Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1917, Page 9, Image 9

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    CTARY 3, 1917,
Are Now
in Progress
"Wonderful Economies
fHEREFORE this sale offers economy opportunities
of the utmost importance and shows clearly the won
grful buying power of this store and its supremacy in
uue giving.
Art Needlework Offerings
Doilie Set of White Linen, with scalloped edges. Six
6-inch doilies, six 10-inch doilies and one 24-inch center.
Regular $2.50 value; set S1.50
Stamped Lunch Cloths, 54-inch size, in pare Irish linen. Next de
signs. Regular price $2.75 and $3.00, at $1.75
Par Hack linen Gnest Towels, stamped in neat designs for French
knot and French embroidery. Regular price 50c, sale price 35
Lunch Set on cream colored linen, stamped in neat designs. One
22-inch center, six 6Vi-inch doilies and six 11-inch doilies. $1.25 value
for 75
Stamped Centers and Scarfs, sizes 36 and 54-inch respectively. On
art needleweave for cross stitch and solid embroidery. Regular price
75c, sale price 50
Hand-Embroidared Madeira Towel., with scalloped edge. Size 18x
34 inches. $1.25 and $1.50 values, sale price , 75
Stamped Nifht Gowns on nainsook. Round and empire effects. 75c
values for 39
All Hand-Embroidered Madeira Doilies, Centers, Scarfs and Lunch
eon Sets, at Half Price.
Third Floor.
fpssieres and Corset Cov
(a. Group after group of
iese a very, very unusu
t assortment at the ex-
mely low price we are quot
T5 exceptionally well made.
At 18c
Ladies' Drawers, plain
tucked or embroidery trim
med, very well made and
in excellent variety; also
Corset Covers of lace or embroid
ery in pleasing assortments.
At $1.25
to $3.75
Fine Lingerie Gow?is, all
beautifully trimmed with
fine Val and Filet Laces, offset
with daintiest ribbons. At $1.25
to $3.75, WHICH ARE HALF
At 55c
Crepe de Chine Camisoles,
a beautiful assortment of
these most desirable gar
ments, in flesh or white.
They would sell here read
ily at $1.00 usually
Philippine Hand Embroidered
Lingerie Wonderful Values
These are the dainty Undermuslins that
have all the characteristics which make the
French wear so charming, but that cost from
a third to half less than the French.
Beautifully embroidered in the daintiest
designs and all hand sewed. These garments
will be sold at
$1.49 to $3.98
which are just half
the regular figures
Children's and
Infants' Wear
Ideal Waists, in all
sizes WAV
Children's Slips, in great as
sortment, also Gowns and Draw
ers; values up to QC
69c, for 00 C
Children's Drawers 1 O
and Gowns. : IOC
Infants' Long Q
Slips, for OC
Infants' Crochet OO.
Sacques, for. . awei C
Infants' Outing Flannel Ki
monos, values 50c, 13c
Infants' Outing Flan- lO.
nel Skirts and Gowns. . Ol
Children's Outing 1Q
Skirts OC
Extra Size
For Stout Women.
Here is a splendid op
portunity for every wo
man who wears extra
size garments..
Drawers, plain tucked, 29c
Gowns, 75c, $1, and $1.39
Skirts ...75c to $1.89
Combination Suits, $1.39
to $3.69,
Corset Covers 45c to$1.39
V: White Goods Alone
to Crowd the Store
atlvery woman knows what White Goods are worth
jriitaricea the -values are double the prices we quote
eer wmte iaorics tne best and most complete
Imported Novelty Skirting
larate Skirts will be in vogue this coming season. We are
a most wonderful collection of High Class Imported White
S7 Skirtinc. manv exclusive Hesiirns. 4n inrhps
'ard '.
inch Plain White Imported Organdy, very fine quality. OC .
r. j .inr.
I've, jiuu. . . .
Pointer Brand Voile, made from hard twisted yarns. Pure
lite, launders perfectly. 39 inches wide. OC.
lie Price, yard 6Jv
Windsor Crepe
nfmng. Used tor many purposes house 1 C
cfclwide. Yard. 1
Thousands of Yard, of Fine White Goods, in Satin Plaids
A Stripes, Embroidered Novelties, Leno Stripes. Lace Effect.
c 27 inches wide. Full bolts. Sale price, per 1 f
Jrd lUt
, won, 27 inches
40-inch White Embroidered Dotted Swiss,
very fine quality. Sale price, yard. . . . 15
ft fine white
Three Cases Remnants of Fine
White Voiles.
In 10 to 20-yard lengths. 38
inches wide. While this "I Jfn
quantity lasts, yard
ti and Nainsook
icy. xnese iaDncs are manuiacturea irom tne Dest se-
'hite and launders pertectly without turning yellow.
HiijJtii sen a-iiigiiou 1 1 uuiouun
Vfai.hoa wirlo 12-varH holts SI 1 7Q AA
h iiivuv-u v" - ' ' tyxati u -si. j a i4M w
' inches wide, 12-yard bolts. $2.10
t inches wide, 12-yard bolts '. . .$2.98
llins, foundations, infants' wear, etc. Made
lard bolts, for
Table Linens and Bed Spreads
at Most Wonderful Low Prices
Every housewife prides herself upon the stock of Table Linens and Bed Coverings she, has been able to
obtain and this sale offers such wonderful opportunities to re-stock and make big savings, that there will
be no second urging necessary to share.
29c Damask, 19c Yard
Full bleached, 54 inches
wide. The linen finished kind.
All very neat patterns.
39c Damask, 25c Yard
Made of a nice quality mer
cerized yarn. 54 and 64 inches
wide. A quality that will wear.
A range of beautiful patterns.
72-Inch Damask, 39c Yard
For a big special in our Jan
uary Sale we will offer 100
pieces of Fine Quality Mercer
ized Damask, 2 yards wide, in
a line of handsome patterns.
$1 All-Linen Damask, 75c
A limited quantity of All
Linen, Full Bleached, Irish
Make Table Damask, 68 and
70 inches wide. All very neat
$1.35 Damask, 95c
.'Full bleached, all linen, in
the Scotch and Irish makes. 70
inches wide. All in new de
signs (no napkins to match.)
While this lot lasts, yard, 95c.
$1.75 Damask, $1.25
All-linen, full bleached table
damask, 72 inches wide. All
exclusive patterns. Heavy dou
ble satin finish. A big special
in our January Sale.
$2.00 Table Cloths, $1.50
Full Bleached and Austrian
bleached. Hemmed ends, in the
regulation size. In a range of
pretty patterns.
Towels '
5c Towels, 3c
Bleached, hemmed ends. Ex
cellent for dentists or barber's
use. Manufacturers' imperfec
tions. While 5,000 dozen last.
10c Towel., 7-ytc
Full Bleached, hemmed ends,
extra size and quality Turkish
Towels. While 500 dozen last.
A big special in our January
19c Towels, 12V2c i
These are full bleached, made
of heavy quality huck, hemmed
ends with fancy colored bord
ers. Size 18x36 inches.
$10 Napkins, $5 Dozen
Full Bleached, All-Linen, High Class, Su
perior Finish, Double Satin Damask Napkins,
dinner size. Some of the patterns only six,
others twelve of a number. An exceptional
value in our January Sale.
75c Serving Cloths, 39c
All-Linen, made of fine quality Irish
Damask, in the 18x27-inch size. Hem
stitched ends. A special in our January
89c Table Cloths, 59c
Very Special
For a big special in our January Sale we
will place on sale about 1,000 Table Cloths,
made of nice quality Mercerized Damask, in
round or square, with scalloped or hemstitch
ed ends. Breakfast size.
Pattern Table Cloths
$4.00 Pattern Table Cloths, $2.50
About 500 of these fine, all-linen
table cloths, made of Irish Damask. 72x
72-inch size. Round designs. Some of
the patterns have no napkins to match.
$7.50 Pattern Clothi, $4.98
This lot comprises Full Bleached, All
Linen Cloths, in the regulation size.
Made of a select yarn, in the double
satin finish damask. Extra heavy qual
ity. Extra Special.
One lot of odd sizes, very high class,
superior quality, Double Satin Finish
Damask. (No napkins to match.)
Pattern Cloths at a Saving of
About 33V3
3c Wash Cloths, lc
About 350 dozen. of the knitted quality
in our January Sale.
(One Dozen Limit)
$15.00 Cluny Pieces, $7.98
Slightly soiled from our holiday displays.
While a limited quantity lasts, choice in our
January sale for $7.98.
Main Floor.
10c Napkins, 7c Each
Full' Bleached, Mercerized
Napkins, hemmed ready to use.
In the 18xl8-inch size. (In the
$2.25 Napkins, $1.50 Doz.
Full Bleached Napkins, in
the 22x22-inch size. All pret
ty patterns.
$3.75 Napkins, $2.98 Doz.
Full Bleached, All-Linen, in
the Scotch and Irish makes.
Heavy quality, double damask,
in the 22x22-inch size. (No
damask to match. )
Bed Spreads
$1.35 Spreads, 89c
These are the crocheted kind,
hemmed ends. In an assortment
of patterns. (Limit of two.)
$1.89 Spreads, $1.50
Extra quality crochet bed
spreads, hemmed ends. 85x95
inch size. All very pretty pat
terns. $2.75 Spreads, $1.89
300 Bed Spreads, scalloped
or plain hemmed ends. Extra
quality and finish. Large size.
$5.00 Spreads, $2.50
Extra fine quality, satin fin
ished Marseilles Bed Spreads,
in the large size. Scalloped cut
corners, also plain hemmed
ends. While a limited quantity
lasts, choice for $2.50.
Extra Special
. $10.00 Spreads, $5.00
These are' the very finest
quality foreign and domestic
Spreads, made of a high class
satin cameo finish. Size 91x100
inches. Scalloped cut corners.
The greatest value in our Janu
ary Sale.
6V2c Crash, 3l2c
Full bleached. Cotton Twill
Toweling, soft and absorbent
kind. Sale Price, in the Base
ment, yard, 3Hc
(Limit 10 Yards.)
a Record Breaking Blouse Sale 1 5MdGlS StorGS
Council Instructs City Clerk to
Make Formal Request for
the Property.
The city council adopted a resolu
tion, prepared by Corporation Coun
sel Lambent, claiming ownership of
most of the tracks 'and property of
the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street
Railway company, on February 19 of
this year.
This claim is based on in act of
the legislature of February 18, 1867,
when a fifty-year grant was given to
the Omaha Horse Railway company,
with this stiplation:
"Provided, That at the end of fifty
years the said jad, depots and other
equipment shall revert to the city of
What City Claims.
The corporation counsel admits his
inability to define exactly just what
property of the present system' would
rightfully and legally come within
the city's claim of reversion, but in
the resolution adopted by the council
the following lines are claimed as rep
resenting today the outgrowth of the
horse car system at the time of its
consolidation with the Cable Tram
way company into a concern which
became known as the Omaha Street
Railway compaiy:
Tenth street, Leavenworth to Kr
nam; Farnam, Tenth to Fortieth;
Thirteenth, Vinton to Davenport;
Fifteenth, Howard to Webster; Six
teenth, Webster to Cuming; Vinton,
Thirteenth to Sixteenth; Howard,
Fifteenth to Sixteenth; Leavenworth,
Twenty-seventh to Sixtieth; Park
avenue, Leavenworth to Woolworth;
Twenty-fourth, Cuming to Seward;
Webster, Fifteenth to Sixteenth;
Cuming. Sixteenth to Thirty-sixth;
Lake, Tweuti'1- to Twenty-eighth;
Sherman -venue, Sprague to Brown;
Leavenworth, Forty-eighth to Fifty
fourth; Forty-fifth, Grant to Bedford
avenue; Forty-eighth, Leavenworth
to Poppleton, thence to Belt Line
and southwest along Belt Line to
Fifty-first street and to Center street
and thence to city limits; Cuming,
Fortieth to Forty-sixth.
To Make Formal Demand.
The effect of this resolution is that
the city wilt make a formal demand
upon the company to "surrender its
interests, rights and property by vir
tue of and to the extent of the direc
tion and requirements of the pro
visions of the territorial act."
Failure of the company to accede
to the demands of the city will result
in a penalty of $300 a day for each
day on and after February 19. .
The corporation counsel outlined to
the council the difficulties 'which lie
in the way of the city defining just
what is meant by a "real and substan
tial interest in and to all parts of the
street railway system, depots, equip
ment and rolling stock of the Omaha
and Council Bluffs Street Railway
"It probably will be up to the courts
Apply Q-Ban Simple,
Safe, Healthful and
Guaranteed to Restore
Natural Color.
Doo't uue dyes. They are not only sticky,
disagreeable and in bad tasta, bat actually
dsngeroua. A food many reputable drug
store won't acQ them.
Um Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer. This w.11
accomplish wonderful results. Simply wet
your hair with Q-Ban Hair Color Rastorar.
Back will come the natural, dark hade,
evenly, gradually and permanently. ThU is
the right way, the healthful one. Q-Ban
claim no instant mlraelea It leave that
claim to dye and the like. But it doea re
store the original eolor correctly and helps
your hair In growth, help It to be flossy,
lustrous, soft, beautiful, charming.
Q-Ban is all ready to use. It Is ruarsm
teed to be harmless and sold under the
makers' warranty of satisfaction or ycrar
money back. At Sherman ft McComtell Drag
Stores and all good drug stores, a large
bottie for 60c, or send direct to Htssiff
Sills Drug Co., Memphis, Tenn.
"Hair Culture," Illustrated, interesting
booklet, sent free. Write for it today. Try
Q-Ban Hair Tonitf; Q.Ban Toilet Soap, Q
Ban Liquid Shampoo; also Q-Ban Depilatory
for removing superfluous hair. Sherman ft
McConneil Drug Stores, Omaha, Neb. Adv.
tn Atmin iiir hat nrooertv the
iiv ;. nfiMH tn nnnr the act of
reversion," stated Mr. Lambert
Says Franchise Expires.
Thf council took the further posi
tion that the franchise of the Omaha
Horse Railway company expired on
Mondav of this week: that by reason
of the consolidation the present com
pany has been operating most of its
lines and making many extensions
upon the rights conterrea Dy tne om
horse railway grant.
The resolution adoDted bv the coun
cil further states that the street rail
way conmanv will be held to strict
account" if it refuses to comply with
the demands about to be made by the
city government.
In connection with the inability of
the city at this time to "lay its hand"
upon its own property, as claimed, by
the city legal department, the corpor
ation counsel, in his recent extensive
report on the situation, offered this
"It strikes me as quite manifest
that there has been a studied purpose
by the companies to shuffle the cards
in the various deals so as to lose com
pletely such interest as the city may
have had under this provision for re
version. Since the consolidation there
is little or no trace available in the
various acts of the company to indi
cate any claim on its part to any of
the privileges or powers granted ty
the territorial legislative act. Asso
ciation with this act seems to have
been shunned as far as possible."
Courts to Determine.
The corporation counsel will not
recommend any summary action by
the city. The resolution passed by
the council will be transmitted to the
street railway company by the city
clerk as a formal demand and if the
company should refuse to comply,
then the city will proceed with a
court action in the form of a plead
ing, asking the court to determine the
rights of the city upon the law and
facts as presented by the city legal
Some Would Try to
Take Lunch Stand
From Aged Woman
"More power to ye," is the wish of
friends of Bridget Kelly who has
presided over a lunch counter at
Twenty-seventh and Q streets, South ,
Side, ever since the year of the big
wind in Ireland.
Some spalpeen discovered that
Bridget's stand is on public property
and he is after making a lot of trouble
for her. The matter was brought to
the official notice of the city council
and has been referred to the com-,
mittee of the whole for consideration.
It is rumored that Jerry Howard may
come back .'rom Lincoln to present
the case of BriJget Kelly before the
city commissioners in the name of
humanity am', justice.
Druggist Drops
Dead On Way to
Open His Store
Jerry P. Fenton, aged 48 years,
life-long resident of the South Side
and a well known business man,
dropped dead at 4 o'clock Tuesday
morning as he was going downstairs
to his drug store at Thirty-sixth and
Q streets. He lived over the store.
Mr. Fenton was a brother of William
Fenton, warden of the state peniten
tiary at Lincoln.
A widow and five children survive
William, who is a student at the
Creighton School of Pharmacy;
Gwendolyn, Genevieve, Vernon and
Calnon; two brothers, Emmett of
Hatton, Neb., and William, and two
sisters, Mrs. Kain and Mrs. Michael
Riley, both of Dawson, Neb.
Treasurer's Office Closed
Until Thursday Morning
The office of the county treasurer
will be closed until Thursday morn
ing, when County Treasurer-Elect En
dres will take office. The retiring
treasurer's force is busy counting the
millions in the county's exchequer
preparatory to turning over the books
to the new guardian of the funds.
Jeffers Says Freight
Blockade is Lifted
General Manager Jeffers is author
ity for the statement that on the
Union Pacific the freight blockade
has been lifted and that all trains
on all parts of the system are again
running on schedule time.
I in
Enjoy Out-Door Sports on tie Beautiful
"Che Rioter a of Amtrlca"
Paw Christian, Blloid, Ocean Springs, Gulf port, Mis-,
slssippi Cltij, Bmj St Louis, Paacagoula, Pensacola,
Mobile and New Orleans.
Moderate Exhilarating Temperature (
A most delightful section during the winter months and reached from
Chicago In about 24 hours bu last and convenient steel trains over the
Chicago & Eastern Illinois and Louisville & Nashville Railroad (the onlu
line reaching all these points.) Excellent hotels, both, In the does and
along the coast We have a booklet giving full information. Ask for it
Kound trip tickets on sale dallu at low rates.
Attractive Tour, to Central Anurica, CuIm or Florid, Tla ike Gull Coaai.
Slop-ovort mi) bm made at Mammotk Cave, t
J. F. GOVAN, General Agent, C5tL R.R.