Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1917, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
More store news in
than other papers.
"The great market place"
VOL. XLVI. NO. 171.
( TralRt, at Hottl.
Mm SUadi, ate., M
And He Hasn't Skidded Yet
Outgoing Executive Will Ad
dress Lawmakers and In
coming Official Deliv
ers Inaugural. t
ambassador to the United Statu,
whoso recall mar b prelude to
break botwoon the two countries.
Spokesman for Carranza Says
Negotiations Will Not Be
Renewed Until They
. : W
Former Premier of Hung&.y
Rumored to Have Said Allies
Can Learn Conditions
From U. S. Chief.
President to Have Conference
With Members of Commis
- sion at 5 O'clock.
Queretaro, Mexico, Jan. 3. Felix
Palavacini, former secretary of public
instruction, who often has spoken for
General Carranza, declared before the
constitutional assembly last night the
international situation was grave.
, General Carranza, said the speaker,
hadVefused to resume conferences
with the United States representatives
until the American troops were with
drawn from Mexico unconditionally
and he declared that the assembly
must rush the work on the constitu
tion and proclaim the rights of the
people, while General Carranza and
the constitutional forces were battling
against a dangerous enemy,': to save
the national honor and integrity.
Wilson Will See Commissioners.
Washington, Jan. 1 President
Wilson will confer at 5 o'clock this
afternoon with Secretary Lane and
the other American members of the
Mexican-American commission.
It was announced that the Ameri
can commissioners would make a
statement of their, position to the
president and m some quarters that
was taken to forecast an end of the
commission negotiations. An answer
is being prepared to Carranza's plea
for modifications in the protocol, but
it was said that was not to be dis
cussed today with the president.
The end of the commission negotia
tions was considered by other officials
to be preliminary to a riew line of pro
cedure in Mexican relations, which is
expected to begin with the sending of
Henry P. Fletcher to his post as
American ambassador at Mexico City
and the withdrawal of the American
military expedition.
Illinois TwoCent
Fare Law Attacked
In Federal Court
' Chicago," Jan. 3 Hearing of th,e
petition of wenty-nine railroads to
restrain the Illinois Public Utilities
commission and other state adminis
trative agencies from enforcing the
Illinois 2-cent law, opened today in
federal court here before Judges Lan
dis. Carpenter and Evans. Repre
sentatives of half a dozen western
states were present.
Suspension foi four months of the
schedules, tiled by the railroads in
creasing practically all state passen
ger fares to 2 and 4-10 cents a mile
lias been ordered by the State Public
Utilities commission, pending the de
cision of . the court. , . .
The case developed from a protest
filed by Business Men's league of St.
Louis and a similar action by (he
business men of Keokuk, la., with the
Interstate: Commerce, commission,
charging that the railroads discrimi
nated in favor of Illinois points
across the Mississippi ... river from
those cities when the interstate fares
of cehts were charged by (he
railroads.' An order was issued by
the Interstate Commerce commis
sion to AiK railroads to cease dis
crimination against those cities' and
later it was amended to compel re
adjustment of intrastate rates in Illi
nois. The higher rate schedules are
based on this order.
Towns in North Dobrudja .
, Are Captured by Invaders
Berlin, Jan. 3. (By Wireless to
Sayville.) The towns of Matchin and
iijilai in northern Dobrudja have
ecu captured, it is announced ' of
ficially. ' -
The Weather
For Nebraska -Pair; no Important change
In temperature -
Hours. Deg,
6 a. m 24
6 a. m 23
7 a. m 25
t a. m it
t a. m 24
10 a. m..... 31
11 a. ra , ... 36
IS m 49
1 p. m.
Z p. m
5 p. m 48
4 p. m , 46
6 P. m 43
6 p. m 41
7 p. m 37
8 p. m 38
. . i- Cntpwatlre Local Rword.
m. ii6. ii4. ma.
Highest yesterday .. 4 44 26 2t
Lowest yesterday .... 23 20 21 14
Mean temperature ... 34 Jit 24 18
Precipitation "N 99 ' .00 .00 T
Temperatures and precipitation departures
(rem the normal:
Normal temperature 21
Kxcesa for the day
Total excese sin March 1 20ft
Normal precipitation -03 Inch
Deficiency (or the day. .08 Inch
Total railfall since March 1., .18.72 Inches
i'teclency slate March 1 12.68 Inches
Deficiency or. period, 1916.... l.0 inches
Deficiency cor. period, 1114.... 3.41 Inches
" Reports from Hiattom at 1 p. M.
autlon and State . Temp. High- Raln-
; of weather. T p. m.
Cheyenne, cloudy 32
Davenport, elar ....... 38 ,
Denver, cloudy 32
Dea Moines, clear 38
Dodge City, clear 49 '
Lander, part cloudy ;.. 18
North Platte, pt. cloudy 38 -Omaha,
clear ,., ..,, 37
lueblo, cloudy ........ 42
Kante Fe, part cloudy., 30
Sheridan, clear.... 20
8lous City, pt. cloudy. 38
Valentine.' part cloudy. 31 '
out fall.
- 34 's : T
- 38 .00
42 .M
44 ,.0
SO .00
34 .00
48 .00
48 .00
60 .00
38 r .00
18 - .
48 .90
42 J .89
T indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELCH, Meteorologist
f'j if
January 15 Date Set for Mus
tering Out Fourth Ne
braska Regiment.
The changing back of the soldiers
of the Fourth Nebraska regiment
from government troops to their for
mer status of Nebraska guardsmen,
officially set for January 15 by Colo
nel George Eberly, will be without
any military pomp or certmony.'
;' Themustering,. which has been, in
progress since ': the ( troops arrived
Sunday, consists or the checking and
reentering of all the clothes and
materials: issued the soldiers while
they were under government con
trol. After 'this "paper work," as it is
called in the army, is completed, the
men will be marched before the pay
master in companies and will then be
formally mustered out. Before they
have been mustered out, each must
undergo a medical examination. This
started Wednesday, when Companies
E, F and the headquarters company,
composed of orderlies arid the band,
were examined. From now on, three
companies will be examined each
day. After this has been , completed
and the men have been paid off they
will then be given transportation to
their tespective home towns.
Watching for Disease.
Although no new cases of diph
theria have been reported among the
soldiers of the returned Fourth Ne
braska regiment in the last twenty
four hours,' officers are watchful.
Every case of sickness is carefully
being examined and company officers
have beeh instructed to report imme
diately any signs of illness in their
There has been an epidemic of
colds among the soldiers, due, doc
tors believe, to climatic conditions
here, as compared with Texas. All
men reporting with colds or sore
throats are immediately being ex
amined for diphtheria.
The restrictions imposed yesterday
by Colonel Eberly have in no way
been modified in the last twenty-four
hours. Men of the machine gun
company and Company K, from
which the three diphtheria cases
were found Tuesday, are still con
fined to the post, with instructions to
mingle as little as possible with the
men of the other companies. Follow
ing the order, civilians were barred
from the barracks yesterday and of
ficers gave as few leaves of absence
as possible.
The three men who were ill were
reported better yesterday. None had
high fever and doctors look for their
rapid improvement.
French Battleship
Struck by Torpedo
" Off Port of Malta
Berlin, Jan. 3. (By Wireless to
Sayville.) A dispatch to the Zurich
Post from Milan reports that the
French battleship Verite has been
torpedoed by a German submarine
near Malta, says an Overseas News
Agency announcement today. The
Verite, badly damaged, is lying near
the port of Malta, the dispatch adds.
' The battleship Verite was built at
Bordeaux in 1907 and is one of a
class of four warships, of which the
Liberte was destroyed by an explo
sion in 1911. The battleships of this
class displace 14,630 tons, with a
water line length of 439 feet, beam
79.5 feet and draft 27.6 feet. Their
armament comprises four 12-inch and
ten 7.6-inch guns in the main battery,
with two. torpedo tubes. They have
a complenn 't of 742 men. The Verite
made 19.2 knots on its trial trip.
Assails German Ambassador
for Making Statement Ap
proving President's Note.
London, Jan. 3. President Wilson
new knows the peace conditions of
the Teutonic allies and the entente
powers can learn what they are from
him, Count Julius Andrassy, formerly
premier of Hungary, is quoted as
asserting in a dispatch forwarded to
the Central News Agency by way of
Amsterdam. '
Warrington, Jan. 3. After another
debate on Senator Hitchcock's reso
lution to have v the senate endorse
President Wilson's peace note dur
ing which Senatdr Lodge attacked
the German ambassador, Count von
Bernstortf, for having made a pub
lic statement approving it, the sen
ate today again deferred action and
will take up the question again to
morrow. Senator Lodge's open mention of
the German ambassador's name,
which the senator said he knew was
contrary to unwritten rules of sen
ate proceedings, was the sensation of
a speech in which the senator de
clared that although he accepted in
full faith President Wilson's state
ment that the note was in no way
suggested by nor associated with the
peace proposals of the German allies,
nevertheless he believed such state
ments as the German ambassador had
added to the opinion that the note
was timed and designed to aid Ger
many in making the peace terms it
desires. -
Should Hove Slowly.
On the ground that the senate, as
the only legislative body in the world
having a voice in international rela
tions, should move slowly and not
take any action which might after
ward become of aid to one set of
belligerents, Senator Lodge led the
opposition to the resolution in which
he was supported by other repub
licans, among them Senator Galli
gher, the republican leader, and Sena
tor Borah. i --
S.-nator Hitchiock, led thelightfo'r
his resolution, in which he was sup
ported iy. Senator, Smith of Georgia,
ill: the 'contention that an endow
ment of the president's note was no
more than an act in the interest of
When the senate resumes the de
hate tomorrow it also will have be
fore it a sub-resolution by Senator
Galligher, which merely would say:
"That the senate of the United States,
in the interest of humanity and civili
zation, expresses the sincere hope
that peace between the warring na
tions of Europe rnay be consummated
at an early date." ,
The Hitchcock Resolution.
The Hitchcock .. resolution would
"That the senate approves and
strongly endorses the action taken by
the president in sending the diplo
matic note of December 18 to the na
tions now engage' in war suggesting
and recommending that those nations
state the terms upon which peace
might be discussed."
Senator Lodge insisted today that
the Hitchcock resolution called upon
the senate to endorse all of the presi
dent's note, which he contended goes
far beyond any proposition merely to
bring the belligerents together.
It would project congress, he said,
into European politics, overturning a
policy of years standing and iy in
volving the United States in Euro
pean p'olitics necessarily would in
volve interests of the eastern hemis.
phere with the interests of the west4
em hemisphere in contravention of
the spirit of the Monroe doctrine. Be
cause of widespread misinterpretation
of the note Senator Lodge declared,
congress was venturing into danger
if it adopted the Hitchcock resolu
tion. Misinterpretation of Note.
"If misinterpretation of the note is
general," he said, "then we are in dan
ger, without abatement or modifica
tion of the resolution, of stating to
the whole world that the senate or
congress are ranging themselves on
the side of one belligerent in an. at
tempt to bring about peace.
"It will be observed that the presi
dent found it necessary to state that
he was embarrassed in making the
proposition as it might appear that
lie was influenced by the step taken
by Germany, but a short time previ
ous. "The president said his note was in
no way associated with the German
note. Unfortunately a different in
terpretation has been placed upon the
note, both abroad and here at home.
Otherwise, it couid hardly be coming
at the moment that it did."
Buffalo Bill Removed to
Resort; Fails to Improve
Denver, Colo., Jan. 3. Failure to
improve after a four weeks' illness at
the home of a sister here tonight led
to the removal of Colonel W. F.
Cody (Buffalo (Bill to Glenwood
Springs, Colo:, in the hope that treat
ment at that resort might aid him.
His sister, a nurse and physician
accompanied him. His sister inti
mated before leaving that she was
worried about her brother's condi
tion, but said he was not "critically
Colonel Cody's physician said that
the condition of the famous pioneer,
while better than it had been fcr
some time, still was serious.
Strong Effort Will Be Made to
Stop Victorious Advance of
Teutons Here.
(Aatoriattd Preis War Nummary.)
Reports from both sides In the
struggle in Roumania indicats that
the Russians , Jiave no,vvj;irtiially.
reached the line ofv the Sereth, to
which they have been falling back
while fighting strong, rear, guard ac
tions. ' . ' . ,v
Berlin today, announces that troops
of the Ninth army under Field Mar
shal von Mackensen are at Fokshani,
which is on the fortified line which
the Russians have been preparing and
which follows in a general way the
course of the Sercth. Ending at the
Danube between Braila and Galata,
this line -: extends northwestward
through Moldavia in the direction of
the western Moldavian frontier.
It is here, according to present in
dications, that the Russions count
upon bringing Field Marshal von
Mackensen's advance to a halt. Fail
ing this purpose, it has been pointed
out, they would expose their front
from Galicia southward to a possible
crumbline up process through a turn
ing movement and imperil their Bes
saraman territory 10 invasions norm
of the Danube, across the line of
the Pruth.
Apparently the Teutonic effort to
break this line is to be a strong one,
as today's Berlin statement records
smashing attacks upon the Russian
lines at several points in which pris
oners were taken and ground gained.
Meanwhile the drive at the right flank
of the Russians in this region along
the western Moldavian frontier is con
tinuing unabated and further progress
in the Transverse valleys, notably in
the Suchitza and Putna regions, is
announced. - -
On the Danube end of the- line the
security of Braila has been further
imperiled, according to the Berlin re
port, by a new advance of the Teu
tonic forces on the Dobrudja side
of the river, where the Russians have
been driven back further into the
northwestern corner of the province
opposite Braila. Elsewhere in the
field of war no important operations
are recorded in any of the official ac
counts, patrol and artillery activities
furnishing the material for the bulk
of the statements.
Berlin Journals Think Insult in
Reply Intended for Home Effect
Berlin, Jan. 2. (Via London, Jan.
3.) The reply of the entente to the
peace proposals of the central pow
ers is discussed at great length this
morning by the newspapers, which
base their remarks on the unofficial
press version of the note as received
here from French sources. The news
papers are unanimous in saying the
answer of the entente is only what
was to be expected in view of the
utterances of statesmen of the hos
tile nations.
The opinion is expressed that the
note was addressed less to the cen
tral powers than to the people of
the entente countries and to neutrals;
hence the strong declamatory lan
guage calculated, according to the
German opinion, further to inflame
passions against the Teutonic allies.
In particular it is declared the sec
tion devoted to Belgium is intended
expressly for the American people.
In general the answer is regarded
as the stiffest and .most brusque pos
sible and to be couched in insulting
Domestic Servants'.
Union Asks Time and
Half for Overtime
Duluth, " Minn., Jan. 3. The first
Domestic Servants' union reported
organized east of the Missouri river
has been formed here with 100 charter
members and they will present their
demands to the housewives of Duluth,
January 15, as follows:
Servants employed in families of
two, $20 to $25 a month.
Families of three or more, from $25
to $30 a month. " -" '
Nine-hour working , day with time'
and a half for all overtime. 1 v , w
One full day each week tor re
creation. .
Good, substantial food in reasonable
quantities for all meals.- -
Well lighted, p.roperly ventilated
and sanitary sleeping chambers. -
The union is said to be ac reation of
the Industrial Workers of the World.
Wood Resolution
For "Leak" Inquiry
Is Held Privileged
Washington, Jan. 3. Representa
tive Wood's resolution for a special
investigation of charges of a "leak"
on President Wilson's peace note
was held privileged by the house to
day and it was referred to the rules
committee with instructions to report
within ten days. .
Long-Time Resident of
Omaha Called by Death
Timothy O'Connor, for forty years
a resident of Omaha, died Wednesday
at his home at 2719 Brown street, as
the result of cancer of the stomach.
Mr. O'Connor came to Omaha in 1876
and for thirty years was in the service
of the Union Pacific. He is survived
by one brother and two sisters in
Montreal. Canada. The funeral will
be held this morning at 9:30 from the
Holy Name church. Interment will
be in St. Mary's cemetery.
Coad Becomes Chairman
Of Metropolitan Water Board
William J. Coad was elected chair
man of the Metropolitan Water board,
to succeed Fred D. Wead, who has
served a year. ;'C. M. Wilhclm was
elected vice chairman. The board re
organized yesterday afternoon for the
year. P. C. Heafey and R. B. Howell
succeeded themselves, thus making
no changes in the personnel.
and calumniating terms never before
seen in an international document. All
the newspapers agree that the only
answer that the central powers can
give is with the sword; that the war
must be continued until the allies
themselves sue for peace.
Only a few newspapers see even a
faint hope that peace still may be at
tainable within a reasonable time, Cu
riously enough the super-nationalist
pan-German, Taeglische Rundschau,
maintains a feeble show of cfotimlsm,
saying: v
"The thought of peace is not
quenched by this rejection," but even
this utterance is qualified by the ex
planation that peace can come only
through failure of the entente plans
of conquest and crushing of Germany.'
The Tageblatt also believe the idea
of peace retains its vitality, saying:
"Even though the attempt be made
to bury it under a thousand argu
ments, peace will continue to rise up
mightier than ever after every failure
to achieve expected victory."
Sweeper Blown to Pieces at
Mouth of Falmouth Harbor
and Seven Killed.
' New York, Jan. 3. Passengers ar
riving here on the Holland-American
steamer Nieuw Amsterdam say that
German mines containing exception
ally high explosives have been plant
ed close to al. the- large harbors in,
England, Scotland and Wales. They
point to the experience ot the iNteuw
Amsterdam and their own narrow
escape as confirmation. .
On its arrival off the harbor : of
Falmouth, England, from Rotterdam
a British trawler was sent out of
Falmouth to sweep the channel for
the entrance of the Dutch steamship.
The trawler struck a mine and was
blown to bits, seven of its crew of
twelve men being killed. The traw
lers then preceded the Nieuw-Am-
sterdam, dragging the channel. The
wreckage of the trawler that was
blown up was scattered about the
harbor mouth as the steamship passed
in. Captain Baron said the mines
were laid only half a mile off i the
actual entrance to Falmouth harbor.
The passengers heard that the mine
planting was started two weeks ago,
prior to the order of the admiralty
forbidding the announcement by
British firms in this country of the
sailing and arrivals of vessels. They
asserted that the minis were
anchored instead of being set adrift
promiscuously in the war zone about
the British isles and that submarines
with compartments for divers were
used in laying them.
The channel ports of Southampton,
Plymouth and Fain outh were said to
be mined outside first. The passen
gers heard that mines were placed off
Thameshaven, at the mouth of the
Thames, to catch vessels bound for
London, and later the floating bombs
were placed tff Liverpool, Bristol,
Hull, Glasgow, Cardiff and Swansea.
Anton Stecher Follows the
Example of Brother, Marries
Following tlic example of his
brother, Anton C. Stecher, older
brother of Joe Stecher, wrestler, yes
terday came to Omaha from Dodge
and was married by Rev. Charles W.
Savidgc at the Hotel Fontenelle. The
bride is Miss Leoua Holsten, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Holsten of
Dodge. She and Anton had been
friends for many years. Joe Stecher
and his bride of less than a 'month
and Mrs. Savidgc, wife of the offiiat-
mg pastor were the attendants. Anton
gave his age as 27 years. His bride
is 20 years old.
It was on December 6, last, that Joe
Stecher, without previous announce
ment or warning, came from Dodge
to Omaha and was married at the
Fontenelle by Rev. C. W. Savidge. At
Joe's wedding Anton was best man.
And at Anton's wedding Joe was
best man.
Nebraska City Christmas
' Proves Great Success
The Nebraska City Business Men's
association is pointing with pride to
the success of the recent communitv
Christmas tree, which was staked un
der the direction and supervision of
the civic organization. I he principal
business thoroughfare ' of the city,
Central avenue, was decorated for
six blocks with small, five feet high
evergreens, placed equal distances
apart. There were 300 Christmas
trees in the general scheme. The
large tree, twenty-five feet high and
brilliantly lighted, was erected at the
intersection, equal distances from
each end of the lighted section. Hun
dreds of dollars' worth of presents
were distributed to the children of
the city. ..
Public Reception This Evening
Will Be Marked With
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Jan. 3. (Special.) Governor-Elect
Keith Neville and all the
other state officers will be sworn in
before a joint convention of the sen
ate and the house in the house cham
ber at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon
following the canvass of the vote in
joint session today. -
At this session two messages to the
legislature will be read, one from the
outgoing governor, John H. More
head, and the other from Keith Ne
ville, the incoming executive, r.
The joint convention will be pre
sided over by John Mattes, president
nrn tem nf th atnati rnmmifWt
will be appointed to escort to the
sey, who will prescribe the oath to
the governor and state officers, -r
Governor Morehead's message will
be first read to the assembly. Then
the oath, will be given to Governor
Elect Neville, and he will read his
message. After all the other state
officers have taken the oath and
signed their nam 4b to it the joint
session win ne aajournea ana tne
two houses will continue their sepa-
Btsoii.iis in men uwii vuaifiucra.
' Simplicity the Note, v
Th rfnfinn alwaira nivn am tt.
evening of inauguration, will be
marked this year, as in the last half
a docen years, by more informality
and more simplicity.
There will be no ball, formerly the
custom, only a program of music and
hand shaking. This will be held in
the senate charnber, beginning at 7:30.
Governor Morehead made the ar
rangements and announced the de
tails of the reception from his office
Wednesday morning.
In the reception line will be all the
principal incoming and outgoing offi
cers, including retiring Governor
Morehead and Governor Neville, Sec
retary of State Pool, Land Commia- -sioner
Shumway and retiring Com-.,
missioner -Fred Beckmann, Attorney
General Rd, State Auditor W. H.
Smith, 'State Superintendent Clem
niaht and retiring Superintendent A.
O. Thomas, Treasurer George . E.
Hall, the judges of the supreme court,
including the new members, Judges
A, J. Cornish and James R. Dean;
the board of control and President
Pro Tern John Mattes of the senate
and Speaker Jackson of the house.
Morehead to Move.
; Governor Morehead will vacate the
governor's ' mansion Friday or Sat
urday, and will move his household
goods direct to Falls City, where he
will take up his residence in one of
his own houses. .
On account of a hitch in the time
of the expiration of the lease, it may
be that Governor Morehead will not
be able to get possession for a few
days. At any event, he says, he will
vacate the mansion. Governor-elect
Neville expects to move into the gov
ernor's home the first of next week,
Lee Metcalfe Secretary. ' 1
Governor Keith Neville arrived at
the state bouse this afternoon and,
after announcing the appointment' of
Lee Metcalfe for private secretary,
gave out the following minor appoint
ments: Miss Alice McElfresh, now stenog
rapher in the office of the governor,
to be chief clerk in the labor com
missioner's office.
Miss Lenore Dailey, up to six
months ago a stenographer in the
office of the labor commissioner, to
return to that position.
Miss Anna Whelen, stenographer
with the game warden, reappointed.
Miss Bernice Owen and Miss Janet
Carnaby lose out in the labor com
missioner's office and have not lo
cated themselves as yet.
No Relatives of j
Members to Get .
5 Berth on Pav Roll
(From a Staff Corrnpondnt.) ' .s
Lincoln, Jan. 3. (Special.) The
house struck a blow at nepotism when
on motion by Taylor of Custer it was
decreed that the wife, daughter, son
or other relative of a member could
not hold a job connected with the
house. ' i ' .
More paid want ads In
1916 is proof that the ad
vertising public of Omaha '
have been convinced that r
they can get the Best Re- ,
suits at the Lowest Cost.
! lc per word
through the Want' Ad ?
columns of The Bee.
Call Tyler 1000
You are as close to
The Bee Want Ad Dept.
as your phone is to you. .