and with a warm tribute to
Nebraska and its citizenship.
"Magump's Jinx"
Hot On Trail of
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant W. a Russell. 2552
Fowler street believes be has been
branded with what is known in police
circles as the "magump's jinx." As a
result he is without a home, he is iso
lated from hi family or, rather, his
family is isolated from him and on
top of it all there will be lots of M. D.
bills, although he did not complain
about these.
On Christmas day Rus1"s newly
married nephew, Ralph Hughes, was
taken to a hospital for a minor oper
ation, and on December 28 his 4-year-old
daughter, Mariel, was taken sick
Five Years
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, Farnam
Dr. cKenney Says:
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Come in today and have the McKenney Dentists
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NOTICE Out-of-town patrons
can get Plates, Crowns, Bridges
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iin'e- a
1 1 Wa'St
W ink
discovered that
permanent cigar
enjoyment is
closely linked
with cigars of the
'light Jfearted
("Havana filled) V
5? light hearted 3avana
VI , 111
lf , Ratkanaerf aVMeee, Distritiatere, Kaaaae CltT, Mluourl , V i,
SJ Oaeaa Bnaeh. 171 DeusHaa Street
with scarlet fever. The- sergeant lost
his home by virtue of a yellow
December JO he called at the hospi
tal to see his nephew, and there be
learned that he, also, had scarlet
fever. By that time' his nephew's
condition was such that he could be
sent home, so he was moved to the
sergeant's residence to suffer with the
little girl.
Then the sergeant called up to find
out how everybody was fixed and
he was told that his nephew's bride,
also, had contracted the fever. Now
everybody at the house is sick with
the exception of the sergeant's wife
and he, the sergeant can't go home.
Earl Smith and
Wife Injured in .
Auto Accident
Portsmouth, O, Jan. 4. (Special
Telegram.) Earl Smith, outfielder
for the, Chicago National league team,
escaped miraculously last night when
a buggy in which he and his wife
were riding was completely demol
ished in collision with a high power
automobile. By some freak of fate
Smith was thrown ten feet in the air
and alighted on the radiator of the
machine, while his wife was thrown
on the top of the automobile. Mr.
C:.U'. k-,-1. K-l k,.ft
no bones broken. His wife received
a deep cut in her neck and suffered
considerably from the loss of blood.
Mr. Smith was purchased from the
Omaha team of the Western league
last season.
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