Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 21

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7 -n
4 WnTnnTi flro
Doing in the World
A soda boar will follow the busi-
inta meeting of the Business Worn-
itn s crab Tuesday evening at 7 o clock
-Vt the Young Women's Christian As
sociation auditorium. The usual sup
per it 6:15 o'clock will precede the
business meeting.
The social and religions life oi Nor
way and Sweden will be studied b
the literature department of the
South Omaha Woman's club Tuesday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in Library
hall. Mrs. Brace McCulloch will be
leader of the program. Mrs. Y A
Nitsche will have as her subject. "The
Home;" Mrs. E. L. Delanney will
discuss "Rural Customs and National
Costumes;" Mrs. R C. Vermillion.
"Sports and Games;" Mrs. Bruce Mc
Culloch. "Period's of the Reforma
tion;" Mrs. A. X. Porter. "Religion
of the Northmen," and Mrs. V. A.
Berger, "Charitable and ' Benevolent
The Dundee Worn air's dub w ill
meet Wednesday at the home ot Mrs
John O. Yeiser. when the subjtvt will
be a satire on life, "Souls on Kinh."
by Granville Barker; a satire on an.
"Enoch Soames," by Max Beerbohm
. i i-j i i rt. i.'i.i... "
Mrs. T. R. Rraden is to be leader and
Mrs. V. O. Perry will have cur
rent events. After the program tea
will be served, thus making the first
meeting of the year of a social
The Omaha Story Teller" league
will meet Thursday at 3 p. m. at the
home of Miss Emma Rosicky. instead
of at the public library as usual. Mrs.
V. H. Dox will be leader and will
tell the biographies of the composers
J. H. Long and Puccini. Mrs. K. G.
Adams will tell the story of "Madam
South Side Women's Christian
Temperance union will hold its
monthly meeting Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Howard Yore.
4304 Sooth Twenty-first street. A
special musical and literary program
will be given.
Mrs. Edward J. Hatch was elected
president of the Durcas club at a
: ua -. it ,.t
Mrs. M. X. Woodward. Mrs. loseoh
Kelly is vice president; Mrs. Minnie
H. Rexten, secretary; Mrs. X. L.
Trimble, treasurer; Mrs. O. M. Nel
.son and Mrs. William J.. From, the
sewing committee. I he Dorcas club
sews tor needy families and institu
tions. Friday the meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. E. H. for
genson, 3419 Lafayette avenue.
Rev. C. Franklin Koch, assistant
nastnr at Koimfze Memorial church.
will lead the prayer meeting ut tin
Business Women's council Tuesday
at the court bouse. The ( oni mince
Women's council will serve luncheon
between the hours of 11 and 2.
The parliamentary practice da.-- tif
the Omaha Woman's club has ex
changed dates for its open -day pro
gram with the current topics depart
ment, on account of the need for more
time to work up their program, wlvch
will be given by class members, them
selves. The program on jauuarv 8
therefore will be given by Mrs. Marv
I. Creigh's department, while the par
liamentarians, led by Mrs. K. E.Stan
field, have February 5.
Smith college alumnae will dis
cuss plans for raising funds to fur
ther a Nebraska scholarship to their
alma mater, at a meeting Wednesday
at 3 o'clock at the home of Mr,. A.
W. Gordon. One scholarship, the
Mary Lanning scholarship of Beatrice,
is offered already for the snphonioro
Mrs. W. S. Knight will address
the Miller Park Mothers' circle on
the subject of "Better Movies for
Children" Wednesday at the home of
Mrs. J, N. Hanson. Assisting the
hostess will be Mesdames M. O. Had
ley, B. S. Taylor, M. Norouist, A. E.
Groves and J. G. Crusenberry.
The Omaha Woman's Press club
will hold its annual meeting Wednes
day at 4 o'cloc'- at the Hotel Funte
nelle. Benson Woman's club will hold its
second open meeting on Thursday
afternoon at the city hall, when Mrs.
Paul S. Rivett of Florence will give
an illustrated talk on "Home Eco
nomics.' This will be followed by
parliamentary practice, led by Mrs.
J. V. Starrctt. Mrs. E. C. Hodder
is leader of the meeting.
Benson Woman's Christian Tem
perance union will meet Friday after
noon at the home of Mrs. E. J.
,The B. L, S. club of Benson held
it's annual meeting Thursday after
noon. Members presented Father
Buckley of St. Bernard's church with
a purse of $100. Card playing fol
lowed the regular meeting. Prizes
were won by Mesdames Anderson IJ.
Post, W. Moran and Miss Efiie Mc
Guire. Francis Willard Woman's Chris
tian Temperance union held a
meeting at the House of Hope. Flor
ence, Neb., Wednesday afternoon.
About thirty were present, Aside
from the regular business a delight-
Dn.BnaF Bails
This institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
ample gTounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of non-contagious and
non-mental diseases, no others be
ing admitted; the other Rest Cot
tage being designed for and de
voted to the exclusive treatment
of select mental cases requiring
for a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.
Rabindranath Tagore, Indian Poet,
Will Lecture in Omaha on Friday
Sir Rahindianath Tagore. Indi.tii
poet, philosopher and dramatist, hold
er of the Nobel pne tor literature for
l'M3. will deliver his lecture on "The
Cult of Nationalism" at the riramlei
theater on the evening of Frida .
January 8.
This very intere-irn man iias bee::
in America since ear 1 in the fall,
lecturing in various centers of intel
lectuality. his purpose being to can
his message to Americans. Funds de
rived from the tour are devoted to
the upbuilding of a school he ha,
established at Shantiniketan. India
( M" his recent visit to the State I'ni
ersity of Iowa. Dr. Edwin I Stai -
I buck of the department of philosophy
i and psychology writes:
i "The appearance of Rabindranath
' I agore at the State I niversitv of
j Iowa recently was to ns one ot the
j most significant events of recent
ears. Tagore is a beautiful soul,
j It is difficult to imagine a more rich
i and varied, and more inspired and
comely, a personality. He is a won
derful embodiment of a very old and
J a very high civilization. While pro
' ioundlv Hindu b extraction and rear
ing. he m far transcends the limits
of nationality and race as to be jusi
human ijuiie -iniph. and at the same
time tran see u i It'ti tally . human.
"Ilis comuig a great eent 1
had enjoyed Tagore before in I am
bridge, as he recited, or chanted, sotnr
of his own poems, matchless in their
daintiness; 1 had heard him in
Rochester, addressing a large audi
ence of the religious leaders of
America, and felt their response to
his call for a deeper note of spiritual- j
it y in religions. 1 had listened at i
Harvard along with the ever-increas-j
ing audience to the inspiring series of i
philosophical lectures, since published i
as the Sadbana. Although knowing
Tagore as the poet, dramatist, phil
osopher, 1 was hardly prepared for
him when he came to us in the role
of a prophet. What insight! What
ful program was given as follows:
Duets, both German and English, by
the Misses Lilly ; whistling solos, I
ducts and trios by the Misses Har- '
rington. The residents of the house :
very much enjoyed the afternoon,
also the donation of jellies which the
women brought.
Chapter E, P. E. 0. Sisterhood, will ,
hold a business meeting at the home i
of Mrs. Charles H. Thatcher. b!3 i
North Twenty-fourth street. Thurs-1
dav at 1 o'clock. Mrs. II. H. Neile will
assist the hostess.
The monthly meeting of Temple
j Israel sisterhood, which regularly
falls on M onday. will be postponed
j one week on account of New Year's.
Kev. O. D. Baltzley of Kountze Me-
morial church will give a stereopticon
lecture on "The Holy Land" at the
! House of Hope in Florence this after
I noon at 3 o'clock. Theviews were
j taken by Kev. Mr. Baltzley himself on
la recent trip to Palestine.
! Garfield circle. Ladies of the
I Grand Army of the Republic, will
1 hold a public installation in Memorial
hall in the court house Thursday
i Chapter M of P. E. O. will have a
j business meeting instead of the ban
, (met which had been planned Satur
! day afternoon at J:.50 o'clock at the
' home of Mrs. F. A. Cressey, 4204
j South Twenty-second street.
l eaders of neighborhood Bible ;
clas-c- will meet w ith Mrs. I). A.
T'oole at the Young Men's Christian ,
association 'Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock.
Mr. Otto Showers will be hostess
for the J. F. W. club Thursday after
noon when the members meet to sew 1
I fur ehari; v.
V. IV. ". A. NatM.
k. Kooic will givr a NVw Vpar
M r.
n.Jock Uulay. Mrn S I,. Aibripht will j
sin;. A social hour fallows, when Mra. .
fliira MfMit If hosted. All wninn and
liirls ur- itivjiwl to thee Sunday afternoon '
't Ii. mi'" hi ij rs !
fl !.' tn'iiin Tuesday. January 2. Those
v. hi' h 'i'pi indued on Monday will be matin
up IkIwii'ii tf-rms.
Tin- Hun pet. with I If schedule for th1
nw f lnM's for i he second term, is rrsnly
this wci'k.
Barr Tells Grocers of
Sanitation in Business
Sanitation in its relation to pure
food was the subject of the talk which
J. F. Barr, state secretary of the Ne
braska retail dealers, gave before
members of the Retail t iroeers' as
sociation in the Sv cdish auditorium.
President Ed Wisr welcomed to
Omaha Mr. Rumtonl. the new man
ager of the branch house of the
Fleishman Yeast company. Secretary
J. J. Cameron announced that the stir-,
plus in the grocers' fund was more !
than SI .000 thi. year, making the total
surplus nearly ?.(HH).
Mina Taylor Will Soon
Make Her Appearance
in the best stores, in both the small towns and the large cities of the west,
and she will be welcomed by women who are critical about house dresses.
Mina Taylor House Dresses snap with style and charm, yet they combine
every essential of comfort and service.
The next time you think of house dresses, see the Mina Taylor garments be
fore making a purchase. You'll be pleasantly surprised in the styles, in the
dainty patterns, in the sturdy fabrics, and you'll be pleased with the mod
erate prices.
See this excellent garment at the Mina Taylor store in your town.
M. E. SMITH & CO., Omaha
Makers of Women's Garments
K xiw
outlook ! What vision ! What force
and power, as he summoned the deeps
of the personal life and portrayed the
dangers to our occidental life of con
ventionalism, institutionalism and na
tionalism. Scarcely since (he (lays
of the major Hebrew prophets, surely,
has a more picturesque or more pow
erful appeal been made to a people
who need the message.
"No one who cares to get the
flavor of human nature at its best,
and to touch the most vital heart
beat of humanity, can welt afford to
miss a chance of hearing Tagore." !
Social Qossip
Family Dinner.
One of the large family Christmas
dinners was given by Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Guild, when covers were laid
for sixteen. The following members
of the family were present;
M ssr. and M scta m-
Harry l.awri'
John (iuiltl,
I,. V, tiutlfi
of Kutisaa Cit
Marjorlr Cuilfi.
Master Thoinu
K. V. ArniMii.tiR.
T. H. llnnn
of Pfnvrr.
J. M. Uulld
Harrii-t tiuiia
Rradrn, jr., of Urnvfr.
Prettiest Mile Golf Club.
The women of the Prettiest Mile
Golf club will have their regular
monthly meeting at the home of Mrs.
Edward Burke Tuesday evening at K
o'clock, when the officers for the new
year will be installed. All retiring
officers will be the hostesses.
Missouri Pacific is
Strengthening Viaducts
The Missouri Pacific is reinforcing
all its viaducts along the belt line
which encircles Omaha.
'The Missouri Pacific has purchased
a lot of new motive power of the very
heavy type and this has necessitated
strengthening these viaducts. With
out the reinforcements it was feared
the viaducts might gradually weaken
under the weight of the new engines.
The work nas been started and will
be pushed to completion regardless
of weather conditions.
Clifton Hill School to
Be Built, Bids Revised
The buildings and grounds com
mittee nf the Board of Kdueation has
worked out the Clifton Hill school
school situation to the extent of be
ing in a position to state that a con
tract will be let in January. The bids
at hrst appeared to be prohibitive,
but after the architect made a few
revisions the committee began to
see daylight. The cost will be slightly
in excess of the estimate of $11,IH0.
150S Howard Street
Wishes to their patrontt a Happy New Yrar, and at th same time to
exprens appreciation for the prosperity they enjoy. You ar invited
to come here for your New Year's dinner. You will huv th privacy
of a home together with the ronveniencen and courteniea for which
The Empire is noted.
(A I 1500 Howard Street If JftL
Social Affairs
of the South Side
Mi-- Nellie I a die and mother.
Mrs K.ihcth. I .. ,-tle. are -neudim;
the rek a: I xceUior pri!g-
M i-- i tan I h ke
Mi. Mao Heaver;
aie the guest-. ii Mr
th Mar Komr
.1 Yillisia. and
I lai uula. I a . I
Anna lea ci ¬
lia- i e turned
ii on i St l.oms. where
t hristma- wiih relative-
Mrs. E. ! Munaluu and chddien
hac returned iroui Calitornia. where
thev spent the last few month-.
Miss Louise atkm i. spending
her t hristma- vacation at the homo
ot lier parent-. Mi and Mr-. .1, B.
. Watkins.
Miss Mela anil Kulh SlulKross ot
He I lev tie ate spending the week with
, South Side inends.
A daughter arrived this week at the
home oi Mr ami Mrs. l.estei PuMiam.
Mr.-, William Bern is conhued to
her home with an injured hand
I'lte New Century club will meet
this week at the home oi Mrs John
Murpln, 1 veiny--ith and B street-
At a meeting of the id society ot
the South Side t ongregatiou church
Thursday it wa- decided to work for
new memltei - M i .1. Well- w a
appoiutcd captain of utie team and
Mr- J Smith leader of the othei
The d.'leated -ide will be hostess to
the w inner-
On Thur-d.i Mrs. Irwin Howe eu
tertained the I'hursday Kensington
club at luncheon. Eleven guests were
present. The next meeting will be
held at the home oi Mrs. A. Dawson.
The Regina club was entertained
by Miss Rose Mary llannon at her
home Tuesday evening. Whist was
played. High scores were made by
Miss Theresa Henian and Miss Nell
On Christmas evening Miss Gladys
Van Sant entertained at a small din
ner party, Those present were;
Kath'-nnp V'rawford.
tJlady Van Hunt
Gladys Fowir.
J. Colllm,
Li. l.ttlnl)
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Mayfield en
tertained Christmas day at a dinner
party. Eleven guests were present.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Knight enter
tained at a family dinner party Christ
mas day with a Christinas tree for
the children. The guests present
were :
Mfifr miii M esdti inn
P. V Harreti. Vlrirtl Smith,
I In act llarrcit. .lane Merrlfled
Frank Itarretl. Ipwey llatTRtt.
Dr. Adda Wiley Ralston entertained
at an Orpheum party Friday after
noon in honor of the past chiefs of
lodue No. I'M. Those present were;
Han.-nc k.
" lrfn.
The O. S. S. club entertained on
Thursday at the home of Miss Alta
The Degree of Honor entertained
Wednesday evening at a Christinas
party and dance for members and
Next Tuesday afternoon Mrs. W. B.
Routfee will entertain the Jolly Dozen
High Five club.
Mrs. John Mullen entertained' thirty-five
guests at dinner Christmas
The wedding of Miss Anna Scholt
ing and Marion M. Walker of
Ralston occurred Tuesday evening al
8 o'clock .-it the home of the briuV
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Scholt
ing. Rev. Charles Savidge officiating
The bride wore a dainty gown ol
light blue silk trimmed in silver lace
and carried bride's roses. M iss So
phia Ncholting and Leona Buxter
were bridemaids and were dressed
alike in pink crepe de chine and car
ried pink carnations. Mr. Alfred
Heisner and Howard Bradley were
the best men. Mrs. Klmer Robinson
played the wedding march. The wed
ding was followed by a reception and
dame. About 100 guests were pres
ent. Assisting in the rooms were the
r -
I , ' m
Madame ctn
claimed one oi ihe
its in the mhI.I, will pve one ut liei
recitals at the t hii.iha Anditonum on
the owning of Januar IS
Madame tiuilbort has selected loi
presentation to her audioiu e at t be
Atiditormm sonic ol ihesc numbers
which as evidence ol then popularity
have formed request piograuis in
other cities; "Two l.egendes 1 orees"
of the tifteenth and sixteenth ceuiiir
ies, "l.e Voyage tie Joseph ot Mane
a Hethlehem" and "l,c Passion," two
chansons des Vcilecs, "I .a 1 .egende
de St. Nicholas" and "Celest le Mai."
Also some songs of the seventeenth
centurv exhibiting the subtletv of her
art as comedienne --"Hell
iercs," "l,a 1 )ofensc Inutile
ettc," "l.e Lien Serre" and
de Man and the program
u w ill be
c master-
concluded wit h the tragic master
piece, "La Gin." by Joan Richepiu.
and a poem respresenting the spirit
of woman through the age, Madame
Liuilbert will preface her songs with
a short explanation in l-.n .iish
Misses Laura Gable. Helen Thomp
son, Anna I-arsen and Minnie I lem
mons. Mr. and Mrs. Walker have
gone to Dunbar, Neb., for a short
trip and will be af home at Ralston
after January 1?.
Creamery Butter
Butter, Eggs
and Poultry
For three days, beginning Tuesday, Jan
uary 2, our extensive stock of high grade
hearth furnishings will be sold at
30 to 50 REDUCTION
Each article plainly tagged to give you this big actual saving.
Many of these articles were bought before recent heavy advances.
You will have a double saving on these, for they have been marked
down along with the others.
Fire Tools
Spark Screens
Fire Grates
Rail Fenders
Coal Holders
Wood Holders
Gas Logs
Everything for the Hearth
Social Gossip
W omlroni;!
.lil. i MKi'll
',.! m!
I.i.l .1 ( 1 1 r .
, U .In. -w-t.-.i
tiir K.
.l ui Ml I'l up-
' HU'f pi .'Lll Ml .1-
1-1, .ii -,-lu.,.l M.m.U
l.i.Ki .'i.m.l .llwiulc
.iikI J,.,- I1.IIH
.'! . l-lll!l l I I I.!1!
n ml h
Miss Mabel Dutchcr Dies
From Pneumonia Attack
M alu I 1 ditcher, member ot ,i
pioneer l.uinK. difil during the earl
mornim: i"i
iih'm.i hv
in Omaha
ihe laic Kt
ack ol pueu
ot age, bni n
ilaitgliler if
i . w ho was
years ago.
;i .'
and -iinc
i apt. on
ei mother and
M t eet . u lici e
1! be held I,mi
orloek Mis
ind Mis. Fh.r
the Hi. n i.ll -e
id h
! I3 16th and Howard Sti.
Jwt Phone Douglas 846.
Learn to Play the
Ukulele and Steel Guitar
Teacher Sanford Hotel
1 ml " jiiti I ' w....,
You may as well have first choice from the
largest and best assortment ever shown in
nc;tn!i. 1. I
. .1. Dmdi.
ivin.g mslit.
1 ni' n l';ii'il'u
I.omi, a I ruther.
1 is I Mid i er was
sleiior.ipln'r i tl M .
rur Year's
if nr ij'oni-f hxick os r thr oll
;ivr's htmn,'s.--ou Ursl itor
omoni) toit liuriny 'h'tch tiim
i " i c nr;nt(:li())l hit: tcn U)1.
N .-:hai and Vine tnj fhw
'mt ard .'hf trfrah tir nan
limkt'ti 'tt (rom oir tijirvu'ij
!ufj. irifn dtm.s- ami pnr( (
upfiftnu Kt in rf.'iJ'iJ t ih'ihi' f
k'cimM'HfJ'.s1 if kv I nl s'Tc
i,ot hntk for in o .'0 1 ccnlin
bhsintsa hou.-' - flu kiwi '
'ore ytm tnmhl km is br
1 1 hint w ' r n ifh : wi " U rr i '
'nr errr jUtiii, iriih ; rur. m
lift aini iri'h wWiVii si Imuiil
as will ntr! the rr nirrnir)"s
a' all w ho have fu nititrv '
buy. To this mil e foniuu
uurselvrx in thi. mi miii fnui
ttrr s'rire to it ikv Itou
nuvid'y o Wtter and ' et'er plan
tn trade. Wiih a umber tv
udditiovnl departmn'x tutir
u tuler trn y our wrrw vt quarter
trill be iaM'd to Ihe uimont to
acrommoi'atc them i ll; but out
of the full itfe of he mean
ice control and cirri facility a!
our command, toy- ,hcr with
hce added attnu ions and
cvwaenietuts, a laxy r ami bet
ter store se.rricc wib accrue lo
our customers, t. -i another
jwgc of thw payier -md CUR
Sew Year be happjj and may
you enjoy a pronpt-ous 191?.
ILliiS ""ten 4