8-B TUB OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 31. 1916. What is Going On in Society Circles Box Firtici at Concert. The Omaha Yalt club occupied seven rows in the center of the thea ter last evening for the performance of the Glee club from its alma mater. The Harvard club had twenty seats and the Cornell club thirty seats. Box parties were largely made up of din ner parties which had met previously. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Kountze. who were the dinner guests of the Glenn Whartons. included the dinner guests in their box party and had in addi tion : Mliwen Mlaaea Helen Rutmm Florence Neville Helen Gardiner Meanrs. ""-C-hrle Rurirea UU Burgeas Uenmtn Knuntze Mr. and Mrs. John Madden, who were members of the Luther Kountze dinner party, had the other members as their guests in their box at the theater. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart, II. entertained the members of their own dinner party at the concert. Mr. Gurdon VV. Wattles was an other box holder. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Burke had in iheir box party Misses Esther Smith, Mary Morsman and Emily Burke, and Arthur Ringwalt, Harry Burklcy and Edward Burke, jr. With Philip Metz in his box at the concert were Miss Gertrude Metz, Miss Marion Kuhn, Miss Josephine Congdon, Mr. Robert Garrett of Cleveland and Mr. Drexel Sibbern sen. After the concert came the ball at the Fontenelle for the Vale men, when society with a big S was pres ent and there was dancing until the latest possible minute before the train left with the visitors. Lincoln People at Yale Concert. The Misses Sarah Ladd and Helen Curtis and Messrs. Henry Woods, Thomas Woods, Pace Stoddard and Max Miller of Lincoln formed a party at dinner at the Fontenelle and at the Yale Glee club concert last evening. Both Mr. Thomas and Mr. Henry Woods attend Yale this year. New Year's Dinners. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Brunner, who have enjoyed an annual family gath ering of their children and grandchil dren on New Year's day for the last six years, will have a dinner Monday at tneir home, when covers will be laid for: ' Mwn and Masaarnea n. w. scott. B. C. Brunner, Misses tola Bleanor Scott, Virginia B Scott, Mm. Fowler. Janea Brososr, Lorenso Fowler, T. C. Brunner. Kate Swartslandsr. Charlea Brunner. Thoir.ee M. Hcnll. Holiday Celebrations. Round Robin entertainments are the order of the holidays. One of the groups of people who .have had the most congenial times includes Mr; and Mrs. Allan Parmer, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Silver, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Zachary, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Besley and Mr. and Mrs, Julius Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Silver are en tertaining some of these friends and a few. others at a New Year's eve party at their home. ' " ' At Christmas time both Mr, and Mrs. Silver and Mr. and Mrs. Zach ary entertained the group with Christmas tree and gifts for all, a dinner and an Orpheum party. Mrs. F. A. Porterneld and small son, Rob ert, of Fort Worth, Tex.( are the guests of Mrs. Porterfield's sister, Mrs. R. B. Zachary. Although Rob ert it almost in hit 'teens, he had . never seen snow until Sunday. Children'! Party. Thirty-two children were present at the box party given Saturday aft ernoon at the Orpheum matinee by Mrs. Mark J. Coad, in honor of the tenth birthday anniversary of her daughter,. Miss Katherine Coad. The chaperones were Mrs. S. S. Caldwell and Mrs. Coad. Following the mat inee supper was served at the Coad house and the remainder of the even , ing spent in dancing. The decora tion were in pink and white roses and stevia with smilax and green tulle bows. . i New Year's Eve Parties. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess and ; Mr. A. B. Warren entertain the two ; largest parties at the Hotel Fonte nelle New Year's eve, each entertain ing twenty guests. H. A. Lemen of Council Bluffs will entertain a party of fourteen; Philip Metz, twelve; J. F. Mead, ten; A. G. Stora, ten; J. A. Cavers, ten; Sol Degeu, eight; Charles Kirschbraun, eleven; Morris Milder, twelve; E. Treller, twelve; R. . S. Baldwin of Hamburg, la., ten; ' Fred Claridge, Blair, eleven; Louis Hiller, fourteen; Lee Huff, eleven; J. J. Keliher of Council Bluffs, ten; Dr. H. E. Newton, twelve; H. R. Schafer, ten, and Victor Smiley, ten. Watch Parties. Mr. Joseph Schmidt and Miss Flor ence Schmidt will give a watch party New Year's eve at the home of their mother, Mrs. J. H. Schmidt, in honor of Mr. Raphael Gonzales, from Notre Dame college, who is home for the holidays. The guests will be: Misses Misses Agnes Ooffeen, Mn.rre.ret Tsasaky, Frances Walker, Ann Annheueer, Xlta Carmen, Jeannette Jaeger. Kdlln McClann. Marie Hnltlhan. Ines Hogle. Margaret Ceneeekt. Gillian Schmidt, Irene Coeeeeld, Helen Coeneld. Maud Schmidt, Meeare. Meeere Raphael Ooniavlen, Oeerge Petereon. Joseph Stark, Hall loechen or Henry Lee, Hooper, Neb.. Hugh O'Connor, Joaoph Holllhan. linear LAweon, Oerge Dwyer, Alois Schaeffer. Cornellua Basler. Hoy Roybott ot Ueorge Looechen. Hooper, Nab., Mrs. E. O. Hamilton will give a family, dinner on New Year's eve. when those present will be Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Hamilton and Mrs. Charles f Craft, Dal Auction Bridge Club. Mrs. F. H. Wray entertained the Dale Auction Bridge club Thursday afternoon. High score was made by Mrs. 0. W. Hendee. Holiday Visitors. W. Clinton Birmingham, who is a theological student at Taylor univer sity, Upland, ina., is tne guest oi nis parents. Rev. and Mrs. T. M. C. Birmingham." Mist Elizabeth Crawford has been entertaining Misa Katherine Mellor Their Engagements to Wed Announced HOME FROM SCHOOL FOR HOLIDAYS. Kt WW, 'LOUISE BROWN Htrn Photo of Ralston, and is expecting Miss Fay Simons of Lincoln. Sunday. Mr. Robert Garrett nf Cleveland is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Metz. Alpha Phi Holiday Party. The alumnae members ni Alpha Phi sorority entertained the Kirls who arc home from school (or the holidays Thursday afternoon at an Orpheum party and tea at the Fontenelle. The following members were present: Meertemee Meedemee Kllet Itrnke, L. H. Overi.erk. Uleeee Mleeen Katharine Bmrtevaiit. Wary Hall-r, Katherine Newbranrll, HernUe NVIeon. Margaret Mel.'oy, Kulh (Elf. Marguerite lxeb. Irene .li.linsnn, Huth ThompHon, Helen (Jlltner s 1 x 'J Sv-S"",. , 9. m 1 fj numJ Alice Hu&hion Pteaaurefl Past. Miss Frances Forrest entertained her music class at the Orpheum Sat urday matinee. The following puoils were present: M Imiea M .miefl Molly Connor, Klfitnora .lu nUn. Hflrn Plpl. MarBurtit Currati, Lillian Flpitl, Ansiun Hnuthwlt k, Kvn HushMitifif. Ml limn William, Rurnara Bcovllle, Iorlta Mny. He Ion Kouttiky, Helon V'avra, Mrnnll tlwrman. Olara Katxtnan, M tlrt red KnoNkl. Agnta Pruha, A I vin Blchel. rOtta Corn a mad, Ollt lilpp. Hadte Cor na man, Kva Llpp. Alma Ra utter, Tnatta Ilpp. Oraoe Connalra, Kat Han?. Marie McCarty. Mary TIeavcy, Clara Don ii hue, TrMia Oonnair, Katln Jhtoh, Kloanora Connell. Julia r;ffcy. Vivian Rows, HamhI iiuru-an, Olayds Hrookar. Clara tilmrl, Hln Korb, MtlitrtMl Chr1atlnan, Maifialla Banat, Harah Lewi, Irona Hmltb, Mollle Oland. Ron Bllark, Bulla Oland. Clara Carroll, Mamlf Kal)l. Mtyimra. Mfmara. Omrtt Hnfhnbrf, Ioyd Kowe. Manly McCarty, Claronri 8piarman, Loyd Carter, Rmll Plpal. Mrs. 0 wlnf holm. Mr. and Mrs. William Ramsey en tertained at dinner Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Junod, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Mann and Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Ramsey's mother. The decora tions were in pink roses. Mr. -Aurelius Bruraleve and Mr, J. F, Micek entertained their friends at a 500 party Friday evening at the Martin apartments, Mr. Burton Ha worth won the first prize and Mr. Clarence Heidcr drew the loser's trophy. At the close of the card con test covers were laid for the follow ing: M h - M Inner - Mtiriurft O'Kourkt, f..rie Plana km n. Marie MukIu'h, lr'tt HughfH. 'rnnrfH Ftttt(fman. Iilln Ifanlcy. MpKitn. M.'rn. Hurton Haworrh, JohpiiIi K. Micek. Thoiiitia H. Mlcck, Aurnllua Brumlov-. 8ylvntt.r KaiiKmun, Clnrpncf llilder, Mtm. Jlurlon Hawurlh. Miss Mayme O'Connor entertained the members of the Yakke Hnka club at her home Thursday evening. The evening was spent in dancing. Those present were: MlBHMI MltMPR Ann Donovan. Ann Warden, cathnrin Lang-. Thrna Mullaly. Hr!ba Wredts Irene Mr(Jovni. Threaa Tromp, Mary MrDonouKh, Clara Skarda, Mayme O'Connor. Helena Chase HwuaMrsrtfoa nam will make their home in Sheridan, VVyo. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rasnick an nounce the engagement of their daughter. Jennie, to Mr. Henry A. Newman. No date has been set for the wedding. de Forest Richards and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kountze. Colonel and Mrs. J. M. Ranister en Icrtained at dinner Thursday at the Hlackstone in honor of Miss Harriet Sherman and Cadet George F. Wooley of the Cmled States military acad emy. Kcsidc Miss Sherman and Ca det Wooley there were Mr. and Mrs, C. K. Sherman, Miss Dorothy Sher man and Arthur Loomis. Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Syfert entertained twenty guests at a bridge dinner at the Blackstone last evening. A basket of pink carnations and stevia formed an attractive centerpiece and dainty pink candles in cut glass can dlesticks cast a lovely glow over the tabie. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Towle enter tained at dinner Friday evening, when covers were laid for: MoHflre and Soeedamtitt Hobert KorKan of George KedU'k. thl"iro. Walter Robert. Mr. Miriam Patterson Boy.e. Frank Judson, Mrs. C M. Wilhelm, Nash Christmas eve. When she ar- Mrs. Waite Squier, Mrs. t. L. Burke, I rived there at their Mrs. C T. Kountze, Mrs. Joseph Barker and Mrs. Clement Chase. Surprise for Mrs. Nash. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nash planned a delightful surprise for Mrs. E. VV. invitation for supper she found her grandchildren, fourteen in number, assembled and if r her benefit a little play arranged by Mrs. Louis Nash was given by the children. When it was over a little procession of the children marched up (Continued on Pafe Five, Column OnnJ Matinee Party and Tea. The Alumnae chapter of Alpha Xi Ue'ta sororify entertained at the Or pheum Saturday afternoon, followed by a tea at the Fontenelle. Those present were: Mesdamee Meadames A. I i'uIIImoii, 1.oii!h Moon. MiRHe Mlnney Zoe I ir'""ii'uirlj. M"len lx)ftnian, i l.onor Klt7.rere!d. AKnee Nellaen. KheA Hendee.' Uraie Koblneon. Concert Postponed. i The Tuesday Morning Musical club I has postponed its concert which was 1 to have been given January Z until Tuesday evening, January 30, when the well known Flonzalcy quartet and t Miss Corinne Paulson, Omaha pian ist, will give the program at the Bran deis theater. Betrothal Announcement. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rushtou an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Alice Louise, to Joseph Winger Seacrest of Lincoln. Last year Miss Rushton attended Miss Mason's school at Tarrytown-on-the-Hudson and is this year a student at Smith, but will return to Omaha in February, after completing the sem ister's work. Mr. Seacrest studied at Dartmouth and later at the Uni versity of Nebraska, where he is a member of Phi Delta Theta frater nity. The marriage will not take place before next fall. Mr. and Mrs. George Beadle an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Mary, to'Arthur J. Ham of Sheridan, Wyo., the wedding to take place in February. The young couple Neveleff-Click Wedding. The wedding of Miss Sarah Glick and Mr. Nathan Neveleff took place Sunday evening at the house of the bride's cousin, Mrs. J. V. Rosenblum. Only relatives were present. Rabbi Frederick Cohn performed the cere mony, following which a wedding supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Neveleff left for Los Angeles, where they will make their future home. For School Set. i Miss Hazel Johnson entertained on Thursday afternoon at her home in honor of Omaha girls who have come back from school to spend the holi days here. Miss Esther Connolly re turned from Indiana, where she has attended St. Mary-of-the-Woods; Callie Faddis, from Washington. D. C; Kathrine Lentz, from Chicago, and Helen Detweiler from the Uni versity of Nebraska. Present were: Mleaee Callie Kaririln. Helen Detweiler. Bather Connollr, Katherine lntz, Otadre Crook. Mildred Rylen. Francea Mahoney, Gertrude Rylen, Oladya Drlebue, Committee for Benefit. Team 2 of the Brownell Hall cam paigners met Thursday and made final arrangements for the ball to be given on Friday, January 12, at the Fontenelle for the benefit of the building fund for Brownell Hall. Mrs. A. L. Reed was made treasurer, and the tickets, at $1 each, are now on sale and may be had from any mem ber of the team, which includes Mrs. Rather Rylen, Mariruertte Mohnnan, Ruth Caseldy, Helen Welnh, Helen Nleman, Reva Oroot, Haael ftarson. Genevieve Rheln. Dinners of Last Week. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Prinz gave a dinner Friday evening at their home before the Kinsler dance, when their guests were Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cro foot, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nash, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed, Mr and Mr J 3C OUR REMODELING SALE NOW IN FULL SWING A great many of those who came into our (tore yesterday did not buy wearing apparel because they needed it at this time, but because they felt that the low prices warranted buying now for wear later. You will be surprised at the many savings opportunities afforded in this remodeling sale. SPECIALS FOR TUESDAY SELLING LADIES' SUITS 100 TO BE CLOSED OUT IN TWO LOTS. Ladias' Suits, worth up to $38, special at $16.50 Ladies Suits, worth from $35 to $65, to cloea out, at $18.75 -LADIES' DRESSES- Ladies' Dresses, worth $12.50, on sale at. .$5.95 Ladies' Dresses, worth $29.75, on sale at $16.50 Ladies' Dresses, worth $35 and $39.75, special .t $22.50 GIRLS' COATS 40 In tli lot. aft 6 to 14, former Iling pric from $10 to $18.80, your choice. .... .$8.98 , LADIES' COATS , Ladies' Coats, worth $20.50, on sale at. .$ 9.78 Ladies' Coats, worth $29.50, on sale at. .$14.50 Plush Coats, worth $35 and $40 $19.95 Plush Coats, worth from $45 to $65, spl., $29.78 .-EXTRA SPECIALS FOR TUESDAY Ladies' Waists 800 Ladies' Waists, worth $6.95 each, will be a special remodel ing sale bargain (O QC Tuesday, at PO.i7U Ladies' Petticoats 80 LadtW PaUtcoaU, worth to $ 1 .95, will bo romarkable bargain Tuatdajr. 95 C (Only One to a Cnitomer) Ladies' Skirts Skirts, worth to $10, are offer ed during this sala at the low 5!" $6.50 WE'VE PROVIDED FOR THE MEN ALSO -MEN'S OVERCOATS-i r-Men's and Young Men's Suits-n Men's Overcoats, worth to $20, fo in this altera tion sale at $12.50 Men's Ororcoats, worth to $22.50, go at. .$18.60 Men's Overcoats, worth to $29.70, go at. .$18.80 Men's Overcoats, worth to $38.00, go at. .$22.80 Men's Suits, worth to $20.00, go at $12.50 Men's Suits, worth to $22.50, go at $15.50 Men's Suits, worth to $29.75, go at $18.50 Men's Suits, worth to $35.00, go at $22.50 BOYS' SUITS- Boys' Suits, worth to $6.00, go at Boys' Suits, worth to $8.50, go at .$3.98 .$4.98 -BOYS' OVERCOATS- Boys' Overcoats, worth to $ 6.98, go at. Bojs' Overcoats, worth to $10.00, go at. $4.98 .$5.98 . BEDDEO SAYS You will find in this store all the advantages afforded by the larger stores. We go them one better, however. Instead of limiting your credit to 30 days, as they do, we give you several months. That is an advantage you should not overlook in buying your wearing apparel. ALL OUR FURS AT HALF PRICE ALL OUR FURS AT HALF PRICE 1417 Douglas Street NATURAL MINERAL WATER Relieves mm' Mpawanjia, c - vmm Owing to tha rYa iTTi r I 'vge amounts sodium, max- lj neaia, tinea, caleinm thiat water acta Loth aa a laxative and drorctfe; this water can be used as a laxative or cathartic with Mtonishintr reaulta. doing away with constipated conditions. Tb fanotta Salpbo-Cbrorlne Mineral Water It delirerad in Omslis, in fl.tv taUon Jura. $1.50; 6Wo refunded when jtix la rt timed. Brown Park Mineral Springs 23U1 and O Sta. . Booth Hide. Thnnr Bomb S78 DR. JOHN A. NIEMANN, Jateopathic Phraiciaa In Charge. Tarpon Inn TARPON SPRINGS. FLORIDA am a aaat Northern Coo k i n I UULLT Booklet Every Southern Sport C. P. BALDWIN, Mgr. BgryJ 15TH AND DOUGLAS BSTff Starting Tuesday Morning, January 2nd, Our Great Fourth Annual January Clearance Of Our Entire Stock of V omen's Suits, Coats, Furs Dresses, Waists, Skirts Brory article in oar entire Women'! Dept hi offered at most amazing reductions tor onr first big sale in 1917. It Till par every woman well to anticipate her fntnre needs and buy the garments she will need while these low prices prevail Marry of the garments offered in this sale win be appropriate and nit able for wear In the spring. All Dresses Go at Half Price or Less. Serge or Silk, for Dancing, Party, Street or Afternoon. $20.00 Dresses go at. .$9.75 $25.00 Dresses go at. $12.50 $30.00 Dresses go at. $14.50 $35.00 Dresses go at. $16.75 $40.00 Dresses go at. $19.50 $50.00 Dresses go at. $23.50 Women's Suits Less Than Half Price Serge, Eta, at Velvets, Broadcloths, Gabardines, Poplins, even leas than their wholesale cost to as. Suits tip to $25.00. Suite up to $37.50. . .$8.50 I Suits up to $45.00. . .$17.75 .$12.75 Suits up to $60.00... $220 Women's Coats at 1-3 to 1-2 Off Plnso. Cloth or Velvet; Entire Stock Included. $15.00 Ooats go at $9.95 $25.00 Coats go at. . .$16.50 $35.00 Coats go at... $23.50 $50.00 Coats go at. . .$25.00 $55.00 Coats go at. . .$27.50 $60.00 Coats go at. ..$30X10 Any Separate Skirt in Stock Half Price Plaids, Stripes, SoOd Colors tn Wool and Silk. $5.00 Skirts go at $2.50 $6.50 Skirts go at $325 $7.50 Skirts go at $3.75 $10.00 Skirts go at... $5.00 $12.50 Skirts go at... $625 $15.00 Skirts go at... $7.50 Choice of the House ANY WAIST Values up to $1(L50 $4.95 Silk Waists worth $4.50.. Silk Waists worth $3.00. 41.98 Wash Waists worth JL50...79C AH Kimonos, Bath Robes, AH Women's Sweaters 1-3 Off. FUR SALE 1-3 Oft AH Women's Seta All Children's Seta. Silk Petticoats, $1.98 Skating Sets 15 DOUGLAS l t ii XT V Tl !. II i pfl A nappy liew lears uiuugui m n rr A Happy New Year's Thought is This THAT hundreds of Omaha people during 1917, and in the years beyond, will enjoy in the Blackstone many a golden hour. For there is no building in all this city which combines, iri such a distinctive manner, so many advantages for parties of pleasure makers. The eighth floor of this beautiful building has already become "The In door Playground of Omaha's Best People," and the reason for this will become quickly apparent to those who visit this fairyland with its chic reception room, its classic ball room, its beautifully appointed lounge and party rooms, and its delighftul' winter garden, together with its service kitchen and other equipage for the convenience and comfort of both those who dispense and those who receive hospitality beneath our roof. And the Blackstone dining room even now the Blackstone's delectable cuisine has won for itself wide fame by reason of its excellence and because of attractive service. In other words, the Blackstone offers a setting, par excellence, for any variety of the higher type of entertainment. Popular amorw the acrai-private rntntainir.enU to be staged at the Blaek.tone thia winter will be a aeriea of Saturday n'Sht dinner dances, at 12.00 per plate, which will readilr adapt themaelTes to parties ot from six to eight or a doien eooplea who with to have their tables together. The firit of this series will commence at 7 p. m. on Saturday. January 6th. All who wish to attend should make reserrations early to insure desirable locations and other arrangements. This may be done by telephoning n