Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1917, Page 9, Image 9

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Says Hot Water
Each Day Keeps
the Doctor Away
Drink glass of hot water before
breakfast to waah out
the poisons.
Life is not merely to live, but to
live well, eat well, digest well, work
well, sleep well, look welL What a
glorious condition to attain, and yet
how very easy it is if one will only
adopt the morning inside bath.
Folks who are accustomed to feel
dull and heavy when they arise, split
ting headache, stuffy from a cold,
foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom
ach, can, instead, feel as fresh as a
daisy by opening the sluices of the
system each morning and flushing
out the whole of the internal poison
ous stagnant matter.
Everyone, whether ailing, sick or
well, should, each morning, before
breakfast, drink a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of lime
stone phosphate in it to wash from
the stomach, liver, kidneys and
bowels the previous day's indigestible
waste, sour bile and poisonous
toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening,
and purifying the entire alimentary
canal, before putting more food into
the stomach. The action of hot
water and limestone phosphate on
an empty stomach is wonderfully in
vigorating. It cleanses out all the sour
fermentations, gases, waste and
acidity and gives one a splendid ap
petite for breakfast While you are
enjoying your breakfast the water
and phosphate is quietly extracting
a large volume of water from the
blood and getting ready for a
thorough flushing of all the inside
The millions of people who are
bothered with constipation, bilious
spells, stomach trouble, rheumatism;
others who have sallow skins, blood
disorders and sickly complexions are
urged to get a quarter pound of lime
stone phosphate from the drug store
whicfc will cost very little, but is
sufficient to .make anyone a pro
nounced crank on the subject of in
ternal sanitation. Advertisement
Many Physicians Recommend Duffy's
Pure Halt Whiskey as a Reliable
Remedy and Preventive.
At this season of, the year, when
exposure t" sndden and severe
changes of weather is frequent, grip
and pneumonia often attack the sys
tem quickly and relentlessly, es
pecially if you are run down from
worry, overwork or exposure.
For more than half a century
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has been
recognized as a beneficial remedy in
the prevention of coughs, colds, grip,
pneumonia and diseases of the respi
ratory organs. The secret of its suc
cess in relieving and forestalling
throat and lung troubles lies in the
fact that it is made for medicinal pur
poses from health-giving grains thor
oughly malted. Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey helps the stomach to better
digest and assimilate food in order
that richer and purer blood may
come from it, .so that the circulation
will be strong and powerful, carrying
health and vigor to every organ of
the body. Don't hesitate, buy a bot
tle today. Sold in sealed bottles only
by most druggists, grocers and deal
ers, $1.00. If they can't supply you,
write us. Useful household booklet
free. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co.,
Rochester, N. Y.
Red Blotches
Turned to Pimples
Itched Burned
And Smarted Till Nearly Went Wild.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment Healed.
"Big red blotches appeared on my face
and later turned into pimples. My face
was fierce. The pimples itched, burned,
and smarted until I nearly went wild and
I scratched them until I could not rest
night or day. They were hard and large
and most all came to a head and scat
tered over my face disfiguring it some
thing awful.
"Remedy upon remedy was used but
to no avail and for three years I was
treated. I ran across a Cuticura Soap
and Ointment advertisement so I bought
them and fifteen or twenty days' con
tinued use of the Cuticura Soap and
Ointment brought back my good com
plexion. I was healed." (Signed) Miss
Beatrice Barton, R.R.I, Box 55, Grand
Rapids, Wis., Sept 14, 1916.
It is distressing to reflect that much,
if not all, of this suffering might have
been prevented by using Cuticura Soap
and no other for every-day toilet pur
poses with a little Cuticura Ointment
now and then as needed to soothe and
heal the first signs of skin or scalp
troubles. Nothing purer or sweeter than
these delicate emollients.
For Free Sample Each by Return
Mail address post-card: "Cuticura,
Dept. H, Boston." Sold everywhere.
What to Do for Eczema
Greasy salves and ointments should
not be applied if good clear skin is
wanted. From any druggist for 25c or
$1.00 for extra large size, get a bottle
of semo. When applied as directed, it
effectively removes eczema, quickly
stops itching, and heals skin troubles,
also sores, burns, wounds and chafing.
It penetrates, cleanses and soothes.
Zetno is a dean, dependable and inex
pensive, penetrating, antiseptic liquid.
Try it, as we believe nothing you have
ever used is as effective and satisfying.
Tlu S. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O.
Every Niqhf
For Constipation
i 11
Safe And Sure Q
Brief City News.
rtettamn Wcddlaf Stag Ed holm.
Sort Nst Is New Suni Prose,
TVs Cleaned. lOe, at CaWo. Web. Ml
Bat Heal for the m ClUrsnVnt Inn.
Dr. W. K. Foot, now nt 1011 Pint Nett.
George Tamisiea is still In St. Jo
seph's hospital.
Bragan & Raymond, Law Office, re
moved to suite 1300 New First Na
tional Bank Bid.. 16th and Farnam.
New Ue Stock Firm Newton R.
Bryson and Tyler H. Bryson are the
Incorporators of Bryson Bros., a live
stock commission Arm that will oper
ate at the South Side stock yards. The
capital is 125,000.
Small Blaae Fire of unknown ori
gin Wednesday caused $200 damage
to a house at Fifth and Pierce streets
owned by Mrs. Mary Weeks and oc
cupied by William H. Hall. Two
rooms were badly damaged.
Seek Ed Abbott Police officials
have been asked to search for Ed Ab
bott who disappeared from home
three weeks ago. His mother, who
is 86 years of age and is ill, had a
friend write the letter, which gave no
Melchlors Incorporate Articles of
incorporation for P. Melchlors & Son,
manufacturers and repairers of ma
chinery, have been filed with the
county clerk. The capital is J25.0OO.
Peter Melchiors and Fred J. Melchlors
are the incorporators.
Hlatt Building Company The Blatt
Building company, which will do a
general real estate business, has filed
articles of incorporation with the
county clerk. The capital Is 1100,000.
Jesse L. Hlatt, Lynn T. Putman and
J. T. Harnett are the incorporators.
Stamp Collectors to Meet The
Omaha Stamp club will hold its regu
lar meeting Friday evening at room
210, First National Bank building, cor
ner Thirteenth and Farnam streets.
An A. P. S. circuit will be on hand
and there will be other interesting fea
tures. Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderland.
To lecture on the Philippines
Prof. P. R. Verzosa of Dubuque col
lege will give an Illustrated lecture
with steropticon slides at St. Cecelia's
auditorium, Thirty-ninth and Webster,
Thursday evening under the auspices
of Archbishop J. J. Harty. Others
on the program are Miss Vivian Rellly,
Miss Agnes Whelan, Miss Helen
O'Brien, Miss Winifred Traynor and
Mr. Lou Traynor.
Two Arc Found Guilty-iwilllam
Puckett, 2857 Farnam street, and
William Stewart, ,209 South Twenty
seventh street, two negroes, arrested
after an attempt to lure Alma Petite,
316 South Twenty-sixth, to Twenty
fifth and Leavenworth streets, were
found guilty in police court and sen
tenced to ninety days each in the
county jail. Evidence against the
negroes was not sufficient to Justify
a state charge and so they were given
the limit for vagrancy.
Charity Thwarts
Hunger and Cold
In Many Families
More than 1,000 baskets of food
stuffs for Christmas were distributed
to deserving poor persons during the
Christmas season, by the various
organizations in the Associated Chari
ties. This was shown by the checking
of the advisory committee.. '
It was reported that Captain Pey
ton had distributed 300 baskets," Miss
McGee, 25; Major McCormick, 300;
Mrs. Doane through various organi
zations 300, besides 800 baskets
handled by the "Good Fellows" organ
ization. An effort will be made to centralize
the work more next year. It is the
hope of the committee that the work
will be handled in one office, although
card indexes are even now kept in all
the offices and the co-operation is
such that almost no duplication oc
curs. "Much of the charity done at Christ
mas time," said Rabbi Cohn,."was of
such a character that these neoole
get provisions for weeks to come. The
charity did not stop at merely giving
Christmas baskets for the day. In
some cases coal was furnished, and
some places where the necessity was
great two and three tons of coal were
put in for a family."
Classes at Omaha Uni to
Be Held in flew Building
When the students of the Univer
sity of Omaha return to school next
Monday morning they will find their
school rooms and supplies in the new
$75,000 building. At the present time
nearly all the laboratory equipment
has been installed and most of the
other supplies are there. By the end
of the week everything will be spick
and span. There was some doubt as
to whether the building would be
ready for use by January 8, but
now it is certain that regular classes
will be held there starting at 8
o'leock. Redick hall will be torn down
this week.
Commercial Club May
Send Delegate to Lincoln
The Nebraska Conference of Chari
ties and Correction is to hold its
seventeenth annual meeting at Lin
coln in the Lindell hotel, January 7,
8 and 9. The Omaha Commercial
club has been asked to send a repre
sentative. Rev. S. Mills Hays of Lin
coln is president. John E. Miller of
Lincoln is first vice president and
Mrs. F. H. Cole of Omaha, second
vice president. Miss Ida L. Robbins
of Lincoln is secretary and Mrs. W.
E. Hardy of Lincoln, treasurer.
Motorcycle Officer
Weds on New Year's
Police Officer A. G. Cooper, as
signed to the motorcycle squadron,
surprised his comrades on the police
department last night by coyly con
fessing that the reason he disappeared
early New Year's day was because
he was busy contracting for a life
partner. His bride was Miss Mary E.
Bell, 2818 Dodge street.
Two Men Quarrel and One -Shoots
the Other in Leg
Fred Kahler, brother of O. "Dutch"
Kahler, half owner of the Drexel
Hotel bar, was shot in the leg by
Joe Sesto last night, as the result of
a quarrel, according to the police.
Kahler is not seriously hurt. Sesto
was arrested.
Coagha and Cold. Are Dangerous.
Internal throat and cheat trouble pro
due Inriammatlon. To reduce Inflamma
tion, looaen couth, destroy cold germ. uh
Dr. Klns'M New Discovery. All drugging.
Government Troops Victorious
Over Bebel Command in
Three -Day Battle.
Chihuahua, Jan. 3. In a bat.le that
lasted three days, government forces
have won a decisive victory over a
rebel command near Guerrero, with
the loss to Villa of twenty-five dead,
140 prisoners and an immense amount
of loot, while another important suc
cess was registered at the same time
at Bustamante, south of Santa
Rosalia, where the rebels left behind
them over sixty dead and a quantity
of supplies in their retareat
El Paso, Tex., Jan. 2. It was
learned here that Villa carried pff
from Chihuahua City 150 cars of
plunder, including, autos, wagons,
uniforms, blankets, shoes and corn
and other foodstuffs in addition to
the military equipment.
Carranza Won't Sign.
Washington, Jan. 2. Official ad
mission was made that Carranza had
refused to sign the protocol.
Henry P. Fletcher, confirmed as
ambassador to Mexico almost a year
ago, Is about to start for his post,
where American interests now are
represented by a clerk. The with
drawal of Pershing's expedition is
understood to be very seriously con
sidered by the administration.
A Well Known Actress Tells How
She Darkened Her Gray Hair With
a Simple Home Made Mixture.
Miss Blanche Rose, a well-known
actress, who darkened her gray hair
with a simple preparation which she
mixed at home, in a recent interview
at Chicago, III., made the following
statement: "Any lady or gentleman
can darken their gray hair and make
it soft and glossy with this simple
recipe, which they can mix at home.
To a half pint of water add 1 or. of
bay rum, a small box of Barbo Com
pound, and i oz. of glycerine. These
ingredients can be bought at any drug
store at very little cost. Apply to the
hair twice a week until it becomes the
required shade. This will make a gray
haired person look 20 years younger.
It make the hair soft and glossy, is
not sticky or greasy and does not rub
off. Advertisement.
our whole
stock of
high grade
at prices mark
ed down far
below the fig
ures which
regularly ap
ply. The re
i tO
Now is the time to buy
articles for your
Entire 3d Floor
Keeline Bldg.,
17th and Harney
17 Nock Depttt2 Copying.
For tvtry purpose
-esetrfC"" " roan
el535rtD warm
Burgess-Nash Company
Wednesday, January 3, 1917.
Phone Doug. 137.
Never, to Our Knowledge, Have We Offered Such
Extreme Values and Such Charming Selection in
TTS the first complete and thorough showing of authoritative styles for Spring and Summer the very
1 newest ideas for 1917. Values so unusual as to thoroughly convince you that now is the time to secure
your supply of lingerie blouses for the coming season.
, r
Voile and Organdie Blouses, $1.00
Made with large, flat collars, long sleeves, val. lace;
sizes 34 to 46.
Embroidered Voile, Organdie Blouses, $1.50
Prettily trimmed in laces others daintily tucked and
hemstitched, full length sleeves and smart collars ; sizes
34 to 46.
Blouses of Batiste and Voile, $2.00
Trimmings of val. and venice lace, pretty collar and
cuff effects, long sleeves, sizes 36 to 46.
Attractively Embroidered Blouses at $2.50 .
Also prettily tucked and hemstitched, and trimmed
Many styles, and every Diouse a spien-
Sheer Lingerie Blouses at $3.00
Sailor collar styles simple styles and trimmed mod
els; sizes 34 to 46.
Dainty New Blouses at $3.50
In all the coming summer styles, filet, venice and val.
lace trimmed hand embroidered dainty tucks and
hemstitching. Sizes 34 to 46.
Exquisite New Blouses at $5.00
Prettily embroidered, tucked and lace trimmed, ma
terials are soft batistes and fine voiles, every new collar
and cuff effect. Sizes 34 to 44.
Smart Sailor Collar Blouses, $5.95 .
Jabot effects lace trimmings and embroidered
blouses, sizes 34 to 44. '
with dainty laces,
did value. Sizes 34 to 46 and a few in 48 to 52
Other dainty groups at $10.00, $1 2.50, $15.00, $16.50 and $18.50,
Burgees-Nash C. Second Floor.
It's Doubtful If You Will Be Able to Soon
Again Buy LINENS at Such Low Prices
WE planned this sale long before the advance in price in the linen market and
we offer you the benefit of the saving. These few items as examples:
Beautiful Pattern Cloths and Napkins
Pure linen and satin finish damask, heavy weight, will give good wear.
Cloth. 72-inch by 3 yards, $4.60.
Napkins, 22x22-inch, to match,
14.00 dozen.
Cloth, 72-inch by 2 yards, $3.00.
Cloth, 72-inch by 2 yards,
, Round designs, extra heavy satin damask, bordered all around,
handsome patterns.
Cloth, 72-inch by 2 yards, $4.00.
Cloth, 72-inch by 2 ft yards,
Fine double satin damask cloths, round designs, beautiful assorted
Cloth, 72-inch by 3 yards, $6.00.
Napkins to match, 22x22-inch,
$5.00 dozen.
Cloth, 72-inch by 2 yards, $5.00.
Cloth, 72-inch by 2tt yds., $6.25.
Cloth, 72-inch by 3 yards, $7.50.
Mercerized Damask, 39c
Bleached table damask, good
weight, assorted patterns, 64-inch,
at 39c the yard.
Cloth, 81-inch by 214 yards, $7.00.
Napkins, 20x20-lnch, $4.75 dozen.
Napkins, 24x24-inch, $6.50 dozen.
Snow White Damask, $1.50
Snow white double aatin damask,
pure linen, very fine finish, in as
sorted patterns, 72-inch, $1.60 yd.
Fancy Linens
-I scarfs, lunch cloths,
center pieces, table cloths,
etc., in lace and embroid
ery. Soma are soiled,
some are only mussed
from holiday display. Ev
ery one an extreme val
ue at the Mid-Winter sale
price Thursday.'
Unbleached Damask, $1.19
Heavy unbleached damask,
pure Irish linen will give ex
cellent satisfaction at $1.19
the yard.
ID-Winter Sale
of White Goods
Painty sheer materials for
the Season of 1917.
' long cloth
Chamois finish long cloth,
full 36 inches wide, for wo
men's and children's undergar
ments and infants' wear. Neatly
put up in convenient 10-yard
A. '36-inch long cloth, 10
yard bolt, $1.00.
C. 36-inch long cloth, 10
yard bolt, $1.60.
Made from long thread itaplt cot
ton, snow white, will wear and laun
der perfectly.
No. 20 If Inches wide, 10-rard
bolt. S1.50.
No. 40 40 inehel wide, 10-rard
bolt, 2&0.
Fine eheer naineook for dainty lin
gerie and infante' wear, 42 inehee
wide. Ten yards neatly boxed, lor
Burgees-Nash Co. Main Floor.
Two Important
Sales Coming
Announcing for
The Sale of the
Black, The Hatter
Stock of
Hats and
Our Third Annual
Mid-Winter Sale of
Starts Next
Monday, January 8th.
See papers for particulars.
The, Mid-Winter Sale of ,
Women's House Dresses
Is a Timely Offering of Interest to Every Woman
THE showing is very extensive, embracing a wide range
of styles in the favored materials the mid-winter sale
prices are real inducements.
Mina Taylor House Dresses, at $1.25
No. 34451 Made of percale, in pink, lavender, blue, green, plaids,
also in white back ground with black figure. Collar bias, strap of self
material, pretty plain skirt. Sizes 34-44. Price $1.28.
Mina Taylor House Dresses, at $1.50
No. 34429 Made of standard percale, assorted light colorings.
Plain waist with round collar with two points in front. Sleeves
length, turn-back cuffs, three-piece skirt with patch pocket, piping in
contrasting colors; large pearl buttons; regular 34 to 44, stouta 41 to 47.
Mina Taylor House Dresses, at $1.75
No. 34405 Made of American cambric in pink, blue and gray;
two tucks on each side of waist to form fullness; back of waist stitched
on shoulder and a pointed tab is left to form yoke effect; sleeves,
bias cuff to match fancy bias collar and set on belt. Collar, cuffs and
belt are trimmed with one-inch band of plain material to match pre
dominating color in dress; large pearl buttons are used as trimming
and fasteners; sizes, regular, 34 to 44.
Mina Taylor Houses Dresses, at $2.50
No. 34419 Fine gingham in assorted stripes, made with full
waist, detachable belt, large pockets, cuffs and collar of pretty, white
linen; sizes 34-44. trice
Mina Taylor House Dresses, Thursday, at $2.25
No. 34452 Made of fine percale in assorted colors, even checks; embroidery trimmed collar; me
dium wait line. Size 34-44. Price $2.25.
id-Winter Sale of Sheets, Cases, Muslins, Etc.
IT'S the one time of the year when prices on bedding supplies are at the lowest
notch. Here is an idea of how well we provided against a steadily rising mar
ket. We reserve the right to limit quantities.
Sheets and Cases Underpriced.
"NIGHTTIME" sheets and cases, seamless, superior in weave,
quality and finish to the well known Pepperell and Dallas grades.
Fruit of the Loom
Muslins, 8c Yard
Pruif of the Loom bleached muslin
with other well known brande, in
cluding WamsntU. Automobile, True
Blue, etc., special Thursday, yd.. Ac.
(No phone or mail orders accepted.)
42x36-ineh cases 17c
45x36-inch cases 19c
63x90-inch sheets 60c
72x90-inch sheets. 85c
72x99-inch sheets 90c
81x90-inch sheets 90c
63x99-incb sheets
85c 81x99-inch sheets 95c
NOTE An additional charge of Sc is made for the aboee brand of pillow
cases or 10c for the sheets when hemstitched.
C..l... ClwMttx at SOc
64x90-inch unbleached seamless sheets for sin
gle beds, equal to pequot and Utica brands, at 50c.
Hemstitched Cases, 19c
Hemstitched, embroidered pillow cams, 46x36
inch, in assorted designs, also cases reinforced
with English cord, a protection for hem, regularly
25c, for 19c ...... ,
27V2c to 29c Bleached Tubing, at 19c
Genuine Dwight Anchor tubing, only make with
that soft, satin finish; also pequot tubings, un
branded, 42 to 54-inch, usually 27c to 29c, the
yard, 19c.
Buriess-Naah Co.-
Pillow Cases, at 12 'Ac
Good quality, bleached pillow cases, 42x36-inch.
We consider them extreme values, Thursday at,
each 12 He.
Bleached Sheets at 65c
81x90-inch bleached, center seamed sheets,
hemmed and made of round thread sheeting,
special, 65c.
Pepperell Sheeting
Good quality and weight.
8- 4 size for 27c
9- 4 size for 29c
10- 4 size for 31c
Down-Stairs Store.
Extreme Corset
Values at $4.39
That's what this Mid-winter
white sale affords. For in
stance, here is a group of high
grade corsets in well known
brands, including Bien Jolie,
Grecian Tricot, La Victore, etc.
in coutils and brocades, great
variety of styles no doubt the
style best suited to your figure ;
corsets that were to $12, at,
Brassieres at $1.98
In cluny or embroidery ef
fects, all good, desirable num
bers, either front or back clos
ing; brassieres that were to
$3.50, for $1.98. "..
Brassieres that were to $2.00
for $1.19.
Brassieres that were to 75c'
for 39c. '
Bureees-Nash Ce. Second Floor.