Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE BEE: 0:.IA"-.
Ministers Plenipotentiary Tell
Their Secrets Load Enough
for Omaha to Hear.
By A. R. CROH.
Today, folks, we will discuss big
international problems. We will be
come those fascinatingly-romantic
people, ministers plenipotentiary and
envoys extraordinary and interna
tional spies and such like. Court gos
sip shall be our table talk. We shall
know just what "Russia thinks" and
what ' England believes." We really
ought to wear high hats and frock
coats and carry gold-headed sticks.
But if you hsven t got on your high
hat and frock coat, just assume a
blase expression and we will pro
ceed. The preside nt of an Omaha bank
who has traveled abroad extensively
said to me the other day, as we were
seated in his palatial office, (pretty
good setting for the scene, eh?) he
said to me:
"After the war look out for Russia.
A quarter century will see it, next to
the United States, the greatest indus
trial nation on earth. It has the raw
materials, a vast and rich land, a
strong people, plenty of fuel. Even
today Russia is manufacturing an
enormous quantity of things it never
knew it could make and which it has
always bought from other countries."
iiOOk Wise, Please.
At this point rou should nod vour
head sagely. You should convey, in
some subtle manner, that you were
discussing the very same question
with Count Alexis Bohroffski Boug
anrfski at a dinner given in the
Diplomats' club in honor of Prince
Romanoff Pereyaslaf Yosnagovitch
and that you and the count had come
to the same conclusion.
AU this mav be as it miv be. But
when we turn to history we find fact
in place of opinion and conjecture.
Ana the hard tacts ot history show
that Russia has always been the
greatest friend of the United States.
Kussia, monarchal, despotic Rus
sia, has ever stood the champion of
the young republic, the people's demo
cracy. This fact, too, the Omaha
banker emphasized.
1 never could understand why pop
ular opinion here was all on the side
of Japan in the Russo-Japanese war,"
he said. "It must have been founded
upon ignorance of what Russia has
done for us. Take the days of the
civil war, when our existence as a na
tion hung in the balance. When
Europe was about to interfere on be
half of the south, it was Russia that
put its mighty foot down on the
That Alaska Deal.
"Russia sold us Alaska for a nomi
nal sum. a fine thing for us and a great
act on the part of Russia, an act which
didn't have even the selfish motive
that animated Napoleon when he sold
us Louisiana. Napoleon did that to
'give a maritime rival to England that
will humble its pride.' '-
Oo back to the days of the Revo
lutionary war. King George II was
looking around for hired troops to
send over to conquer us. He applied
to Russia, but the czarina indignantly
refused to make money by hiring sol
diers to. him and George was com
pelled to hire 20,000 Russians.
Kussia has an area so great that
you could put the United States and
all our possessions in it twice over
and still leave a million square miles
to spare. It has a population of 170,
000,000 people and inexhaustible nat
ural resources."
Bring us two glasses of vodka, gar-
eon. ,
Girl Found Badly
Beaten Up; Men She
Charged Not Held
"Babe" Griffin, 20 years of age, of
the Twentieth Century Maids Theat
rical company, which played last week
at a local theater, is under the care
of Dr. H. A. Waggener, who says her
body is a mass of bruises, and Wil
liam S. Dolan and C E. Peterson
found it necessary to appear in police
court Tuesday all as a result of what
friends of the principals in the affair
said was too much Mew Years.
"Babe" was found af Twentieth and
Missouri streets early Monday and
she immediately filed serious charges
against Dolan and Peterson. In po
lice court, however, on motion of the
county attorney's office. Judge Foster
dismissed the charges.
Peterson was arrested Monday and
when Dolan learned that he was
sought he appeared at the police sta
tion. He asserted that the girl s
story was untrue and detectives were
sent to investigate the affair. Infor
mation they obtained led to the re
lease of the two men.
First National Bank Will
Open New Home Monday
Forty-one tenants are already in
stalled in the first National Bank
building at Sixteenth and Farnam
streets, although the bank itself does
not move in until Monday, January
8. The hank officers will hold a re
ception Saturday afternoon.
One of the interesting events will
be the transfer of the money from its
old home to the big burglar-and-fire-'
proof vault. Bank officials do not di
vulge the date of this moving.
t s (
Prepare Thit tor a Bad
Cough It' $ Fine
Ckaaalr mmi Haattr afaia,
VMS taw wara Oalaklr.
New Year's Babies Will
Get Seals from the City
Parents of babies born in Omaha
will receive from the health commis
sioner duly accredited certificates of
birth, with the seal of the city and
the signature of the chief health offi
cer. This idea will be practiced with
babies born on and after January 1.
A. W. Newton is Chief
Engineer of the Burlington
A. W. Newton. leneral aunerinu ...
dent of maintenance-of-way and
structures of the Burlington, has
been appointed chief engineer, vice
T. E. Calvert, deceased. The head
of the department will be continued
in Chicago.
j The BUMS AAnah Bvnm' that UMiaf
a buy, ooatlng only about ons-aita aa
amen h rwuT-mifli preparations, can
easily be mads up at home. The wav it
takes hold and conquers distressing
toughs, throat and chest colds will
jeauy bum you entnusiastie about It.
Any druggist eau supply you with
H4 ounces of Pinex (60 cents worthl.
Pour this into a pint bottle and all the
bottle with plain granulated sugar
syrup. Shake thoroughly and It Is
ready for use. The total cost is about
M cents and, lives you a full pint
family supply of a most effectual.
feetl ,wa'-41 P "T
I It's truly astonishing how autcklv it
acta, penetrating through every air
paasaga of the throat and lungs loosens
ana nun in pniegm, sootnes and teals
the inflamed or
illen throat mem
branes, and gradually but surely the
annoviiw throat tilrl nA AmAA
cough will disappear entirely. Nothing
uwiwsr iw Dimraaiua, spasmouie croup,
Pinez I
whopping cough or bronchial asthma.
Pinez is a SDaetal and fciffhlv mnM
trated compound ef genuine Norway
Dina extract, MimMnart with ffiialaanl
and Is known the world over for He
prompt healing effect on the throat
Avoid disappointment by asking your
draggist for b2$4 ounces of Pinex51 with
full directions and don't accept any
thing else. A guarantee of absolute sat
isfaction or monev promptly refunded
goes with this preparation. The Pinez
vo., n. vyayne, mat
Modern Office Furniture
' and
Filing Devices
Roll Desk, solid oak. 48 ina. long,
Yon are invited to inspect our
most complete line of office equip
ment. Orchard & Wilhelm Co.,
, 414-41S-41S So. 16th St.
All- Sine!
Ads m i?gife,7
In Daily Service Beginning January I via
endNasaviDa, Chattanooga? St Louis Ry,
Oicap llJOA.ILTear
StUn 2.-0SP.M. " -Jadbttrrill.
7 JO P. M. Tommy
Only on night on the road. Hie
fastest schedule to Jacksonville.
Drawing room, compartment and
observation sleeping car and coaches.
AO meals in dining oars.
Icrr round trip faros. Divers Touts If
deairad. Writ for iDustratod htavatnra,
reservation or kfomaUon.
p. v. morrow, n. nr. r. a.
lea Mmuia BU, CHICAGO. Hi.
M4 Nona Imha
Crisp, White Laces
Oriental Net Top Flouncings, 36 inchea wide, embroid-l' Values,
ered on fine cotton nets ,
18-Inch Venise Allover Laces KQ
Fine Shadow Allover Laces, 36 inches wide ,
Venise Edged Flouncing, 18 inches wide. Fine for jabots j Yard.
60c Venise snd Filet Edged Net Top Laces, up to 6-in. wide. .25
25c Lingerie Vals, in matched sets. Bands and Edges, up to 5 inches
wide, suitable for underwear, house dresses and aprons 15t
Filet Val Laces, Edges and Insertions
Plstt Vsl Band and Edges, up to 3 inches wide.
dainty ,i. .... ,
French snd German Vals, imported makes
Beading Edged Laces and Plain Beadings
Dotted snd Plain Footings
10c and
12Mc Yard,
Embroideries at Lowest Prices.
Extra special value of Swiss Nainsook embroideries, 3 to 5 inches
wide, suitable for underwear, house dresses and aprons; worth 10. .5
15e Nainsook and Convent embroidery edges and insertions. .10
35c 18-inch Swiss Nainsook, Swiss Convent Embroideries 19
85c Embroidered Batiste and Swiss Flouncings 39,
$1.00 42-Inch Batiste Flouncings 65
Main Floor.
Annual January
Enormous Variety-Splendid
THE BEST niece of news in manv a dav for everv wo
manfor cotton goods have never been so high since
1865 (during the Civil War) the scarcity of good Linens
is well known.
Special lot of Dainty, Crisp
White Undergarments; of
sheer lingerie Cloth ; brim
med with dainty laces and
embroidery. Many new pat
terns and ideas.
At $1.39
Wonderful assortment of
Dainty Lingerie, especially
selected for this sale.
Gowns, Skirts, Combinations,
Suits and Envelopes. Beautifully
trimmed with lace and ribbons.
At $1.00
Very special lot of Under
muslins, grouped together
in wonderful assortment ;
new, fresh and crisp;
Gowns, Skirts, Combinations,
Envelopes and Princess Slips.
At 69c
It would be hard, indeed,
to find another such re
markable grouping of styl
ish Undermuslins in Gowns,
Skirts, Combination Suits,
Envelopes and Drawers.
Corsets in
Annual January Sale
Offerings that will continue
through the month.
Gossard Corsets
Vz Below Regular Prices
$10.00 Corsets, at $6.67
$ 8.50 Corsets, at.. $5.67
$ 5.00 Corsets, at .$3.34
S 2.50 Corsets, at $1.69
Brandeis Special,
In back lace style, of dainty
pink broche, medium top, long
nip; 6 heavy elastic garters; two
hooks below front steel.
Another model of white Cootil,
low top; silk braid trimming, long
hip, with wide elastic gore in back.
Brassieres, 50c
75c and $1.00 Brassieres, trim
med with embroidery and having
hook front
Brassieres, 35c
Lace and embroidery trimmed;
perfect fitting; in popular makes ;
50c values.
Second Floor.
Crepe de Chine Underwear
Also Wash Satin Garments
at Wonderful Low Prices
A very generous stock of these most desirable garments,
bought especially for this sale.
A 42 48 Crepe de Chine Envelopes, Gowns and Skirts;
large variety; both plain tailored and fancy lace
yoxe eiiects, riooon and nemstitcned trimmings; values up to S 5.00.
At QQ Crepe dc Chine and Wash Satin Undergarments;
U mogt wonderful assortment we have ever shown.
Envelopes, Gowns, Skirts and Princess Slips, all beautifully trimmed
with fine Val. laces, hemstitching and daintily offset with ribbon,
roses and bows. In this lot are garments well worth up to $7.50.
A . OLA QQ Crepe de Chine and Wash Satin Lingerie, beau-1-a.l
pT.7U tifully trimmed with fine Val laces and organ
die insets, all well made and fashioned after the best fitting models,
(n the lot are Gowns, Envelopes and Skirts.
At tfi Q R Aa assortment of odd garments, made of Crepe
I. I pvl.70 ae Cnine an,i Wash Satin; aU specially priced
for this sale.
At Q,f Crepe de Chine Camisoles, with or without sleeves,
beautifully. trimmed with insertions of lace and embroidery.
At $1 Qandfr.1 7Q Beautiful assortment of
l yi.OVyi.iV de chine Md Wash
Satin Camisoles, in flesh and white; specially priced for this sale.
Domestics, Ready-Made Sheets and Slips, Muslins, Etc.
Genuine "Pepperell"
Bleached Sheeting
One of the most popular and
oldest sheetings manufactured.
Soft finish, easily laundered.
The choicest American product
at lea than mill cost today.
10-4 Width, yard..,..,. 31
9-4 Width, yard....... 29
8- 4 Width, yard. 27
Genuine "Bridal"
Sheetings and Tubings
The celebrated Bridal Sheet
ings, absolutely tin best grade
sheeting manufactured, for
count, weight and wearing qual
ityit stands the test AU
the wanted widths. Perfectly
bleached. .
Bleached "Bridal" ShMtlng.
10-4 Width, yard 40c
9- 4 Width, yard 38c
8-4 Width, yard 36c
Bloached "Bridal" Tnbasg
45 Inches Wide, yard.... 24c
42 Inches Wide, yard..,. 22c
40 Inches Wide, yard.... 20c
Genuine ''Dallas"
Bletfched Sheets
This most desirable and pop
ular brand of sheets is made
from finest, soft finished sheet
ing, thoroughly free from dress
ing. Good wearing qualities;
well made and finished hems.
Size Sale Price.
72x90 Inches 7c Each
72x99 Inches S7e Each
81x90 Inches 87c Each
81x99 Inches Sc Each
Genuine Bleached
"Bridal" Sheets
This most popular brand of
sheets stands fpr perfection of
weave, weight and wearing
cjuahty, UNEXCELLED. The
nearest approach to linen in
weight and finish. S-cneh hems,
ready for use.
Size. Sale Price.
72x90 Inches 98c Each
72x99 Inches $1.10 Each
81x90 Inches, .... $1.10 Each
81x99 Inches, $1.15 Each
Bleached Bridal Slip
42x3 Inches. ......tSe Each
45x36 Inches Z&a Each
Bleached Pillow SKps
Made from soft finish cot
ton, 8-inch hems, ready for use.
Two sizes:
42x36 ..........10 Each
45x36 . 12 Each
Genuine "Wamsutta"
and "Dwight Anchor"
Bleached Sheetings and Tubings
Again we have secured for our January
White Sale these most wonderful sheeting
coast as the best obtainable. We were for
tunate in placing an early contract with the
Sayless Bleachery, which enables ns to offer
1 l . . .
wuiHivnui values, at prices away ociow mar;
ket quotations today. All widths. 'Not
stamped, but otherwise genuine.
10-4 Bleached "Wamsutta" Sheeting
yard 32
9-4 Bleached "Wamsutta" Sheeting
yrd .30c
8-4 Bleached "Wamsutta" Sheeting
yrd 28
The Genuine
"Fruit of the Loom"
Hope and Cora
Bleached Muslins
36 inches wide. Each bolt bear
ing the original and
genuine label. The
foremost staple
brands. Choice, in
this sale, yard
Only 10 yards to each customer.
No phone or mail orders filled.
The GaaahM BUacbad "Mohawk" Sheet,
inc. this most desirable bleached sheeting is
a product of the celebrated "Utica" Steam
Uotton MUJs; nono better made. 9-4 width,
regular price, sec; sale price,
Beaatifal "Ball of the South" Cambric,
highly meteecrsed, soft finish; for choice
underwear and ladies' fine lingerie. 36
inches wide. Regular price 15c, 111.
yard x 1 1C
Mill Remnants of Fin Bleached Muslin,
Cambric, Etc., lengths to 20 yards. Val- fl
ues to 10c, sale price, yard OC
The Ganuina "Paqnot" BUachad Tub
us:, 40 inchea wide. Mill shorts. Every
housekeeper knows toe value of t Q
these tubings. Yard 19C
TV Gaaurin "LaW ChcW Loaf-
No. 1500. Silver Medal brand. Fin-
noia finish, soft and diner, for
ladies' lingerie, night gowns, corset covers,
etc. Regular price 15c, sale f 1
price, yard IvTJC
Genuine "Sterling"
Extra heavy linen finish,
strong and durable. Compares
with Aurora and Pepperell
sheetings, outside of its linen
finish. On sale at less than mill
9-4 Width, yard 28
8-4 Width, yard .'-26
The Genuine "Hill Semper
Idem" Pillow Cases, beautiful
quality, standard make. Posi
tively free from dressing. Sale
price, each , . . 16c
The genuine "Puritee"
Bleached Pillow Slips, excellent
quality, soft finish. 3-inch
hems, ready for use. Two sizes:
42x36 15c Each
45x36 16c Each
72x90-Inch Bleached "Vul
can" Sheets, French seam in
center. Regular 65c quality, sale
price, each 55c
Extra Heavy Unbleached
Sheeting, mill shorts. 77
inches wide. Lengths to 20
yards. Regular 23c value.
Special, on Bargain Square,
yard ". 19c
38-Inch Unbleached Muslin,
fine, soft finish, easily laun
dered. Sale price, yard . . 6 c
Mill Remnants of 36-Inch
Bleached Muslin, good quality.
While they last, regular price
7 c, sal price 5c
36-Inch Beautiful Cambric,
Longeloth and Muslin, mill
shorts from the Sayless Bleach
ery. 12c value, yard. . ,9Hc
36-Inch Bleached Muslin, mill
lengths. Values to 12 Vic, sale
price, yard 85c
36-Inch BUachad Muslin
"Jack Frost" brand. Good
grade, soft finish. Off the bolt,
sale price, yard, lOftc
36-lnch Bleached Muslin, ex
tra heavy weight Good grade.
Regular price 10 Vic, sale price,
yard, at SMc
" 36-Inch Bleached "Sea
Island" Cotton, mill shorts,
lengths to 25 yards. Regular
price 9c, sale price, yard 7 Me
36-Inch Fm Quality Whit
India Linon, direct from the
Sayless Bleachery. Sale price,
yard 9Mc
Mill Remnant ' of Sheet
White Waistings, neat marqui
sette and lace effects; lengths
to 15 yards. Regular 19c value,
yard ...12)ac
The Wonderful Prices
Would Be Great Enoui
We haven't quoted any values on these items, b
this year and we are modest in stating that in man
in this sale. High class, imported and heavy domest
stock in the Middle West. -Buy all you will need tin
White Crepe Voile g
White, Crisp Voile, in the new 4-inch stripe, tape and duster
stripes, large sheer plaids, stepladder effect New designs in Em
broidered Voiles and Organdy, 40 and 45 inches wide. i aa
Yard $1.00
40-Inch Voile, in dainty cluster stripes and hemstitched
effect. Crisp and sheer for blouses. Yard
Large Assortment of New, Dainty, Crisp White Novelties, in
Plaids, Cords, Satin Stripes, etc. All 1917 styles. 36 and or
40 inches wide. January Sale Price, yard JOC
Two Cases of Whitd
The only white fabric made that does not reraire hi1
dresses, undermuslins, children's rompers, etc. 36 inchl
White Dimity in pin and cluster stripes, pin checks, small
broken checks splendid for infants' wear, children's dresses,
aprons, undermuslins, etc. 27 inches wide. Sale price, ig
per yard IOC
White Pin Check Pajama Cloth, good heavy
quality. 36-in. wide. Sale price, yd.,
Three Cases of Very Fine Sheer
Madeira Nainsook
Snow white and grass bleached; con
tains no filling. Excellent for dainty un
dermuslins. 39 inches wide. Put up in
boxes of 10 yards. jq
Sale price- '. . . 1 .Tril
Fine quality India
wide. Sale price - ,
Per yard .
Thousands of yat
Splash Voiles, Che
Dimities and Sheel
Imperial Longclotl
Specially priced by the bolt, according to width and a a:
1a fort aAfftn fififf nhomnia -fimii. j?;n- -
'vvvi a vuimiiuio xuuou, uuiiuwus no lining, onow
36 inches wide, 12-yard bolts.
at. .95. $1.25. $1.45. $1.59. $1.69, $1.85
42 inches wide, 12-yard bolts $2.59 "
C.. 1.1-J M t : i: .
. ..auiavun., iur line lingerie, Under ml
lruin mieoi. seiecieu yarns; pure wnite. 3b inches wide.
brandeis Stores
Watch Papers and Our Windows