Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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3 A
Speaker Jackson Has Not Yet
Said Whether He Will
" Run.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Dec,' 30. (Special Tele
gram.) Late trains this afternoon
brought in many members of the
legislature, which will convene next
Monday at noon. Plans' for caucuses
are being made and the call for a
caucus of the democrats of the house
lias been signed, making the date
Monday evening at 7:30 at the Lin
dcll hotel. It is understood that the
other caucuses will be held about
the same time.
But three of the Douglas county
delegation are on hand, J. H. Crad
dock, Jerry Howard and Jens Nielsen
having arrived, hut it is understood
that the delegation may be divided
on candidates when it comes to the
The latest advent into the speaker
ship race is Representative George
W. Fuller of Seward. Mr. Fuller has
served in several sessions.
Depends on Jackson.
What Speaker Jackson may make
tip his mind to do lends an uncer
tainty to the contest. Should he con
clude to step in it is probable that
he would land, but if the feeling
started by some of the members that
the job should be passed around,
should convince Mr. Jackson that he
ought not to be a candidate, it is prob
ably C. W. Trumblc of Sherman
would be the popular candidate to
start with because of his long experi
ence and ability to hold down the
members when debates get warm.
J. A. Ollis of Ord and J. A. Reifen
rath of Crofton are in the running,
but the honor of chief runncr-up be
longs to Trumblc.
Lieutenant Governor Howard is on
the ground and mingling with the men
over whom lie will hold the mallet
during the session, although but four.
McAllister of Antelope, Bushee of
Kimball, Bcal of Custer and Adams of
Crawford have appeared so far.
As to Chaplains.
There are three candidates for chap
lain of the house. H. C. M. Berming
ham of Omaha, T. D. Davis of Mil
ford and Ralph Miller of Lincoln, but
as there are two preachers among the
membership, it has been suggested
that these change off and save the
The two members are F. A. Reisner.
a republican of Thomas county, and
Frank Mills of Lancaster, a demo
crat. In the senate there is no one
with a license to pray and so a chap
lain will have to be hired to guide the
thoughts of the. members to good
Gatzemeyer Will Probated
After Long court rignt
West Point, Neb., Dec. 30. (Spe
cial.) The case in county court,
wherein it was sought to probate the
will of the late Francis Gatzemeyer,
a pioneer settler, was stubbornly
fought on both sides, the estate being
very valuable and some of the heirs
objecting because of the alleged in
competence of the testator. At the
conclusion Jude Dewald admitted
the will to probate.
The Cuming County Farmers' in
stitute will be held in West Point on
January 6. Miss Louise Meredith of
Lincoln will be one of the principal
speakers and will give a demonstra
tion of "quick breads."
J. V. Bennett, late of Surprise, is
the new Northwestern station agent
in Beemcr, taking the place of George
Heilman. who has occupied that posi
tion for the last ten years. Mr. Heil
man has been promoted to the posi
tion of agent m .eligh.
The Farmers' Union Co-operative
society has elected new officers
follows: President, Samuel Karlen;
vice president, Clarence Fessler; sec
retary-treasurer, Stanley Herzinger,
Mrs. Kathenne Stahl Weltkamp,
mother of C. C. Stahl, formerly of
this place and now ot Nortolk, died
in Denver, Colo., Monday morning.
Guy V. Vandeberge and Miss Clara
Risse were joined in marriage Wed'
nesday in Omaha. The attendants
were Mr. and Mrs. Cltinton Miller
of Clearwater. The contracting par
ties will establish their home on the
farm, northeast of this cirV.
News has been received here of the
death in Creston, Net., of Charles
Romberg, son of the late George
Romberg, one of. the first settlers of
Cuming county. He was 35 years old
He was casber of the State Bank of
Creston, Cvhich he organized last
Wyoming Land is'Beinq
Taken Fast by Settlers
Douglas. Wvo' Dec. 30. (Special.)
The public domain is passing. The
vacant lands ot the federal govern
ment are rapidly going into private
ownership and thousands of new set
tlers arc each year swelling the popu
lation oi tins state and building new
homes here. The land is beginning
lo yield a revenue to tnc state, is in
creasing the production of Wyoming
and is resulting in changed conditions
throughout this commonwealth.
A glance at the figures indicative of
what the Douglas laud ottice has done
the last year illustrates how great the
movement to Wyoming lands has
been recently. At this office there
were 1 ,900 entries during 1916. This
has been by far the largest number
of entries in a year in the history of
this oflicc the largest previous num
ber being 957, making the 1916 busi
ness over 100 per cent greater than
the former high-water mark.
The section homstead bill, which is
now a law, is expected to establish a
new record during 1917.
Citizenship to Enter
Into Contest for Office
Fairbury, Neb., Dec. 30. (Special.)
Oscar M. Garnsey, the present re
publican district clerk, has refused
to turn over his office to Charlie
Hughes, the clerk-elect, asserting that
the new incumbent is not qualified- to
fill the oflice bv not being a citizen
of the United States. Mr. Hughes,
the democratic clerk-elect, was born
in Canada and came to this country
when 6 weeks of age. He never took
out naturalization papers. Garnsey,
the present incumbent, alleged that
he is not qualified on this account to
hold the office.
Shumway Says
Mineral Rights
Must Be Saved
iKrom n Staff Corrcupondfni
Lincoln, Dec. .10. (Special. 1 Res
ervation of sub-surface rights in the
leasing of school lands is advocated
by the new land commissioner, G. L.
Shumway. He believes that there
may conic a time when oil may be dis
covered in Nebraska and he believes
that the state should reserve its rights.
He says:
Nebraska has proriicalty no mineral lawn,
noihlnu thai separat1. the surface, and suh
surfacf rights oh public lands. Yet. peo
ple who know oil bunlness have their fin
gers on thousands of acre of tilled real
estate in the midst of which are many nec
tions of Mate srhool land. Oil men are
working over Scottsbluff. Hloui. Prwca and
Sheridan counties. Al leaft three large con
cerns are intcrtwtM in western Nebraska:
one )s already drilling. One or more of these
fields likely will prove productive. There
are geological structures, and oil seep Indi
cations. ,
All future leases of school lands should
reserve to the stale the suh-surfre rights.
Prospectors' lean-s should he allowed upon
the payment of not ntt than 1100 for one
year's privilege, or upon execution of a bond
of J2. 000 that a well will he put down
within a year to a depth of 3.000 feet unless
commercial oil or g-aa Is found at 'less
liio customary royalty charred by the
state of Wyoming for operation on a single
half section paid the hchool fund IH60.000
in one year, and ts stilt paying thousand a
monthly into the tatc treasury, tn addi
tion to oil and gau there are potach beds,
volcanic Hfi In extensive quantities, and
irlpoli beds. Usually clay beds are found
beneath the roots of ahluc stem grass, and
these will be needed to build substantial
roads through the sand hill regions.
1 suggest these with the hope that a
statute will be evolved, which mean much
to tho state.
j-sjje" hae "aMkf1 "-ai''' '''aWli",ib'i' iitmsji' -jvjfMC bbbbb'i-1 "MHT1 agaM" taT1''"ie' MaMP'h,iiAi3,'Iidttfi8'''dMU,:''''1Uf1 l'idM' -'ihii!' m
Committee to Recommend jj!
Betterment In System ih
Makes Report.
Hotel Commissioner
Saves Little Money
(From a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, Dec. 30. (Special.) The
liotel commission, through the busi
ness management of Colonel Phil
Ackerman saved $.1,086.65 from the ap
propriation vof $11,800 made by the
Receipts of the office turned into
the treasury were $6,406. Total in
spection were $3,462 and fire escapes
installed seventy-eight.
During the present biennum. less
than one-fourth as many complaints
were received as during the former
To Cut Ice by Electricity.
Gothenburg Noh.. Dor .?nCn.
cial.) The Gothenburg Light and
Power company will commence cut
tincr ice on La We Hln her. nvr
week for the Pacific Fruit Express
company. The ice loading plant here
is one of the largest in the west, and
all the work will be done by elec
tricity this year, even to the cutting
of the ice which will be cut with an
electric saw.
(From a Staff Corresponds.)
Lincoln, Dec. 30.-(Special.) The
committee selected from members of
the senate and house to recommned
an improvement in the methods of
introduction of bills and consideratio
of the same has finished its report
and recommends several things of in
terest, as follows:
Before Introduction In each houas aH htlla
Khali ho referred lo this committee for i
amlnation in, order to secure th following
Consolidation of duplicate, hills.
Where the same Mil is IntroducM In both
senate and house to aecure the printing of
the two bllla from the tune form at a fair
Preparation of bills for the printer In ar
eordance with the legislative rule of lslfc,
via: Amendatory bllla. when printed, ahall
show on their faco the part of the old
statute stricken out. the part retained and
the new matter proposed.
Comparison of bills with exittng consti
tution and statute in order that they may
be put In the best legal form to harmonise
Revision of each bill aa a whole, or any
part thereof, tn order to aecure freatr
brevity and clearness.
No changes In any bill ahall be made by
the committee on reytalon except with the
consent of the member or members intro
ducing the bill.
Gothenburg Banks in
Prosperous Condition
Gothenburg, Neb., Dec 30. (Spe
cial.) That tins part of the state is
in a prosperous condition is shown
by the hank statements which were
turned into the comptroller of the
currency on November 16. The total
deposits of Gothenburg banks on No
vember 16, 1916, show $1,027,156.65.
The Gothenburg State bank heads the
list of all banks in Dawson county
with deposits of $468 377.49, the First
National of Lexington being second
and the First State of this city being
The deposits of the Gothenburg
banks exceed the total deposits of any
town on the Union Pacific railroad
between Kearney and North Platte,
on the Burlington between Grand
Island and Alliance and on the Bur
lington High line between Holdrege ;
and sterling, Lolo.
A Good Conrh Remedy.
Dr. Bell's Ptne-Tax-Honey will ease your
cough, soothe tho raw spots and prevent ee
rloua lung ailments. 26c. Alt druggists.
Owr Annual J armory
White Sales
Start on Tuesday Morning,
January 2d
A sale of white that deserves the supreme confidence
which the public places in the BRANDEIS STORES
A Happy New Year
Browning King & Co.
LINGERIE of Muslin, Crepe de Chine and Philippino Hand Embroidered,
also children's and infant's wear, etc. ..
CORSETS in a remarkable variety of styles. r"'
WHITE GOODS Such as Crepe Voile, Imported Novelty Skirtings, Organ
dies, Windsor Crepe, Imperial Longcloth and Nainsook.
DOMESTICS Ready-made Sheets, Slips, Muslins, Tubings, Longcloth, etc.
DRAPERIES Curtains and Drapery Nets, etc.
DAINTY NECKWEAR Collars and Vestees, in a fine showing of styles.
WHITE SILKS Heavy natural Jap Habutai, guaranteed to wash and wear
LACES Nets, All-over Laces, Flouncings, Lingerie Vals, Beadings, Dotted
and Plain Footings, etc.
EMBROIDERIES Embroidery Edgings and Insertions and Flouncings.
ART NEEDLEWORK Doilie Sets, Luncheon Sets, Guest Towels, Stamped
Centers and Scarfs, Madeira Towels, Etc.
WHITE GLOVES Kid and Guaranteed Washable Kid.
THIS IS MORE THAN A SALE, It is an event, for every
woman who desires to replenish her Linens or articles of wearing
apparel at good savings. In this event we clearly demonstrate
the wonderful buying power of this store and the close foreign
connections we have in the fabric centers of the world. In this
event Brandeis Stores stand supreme for immensity of stocks and
arlofU1 trainee nfFavaA I
The Sale Begins on Tuesday Morning at 8:30
J. L. Brandeis & Sons
On the New Year
It holds forth many possibili
ties for you, but in order to
You must be equipped
with a set of
Perfect Teeth
This, however, is made
easy if you try the
McKenney Way
RESOLVE this very minute to visit our dental parlors
r McKenney DentistsH
1324 Farnam Street
Phone Dougla 2872. -
Occidental Building and
Loan Association
Assets Over $5,000,000.00
Contingent Fund, $180,000.00
Loans made on improved properties at reason
able rates. 6 dividends, payable quarterly in
cash on full paid stock, or compounded if desired.
d 322 South 18th Street, Omaha, Neb.
JOHN F. FLACK, Pre. e. N. BOVELL, Secy.
R. A. McEACHRON, Vice President. JOHN T. BROWNLEE, Asst. Secy.
ATTRACTIVE room, white furniture;
cretonne toerinc, modem homp,
wsiiunx oistanre: serve breakfast
everrininf ,Hn averace
service. Harney SltH.
All you have to do is call Tyler 1000
ask for Mr. Addison, he does nnthW
"': , , . , ' "O
n out take care ot Koom Advertise-
Well pleated with the re-
ments. It will nnlv r.nst ONtf f!TCNT
turn. n.e Bee brought her to PER WORD much less than the other
Z:ZZ17T Omaha papers charge for the same
service and you'll rent your rooms.
Act .MOW;