THE OMAHA SUNDAY REM: DECEMT5FTR St. 1016. rlashes . from Fi V3o PHOTO PLAYS FOR OMAHA DEVOTEES (TS Stars Who Will Shine on Screen for Omaha This Week Super-Attraction Film Company Organind Here yjmtnt mtrticiv uiu nil tnt k. iiiicitu txn B I , SS ! monroe theater j rSJ'S ?v''::rzT , itfA vKC IMsS iJ ;,':::';:::l,;:;.:;'!i,un;',;.i:' I E. K. LINCOLN SW Si'Bn-.-i f V V 4 f WA 3 &K1 M-rV,.';;:;' .m,..,!,' w i The AlmiiW Dollar" ! ""if "" S" " I 0- I -t W f Wj Iowa and Nebraska i today . PKVr Une ww ,.-. ffl J- . , '.rr, Exhibitors ' I t 2. 345. 5:30. 7:15 9 I ".'n',;' tV. " O ;-gSa i ',7 Jessie Zanisale V, Q - V;; " " 1 - . . I WILLIAM S. HART .ui,..rd ....... . m. uft 1 MJbcl Ti-uneUc -v ,..,,.,,. .V ... . . Feature Film Co.. monday ,i: am,n:. V 1 jffTX) - 'r. ..::v,i W.ll Hrlp Y0, Making thi. t 2. 3:30. 5, .,:30, 8 and MO . ECULEl'A C TSiEATFR j.p, f jfc, V irC,""' ''"'"...t m"'" m... A.d ipZperu... I stuart holmes -Thr 0Jtttr.m-. z I jyV V Sj. J I..v:vi; ,...;; o,aHa,N,h. "lovk. ANo hate" i v ,A - Lf QJIS rru;-';-; w . ... . I TUESDAY. JANUARY 2 f S Hurtcn H.l.., T.l.w. U 1 IWJI 1 "'"'"rt " 1 ' I Baby Marie Osbome i ?.iimmHisHHi!i!!!iH.:i(i-iiiiinfHit . J m m LfS J 'TV'V,."-,m ; .. jV 2 'shadows and "sunshine" i . . . T' . . Wl$ fp , f jtt V : ..:';'';"' I 1 UNUSUAL Sgjfr 'gjg JIl .wrr,;;r.J;-:"tr. f PATHEJ opportunity lQr?-' 1p "f$ fi " wi,h.. v i film co. cheap V7m.s.H3rt m.m - " 13 i"- '.'; r"-;,1; ,,::'"! Ne Y I S. i Mutt act at once, as owner ia TT&G .)rV jKBL ST- J ,"'''1,1 Iii'm"'' ', ' ... , .', '' ' , ,! ,'.', ,'J, ", " " I m leaving city. Will srll at invoice. ..,,: ,,.hI l" r . .mum. i:,n.. ' HShT 'JL. : ' y !"i 1"" !'': r. 1,''' vn.'i ' , J. E. KIRK, Manager I . 2T uidd Turirrn """ ""- """"" -m.... t... WJ V SAT rS WW' ' . J-n.p!-.. h .1,. ...... p.,h Film c.rp. j HIPP THEATER '.r'S,,, -M-.ry -rv .frw ta , ni( , " 1 508-10 Harney Street. f.auirniK i,m .....1 1- rf..r... . I Cdfi3 Kimball IOUtKif JtWC CtSPTjCe '""I -ri " "" "' '" - '" . Wortnlay iwrls K-t.... .....1 . ..rl i. V' r.atur. . .11. .1 ". iu-r... ... H... M,..r. p 1 "aiaa"iBaa"alllBaaBii Hla. Kw. l arr sr. n in "Tli i.i. I 1 r' 1 M '" ,hr li'rt ... t.i.- i.pmiii. I. f ..jms. II T (tor Friends anil w . . . m f th,r,., , ,,.. -;"- i'V:;.';' A e """" r-lf am" 3 I lie Vo a Happy and I M ,ua,- au mo.nua i DIAMOND THEATER ' T,"u, ' '. WHll I I I i CLEO MADISON I today a,;..;.., w ill b h . ..w u.ucuu 1, a - -II V J TnrtOurFIMw. ! "LACK ORCHID" - ' II I Season's drpttini;s Irom The Western Supply Co. Exclusive Distributors ot Simplrx and Powers M.irhinrs; o Dealers in Motioraph Marhines - 1917 model now on exhibition. I 01 Movie Merchandise see "V'rn." lie Wish Yon a Happy and ProHperous Xvu: Year and Trust Our Fiitiiw Dralimj, Will. He Jusl. as Plcascnt As in the past. C. Y. Taylor, Mgr. 4 Theater of First Presentations MUS 5 Days Beginning Today r. In a Picturization of Her Great est Stas,e Success, the Be loved Fairy Tale, "SNOW WHITE" In Which She Appeared for Two Season at Winthrop Ames' Little Theater, New York. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY MAE MURRAY In a Novrl Play, .he Action of Which Extends From South African VrlJt to Modorn Society. "THE PLOW GIRL" THURSDAY MARGUERITE FISCHER in "JACKIE OF THE NAVY" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FANNIE WARD In t powofful Druma nf Diamonds and Hearts "The Years of the Locust" ADMISSION ONLY I0r JUNE CAPRICE in "Caprice of the Mountains" A refreshing story of the out-of-doors "f it mmaarnxmsmert ' & GRAND THEATER TODAY W BESSIE BARRISCALE, in f "PLAIN JANE" Also Vogue Comedy. f MONDAY ROBERT WARWICK and 1 MOLLY KING, in : "ALL MAN" A Keystone Comedy a J: r? a?.: a i olumhla Ttv attrartlon at t I'i'i jireKfni.s the Nrirfii I'.tnl Snaii, an (J Haroncsts I'-Wit. '(ju.ti 'Id im'.-v, m " (jana ! b .'u V par's ilay a siierial f"..Huri' COLUMBIA THEATER TODAY DIANA, THE HUNTRESS" Featuring PAUL SWAN and BARONESS VON DEW1TZ PALM THEATER To Everybody The Universal Film Manufacturing Co. Extends Greetings May this be the happiest and most prosperous New Year of your lives. Sincerely, JAKE MITCHELL, Mgr. LAEMMLE FILM SERVICE Our Latest and Greatest Serial Photodrama "The Purple Mask" Featuring GRACE CUNARD and FRANCIS FORD 5c VAUDEVILLE AND PHOTODRAMA TODAY 'The Girl From Frisco' CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "THE RINK" Ofxirr" iiKh anil .1! lia'i- n an at lli.i Mur'' l'.'la In a Blcirj of ill si, "Th-- M'-h.ilnr ' Ttie slory in t h Hrt.p , a liner nt tj I ! t . am) In c;i in ll hi 1 MthilK In rnmintt ilcetl of Vtnlrni n. Prinrens Th" fT-rhur nt tl-e Prlners in pira,i w h. ,.,nh(1)) ih ufraLi nt lii-l-- t.iitu Pi.wler ' n .Iri.ina, 1 , .i.l, tli,it hi:, pear, in Kiiarantfert. hf ftmH 'r-Mln.-nl l.;,.n;hi.r H' rin.m... ami )',,,,,. , .,,llni Maccie, th.- n<rc&i. . n;..v "l'rarti. , What Vmi I'r-a. h " M"ti i,nl(. n 'Th. Vi -t. r. i.r Mra" .H...ivin. with 'I ;.....( MorrniL- .ln.lirr- - ..!.! ' Vh.ii.. In th. . . . .t. ,.illm , - I ran it t .fiwi" narnBiyin ff mo mr n in i.f itn- rtn ' irf.-.'nlcil iMtli (In ! jan(, -J-ti nn-ninpanj t hk r1-ttir tn a. w-.fc!-,, ,ni(l ,'Mi, iht- Trail of th-' KUfl mm, with Ftnh- Miller ehlrf "in" I HI " W nln'.4.1a , '-Th" I'urpl'' tlfinh M,tIi,l;t r World llmd v - Mnrtrt. "Alt latest univn-val .Hal, 19 f-h"wi. : M;in- larrlnR lt.hert Warwtrk and Molly -ni. .ti. , Thursday a Mlii 'hlr-1 , Kirir - hl. fnnv ture is a Keystone, i" ir. hHl. ' with '"Vo Madismi ill t" .'risen ted Monra--rh Almtehty nIlmr," featur- Inc 1-: K l.tneoln. Is at the Monroe theater Kmprew The Heart of h Hills." a ,0(1il, with this i.t a Untvnnial rtimettv. ravtd Whltelaw'. , Mori)iay Knu.rv .lohncon ind Ornti h-n h.- Hnst." is th" j . rl,rr tn 'Th.' Moral:-, of HI Ida-" Tuesday I'ri'MiiM.n T.-.inire ,-ii th" r.mi.i.'VH tur tli- )(,(...rt Warwick in a Heart y Moe. "Nitu iir-l ha'f "f thix work, (..Rltiniiii; tndaj , s(.ciei U . iln. silay Arthur Donnldm'ri I'hc f'a'ur-- part.s an played hy Mahel Tru , h -a r of M.-n"' Thursday Wrre.ji Kir- i. IP and ,,,, a 'I'earN- Th- Mmi'v car ru;Mn ;iri, ,oul. g Lnvfily In "Th'i Ko.-ial -.;- tn. sp-'. i.i'nr from th" jtincli;. "f India nuc.-an-' t KrnLiy Klorenrr !-! Madle in lit th- whirl ..f ni.i.i.rn no-i.-u and leim- -The l-'ui: I tv Sal'jr.lii f.rtturp. 'fl nh .-n-nial myi h i-m Kor th" ha If . "K;, t Jit and S.m V , polio Kte performanre ir cri'W.olert- ; at the Apollo fr today, when the attrae 1 tton "HI I"- lniMIn Karmiin in "Urn' 1 and fharlie I'haplln In "M--hlnit the Si r n For tomorrow the hill 1s Valentlli HianC In "A laughter of MeGrenEr." .nit fv aiitr.-. -Th. i th- :tr.: !!rt I-'. 5c ORPHEUM South Side GRACE DARLING in "Beatrice Fairfax" Keystone Comedy Also Comedy, Sinking nd Dancing VAUDEVILLE MONDAY Extra Big Fenturr "THE FLOWER OF FAITH" KINDER TO ERRING SISTERS. Strong Hope of World Becoming More Lenient to Feminine Outcasts. The hi.po is ii.r crnt that tlie day i cnminp when women will reserve Ihr t .in.lni'.n ot ninn uirr ' - : , . sjlllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIUIIIU the riclit I.. I.reak away later with , ut ArULLO lHLAltR ! 1 PRiBfCFSS THFATFR FIVE PERFORMANCES TODAY 2:00 3:45 5:30 7:15 0:00 GRAND DOUBLE BILL DUSTIN FARNUM "BENBLAIR" Also CHARLIE CHAPLIN "BEHIND THE SCREEN" NEW YEAR'S DAY VALENTINE GRANT "A DAUGHTER OF MACGREGOR" V - j SUNDAY AND MONDAY j TKct Plprtsin? Duo B:riiil I Mae Marsh and Robert Harron k ; "The Wharf Rat" h ..vl Bj . Story of City Life, Teeming Over With Excitement. K -::-c 8 Special Performance This Evening 3 : From 1 1 P. M. to 1 A. M. j ; 9 TUESDAY j V CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG ! 1 "THE FOOLISH VIRGIN'' j;j M'aVA L? i 1- X. N. - 11 TODAY AND MONDAY 1 P - - - imi n oaononoaonoDono; the loss i srlt -rfix'ct or social pre tipc. 1 he siriis arc mult iply niK that Ihw is what alter. lnt ;tm -nwr llicin ii the alteration in t lie wnrWI's attitude toward the woman who ha "erred." We .ill know what it used to he- social o-tracism. and that the. penalty was fixed by i.ther women. Consider the chance o sentimrui. As we lonK bal. we intfiht almost drserihr the last niiaiter f a en t ur y the C'dd- n aye nt the hrrmi.e ot irrecular hie. ! !"u tnaity a dia i t and rmvrli-t of tin1- period has devoted In. wit-- to U nivi to t e-halnhtati- het . It is a lony remove ; . 1 1 1 F i 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 M 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t'oni the .opioid .et rmcuhle trat a that TODAY "Giant Powder" "The Prodigal Daughter" "Practice What You Preach" 'The Gilded Life" Would you risk your life for a strange, hut beautiful girl, who ciaimea to ne your wire.- ina. .r. mr unique suuiiign in ... n SB U "On Dangerous Ground" with Gail Kane and Carlyle Blackwell TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY How to Mi, a Love Potion JJ fc , TaliaferrO XTr SUNBEAM lJr SWEET SMILE in V1,1J LOYAL LAD "THE SUNBEAM" Magic Theater SOUTH SIDE George Walsh it presented in D "The Mediator" J 0 A Thrilling Picturization of J V5 P Guaranteed Peace in a Q r Western I own. n w Ll Also Comedy. 0 0 75 "-iX a nul ileathhed ot the th to the ..phi-,u-nia' e tor h r r lat- i'i ri n n .ODODODOaOaODODOD A Happy New Year To You All Sincerely yours, L. A. GETZLER, Mgr. Mutunl Film Corporation AND THE GIRL A play that warms the heart. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY GEORGE WALSH - - in "The Island of Desire' -hf-l at i .-.nnlle "t i rated apolon ter-dav m resM ,r In "f'he ee,.nd Mr '1 atiqiirray," iisln-d 1 1 1 IK'M, tlie i !'i ahoii- mtiU ayrd Ii' i i. Like-, a: ; i- -e. nfid wtt'e .t iMMtiti:-:1 '.'H;ait "t .T with a in :"'t"i i'.:-' and '.mi ail Know witii wh: i - -ij ifii ( s. ! it i with an tiMiisuiiw ! ! tn - 'tn ti ii; i air the (jr.uiMl is' I'mero re, ii" lies tl'1 Con t the venture did not jtis t it v itsell. !i" lr put n into the tnntith nt the ir'fpr. .v halle tUiik'h'cr w ho oiild t: - ' -! "Mat li her - ieunothcr i j. r-"i .i'i .i'd wa r h ti - '!;e rnnvmi; Mii. ..t 'lie , ata-trr-phe, "h I'd nv r. 'ft! '" a th- !(-irg f i k : n n u n ri - Grand Organ Recitals by Organists Koehle and Horton at Every Performance. OPEN 11 A. M. TO II P. M. DAILY. ADMISSION. 10c. Extra Show Tonight at 1 1 O'clock. Bring Your New Year Party and See the "Sun" al Midnight ri Continuous Vaudeville and Photoplays A Great Big Show for 20c and 10c FIRST HALF STARTING TODAY "THE HEART OF THE HILLS' r eaturinfr Mabel Trunelle and Conwav Tearle "A fascinating late of Oriental mysticism leading the spectator amid the jungles and palace, and through th seething soctal whirl of Modern London to a t lima s of unusual power," is a brief description of the story SECOND HALF THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY Featuring EDITH STOREY "THE SHOP GIRL" Great Five-Part Y.taeraph l.slui. and adventures ul a firl who Social danvvrs. romance work, t -r a l.vins I Ft!' .... i!-. !.-.',.,! . f a kLird '--rlnt i ' r ' 4fid .it: .il'-r-k; ' r.uO -. .id hadrwv ;.is .i.i- -.. I"ssc ucr that I1'- o.diT" '"iils k": '1 the dat .is i" ' ' ki n.v:::' or I'rr nd!' t' tum . '.,,ii -' r lnRie Ifei my 'ha' ' 'e.i;1v d- I'cr ' meK wha' t'.. W" r l'e was le- , ,. , . if !,'.. ... , , . ,..,,,.r 1 - t I ' V , . , l '--t ;-v lii kt-r-p . n i ..ii '. n, - . " f ' " Happy New Year Open 1 1 a m to 1 1 p. m Daily Reme mber Admittion 2t)c nj 10c f-t mm m. oi5iiJiji