Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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i ' ' 1 . i . ji . .i .
Wilson Dispatches Second Mes
sage to Belligerents Ex
plaining the First.
Berlin, Dec. 30.n-(Via London.)
It has been learned that a few days
ago President Wilson sent a second
peace note explanatory of the first
to the central powers and the entente
nations. This note has not been pre
sented. '
The reason for the withholding of
the aeeond note is said to be that
the German reply, received in the
interim, showed that the German
government had not been influenced
by the "misconceptions regarding the
purposes and aims of President Wil
sons step which an unfriendly press
in both camps attributed thereto."
Lansing Is Not Talking.
Washington, D. C. Dec. 30. Sec
retary Lansing refused to comment on
the report that a second explanatory
note had been sent, both to the cen
tral powers and the entente allies,
to correct misinterpretations of the
president's note calling for peace
terms. He indicated that under the
recent policy of silence adopted by
President Wilson and himself he
would make no statement either af
firming or denying such reports. It
is felt that much misunderstanding
might arise in the popular mind, but
it is held that the various govern
ments addressed would be influenced
only by the official information, which
will be quite complete.
Secretory Lansing refused to indi
cate whether he thought the Berlin re
port might have arisen out of the
sending abroad of the information to
American diplomats of his two state
ments authorized the day the note
was published.
He has been most emphatic ever
since his two statements were issued
in saying that the president's note
was absolutely self-explanatory and
required no further comment He has
stated also that no special instructions
were sent the American diplomats as
to the manner of presenting tae note.
Intimations that the misunderstand
ings abroad, particularly in the pub
be mind, might be dispelled by offi
cial statements from here, have met
with 'an unfavorable reception.
Denmark's Reply In.
Washington, Dec 30. Denmark's
reply to President Wilson's peace
proposals was received today by the
State department. It agrees with that
bf Norway, presented yesterday.
- cNote Comet from Sweden.
The official copy of the Swedish
note also reached the department to
day, being similar in terms to thosf
from Norway and Denmark, r:-.'
; Spain's Note Tonight
Madrid. Dec 29. (Via Paris, Dec.
30.) Spain's reply to President' Wil
son's note will be handed to the
, Americao charge d'affaires tonight
and will be made public at noon to
morrow. Premier Romanones drew
up the note in collaboration with the
cabinet yesterday. The Spanish gov
eminent denies reports which have
spread abroad that it is proposed that
the peace conference is to be held at
Madrid. ' ,
. Three Notes IdetrtlcsL
'' Paris, Dec. 30. The Swedish, Nor
wegian and Danish ministers deliv
ered notes to the foreign office last
night supporting the initiative taken
by President Wilson. The notes are
identical and are couched in terms
even more platonic than the Swiss
note -
Received fat Berlin.
Berlin, Dec. , 30. (Via London,
10:20 a. m.) The Scandinavian peace
notes were presented today to the
foreign offices in Berlin and Vienna,
the Swedish minister in Berlin and the
Swedih and 'Danish representatives in
Vienna, 'being the first to deliver the
documents. The text agrees with out
lines telegraphed from the Scandina
vian capitals.
District Judges Organize
:- Association While in City
Nineteen judges of the district court
-while in Omaha attending the State
Bar Association convention formed
n organization of their own - last
'night' at the Fontenelle, electing
Judge George F. Corcoran of York,
S resident; Judge Charles Leslie, Oma
a, vice president; Judge E. E. Good,
Wahoo, treasurer, and Judge B. H.
Paine, Grand Island, secretary.
Discussion of procedure revealed
that this varies more than the Judges
themselves had suspected. One judge
wilt allow a referee in a partition
suit for the sale of land perhaps three
times what another judge allows. It
is the aim to agree on some anmr
eal rule.
Judges Grimes and Cornish were
the oldest in point of service who
were in attendance, each having
twenty-one years to bis credit on the
district bench.
Those in attendance ate:
JudfM John B. llapar, Fawnee City: P.
Jiidh Coerrave and Frederick Bheph.rd.
Lincoln; Lh Bet.Ua, Charlea Lalle, w. o.
Heart, A. C Troop. A. C. Wakely, Ofcaha;
George P. Corf ran, York: H. a? Good.
Wahoo: R. D. Brown. Crate: A. A. Welch.
Wayne; J. R. Hanna and B. H. Paine, Orand
leland; B. o. Hoatettler, Kearney, H M.
Urlmee, North Platte: R. R. DUon. O'N-lll
R. W. Hobart, Mitchell, and Loander M
Pembertan. Beatrice.
Judge A. J. Cornish of Lincoln, re
cently elected to the supreme bench,
was nresent
Another meeting will be held in a
month in Lincoln while the legisla
ture is in session.
Western Union Barred From
Doing Business in Arkansas
Little Rock, Ark., Dec 30. The
charter of the Western union Tele
graph company was revoked and the
company proniuuca irom aoing uuei
ness in this state by an order issued
today by the secretary of state. A
restraining order, preventing the revo
cation from going into effect was ob
tained immediately by the company in
federal district court, and will be
argued luesday.
Revocation of the Western Union's
charter was the outgrowth of a suit
brought by William Overman of Hot
Sorincs. asking damages for alleged
non-delivery of a message. The com
pany obtained a removal ot tne case
from the state to the federal court
which is forbidden by state statue, un
5 ;
Wish you a j
t New Year
II &
Coat Fabrics
Velours, Chinchillas,
English Mixtures, etc.
Values to $4.50 a yard.
Your choice of entire
lot, $2.48 a yard.
A Whole Table of
Black Wool
Dress Goods
Crepes, Serges, Poplins,
new and desirable. 75c.
$1.00, $1.25 qualities.
All for 59c a yard.
Plaid Blankets
$3 a Pair
Size 66x80, fine wool
finish plaids In pleas
ing colors. Basement.
January Sale of Women's Apparel
A Real Sale Event
Waited for by women who know the distinctive character
of Thompson-Belden Apparel, and appreciate the truly re
markable reductions that prevail in this January sale.
!- Coats Suits Dresses Skirts
Furs Blouses Negligees
Our entire Autumn and Winter Stocks are on sale, with
out reservation. All garments from regular stock, lnsur
. ing a choice selection. A small charge for alterations.
' ' . . .
All Sales Final
Haskell's Famous Black Silks
v 7 5000 Yards of the Highest Grade Silks
Reduced in Price
Your opportunity to select a dress, suit or coat pattern
at prices that cannot be offered again this season.
We own these silks at old prices, and will say frankly
that spring prices show an advance of 10 to 15 per cent.
You can save 15 to 20 per cent now over
prices that have prevailed all Fall.
If you are interested in black silks,
do not fail to attend this sale.
Thompson-Belden have had the exclusive
sale of Haskell's Silks for over 30 years
and personally stand back of every purchase. -
Haskell's Pure Dye Chiffon Taffeta, a rich
black of ideal dress weight. $2.00 quality,
now $1.65 a yard.
Haskell's Pure Dye Chiffon Taffeta, the
finest obtainable; wear unlimited. $2.25
quality, now $1.83 a yard.
Haskell's Gro de Londre, an excellent
weight for suits, coats, skirts. $3.00 qual
ity, now $2.18 a yard.
Haskell's Silk Faille, a very rich, lustrous
dress silk. $2.75 quality, now $2.25 a yard
Haskell's Duchess Satin, correct weight for
coats and suits, $3.50 quality, now $2.48
a yard.
Haskell's Satin Raye, a beautiful self-tone
stripe. $2.75 quality, now $2.28 a yard.
Haskell's Colored Chiffon Taffeta, best
colors for spring. $2.25 quality, now $1.78
a yard.
Commences Tuesday, January 2d.
For eighteen months" cases of fine linens have been stored in the
bonded warehouse, here in Omaha. This means an actual saving
of 40 to 50 at today's prices. Furthermore we have been en
abled to secure linens which cannot be bought today at any price.
Every Housewife in Omaha
should take advantage of these savings and replenish their linen
stocks while possible and under these most favorable conditions.
Table Cloths
$3.75 Table Goths, 12.89.
$6.00 Table Cloths, $4.89.
$7.50 Table Cloths, $5.38.'
$8.75 Table Cloths, $6.38. -$12.00
Table Cloths, $8.89.
$15.00 Table Cloths, $12.38.
$17.50 Table Cloths, $13.89.
$20.00 Table Cloths, $16.89.
Fine Napkins
$4.75 () Napkins, $340 dox.
$6.00 () Napkins, $4.75 do.
$10.00 () Napkins, $6.89 dox.
$13.50 () Napkins, $10.89 dox.
$17.50 ( ) Napkins, $13.89 do.
$20.00 ( ) Napkins, $15.00 das.
$25.00 ( ) Napkins, $20.00 dox.
Real Cluny Lace and Hand Embroidered
Madeira Cloths and Center Pieces
$25.00 ( 72-inch) Cluny Lace Cloths - -
$35.00 (72-inch) Cluny Lace Cloths - - - -
$45.00 (72-inch) Cluny Lace Cloths - - - -
$25.00 (54-inch) 'Cluny Lace Cloths - - - -$20.00
(45-inch) Cluny Lace Cloths ....
$25.00 (45-inch) Cluny Lace Cloths - - - -
$ 6.00 (36-inch) Cluny Lace Cloths - - - -
$10.00 (36-inch) Cluny Lace Cloths - - - -
$ 6.00 (24-inch) Cluny Center Pieces - - - -
$ 4.75 (24-inch) Cluny Center Pieces - - - -
$ 3.00 (24-inch) Cluny Center Pieces - - - -
$30.00 (72-inch) Madeira Embroidered Cloths -
$35.00 ( 72-inch) Madeira Embroidered Cloths -
$30.00 (54-inch) Madeira Embroidered Cloths -
$50.00 (54-inch) Madeira Embroidered Cloths -
$10.00 (45-inch) Madeira Embroidered Cloths -
$12.00 (45-inch) Madeira Embroidered Cloths -
$20.00 (36-inch) Madeira Embroidered Cloths -
$ 6.00 (24-inch) Madeira Embroidered Cloths -
$ 8.50 (24-inch) Madeira Embroidered Cloths -A
few Odd Cluny Lace and Madeira Cloths,
Center Pieces and Scarfs, ONE-HALF PRICE.
$ 3.89
$ 5.89
$ 7.00
$ 3.89
$ 5.00
Exceptional Table
Cloth Value
Two Hundred $4.50 Fine
Bleached Table Cloths of
Irish Manufacture, $3.00.
Madeira Napkins
Also in This Sale
$10.00 Hand-Embroidered
Madeira Napkins, $5.89 a
$13.50 Hand-Embroidered
Madeira Napkins, $8.75 a
Madeira Napkins, $8.89 a
Bleached Sheeting
32c a Yard
Extra fine quality, 2
yards wide, soft finish,
free from dressing. 32c
is very little.
of all
Tuesday, January 2d
$1 $2 $3.50 $4.50
Millinery - Second Floor
and Tine New Headwear
Reduced in price right at the height of the winter
season, with two months or more of wear ahead.
Children's Coats of Chin
chilla, Zibeline, Plush and
Fancy Mixtures; 2 to 14
years. Our whole stock is
included at reductions equal
ly as great as the few men
tioned :
$12.75 Coats, $8.98
$11.00 Coats, $7.49
$7.00 Coats, $4.98
Children's Wear
One lot of Coats,
Only a few of each
size, 4 to 12 years
Children's Winter Hats and
Bonnets, all much less than
regular prices.
Boys Cloth Hats, regularly
65c, Tuesday, 49c
. - Third Floor -
Odd Napkins
Much Less
200 Dozen Va Extra Heavy
Irish Damask Napkins.
$5.00 regularly; now
$3.98 a dozen.
100 Dozen "g Napkins.
$5.00 quality, now $3.50
a dozen.
100 Dozen Napkins.
$6.75 quality, now $4.00
a dozen.
John S. Brown's
$6.00 a Dozen
(Limit 1 doz. to customer)
Huck Towels
One Thousand Dozen
12V8c Quality, 6c
(Limit 1 doz. to customer)
Wash Cloths
.200 Dozen Turkish
Wash Cloths, 3c.
300 Dozen Knit Wash
Cloths, 2c
500 Dozen Knit Wash
Cloths, iyc
500 Dozen Turkish
Wash Cloths, 5c
Turkish Towels
25c Ribbed Turkish Tow
els, 19c
45c Extra Heavy Bleached
Turkish Towels, 25c.
40c Fancy Turkish Tow
els, 25c
45c Fancy Turkish Tow
els, 29c
50c Extra Heavy Bleached
Turkish Towels, 35c.
75c Extra Heavy Bleached
Turkish Towels, 50c.
85c Fancy Turkish Tow
els, 65c
$1.00 Fancy Turkish Tow
els, 75c.
LBath Mats
Heavy Turkish Bath
Mats, $1.50 quality, $1.
Huck Towels
35c Quality for 25c.
40c Quality for 29c.
85c Quality for 65c.
$1.00 Quality for 75c.
$1.25 Quality for 85c.
$1.50 Quality for $1.25.
$1.75 Quality for $1.50.
Guest Towels
45c Guest Towels, 39c.
65c Guest Towels, 50c.
$1.00 Guest Towels, 85c.
Contributes for This Sale
An exceptionally fine Scarf,
large and well shaped; in
beautiful patterns, for 55c.
Men's First-Quality Fiber
Hose, all sizes and colors,
25c a pair.
75c Outing Flannel Night Shirts for Men, Tuesday, 59c
They can't last long at this price.
A step to the left as you enter.
Brassieres Less
A small lot of very de
sirable lace and em
"broidery trimmed bras
sieres, light or heavy
materials, as preferred.
39c, 69c, 79c, $1.39,
Third Floor
"Ivory" Toilet
Articles Reduced
"Ivory" Powder Boxes,
Hair Receivers, Per
fume Bottles, Pin Cush
ions and many other
useful articles. As long
as they last, 79c and 89c
: ' 1
der penalty of loss of the right to do
jtosiness in this state.-