Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 A
. 1"
Administration Surprised Com -'
munications to Belligerents
Not Understood.
Washington, Dec. JO. The Amer
ican government, it became known
authoritatively today, believes there
are three principal points in its note
to the belligerents and is surprised
that they have not bee.i more clearly
understood, particularly by the press
of the entente allies. These points,
taken in their order of importance
from the administration viewpoint,
The fear that thf position of neu
tral nations be rendered altogether
intolerable if the war continues.
The suggestion that arrangements
be made as a guarantee against sim
ilar cconnicts in the future.
The nroposal that means be found
for comparing the concrete terms of
both sides.
The last point has aroused most
comment, and the first was empha
sized by Secretary Lansing's state
ment, afterward modified, that the
United States itself might be draw
ing near entrance into the war.
The administration, however, it
was learned today, thought the sug
gestion for arrangement to preserve
peace in the future would attract
more attention among the entente
allies than it apparently has, and fur
nish means through which these na
tions could enter with perfect pro
priety into a serious peace discussion.
If such an arrangement could be
made the administration feels there
would be no ground for the fear that
agreements over terms made between
the belligerents would not be kept
after the war ends. It was pointed
out today that such a fear has been
one of the main objections of the en
tente allies to entering into peace
By HENRIETTA M. REES. ! should have its effect
X THE BEGINNING of the 1 wnoie lite. Alusiral ideals make good i
New Year, when all the civ-1 personal totals. I ney teacn tnat phy-'Ai-rA
u.nrM tnrn tn a nrw I sical and mental training are abso-
page in the great volume '"tely necessary, not for themselves
of Time, and every one is alone, n" tna' the soul element may
taking an introspective ! no' D hampered in its expression by
inventory ot tne year mat is past ann
wondering how his life is going to fit
consciously or unconsciously wrought
more harmonious results.
In everything that one does, in ev
ery purchase that one makes, almost
without exception the application of
the musical ideal can prove a test or
standard. But in order to succeed
in any case the ideal must be kept
.K. ' constantly before one and ever sought
V A good New Year's resolution
would be to bring more of musical
experience into life and to bring more
of life's experience into music. But,
anyway, Happy New Year to everybody.
Widows Will Sell Candy
At Auditorium Sunday
A candy stand, operated by mem
bers of the Society of American
Widows, will be one of the aide is
sues at the big cabaret ball to be given
at the Auditorium Sunday night. The
proceeds of the candy booth will go
into the treasury of the widow's or
ganization. Mts. Bessie Turpin will
have charge of the booth. She will
be assisted by Mesdames B. Kraus,
C. Stevens, A. A. Rowe and L.
Newt Notes of Chadron.
; Chadron, Neb., Dec. 30. (Special.)
Ida Gregg of Marsland secured a
; $.100 judgment against D. A. Daboll
for damages by being knocked down
by the auto of the latter. The ease of
Miss Frances McGinness of Chadron,
who was much more seriously injured,
will be tried in January. Miss Gregg
was a guest of Miss McGinness and
they were hit at a street crossing.
All bids for the new government
building to be used for the federal
court and postoffice have been re
jected ai being above the $12,500 ap
propriated by congress.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
into the intricate counterpoint of the
one that is to come, it is a good time
to consider what each has done per
sonally in the way of music, and what
lie hopes to achieve. Have the teach
ers gained the results with pupils
whiich they hoped to gain, and do
they find themselves better prepared
by every year's experience, and in
cited to a greater enthusiasm in their
work, by the assurance that what
they have taught has been genuine,
musical, based upon accurate knowl
edge and of value to the students.
Have they kept on in their own
work, constantly observing, constant
ly learning, not content to pass on
to others what they have already
known, but becoming better musi
cians, as well as better teachers in
their special branch, always eager
to continue onward and know more
and yet more of the art which must
be to them if they succeed not only a
means of livelihood, a business or
profession, hut a constant source of
inspiration, a continual urge and al
lurement. Have those that sing and play more
nearly approached the ideals toward
which they have been striving, and j .
is mere satistaction in tne progress i
during the past year or only regrets?
Have the ideals been high and worthy
of success, or not sufficiently formed
and desired to encourage sacrifice and
labor? Just what are your musical
ideals, anyway? Do those that study,
study to dazzle themselves and friends
by a wonderful quality of voice,
trained to successfully hold tones
longer than anybody else, or for pyro
tcchnicat display of trills and runs
and stunning fortissimos or, by i
marvelous digital dexterity which can
manipulate any taxing technical pas
sage which was ever written? Often
this is so, but this is not the musical
ideal, rather an athletic one.
Perhaps one studies because he
wishes to be highly educated, because
be finds in musical work great mental
stimulus. This is not the musical
ideal either, for this produces music
that is well played, correct, and
uninteresting. Writers, lecturers and
successful musicians have for years
harped upon the threefold quality of
music. Mr, Kelly in his lecture on
"Music and Psychology," recently de
livered before the Woman's club,
clearly brought out this idea and
showed the importance of the third
great musical element, which he
called the "soul" element. The real
musical ideal is physical ability and
mental grasp, governed and con
trolled by this all-pervading and nec
essary soul clement.
Many people hold a true musical
ideal before them and their teaching,
performing "or listening is governed
accordingly and with proportionate
results. But are musical ideals of
value only as tbey have reference to
music? Is a musical education for
purely aestheic pleasure alone? What
one learns from a study of music
the lack of them. But without the
training of all three parts in musi
cal expression, the composition ore-
sented suffers and the interpreter is
not able to give ot the best that it in
him. Without the training of all
tjiree parts in one's life, the person
ality suffers, and in this also the per
son is not able to give of his best.
The great laws of music are analo
gous to the great laws of nature, and
in looking over the lives of the great
est musicians of all time we find that
those who most nearly attained to the
musical ideal were also great men.
The musical ideal may be used ad
vantageously in the details of life as
well. It forms a good standard of
taste. For instance, how many times
we see a woman with a purely emo
tional hat, which has neither physical
endurance nor mental accuracy, or
clothing of poor material and care
lessly made, but of the most vivid col
ors or daring style. Upon the other
hanl, we sec almost as often clothes
of good material well made along ap
proved lines, but without one bit of
style to them. The application of
musical ideals in any might have
Eighty-one names were enrolled
Thursday for the meeting of the Ne
braska State Music leachers associa
tiem, which was organized in Lincoln
last week, as the outcome of tempo
rary plans made last year, according
to the Lincoln Mate Journal. A re
ception to members was held at the
Lincoln hotel the evening ot Decern
ber 27 and a program and business
meeting with forenoon and afternoon
sessions during the next flay, wn
lard Kimball made an address upon
the "Musician in Relation to Educa
tion." Sidney Silber read a paper on
"Opportunities of the Music Teacher
of Today" and numerous other papers
were read and discussed. The need
of a state law to define the qualifica
tions of teachers was urged, hollow
ing the address and discussion the
proposed constitution for the associa
tion was discussed section by section.
Willard Kimball, the temporary pres
ident, was chosen for the ensuing
year. Very' few of the Omaha music
teachers were present.
Musical Notes.
Tb Ttweday Morning- Muvlral club (on
rt on January 30 will tako placft in thi
awning at i:15 o'clock, rathrr than In thr
afternoon, al waa provluuMly announr.oil.
STina CortnnA raulfton, plantat. and the
f'kmaaler quart. -(. rm.d for Its prfrtlon i
of chamorr mn;t' and pi.mbl, wilt lt !
hard at thla tln XufIc lover who arp I
not tnf.mot.j-a of th dub will also bp tv
Jolced to know that outitldp tickets wl.i
bo available for thl concert.
The public 1.1 cordially Invited to n piano
recital by the Junior and hit-rmedtste t,u
plln of Mr. and Mm. Aua-ust M. Horglum
at the Si'hmoller A .Mueller Piano company.
1313 Karaam street. Friday evening, January
5. at S o'clock. Thotte tuklntr part will be
Virginia Fonda. Ruth Xufftncton, Julia
raldwell, Ilarharn Hums, Marttaret Wyman,
Katherlno Doorly. Alice Horr.hetm, Elinor
Koun'.ae, Betty I'axton, Virginia Barker,
t'nmellua Clarke, Margaret Kaatman. Char
lotte Mcfonald. J.n k (larvey, Dorothy
Sherman. Kleunor Smith. Eliaaboth Itobl
aon, Ueortfe I'.-iul fiorKlum. Frances RoW
jion, John Clarke, Klizalth Paffonrath. Ber
nard llanlftben. Jean Palmer and Loulae
"For ITnto re a Child la Bom." a mux!- j
cal oerTrlcea. will be given by the Kountsn
Memorial Lutheran church choir Sunday,
December 31, 1918, at 7:4a p. ML The mu
alc Is under the directiun of J. 9. HelgTen.
Fine Weather in Prospect i
For Start of the New Year)
Washington. D. C, Dee. 30 j
Weather predictions for the week be
ginning Sunday issued by the weather !
bureau today are: !
West Gulf States Generally fair:!
temperature near or above seasonal
Plains States and Upper and Middle !
Mississippi Valleys Generally fait 1
Change to warmer weather is prob-'
able first part of week; seasonal aver
ages thereafter.
Kocky Mountain and Plateau Re
gions Generally fair, except local
.nows are probable m northern Rocky
mountain region first half of week.
Temperatures above seasonal normal.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Fourth Nebraska Will Arrive
in Fort Crook Some Time
Late Today.
Afier receiving reports of various
delays which would make it late Sun
day night before they would arrive
here, the local offices of the Burling -
ton have now received aavices tnat
the two troop trains on which the
Fourth regiment, Nebraska National
Guard, is speeding homeward bound.
4 a. m. Sunday and at 8 a. m. over the
Missouri. & Texas railroad. "
this will bring the trains into Omaha "I
this afternoon late. I Be exact timen
is not yet known.
New Hospital at Madison.
Vfirliccm Meh Dec .10 iSnern
The Yaezel home hospital will open
January 13. mis is tne nrsi nospuai
to he established at Madison.
A January Piano Sale
Where Your
Will Close All Day
Monday, January 1
Thanking you for a most generous patronage, which
has made the year 1916 the best of our business ex
perience, Our Wish for All Is
An Overflowing Measure of
Happiness and Prosperity
for the New Year, 1917
Tuesday, January 2, sales of winter merchandise in
all departments will offer opportunities for true
economies seldom equaled never surpassed.
Established 1891
Wholesale Produce
1213 Howard St.,
Tonight Starting at
8:30 will 11:30
Novel, Timely Surpriaea
On the Stroke of 12
Omaha's Liveliest Spot
Tonight Gayety
All Over at 1:45 A. M.
150 of the Finest Uprights,
Grands and Player Pianos ever
assembled under one roof, go on
sale Tuesday morning and must be sold regardless of
profit and terms.
Wo are frequently obliged to accept in exchange used instruments of
the best makes on our new Steinway, Weber, Steger & Sons, Hardman,
Emerson, McPhail, Lindeman & Sons, and our own Sweet-toned
Schmoller & Mueller Pianos. From all our branch stores and traveling
men we have assembled here at Omaha these taken-in-exchange
pianos. Each instrument has been put through our factory, thoroughly
overhauled and made near new. Our guarantee goes with every piano.
Just a Few of the Wonderful Bargains
H 9 .
Former Sale
Price. Price.
Story & Clark
Upright $225 $ 45
Decker & Co.
Upright $225 $ 50
Krell Upright $250 $ 75
Conover Upright... $250 S 68
Schmoller & Mueller
Upright $300 S15l
Briggs & Co.
Upright $275 $140
Martin Bros.
Upright $260 $ 95
Former Sale
Price Price
Steger & Sons
Upright $450 S225
Whitney Square ... $500 8 25
Erbe & Co. Upright. $275 $115
Chickering & Sons
Upright $460 $ 75
Steinway Grand.. .$1,200 $565
Chickering & Sons
Grand $1,000 $150
Gerhardt Player
Piano $500 $235
Wheelock Player
Piano $700 $290
This is your1 opportunity to save $100 to $150 on a first class in
strument. Make your own terms. Free Stool and Scarf. Also 100
new pianos at Special January Discounts.
1311-1313 Farnara Stmt, Omaha, Neb. Established 1859.
' ....
A New Year's
No one ever saved a penny in the future or ever will.
You must save the money in hand now or you will die
To aid in your resolution to get ahead, we will open
for you a Savings Account upon the receipt of $1.00
and give you the same rate of earningsJ5 to
the same security (first mortgages on improved farms
and city homes), that we give the person placing $1,
000.00 with us.
Our record for twenty-five years and our financial
statement should encourage you in your resolution to
save and become thrifty.
Loans on Improved City Real Estate $
Loans on Improved Farms
Loans on Conservative Shares of Stock
Real Estate and Sales on Contract
Loans in Foreclosure
Office Building and Lot
Davidge Block purchase for future "home"
Municipal Bonds and Warrants
Interest due from Borrowers
Cash on Hand and in Banks
Payments on accumulated Dividends $12,145,727.67
Building Loans
Contingent Loss Fund
Davidge Block Rental Account
Undivided Profits
II! !
31, 1916.
The increase in our resources for the year 1916 was $1,469,332.00, being the second
largest annual increase in our history.
Our dividend rate for the year 1916 was 5' , bringing our total dividend distribu
tion since the organization of the Association to $3,839,334.16. A slight reduction
was made in the dividend rate July 1st last on account of our inability to keep all
funds loaned all of the time.
Our farm loan department has aided materially in keeping all money at work, besides giving us the very finest
kind of security.
Ths time to begin saving money is now. It is our sffort to encourage people of small means in saving monev
rather than to invite large sums.
Loans arc promptly made on improved, or to improve, c ity real estate, or on improved farms in eastern Nebraska.
- Geo. F. Gilmora, Prat.
L. R. Slonaokar, Atty.
. A. Benson.
Robert Dempitar.
Bjrron H. Halting!.
H. A. Thompson,..
Paul W. Kuhu, Secy.
J. H. McMillan, Asst. Secy.
A. W. Bowman.
John F. Flack.
J. C. Robinson.
A. P. Tulc.y.
Win. Baird, Atty.
J. A. Lyons, Asst. Secy.
Randall K. Brown.
Chas. C. George.
J. A. Sunderland.
C M. Wilhelm.
Bake Bread at Home Costs
LESS and Tastes BETTER
You can bake bread at home in your gas
range perfectly and economically.
A 1 1 -ounce loaf of bread you buy costs 5 cents,
making 12 ounces cost 5 5-11 cents.
A 12-ounce loaf of Home-Made bread, baked
Jn a gas range, costs 3 5-10 cents, or a sav
ing of 36 per cent on each loaf.
A baking of seven 12-ounce loaves of Home
Made bread costs:
3 quarts Best Flour, 54 ounces 17 6-10c
2 teaspoonsf ul of Sugar, 1 ounce 5-10c
1 tablespoonful of Salt, 1 ounce , l-10c
2 tablespoonsful Crisco, 14 ounces 2 2-10c
1 cake of Yeast 2 c
Gas consumed, 24 cubic feet 2 4-10c
7 loaves cost 24 8-10c
lloaf costs 3 5-10c
Your family will prefer Home-Made bread.
We shall be glad to send an instructor to
your home to show how simple and eco
nomical it is to always have good bread.
This service is absolutely free. Write, call
at our office or phone
Omaha Gas Company
Douglas 605 s - - - 1 509 Howard St.
I' :