14 THE BEE: 'OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1017. LIVE STOGK MARKET Cattle of All Kinds Steady to Strong -Sheep Slow to Ten . to Fifteen Cents Off. HOGS SHOW A DECLINE Omaha. January I, Iteralpu vera: Ctlle. Hon". Bhaap. 'Official Moaner.. a.l e.MI ' XiUnatl Tneedar,.... 7. MO T.aaO te.OOO Tare daya tbla weak... 1." . Same daya last wok.. MM 11.22: Carat days I win a.l,447 II. M tl." Same days I Was ae-o.in.4H 2I.M1 ll.lll Sana daya 4 Wka aro.lMII JT.IS" .! Sama dara last yar. .17.011 17,1(1 17.! Haeelpta and dlapoeltlnn of llva. etork at the Union Stork yarda for twenty-lour fioura analog at I p. in. yeBiaraa7 . RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hoaa. Sbeap. rlVe. C If. A SL F 17 Wabaah Hlsaoert Pacific.... IS Union Paclflo 3S CAN. W.. wait.. 1 C, .?., X.aO.. C. B. J., aaat.. 1 C, B & Q , wast. . 2S C, R. I. P., west 1 J Illinois Central ... . 1 Chleace, O. W.... I Total receipts.. 1,1 . DIBPOSITIONHEAD. IS.SS: h-ary. II o.s 1 ; pic, $;,7S(, t.:t; bulk of salra. II IHtlMI. Sheep and l.amha R.hIpib, 4,100 head; market atra.ly: fM muttons, I'.SOtr 10. iO; wethera. g.oor,.fl; evrrs, I7.7&4J ,.5,; lamoe, sj i.2fejf 13.00. a t 2 21 4S 1 I I ii i . . i l is o Cattla. Hot. Sheep. Morris Co 2 l.lti J.m swtn co i , ;. . ;.M7 Cidahy Pkf. Co.... l.a 1"' ' Arniour A Co 1,W I.T7J . Sena-arts Co " J. w. Murphy .... 76 Vorrell t Lincoln Pkf. Co. . . . T S. Omaha Pk. Co. 1 .... Swift. Denver .... Xennlncer Oliver.. 110 Benton, Van S. L. ' 102 .... Hill Son 235 F. B. Lewla t 14! .... J. B. Root aj Co 171 ..... .... J. H. Bulla S .... Ttoaanatock Bros, ... 207 . F. O. Kalian Werth. len.... 22 , H. F. Hamilton .... II Salltvan Broa. ,a Rolhachlld 4k Krabe 21 . ... .... Me A Kan. Calf Co.. 101 Christie ' ... niacins - 10 Huffman II ..- Roth 1 .... af eyera 17 .... .... Olsaabert ' Ilaker .7 II .... Banner Broa. ..... . 17 John Harvey .117 .... .... Dennla A Krencla. . . . II .... .... Jenaea A Longran.. . Ill " .... .... Uter buyers Ill ...... 1.741 1 TotaJa 7.112 7.M1 11.114 Cattle lUcelpU vara large thla mnrnlni, III earn betas reported In. The market waa fairly active under the Influence of a rood baying dsmaad and the bit and of the re. celpta changed handa In good sssson In the morning. Prlcaa ware ateady to atrong aa compared with yesterday, there being flattie hare good enough to bring 111.11. - BEEF STEERS. He. Ar. Pr. No. 4 Ill l II II. II Ill II........ 117 14 107 II 4. Ill JS... SI... II ...1111 T II t II ' I 21 I 00 .1011 I 19 1111 I II II.... 17.... !!!! it.... ii.... , Ar. Pr. ... 114 17 II ... Ill 7 41 .. Ill I 10 ..1041 I 71 ,, III I 10 ,,1171 I 10 .,1177 I 71 I II ' . HEIFERS. I........ Ill I 71- -II..- 741 II ;...... ..i5i si it us i it 17 164 I II I ., 711 So :f. V- CALVES. 1. ....... 411 I II , I Ill I II 7....:... 401 I 71 I. Ill T 1.'. Ill II I Ill II Hoge Chicago bad a ran of aomettilng Ilka 71,400 bead, and other river polnla were falrty well eupplled. ao that while the local offarluga were light, prlcaa allowed a downward tendency, In aympatny with braaka eleewhore. Bhtppera took about their uonal duets, paying prlcaa that were gen erality ateady early, and later getting noma k..ga that looked aa much aa lo lower. Packer! got atarted fairly early, but the movement waa never ysry active. Prlcea were spotted, but when It waa all aaid and dona calling the market fully Ic lower covered It. Some hoge aold early about ec lower, but at the aame time buyera were bidding a dim or ao lower on many ether drove, and aueeeeded In buying tome hogs that ware nearly 10c lower. Tha clone waa like yeattrdey In that It waa more active than any other time, and late prlcea were II anything a Utile better on deilrable klnda, cloning galea being called no mora than ao lower, and In apota ateady. Bulk of the aalet waa made at ll llt 1.10; about a niokel below yetterday'a prlcea. There waa a aprinkling aa high aa 119.11, with an extreme top of I10.H, and ?ulto a ecatterlng of llghta aold' down to l.il and under. Quality waa at. a general thing better than yeatorday, but weighty kvaga war again comparatively tea roe. - - N. At. 14. Ill TI..1II II.. 113 44. .Ill 71.. Ill 71. .141 Sk. Pr. ... 10 II I II ... 71 ... I II 111 I II ... II II No: At. Sh. Pr. II. .Ill 140 II 10 SI..1I4 ... I 70 It. .101 ... I 10 St. .Ill ... I 10 40.. 144 .., 10 01 19. .211 ... 10 16. :,....'".'. .. , pias. . II. .Ill ... I II . 81. .147 ... I II Sheep ThO lergtet run of theep and lamba here alnce tha early part of Decem ber thawed up thlt morning, arrlvale being eotlmeted at aeventy-nlne loada, or 10,900 head. Thla anakea up for tha llghtneaa of yeatarday'a recetpta, the two daya' total being the largest elnea three weeka ago. ohTerlnaa having bean 23,111 bead. aa tgalnal 11,233 laat week, 11,111 two weeka ' ago and 17,101 laat year. 1 There waa little) doing on lamba until well along in the forenoon. With auch a - big aupply early plda were made on a 114) JSC lower basil, while sellers atarted out pricing their holdlnga nearly tteady. To ward! noon a oompromlae waa effected, and when movement eventually atarted tt waa at prlcea that were anyway looilc and . ta tha majority of caeea Uc below yester day. Bulk of the deelrable. lamba aold ; upwards from 111.00. quite a showing of the neat ttuff reaching 111.!!. , Quite a aupply of ewea waa here, but prtree held about ateady. Moat of the offoringa were of Juat a fair aort and notli- - Ing real toppy ' waa offered. Beat here atoppad at ll.ll. Feedera were In small aupply. , One load of lamba that had been on feed hut which carried little flesh and vat of very good quality told to a feeder buyer at lll.lt. Quotation! on Sheep and laimbe Lamba, good to choice, tll.00ljllll.3ii lamba, fair to good, llt.4ltfl!.90; lambs, clipped. 114.71011. Jl; lambs, feedera, Ill.OOUUMO; yearlings, good to choice, 111.00(311.71; yearlings, fair to good, IIO.OOOU.OO; weth ara, fair to choloe. 11.00 0 10.311 ewea, good to choice, M-I0OI.40;. owes, fair to good. 7.U01 10: ewes, plain to culls, li.SOljl.ai: ewea, xoeaiog, se.evssi.se. ; No. 12 Colorado feeding lambs.. S3! feeder lamba - . 71 Colorado ewea !l fed lamba .... 122 fed Umbo .... '121 fed lamba Av. Pr. .. 71 l! Ii ..111 in ,.74 13 II ..105 I no II II! 10 .71 II li .71. II II Cbty Live stack Market. Xanana City, Jan. I Cattle Rerelpla, 10, 000 bead;' market ateady to atrong; prima fed steers, lie.i0cyll.tc-; dressed beef ileers. $1,049)11.49; western Blears, 7.iOM0.7i; .oowa, Ii.2ifl.i0; heifers, li.ooaj lO.fiO: i atockera and feeders, I9.ii4jrl.il; bulla, lt.10 7.M; calves, 4.1011.10. Hoga Receipts, 11,000 head; market, , lower; bulk of aalee. 11.71010.40; heavy, 110.304)10.41; paekera and butchers. $10,004) 11.41; light, ll.404yiO.IO; plga. It.ltef 1.21. Sheep and Lamba Recelpta. 0,000 head; market lower; sheep 10011a higher; lamba, Ill.7i01l.44; yearllngt. 111.99012.10; Wern ers, l.7i01.4; ewee, ll.OO0l.li. ( St Lenla Uve sXeek Market. ' Sf. Loots - Mo., Jan. I- Cattle aiecelpta. 1.209 head: merkee. ateady; native beef ateera, sr. env it.ee; yearling steers and helf : : era, II lotll.t: rows, li.1901.19; slorkers and .feedera, i. 2007.74: prime aouthern aeec steers, sa.eovs.ee; near cowt and helf. f are. 14.2107. 10: prime ycarllna ateera an helfaray ll.iO0l.OD; patlvo oalvea, 14.000 Hoga -Recelpta, '14.100 head: market. lower; tlghta I1I.OO01O.II alga. 17.640 I.Ji: mlaed aad buteKava.? to.9i0io.4&; gooa aaavy. j,i.trii.M.. RejK.: .aio,lon 16.40. a !,- .' V . rtheep P. ts, ' 1.10g ' head: market Ji eery; . lamb Lootf uite;. owet, .t.09tf - ' Man Ci- Un Mavtk Market "i , ' ug City, 1 . Jan. . I. J-Cattlo Recelpta, S e aaadi mat. it for klllera, lee lower S(..era ateady: bevf eteara. ll.2i0ie.7l; nMrc-aera, f7.oavf.e: Eat rows ana neirere lh.Jkei.09: eannern. 14.2401:10; ateckora and. feedera. 19.1104.40; calves. l9.990l.iO: bulla, stage, etc.. 11.907.99; feeding, oowa r ana Belters, sa;aem. ,..- i Ho4PM-lieceipta, i.loo'iiaaiti market alow : iteaaty; light, II.4I0I.7I; mixed, l.70 I IIHAtlO LIVE NTIK'K MARKET. tatlle Ulead), Hoge Weak and 10 I .ewer, nneep rlrvn. Chicago, .Ian. !. ratl!- Recelpta. Sl.nnn nean; marKel, steady; native beef rattle. 17.24011.40: western aleere. I7.2itt10.00: atorkera and feedera, li.264V9.2i: cows and neirere. 94. 2i 10.00: calvea, 19.00012.00. Hoga Recelpla, 72. nan head; market, weak: 10c under Saturday'a average: hulk of aalea, lliorrio.li; light, ll.4O0l1f.U; miaea. t 704.10 40; heavy. Il.l0lia.4i: rough. 11.90010.00: plga. 7.iOA..14. rtheep and limba Recelpta, 21.000 head: market firm: wethera. 19.16010.24: ewee 9M0I.IO; Israba, 11 1.3it 13.40. . St Joseph Uvo ntock Market. St. Joaeoh. Mo Jan. 2. Cattle Herein,! 1.300 head; market 10c higher; ateera, 7.00 012.4)0; rows and helfera. l4.4fleslo.AO: oalvea, 14.000 1 1.60, Hoge Recelpta, 4,090 head: mark.) la loe lower; top, 110.44; bulk of aalea, 19.700 10.49. Sheep and Lamba Receipts, 3.900 head; market atrong; lamba, 113.100 12.40; owes. 19.0009.90. live Stack la Sight Receipts of live stock at the five prlncl. pa' western marketa yeaterday: t .... Cattle. .Hoga, South Omaha 7.60ft 7.600 Sioux City.. 2,400 4,200 St. fuia 6,200 ,14,000 Chicago (-,.,. ,1 000 72.000 Kanaaa City. ...a. ,.10.000 , 16,000 Sheep. 20.000 4.000 1,100 21,000 9.000 Tola la .21,101 112,700 21,100 CotTea Market, New Tork, Jan. 2. Coffee The market for coffee futures wsa more active today, with the price movement irregular. There seemed to be oovorlng by near month ahorta owing to the uncertainties of the shipping situation and rather vague rumora that an Import duty might be placed upon coffee. Soma of the people buying the near drllv erlea were aellera of later montha and the opening waa 3 points higher to I points lower. March told up to 1.96a or 17 points net nigner oerore ine ana of the morning, while September advanced to 9.19c. or 4 potnta above Ibe clone of laat Friday, but prlcaa eaaed off later under acettered realis ing, which came largely from Wall street sources. The ulose waa Irregular, net 7 polnta higher la I potnta loveer. Part of the buolneae waa In the way of exchangee from near to late montha. January, 1.49c; Feb ruary, a. fee; atarcn. 9.99c; April, I. lie; Hay. I. lee: June. I.94e: July. 1.44c: Auenat '9.02c; September. 9.94c: October. 9.14c: Nn. vemoer, v.jioj ijecemoer, s.tlo. Bpot coffee, Irregular; Rio 7s, 4140; Santos, 4s, llfte. Few fresh offers were renorted In the me, and freight market A sale of well deecrlbed Samoa 4a la aald to have been mado lata laat week at 10HC American credits. Santos la and 4a were quoted today at 10.90c, Lon don credits. Tha official cablet reported no change In the primary market except for Santoa futurea, which were unchanged to- 71 rela lower. Santoa cleared 11,000 baga for new sora. GRAIN AND PRODUCE Action Stimulates Cash Grain Market and General Adv vance in Prices Results. CORN IS VERY ACTIVE Omaha. January 2, 1917. Th caah grain Kuatlon was very active today and an exrtllent demand tor all rereala Inrr.tA ft spneral advance In prlee. Wheal led In tho advanno with a gain of to 7V The rom market wan exeetlent and while reeetpu of (he lat three rtnyn were piled on the tabtee the tradera had little trouble In Belling their amplea at prlrea to from l to 2r htujher, T-llow torn held the lead aa a premium article and aold from &c to above the white. The demand for oat waa aluo very good and the bulk of the aamplei. whlh graded No. I white, aold at whllo tha No. 4 whlta sold at 62r. Clearanrea were: Wheal and flour equal to 3,403,000 bu.: corn, 311,000 bu.; oata. stn.ooo bu. Liverpool eloao: ' Wneat and com. un changed. Primary wheat recelpta were l,l.i.nno nu. and uhlpmenta 711,000 bu., againat recelpta of 1, 1111,000 bu. and ihlpmenta of 1,130,000 bu. laat year. Primary corn rat Ipta wera 1,4tT,000 bu. and uhlpmenta ftt,,000 bu., againat recelpta of 1,11,000 bu. and ahlpmenta of 66.009 bu. laat year. Primary oata rorelpta were 7t0,00A bu. and hl omenta 482.000 bu., againat recelpu of 1,091,000 bu, and ahfpmenu of 711,000 bu. laat year, t CARIOT RBBIPTfl. Wheat. Corn. Oata. New Tork. Jan. 1 Metala Tarl if ma 1.t. Spelter, dull ) apot, Kaat St. Loula de livery, ,7. copper, dull; elect rolytir. flrat, Mcond and third auartara. In kam 11.(0. nominal. Iron, Arm: No. 1 northern. f at.vfsfas,v: no, a. l.l.DDaii nn- No t eouthern, MtJOJO OO; No, t, l2t.00O3t.60. Tin, strong: Dot. I42.SIA4I.0O. At Juondon -CopDar: Hoot. HIS uta? fit. turaa, not quored; electrolytic, 1146, Tim opoi, tiia, aa ruiurea. tin, igaad. iao ibm. opeitor, tog lua. CntUm Markot. . New Tork,- Jan. t.Cottori PiitnfM openoa aieaay; January none; March, U.4Boi May, 17. 6 In; July, It.ttto; October, The cotton market today cloned ateady at ft net gain of 21 to 2tl polnta. i ion ruiurea c oaed itexlv; Jimupt lT.Onc; March. 17.iSn: Julv. 17.!Tp: net Ah lt.ttc. Hpot cotton ateady; middling up- iripn, h.ido, oaiea, 1 0,300 balea. IjlVerpool. Jan. l.-CottaaMnat. itsg rood middling, lO.lte; middling, 10.77o; low uiiuaung, iv.tia; aaiag, ,voo balaa. Sugar Market. New York. Jan. I.RosarRaw. sttarlv centrifugal, l.27o; molaaaea, 4.40c, He fined. ony. i pninta lower; cut loar, 7,0c; oruahed. f.7io: mould "A." 7.is: i-uhm 7.2; XXXX, powdered, f.tOc; powdered, .nu, nn aranuiaiea. 1. live; diamond a, 1.7 to, oonfectieHera' A. I.fl&ei No. 1. a cAe Kuturea ware active and Arm on covering mm waiiereo ouying lor eutaiao account, prornpted by the Rrmnaaa of the aoot mar. ket. At noon prlcea were 1 to 10 polnU nianer. Kva prated Apple aad Dried Fmlta, New York. Jan. t. BvanorattMl Annleatu Dull: fancy, lfrtc; choice, 7HMc; prime, 7tTic Dried Frulta rrunea steady ! Caiifomiaai It 11c; Oregone. ttia. Apricots, firm; choice, 17c, eitrs choice, 17Sicj fancy. Ho. Peaches, firm; choice. ct eitra choloe, fancy, llc. Raielne. quiet; choice to fancy seeded. ItflOc: seed leu. lSMitun! London layers, 11.10. . Oil and Konln. BaVSnnah. Oa.. Jan. 1 Turnatnl Inai VIs-wm 5SUt2Uc: aalea. 3I& hhl ; FlntB dan shipments, SIO; stock 23,140, ' Hosinnrm; aaies, 1. zsi bbis.; receipt , 1.IS0; ahlpmenU, 6.366; stock, 02,374, Quote: A, B. C, I, K. F, O, t,20; H, I IT I III. II la a,. .l Taa ... .L. 4aa,.i, r, f.ojajD, H, fD,: Pa. ,,: W U, $7.00; WW, $7.86. ' HL Louis Grain Market. ' St. 7.0U.S. Jan. I. Wheat No. 1 red Il.t201.t4: No. S hard. tl.tO: II v. ti.iou: July. 1.44. - corn no. t, Ftuc: no. I wh lie. IIUe May, 6Hc; July, i4Hc. " . utu-Ho, i, io; no. I white, 6&ttc. ' Dry floods Market. New York. Jan. 2. ('niton aoods were steady today on light trading. Yarns wero eaaier. Mens wear openings attracted many buyers. Sitka wore In fair riemunfl Jobber ware active In shipping goods on, uruvr. New Year Opeaa with Substantial OaUi la w ar and Heialeoi Hhai-es. , . Money 4 per cent. Dlecount Rates Short and three months. tmH ptr cent. leoniina Stock Market. ' ' ltndon, Jan. I.AinerlcMii aecurlttea wer qulit. awaiting a lead from Wall at reel on the stock exchange here today. silver Har, as Ha Pr ounce. rhlcage Minneapolis . Duluth , Omaha . 1 . , . , Kanaaa City St. Louis ,,,, Winnipeg , , 10 ...4.11 . .... 2t ....142 ...SOU , , 492 134 127 t2 148 44 107 These sales were reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 ear, $1.27. No. 2 hard winter: t care, IMS'; I care, 1. M; 2 cars, No. 2 hard winter: 1 cars, 21 M; t rare, 11. 16: 11 cars, $1.26; t can, 91.24-4; t cars, 11. M; 3 cars, 21. AJ,; 2 cars, $1,82. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, $1.26; I car, $1.12; t earn. $1. 21; 1 car, $1.20: 1 cara, $1.72; 1 car, $1.77. Sample bard wlnterr 21 car, $1.77; 2-1 car. $1.70; 1 car, $1.76. Sample spring: Part car, $1.21. No. 2 durum: 1 car, $1.72; 1 car, $1.7t; No. 2 durum: 1 car, $1.7: 1' car, 21.76. No. 2 mixed: I ears. $1.14; 1 car, 21.74; 1 car, $1.764; I oars, $1.76;. I cara, $1.74. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.22; 1 car, $1.21; 1 oar, $1.20; 1 oar, $l.Tt; 1 car, 21-72: ears, $1.72; 1 car, $1.72; 1 car, $1.16. Sample mixed: Part car. 21.40. Rye No. 2; 1 car. $1.14H; 1 ear, $1.24 1 car, $1.22. No. 2: 1 car, $1.24; 1 oar, $1.23: 1 car, $1.22; 1 car, $1.32. Sample 1 car. $1.90. Barley No. 2:1 car, $1.16. No. 2: 1 ear, $1.00, No. 1 feed : 1 oar, 1 6c. Re jected: 1 car, 92o. Sample: 1 car, tic. Corn No, 1 .white: 1 car, 21c; 1 car, 224io. No. 3 while: 1 car, 89e: I cars. 92c; 1 car, c. No. 4 white: 1 car, Rtc. No. ,9 yellow: 9 ears, 8944c; 2 cars, 99c. No. 9 yellow: t cars, 8c; 10 cars, 28c; 1 car, tHe, No. 4 yellow: 2 cars, 18 He. No. yellow: 1 car, tlfte. No. 2 mixed; 2 cars, 2 2 c. No. 2 mixed : 4 oars. c: 11 cars, 88 Sir: I cars, SHUo. No. i mixed: 6 oars, 92c; 9 cars, 8744c. Sample mixed: 1 car (wheat mlxAti), bhc, Oat Standard: 1 car, 62c; 1 car, 62c. No. 2 white: 22 cars, 62 He. No. 4 white: 2 care, (2c. Sample white: 1 car, 61 He Omaha Caen Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard, 91.lf.Ol.H6; No. 9 hard, $1.21 H 182; No. 4 hard, $1.7701.86; No. 9 spring, $1.2201.88; No. 2 spring, $1.78 1,86; No. 2 durum. $1.7601.71; No. 9 durum, $1.74e1.7f. Corn: No, 2 white, 8Mte. No, 2 white. 28 OtlS Ho; No. 4 White, 27 4? 88c: Nn. 6 white, 87Uai7c; No. i white, 27027c No. 2 yellow, 8t8tHo; No. 9 yellow, 88 HO 82c; No. 4 yellow, 888Bc; No. 6 yellow, 87H 0 88Ua: No. yellow. 27U088Uo: No. 2 mixed, 28e824ia; No. 2 mixed. 88 U 4 2SHc; No. 4 mixed, 27H088c; No. 6 mixed. Ti7; No. I mixed, BT4?i74c. oata No, 2 white, t2 0 634c; standard, 62AfvG3c No. 2 white, t262a; No. 4 white, 619 62c. Barley: Malting, $1.0601.16; No. 1 leeo, aopfoc, Kyei'JNo, l, sH-aaVi-St i no. 2, $1,3201.24. Omaha lWdree Market, Locs) range of options: Art, OpsnTj High. I Low, I Close. Sat Wht. " "1 May t Tt 1 19 172 1 7t "2 July 1 29 1 42 139 1 4 1364 Sept, 1 21 1 $0 lit I 1 90 Obrn. ( May tt tl It tl It July II 99 19 j It 27 Oata ,1 1 May I 62 ' 511 I 2 61 Chicago cloalnff prices, furnished The Bee oy utgwn uryan, stock and grain brokers, 311 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Art. Open. Hlf hTf LowT Close. Sat Wht. I ' I May 1 ft. 1 91 1TI 1 20 174 July 1 44 1 47 142 1 46 141 Corn. May ( 1 tt! I6 I3 t& 12 July 931 94 99 t4 13 Oats. May 64 96 (4 66 63 July tl 62 61 62 61 Pork. Jan. 27 06 37 06 7 06 27 06 37 00 May 29 63 36 71 2$ 92 39 67 31 60 Lard. Jan. 16 13 16 23 16 Of 16 07 16 30 May II 47 16 20 16 97 16 67 16 76 Ribs. Jan. II 76 13 30 13 72 13 71. 12 73 May 14 17 14 37 14 17 14 30 14 30 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS, Chicago, Jan. I. Soaring prices In. the wheat market today resulted chiefly from the war-like answer which the entente alllea made on Saturday to the peace offer from Berlin. After an extreme ascent or 7c a buuhel, the market cloaed unsettled, 60 to 6c not higher, with May at 91. Tt to 91.10. and July at 91.46 to $1.48. Corn gained lo to 2c, oata le 1o -Ho. Provisions flnlahod at a range varying from 22o decline to a rlae of 7c. Kxi'itement was man 1 teat at me opening of bUBlnese In the wheat pit, and thero were gains right at the start running all the way from lc to 4a a hushel. Ruahes to buy and scarcity of offerings formed I he .order of the day until holders were tempted by chances to realise Immediate proflta of to to 7c. ...4. ": aawfl "iaa " f tWwtssBBBMkX9SMMa.,,xa Buy Shares in Alfalfa Butter Companr s; $100.00 Each ; Pays 7Vz Per Cent Net. .?$ -l . ... , ;J i t. ' & ii!iS us bow regltrding ,inTestment I ALFALFA BUTTER CO. , Cor. 11th St land Capitol At. J J 1 1 1 v'.j Omaha, Neb. Ki'fn under such clrrumstances, however, prniteure to eel) was none too eagr o gen eral waa th" agreement of traders that the outlook appeared alight at present for a caseation of hoettlltte In Hurope1. Dlmlritrmlng eupplteit In the Unttd Ktatea tended further to stimulate ttenllment favor ing the bull aide of the wheat market, and ao llkewlne did optimistic meaaagee from the seebosrd referring to Imprpved rondt tlons u to enlargement In the number of ocean vessels available and to the Hearing up of the railroad freight carrying difficul ties. On the other hand, a disturbing ele ment (ate in the day waa the circulation of rumors that Germ any noon would attempt to blockade tho HritiHh Is lea with a fleet or 400 supcr-KUbmarlnen. Corn roae with wheat. Besides r-relpts were tight and there were eigne of a demand for export ahtpmenls by way of the Uulf of Mexico. Oats readily followed the upward course of other cereal. Houses with east ern connections. were conxplclous buyers. Heavy deliveries on January contracts Heomcd to weigh down the price of lard. Pork and ribs, however, were In good re quest, and continued to hold firm. Chicago ranti Price Wheat; No. 2 red. nominal; No. 3 red, $l.82inl.S6 : No. 2 hard $I.N71. '4; No. 3 hard. II. M 1.86 Corn; No. 2 yellow. .l j 94 fcc; No. 4 yel low. l4r92c; No. 4 white. 91492e. Oata: 1 No. 2 white, Mt64Hc; standard, 644y66c. Rye: No. 2, nominal: No. 3. $1.36. Barley1 8Bc4$t.26. Seeds: Timothy. $3. iBSti 60- clover, $l2.00tyl7.00. Provisions: Pork' $38.10: lard. !.-',: ribs. 913.1 2 ff 13.7: . Ru tier Recelpta, 3.223 tuba; creamery, 22 0 atr-. - Kggx Steady: receipts, 2.020 vaaea; firsts, 40Mle; ordinary flmta, 364y36c; at mark, caxes Included, 3: fit Or. I'o tat net. Higher; receipts. 30 rars; Colo ratio, Oregon, Washington and Idaho, white. II SO ! .; Michigan, white, l.04j. 1.I&, Wlaconsin, white, 1.7itl.S3. Poultry Live, higher; fowls, 16412c: springs, ltc; turkeys. X3r. NKW YORK t.KNKKAL MARKET. Quotations of the Day on Various I leading (JommodlUeo. New Tork,. Jan. 3. Plour Firmer: spring patents. 98. tOOt. 30; winter patents, 98. 404 8.06: winter straights, 98.I64JI.40; Kaifaaa atralghU, 23.808.00. Wheat Spot, atrong; No. 2 hard. 92.03; No. 1 northern. Iwluth, $2.09; No. 1 north ern, Manitoba, 91. im. t o. b., New Tork. Corn-8not, firm; No. . 3 yellow, 91.06. c. I. f.. New York. ... Oats Spot, firm; standsrd. 61tfS2c. Hay Quiet; No. 1. $1.001.06; N. 2, t6 97c; No. 3, 86t0c; shipping, Itt&nOe, Hops Steady: atate. common to choice, Ittn, 46t960c; 1016. 814c; Pacific coast, 1016, 11014c; 1116, St lie. Hides Stesdy ; Bogota, 42c ; Central America, 42&42c. treat her Firm; hemlock firsts, 67c: sec onds, the. Frorlsions Fork, unsettled; mess., ins. 00 3:. 6ft; family. 9SO.00t932.0O; fhort clear, 9-11. 0014. 00. Beef, eteacly: mess. $28.00 J J. fl) ; turn 1 1 j, 2i..60 4y7.0O. Lard, weak: middle Weat. 115.404(15. &0. Tallow Quiet; .-Ity, lie; country, IIV4O 11 He; npeclal. 11 He. Butter Unnettlei ; recelpte. 6.141 tuba; creamery.- 41 4 49 42c; ilrsu, 27640c; sec onds, 3S 36 c. Kggs- Steady; rereipU. 6. 514 caeee; fresh gathered, extra drain. 4 (ft 9c; firsts, 4 to 47r; refrigerator, special marks, fancy, 36r; seconds to firsts. 34436c. Cheese Irregular; recelpta, 611) bote ; state, held, spm-lala, 2t24c; same, aver JMte fancy, 23 4 24c. Poultry Live, weak : no prices settled. Dressed, unchanged; chickens. 18 427c; fowls, 15tiy33c; turkeys. 18j34c. Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, Jan. 2. Wheat Spot. Xo. 1 northern eprlng 17s, 8d; No. 3 hard winter, 17a. 4d.; No. 1 Manitoba (old) 18s, Id: No. 3 old 17s, 10d; No. 3 old, 17s, 8d; No. 3 new. 17a, Id. Com Spot, American mixed (new) 13s, lid. Flour Winter patents, 47s. Hops In London: Pacific coast, 14, Us to 6. Us. Omaha Hay Market. Omaha. Dec. 28. Prairie Hay Choice up land, $11.60912.00; No. 1, $10.6011.00-, No. 2, $9.00010.00; No, 3, $8.0008.00; choice midland, $11.00; No. 1, 910.001O.G0l No. ta hflai to va 9 xt ftira n.ao: cnun lowland. 92 000140; No. 1. 9S H.0S.so; .m 2. 97.00 0 8.00; No. 3. $6.0007.00. Alfalfa Choice. $17.00 17.60r No I. 916. &0 16.60; standard. 914O0lVlu: N". 2, 912 60013.60; No. 3. 910.60&11 .60. Straw Oat. 97.0007.60: wheal. 9t OVtf no. Kansas City tieBerml Market. Kanaaa City, Jan. 3. Wheat No. 2 hard. 91.831.88: No. 2 red. $1.8301.83; May, $1.7701.77; July. $1.43 01.43. Corn No. S mixed, 91tlc; No. 3 white. tl0t2c; No. 2 yellow, 9l0t:c; May, t2c; July. t2 0 82c. Oats No. 3 white, 64066c; No. 9 mixed, 634tS4c. Butter Creamery. 41c: firsts. 39c; ?c- ondH, 37 c; packing, 28c. i Kgga firsts, 11c. Pou I try Hens, 19 c ; roosters, Jt,: c ; turkeys, 24c. Minneapolis, Grain Market. Minneapolis, Jan. 2. Wheal May, $M.H 01.8&: July, $1.77. Cash: No. 1 hard. $1 Hit 01.93: No. 1 northern, $1.2.0 1.88; No. 2 northern. $1.8001.87. Corn No. 3 yellow, 8H90c. f Oats No. 2 white.. 61062C . Klaxaeed 92.813.88. 't Flour Fancy patenta advanced lc, quoted at $9.40. Other grades unchanged. Barley lc0$l. 13. , Rye$1.3501.38. ' Bran $3.OU0 Unusually Great Economies Offered Buyers in H.ps;n'S' January Sales A LL the odd lots and broken lines which inventory has revealed, and in many cases com plete stocks of choice winter merchandise, are marked for quick clearance at less than the actual factory cost of the goods today. Only a few of the splendid values here men tioned. You will find hundreds of others equally attractive, displayed throughout this store. AH Men's and Young Men's Fancy Winter Suits All Men's and Young Men's Winter Overcoats $1750 Hart Schaffner & Marx And other high grade makes, all new, fall 1916, merchandise, and every garment fully guaranteed. $2 322 Suits, that sold from $20.00 to $40.00 Overcoats, that sold from $25.00 to $40.00 In Women's Suit Section " Sacond Floor. Beautiful Evening; Gowns, Dancing Frocks '' ' and Dresses Splendid assortment for your , Selection now . HALF PRICE eeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaewee. . e. ww..eeeeeeeeeeeeee. In Women's Suit Sertion Sacond Floor. All Women's and Misses' Cloth Coats and All Children's Coats Jfl This Great Sale at HALF PRICE In Women's Suit Section Second Floor. All Our Furs at 1-3 Off All Plush Coats at 14 Off In Women's Suit Section Second Floor. Over 100 Suite That sold at $15.00 up , to $175 priced at $6.95, $10, $19, $29, $39 and $69. Remarkable Clearance Sale Pricings on All Odd Pieces and Broken Lines of Silks and I Velvets, to Make Room for Nw Spring Stocks 40-Inch Brocaded Poplins, worth $4.50. ... 40-Inch Novelty Crepe de Chine, worth $3.50 . . . 40-Inch Printed French Charmeuse, worth $2.98 40-Inch Imp. French Net Crepes, worth $3.50. 36-Inch Chiffon Taffetas, worth $1.25 36-Inch Satin Striped Taffeta, worth $1.50 36-Inch Striped Messalines, worth $1.25 36-Inch Satin Striped Poplins, worth $1.50. . . . , Imported Swiss Charmeuse, worth $1.25... 27-Inch All-Silk Messalines, worth $1.00... 24-Inch Tourist Fancy Silk, worth $1.25. . . 26-Inch Fancy Messalines, worth $1.00 98 Yard 48 40-Inch Satin de Luxe, worth $1.75 42-Inch Satin Crepe Meteor, worth $1.75 36-Inch Satin Striped Chiffon Taffeta, worth $1.50 86-Inch French Satin Plaids, worth $1.75 . 36-Inch Print Wash Chiffon Taffeta, worth $2.00 40-Inch All-Silk Canton Crepes, worth $2.00 40-Inch Black Chiffon Taffetas, worth $2.00 36-Inch Black Dress Satin, worth $1.50. . ...... 1 Yard Yd. 27-Inch Roman Striped Novelty, worth $1.00 22-Inch Bulgarian Novelties, worth $1.50 20-Inch Novelty Striped Velvet, worth $1.98 Waist lengths, Skirt lengths and Dress lengths, in some cases the lots are small and not every color; taken all through, these lots are wonderful bargains. Come early and get your choice, as the best always sell first. Many. Special Offerings Wednesday in Our Busy ANNEX SALES ROOM. Wide Sheetings, Pillow Tubirig and Muslins Unbleached, 2 14 yards wide Sheeting, yard . ... .23'4t Bleached, 2 yards wide, Sheeting, yard 23Vt Bleached, 42-In. Pillow Tub ing, strong, sturdy cotton, yard 19 BleaJied Muslin and Cam bric, in remnant lengths, at, yard .; 5t Nainsook, fine quality, for undermuslins, yard... .JV Nainsook, boxed, 10-yard pieces, fine quality ; the box, for $1.39 Longcloth, 10 yards to the piece, fine grade, the piece, for , $1.19 ; Bath Towels, fringed, small ; size, each 3'2t Bath and Huck Towels, ex- ; cellent values, each . . 7V4 ' Wash Cloths, regular 3c ; kind, 3 for 5c ' Table Padding, 50 in. wide, ! regular 29c grade, yd. 19c ' White Lawn, 28 to 45 inches : wide, soiled on selvage; ! worth up to 50c yard, at, the ! yard 10c 1 LINENS, TOWELS, SHEETS AND CASES, BED SPREADS. DEPENDABLE QUALITY AL-' WAYS! THIS first of the New Year's Sales Afford Striking Economies On Home Keepers' Needs. Main Linen Department Table Damask, pure linen, heavy weight, unbleached, 70 inches vide, at, yard 98c Table Damask, pure linen, weighty, silver bleach, 70 inch es wide, yard. 98c Tabla Damask, Union linen, dice Pattern, 68 inches, yard... 59c able Daraaak, Irish manufac ture, 70 inches, full bleach, at, yard , . . .79c Table Damask, heaviest quality, for restaurant service, 58 inch es wide, at, yard 39c Table Damask, mercerized, 64 inches wide, yard 39c Table Cloths, all linen, German manufacture, 68x76, hemmed, each $1.50 Table Cloths, all linen, 64x64, scalloped, each $2.25 Tabla Cloth,, satin finish, mer cerised, 64x64, scalloped, each, at $1.98 Table Cloths, mercerized, hem med, 64x72 size, each 79c Towala, all cotton, soft finish, absorbent, huck weave, 18x36 size, $1.10 dozen, or, each. . 10c Towala, half linen, crash tow els, wonderfully serviceable, at, each 15c Towels, heavy gracje bath tow els, large size, $2.85 dozen, or, each 25c Towel,, bleached bath towels, 20x42 size, weighty, absorbent, $1.75 dozen, or, each ..... 18c Towels, bath towels, red border, large and heavy, $3.25 dozen, or, each 29c Towala, bath towels of medium size, $1.25 dozen, or, ea., 12M Towels, Union linen, fine qual ity huck, 19x38 size, $2.75 doz en, or, each. 25c Seamless Sheets, Lockwood brand, size 81x90, each... 85c Seamless Sheets, Lockwood brand, size 81r99, each. . .90c Seamless Sheets, Lockwood brand, size 90x99, each.. $1.00 Seamleaa Sheets, Lockwood brand, size 63x99, each... 85c Seamleaa Sheets, Belvidere brand, linen finish, 72x90, each, for , 75c Seamleaa Sheets, Belvidere brand, linen finish, 81x90, each, for 80c Seamleaa Sheets, Belvidere brand, linen finish, 81x99, each, for : 85c Bleached Sheets, Superior brand, 81x90 size, each 55c Vulcan brand, seamed, linen fin ished sheets, 76x90 size, ea. 69c Pansy brand seamed sheets, 72 x90 size, each 45c Hammed Pillow Cases, 42 or 45 inch sizes, each 11c Hemstitched Pillow Cases, 45 inch size, at, each 15c Beet Spreads, crochet weave, Marseilles patterns, extra size, 84x96; scallop cut corners, each for $1.98 Bed Spreads, crochet weave, fringed, square, large size ; each for .$1.85 Bed Spreads, satin finish, $5.00 spreads, large size, beautiful patterns, scalloped cut corners, each , $3.98 Bed Spreads and Bolster Covers to match, satin finish, Marseil les designs, scallop and cut cor ners; the set $3.25 aattaMBykBaaaaaaBaMMBSaaSMMBawiBW January Clearance of Wool Dress Goods Considering the high prices on wool the values here Tuesday are extraordinary. We note only a few of the special items. x Short lengths and odd pieces must be closed out regardless of present prices. 100 pieces of Wool Challies, some all. wool, some half' wool, neat, floral designs, ' stripes, dots, etc., IP' 59c and 39c values, IOC r 75 pieces of all wool Amos keag Serge and Diagonals, French Crepes; black and white checks; all wool Ba-: tiste, 75c and 85c . JO values, at HOw $1.50 54-Inch Suitings and Coatings, at 68c '; 50 pieces of 54 and 56-inch Novelty Suitings and Coat ings, Diagonals, Serges, Ar mures, fancy plaids and stripes, former prices, $1.5p and $2.00; while they CO last, at.... 00C f READ THE BIG SPECIAL JANUARY OPENING GROCERY SALE FOR WEDNESDAY. Invaaca taken, and atacka ta iceel. $20,000 tnla weak, an tha kizkaat quality teeela. s 14 LBS. BEST GRANULATED SUGAR far ac 18-lb. aaeka beat hlah rraaV Dtaraetul H Klonr: buy now aa tha market's, strain advanein. WEDNESDAY. PER 4S-LB. SACK ...... S2.10 1 lbs. best White or Yellow Oomnaal !9c Vibe, beat Boiled White Braakfaat Oat Baal for ...'...2Sc fibs, choree' Japan Rise. .. . , . .2ScSoar Pieklea, Ssanner a lajnoue Macaroni, vermicelli or Spaghetti, made in . Omaha, bx .Omaha Jeople; pks ;...;.... i .Vac t 'cans Oil Sardine for1, ft A . . '. .!... le 1 a 2 ean fane, Sree Sonar 9orn. . 10c No. S can Earir June Pcu 10c No. t can Golden Pumpkin, Hominy or Saner Kraut, for 2Yt Baker! Shredded Cocoanut, can.... 10c 32-4B. Jar Pvre Fruit Preeervee.. 8-o. Jar Pore Strained Honey 30a Pure Comb Honey, per rack 16c 4 pkn.jK. C Corn Flakea. for.,....2S 4 can Old Dutch Clouucr ...2Sc, -id. naxeri junacoMie; iy,c Woreeeter Snc Pickle, eMorted kinds; or HoraeradUh. bottle .... , Sveet Pickle, owl............. Sour Piekle. quart. . W. .. .10c Chow Cnow. enact., j. j., , ,, ..... t .15e Yeast Foam. nks.. .V. . . . . .3c. The best Tea SifUon, lb ....IJViti BreakfatCocoa, par lb.t- . . . . .20e McLaPMi Feaaut Batter, lb..,..12; Faster Goldea San toe Coffee, a flu drtak, nerlb C 20c The Best Creamry Butter, carton or bulk. lb. -to The, hMt. atriptlv fresh Eetrs. dos...3Sc Faney Conntry Creamery Butter. Ik. .Mcj irsinanv mm -i .tnie miner, id out r.n Full rMM. Nn York White. Wil- Crcam Brick Cheese, lb. ......... ..0j A CARLOAD OF EXTRA FANCY tilGH TitAND NAVEL ORANGES FOR . i WEDNESDAY'S SALE ma. nn 4 Oimiitv. the Pride of, California, Kissed by the, San. Mooanndj Stars; wemeeday, a . 26 sise, per donen.v, wi . . 10 ie, per doaen -fv-aoci li.6 sfse. ner dosen 106 and 13ft size, per dosen. ....... .30 The Vet stable Market of Omaha for the People. Fresh - Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Shallots ot -Radishes, per baneh 4c Fresh Csbbasre. per lb 4V,c S Heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce 10c Fancy Head Lettuce, head TVtc Old Beet. Carrot. Turnip or Parsnips, per lk. ayc Fresh. Parsley, per bunch 5c Rutabofcas, per lb ...s8Vie Bermuda Onions, per lb 5c Roilinv Onions, red, per lb. 3Vsc Cranberries, per quart 10c Cucumbers, each 10c and 12 Vic Pas col Celery, per stalk ,..... .5c i laMMnMMnMMAniMMil baT V ""FV ! li pl Try HAY DE N'S 'First pay8r-