THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1917. Want-Ad Rates CASH WITH ORDER. If per word each InasrUon , (Set solid fie display.) AO Paruranhed or Set in Dlsplsy Style. la pr ttn , on time to per Itna three consecutlT. limes (Count six word! to th lino.) CRAROB RATES. le per lino ono tlwie to per Hne three eonsecutt.. tlmeo (Count alt trorda to the line.) Rpooud Utteel Farm ,.nd Rsncn Land. To per Hoe three oonsoeutlrs tlmeo (Const all words to the line.) . FOREIGN APVFRTtfllNO TJNMB AGENTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS. te per wore) one time 1 Ho per word three consecutive Urncs KO AI TAKEN FOR I.EM THAN A TOTAL OF toe OR LEKH THAN lOe A DAT. CARDS OF THANKS. DEATH AND FU NERAL NOTICES. lie per line each Ineertlon (Minimum charge so cents.) UONTRLT RATE FOR STANDING ADS. (No chant, of copy allowed.) One line Two Unoa or more per line 11.10 (Count all worda to the line.) (Cop tract rotas on application.) TUB BEE will not be respoiwribl. for more than ono Incorrect Ineertlon of an adver tisement ordered for more than one time. ADVERTISERS ahould retain receipt!, len by The Boo In payment for Want Ad. as no tnlauke eon be rectified without them. USB THE TELEPHONE if you cannot con veniently brlnl or send In your ada. Ask for a Want Ad Taker, and you will re ceive the aame food service aa when de livering your ad at the office. PHONE TYLER 1000. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE. EVENING EDITIONS 11:00 M. MORNING EDITIONS. .....1:00 P. M. DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. MrOILL Mrs. Julia V., psssed away at Portland. Ore.. Saturday morning. Decem ber to. 'Private funeral servlco will be held In Omaha from the home of her brother, H. a Bootwlck. 3722 Dewey Ave.. Thurs day. January 4 at 4 p. m. Burial at Forest Lawn cemetery. Please omit flowers. SPECIAL NOTICE Id C lochwell. coneti, Baldric block. FRATERNAL ORDERS. CBOUNSK HALL Opposite Nw bait for ledge nd dance. Bsretlent floor. TOUNO A DOHKRTT, i It! Breod.U Theater Bldg. Pout, 1671. FLORISTS. BB8T QUAMT7 CUT FLOWERS or plant, Art Combination shipped every where. Bxcollent service to our ryitom ers In past year recommends. HlflSH A s wo bo da. Kit Farnam m. uoug. 1-01 LAKUMST AbtklKTMKNT of frera flowers, delivered or shipped anywhere, h, HBN DBRSON, Itll Karnam St poua. 13.4. Font ensile LEE L. LARM0N 1814 Douglas St. Doug. 1244. PARKER Flower Shop. 411 8. llth. V. 1101. A. DONAGHUE, 1122 Harney. Doug. 1001. BATH, National Florist. 1104 FaraomTt. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS . OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREnTT RAILWAY COU PANT. Prona having loat wmi article would do wall to call up the off tea of tba Omaha .fc Council Bluffs fitroat Hallway company to aaoartaJa whathar they loft it In tha treat oar. Many articles each day ara turned In and tba company la aniloua to roatora them to tha rightful own ara. Call Tyler I0. IP you lose anything and will advertise tt hare, you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. Remarkable recov eries are brought about ovary day through thla column. THE HONUST WAT If you And aomethlng of value, or a keepsake of value only to tha owner, la to Insert a email ad. The owner of the article In moat cases Is will Ing to refund the cost of advertising. LOHT Lady's black hatigbag containing currency and small ohanva, check for $1. door key, ribbon and other small , articles, Loat In downtown section west of lath and Douglas Hte. Finder call Walnut 1111, or lemvo with C, U Hennlg, VlPmh- 1aUy News, and welvajwwsrd. STOLEN 1 Fl 7 Pord,badly scarred- and muddy, engine No, 141064, Iowa license, nearly new, Ooodyear'a tires, non-skid :i back; oontalns telephone supplies under , back seat cushion. Notify V, J. Meyer, Sidney, la. Reward for apprehension. In the ELEVEN Months of 1111 The He. gained... .12.110 paid ads . MORS THAN DOUBLE the COMBINED gsin of the sther two Omaha papers. ' Lowest Kste. Best Results. Best Servles. THE Known party who picked up. stiver mesh baa with watch In frame at phone . booth at Hotel Boms Wed. evening had setter return same to Olive Walker, Ctalr mont Inn. Reward. No questions asked. LAROI AIREDALE "bOO ro.rChrl.tmse morning; decidedly black and tan. Re ward. r. J. Adams. Harney 1261. LOSTBlsck fur muff In neighborhood of 24th snd Leavenworth. Reward. Phone Red 4241. LOST Horse, about I years old, weighs l.ool lha. Liberal reward. L. London, So. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture snd Household Goods. In the HLEVBN Months irilli r". The Bee gained. .. .11.110 paid ads MOKK THAN DOUBLE tha COMBINED gain of th. other two Omens pspsrs. Lowest Rsto. Best Results. BestBervlee. STOVES, ALL KINDS. See us" (Iret. Price, right. City Purnlturs Co., 107 8. llth Loyal Furniture Co., Ill N. llth St I BUT a Little Olsnt Ironing table. It given abaolut satisfaction. The Uttle Ulant Msnofscturlng Co., Omsha. I STOV1CS, furniture, ; rugs, bedding snd linen of all kinds. Open till p. Dolgoff, 1131 N. llth 8L I1IUH-ORADE furniture, cut glass, hand painted china, brtc-s-brac snd all that could be expected to furnish a l-room modern cottage. Can be bought at half value. Any party wishing a pretty home eall Tyler I14I-J. No dealere or trlRers. Pisnos snd Musical Instruments. FOR SALE! Buescher. low pitch, tenor, sssophone with esse, silver-plated, almoat .. new. ,100 cash, write n. D. Dickinson, Elliott. la. ONB Holten corn.t for a.:, cheap. Call ' Douglas 1111. SewuifMschines. SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair. Belt needles and parts a I ail sewing mac nines. MICKELB NEBRASKA CYCLB CO.. ' lath and Harney Bts. Doug. Ull. Billiard! and Potket Tables. rOR SALE BILLIARD TADLKS. Brand new, carom and pocket, with complete outfit. Ilia; second-hand tables at re duced prices, bowling alleys and; easy payments. Cigar stores, drug, deli rataasen and soda fountain (Utureo. THK HHUNHWICK-HALKK-COLLKNUER CO 47-4ttt noutn ictn BL BARBER shop and pool hall, pool table separately. L&ng, nam St, Red 7X10. Will aell lift? Far- Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS. BXFERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. , LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 21.-2. So. llth St. Oman. BOILERo steam, slsctrlc, gss engines. pipes. Gross wrecking Co., 1111 Cuming. Printing snd Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co.. slso public steno. raone lor prices, uougiss 2101. M Futon Blk. OUT oar prices on Job printing. . UNITED STATES PKLNTINO CO.. Bee Bldg. Douglss' 1111. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., duality . pristine. Tel. Doug. JIM. ill S. llth ML Persistence is the Cardinal Virtue in Advertising. ' . ' ( FOR SALE Miscellaneous Typewriter! and Supplieg. NEW machines sold tha hum as rent It rer month. 8a ua before you buy or rant Shipred any piaee on ten days' free trial. Butta' Typewriter itfl change, 410 8. lth St., Omaha, Neb. WIS BUT, Mil and esrhange typewriter. Ouaranteed typewriters, $10 up. Write for Hat. Midland Co.. Bee Bldg. CARBON paper tl a box and up; second sheets. 60c a ream. Midland Co. D. 2147. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter t month for lb. Central Typewriting Exchange, not Famam. REMINGTONS. Monarcha and Smyth Pre miers for rent: aent anywhere. Remington Typewriting company. D. 1284. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat treaaea mads over In new ticks at halt tha price of new onea. All your own feat here hack- when we renovate. 07 Cuming St. Douglas 247. MY high standard of quality will be main talned; 4 quarts of Old Fontenelle whisky, $3.26; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order bouse. Uoug. 7142, 123-1J4 N. 16th St. DEHKS, safes, scales, showeaaea, shelving, etc. We bauy, aelL Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-11 S 12th. Doug. 1724. ALEX J KITES' LIQUOR HOUSE. Thirteen tn and Douglas. Bottled In bond whisky, l&c, $1.00, 11.21, fall quart. DRY KINDLING WOOD. ACM8 BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 1117. ONE Iron stand and 20 job type cases, cheap. U. 8. Printing Co. , v , Wanted to buy. OTTTTMAM Pays Highest Prices UU A 1 AUAil for Furniture. Run. Clothes, Pianos, Offtca Furniture, Trunks, 8hoes.Douglaa 8971. Rei.. Webatar 4204. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, uned desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Heed, 1.07 Karnam, DIAMONDS "XlZi".0- iya highest price fc clothes, shoes, trunks. tt Red MIT Resouglas iOit. W A NT K rawer cash fegisTe r, good eondlilon snd cheap. Johnaoo Hardware Co., Burwell, Neb, ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOMOBILE .torsi.; dry and clean, 11.10 per month. Keys., Council Blurts, la. , i Accountants. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. Ill Ramge Bldg.. Phono Doug. 2161. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, Hide, Knife, Bos Pleating cov. Buttons Hemstitching. Neb. Floating and Button Co., 411-1 Paxton Blk. R. 4142. Attorney at Law. FJANCIB MORGAN, 111 Bee. Douglao lilt. Bakeries. CAXB5, pastry and fancy bakery goods supplied to parties, lodges snd entertain ments. Z. H. Reeder. 1501 N. lllh. W. 1127. ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKKRY, 1J N. llth BRANCHHS PUBLIC MARKKT AND ' HAYDBN HFtOTHKHH. OUR MOTTO" BETTER BAKED OOODS. Batha.1 I DR BENDA Sulphur, steam. Modern Turkish BATHS AND MASSAGE. Private apartments for ladles, with lady attend ants, ill! Karnam. Phone Doug. 6177. HITTBWdusVitoWurltifmraU kinds bath 110-114 Baird Blk. 17th and Douglas. StaaU Inst, 1(08 Harney, electric and other pains, massage. D. 70IT, open evenings. Buttons and Pleating, VAN ARMAN Dress Pleating and Button uo., xss-7 raiton hik. Doug. not. Aoeor dlon, knife, aide, apace, box, aun burst and combination pleating, hematltchlnir picot dglng, pinking, ruchlng. covering but tons; all styles and all slxaa. Price Hat frwe, Brass and Iron Foundries. Paatop-Mitchell Co., I7th and Martha BtaA Caterera. 7 AM EXPERIENCED CATER ESS, excellent coos; special attention to partloa and Hun day dinners. Prices reasonable. Doug. (141. WHOEVER needs an exp. caterer "call Mra. Kicitett. Ty. 1&H wn l fcfur. waitresses. ChiroDractic. Drs. Johnston, 1121 w. O. w. Bldg. P. IHI. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment ur. journorn, nose mae. Palmer school graduste. Doug. 1147. Dr. France Dawson, toi l Rose Bid. T, 2211. Carpenters and Contractors. " LB88AHD SON, 1011 Cuming. Tyler 1111. Coatumera. LARGEHT stock of costumes for theettrleala snd maaqueradea In the country for sals or rent. Llebon a Bon. 1114 Howard. THEATRICAL gowna, full dress suits, far rsnt. 204 w. nth. John Feldmsn. v. 1121. Detective!. JAMBS ALLAN, 111 Neville Blk. BTld.uo. secured In alV caaeo. Tyler llln. fnteratat. Detet-tlve A'ss'n.. 422" Ramge Bldg. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No Pain. Ill W. O. W. Bldg. Tsffs Dent. Rms.. 101 Ross Bldg. D. 11 m" Danclni: Academy. KEEP DANCING ACADEMY, llth snd Far- nam olass Mon. and Frt. ovo. Assemblies Wed. snd Sat. eve. Prlvste lessons. D. 7160. iiPT.TTYT? ball fnSir THURa, Uia UW ASJ XT.. SUN. KVJ1. SCHOOL MON. EVE. Ill 8. llth St., Up. Fontenelle M1B8 AQNK3 MALLOT. Phone Doug. 1441. i Dressmauna:. I -piece dresses specialty; remodeling work guaranteed. 024 B. llth Ave. H. 4114. D'maklng by the day. D. 1701 bet. and 7. M'Dowell Dressmaking School, 200 Balrd Bid. OOWNS. d'aamaklng by dayMIss Cos. H. 1101 Dree.m'k'g, jiialn or fancy, rcas. Ty. ili.w7 Terry Dressniak'g ool.", 3dth"Vnd""arnanx LA HI EH' aulta remodeled. Douglss 4111. DRKSSMAKINQ WORK OUAR. D, till. Evervthinc for Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box planting, covered buttons, all slses snd styles; hemetltchlng, plcot edging, era' broidery, bending, braiding, cording, syo. let cut work, button no ee. pennsnta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLKAT1NO CO, 100 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1.31. SWITCHES from combings, II up. Dyed, too. Mts. M. nnilhart, 131 Futon Bldg. Fixtures and Wiring. 1TTDTTT Klectrlo washing maohlr e.ctrto Irone and reading lamps. 1811 curatng Bt. Douglas 1611. ffurnace Cleaning. BORNEMAN, fur., chlm. cleaning. P. Tilt. " " lHair DregsinsT. IDEA I4 Hair Parlors, 10? Baird Bldg. Mani curing, toilet articles. Douglas fill. lob Printing. GATE CITT Printing Co.. high-grade print ing. 1631 N. 34th. Phone Web. 1117. Painting and Paper Hanging. IF you want cheap work don't call me. I guarantee my work, painting and paper hanging. Call Harney 11. Carlaon. Justices of the Peace. a W. BRITT, 101 Barker Block. Patent Attorneys. ttY A. 8TURQI8, 010 Brandels Th.- P. 840I. Masseures. MINERAL steam, hot bath and maasaga. H in Neville blk.. 16th and Harney. MAMS AUK and chiropody. 210 Balrd Bldg. Ml 88 L1LLT Maaaags. baths. 1311 Farnam. Pianos for Rent ll.K per mo. A. Hoape Co.. 1618 Peuglaa. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. Inter national Patent Co., 181 Brandels. D. alL Shoe Parlors. SHINE CLEAN, BRONZE. Ull Farnam. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 107 S. llth. D. (II. Wedding Stationery. WEDDINCl announceraenta and printing. Douglas Printing Co. To I. Doug. 144. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF TOU have anything to trade, make up a little ad and run tt in thla column for even days It only costs tie and la per anawer. This offer la good only In Omaha, and excludes Real Estate, rash offers and Business Properties For Bala or Trade. These, aa well as snail orders for uaa of Bwappera Column, must pay regular rales. One or two answers are sufficient to make your trade and the whole trana- ' actios only costs about 10c. Try It, FOR SALE or trade, for good auto, a $316 piano. 6. , f SWAPPERS' COLUMN LARGE restaurant, combination Ice box and bur ret. .13 Wtncheater repealing rifle. In cubator, brooder, Mann'a bonegrtnder, 8. C W. Minorca cockerela and pullets. S. C B. Minorca pullets and cockerela, (wo 'Cameras, 6x7 and 1x10. eitra wide angle lens no, 40-root extension isrtaer, smalt collection of old coins, typewriter, ex- chance (or any thing I can use. Address Box 8. C. 11. Bee. In the ELEVEN Months of ltll The Bee gained. .. .M.Ple paid ads MORE THAN DOUBLE! tha COMBINED gain of tha other two Omaha paper Lowest Rate, Beat Results, Best Herri ee PHONOGRAPH records, have a number oi Victor and Columbia recorda, of which I have tired: all In good shops. Want to swap for others. Box 740, Bee. WIS ew. o or buy kodaks; films developed fr 'te-day service. Kim Kodak Studio, Nevllt Blk.. lath and Harney. WANTKD to swap household furniture of e-room nouse lor Kooa aecona-nana uio mobile. Addrese 9o7i, Be. TWO good houses, one lot, trade equity for autos, diamond or wheat. Owner. Colfax 419.1. 1134 Hah It. WILL trade my hunting dog for good shot, gun, or what have you? Box 8. C. 742, Bee. A LITTLK AD In this column wilt bring about soma remarkable cxcbargea PlNTTNdBUtflt, new; value $260," for lot or house and lot. Box tbit. Bee. 10 ACBKS, fruit land In Arkansas; clear. what have youT Box f&5. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR BALE The entire machine shop equipment, lathes, planers, arm presses, key-aeater, oxy -acetylene welding outfit, forge and anvil, gaaollno storagu outfit, auto ambulance truck, stock of supplies, etc.; will also lease building. Pel ton Oas ollne Engine Works. Lyons. Iowa, BUTCHER SHOP FOR SALE. Owner has other business prospect In view, will sell good butcher business and stork, In good town, rich forming com munity; splendid chance for good butcher wishing a good location and business. CUoaon Broa,, Klroa. la. In the ELEVEN Months of ml The Bee gained.... (vS.fllfl paid ads MORE THAN DOUBLE the COMBINED gain of the other two Omaha papers Lowest Rats, Beat Results. Best Service FOR SALE Eetabllnhed grocery and meat atore; doing good bualneaa; excellent loca tion; good new stock; cheap rent for building snd fixtures. About $1.1100 buys it K, Omaha Bee, Coancll Bluffs, la. HARDWARE stock In good town, esatern Neb.; stock nearly new and in rich farm ing country. Aot quick; owner going west. Adtfreas T U8, Bee. DO YOU WISH TO SELL TOUR BUSI NESS AND TURN IT INTO CASH? IF SO, SEE OMAHA SALVAOR CO., ?& OMAHA NATIONAL BANK BLDO. FOR BALE AT ONCE One of the oldeat and beat located groceries in town or 6,000 In western Iowa; good line ot flrturea In cellar. Address T-767, Bee. t X OOOD bargain for a good smith, I will sell or rent my blacksmith and machine shop, on account of poor health. H. Wil liam Clock, Kustls, Neb. . STOCK of merchandise, $1,000.00, , good southeastern Nebraska town, at a bar gain. Fine business opening. Address I 7b0, Bee. FOR aALK Good, clean stock ot hard ware, live town, central Nebraska. Oood reason for selling. Bo quick. ' Address Y $17, Boo. MOTION picture machines, (new and re built), theaters, supplies. Omaha Film Exchange. 10 Bo. 14th St. VILLIAMS. established It years. To bay or sell bualneaa see him. 411 MoCagua Bldg. Reference, U,S.Natlopal Bank. DOWD Bale and Auction Co.. Omaha, have olosed out more mdse. stocks than any otp" I" U- B- w?t. r.. trms. IF TOU want to aell or bur a bualneaa or rooming house call on Buach A Bergboff, 70 World-lerald Bldg. Phono D. 1111. WE BUY7we sell motion picture theaters. machines, feature ruma. co-operative Film and Supply Co.. 110 Bromley Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, drug atore, dwalUng and atock; aqua re aea., Aaaroas 111 West Ith Ave., Denver. Colo. TO GET In or oat of bualneaa, call on OANUE8TAD, 411 Bee Bldg. Pong. 1177. GUARANTY plan ; gat In or out tnnlneas. All wtea. F. v. Knieat. e nmi., umina. Rooming Houses, ROOMINO HOUSES, all at aea, great bar gain 411 Rose Bldg. Phone Tyler 1487. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, Ho PER LINE, Pay work or business ads regular ratea I lines one week 10s 1 lines one week le Each extra Una, lao par week. WISH to make connection with department store In state, of Nebraska Interested in opening up an automobile agency and ac cessory department. Would ba willing to Invest In the above project to prove I mean business. Address T Tit. Bee, in tbe ELEVEN Months of ltYl Tha Bee gained.... 12.010 paid ads MORE THAN DOUBLE th COMBINED gain of the other two Omaha papers ' Lowest Rata. Best Results. Boat8errlcs EXPERIENCED farmer and atsck reiser? paat middle age taingiej ox uaman aa scent, wishes position aa foreman; refer ences. Phone South 17 SI. Writs Anton Jepson, South Omaha. POSITIONS WANTED" By all-around cook, and dishwasher (two mem : hotel pre ferred, out of city. J. H. U. Addreas SSI, Bee. - YOUNO farmer, 31 years of age, single: wishes to leam the blackamitn trade. Ad dress Frank Betka, Routs No, I, Exeter, Nebraska. AN EXPERIENCED man cook would like a poaition aa cook in soma good private family, oafe or hotel. Phone Web. 1691. POSITION wanted by young taan; expert bookkeeper and atenograpner; aignt years experience. Box Sti 13, Bee. EXPERIENCED , colored chauffeur wishes ateady poaition, good reierencea; can, do own repairing. narney WANTED By young man. place to work for board while attending college. Doug. 1641. Boylea College; YOU WO MAN wishes position, either aa driver or apprentice macnapic. Auurasa 1404, Bee, EXPERIENCED floorman wants job In blacksmith shop. W. H. follard, 150 t. loth St. WANTED By experienced colored man. work aa Janitor or porter. Ph. Web. 1618. JAMES FOSTER, stationary engineer and fireman, all around good worker. Address asii Ohio. WORK wanted by a lira t -class plumber. TaL Walnut 13. . Female. WANTED Responsible position by capable experienced lady; can furnish ref. No salary under fib weekly consiaereo, Aa dreea Mrs. Allen, 1310 Douglas St. THE BEE oberge for "Situation ads" Is lower than any other form of advartlalng not enough to cover tna ooat or printing. NEAT YOUNO GIRL wanta poaition selling tickets, cashier or waiting on table. Call Room 4, Red 11T1. EXPERIENCED colored chambermaid wanta position. References Webster 1117. RELIABLE colored girt wanta housework or chambermaid. Tel. Douglss 8441. CA8HIER1NO or office work, best of ref erences. Telephone Harney 101- EXPERIENCED colored woman wanta general housework. Douglas till. WANTED Poaition at onoa by practical nurse, Red 6814. Hotels and Restaurant. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1110 Davenport St.- ' Douglas lifts. Headquarters ft hotel hlp. Laundry and tay Work. FOR experienced bundle washing call Web star 1177. Prompt delivery. Day work, any kind; comp. ref. Web. 7467. Ex- lady wanta b'dle wash. Ouar. Web. 40ol. DAY work or houaec leaning exp. Web, 4617. Plain dinners; clean.; sweeping'. Web. 4011. Launr'y wk- Call Del. Reaa. Guar. Web. 4417 For day work or gen. housework. Ty, 1164-W. KX. LAUNDRESS, bundle wash. Web. 8141. rHAMBEH. diiv or laundry work. Har. ll&fi Rx. colored lady wants day work. H. 5768 DAY wrk, clean, by ex. whlto worn. W. 1169. 1ST CLASS Indry. and day work. Web. 214$, LAUNl'RT arofully done. Web.43. ANY kind of" day workT webster ST34. Pract nursing, comp, worn., olty ref. W. 4040. HELP WANTED MALE 'J Professions snd Trades. Drug Positions All States CO-QFERATIVH RBFKJt KlfUEJ UU., 1011-14 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED Kodak An la her. Address, with particulars, F. D. Hennossy, Anaco Dealer, 610 1th St. Sioux City, la. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Salesmen of tact, good appear ance, amcresalve, energetic and pleasing personality, experienced and successful In Insurance, advertising, or any line of Income that wilt satisfy, with an oUH established eomoanv coverina larae ter-t rltory. If you can qualify, write Y 761. care The Omaha Boo, giving your ref erence, full line of sales experience, ad dreas and phone number for an early In tervlew. Correapondence confidential. WANTED Two flrat-claas salesmen to ra cial lie en the new edition of "Dr. Elliott's Ave-foot shelf." Real salesmen can earn from $76.00 to $160.00 per week. Address F. D Browning, 31$ Balrd Bldg., or call between 10 and 11 a. m. THB OLD LINB Bankers' Life of Lincoln The Company of Big Settlements. Liberal Contract to Agents. Kllly, Bills A Thompson, General Agents Doug. 281. SH-H City Nafl Bk. Bldg. SALESMEN Want meti capable of earning from 100 to $110 weekly, commission, selling to retail merchant. Call for, Mr. Rowell, Paxton Hotel Monday, t to 12. Tuesday, 10 to 13 and 1:20 to 6:10. WANTED every stock salesman, who reada thla ad, too call and Investigate my proposition at once. EDWAHD O. WOLFE, $ Wead Bldg. 18th and Fa roam St.a Boys. BOY wanted for grocery wagon. Central Bird Grocery, 27th Ave, and Webster. Trade schools. WE WANT MEN TO LEARN THE BARB 13 R TRADE. Few weeks qualify to run shop or work for others; years of apprenticeship saved by our method: wa have placed graduates In leading pool t ions everywhere; compara tively no expenae; catalog mailed free. MOIJGR BARBER COLLEGE, 110 8. 14th at, Omaha, Nab. (Established 11W. AUTO MECHANICS. EARN BIO MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING A0SM. 1117 N. 20th St., Omaha. Send for Free Catalogue, GOOD MEN WANTED. To learn auto trade for the many po sitions now open. Fine training work In auto and elect Ho starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 2051 Farnam. Omaha. Web. .EARN barber trade; be Independent, more than make your expenses while learning. Wages or percentage. Wo don't over charge you to begin; 1403 Dodge Bt. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. LEARN telesraphy, railroad and commercial. Special rates. Nebraska Teiegrapn college, Lincoln, Neb. ' Miscellaneous. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES, MEN WANTED Able-booted unmamea men under age of 16; c I tisane ot United States of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the Eng Ish language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Army Bldg., llth and Dodge Sta., Omaha, Neb,; 110 N. 10th St., Lincoln. Neb.; SIT 4th SU Sioux City, Iowa: 207 4th Ave., Pea Moines. Iowa. OMAHA railway malt clerk examinations coming. 971 mon in. tampie qowions free. Write Immediately. Franklin In stltota. Dept. 121 w. Kocneeror. w. x. WANTED Young men as railway mall cierka; $76 per month; sample examina tion questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. ill R. Rocnester. w. x. WANTED A good sober man with a boy or two old enough to work on a Tarm or one that 'Is willing to board an extra man. Address Y 764, Bee. WANTED Names of men It or over, wish ing to become government railway man clerks. Commence $71 month. Vacations. Y 731. Bee. MEN wanted to enlist In Signal Corps at. ono: report at unooin. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS WANTED House-to-house canvassers. Splendid new kitchen necessity, une man made $16 first 11 hours out Box 144, Iowa City, la. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices, STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, experi enced In general Insurance; good oppor tunity; state experience, previous em ployment and salary expected to start Address 0697, Bee. YOUNG lady clerk. Mover Sta. Co., 111 Farnam St Professions and Trades. WANTED Girls with common school edu cation, MIWBIB to mnu sr, w up local and long distance telephone work. C F. Lambert. 1817 Douglas St. Household and Domestic. WANTED An ex. white girl for housework In family of threat must be good cook; no laundry; good "jwagea. Mrs. W, J. Hmes. Harney 4760. WANTED AT ONCE EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER FOR COUWTRX MUSIIS, 4 IN FAMILY. CALL TYLER 1047, OR HARNEY 1876. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, r.o laundry work, two in tamtiy, good wattes. Mrs. H. H. Plsk, mitWool worth Ave. WANTKD An exnerienred second girl by Mrs. Frank T. Hamilton, iiu bo. sza Ave. Good references required. COMPETENT girl for general housework; no laundry work; good wages. 327 South 37th St. Phone Harney Z3U. WANTED Woman 36 or 30 as attendant for invalid; $30 ;er month and board. Phono Douglas 7163. , WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing; good wagea. Walnut 192. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. AGENTS WaNTKD. Either sex; easy Belling article;, saves the un-er money and makes tne agent money high school students desired, but not necessary- Call in person or write 743 Brandels Bldg., umana. wen. $100.00 MONTH. Oet government Jobs. Men and women wanted. List of positions open free. Franklin institute, Dept. m a. Rochester. . x. EDUCATIONAL , Y. M. C A. Day and Night School Reopens Tuesday, January 2. TWKNTT-FIVE EVKNTNO CLASSES. BIT COURSK rOR COMMERCIAL AND SNOIJSH SUBJECTS. ASK FOR INFORMATION. ROOM til, T. M. C. A. Phone Trier llto. VAN SANT SCHOOL OP EUKINfcSS, DAT AND BVEN1NQ SCHOOLS. SWeoM Floor Omaha National Bank Bide. Knirance. a.w. nougiss TUB 8CHOOL OF MODERN LANOUAOES. Class or private Inetruettone complete. courses, mop. weosier ...a, lor ln format Ion. T. M. C A. Day and Nlsht School. Musical. Harp Limited numaer puplla accerted com. Ins season: ear! applications ' favored Harp. (ur. Loretta. D. Lon, 211 Ljrte Bid. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos, ind. notes aa security. $40 i-mo. H. H. gds., total cost. $3.10; $40 " indorsed notes, total coat, $1.10. Smaller, larger am'ta., proportionate rata. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. Organised by Omaha Business Man. 4SX Roae Bldg., lath and Karnam. Ty. as. Persistence is the Cardinal Virtue in Advertising. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to And the room you desire among these ada call at The Bee office for a Room List Otves complete detailed description of va cant rooma In all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and addreas and a Hat will be mailed to you at ones. New lists ars leaned every week. . Furnished Rooms. In the ELEVEN Mon ins of 101$ The Bee gained paid ads MORE THAN DOUBLE the COMBINED gain of the other two Omaha oaoers Lowest Rste. Bet Rmults. Best Service iront room, wmie iunu"" distance; serve ' breakfast; everything above average; good servlco, Har. 310$. SUNSHINE APARTMENTS. For men only. Comfortable steam heated rooms. Rate $Z.$0 and up per week. 0I N. 17th SL NICELY furnished room In strictly mod em home; walking distance or conven ient to Farnam car. Reasonable. Harney 4I6S. 313 Park Ave. ' THE COCHRANE, 410-412 Sweet wood Ave. Clean, com fortable single and double rooms. Doug las 7468. COMFORTABLY furnlahed modern room. well heated; three blocks to car; board If desired. Benson 261-J. EXTRA LARGE, pleasant front room, sult- aoie for one or two gentlemen; moonrn private home; references. Hanscom Park district Harney 867$. NEW FURNITURE, hot water, heat and plenty of It; modern equipment; oest in city for the money. 114 N. 84th St SPECIAL for one or two ladles. Large at tractive front room with alcove. Private family. Harney 4721. Ifl S. 22D 2 rooms, newly furnlahed, plenty heat; six blocks to Burgesa-Nasb; reas onable rent SOUTH 26TH ST., 211 Modern front room; well hested; plenty hot water. Doug. 4080. TWO furnished rooms and heated front room, suitable for two. Call at 2 IDS Farnam. ' 220 N. 23 D Unusual offer, suite of rooms. tile bath, private entrance, with every convenience, 2508 SO. 24 TH Comfortable south room. hot water heat; modern; on ear line. Tyler 2334. CHICAGO 2610 In private home; large south front room with aloova: also sias room. FOR RENT Front room, furnished, private Datn ir dealred. nzi uoucias. uoug. i.i. N. 21ST ST., 612 Two nice, modern sleep ing rooma, brick flat; fine heat. uoug. tsso. "START the New Year right." Have mod ern b team-heated room at Harney Jiva. HEATED room for respectable working men. 2428 Decatur St Webster 4t7. PLEASANT warm south room, aultable for one; close In. Reasonable. 2047 Dodge. STniCTLT modern, steam-heated rooma; walking distance. Phone Red 4232. 1533 CALIFORNIA Nicely furnished room and board, $6 week. Dong. 4025. FURN. mod. rooms; 1 blk to car, board next door. Harney $017. 2105 FARNAM Modern steam-heated rooms. Douglas 5340. Housekeeping Rooms, 241B CAPITOL AVE. Two rooms, with running water in rooms, also one large room furnished with gaa plate. Phone Douglaa 044$. ., 3573 ST. MART'S AVE. Nicely furnlahed. Bunny sulto, clean; good heat, light and hot water. Ftrsiclass in every way. LARGE and small room, suitable for cou ple employed; board U dealred. . 2811 Bristol. Webster 2284. THB COCHRANE, 410-413 Sweetwood Are., modern 2-room suites. Douglas 7458. 547 S. 24TH AVE, Modern housekeeping rooms, reasonable. Red 492$. Everything furnlahed. ROOMS furnished for light housekeeping; good environment 1 206 ft S. llth, Doug las 0787. LIGHT housekeeping rooma, modern, every thing furnished completely. Tyler 264 1-W. MODERN, warm, newly furnished room and light housekeeping. 2414 Cass. D.48H5. FOR RENT Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Douglaa 8209. t ROOMS, modern, with private family. 1109 Cass St. $3 PER WEEK, 2 rooms enaulte. 221$ Leav enworth. 2225 DODGE St Steam-heated rooma; 2 In suite. Board and Room. YOUNG couple with modern home, located at 28th and laard, one block from car, would like to board and room young couple who are employed. For further Information- call Harney 3184. BEAUTIFUL steam heated front room, single or ensulte; private bath; excellent meals; garage. Call Harney 1700. 2621 HARNEY Suitable for three gentle men; cosily furnished room; excellent board. Harney 3253. NICELT furnlahed warm rooms and board. $5 per week. 2634 California St Phone Douglas 42b. AT THE GREENWOOD Two large steam heated rooms, excellent board. 3664 Leav enworth. ' 35S4 LEAVENWORTH The Greenwood. board and room, steam heated, comfort- NICELY furnished rooms and excellent board. Harney 2268. 2631 Harney. SIX young men to room and board. Call Webster 398. Unfurriisued Rooms. STEAM heated 3 -room Rat for light house- aeepmg. Tts . stun at. Rooms Wanted. TOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THB BEE WANT-AD DEPT. and And out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE It's a plan that la helping many people rent their rooms. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Apartments. 8PLENP1D NEW FURNISHED TRAVERTON FIREPROOF, 24TH AND LAN DON COURT. Catering to people of refined taatea Apartment Is completely equipped for housekeeping, up to date and comfortable, TRAVER BROS., Tel. Doug. 0886. 81$ First Nat Bank. Or Call Web. 4836. PHONE Ernest Sweet, New Hamilton. 24th and Farnam, D. 1473, before engaging your apt Best location. Prices reaaonabia ST. CLARE. Barney 147. l-room apartments. 4th and Harney. Houses, FOB RENT 7-room furnlahed bouse, well located. Phone Tyler 1284-W. Monday. FOR RENT HOUSES West 11,2 HOWARD sf: ..A !-stor, frame. 2 rooms snd sleeping porca. New furnsc. Koom for ons osl In enrage If 4elrri Hnti,. rent. 121. ALFRED THOMAS, ': 101 fiisi BK UidKV l-ROOU bungalow witb two lots, H block from csr Hue, 4111 Pacific. 7-room bouae. two blocks from car line, lltb Are. and Paclflo St. Call D. 2211 or Web. 7710. FOR RBNT l-room house, modern eaoept beat. Tbree-quarter basement. 1001 Wubet.r. Inqulr. neit door. North. MOV1NQ EXPKNSK.S PAID. Sill Rpencer St., l-r., ntrtctly mod., 125. 2124 N. 27ih. l-r., mod. ex. beat, 131. 1721 Hamilton, l-r. bot water heat, 121. RASP BROS., LKJUULAH 1653. I-R.. mod. cottage, 2(44 N. !lth Ave.. 111. Tel. 4711. FOR RBNT, cheap, house of 7 rooms, 2211 Mlsml 8t., modern exrept hest. Base burner furnished. Celt Webster 7111. NEW. modern residence, jilt Illondo, 111 per month. Inquire 718 N. 21st Phone Pourlas 7311. M. Sleek. NEW bungalow. 5-room. strictly all modern, hslf block to csr. 111. Located llth snd Fort Sta. Red 1821. F1VB rooms, osk finish, strictly modern, 22d and Ames. Webster 4228. KOl'.NTZK PLACE 6 rooms, strictly mod. era. Web. 4730. 12.80 i-ROOM cottsge, $744 Meredith. Cell Florence 187. 2721 LAKB ST., ISO Modern cottage, l-r. Web. 71L FOR RENT HOUSES South. IDEAL COTTAGE, I rooras snd bath, nicely decorated, modern except furnace: 111 and water paid. 24;l 8. 21th. Douglas 7182. 7-ROOii modern house oak finish Ull Park A-.-S. Phone Harney, HIS; 130.08. i-Rsf. mod. fist. Co. D. 1151. 510 S. llth. First Trust 5-R. mod flat. 2320 8 "'h' T1, H ?" Miscellaneous. 142.50 2114 Chicago St., 11-r.. all mod. Good for rooming house. H. A. WOLF. 14 War. Blk. Douglss toll. !0I SO. 41 ST, hot wster hest, 123. 1125 So. Il.t. with garsg-e for two cars. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 564. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIOH. SONS it CO.. 101 BEB BLDO. DOUQ. 100. FOR RENT Ap'ts and Flats West. FOR RB.NT. l-room Sst Ill i l-room Sat 11.00 W. fi. FRANK. Doug. 2800. 201 Neville Block. VERT CHOICE l-room ateam-hested apart ment on .W. Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. North. 1519 FRANKLIN 5 rooms, modern except best Phone Doug. 2341. Miscellaneous. 140.00 6-r. Apt., In ITrbana, 1317 Park Ave. 127.50 l-r., 4336 Parker, modern. 121.00 S-r 1413 Lothrop St, modem. 130.00 l-r. flat. 111 S, 26th Ave. Fine repair. 136.00 l-r.. 1IM s. llth SL, new, strictly modern, garage. S35.00 l-r., 2808 Foppletfn Ave., modern, garage. 160.00 10-r., 2214 Douglas 8t, modern. Fine location for roomera. HI ATT COMPANY, Phone Tyler 60. 245 Omaha Nat. Bk. ESTABROOK apartment for rent, 3:5, FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty LsARGE barn for rent, 3S. 1&14 Webstar St. Doug. 7640. John Morlnelll Stores. STORKS FOR RENT. 1416-17 North 24th St., atore room, III 0. baaement and flne large dlaplar win dow. Oood location for retail atore or bop. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1&36. SJ3 Roae Bldg. STORE room, 624-6 Sooth 16th street, will be for rent March let; 33x60. full baae ment, ateam heat. Can partition to make two atorea with frontage of 16 feet each. CONRAD YOUNG. 132 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. U71. Offices and Desk Room. DESIRABLE office rooma in the remodeled Crounae block, lit N. 16th St. (oppoalte poatofflce). $10 to 111. per month. Conrad Young, 333 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1671. CHOICE o.Ice apace. Balrd Bldg., 17th and Donglaa. McCagne Inv. Co. Miscellaneous. LARGE, light baaement. 16th and Howard, cheap. Wright & Laabarjr. Dong. 161. WANTED TO RENT Miscellaneous. WE GUARANTEE to sdvertise yonr rental property If you list with us. Mr. Jacobaon, Mgr. Rental Dept BIG 4 REALTY CO., 1011-11 W. O. W. Bids. p. 3186 MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Pscklng. storage snd mov. Ing. 211 N. llth SL Fhons Globe Van and Storage Co. For real moving service ttrjr na. Large l-borse padded vans. Storage, (2 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We move you QUICKER, CHEAPER AND SAFER. Pbone Tyler 230 or Douglas 4336. METROPOLITAN VAN AND . STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders for moving, packing or storage. Office at Raymond Furniture Co., 1611 and 1616 Howard St Phone D. (624. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE! Separate locked roon.s for household goods and planoa, moving; packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 602 B. 16th St. Douglaa 4161 J. P PPPtt Express and Moving. Kj. JXI-EjU poking and storage 1367 Farnam St Pouglaa 6246. FIDELITY SvYce- FREE Phone Douglas 188 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also tyr storage, moving, llth and Jackson Sta. TWIN CITY EXPRESS CO., 1622 Casa St. Douglas 1717. Trunks stored a specialty. Maggard ifoTSKsT5 Van and Storge Co., Moving Packtng. Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1491. PERSONAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. i Dr. E. tl. Tarry cures piles, Oatula and other rectal diseases without suiglcal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write tor book on rec tal diseases with testimonials. DR. EL R. TARRT. 240 Bes Bldg., Omaha, Net THE Salvation Army Industrial home ao llclta your old clothing, furniture, maga slnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, UltM112-Ui4 Dodge St. RUPTURE Successfully treated without a surgical opera tlon. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray, 306 Bee Bldg. STA ATS INSTITUTE. 1606 Harney; mua cular message; bat ha of all kinda. Open from I a. m. to I p. m. Doug. 707. DR. BURKE; OMAHA'S MEN'S SPECIALIST. Ill CROUNSE BLK. OPPOSITE P. O. east MISS NASH. MAE BRUGUAN. scientific n.asaeue and bathe. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. LUELLA WEBSTER, maaoeuae, MS Paxton Blk.. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Red 2400. SCIENTIFIC maaaage. 620 Bee Bldg. Pbone Douirlaa 6372. MAGNETIC maaaaiTA. 2424 Cam Inc. ManlrurtiiK and i 1623 Farnam. Rm i Graduate maaaeur. AppolntAient only D. 6IS5. M ISS E8LI L L T"A N DOOU LDBaThmaa sage. 1322 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 1410 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West $260 CASH, $28.50 PER MONTH. will buy one of the niftiest bungalows In town; l-r., and bath; atrlctly modern; oak flntnh, with a number of special feat urea; rooma all decorated; high grade lighting and plumbing futures; full cement bac ment, furnace; dandy east front lot, 1H blocka to car. Price only $3,100. It ua show you this bargain. Terms to auit. RASP BROS., Douglaa1653. WEST FARNAM. stucco, 1-r.. modern. Lot value. $1,000; house value, $4,000. All for $6,000. 211 No. 88th Ave. Dour 2047. T ROOMS, all modem, corner tot, 41st south i Dewey. TeL Harne; 8424. North. MINV ''ISA NS. ot on Tltua Ave., near Uth SL. can bo- Mught at a bargain. Thla tot must be aold. See me qdlt-k. C. A. Orlmmel, $49 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. KOUNTZE PLACE Eight-room modern house, and a bar gain at 13,360 Not a new house, but hi repair and well built Large lot and garage. Lasy terms. NORRIS & NORRIS. 409 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglaa 4274). KOUNTZE PLACE, restricted district, real denro for aale. A. V Knleat. 8616 N. llth. 2S72 MIAMI, for Kale at coat. Call. Webstar 1001 for particulars. Miscellaneous. NEW BUNGALOWS, t, e and t Rooua Strtctly modern and up-to-date: oak finished and oak 'floors; built-in features. Ideal location; low prices; tihono us for appointment; wa willy bo glad to show you. SCOTT & HILL CO, Doug. 1091. Ground fir. McCsgus Bids. UOUUUS WAN TliD. WE HAVE BUYERS tOtt HOME!! WORTH THE MONET IN ALL PARTS OF THB CITT. LIST TOUR PROFBKTT WITH US FOR RESULTS. O NKILL'S REAL C8TATB A INS. AONCT. Brsndels Theater Bldf. Trier 1,14. n th. ELEVEN Months of 1111 Th. 3e (slued 13.110 paid ti MORri THAN DOUBLE th. COURINED gain ot th. other two Omaha papers Lowest Rsts. Beat Results. Bsst Berrice NEW DDDs'slow; sUf '-I. snd Bsrdsnlni; yoor tdrms snd p" s: Ihv. with 1401, rent. I bouses cost 13.600). 12.100. D. HIT. FIVE rooms, new, oak flntah, rutly deco rated, all modem, etc. 12.710; 1201 cash, hslsnoe monthly. Colfsz 7211. TWO houses, lot, llth St. Blvd., south oC Cuming; 11.200: great bargain. O. P. BTKBBINS. 1S10 CHICAGO. REAL ESTATE (or sale or rent, sll psrts ot the city. F. D. Wead, 110 South llth St. Weed Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. SIGHTLY lot, sll specials paid, 41st, south of Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 3424. North. AFTER looking at MINNE LUSA, 300 dif ferent buyers decided that It wss the best proposition on the market snd tboy backed their Judgment by buying lots. IF YOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. 742 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Tyler 1S7. Miscellaneous. 10-PT. LOT. SlOt. Pin lots to select from. Si cash, Ifo I week. Box 1181. Boa. REAL ESTATE Suburban .ACREAGE AND SMALL- FARMS. A fine list within ten mile radius of 16th and Farnam. Some special bargain. OBORGR O. WALLACE. 114 Keellne Bldg. Benson. START TOUR HOME IN BENSON I BUT THIS LOT. 110.00 down and 110.00 per month; price 1200.00; alia, 60x128; located on Locust fit., between Clark and Burnham. not far from achool and car line Geo. B. Wright Bee office. Omaha. Dundee. EXCELLENT BUILDING SITE Large lot on Oodge St., near 4Sd; new residences on all aides. '"Will seU at bar gain on reaaonabia terms or will build to your order. Call owner. Walnut 1880. ' SEVERAL lots, building restriction. :. 600.00. Adjoining Happy Hollow ClTCA. S400.00 to $1,000.00. W. L. 8ELBY & SONS. Doug. 111. Florence. NETHAWAT has throe-acreage tracts at I2&0 per acre before Jan. L TaL Florenca South Side. CHEAP HOMES. We have a large number of small houses with S to 4 rooms, ranging In price from. $600 to $1,300, on full sized lota, which we can sell at your own terms. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO, 492S S. 24th St. Phone South 1247. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'ply WEST FARNAM STREET 22x132 FEET Fronting sooth on Farnam St., betweea 20th and 24th Sta. This can be bought for leas money a front foot than any property in this block. For full particulars call on GEORGE AND COMPANY, Phono Doug. 756. 902 City Nat Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATE: Investments SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND ' SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY & SON. HOME BUILDERS SHARES participate in Surplus Profits which hae. lneresst-d 11.10 to 11.20 per share on which t per cent dividends sr. paid January 1st. Order now and ssve the in crease. ' AMERICAN SECURITY CO, Fiscal Agents. Omahs. APARTMKNT 176.000. Income 12 per cent; one Tear old very flne locstlon; ntortsafe 126,001 and will accept 120,000 In trade; balance cash or negotiable papers. CALKINS A CO.. Douslaa 1213. Clly Nsfl Bsnlt Bids. INVESTMENT. Corner, close in. two bouses, aonoal rent 1720. Price. 11,10,. & P. B08TW1..K SON. 100 Be. Bids. Trier Ills. REAL ESTATE. WM. COLFAX, 7M Keellne Bid, Uouc. 1271. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4, 6 and fi-rtontfd bouses that can be sold for $10U caab, Dalance SIS per month; give coinpltii doavrlptlOD tnt latter. VV. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1330 Furnum. Tel. Doug. 1044. '"CM E to uu w II h your real bargains. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO. Uoug. 4:". LIST your ft and w-ruom bousea with ua WE 8 BILL THLil. OB.iORNE REALTY CO.. Douir 1474. FOR SALE. See F V. Wead. S10 S. lllh bU 4 7 Q