THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4. 1917. Nebraska PLAN CELEBRATION FOR RUM SCHOOLS Committee Chosen to Formu late . Program for Semi , Centennial Reports. WILL CLOSE AT LINCOLN (From a SUtf Correspondent.) Lincoln, Jan. 3. (Special.) A bulletin setting aside the days on which the rural schools of Nebraska will celebrate the semi-centennial of the admission of the state to the union, a part of the State-wide ob servance in 1917, has been issued by State Superintendent A, O. Thomas. The bulletin is addressed to county and district semi-centennial commit tees and is siened bv A. O. Thomas of Lincoln, Ross L. Hammond oil rremont and I'aul jessen ot Ne braska City, the state-wide committee on school observance of this, fiftieth anniversary. The first program, according to the bulletin, is to be held on Lincoln's birthday, February 12, in each indi vidual school district. Throughout-the churches and Sun day schools of the state attention to the celebration will be a part of the services on February 25. v The final local program will be held in every Aunty seat in the state March 1, when all the school dis tricts of the state are expected to take part. As program material Dr. Thomas suggests dramatization of local and state history, addresses by pioneers and old settlers, historical carnivals and pageants covering local state and national themes, the development of business and unveiling of pictures and statuary. The Nebraska state ode is being mailed to each committee and such books are recommended as A. R. Sheldon's "History of Nebraska," "Once Upon a Time in Nebraska," by Alexander C. Troup of Omaha, and "Mear's Story of Nebraska." The local semi-centennial commit tee in each community consists ol the county superintendent, the mayor of the city, the president of the com mercial club and the president of the local woman's Hub. The state-wide celebration to close the observance will be held in Lin coln the first week in June, when as part of the week's program the choic est program of features offered in county programs March 1 may be brought to Lincoln. Honorary Seats Extended Supreme Judges-Elect (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Jan. 2. (Special.) Judge Albert J. Cornish of Lincoln and Judge James R. Dean of Broken Eow, new supreme judges-elect, were ex tended an honorary seat on the high bench Tuesday morning, through an invitation of courtesy extended by Supreme Justice Andrew M. Morris sey. These officers will not be sworn in as supreme judges until Thursday? They are sitting with the other members of the court hearing motions in the case of Morrison against the Illinois Central, a damage suit ap pealed from Holt county. , Crossoehme-Whitmore. Auburn, Neb., Jan. 3. (Special.) Arno Grossoehme and Miss Florence Whitmore, two popular young people of this city, were married at Lincoln January 1. The bride is an accom plished musician, both vocal and in strumental, and the groom is a suc cessful salesman for an Illinois firm, with headquarters here. Overcomes Constipation, lndiiestion. lr. ' King's New Life Ptlls will overcome your constipation, biliousness and Indiges tion. Take a dose tonight. Only 26c. All druggists. Advertisement. January Clearance Sale of SPLENDID suits, Coats & dresses FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS woman who seeks real quality at a cost price it will pay her this week. Come early while Women's Coats 33V3 Off $22.50 Coats,' bow S15.00 ' $30.00 Coats, now $20.00 $45.00 Coats, now $30.00 , $60.00 Coats, now $40.00 $75.00 Coats, now $55.00 Women's Dresses 25 Discount $15.00 Drosses, now... $11.25 $20.00 Dresses, now... $15.00 $22.50 Dresses, now. . .$17.50 $25.00 Dresses, now... $18.75 $30.00 Dresses, now. . $22.50 FURS 25 SMART WEARING APPAREL FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN Metcalfe Named Private Secretary . To Gov. Neville (From a Staff Correspondent.) .Lincoln, Neb.. Jan. 3. (Special Telegram.) Governor-elect Neville announced this afternoon the appoint ment of Lee Metcalfe of Omaha as his private secretary. Mr. Metcalfe was elected assistant clerk of the house yestekday, but will resign today. He will begin his new duties tomor row. He is a son of Richard L. Metcalfe of Omaha. Railroads Pay Taxes at Auburn. Auburn, Neb., Jan. 3. (Special.) The taxes of the .two railroads oper ating in Nemaha county, the Missouri Pacific and the Burlington, have been paid in, the first paying $9,'802.86, and the last named, $9,214.01. The Mis souri Pacific paid $761 of the above amount under protest and has asked for a refund of that amount, which the county commissioners have de nied. A suit by the railroad company is. expected. House Appoints Committee On Jobs And Then Adjourns (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 3. (Special Telegram.) The house was in-ses-sion a few minutes this morning, but it transacted no business. The com mittee on committees announced that it was not ready to report and ad journment was taken to give it an opportunity to complete its work. The committee on employes was an nounced as follows: Hoffmeister, Dau and Reischick. ; The committee has the power to "hire and fire," and no warrants for house salaries or expenses can be drawn without the O. K. by the chairman. The Question of the car shortage 'in Nebraska was also raised, but upon motion was laid over until Thursday. The motion calls for a detailed report from the State Rail way commission in regard to the car shortage in the state. Notes from Beatrice And Gage County Beatrice, Neb.,-Jan. 3. (Special.) Walter Stanford, who claims to be a resident of Kansas City, walked into the office of the justice of the peace at Virginia yesterday and con fessed to having sold liquor illegally in Virginia and vicinity the last few weeks. He was brought to Beatrice by Sheriff Acton and pleaded guilty to the charge of selling liquor to two parties. He was fined $200 and costs, and being unable to pay his fine he was lodged in jail. Charles Blaker and Miss Elsie Shal la, both of Barneston, were married by County Judge Walden at the court house yesterday. The groom is the young man who was shot at five times recently when he was in a buggy accompanying Miss Shalla home from a dance. They will make their home on a farm near Barneston. P. Parde, a farmer, living near Sterling,, lost four, horses,. 800 bush els of corn and oats and some-hay when a fire, supposed to have been of incendiary origin, destroyed his barn New Year's night. : Soldiers' Home Notes: Grand Island, Neb., Jan. 3. (Special. Hugh Steven, late of Company D, Twenty third Iowa Infantry, and who ia a helpless patient In the West hospital, has been noti fied from the department at Washington, D, C, that hl pension has been increased to 50 a month. He Is a native of Ohio, and was admitted to Burkett on February 19, 1902, from Cherry county, Nebraska. John Roseboom, home florist, was very agreeably surprised yesterday morning by the arrival of a daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs, Gooder of Alberta, Canada. The ladles of the Women's Relief Corps served an oyster supper at the home chapel Monday evening. The chapel was handsomely decorated and ,the tables arranged very attractively. - Arnold Wells has an attack of the grippe and is under tne care or me pnyaician. MY FIRST the assortment is best. Girls' Coats 33y3 off Sizes 3 to 16 Years $ 7.50 Coata, now. $ 5.00 $10.00 Coats, now $ 6.75 $15.00 Coats, now $10.00 $22.50 CoaU, now $15.00 OFF A. T. BENSON Guy, Son of Judge Barnes, , Is Dead in Denver Lincoln. Tan. 2. (Special Tele gram.) Judge J. B. Barnes of the supreme court received a message from Denver this afternoon stating that his son Guy, who went to that city about two months ago suffering from tuberculosis, had died suddenly this morning. Young Barnes had been in the em ploy of the State Railway commis-, sion for five years. Knee Cut by Bum Saw. Fremont. Neb., Jan. 3. (Special.) Fred Warren of Clark's was brought to a local hospital suffering with a cut on his left knee which he suffered when he fell against a buzz saw he was operating at his home. Rural Iellvery Routes. .W4Mntnn. Jan. S. (SDeclal Telegram.) Trl-weekly rural free delivery routes will be established on March S as follows: Homer, Dakota county, Nebraska: Imperial. Chase county, Nebraska: Cotton Wood, Jack son county. South Dakota. Turn Hair Dark ' WithSageTea Grandma kept her locks dark, glossy and youthful with i simple mix ture of Sage Tea and Sulphur v The old-time mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair is grand mother's recipe, and folks are again using it to keep their hair a good, even color, which is quite sensible, as we are living in an age when a youthful appearance is of the greatest advantage. ' Nowadays, though, we don't have the troublesome task of gathering the sage and the mussy mixing at home. All drug stores sell the ready-to-use product, improved by the ad dition of other ingredients, . called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound," for about 50 cents a bottle, h is very popular because nobody oan Aimvr it has been arjDlied. Sinl- I ply moisten your comb or a soft fBrush with it and draw, this through your hair, taking one smal) strand at a time; by morning the gray hair dis appears, but what delignts tne laaies with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound is that, besides beautifully darkening the hair after a few appli cations it also produces that soft lus tre and appearance or aDunuancc which is so attractive, This ready-to-delisrhtful toilet requisite for those who desire a more youthful appearance. 11 is not in tended for the cure, mitigation or pre vention of disease. Advertisement. Thirty-five years Experience with Good Kidney Medicine I have been in the drug business for thirty-five years and I have sold Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root satisfac torily as long as I can remember. I have never heard an unfavorable com ment, but have heard of several dif ferent cases of kidney, liver and blad der ailments whre Swamo-Root pro duced beneficial result. Judging from personal experience -1 can say that I believe it to be a very good medicine and I recommend it. , Very truly yours, C. STEINER, Druggist, ' t 208 South 12th St., Sept. 21, 1916. , Lincoln, Neb 1ttr to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Bingham ton, N. Y. Prow Whit Swan Root Will Dt for You - c.,i m rnfe tr, Dr. Ktlrher & Co.. OCIIU XV vhim - r -, Binghamton, N. Y., fox a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone, i uu will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing be sure and mention' The Omaha Daily Bee. Regular 50-cent and $1 size bottles for sale at all drug stores, all varments, and to the girl or well to come to my shop' Women's Suits 333 Off $35.00 Suits, now $23.50 $45.00 Suits, now $30.00 $50.00 Suits, now $33.50 $65.00 Suits, now $42.50 Girls' Suits 12 to 16 Years $15.00 Suits, now $10.00 $20.00 Suits, now $13.50 $22.50 Suits, now $15.00 As Prices Are at Cost or Less, This Sale Is for Cash Only SMART WEARING APPAREL FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN Record Breaking Blouse Sale Saturday Continuing the Annual January 1 This is more than a sale, it is one of the most unusual merchandising events of the Biggest Store in the Middle West, and the stock is so enormous and varied, that each day will find its full quota of wonderful news and each day you will be able to share some new and remarkable economy. , - Dainty Underwear Offerings Are We Domestics, Ready-Made Sheets Genuine "Pepperell" Bleached Sheeting One of the most popular and oldest sheetings manu factured. Soft finish, easily laundered. The choicest American product at less than mill cost today. , 10-4 Width, yard. 31c 9-4 Width, yard. 29c 8-4 Width, yard 27c Knit Underwear Women's $1.25 Union Suits, silk tops and lisle bod ies. Cuff knee, crochet bead ing tofis. Sizes 4 to 7. Regu lar price $1.25, sale price 85c Women's $1.00 Fine Cot ton Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves; ankle length. Sizes 4, 5 and 6. Worth $1, sale price Children's and Boy s' .Union Suits, fleecy lined cot- tons. Worth to 59c 35c Women's Vests, with long sleeves. Ankle . pants to match. All sizes. Worth to 35c, sale price, the gar ment 21c Main Floor. Chiffon Veils and Veilings $1.25 Silk Chiffon Auto Veils, hemstitched and fancy stripe bor ders. Regular price -$1.25, sale price 1-00 Silk Net and Lace Veils, many pretty borders and patterns, suit able for drape or face veils. Worth to $1.00, sale price, each 39c White Silk Face Veilings, in Shetland finish. The best washable quality, many pretty designs to se lect from. Worth to 60c. Sale price, yard 25c Main Floor. brandeis Stores have irathered together one of ever offered to the people of Omaha no matter how little you pay, each and every garment, is generously cut, well made and finished.. At 18c Ladies' Drawers, plain tucked or embroidery trimmed, very well made and In excellent var iety; also Corset Covers of lace or embroidery, in pleasing as sortments. At 55c Crepe de Chine Camisoles, a beautiful assortment of these most desirable garments, in flesh or white. They would sell here readily at $1.00 usually. At $1.00 Very special lot of Undermus lins, grouped together in wonder ful assortment; new, fresh and crisp; Gowns, Skirts, Combina tions, Envelopes and Princess Slips. At $1.39 Wonderful assortment of dain ty Lingerie, especially selected for this sale; Gowns, Skirts, Combinations, Suits and Envel opes. Beautifully trimmed with lace and ribbons. Children's and Ideal Waists, in all 0 1 . sizes .SIC Children's Slips, in great assort ment, also Gowns and Drawers values up to 59c, 35 C Children's Drawers and 1Q. Gowns . . . .w... . IOC Infants' Long Slips, 18c Genuine "Wamsutta" and "Dwight Anchor" Bleached Sheetings and Tubings Again we have secured for our. January White Sale these most wonderful sheeting fabrics, which are known from coast to coast as the best obtainable. We were for tunate in placing an early contract with the Sayless Bleach ery, which enables us to offer wonderful values, at prices away below market quotations today. All widths. Not stamped, but otherwise perfect. 10-4 Bleached "Wamsutta" Sheeting , on. yard 0,c 9-4 Bleached "Wamsutta" Sheeting OA yard Jvl 8-4 Bleached "Wamsutta" Sheeting no yard OC 36-Inch Bleached Muslin, mill lengths, direct from the Sayless Bleachery. Values to 12 He, sale price, yard 8Ji 36-Inch Bleached Muslin, "Jack Frost" brand. Good grade, soft fin ish. Off the bolt, sale price, yard, for 105c January Models A Record Breaking the Biggest Stocks of Lingerie At 39c Brassieres and Corset Covers. Group after group of these a . very, very unusual assortment at . the extremely low price we are quoting; exceptionally well made. , At 69c It would be hard, indeed, to find another such remarkable grouping of stylish Undermus lins, in Gowns, Skirts, Combina ' tion Suits, Envelopes and Draw ers. At $1.25 to $3.75 Fine Lingerie Gowns, all beau tifully trimmed with fine Val and Filet Laces, offset with daintiest ribbons. At $1.25 to $3.75, WHICH ABE HALF PRICE. Af $1.89 Special lot of dainty, crisp, White Undergarments; of sheer Lingerie Cloth; trimmed with dainty laces and embroidery. Many new patterns and ideas. Infants' Wear t Infants' Crochet Sacques 22 C Infants' Outing FlanneKl O Kimonos, values 60c IOC Infants' Outing Flannel IO Skirts and Gowns. IOC Children's Outing IO. Skirts IOC Sscond Floor. Extra Heavy Unbleached Sheet ing, mill shorts. 77 inches wide. Lengths to 20 yards. Regular 23c value. Special on Bargain Square, at, yard 19c 38-Inch Unbleached Muslin, fine, soft finish, easily laundered. Regular price 9c, sale price, yard, for 6Hc in Nemo Corsets New styles, made especially for the January Sales, and introducing new developments in some of the very best and latest Nemo inventions. Prices for these models are extremely low, con sidering the great advance in cost of materials, while quality is fully up to the well-known Nemo standard. THREE NEW MODELS at $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 For the MEDIUM-FULL figure No. 30B, a Back Resting Corset with Auto-Massage bandlets that support and reduce the abdomen. Low top. Sizes 20 to 3013.00. For the STOUT figure, No. 355, a Self-Reducing model, with incurved front steels and Auto-Massage bandlets. A fine supporting and reducing corset. Low top, higher in front. Sizes 22 to 3613.50. For the STOUT woman who suffers from back ache. No. 408, a Self-Reducing model with Back Resting feature. Low top. Sizes 22 to 36. Great value at S4.00. All Nemo Corsets expertly fitted without charge. Second Floor. Blouse Sale Saturday Watch the Paper Each Day for Special Announcements. Unparalleled I a si -s r and Slips Genuine Bleached "Bridal" Sheet This most popular brand of sheets stands for perfec tion of weave, weight and wearing quality, UNEXCEL LED. The nearest approach to linen in weight arfd fin ish. 3-inch hems, ready for use. . ' : . V Size. . . Sale. Price. 72x90 Inches .98c Each 72x99 Inches.'. .$1.10 Each 81x90 Inches... $1.10 Each 81x99 Inches. . . $1.15 Each Handkerchiefs Men's and Women's all pure Linen Handkerchiefs,' with initials; worth 19c,- at v.. l2V4c Men's and Women's extra fine all pure Linen Hand kerchiefs, plain and initials, some hand-embroidered ; worth up to 35c, at. . . . 19c Women's Handkerchiefs, all fine linen, each.. ... .5c Men's and Women's fine Cotton Handkerchiefs, hem- stitched and some embroid ered, each . . .;. .... . . .3V4c Main Floor. . Trimming Department Dainty White Silk Rosebud Trimmings, worth 50c per yard, special, at, per yard. .. . . .29c All our novelty and Ocean Pearl Buttons, all sizes, worth to 15c, per card, at 7M White Swansdown, worth 59c per yard, special, at ...,39c' All our white Iridescent and Opalescent Band Trimmings, for mer price, $1.00, per yard, at 69c. Main Floor. . ca .a H , hi '"a ,lHI r!l ;ni : 0! aw ltrij till VI nn1 nu m nmr if.rf t : !-.( r.i'n '.p M3 51 i0 1S12 FARNAM STREET