THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1917. Meat Cause of Kidney Trouble Take a Class of Salts if your Back hurts or Bladder bothers Meat forms uric acid. If you must have your meat every duy, eat it, but flush your kidneys with salts occasionally, says a noted authority who tells us that meat forms uric acid which almost paraly zes the kidneys in their efforts to expel it from the blood. They be come sluggish and weaken, .then you suffer from a dull misery in the kid ney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizziness, your stom ache sours, tongue is coated and when the weather is bad have rheumatic twinges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get sore and irritated, obliging you to setk relief two or three time during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids, to cleanse the kidneys and flush off the body's urinous waste get four ounces of Jad Salts from any phar macy here; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act line. This famous saltsis made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize the acids in urine, so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in jure, and makes a delightful efferve scent lithia-water drink. Adv. PIMPLY? WELL, DON'T BE! Peoplo Notice It. Drivje Them Off t with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets A pimply face will not embarrass you much longer if you get a package of Or. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin should begin to clear after you have taken the tablets a few nights. Cleanse the blood, the bowels and the liver with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the successful substitute for calomel there's never any sickness or pain after taking them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that which calomel does, and just as effec tively, but their action is gentle and safe instead of severe and irritating. No one who takes Olive Tablets is ever cursed with "a dark brown taste," a had hreath. a dull, listless, "no eood" feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad disposition or pimply face. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Dr. Edwards spent years among pa linti afflicted with liver and bowel complaints, and Olive Tablets are the immensely ettective result. Take one or two nightly for a week. See how much better you feel and look. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. DEAD ON HJSFEET GOliD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capml6s will hrintr new life and auicklv relieve that atoppl-up congested feeling. They -will (nuroujfniy cietnw biiu wbsii vui viic iwu- ncys and .-bladder and gently carry off the III effects of eicesaes of all kinds. The heal ing, boo thing oil soaks right Into the walls Jid lining of the kidneys and expels the poisons In your system. Keep your kidneys in good shape by dally use of GOLD MKDAt, Haarlem Oil Capsules and you will have good health. Go to your druggist at once and secure a package of this time-honored world-wide remedy. It Is not a "patent medicine." It Is passed upon by U. S. Gov ernment chemists and declared puro before cpmlng Into this country. GOLD MEDAL la tn pure, original tiaariem uu. imported direct from the ancient laboratories In Hol land where It Is the National Household Remedy of the sturdy Dutch. Look for the name of GOLD MKDAL on every box. Accept no substitute. Your druggist will gladly re fund your money If not as represented. Advertisement. My pimples are I'M an. goneii esmol oapaidit Think what a difference it makes to me I A week ago I was ashamed to be seen. Whenlrf;'rfgoout,peopleseemed to avoid me. But nowthat Resinol Soap with just a little Resinol Ointment has given me back my good complex sion, I am ready for anything. All druggists sell Resinol Soap and Ointment, MOTHERSjjO THIS- When the Children Cough, Rub Musterole 00 Throats and Chests No telling how soon t..j symptoms may develop into croup, or worse. And then's when you're glad you have a jar of Mus terole at hand to Rive prompt, sure re lief. It does not blister. As first aid and a certain remedy, Musterole is excellent Thousands of mothers know it You should keep -a jar in the house, ready for instant use. It is the remedy for adults, top. Re lieves sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, head ache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, chilblains, frosted feet and colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). INSURANCE RATES 0FA.0JJ.W.G0UP Nebraska Delegates Convene in Omaha to Decide on Read justment of Costs. HITS VETERAN MEMBERS GOOD ROADS STAFF TO G0METH1S WEEK Offices Have Been Provided on the Second Floor of the County Court House. GOOD QUARTERS PROVIDED Rates in the Ancient Order of United Workmen, one of the oldest of the fraternal insurance companies, are to be advanced. Representatives of the Nebraska grand lodge of the order are now in Omaha to make the advance and put it into effect. Some 600 of these delegates are in the city holding their session in the Hotel Fontenelle behind closed doors. Before the Ancient Order of United Workmen grand lodge dele gates solve the problem that has brought them together, the level plan of rates adopted not long ago by the National fraternal congress will Be in effect. The new rates will not hit the young fellows very hard, but the men who joined the order years ago and have been paying assess ments of $1.50 to $2 per month and have now reached the age of 65 years or thereabouts will be boosted to $8 or so per month for the remainder of their lives, in the event they con tinue to participate in the insurance feature. To see how this advance, or rather readjustment! rates, as it is called, is made, besides the Nebraska dele gates there are present Joseph Ober felder, Sidney, member of the grand finance committee; G. M. Graybell, grand lodge, Kansas; Ford Cooper Jackson, publisher of ' the Kansas Woodman, St. Louis; Wilbur J. How ell, grand recorder, Missouri; E. B. Evans, grand master, Iowa, and B. F. Carlson, grand overseer, Minnesota. At 9 o'clock Wednesday morning the special session of the Nebraska grand lodge convened in the ballroom of the Hotel Fontenelle.-It was called to order by Frank Anderson, Hol drege, grand master for Nebraska. The address of welcome was by Mayor Dahlman, followed by the re- i sponse by the grand master, men the grand lodge went into executive session. During the morning session Jacob Oberfclder presented the rules gov erning the present session of the body and they were adopted unanimously. Anderson Makes Plea. Grand Master Anderson delivered an(exhaustive address, explaining the necessity of a readjustment of rates and giving the reasons for calling the present session. While no vote was taken on the proposition looking to an advance or ! readjustment, it was apparent that members present were in perfect ac cord with the ideas advanced by the speaker. lhe afternoon session was given over almost entirely to a discussion of the proposed rates, what effect put-; ting them into effect would have upon; membership now and in the future.; Every phase of tire rate question was gone into and same slight changes were made in the -bylaws governing subordinate lodges. j Another session of the grand lodge will be held Thursday, the desire, be- ing to complete the business in order that delegates may catch the aftar-' noon trains home. ' One of Omaha's federal plums, the federal good roads headquarters for the rifth district, verted into one large room for the use of the five government draftsmen who are expected to arrive in Omaha the latter part of this week or the first of next week to lake up their duties. Richard S. Horton, public defender, will move his offices to the fourth floor, where a portion of the grand jury room is to be remodeled. Robert Smith, clerk of the district court, will vacate his private office which has an entrance into the pub lic defenders' quarters. The other office which will be used by the fed eral good roads force is Mr. Horton's recently-landed outer office. The headquarters of me government roao experts win nc next to County burveyor Pie Hunters Rush Like Deserving mail is bringing new letters of this character to Manley and Parrish. both of whom have now a neat little I lile of applications. Demos for Berths i Woman Appointed Clerk Of Senate Committee Every job the federal farm loan bank in Omaha will create has a dozfti applications waiting for it will have offices on the second Boor i office so as to give the federal and of the court house, according to an county employes an opportunity to announcement made by the county work together in the betterment of commissioners following a special highways. meeting. When the commissioners The activities of the free employ were notified several weeks ago that ment bureau, a federal, county and Omaha had a good chance to land j city enterprise which will have the honor over Kansas Citv and offices on the Harney street floor of other cities in the Fifth district, ! the courthouse, are to get under way Washington was immediately ad-; about January 13. Commissioner vised that ample space would be pro-! John Lynch lias been advised, vided in the counjv house, Three large offices will be con-! Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Washington, Jan. 3. For the first time a woman, Miss Jessie L. Simp son, of St. Louis, has been granted now. itlic privileges 01 inc noor oi inc These applications have not vet senate. She was appointed secretary , n:.:.ii.. ...,,...i ii,. a. i to the senate foreign relations com- ".T, M' ' niiitee last night by Senator Stone, avenue to Happy Hollow boulevard, the total cost of this improvement be ing $32,999. The board will sit until 5 p. in., according to usual custom. . . ' , i i ..- ...ft i erai larm loan ooarii ai , Jll( js ,lc f,rst woman to serve as hut thev are accumulating in the ot- ( -,,;,,.. . Adams'iflcf 0f Commissioner Manley of the I nn -,..:- .tjh ;, the orjvilt Commercial club and Manager 1 ar- p( (hc Hoor Ulsi simpson ila9 b risb of the bureau of publicity. (hc ,rnatt)r-s sccretary for a number No sooner had the announcement j 0j vf rs come mat vjmaua was inuavu as .mr of the ideations, than letters began to pour in. One man wants to he the appraiser of farm lands for the bank. He admits that he knows noth ing about it, but he wants the job. Another man from a small town in the state recites that he is 'honest. industrious and sober, !be head janitor of the building, hvery City Council Hears Mcxs On High Assessment Plan The citv council is sitting as a l board of equaliiation. The most im I portant matter in hand is a plan of and wants to j assessment for a boulevard from ' l-nrty-seventh street ana Military THE MERE FACT THAT Scott's Emulsion is generously used in tuberculosis camps is proof positive that it is the most energizing prepa ration in the world. It has power to create power. It warms and nourishes; it enriches the blood, stops loss of flesh ana ' j builds you up. SC0TTS IS PURE AND RICH AND FREE FROM ALCOHOL Scot! ft Bownc, BloomieM, N. J. U-M Midland Glass and Paint C,l., rn.,.nn Linn.. omcaiiieii lyuiivciic neic. Beginning Thursday thirty sales men of the Midland Glass and Paint company are to be in Omaha for the annual meeting or convention of the sales force at the Hotel Fontenelle. The year's work will be reviewed and prospects and methods for the en suing year will be taken up. Sales men will be in from all over the ter ritory, extending as far as the Pa cific coast, and factory representatives from the east will confer with the men who handle their lines of goods. A banquet is to be given for the men in the tea room of the Hotel Fonte nelle Thursday evening, January 4. Meyers Displays Cash and "Friend" Promptly Robs Him Daniel Meyers of Great Falls, Mont., dislikes to have anyone tell him he is broke. Tuesday night he met a friend in a Third ward saloon who agreed to show him Omaha's points of interest. On the way to the Fontenelle they picked up another stranger, who suggested .hat the three match dollars for the supper. Meyers lost $10 at a dollar a throw. He balked at buying the supier. One of his new acquaintances called him a piker and said he didn't l.cve $10 to his name. Meyers flashed three tens. One of the slickers grabbed them and ran. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepackage proves it 25c at alldruggists. Maloney Has His Eagle Eye on the Watch for a Bear If Billy Dawson, world's champion glass ball shooter, carries out his promise, Chief of Detectives Steve Maloney will soon be the possessor of a real live cub bear. The local chiet-has received a let ter from Dawson, who is at Alpena, Mich., which says that a keg of trout arc enroutc and that the first grizzly cub captured will follow. t Uncle Sam Food Company Re-Elects President Lee The .Uncle Sam Breakfast Food company at the annual stockholders' meeting Tuesday declared a substan tial dividend and re-elected A. H. Lee president. John M. McGowan was elected vice president, P. O'Mallcy secretary and Clem J. Lee treasurer and manager. South Side Principal Is Now a Married Man Edward Huwaldt, principal of South High school, was married on Monday at Grand Island lo Miss Ruth Amanda Kerr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Kerr. Formal an nouncement from the parents of the bride has been received at public school headquarters. For Rheumatism and nnilfla. No bct'ter 'remedy for rheumatism and neuralgia than Sloan's Liniment. The first application Rives Teller. Only 25c. All druggists. Advertisement. -JOHN A. SWANSOX, Pres WM. L HOLZMAK, Trcas. mm m lv art w mm mm mm mmr wm mm- w mm The Colossal Clearance Event Starts Thursday, Jan. 4th Thousands Upon Thousands of Suits and -aSxlV. f WINDOWS jrJf I itrmB Clearing Now irf America's Original HALF-PRICE SAL ' x The most wonderful .showing in .the West' of Men's and " '., Young "Men's World's Best Rochester, N. Y Hand-Tailored Clothing is involved in this drastic clearance sale. ' '. s Read These Smashing Reductions, It's Your Opportunity! Our $25 Overcoats and Suits $flfl!59 'Jhfi- Our $i5 Overcoats and Suits - $P950 Ha.f-Price.. A Our $20 Overcoats and SuitsSfl A00 Half-Price JLIT Mr. John A. Swanson, Pres. Of the Nebraska C.othing Co. Originator of the Half Price Clothing; Sale, Ssys! "In spite of the unheard-of prffce advances and the unpre cedented scarcity of woolens, the Greater Nebraska adheres steadfastly to Its policy of Keeping the Sew Store New. Every where stores are hanging on to tbelr stocks. Clearance sales are few and far between. But this organisation does not speculate on merchandise. Regardless of cost, loss or possible future value, our clothing must be sold during the season it was bought for; Greater Nebraska style-prestige demands it Our patrons reap the benefit of our progressrreness." Our $30 Overcoats and Suits $fl COO Half-Price JL9 Our $35 Overcoats and Suits $41 Half-Price JLi Half-Price Our $40 Overcoats- and Suits Sft A00 Half-Price tjr All Our Finest $46.00 and $50.00 Satin Lined Overcoats at Half Price $22.50 and $25.00 All sizes for men and young men, including the largest stocks of stouts, short stouts, longs, long stouts and extra large men's sizes. 38 to 50-inch chest measure. BLUE AND BLACK SUITS EXCEPTED .PBClAli JIOTICKt NO CHARGES. NO C. O. D.'B NO APPROVALS. ' - NO REFUNDS, A imall eharg. for alterations during this ale. "All Women's Wearing Apparel Musi Be Cleared Away" Say a the "I Will" Man Every woman for hundred of miles around knows that Greater Nebraska clearance bargains stand absolutely alone for price smashing on finest garments. Such wonderful values will go with a rush. Be here early Thursday morning when the sale opens. Extra! Extra! Beautiful New Silk and Serge Dresses M5 Talaes Ip to 124.50 In this lot ire most attrac tive afternoon and street dresses of Georgette Crepe. Chiffon Taffeta and Crepe Meteor, in all wanted colors. Serge dresses in the newest knife and box pleated effects. Scores of bargain. Sizes 16 to 44. Our Entire Stock of Women's OAT All Cloth Coats at Half-Price as Follovs ALL $17.50 COATS AT $ 8.75 ALL $19.50 COATS AT $ 9.75 ALL $22.50 COATS AT $11.25 ALL $24.50 COATS AT $12.25 ALL, $29.50 COATS AT $14.75 ALL $32.50 COATS AT $16.25 ALL $34.50 COATS AT $17.25 ALL $37.50 COATS AT $18.75 ALL $30.50 COATS AT $19.75 ALL $44.50 COATS AT $22.25 ALL $49.50 COATS AT $24.75 ALL $54.50 COATS AT $27.25 PRICE All Plush Coats at Half-Price as Follows ALL $29.50 COATS AT $14.75 ALL $34.50 COATS AT $17.25 ALL $39.50 COATS AT $19.75 ILL $44.50 COATS AT $22.25 ALL $49.50 COATS AT $24.75 ALL $54.50 COATS AT $27.25 ALL $59.50 COATS AT $29.75 ALL $64.50 COATS AT $32.25 ALL $69.50 COATS AT $34.75 ALL $74.50 COATS AT $37.25 ALL $79.50 COATS AT $39.75 ALL $84.50 COATS AT $42.25 Hundreds of Women'sMisses' High Grade mm Tallies Ip to $49ib. Included in this lot are fine 8erges, Poplins, Gabardines and other desirable cloth suits. Colors Blue, Brown, Black, Gray and mlitures. values in this sale up to 1 49.50; Thursday, at $10. ALL OUR HIGH-GRADE FUR SETS AND SCARFS AT ONE-THIRD OFF MnHA WANtOH- IfJMAlm, ilJJ 1J J JllJIli" EXTRA SPECIAL WOMEN 'S SKIRTS, VALUES UP TO THURSDAY AT WM L HOIIWW.'MII sf CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND "WOMEN-